From "School culture wars stirred up voters for a reason: Classrooms really did change" by Natalia Mehlman Petrzela. (WaPo). Petrzela, a history professor, wrote the book "Classroom Wars: Language, Sex, and the Making of Modern Political Culture."
७ नोव्हेंबर, २०२१
"[P]rogressive pedagogies... did not begin in the pandemic or after the murder of George Floyd, but those events accelerated enthusiasm for their adoption...."
"For more than a year, much of this curricular ferment has taken place online and therefore in families’ homes — hypervisible to parents who have new portals into their children’s classrooms. In addition, people are as likely to view these issues through the lens of the national news media as through their immediate circumstances: Viral clips of teachers behaving badly or of school board fights in distant states can seem to foreshadow what’s in the pipeline for their own communities or what might already be underway. Conservatives have skillfully harnessed unease.... Democrats do themselves no favors by ignoring concerns about a changed educational environment, or dismissing those who raise questions as entitled whiners (who 'just want their babysitters back') or ignorant bullies (for not understanding that critical race theory is only taught in universities). Notably, schools were closed for the longest periods, and have reopened in the least-recognizable versions of their former selves, in blue areas. These areas are also where newly progressive pedagogies have had the most traction. Public school has transformed in the past 18 months, and denying this is a surefire way to alienate voters — and undermine one of the most important institutions in many Americans’ lives ."
६६ टिप्पण्या:
The public school systems of this country need to be razed to the ground, and something new needs to take their place- they are failing in their only real purpose in educating students. The ridiculous school closures over COVID are that opportunity, and I hope we seize it. Of course, I know we won't, and 20 years from now, we will be even worse off. We will eventually lose the ability to maintain the civilization we have right now- things will stop working as the people who maintain it today die off.
How many social studies majors does it take to change a lightbulb?
Well the dogs don't like the progressive dogfood being served to their children. And no amount of "explaining" will take the facts--and the smell--away.
It's hypervisible to me that she knows what she's talking about.
And in the Post, no less.
Some years ago, tutoring an immigrant, I saw a fifty bullet point worksheet on WWII. Seven had to do with the war. The rest we're about mean, racist America.This was high school. Fixed that pretty quick, it was only one kid.
School culture wars stirred up voters for a reason: Classrooms really are run by Commies
"Democrats do themselves no favors by ignoring concerns about a changed educational environment, or dismissing those who raise questions as entitled whiners (who 'just want their babysitters back') or ignorant bullies (for not understanding that critical race theory is only taught in universities.)"
I'm really tired of being talked down to by my intellectual inferiors. I know CRT is not taught in public grammar and high schools, but it IS the basis for almost all instructional material and books used in those schools. My schoolteacher daughters have described the propaganda materials provided for their use in Georgia public schools, as well as the woke BS, and they are as appalled as am I. Both have children in that school system and neither are entitled, whiners or babysitters; both have masters degrees in non-education fields (accounting and math) and both have been teachers of the year in their respective schools over the last 20 years. Both became teachers as their children entered grammar school and both followed their teenagers to teach in high school. They entered teaching precisely because they wanted to ensure their children got the better teachers and to actively monitor their lessons and progress in real time. It has all been eye opening for them and for me. The saving grace for their school systems is they are not unionized, but there are still too high a percentage of teachers and administrators who are incompetent and/or too lazy to actually care. One grandson is a senior in college now and two are seniors in high school this year, so they probably are just going to escape the system before the bottom rots out. My daughters are just waiting for the day when they can leave as well.
How many social studies majors does it take to change a lightbulb?
that's not funny! That Is RACIST!!!!
Until these taxpayer-funded schools get back to providing education - as opposed to indoctrination - they ought to be referred to as government (rather than public) schools.
The Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) is the world's most successful organization for educating young people. For the life of me, I don't understand why public schools don't copy how the Jesuits run their high schools with, of course, cutting out the religion element.
"Conservatives have skillfully harnessed unease"
They pounced. No fair.
