So begins the Wikipedia article "Baby kissing," which I'm reading this morning after getting this viral tweet:
Is Biden a "creepy ghoul" there? I see a responsive tweet that says "I blame the mother for putting her child in this situation. Why do these people always b[r]ing their children around this creep?"Little girl slaps Biden’s creepy ghoul hand away.
— Suburban Black Man 🇺🇸 (@goodblackdude) November 21, 2021
Of course, some babies don't like it, and they don't know or care that the stranger handling them is the President. Some Presidents manage to make the baby's rejection work as a charming photo op:
From the Wikipedia article:
The practice appears to have originated in the United States during the era of Jacksonian democracy, along with other techniques such as "banners, badges, parades, barbecues, [and] free drinks", which were used to get out the vote.... In 1886, the magazine Babyhood reported that most presidents of the United States had accepted "kissing babies as an official duty."
In the 1890s, Elizabeth Cady Stanton criticized the practice on the basis of hygiene and children's rights, and praised President Benjamin Harrison for refraining from it.
Well, there you go. She's probably right. Leave babies alone. Respect their autonomy.
The journalist Elinor Burkett argues that the practice "is designed to suggest that the candidate is stable and trustworthy." The practice may be especially strongly associated with efforts to win women's votes and support: during the 1920 United States presidential election, The Nation reported that James M. Cox's ability "to kiss other people’s babies as if he enjoyed it" rendered him "well-nigh invulnerable with women voters"; while David Shears, a British observer of American politics writing in 1961, concluded: "I suppose baby-kissing is meant to appeal to the women's vote. But every woman knows it's pretty hard to kiss a baby unless you’re holding it, and it's quite risky enough holding your own baby, let alone somebody else's."So what do you think? Is this how you win the women's votes or are women going to be rejecting this sort of appeal? The politicians won't do it if the women don't like it. Either it's "garnering" support or it's not.
I looked into the NYT archive to see some old discussion of the political practice of baby-kissing. I thought I'd scored when I found the headline "Opposed to Baby Kissing" from 1939. But, clicking through, I saw that it was denouncing baby-kissing by everyone! "Modern" pediatricians were telling relatives not to kiss the baby.
Let's try this from 1961: "Is Baby Kissing Really Necessary?; A British correspondent, who has his doubts, takes a look at American campaigning and finds the whole pizza-blintz-beauty-contest business definitely bizarre. Is Baby Kissing Necessary?" That guy seems to have enjoyed American "folksiness" and "fun."
Requisite Bob Dylan lyric:
Now, the man on the stand he wants my vote
He’s a-runnin’ for office on the ballot note
He’s out there preachin’ in front of the steeple
Tellin’ me he loves all kinds-a people
He’s eatin’ bagels
He’s eatin’ pizza
He’s eatin’ chitlins
He’s eatin’ bullshit!
६४ टिप्पण्या:
“Creepy ghoul” is fairly spot-on characterization of Joe Biden in view of the published collages of him sniffing and nuzzling females of all ages and the undisputed accounts of Biden skinny dipping in front of a female secret service agent (hostile work environment anyone). There really is something wrong with him!
My baby, my choice?
'But mothers have been holding their babies up to politicians, expecting not just light petting, but outright kissing from as long as I can remember.'
'No tongues.'
-- Madeline Khan
Biden is kissing hands and shaking babies.
Mom wants to tell the kid years later that he met the President. Maybe photo proof.
Honed instincts. That girl knows.
he comes up to her; she withdraws (as much as she can, in her mother's arms)
he grabs at her leg, which she does Not seem to like
and then he continues to close in; and lightly pokes her with his finger...
And THEN (while she's trying to bat his hand away) drags his finger down her arm
If an adult man walks up to an adult female, and pats her... That's Uncool
If the man then slides his hand down, turning the pat into a feel... That's Assault
(A least, that's what they taught us in sexual harassment class back when i was working)
What is it, that makes it "alright" for Jo Biden?
