१४ नोव्हेंबर, २०२१
"The Post-ABC poll finds that, if elections were held today, 46 percent of adults overall would back the Republican candidate for Congress and 43 percent would support the Democratic candidate."
"Among registered voters, the GOP advantage goes to 51 percent vs. 41 percent for Democrats, a historically strong result for Republicans on this measure.... [Biden's] overall approval rating now stands at 41 percent, with 53 percent saying they disapprove.... Biden’s overall approval rating is down from 50 percent in June and 44 percent in September, although his current standing is not statistically different from two months ago. Biden’s popularity also has slumped among his own base. In June, 94 percent of Democrats approved of the way he was handling his job compared with 3 percent who disapproved. Today, 80 percent of Democrats are positive and 16 percent are negative. Barely 4 in 10 Democrats strongly approve of Biden today, down from about 7 in 10 who did so in June.
Biden’s approval rating on the economy has also tumbled and now stands at 39 percent positive and 55 percent negative.... Today, just over one-third of Americans say Biden has accomplished a great deal or a good amount during his time in office, with more than 6 in 10 saying he has accomplished 'not much' or 'little or nothing.'... Still, that means nearly one-third of Democrats say Biden has not accomplished much or anything during his first 10 months...."
५० टिप्पण्या:
While there will always be people unmoved by facts (regardless of political affiliation,) It's amazing so many people still see Biden in a positive light. Maybe it's because of the NYT censorship activities.
Today, just over one-third of Americans say Biden has accomplished a great deal or a good amount during his time in office, with more than 6 in 10 saying he has accomplished 'not much' or 'little or nothing.'...
See, this is how polls use slanted questions to get slanted results. I would argue that Joe Biden has done a lot, but all of it is negative. From Carteresque inflation to leaving hundreds of American citizens — and by the estimates of his own State Department, perhaps as many of 14,000 green card holders — behind in Afghanistan. From the border problems to deliberately ending America’s energy independence. If Biden shuts down the L5 pipeline there will be people in Michigan who will face a choice between eating or paying their gas bill. I know Michigan voted for Biden, but I still feel sorry for them.
Is “moderate” Merrick Garland’s threat to use the FBI against parents concerned about their children being demonized for having white skin the cherry on top of the sundae? Or is there something worse yet to come out that so far the news media have managed to keep a lid on? Would you like to bet that there isn’t?
The party in the White House always gets clobbered in the mid-terms...nothing new. (And the mid-terms are a year away.)
I think Biden has done a great deal, and all of it poisonously wrong.
Seldom have so many perverse side-effects happened so fast for leftist direct actions. It's an unusual absence of common sense even for the left.
Biden’s overall approval rating is down from 50 percent in June and 44 percent in September, although his current standing is not statistically different from two months ago.
Technically written, he still sucks.
The 43% that would still vote for Democrats after this shitshow are nuts. This is what happens when you are ideological, not sane. They would vote for communism, division, hatred, racial disharmony, no food in the stores, no gas, no cars, illegal pouring into the country unvaccinated, no jobs, forced vaccinations against your will, ect...ect...ect.. Like I said...they are NOT sane. Move to Venezuela or Cuba if this is what you want. Leave the rest of us alone.
Keep in mind that this is a Post-ABC poll, which means that it overstates support for Biden and the Democrats by at least 4%.
What are the numbers when adjusted for the fact that pollsters (wittingly or unwittingly) undercount GOP voters? Polling in the NJ governor's race had the Dem up about ten points. He won by 2.5 percent.
Today, 80 percent of Democrats are positive and 16 percent are negative.
Positive about what?
The Biden presidency is a good test of blind partisanship. What percentage of Democrats will back him no matter what?
And BTW I wouldn't agree that Biden has accomplished little or nothing. He's created a 30 year record jump in inflation, a new crisis on our southern border, trillions in new debt, re-weaponized the DOJ, a disgraceful withdrawal in Afghanistan, and brought Satchel Paige back into our public discourse.
I'd say that's a lot. Unfortunately all bad.
Roaring inflation is baked into the cake all through 2022, up to the next election and beyond.
What's the deal with the cat food shortages? I can understand folks loading up on TP again after last year, but the biggest empty shelf in the supermarket yesterday was for canned cat food. Dog food was in need of restocking, but the shelf was not bare.
They better not pass the BBB bill, it will make inflation even worse.
I’m doing economically better under biden than I was doing under trump, so go figure.
Only mail-in-voters matter these days.
Even considering the slanted phrasing of the questions noted by Big Mike and the likely oversampling of Democrats noted by Jersey Fled, I am still amazed that 80% (!) of Democrats support this disastrous, divisive, demented, incontinent, incompetent, lying sack of shit. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Despite the terrifying performance by the Democrats in DC, Terrible Terry McAwful almost won, and Phil Murphy garnered :) enough actual votes to come within the margin of fraud.
