That's what springs to mind when I see — in today's Washington Post — "Why hundreds of QAnon supporters showed up in Dallas, expecting JFK Jr.’s return."
It means something, but it doesn't mean they really believe.
At the site overlooking where President John F. Kennedy was assassinated nearly six decades ago, scores of QAnon believers outfitted with “Trump-Kennedy 2024” shirts, flags and other merchandise gathered. They forecast the president’s son John F. Kennedy Jr., who has been dead for over 20 years, would appear at that spot, emerging from anonymity to become Donald Trump’s vice president when the former president is reinstated. The prophecy foretold online, of course, did not come true....
The spectacle captivated people, some amused at the ridiculousness of the far-fetched theory that Kennedy faked his death. But the size of Tuesday’s gathering was concerning for Jared Holt, a resident fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab who researches domestic extremism. The claim about Kennedy Jr. is considered fringe even for supporters of QAnon, a collective of baseless conspiracy theories revolving around an idea that Trump is battling a Satan-worshiping cabal that traffics children for sex. The sprawling set of false claims that have coalesced into an extremist ideology has radicalized its followers and incited violence and criminal acts. The FBI has designated it a domestic terrorism threat....
६९ टिप्पण्या:
an idea that Trump is battling a Satan-worshiping cabal that traffics children for sex.
isn't He? Aren't They? Ain't That why He was impeached? Ain't That Why Yhey stole the election?
This is just more fodder for their stupid followers.
Nobody thinks this is a thing except leftists who are stupid enough to support President Poopy pants.
People. You can't live with them, you can't live without them.
Jared Holt, a resident fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab who researches domestic extremism.
I would give you 100/1 odds that this "Jared Holt" was completely blindsided by the domestic extremists who rioted and burned cities from Seattle to DC in 2020.
As a supporter of Trump, this is the FIRST time I ever heard that crazy notion. I think Qnon are Progressives trying to make Republicans look crazy. They seem to be the only ones who know what Qnon is saying and doing.
Probably 24 real nuts; not hundreds.
For the life of me I can not understand how the Qanon thing is such a big deal to the FBI. Isn’t this the same FBI that violated laws in pursuit of a conspiracy theory about Trump peeing on hookers in a hotel in Moscow? The Qanon believers have no power but the Russian collusion believers used the fearsome powers of the world’s greatest law enforcement organization against its political enemy. Isn’t the greatest domestic terror threat the unhinged Democrat operatives who run the FBI? And they are still at it in the Jan 6 hoax.
In the same way I disregard the tiny minority on Twitter as unrepresentative of the USA in general, I discount any “domestic terrorist” designation by the corrupt and dishonest FBI. When comes to the “right wing extremist” groups, any “leader” or “spokesman” (almost always men) or “organizer” one can find in media reports turn out to be FBI informants or actual undercover agents. The fake Whitmer “kidnap” plot is a prime example. It’s disturbing that an allegedly LEO is so willing to create and promote all these groups, Proud Boys and Oathkeepers etc., instead of preventing actual attacks by people they ignore like the Parkland shooter and the Vegas shooter.
I seriously doubt there are hundreds of QAnon supporters. And even if there were, they are not likely to be JFK Jr. supporters. This was a troll of stupid journalists and I'm not surprised the WaPo, being the home of hundreds of our country's stupidest journalists, fell for it.
Hundreds, I tell you hundreds of QAnon supporters...! It was the biggest assemblage of domestic terrorists since, since ... well, the Portland city council's last meeting. This is your lead article after yesterday's election results?
I was hoping for "Police in Madison, Wisconsin, are looking for a sculpture that was stolen from the Art Fair on the Square on Sept. 25. The unique piece, titled "Dumpty Humpty," is a bronze of the nursery rhyme character sitting on a toilet with his pants around his ankles and a book in his hands. It's worth $1,400, according to United Press International." It's equally inane and newsworthy, but also local.
Wait, I see. It connects a mythical QAnon reference with a mention of Trump and an expected JFK sighting. Eyeball magnetism at its finest from the WaPoo! Now if you could only identify the significance of QAnon to your blog readers. Many of us right wing nuts have never encountered QAnon and only know it as a trigger for lefties.
If you’ve read “Illuminatus” you may recall that the Dealey Lama lives underneath Dealey Plaza.
Do Democratic strategists believe the conspiracy theory Trump supporters are equivalent to QAnon helps Democrats in the midterms?