That he's the President?
That she's a child?
That he's too senile to realize that It Is WRONG?
That he's a democrat, and democrats could do No Wrong?
oh, ps
She WASN'T a baby, she was a toddler.
He's Not "Kissing Babies", he's fondling a (VERY) young girl
Holding your short little child for safety reasons in a crowd, or holding her up so that she can see what is going on, is not the same thing as inviting some creepy Joe to come fondle or kiss her.
Obama and Bush were dealing with babies, Biden was doing it with what looks like a 3-4 year old girl. Biden does this with lots of little girls, and the behavior isn't appropriate pretty much all of the time. How many people do you ever see try to touch and snuggle with strange children?
Yes, Biden is ghoulish when he does this.
-Young children/pre-adolescent vs babies
-Seek them out
-Hair sniffing, inappropriate touching often without acknowledge the existence of the parent
-Parents holding up their babies in a meet/greet photo op
One of these things is not like all the other things.
Perhaps there should be a new Wikipedia entry, "Presidential baby kissing in times of Covid."
Cute takes Althouse! Not so funny is Biden’s long, well documented habit of making women of all ages uncomfortable with his grabbing, hair sniffing, creepy comments about the “adult looking legs” on nine-year-olds and many other examples, with my personal favorite being rejection by Ash Carter’s wife and daughter two-get who manage to lean away at acute angles approaching Loony Toon anti-gravity as Carter’s introduced by Obama as new DefSec. But the hard truth is that neither Bush nor Obama were known for making sexually inappropriate things about around and to other’s children, nor were they accused of rape by former staff as Biden was.
Biden is creepy. Obfuscating it by showing stereotypical pol baby kissing is dishonest and avoids a very real very serious tendency of our current White House occupant. Just Google “bad touch Biden” and see how numerous examples there are and how uncomfortable the females of all ages are. This post is a good reminder how gentlemanly and strikingly different the other presidents were. Highly unlikely their teenage daughters showered with them or that they ever were injured while “chasing the dog naked and pulling its tail” as Joe did last year, as he put it, “in the alley between the bathroom and master bedroom.” Super normal behavior!
In keeping with the movie theme quotes:
'The thing about a shark, it's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When it comes at you it doesn't seem to be livin'...until he bites you, and those black eyes roll over white.'
-- Robert Shaw, 'Jaws'
"Our most charismatic President"? Obama? Do you just not recognize an aloof prig when you see one or did you somehow miss the '80s?
In September 1968 I was 9 years old. My mom took me and my brothers and sisters right from school at 3:00pm to a huge parking lot where a stage was set up for a Nixon rally. She positioned us there along the start of the ropeline where Nixon was going to walk from car to stage, shaking hands. We were there very early, and got prime locations right at the front of the eventual crowd that showed up for the rally.
Did I mention this was in Charlotte, NC, and about 95F that afternoon? We sweated for a couple of hours, Nixon was late, but eventually his motorcade pulls up and out pops the Republican candidate for president. He walks directly to my location on the rope line, where 9-year-old me is straining my hand out to him for a historic handshake. The bastard reached right over my head to shake the hand of an eligible voter instead of me.
Since he had to reach over me, my head ended up under the unbuttoned suit jacket of Richard Fucking Milhouse Fucking Nixon, jammed into his sweaty shirt's armpit. Did I mention it was 95F that day?
Never forgive, never forget. I laughed aloud as he gave his resignation speech on TV six years later.
I'm remembering the late, great Richard Jordan as the National Security Adviser in The Hunt for Red October:
"Listen, I'm a politician, which means I'm a cheat and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies, I'm stealing their lollipops. But it also means I keep my options open."
"Look how lovely our most charismatic President looked doing it"
That would be Reagan. A search for a pic of that brought me here.
"Little girl slaps Biden’s creepy ghoul hand away." She has more sense than the (alleged) 81 million people who voted for, Joe.