The Democratic Party did not give much consideration to the consequences of "winning" that last election with such poor candidates. The Democratic "success" is showing many voters some facts about those consequences. Logic says the consequences are most likely to worsen as time goes on. Maybe karma is still a bitch.
Biden will become more popular if Democrats lose the mid-terms, because America likes divided government. In the last 50 years, there have only been 12 years of single party rule in Washington, only 6 years if Republican control of the Supreme Court is included.
I’d like to know what actual good Biden has accomplished.
It is going to get worse.
Team Biden seems resolute in asserting that the problems everyone sees are not real and that their antics are the right prescription for peace, prosperity, and social harmony. Instead, they real bring on ruin and entropy. That is what they have done in the past.
The Gods of the Copybook Headings know.
In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "If you don't work you die."
Do you like open borders? Vote democrat.
Democrats who approve of Biden - this is called 'deep blind hive-mind loyalty'.
It's a tug of war and people think that if they stop pulling for their own side, the other side will win everything. Partisans vote for their party even if they don't like what its leader is doing because they don't want the other side to get in. What complicates things is that they can't even admit that their leader is doing an awful job because to them that would already be a defeat. For them Biden will always be "Not Trump" and apparently, that's enough for them.
Inflation is far above the "official" 6.2% Shortages are coming and the supply chain problems will last a year. Illegals are being flown into red states to attempt some sort of dilution of voters. Instead crime will increase even more.
I see no prospect of improvement any time soon . Leftist ideology is still driving this junta.
Remember this is the most positive spin ABC can give their manipulated polling.
They see the real numbers and they know that nobody supports President Poopy Pants.
The leftists on this site don't even bother anymore.
He has destroyed the Democrat party for a generation. The black vote is split permanently now.
Kay: “I’m doing economically better under biden than I was doing under trump, so go figure.”
Are you a border guide (coyote) or a motelier for illegal aliens? 😏
wendybar said...
The 43% that would still vote for Democrats after this shitshow are nuts.
Not nuts. Evil.
And it is more around the 35% range if you take history of ABC polling bias into account.
The NAZI party got about 30-35% in elections in Germany too.
There is always a constituency for tribal oppression and tribal spoils. Some people are not opposed to corruption as long as they and their tribe benefit from the corruption.
Left Bank of the Charles said...
Biden will become more popular if Democrats lose the mid-terms, because America likes divided government. In the last 50 years, there have only been 12 years of single party rule in Washington, only 6 years if Republican control of the Supreme Court is included.
Nobody likes racists who make race based policies.
Nobody likes open borders.
Nobody likes stagflation.
Nobody likes crime waves and lawlessness.
Nobody likes 4$ a gallon gas.
Except the democrat party and it's mindless pawns.
You are down to your core support of racists and brown shirts. You had to manufacture millions of mail in ballots to steal the last election.
It wont be allowed to happen again.
I love reading the WaPo comments after anything negative is said about Brandon. The low IQ morons just explode in rage!
Do you like Solyndra type faux-green insider D-graft?
Do you like bogus "infrastructure" promises?
Do you like punitive taxation - all while Billionaire Nancy refuses to tax the billionaires?
Do you like Jared Polis(D-CO)? He wants to climb that ladder into the insider grifter club that is the corrupt democrat insider club party.- As a multi-millionaire, he aggressively skirted paying any income tax and feathers his own family foundation "charity".
Vote democrat!
Do you like high energy prices? and a stagnant economy with hyper-inflation? Vote Democrat!
If the election were held today would the cat walk back away from the Trump rumba?
I knew there was a joke in that line. I just didn’t have enough to work with yet.
Yes... the Dark Winter as Brandon said. It is no small task. I'm glad there was no fraud in the 2020 election. Biden voters expose the dem's anti America agenda. It's good to be old. Can't offload container ships. Can control the planet's climate. Sounds plausable to those asshats.
The Democrat Voter: Some people insist on learning life’s lessons the hard way.
Biden is The Manchurian Candidate, now elected, pursuing the downfall of the USA supported by Communists who are abetted by grifters, hyper-partisans and young ignoramuses. (Old ignoramuses are among the hyper-partisans. There is a lot of crossover.)
That’s it. We can stop scratching our heads in perplexity now.
Wait until the Biden-lovers find out that a real tax cut for the rich is embedded in “Build Back Better.”
Jim Gust at 7:30 am,
I don't know if you live near my little corner of California's central valley, but the cat food shelves here are also empty. My cats are ready to walk backwards for a can of Friskies.