Do Democratic strategists believe the conspiracy theory levitating The Pentagon will stop the Vietnam war helps Democrats in the midterms?
...if the answer to these questions isn't the same, then NO, they are not in the same category...
To these people, I think JFK JR represents the old Democratic party they used to believe in, just as Trump did that for many Republican leaning voters. JFK Jr represents the Dem party as the party of the working class. JFK Jr represents a a return of the old Dem values and vanished Dem patriotism. A return of liberalism to a party taken over by Progs. He represents a chance to heal the divide in the country and bring back politics of the parties working toward a common goal of making America strong and prosperous even if they disagree on the hows.
Crazy as it is to believe JFK Jr has been in hiding all this time and will emerge to save the Dem Party and the nation, you have to put it in perspective. You can't blame them for grasping at straws when you understand the only alternative to JFK Jr coming back is that they must rely wholly on the Republican Party to save them and their idea even harder to believe.
"The FBI has designated it a domestic terrorism threat...."
Well, then, it must be true.
The wildly inappropriate sexual content, encouragement of deviant sexual exploration, the obsession with drag queens— I can see how someone with children in public schools might think there’s a devil worshipping cabal behind it all, grooming children for sex. Just sayin.
From the Twitterverse:
A political earthquake occurred last night. Coast to coast. Democrats’ policies were crushed. What’s CNN discussing this morning?...
CONSPIRACY NATION QAnon believers gather for return of JFK Jr., who died in 1999.
I'm not sure what violence and criminal activity they are talking about. I admit I don't follow QAnon closely. I have to think if there were more than some ambiguous incidents we would be hearing about it nonstop.
Also, public opinion started to change in 1968, not 1971, and showed up first among the people old enough to have been adults in WWII, not the young people.
A political earthquake occurred last night. Coast to coast. Democrats’ policies were crushed. What’s CNN discussing this morning?...
Crushed?! Really? The Republican won in Virginia, and New Jersey is currently too close to call. Minneapolis' plan to "defund" the police (which is how the opposition dishonestly portrayed the measure) was soundly defeated, but did anyone actually expect it to pass?
Meanwhile BLM openly advocates for the destruction of the family and the overthrow of the government, and it's crickets........
"The claim about Kennedy Jr. is considered fringe even for supporters of QAnon, a collective of baseless conspiracy theories revolving around an idea that Trump is battling a Satan-worshiping cabal that traffics children for sex."
Ah, I see that someone has never heard of Cathy O'Brien, Mark Phillips, and MK-Ultra.
“To these people, I think JFK JR represents the old Democratic party they used to believe in, just as Trump did that for many Republican leaning voters. JFK Jr represents the Dem party as the party of the working class. JFK Jr represents a a return of the old Dem values and vanished Dem patriotism.”
Guy blew up the plane he, his wife, and sister in law were flying in by freebasing cocaine. That’s far from working class. The guy had everything, from his mother’s good looks, to the family name, his name, the money, the elite education, etc. his sister and cousins all have that distinctive ugly Kennedy look. He didn’t. Then he failed the NY bar twice because he couldn’t keep his pants on, flew over water at night without an instrument rating, then blew them all up with their cocaine habit.
CNN is reporting on it, so it must be true. (SNARK)
Trump is battling a Satan-worshiping cabal that traffics children for sex.
Trump did, and Biden won't?
To wit, the Mexican cartels.
Mexican drug cartel uses 'Satanic' altar to make mobsters 'immune to bullets'
The sinister altar, found in Mexico City, contains 40 skulls and a foetus in a jar below 'Satanic' symbols
Americans are angry about the stagflation, open corruption, the government calling parents domestic terrorists, open borders, police defunding, rampant crime, numerous lies and hoaxes like Russian Collusion.
See Freder above as a perfect example.
Another Antifa FBI false flag psyops sheep dipping honey pot.
So after a historically bad election for Democrats, this is what they're focussing on?
"...QAnon, a collective of baseless conspiracy theories revolving around an idea that Trump is battling a Satan-worshiping cabal that traffics children for sex. The sprawling set of false claims that have coalesced into an extremist ideology has radicalized its followers and incited violence and criminal acts. The FBI has designated it a domestic terrorism threat...."
That's an awful lot of framing, er reporting. Perhaps the concrete examples appear later in the article, or were reported previously in a location nobody noticed.
Q-Anon - the self-re-animating corpse that keeps waking up for another chapter. I don't think it's ever been a very big crowd, but for their size and lack of organization and spokespeople, they sure do get spectacular coverage. Who keeps breathing life into this misinformation campaign, I wonder? Now that would be an interesting story.