Women who offer their babies to men like this are just seeking the cover and protection of the tribal leader.
They would never offer their babies to a random male.
Unless they were trying to get some drugs or some other favor.
It is all a social transaction.
Mothers who get their kids vaccinated are performing a similar sale of their child's safety for tribal endorsement.
The UK had the temerity to study death rates of people under 60 with and w/o the vaccine.
Even worse they made the results public and didn't file to have them hidden for 55 years like Pfizer did in the US.
Keep pushing those mandates losers. Pfizer made record profits last year and are blowing those numbers away this year.
First, she is a toddler, not a baby.
But I actually give Joe a pass here. He's just trying to elicit a smile.
The hair-sniffing is really weird but he doesn't do that here.
Fair is fair.
I understand the politician wants to be seen a protective figure (signaling he can be a good father to the nation?). Do female candidates kiss babies?
Do women spontaneously present their babies to be kissed, or is it the task of the candidates advance team to insure an appropriate supply of telegenic babies?
There is also a strong atavistic strain (imho) in the human mind that suggests that touch-contact with a powerful person is a good thing. The most famous historical example of this is the medieval practice whereby a sovereign "touches" a subject to cure the
"Kings Evil", scrofula. As late as 1774, Louis XVI touched about 3,000 sufferers as part of his coronation ceremonies (which can't have been pleasant for him, btw). "Touching" of a peasant by an aristocrat to cure disease was a longstanding European practice until at least 1800. The underlying mental construct seems to me to be -- "You are my vassal, and I can physically touch you if I wish; but I do so to cure you" -- very much the relation people felt they had with the Almighty.
That's not a baby. She's old enough to form and clearly express her preference. She obviously wants Biden to leave her alone so why doesn't the creep just leave her alone? She doesn't want you to touch her, Joe. So don't touch her.
"He's Not "Kissing Babies", he's fondling a (VERY) young girl"
Exactly. My suspicion is that it's a power thing with him. He's saying "See, I can be as inappropriate with your wife/young daughter as I want to be and you have to stand there and smile because I'm Joe "big fucking deal" Biden. He's powerful enough that everyone from the press to nice retired law professors will cover for him.
I certainly agree that Reagan was more charismatic then "that aloof prig Obama". And I'd say that JFK has or had Obama beat all hollow in the charisma department. Heck even Slick Willy could give Obama a run for his money on that score.
Biden has a habit of fondling little girls breasts.
Joe Smith said...
First, she is a toddler, not a baby.
But I actually give Joe a pass here. He's just trying to elicit a smile.
The hair-sniffing is really weird but he doesn't do that here.
Fair is fair.
She rejected his foreplay.
He pretty much always goes there whenever he gets a chance.
RWR or JFK was our most charismatic president.
So the best we can say about Bad Touch Biden here is that in context of his long history of inappropriate child handling this time he kept it chaste or at least gave up before going too far. I see it as the exception that proves the rule. If the fact he did not molest this child is newsworthy it’s because he backed off uncharacteristically.
that photo of GWB is great. Like or hate him, he could be very self-deprecating - refreshing with ego-centric politicians all over the place.
Is Biden a "creepy ghoul" there?
...not just light petting, but outright kissing...
Where I come from, light petting is considered a step beyond outright kissing...
I'm surprised no parent has given Biden a serious smack--prior to Secret Service days that is--whose lesson might have done Brandon some good.
I don't believe that Biden literally has sex with children, but he seems to be way too into the touching, grabbing, fondling and sniffing. George W. Bush looks visibly awkward with the baby-kissing thing, as politicians do in the also obligatory eating photos politicians have to do, and the crying baby makes it worse. It's hard to tell with Obama. He can conceal his reactions pretty well if he wants to.
"Charisma" runs in cycles. A JFK seems novel and different and charming when he comes on the scene. Later on, you can see how the whole phenomenon was manufactured. So Obama comes on the scene and people are excited. Years later, it all seems artificial and manipulative, and one can see how out of his depth Obama was.
