Said Michael Eric Dyson, talking about Winsome Sears, quoted in "‘A Black Mouth Moving’ That ‘Justifies and Legitimates’ White Supremacy: MSNBC Guest Says Winsome Sears Win Doesn’t Make GOP Racially Progressive" (Mediaite).
Do you know when you are speaking your own true thoughts and are not channeling someone's else's? Are you sure? Do you know when somebody else is speaking their own true thoughts and are not channeling someone's else's? I could see being eternally skeptical about whether anyone is ever truly speaking their own mind, 100% originality, but I'm just going to be skeptical of the people who choose to pronounce some and only some people to be the puppets of others. The selective puppet accusation itself might be channeling what somebody else is launching off the runway of your tongue.
When puppet accusations fly, I feel compelled — by my own true motivation of the heart — to post this video clip:
ADDED: Video of Dyson:
MSNBC guest on @WinsomeSears:
— Jewish Deplorable (@TrumpJew2) November 5, 2021
“There is a black mouth moving but a white idea running on the runway of the tongue of a figure who justifies and legitimates the white supremacist practices.”
९० टिप्पण्या:
I get all my thoughts from the Magic 8-Ball. That way I know they're original.
The democrats just can't keep their political support without division and racism.
No matter what the skin color of the political opponent, the political opponent is racist.
Open Borders, Vaccine Mandates, Stagflation, Crony Pork Bills, rampant crime, completely botched afghan pullout, critical race theory in schools, penises in girls bathrooms.
Democrat policies poll right up there with cholera.
So yeah their political opponents are racists.
It sounds pretty binary to me:
"Either you parrot my thoughts or you're automatically parroting their thoughts"
Sounds real open minded to me...
You really need to know someone intimately--through long exposure--to really have a clue as to what is in another person's mind. After 56 years of marriage, I can occasionally--but not always know what's in my wife's mind.
But for someone to suggest that he or she knows what's in another person's mind without such knowledge--that's the act of a presumptuous twit. But of course here we have a clown-presumably white--chastising a Jamaican woman for wandering off the plantation. Ms. Sears is engaging in wrong speak.
The racial divide in this country is worse now than in the 60's and 70's. Can anyone here argue against that? Further, how does all this end without a complete societal upheaval?
Russia Russia Russia
Racist Racist Racist
Blah Blah Blah
"I'm just going to be skeptical of the people who choose to pronounce some and only some people to be the puppets of other"
Some and only some! Bad lefties! They should be more consistent!
So nice of you to be skeptical. The rest of us, we just assume lefties will lie and lie and project and condescend. And they are consistent: only people who do not support the cause are puppets. Etc. etc.
At some point, "skepticism" becomes form of denial, a refusal to recognize the left for what it is.
Most people go their entire lives without an original thought. Even the most original thinkers only have a few. Of course we are channeling other people's thoughts. The question is, do we understand those thoughts and do we agree with them? That's the most you can ask for.
This MSNBC excerpt is just another de-personing of a Republican minority. Sarah Palin wasn't a real woman, Clarence Thomas isn't a real black. That's how they roll.
There is no such thing as a "White idea" and Dyson is nothing more than a race baiter cashing in on other people's misery.
The racial divide in this country is worse now than in the 60's and 70's. Can anyone here argue against that? Further, how does all this end without a complete societal upheaval?
Lemme try...while there is some division the extreme divide is largely a fabrication of the elite white political left and a ragtag rebel group of for profit race hustlers, allied legacy media, government and Soros style funders.
That can end with another election cycle or two, when the new incumbents kick these assholes to the curve.
Not saying it will happen but it could...
R C Belaire said...The racial divide in this country is worse now than in the 60's and 70's. Can anyone here argue against that? Further, how does all this end without a complete societal upheaval?
I'm not quite sure how to respond to that--agree or disagree? The racial divide has been shrinking for decades...until recently when a cadre of activists found profit in stirring up division. Because it caught on in the academy and in the media, we are inundated with racial division. It is seeping relentlessly into our lives so that, even though we have made great strides towards equality, inequality weighs more heavily on us than it has in generations.
But it's not real, it's artificial. So I'm not sure how to factor it into your question.
Ann's question about the originality of though and speech, fits well with Jordan Peterson's lecture 12 from 2014 (before he was famous) about existentialism and, nominally, Victor Frankl. (Available on YouTube)
Leftists are using race baiting to advance their Marxist agenda.