"I admit I don't follow QAnon closely."
I wouldn't know where or how to follow them (it?) if I wanted to. But for some reason QAnon is a source of utter fascination to our Leftist friends. I can speculate as to why.
an idea that Trump is battling a Satan-worshiping cabal that traffics children for sex
What with Epstein's unusually lenient treatment followed years later by his murder, that strange idea has more credence than "systemic racism" and its ilk.
Field Marshall Freder: "Crushed?! Really? The Republican won in Virginia, and New Jersey is currently too close to call. Minneapolis' plan to "defund" the police (which is how the opposition dishonestly portrayed the measure) was soundly defeated, but did anyone actually expect it to pass?"
Can someone type up the implications of last night and put them in a "dossier" so Freder can internalize what is obvious to everyone except the pyschos at MSNBC?
Freder believes everything he is given if it is in "dossier" form.
Caroline: "The wildly inappropriate sexual content, encouragement of deviant sexual exploration, the obsession with drag queens— I can see how someone with children in public schools might think there’s a devil worshipping cabal behind it all, grooming children for sex. Just sayin."
According to Field Marshall Freder, it was just a democratical rhetorical "flesh wound".
I shouldn't criticize Freder and LLR Chuck and gadfly and the other lefties. I really don't want them to change their perspective or tactics, at all.
I want them to double and triple down on them.
For instance, now would be a good time to introduce new Articles of Impeachment against Trump with the primary charge being what LLR Chuck was calling for not that long ago: failing to officially declare for the Presidency in 2024. That's it. That's the "transgression". According to LLR Chuck who apparently read it on the far far far left Lawfareblog.
tim maguire: "I seriously doubt there are hundreds of QAnon supporters."
Whenever a wild-eyed lefty or LLR-lefty begins lecturing on "Q", I always ask them to provide a link where I can read the original "crazy Q stuff" myself.
That's when you find out no one has actually ever read anything directly from this "Q" person/persons/bots/FBI-guy/whatever.
At this point, we are probably looking at a scene out of the Wizard of Oz with Christopher Wray behind the curtain.....and nowhere near as loveable and amiable as the original Wizard.
This was a troll of stupid journalists
Never forget, journalists are rich kids who weren't smart enough to get into law school.
I imagine there are hundreds, if not thousands, of FBI informers among "QAnon."
Of much more significance to the real QAnon movement is that Elon Musk openly challenged the director of the WFP to explain sex trafficking and pedophilia in UN projects. And the media was silent- rather curious for Elon Musk news in general, and especially considering how inflammatory it was. Why, I wonder...
Meanwhile, the Iranian mullahs await the Mahdi, and hope to hasten his arrival by creating conditions of violence and destruction.
My money is on the Mahdi's showing up to celebrate an Iranian nuclear explosion long before JFK Jr. returns from flying his plane into the ocean at night. But then, our political news isn't about what happens in the world; it is about supporting one party in their efforts to gain power.
tim maguire said...
I seriously doubt there are hundreds of QAnon supporters. And even if there were, they are not likely to be JFK Jr. supporters. This was a troll of stupid journalists and I'm not surprised the WaPo, being the home of hundreds of our country's stupidest journalists, fell for it.
From what little I have seen of Q supporters they seem to be disgruntled generational Dems who have finally woken up to the fact the Dem machine has traded in the working class for Globalism. Since they never bothered to actually pay attention to policy or governmental systems they have no idea what could possibly save them and their families from the serfdom the Dems have in store for them. So that they fall back on their “glory days” of JFK is understandable. That they didn’t know JFK jr was dead is also understandable since most of them likely were not celebrity thrown sniffers when that happened. These are not serious people. They are desperate though and they are all ex Democrat voters not actual conservatives.
they are free lance data sifters, the truth is stranger than many of q claims, the bezos chimp circle is paid not to understand,
The only people who believe in QAnon being a threat are people who also believed in Russian Collusion.
Those idiots will believe anything.
The Smithsonian article is excellent and fun to read, at least for anyone who remembers some of that time and the event. Its author has an intriguing background, reportedly (Wiki) the son of a one-time nun and a one-time priest.
The Pentagon event was conceived in January 1967, the demonstration that turned into the Levitation, and the fact no one mentions is that this occurred in the first months of a financial bear market that ultimately lasted 16 long years until the Reagan bull market finally blasted off in 1982.