The problem with the USA, and why we're going to end in disaster, is about 45 percent of the voters will vote Democrat No matter what. They simply won't vote against "Their party". You can't argue with Libtards.
They're basically like ol style "Big City machine voters" in say the 30s and 40s. They don't really care what the Government does, or even if it hurts them financially or physically. They just go out every election day and vote Democrat and hope, somehow, to get their piece of the graft. Plus, they hate those Goddamn Republicans.
BTW, in case people doubt my comment at 11:34, Here's the analysis
The one good thing about Biden's mindless, urgency to undo every policy put in place by Trump's administration, is that if one bothers to look, one can see how wise those policies really were.
"Kay: “I’m doing economically better under biden than I was doing under trump, so go figure.”
So that's you and Hunter Biden. Well worth destroying an economy for.
The Post-ABC poll finds that, if elections were held today, today would be November 8, 2022.
If you don't believe that Biden took the showers, plural, with his young daughter, that she wrote about in what we now know is actually her diary, here is this week's video of President McFeely in a sick interaction with a child.
Who can say why people dislike him though. Did QAnon create this as a deep fake? Don't think so.
He (i.e., his handlers) have done plenty...damage.
Left Back on the Charles said...
Biden will become more popular if Democrats lose the mid-terms, because America likes divided government. In the last 50 years, there have only been 12 years of single party rule in Washington, only 6 years if Republican control of the Supreme Court is included.
Wanna 'splain how a weakened Biden would become "more popular", if his terrible policies led to Dems losing their Congressional majorities?
Wanna 'splain how the GOP, or the Dems for that matter, "control" the Supreme Court?
You ought to consider laying off the choom.
Political Polls@Politics_Polls
Competitive Senate States (AZ, FL, GA, NC, NH, NV, PA, WI):
Biden Job Approval:
Approve 33%
Generic Congressional Ballot:
Republicans 58% (+23)
Democrats 35%
@ABC/@washingtonpost, 882 RV, 11/7-10
Maybe Democrats should have accepted that they won a *very* close election, and not tried to rule is if they had some massive mandate. Naah! Instead they are acting like they need to loot the treasury because they know they are gonna get kicked out.
The polls may eventually represent the fact that the Labor Department is grossly underestimating inflation. It is around 16% and rising. That will affect the 2022 election like a sledgehammer. Unless they have perfected vote stealing, of course.
Michael K: "Unless they have perfected vote stealing, of course."
They have indeed.
Not to mention the almost certain Great Reset/Financial Crisis combined with Lockdown Eleventy-zillion the democraticals will launch in conjunction with the corrupted voting procedures backed up by Garland's DOJ who will go after anyone who dares raise concerns.
The democraticals continue to govern like marxist lunatics because they seem to know something about not really having to face the wrath of voters any longer. There must be something driving that extraordinary confidence........
THE problem is that you could have a city where a thousand people a year are murdered and thousands more injured by violence and 90 percent would STILL vote for the party that was in power.
Left Bank of the Charles said...
Biden will become more popular if Democrats lose the mid-terms, because America likes divided government. In the last 50 years, there have only been 12 years of single party rule in Washington, only 6 years if Republican control of the Supreme Court is included.
We'll know that Republicans "control the Supreme Court" when ObamaCare is unconstitutional, Roe is repealed and States are free to do anything they want on abortion, virtually every "gun control" law is struck down (what part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?), and no State or Federal Gov't is allowed to force any Christian to have anything to do with a same sex "marriage".
Until then? Stop lying
tim maguire said...
Today, 80 percent of Democrats are positive and 16 percent are negative.
Positive about what?
The Biden presidency is a good test of blind partisanship. What percentage of Democrats will back him no matter what?
11/14/21, 7:23 AM
Most Democrats want the government to became larger and more activist. Politically, that’s the most important thing for quite a large percentage of them. Under Biden, the government is getting larger and more activist. By quite a bit, in fact. Given their premise, their support for Biden is not irrational.
Leftists did the country a good deal of damage during the Trump years by constantly assuming that this or that action of Trump’s was irrational, nonsensical, crazy and so on. To qualify as irrational, etc., a Trump policy or action just had to be premised on a non-leftist assumption. The results were constant evasions of actual discussions and analysis. These were replaced by label making and insults. Now non-leftists should avoid treating leftists and democrats in this way. Why not at least try to understand where they are coming from?
Peter Spieker said...
Now non-leftists should avoid treating leftists and democrats in this way. Why not at least try to understand where they are coming from?
Because we know where they're coming from: a totally amoral lust for power at all costs.
They are racist, sexist, hypocritical monsters. They do not get the benefit of the doubt because they've spent the last 20 years proving they don't deserve it
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