Droit du seigneur.
Biden intimately touches women and children in front of their husband/parent in a power move. To demonstrate is dominance that he can do such and the man or parent will not dare challenge him. It is done on stage, in front of the cameras, because most people would be loath to create a scene during such conditions. It is why women get their breasts fondled by politicians during photo ops.
Powers Booth's Sen. Roarke character in Sin City spelled it out plainly. 'Power comes from lying' and getting everyone to play along with it.
Hey, Joe Biden's Earpiece isn't improperly groping and touching and fondling little girls...on camera.
Its just a stutter! Born of a powerful economy and no inflation at all..except the good kind.
Get with it people!
Achilles wrote in part --
The UK had the temerity to study death rates of people under 60 with and w/o the vaccine.
Even worse they made the results public and didn't file to have them hidden for 55 years like Pfizer did in the US.
And the results (24-Sep-21) are ...
Age specific mortality rate per 100,000 population
Age 10-59, Second Dose: 0.2
Age 10-59, Unvaccinated: 0.4
Age 80+, Second Dose: 10
Age 80+, Unvaccinated: 40.6
The vaccine works. Older people are at higher risk of dying from Covid.
(Data from the link supplied by Achilles)
Thanks to the UK for sharing their data.
one thing's for sure!
the fact that a girl (or a woman (or a toddler (or an infant) does NOT want to be fondled;
means NOTHING to Jo Biden. "No" means Nothing to him
"You ever see a naked man, Jimmy?"
---Peter Graves
Kid's obviously a Q-Anon White Supremacist plant to make Biden look bad.
If there wasn't a dossier on her before, there's sure as hell one now.
Obama is so charismatic nobody noticed he campaigned with a TV con artist.
She's probably right. Leave babies alone. Respect their autonomy.
Babies don't have autonomy. That's why the ancient Greeks thought it was fine to kill them. If you leave babies alone, they'll die.
Next time use Bear Spray, kiddo.
Dementia Joe - 0bama before him, during his Reign of Error - and Democrats in general always have to add their much too personal touch.
is it ever the father who wants his baby kissed?
is the mother offering the baby for kiss by proxy?
is it always girl babies being sacrificed to D politicians? and boy babies to R?
Ice Nine said...
"Our most charismatic President"? Obama? Do you just not recognize an aloof prig when you see one or did you somehow miss the '80s?
how many women have saved photo of Obama Rampant on AirForceOne
"My baby, my choice?"
Yup. And how does one know that 20 years from now, some woman won't be forever regaling all within earshot how as a baby, she was kissed by Obama!
Do not feed the Troll of Pallor.
I have a dear friend from Long Island who is a priest and at his christening, or whatever they call the ceremony when you make your priestly bones had the hardest time saying Law of the Lord.
Narr: "Kid's obviously a Q-Anon White Supremacist plant to make Biden look bad.
If there wasn't a dossier on her before, there's sure as hell one now."
Oh great. You just had to say it, didnt you?
Now we'll have The Twin Morons Left Bank and gadfly pushing that narrative for the next 3 years!
But rest assured they'll also find a way to squeeze in Russia Russia Russia BlueAnon stuff as well.
The quote from Airplane! is "Have you ever seen a grown man naked?" Followed by "Joey, did you ever hang around a gymnasium?"
Donald Trump is a lesson in consent
At a rally in Wisconsin yesterday, Donald Trump just couldn’t take his eyes off a little girl he deemed “beautiful.” So he beckoned her to the stage, anxious for a photo op with any African American he could get his hands on. Oh, is that harsh? Sorry not sorry. This is a man who’s on tape saying “Look at my African American over here” at one of his rallies, because even he’s surprised to see a black person in attendance. His rallies are notoriously white, and he’ll clearly take any opportunity to capitalize on the idea that his supporters are diverse. They’re not.