Why is there any financial angle to this?
Because financial peaks engender all sorts of other extremes. Prosperity makes even the levitation of a huge low-lying building seem possible, at least to somebody. Prosperity also seems to sow the seeds of its own destruction, and aside from the lightheartedness and superficial charm of some of those '60s counterculture figures, their radicalism also laid the groundwork for PC conformism, for today's superleftist totalitarians, the takeover of academe and the Protestant churches, and the theory of CRT, among many other ugly phenomena.
So much of the craziness of our current time -- BLM and the revival of antifa themselves, their riots, the attempted assassinations of Republican politicians, the invention of new genders, CRT's fruition, our own bizarre financing of the Chinese virus that is still bedeviling us -- has probably been enabled by exactly the same economic mechanism as was working in the '60s. And once that dynamic changes, and starts to revert to the mean, the affluence that made all those stimulus checks possible, and the "Infrastructure" Bill a fantasy that could yet be attempted, will diminish. Significantly, if history repeats.
It is easy to look around at the sillier stuff and think how ephemeral it likely will be. It is harder, probably impossible, to imagine what things will be like as the financial cycle moves on and brings its other changes.
Bruce Hayden said...
“To these people, I think JFK JR represents the old Democratic party they used to believe in, just as Trump did that for many Republican leaning voters. JFK Jr represents the Dem party as the party of the working class. JFK Jr represents a a return of the old Dem values and vanished Dem patriotism.”
Guy blew up the plane he, his wife, and sister in law were flying in by freebasing cocaine. That’s far from working class. The guy had everything, from his mother’s good looks, to the family name, his name, the money, the elite education, etc. his sister and cousins all have that distinctive ugly Kennedy look. He didn’t. Then he failed the NY bar twice because he couldn’t keep his pants on, flew over water at night without an instrument rating, then blew them all up with their cocaine habit.
How, one asks, does anyone freebase cocaine in a tiny four-passenger plane, while flying on a cloudy night? On what would have been an hour flight?
Got a source?
"Fnord" I get, but "celebrity thrown sniffers"?
Sorry, but for me the crazy news of the day is that the Mayor of Los Angeles,CA is quarantining in a hotel room in Scotland after testing positive for covid.
Since we're in Dallas, the infamous Book Depository was once home to the Southern Rock Island Plow Co, builder of corn planters, walking cultivators, tedder rakes, plows, side delivery rakes, windrow loaders, cream separators, feed mills, Linstroth wagons and potato machinery. The town's seen it all.
I suspect there may be overlap between people who think JFK Jr is alive and people who have Elvis Presley sightings.
Can't recall where, but I first saw intimations that JFK Jr's death was faked and that he was in some sort of super secret program were about a year ago.
JFJ Jr died because of hubris. He went flying in IFR conditions when he wasn't IFR qualified, and crashed.
Isn't this something like Linus sitting in the pumpkin patch waiting for the Great Pumpkin?
“At the site overlooking where President John F. Kennedy was assassinated nearly six decades ago, scores of QAnon believers outfitted with “Trump-Kennedy 2024” shirts, flags and other merchandise gathered.“
Really? Are there “scores of QAnon believers?” I’ve never met/seen one I’ve only read about them in the DemocratMedia.
Maybe I scrolled too quickly but, I didn't notice any commenters realizing the headline said "hundred" while the news said "scores". I realize 10 + "scores" would be 200, yet why the change in terminology. Unless the FBI's facial recognition anti-domestic terrorist drones provide video I'll bet there weren't even 40 there.
This is the kind of event I'd consider attending as a gag, kind of like when I considered attending an anarchists' convention in SF in the early 90s. After all, what kind of anarchist would organize a convention? In both cases, they were probably organized by the FBI.
Well, lets just look at the facts. The FBI has had Hunter's laptop, Epstein's computers and Ghislaine Maxwell for how long now. Bet there's a lot of sex trafficking involved right there. No trials or even indictments announced. Lots of short eyes riding free right there, yessir!
Any Qanon mugshots handy anywhere around there? Links please.
"The FBI has designated it a domestic terrorism threat...."
I don't know what follows the dots but that statement in a dishonest representation of what the FBI has said about QAnon.
They said in a single, unclassified informational bulletin that conspiracy theories circulating on the internet might lead individuals to engage in terroristic actions based on a belief in the conspiracy.
QAnon was listed as one of several such conspiracy theories.
Their source was Snopes.
No, really, the FBI's source for this was Snopes.