Remains to be seen if the backlash will have any real effect. The nice liberal women who showed their discontent this time can be mollified, and the left stays in charge of schools even where the GOP wins statewide. Who's gonna clean house for real?
Fifty years ago I had an argument with my Advanced English teacher about brainwashing and propaganda in High School.She was head of the schools union and introducing new specially chosen interns to the our school most advanced students in our school.The techniques were similar to the tactics used in North Korean POW camps and in Chinese reeducation camps.You tell me how long this has been going on.Effects seem cumulative.
These areas are also where newly progressive pedagogies have had the most traction. Public school has transformed in the past 18 months, and denying this is a surefire way to alienate voters — and undermine one of the most important institutions in many Americans’ lives ."
There it is fully exposed. For public acceptance there has to be a near universal acceptance by the public. If the Left continues with this there may come a time when the public will be in favor of abolishing public schools and the Department of Education and instead have the dollars follow the student to private schools.
I'm struck by how little progressive pedagogies have to do with Freire, whose politics I don't agree with but really appreciate his transformative pedagogy in many ways. His goal was to empower, progressive pedagogies sure seem to intend to enslave folks into being political pawns through enforcing propaganda and stoking resentment. They want to keep a permanent underclass to prop up political corruption a la Latin America and elsewhere.
I think the Democrats are too invested in racism as the driving force of their leftist transformation. Remember that the Symbionese Liberation Army of Patty Hearst fame began with leftist women teaching reading to black men in prison. The terrorists of which Bill Ayres was a member were obsessed with racism and black liberation. This is not new for Democrats. It's just that the leftism of Obama drove out a bunch of moderate old school Democrats> Not voluntarily, of course. They lost Congress twice; once in 1994 and again in 2010. Both times it was the old moderates who lost. Manchin is a throwback to the old party,
I think as long as the democrat go-to strategy is to call anyone who has concerns about CRT a "racist" the problem should fix itself after a few painful election cycles.
Look how democrats reacted when they had "soft on crime" hanging around their necks during the Reagan years? In response we had a decade and a half of "0 tolerance" drug penalties, property seizures, no knock raids and punitive crime legislation because democrats hated losing elections.
Closing schools proved beyond a shadow of a doubt the current setup is a waste of time and resources. Teachers unions need to be banned ASAP.
(for not understanding that critical race theory is only taught in universities).
And yet ...
"[middle-school social studies teacher] Crompton even has been awarded the 2020 Christa McAuliffe Sabbatical, from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, for her good teaching and commitment to ensure that students in New Hampshire have access to opportunity by recognizing how identity, race, and culture of students and teachers play out in the classroom."
... it moves.
Here's some CRT advocacy from the National Education Ass.; they just avoid using that exact phrase.
"NEA is here to ensure we rebuild schools with an emphasis on equity, ..."
"Racial & Social Justice
NEA EdJustice engages and mobilizes educators, allies, and activists in the fight for racial, social and economic justice in public education."
More NEA CRT advocacy:
"We need to challenge systemic racism in school, ..."
"Supporting Black Lives Matter"
"What we’re seeing right now is another boiling point in America: the effects of systemic and institutionalized racism coming to a head. Black Americans and their allies are coming together to stand up to injustices.
Quote by: —Tamika Walker Kelly, Elementary Music Specialist, Fayetteville, NC"
If the Left continues with this there may come a time when the public will be in favor of abolishing public schools and the Department of Education and instead have the dollars follow the student to private schools.
If there are no public schools, why would there be dollars to follow to private schools? Without public education, why should people be expected to subsidize the education of anybody else's children?
Paddy O: "I'm struck by how little progressive pedagogies have to do with Freire, whose politics I don't agree with but really appreciate his transformative pedagogy in many ways. His goal was to empower, progressive pedagogies sure seem to intend to enslave folks into being political pawns through enforcing propaganda and stoking resentment."
Your second sentence completely explains your first sentence.
For the life of me, I don't understand why public schools don't copy how the Jesuits run their high schools with, of course, cutting out the religion element.
So all public school employees should take a vow of poverty and celibacy and live communally?