What percentage of AAs really believe this whole White Supremacy bullshit? The purpose is to make credulous, well off, White liberal ladies feel guilty.
I sure hope Dyson doesn’t really believe this bullshit.
And why isn’t Hillary in jail yet?
I channel Rick and Morty. Get your shit together came from one of their episodes.
Dyson and his ilk are still enslaved to the plantation of victimhood. Shackled minds -- able, but unwilling to break free. They don't even have hope for freedom, because they don't want it. They want to stay in bondage as the oppressed victim. For what? Reparations? Then what? More reparations?
When someone black succeeds and announces that the system in place was the very reason for her success, it threatens everything that Dyson spews. So of course he must attack her with religious fervor. She's worse than whitey. It's not apostasy since she was never a believer in her own victimhood. She's a heretic. And we all know what to do with heretics.
I was surprised on a visit to UC Berkeley to see there is a department dedicated to rhetoric. Naively, I had thought that rhetoric had been discredited in Western intellectual thought since Plato and Aristotle. I am reminded of this when I see the intensity of the effort by the left to get their way, secure their narrative, solely through rhetoric unsubstantiated by reason or facts. This is a branch of rhetoric called sophism - ideas that sound good on the surface but can be proven to be able to be disproved by logic and relevant facts.
Unfortunately, almost all woke and leftist argumentation is sophistic and almost never subjected to rigorous analysis. It’s akin to the victory of form over substance. Just make a cute and stinging tweet and you have won the argument. Horse feathers!
The only rigorous analysis from the left is of the dialectical type using false opposites. Just more rhetoric over reason.
That can end with another election cycle or two, when the new incumbents kick these assholes to the curve.
I think this is outdated, wishful thinking. Neither of the people taking part in that racist discussion are elected officials. Dyson has enjoyed a long, puzzling career in academia. Hoping that elections will erase cultural divisions has proven costly to the Normals.
That said, VA marks the first time in which it *appears* backlash against anti-white rhetoric played a role in the outcome.
after the danchenko revelations, that statement by trump is more true then ever, he was regarded as an fsb asset, by the Russian ambassador, a thinly disguised obama is one of rick sanchez's foils
Democrats have a long history of racial segregation. This is another episode of an old story. Republicans not only freed the slaves but elected black Senators in the 1800s. Woodrow Wilson resegregated the Civil Service. The Klan was a big factor in the 1920 Democrat Convention. The "Solid South," all Democrats, protected segregation until Eisenhower sent the army to Little Rock to integrate schools.
Now they are reverting to type with this CRT nonsense to resegregate schools again.
This is who is teaching kids to hate. He is a professor in Vanderbilt. Is this what he spews in class?? He is nothing more than Al Sharpton spewing his race baiting hatred because a smart, black woman walked off the Progressive plantation, and they can't handle the truth coming at them hard and fast. Racism is dead in America because Progressives overused it. If everything is RACIST..nothing is...except for these idiots who don't realize they have been left behind.
Dyson sounds likes he's channeling his own white rage. Is that possible?
Mr. Dyson is obviously a ventilquist for white leftistism. He's a black mouth speaking Left-wing white ideas about the right-wing.
Winsome v. Dyson. A battle of the dummies.
Incorporating the ideas of others and being the puppet of others are, or course, two very different things. The fact that the first occurs in no way proves the second has also happened, or even indicates it is likely.
The process by which we incorporate another’s idea is interesting. I (and maybe you) can see the process in others more easily than I can see it in myself.
For example, I use to sometimes listen to the Rush Limbaugh program. When he would come across a new idea, he was usually quite good about citing its source: “A has this new idea, its X. Now let me explain A’s reasoning to you folks”.
After a little time, the attribution would get shorter: “As A says, X’.
A little more time, and the attribution would both become vague and include Rush himself: “As I and others have been arguing, X”.
The final stage would be: “Folks, as I have been saying all along, X”.
I suppose this process is influenced by the weakness of memory, but I think it is also to protect the ego. The longer an idea is around without being refuted, the more likely it is to be true, or at least defensible, and so the more we want to be associated with it. Attributing a new idea to the source is, so to speak, a kind of warranty on the idea. If it blows up in an unexpected way we can always blame A and so minimize the embarrassment of having been seen to be wrong.