I could give you a link is you can't find it yourself.
“How, one asks, does anyone freebase cocaine in a tiny four-passenger plane, while flying on a cloudy night? On what would have been an hour flight?”
Not official. Drug and alcohol related air crashes tend to be hushed up for the famous by the FAA. But the FAA investigators knew. And gave the details to someone close to my ex. Of course, the alternative, that they were over the water, out of sight of land, without an instrument rating isn’t much better - either wins them a Darwin Award.
---JFJ Jr died because of hubris. He went flying in IFR conditions when he wasn't IFR qualified, and crashed.
But not his hubris. He begged his wife to get there in the afternoon so they could take off in daylight. Whatever the reason -- her sister might have been delayed at work, or wife Caroline might have been busy shopping -- the women did not get there until later. From what I read, twilight/dusk flying is very tricky and deceiving to the point that a less-experienced pilot won't even trust the instruments. His wife -- supposedly -- made it yet another little test of his manliness capability. He failed her test and they all died.
@ Bruce Hayden
I didn't say JFK Jr was working class. Obviously he wasn't. I said the old Dem party presented itself as the party that fought for the working class. I think these misguided individuals see a Kennedy as a way to bring that party back. It's delusional. The Dem party that wants to represent working class Americans is as dead as JFK Jr.
It's clear that somebody was trolling other people. It's not clear who was doing the trolling.
If JFK Jr. was going to come back the last place he'd show up would be Dallas.
It would have been nice if RFK Jr. happened to be in town and made his way to the demonstration. Maybe he could have been proclaimed Messiah instead.
Well, I agree anyone supporting a Kennedy should be considered dangerous.
But the whole thing sounds like a put-on. Aren't they the same group that told big media that the OK handsign was a white power symbol, then let them run with it?
"'an idea that Trump is battling a Satan-worshiping cabal that traffics children for sex.'
"isn't He? Aren't They? Ain't That why He was impeached? Ain't That Why Yhey stole the election?"
"Nobody thinks this is a thing except leftists who are stupid enough to support President Poopy pants."
No leftists are supporting Biden.
Birds Aren't Real!
Wake up Sheeple!
Hey Bobby! How are you doing?
A not intentionally offensive personal question. Are you of Scottish origin? I think Cook sounds mildly Scottish, but it comes to mine because nobody milks the no true Scotsman fallacy like you do. What would it take for you to define a person as supporting Biden, or supporting some other person?
Critter said...
For the life of me I can not understand how the Qanon thing is such a big deal to the FBI.
QAnon//Emmanuel Goldstein
"What would it take for you to define a person as supporting Biden, or supporting some other person?"
Doctrinaire Democrats, that is, affluent liberals who like to feel morally superior while supporting a party that is barely distinguishable from the Republicans in their actual accomplishments. But those are not leftists by any means.
Even AOC, who does appear to hint at having left-"ish" ideas, voted for the massive increase of the military budget, (along with nearly all the Dems). That is the tell. True leftists would demand a substantial cut to the military budget--not to mention many other verboten policy prescriptions. It's easy to speak as a "progressive" for public consumption while voting as an establishmentarian.
We do not have a left party in this country. We have a right-wing party and a right-center party. (I'm not counting the non-dominant parties, of which there are several, such as the Green Party, the Socialist Party, etc.)
For the record, I have voted in each Presidential election since 1976, but I have not voted for either major party candidate for President since I voted for Bill Clinton in his first run for the presidency in 1992, a begrudging vote on my part even at the time, and one I later regretted.
Readering: "Sorry, but for me the crazy news of the day is that the Mayor of Los Angeles,CA is quarantining in a hotel room in Scotland after testing positive for covid."
You misspelled "drank too much scotch and now needs to sleep it off".
Amusingly, the Pentagon has been funding psychedelic research for decades. Rick Doblin, who started MAPS, openly brags about his support from the Pentagon.
I used to drive his victims to the local inpatient clinic when we were in college. He was somehow permitted to spend 12 years as an undergraduate and then went to spooksville, also known as the Kennedy School of Government. Though that’s more a summer camp for CIA types.
Now Doblin gets grants from our military for Ecstasy research, just as Ram Dass and Tim Leary got them from Harvard in the early Sixties and Leary dosed and raped children at their “research center” Millbrook House. Both his children committed suicide young.
So it’s easy to see how giant oaks of conspiracies grow from little acorns of public-private evil, using evil in the secular sense.
But there’s nothing to see here.
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