During the riots last summer some of the sjw teachers at Reddit were all twitterpated about adding a BLM module to the curriculum. Yeah BLM sell these to schools.
I think mainly the nice white teachers saw it as a way to get through to their black students who otherwise dgaf about school but wanted to talk about George Floyd.
Beats schoolwork anyway, so boring and irrelevant to these young scholars.
Democrats do themselves no favors by ignoring concerns about a changed educational environment, or dismissing those who raise questions as entitled whiners (who 'just want their babysitters back')
The "entitled whiners" are the vastly overpaid babysitters who call themselves "teachers", but to a really shitty job of actually teaching, while demanding that they get to "work" from home.
or ignorant bullies (for not understanding that critical race theory is only taught in universities).
Exactly how stupid do you have to be to make that "argument"?
1: The NEA passed a resolution in favor of CRT at their most recent convention. As none of them are university instructors, that tells us that CRT is most certainly being used below the University level.
2: If the conservatives are complaining about and "banning" something that actually doesn't exist, then there's no need to fight them, now is there?
"You're not allowed to teach or use CRT in grammar schools"
"We're not using it, and not planning on using it, so feel free to pass that ban, since it won't change anything. Have a nice day."
Since the second is not what the left wingers are saying, it's clearly the case that they are using CRT in grammar school.
Is the problem that being on the Left makes you so stupid you can't use logic? Or so arrogant that you're sure no one else can?
Pro tip: yes, many parent can use logic, and most of the rest have friends who can explain it to them.
So, please keep fucking that chicken, Lefties. Because I'm really looking forward to a 15 point shift to the Right in 2022 elections
Yancey Ward said...
How many social studies majors does it take to change a lightbulb?
2, but only after they've had their class on doing p-value hacking
Freder Frederson said...
If there are no public schools, why would there be dollars to follow to private schools? Without public education, why should people be expected to subsidize the education of anybody else's children?
The official purpose of the public schools is to ensure that every child gets educated to be a functional member of society.
The official purpose of the public schools is not to provide and easy living to intellectually inferior buffoons who manage to get hired as "teachers", and it's not to provide funding for the left wing "teachers unions".
So nuking the public schools are redirecting the money into vouchers taht parents can use to get their kids educated elsewhere is a proper and reasonable way to spend the money.
Which everyone who's not a complete fucking idiot knows
"Without public education, why should people be expected to subsidize the education of anybody else's children?"
Why should people without children be expected to subsidize the education of anybody else's children?
I don't understand why public schools don't copy how the Jesuits run their high schools
If they did, there would really be little difference. Take a look around at what the Jesuit-run schools are really doing and how screwed up their graduates are in their thinking.
The Jesuit tradition is thoroughly relativistic, ultimately implying that the truth is unknowable, such that there really is no "truth" only multiple truths. Their Ignatian method is a process of never ending discernment, of never getting to the destination, of never saying THIS is the Truth. This is in opposition to the Catholic Christian profession that the Truth is already known and the search for truth is not an end in itself, but merely a means to that Truth.
The fact is that there is too much Jesuitism in public schools.
"Conservatives have skillfully harnessed unease...."
Sounds like projection. The Left has been using unease in its various forms for a long time. But this statement makes me wonder who is inside whose OODA loop.
"Democrats do themselves no favors by ignoring concerns about a changed educational environment, or dismissing those who raise questions as entitled whiners (who 'just want their babysitters back') or ignorant bullies (for not understanding that critical race theory is only taught in universities)."
Double bonus! Projection plus strawman argument. Not only that, but CRT by any other name is still the same thing.
Matt Taibbi says the parents and the school board issues was crucial to the upset in Virginia's gubernatorial election.
Freder playing dumb again for real.
Almost missed this: "Viral clips of teachers behaving badly or of school board fights in distant states..."
Fights like this?