Basically Left-wing Dyson wants to call winsome a "uncle tom" or a "race traitor" for being a Republican, but that's a little too crude.
So, we get this blah blah. Is anyone impressed by this bullshit? Some goofy people must, since they keep writing this crap.
Dyson is obtuse to the fact that he is the one parroting White Supremacy, a concept arising from White progressive intellectuals.
Regarding that 10 second clip of puppetry -- we knew by 2018 that, at that very time, Hillary's friends, working through the DNC, who hired Perkins Coie law firm, who hired Fusion GPS, who hired Christopher Steele, who hired Igor the Russian who just got indicated to compile a bunch of lies and rumors. The Russian put these lies and rumors together and called it called it a "dossier" to make it mysterious and French-sounding and therefore more believable. Igor gave it to Steele, to give to Fusion, who peddled it first to DC media, and then to leftist journalists, and then to the FBI whose Democrat operatives eagerly accepted it (given the "grave issues" it raised about possible foreign collusion between a presidential candidate and the Russians!!!) and then used it to justify wiretaps to spy on Trump. They had to lie and cheat even in that effort to snooker the FISA judge, but no biggie since Hillary would protect, no -- reward, them all when she was in office.
At that very moment in that debate, Hillary knew it was in the works. That why she said Trump was Russia's puppet because she knew the media and the FBI were going to leak the dossier that she and her DNC pals created -- by colluding with a Russian -- to make up a story about Trump colluding with Russians. If Russian collusion by a presidential candidate meant being a puppet, Trump was right that she was the puppet.
President Biden is restoring civility to our country's politics!
I try not to curse, so I'll just say Let's Go Dyson.
It’s a Democrat plantation rule. Runaways must be flogged and/or cancelled — regardless of color. See also, Manchin and Sinema.
Geishas are made-up in whiteface. Is that racist? How about the whiteface in Chinese opera? Is that racist?
Wrt Michael Eric Dyson a quote from Upton Sinclair seems appropriate:
“IIt is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”
All of these lefty news commentators have the IQ to understand the issues they rail against. They simply choose not to.
The msm dims still don't get it. Politicizing race is now a net losing strategy. They keep this up and Ronald Dion DeSantis is elected @ #47.
I wonder if one day that, you'll say that, you care
If you say you love me madly, I'll gladly
Be there
Like a puppet on a string
Love is just like a merry-go-round
With all the fun of a fair
One day I'm feeling down on the ground
Then I'm up in the air
Are you leading me on?
Tomorrow will you be gone?
I wonder if one day that, you'll say that, you care
If you say you love me madly, I'll gladly, be there
Like a puppet on a string
I may win on the roundabout
Then I'll lose on the swings
In or out, there is never a doubt
Just who's pulling the strings
I'm all tied up in you
But where's it leading me to?
I wonder if one day that, you'll say that, you care
If you say you love me madly, I'll gladly, be there
Like a puppet on a string
I wonder if one day that, you'll say that, you care
If you say you love me madly, I'll gladly, be there
Like a puppet on a string
Like a puppet on a...
The racial divide in this country is worse now than in the 60's and 70's
there was this white democrat from Kansas
(was it Jakarta? Kenya? Hilo? i think that was it: Hilo. Anyway his mom was from kansas)
Anyway, this dude based his Entire Career on
a) Telling whites he'd "end" racial distress
b) Telling blacks that they Needed to "Hate Whitey"
You can pin MOST of today's trouble on That Bastard
Well, I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black - Joe Biden
Apparently, Dyson agrees that if you don't speak and believe what he thinks you should think and believe, you ain't black.
Easiest way to do this is to assume that any time any Democrat is talking, they are lying. And at least 50% of the time any Republican politician or government apparatchik they are lying. If you have no personal knowledge of the subject, safest to assume anyone in government who is talking is lying.
Dyson is a social-science academic.
So everything he says is pablum.
It is an old story that if you insist "the system" is racist, then any person of colour who has succeeded must be an Uncle Tom.
Fair enough. I’ve always thought Blow, Coates, Obama, and their ilk, were Toms. Mouthing the cant of the White Democrat Establishment in order to keep Black folks down and voting Democrat.
I believe the phrase Dyson is looking for is "Uncle Tom".
But to actually say those words might get some unwanted attention. Thus, the bigoted word salad that was spewed forth.