Protesters shut down board meeting
Critical Race Theory isn't even a theory in any intellectually respectable sense. CRT is a set of racist assertions that have about as much relevance to history and law as the delusions of flat-earthers have to physics. CRT is the 21st century equivalent of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which gives those who promote Critical Race Theory the moral standing of the Okhrana, if not the SS. The fact that university professors who push CRT are by and large intellectual midgets hired to fill diversity requirements explains why they have been so easily deceived.
Rotwang's Cabana Boy writes, "So all public school employees should take a vow of poverty and celibacy and live communally?"
One of the deep tragedies of Freder's existence, he actually believes that puerile non sequitur is witty.
"If there are no public schools, why would there be dollars to follow to private schools?"
No one is talking about removing the government's funding role in educating young people. The discussion is where that money should go. The current system is being met with a considerable amount of dissatisfaction by those responsible for the children who are are (or not) being served by the system.
One possible solution to this dissatisfaction is to provide the current system. If parents have the option (with government support) to send their children to schools that aren't mired in the latest Progressive fad, the current system might actually address the concerns of those parents instead of writing alarmist letters to the Attorney General. Btw, thanks for the demonstration of the "either/or" fallacy.
CRT isn't taught in high school until it is.
And anyone who throws out the word 'pedagogy' is a pseudo-intellectual moron trying to sound smart by using a two-dollar word when and 50-cent word will do...
CRT Is a Racist Republican Lie and Is Not Taught In Schools, Claim Leftist Political Activist and Education Bureaucrats. Oh Hell Yes We Do Teach CRT -- And We Lie to Parents About Teaching It, Says Indiana Teacher and School Administrator
Ace hits it out of the park.
Beats schoolwork anyway, so boring and irrelevant to these young scholars.
During the Third Reich kindergarten, grundschule, and hauptschule students were so bombarded with compulsory Nazi doctrine that many children fell far behind normal achievement levels in real academic subjects, particularly mathematics and the sciences, too many Jewish contributions to the fields of math and physics for National Socialist comfort. (One of the reasons Nazi Germany was so dependent on conscripted foreign and slave labor is the fact that many young Germans weren't academically prepared for industrial work requiring mathematical and technical skills.)
In the post-war recovery, these kids had to attend remedial schools before they could move on to gymnasium or berufsschule-level education which had a 250-day academic year with up to 8 hours of daily classroom time. If America hopes to recovery from wokism and our own version of fascism that dominates the Democratic Party, intensive remedial education will be necessary. Can we do it, I wonder.
Freder asks: "If there are no public schools, why would there be dollars to follow to private schools? Without public education, why should people be expected to subsidize the education of anybody else's children?"
The public, through their government, would favor making sure that future citizens are educated--know how to read, write, figure, understand their world. Schools that could show that they accomplish this for their students would be able to be funded, and "schools" that couldn't show this would not be funded and would not "count" toward the requirement that children need to be in school for 16 years of their lives.
Lots of other countries do it this way, Freder.
I grow tired of the insistence that "CRT is not taught" when its first cousins are increasingly common. It's like all those Cold War communists calling themselves "agrarian reformers."
As I've stated before, if there's one, good thing to come out of this COVID crap, it's parents waking up to just what a shitty job our 'educators' have been doing.
It's a start.
If there are no public schools, why would there be dollars to follow to private schools? Without public education, why should people be expected to subsidize the education of anybody else's children?
The official purpose of the public schools is to ensure that every child gets educated to be a functional member of society.
The educational systems in Europe and elsewhere in the world that the role of public financing is to finance EDUCATION, not to finance government-run schools, which has been conflated with "public schools." In Europe, public funds follow the student, who chooses where to apply those moneys, whether to state-operated institutions or to privately-operated schools, including religiously-affiliated schools.
Why should people without children be expected to subsidize the education of anybody else's children?
Because public financed schooling isn't about the selfish idea of YOUR children being educated, it is about ensuring an educated citizenry, which benefits everyone because then everyone can participate and contribute in a productive way.
When the riots started happening after Floyd’s death in 2020, and the MSM gleefully showed the video, I expected most of the rioters to be black. But when most of the rioters appeared to be white twenty somethings, I was trying to figure out why it was mostly white rioters committing the wanton destruction of businesses and assaults on innocent people. Then when parents discovered that their children were being indoctrinated with the idiotic CRT curriculum from grade school on through college and this came out in the news, it finally made sense why their children were acting like the Brownshirt Storm Troopers in 1930’s Nazi Germany. And that is what the leftist educational system in this country was doing - creating indoctrinated Storm Troopers out of white children - to do their bidding. And using taxpayer dollars to accomplish this in public schools and universities to boot! And now, I fear that the Biden administration is attempting to indoctrinate our military in CRT. Currently, the administration says that they need to “root out far right wing extremists” in our military since most military members tend to be conservative. Having a reliably indoctrinated military to use against our country’s citizens is a big tool in clamping down on the country as we have seen in dictatorships around the world. Hopefully, the citizens of America has awakened in time to the internal threat that the far left “progressives” have been creating using the educational system as a weapon against us.
When I first glanced at the blog title, I thought it said "Progressive Pierogies" and hoped there was a recipe.
I think possibly the most significant part of all this is that the politicians and pundits and even some of the educators and administrators pushing this lefty agenda don't have any children of their own or else any children they do have are enrolled in private schools.
It's part of the great divide mentioned earlier today on this blog, the people in charge feel free to live by different rules, mostly with little or no consequence when they're caught out. We're just bigots and whiners when we call attention to their deceit and hypocrisy.
The people who said for years Trump colluded with the Russians are now telling you nothing is going on in the schools.
Even those who bought the first lie should know better by now.
Freder Frederson said...
If there are no public schools, why would there be dollars to follow to private schools? Without public education, why should people be expected to subsidize the education of anybody else's children?
This raises a Serious Question for Freder
Freder? in Your view; Why ARE people expected to subsidize the education of anybody else's children?
I'm actually serious; i'd like to know Why You think we HAVE public education???
Here's an idea, from a public school teacher. Call up the Superintendent of your local school district, and ask them how many students they've expelled from the district(If you say school, they will include kids who were transferred from one school to another in the district) in the last ten years. Ask for the suspension numbers over the last ten years.
I'd be interested to know if they'd even tell you.
No one is talking about removing the government's funding role in educating young people. The discussion is where that money should go
If you are discussing eliminating public education you sure as hell are.
I don't understand why public schools don't copy how the Jesuits run their high schools with, of course, cutting out the religion element.
I am under the impression that in most of their universities and colleges the Jesuits have already removed "the religion element".
The 1832 ratio studiorum would be a fine beginning in a restored public school curriculum.
One of the deep tragedies of Freder's existence, he actually believes that puerile non sequitur is witty.
Well it was a little hyperbolic but catholic education was cheap and effective because it relied on teachers (nuns, brothers and priests) who made almost nothing and lived communal. Of course this is no longer the model and tuition at a Jesuit high school approaches that of a decent private college.
One of the deep tragedies of Freder's existence, he actually believes that puerile non sequitur is witty.
Well it was a little hyperbolic, but Catholic education was cheap and effective because it relied on teachers (nuns, brothers and priests) who made almost nothing and lived communally (and in lieu of a pension were taken care of by the Church in their old age). Of course this is no longer the model (not enough people going into clergy) and tuition at a Jesuit high school (or most Catholic schools) now approaches that of a decent private college.
"(for not understanding that critical race theory is only taught in universities)"
Utter BS
"Blogger Freder Frederson said...
For the life of me, I don't understand why public schools don't copy how the Jesuits run their high schools with, of course, cutting out the religion element.
So all public school employees should take a vow of poverty and celibacy and live communally?"
I come here because Freder has the best non sequiturs ever! Or maybe he just missed the "with, of course, cutting out the religion element" part in the comment. Either way, Freder's a hoot!
"If there are no public schools, why would there be dollars to follow to private schools?"
If there are no public schools, Progressives would invent them. For the children.