I now quote Greta Thornberg....
blah, blah, blahhhh
Wow, that clip hasn't aged very well knowing now that her campaign was the source of that fact she is stating.
Who is Michael Eric Dyson to determine what thoughts are “black” and which are “white”? The guy is a race hustler shyster. Nothing more. The Left and especially the Black Left’s belief that they have the right to control what black people THINK and denounce them for not toeing the line of accepted ideology is the most authoritarian BS I have ever seen. If these people had the power to physically control people the holocaust would pale in comparison to what they would do to all of us.
Dyson talks fast, is loose with the facts, and can lay claim to being a professional race-baiter. He hasn’t had anything of import to say for decades now… certainly nothing that would help better the lives and future of black folks.
His kind is a dime a dozen in our world.
I call puppeteering bullshit
White supremacist practices
Like showing up on time, doing a good job and not treating people differently based on their race.
Wow. Aside from Justin "Multi-Black-Face" Trudeau, and Ralph "I have no idea how that photo of me in blackface or a Klan outfit got into my yearbook" Northam, this is the most racist thing I think I've ever seen.
Howard: "The msm dims still don't get it. Politicizing race is now a net losing strategy. They keep this up and Ronald Dion DeSantis is elected @ #47."
The next time you write "Ronald Dion DeSantis", you'd better be holding a martini.
Winsome Sears overcame any systemic racism she had faced before she was elected. She experienced upward financial mobility. She is married with three children, two of whom were on stage for her victory speech. Her path shows that either systemic racism is not as deep as portrayed or that, is systemic racism exists, it can be overcome. In either case, she should be held up as an example, not torn down as an exception.
Michael Eric Dyson doth protest too much, me thinks. So does Joy Reid. They're nothing but front people for the party of racism. The Democrat Party treats Black Americans as a wholly owned subsidiary: all Black Americans must support Democrats or they "ain't Black", as our Moron in Chief, Joe Biden, said to Charlamagne tha God. Democrats are the party of fascism: everyone must support the Democrat Party or be labeled as evil.
Winsome Sears was not an unknown blindly voted for by oblivious racist in VA, she ran for Congress, and presumably won the Republican primary for the chance. She was elected to the House of Delegates by Republicans before this, and presumably, she won the primary to get on the ticket to run for Lt Governor.
Democrats are scared shitless because they know that there is a significant portion of the black community who sympathize with Republican ideas, which have nothing to do with "White Supremacy," -- a term that I have never seen defined, BTW. Black people tend to be more conservative than whites, in my experience, but they vote Democrat. One day a preference cascade is going to happen, and Democrats know it.
R C Belaire said...
The racial divide in this country is worse now than in the 60's and 70's. Can anyone here argue against that? Further, how does all this end without a complete societal upheaval?
11/5/21, 11:06 AM
Happily. The vast majority of American blacks don't truly appreciate the black supremacist movement because it doesn't actually benefit their lives. If the average black man trusted you enough to tell you, he'd admit that Jesse Jackson hasn't done a lot for black people and has way more power than he deserves.
There will be total upheaval, but most of it will be directed against a tiny wealthy minority rather than race war across the board.
The only systemic racism I see is on CNN and MSNBC. They just won't quit it.
To me it looks like the "racial divide", which is exacerbated by the race hustlers for fun and profit, solution touted by the left is a Harrison Bergeron solution. Ankle weights for Whites. Extra ankle weights for Winsome.
Michael Eric Dyson, who started out in a prestigious prep school in the Detroit area, then went to Princeton, is clearly a bright man, and has come from a privileged background. I'm not sure how you categorize Black men who come from privilege. But he has spent his career and made a name for himself as a race hustler.
Sure, he may be dressed better than Al Sharpton. He has more degrees than Al Sharpton. And he can show up an any global conference and see peers who love and admire him, unlike Al Sharpton. But make no mistake, he's cut of the same cloth as Al Sharpton, albeit in a better tailored suit.
There is, to me, no lower person that he who would play on the worst fears, prejudices, and angers of one people to stoke hate toward other people. He has his doctorate in that. He is the basest form of collectivist and I've known that from the first time I ever heard him pontificating. I cannot believe people still buy into his shit after all these years.
I had no idea that a "black mouth cur" is actually a kind of a dog.
I parrot Althouse a lot.