Quote by: —Tamika Walker Kelly, Elementary Music Specialist, Fayetteville, NC
Lordy, lordy, this shit is hitting elementary-school music? I mean, there are copious signs of it at the HS level around here, but if my husband's feeder schools' feeder schools are drinkin' the Kool-Aid, heaven help us. And we're in the blue end of OR, not NC.
HOW do you do this to kids at the elementary-school level, in music? I mean not only "how could you?" but "How is this even theoretically possible?" Evidently all it needs is one deranged teacher and a lot of captive children. Who will drink up whatever they're told to, at that age. But I don't see how the subject is even introduced. Probably by means of "call and response," I suppose. As though the griot was the only figure in history who ever called on others to repeat his phrases; as though Corelli and the other makers of the concerto grosso were just imitating the griot . . . Seriously, I would like to set some of these people down and have them listen to, say, Corelli's "Christmas Concerto" (though that name might be triggering, nyet?), and tell me where they thought the idea came from.
The right is featuring click-bait outrage now just like the left did, producing the same self-righteous moral idiocy on the right that formerly was the feature only of the left.
The previous right-wing view of the left was not outrage but amusement. That takes too much intellect nowadays and gets no clicks.
I retired from teaching in 2005. Although it wasn't called CRT, the idea that any disparity in outcomes between races was proof of racism was official doctrine. To prevent disparities, administrators punished white kids and let Blacks slide on almost everything. As far as grades were concerned, Black kids were 'passed' by their teachers or 'placed' in the next grade by the admin. White kids had to earn their grades. They had not yet started teaching that this was all the fault of the white kids.
I see the NEA's support for CRT has come up a few times. It helps, I think, to present the item 39 passed at their last national convention. How the media and the Dems get away with this obtuse pretense about CRT being just some academic stuff of no relevance to the schools is beyond me. These are the first parts only of Item 39. The others are just as bad.
New Business Item 39, Adopted, July 2021.
The NEA will, with guidance on implementation from the NEA president and chairs of the Ethnic Minority Affairs Caucuses:
A. Share and publicize, through existing channels, information already available on critical race theory (CRT) -- what it is and what it is not; have a team of staffers for members who want to learn more and fight back against anti-CRT rhetoric; and share information with other NEA members as well as their community members.
B. Provide an already-created, in-depth, study that critiques empire, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society, and that we oppose attempts to ban critical race theory and/or The 1619 Project.
"Is the problem that being on the Left makes you so stupid you can't use logic? Or so arrogant that you're sure no one else can?"
Yes and yes.
The previous right-wing view of the left was not outrage but amusement. That takes too much intellect nowadays and gets no clicks.
A berserk moron performing Aram Khachaturian's "Sabre Dance" with a chainsaw is very amusing until he takes a swing at your neck.
"Well it was a little hyperbolic, but Catholic education was cheap and effective because it relied on teachers (nuns, brothers and priests) who made almost nothing and lived communally (and in lieu of a pension were taken care of by the Church in their old age)."
A non sequitur is a statement that doesn't logically follow the previous statement. In this case, no one is talking about the cost of education, they are talking about what is being taught and the unresponsiveness of those who teach to parental concerns. Perhaps you'd like to address that topic.
I guess things have changed, but our fourth grade teacher who read to our suburban, basically all-White class from Black Like Me and had us learn about notable African-Americans fifty years ago would feel very much at home today. The rumor back then was that the middle school had kids sitting under the tables imagining that they were on a slave ship, but my parents sent me to Catholic school for what was still being called junior high in those days.
Field Marshall Freder: "..and tuition at a Jesuit high school (or most Catholic schools) now approaches that of a decent private college."
Wrong. Again.
Of course.
Mot even close.
Field Marshall Freder: "..and tuition at a Jesuit high school (or most Catholic schools) now approaches that of a decent private college."
Wrong. Again.
Of course.
Mot even close.
Our Field Marshall never disappoints.
George Floyd was not murdered, he died of a self-induced drug overdose.
"George Floyd was not murdered, he died of a self-induced drug overdose."
What's your badge number, officer?
Floyd was clearly murdered.
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