Since this is a man telling a woman that she's a dummy, does that make him a sexist?
CRT is not a lie. It is being taught.
Parents know it, the kids know it.
The left is corrupt and racist and they cannot stand the idea of a free-thinking black person walking off of their corrupt leftwing plantation.
Michael Eric Dyson has a very smooth command of the language and the polemic, to the degree that he uses it as a crutch. It's worth clicking through the Althouse Michael Eric Dyson tag to see some of his previous antics.
The racial divide in this country is worse now than in the 60's and 70's. Can anyone here argue against that?
The idea that the racial divide is worse now then ever is just another manufactured controversy from the same people who tell us that cops are murdering blacks in wholesale manner, and repeating for decades that we have two years to save the planet. They even go so far as to claim that electing a black woman as lieutenant governor in a southern state is proof of this.
Let me ask you this. Do you see evidence of this in your daily life, or do you just hear it from liberal politicians, media talking heads,and academics.
I live in a very diverse area of the country and interact with people of different races and backgrounds daily. What I see are friendly people who share much in terms of core values and are just trying to get along.
How about you.
In sports they talk alot about the "eye test". What are your eyes telling you?
What are your eyes telling you.
"You innocent puppet!"
I remember reading that Eisenhower's administration actually introduced a civil rights bill which was promptly blocked by LBJ and the dcrats. Perhaps someone could verify that. Having worked with a large number of Viet Nam Vets from all the services, I was truly knocked out by the respect shown between the races therin. I'm looking forward to Lt. Governor Winsome's words of wisdom in the future. From my limited involvement with female Marines I know they too, give no quarter. Looking forward to a substantial body count.
I believe he wanted to call her a ‘coon’, but he knew that wouldn’t play well among ordinary white folks who have, for decades, regarded that as an odious racial slur along with a long list of other peckerwood lingo. But that’s what bug-eyed lefties today call black folks who have ‘internalized’ white supremacy.
I disagree with the assessments above minimizing racial divisions today. We have made such enormous progress on race over many decades and centuries. But today, I’d wager that white folks are rethinking in the wake of the current massive bombardment of hate whitey and the assault on western civilization in general. I think that must be part of the plan in order to propel us to their dream Marxist state.
- Krumhorn
“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’
’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”
Ask someone with a very superficial acquaintance with Harriet Beecher Stowe's anti-slavery novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin, which would be nearly everyone today, to describe the character, Simon Legree. The typical response would include the term overseer, as in Simon Legree was the cruel overseer who whipped Uncle Tom to death. However, this is untrue.
Stowe never visited a farm or plantation operated by slave labor, though she did acquire a general impression of slavery while living in Cincinnati, where fugitive slaves and "slave catchers" were frequently encountered by the residents. Stowe had several opportunities to interview escaped slaves whose testimony gave her at least a smattering of accurate background information about conditions on Southern plantations, enough to create the characters who would inhabit her novel.
Simon Legree was a slaveowner, not an overseer. Overseers did exist, but they were themselves slaves in bondage. Overseers terrorized and tortured their fellow slaves in exchange for minor perquisites like more and better food, nicer clothing, and warmer quarters. No doubt many overseers enjoyed the deference the common slaves were compelled to pay them and dealing out the occasional beating of the insufficiently servile. In Stowe's novel, Legree owns two overseers, Quimbo and Sambo, and it is these men who, under Legree's orders, lash and bludgeon Uncle Tom to death. Obviously, plantation overseers were the prototype of the Konzentrationslager Kapos of the Holocaust.
Michael Eric Dyson is a modern-day overseer, a betrayer of his own people. In exchange for a few hundred dollars, Kapo Dyson does the filthy job of punishing and dehumanizing any Black American who dares to escape from the Democratic Party gulag. His comparison of Winsome Sears to a ventriloquist's dummy is blatant dehumanization of a minority woman. Just imagine the response if Tucker Carlson made that comparison, however, the troglodyte progressives are perfectly comfortable with such abuse coming from one of their overseers. No doubt Michael Eric Dyson fantasizes about punishing the rebellious Sears with a bullwhip like Sambo and Quimbo, but he dare not for dread of LtGov. Winsome putting a 5.56 slug through the peanut he has for a brain.
M writes, "If these people had the power to physically control people the holocaust would pale in comparison to what they would do to all of us."
Why do you think the same people who seek to control us like slaves on a plantation also seek to disarm us?
I believe the phrase Dyson is looking for is "Uncle Tom".
Of course, Tom was a heroic character. The real apt comparison would be that Dyson is Quimbo or Sambo, Legree's sadistic collaborators who reveled in attacking anyone who dared stray off the Plantation.
"That can end with another election cycle or two, when the new incumbents kick these assholes to the curve."
If you go to the Virginia Department of Education website, you will find under the anti-racism tag that the department mentions using the insights of CRT in anti-racism education, e.g.,
"Drawing from critical race theory, the term “white supremacy” also refers to a political or socio-economic system where white people enjoy structural advantage and rights that other racial and ethnic groups do not, both at a collective and an individual level. (Dismantling Racism Works. (2020). Racism Defined)"
After an election, the elected officials can look at the Education department website and call for re-evaluation and change. Before such an election the school boards/Education department will simply ignore parents and their concerns or distort and mock them. Everyone should look at their own DOE website in their own state. Everyone should know where their state is on a scale: 10. totally swallowed CRT; 5 CRT creeping in; 1 CRT not there = yet. (The point is that CRT will make things worse. Change is needed but not for the worse.)
If Winsome Sears is ever allowed within arm's reach of Joy Reid, she's going to bitch slap that race hustling nitwit all the way around the room. And that's not a fraction of what she'll do to Dyson.
I've known (retired) female marines. Do. Not. Mess. With. Them.
Shorter version: Everyone who disagrees with me is a racist.
I just heard his rant driving home.
The man is dumb. He tries to use 'big words' and ends up using them incorrectly or out of context.
Somehow (maybe because he speaks really loud) he has been elevated to some sort of spokesman for black people.
They (the left) should rethink that as the man is not very smart.
And he's also a racist, so there's that...
Of course Sears is not proof that the GOP is "racially progressive." Why in earth would the GOP want to be "racially progressive"?! Pretty much by definition, the GOP attempts to stand in opposition to progressivism, because progressivism is the name given to awful, regressive public policy pre- and proscriptions that fail wherever they're tried.
There is no such thing as a "White idea" and Dyson is nothing more than a race baiter cashing in on other people's misery.
Dyson is doing exactly what he was hired to do. This is what he gets paid for.
Everybody is somebody's sock puppet.
It may be the devil or it may be the Lord.
But everybody is somebody's sock puppet.
Andrew Sullivan chimes in.
Hillary was pumping up the Russian collusion story during the 2016 campaign.
JD Vance gets it
MSNBC is a full-on Black Supremacist network now.
turn up the volume turn up the volume turn up the volume
CRT IS being taught in public schools. Leftists. LIE.
Noam Chomsky should weigh in on these colorless white ideas.
"There is a Black mouth moving but a White idea through the running on the runway of the tongue."
Isn't that what BLM really is? Instead the preponderance of white leftist activists at BLM demonstrations. I don't see solidarity; I see manipulation.
Dyson is a piece of shit racist.
In this video he goes off on a racist rant and gets absolutely obliterated by Jordan Peterson.
People like Dyson are as despicable as the KKK were.
Amen, lurker…
Apologies to Bob D…
You may be a talking head on MSNBC
You may like to ramble, like you took some LSD
You may be the race-baitin’ champion of the world
You may be that gump Joy Reid, with your Bozo hair unfurled
But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes
Indeed you're gonna have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody
Reid and Dyson, nothing but 2 cultural appropriators.
Currently watching Dyson get his ass kicked around the studio by Glenn Loury AND Bill Maher.
And loving it…
Joy Reid(D) is the ultimate handmaiden for the corrupt white left. She is the KKK hat of the white left.
“There is a black mouth moving but a white idea running on the runway of the tongue of a figure who justifies and legitimates the white supremacist practices.”
The guy has some way with words.
The racial divide in this country is worse now than in the 60's and 70's. Can anyone here argue against that? Further, how does all this end without a complete societal upheaval?
It's the media and the colleges that made it so. I'd say Blacks and Whites are much more a part of the same country than they were 50 or 60 years, but it's a country where one half (or third or quarter or fifth) vocally hates people in the other half (or third or quarter or fifth).
It will end when we recognize that we have become a second (or third or fourth) rate power and our internal squabbles don't matter so much. In the history of the universe, that may not be such a big upheaval.
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