The clear photo op grasp was gross enough, but The Donald is never content with just slightly grossing us out — he has to take it all the way. And he did, once again, by planting not one but two kisses on this child who clearly did not want to be kissed.
Donald Trump is a lesson in consent. And if his followers cared anything about topics like that, this could be a teachable moment. Do not let people manhandle your kids and force kisses on them. Please and thank you.
When the Democrats nominated Sniffengroper, I figured that Trump was a sure winner, because all it would have taken was to play Biden*'s sniffing/groping pictures on a loop in the commercials and he would have been unelectable outside of the bluest of terroritories where that sort of perversion is tolerated. I was wrong, because the Republicans didn't play the winning hand, and because the election ended up being stolen.
Brains! Brains! The baby "burden".
From Dickens' Pickwick Papers. Perker is candidate Slumkey's... campaign manager, we would say.
‘Is everything ready?’ said the Honourable Samuel Slumkey to Mr. Perker.
‘Everything, my dear Sir,’ was the little man’s reply.
‘Nothing has been omitted, I hope?’ said the Honourable Samuel Slumkey.
‘Nothing has been left undone, my dear sir-- nothing whatever. There are twenty washed men at the street door for you to shake hands with; and six children in arms that you’re to pat on the head, and inquire the age of; be particular about the children, my dear sir-- it has always a great effect, that sort of thing.’
‘I’ll take care,’ said the Honourable Samuel Slumkey.
‘And, perhaps, my dear Sir,’ said the cautious little man, ‘perhaps if you could-- I don’t mean to say it’s indispensable-- but if you could manage to kiss one of ‘em, it would produce a very great impression on the crowd.’
‘Wouldn’t it have as good an effect if the proposer or seconder did that?’ said the Honourable Samuel Slumkey.
‘Why, I am afraid it wouldn’t,’ replied the agent; ‘if it were done by yourself, my dear Sir, I think it would make you very popular.’
‘Very well,’ said the Honourable Samuel Slumkey, with a resigned air, ‘then it must be done. That’s all.’
‘Arrange the procession,’ cried the twenty committee-men.
Amidst the cheers of the assembled throng, the band, and the constables, and the committee-men, and the voters, and the horsemen, and the carriages, took their places-- each of the two-horse vehicles being closely packed with as many gentlemen as could manage to stand upright in it; and that assigned to Mr. Perker, containing Mr. Pickwick, Mr. Tupman, Mr. Snodgrass, and about half a dozen of the committee besides.
There was a moment of awful suspense as the procession waited for the Honourable Samuel Slumkey to step into his carriage. Suddenly the crowd set up a great cheering.
‘He has come out,’ said little Mr. Perker, greatly excited; the more so as their position did not enable them to see what was going forward.
Another cheer, much louder.
‘He has shaken hands with the men,’ cried the little agent.
Another cheer, far more vehement.
‘He has patted the babies on the head,’ said Mr. Perker, trembling with anxiety.
A roar of applause that rent the air.
‘He has kissed one of ‘em!’ exclaimed the delighted little man.
A second roar.
‘He has kissed another,’ gasped the excited manager.
A third roar.
‘He’s kissing ‘em all!’ screamed the enthusiastic little gentleman, and hailed by the deafening shouts of the multitude, the procession moved on.
He'd have appeared even creepier if he was wearing the mask that his CDC director insists we should all be wearing when in that situation.
Howard said...
Donald Trump is a lesson in consent
At a rally in Wisconsin yesterday, Donald Trump just couldn’t take his eyes off a little girl he deemed “beautiful.” ...
This is how Howard deals with the fact he voted for a corrupt child groping rapist.
He reads media sources that have been caught making up obvious lies. He pushed the Russian collusion hoax for over 4 years himself.
He finds one of these known liars mind reading President Trump and making up a complete bullshit story that they pulled out of their ass.
And Bamn! Howard feels better about himself.
You are such a piece of shit.
"Joey, do you like Turkish prison movies?"
Shame on you, Howard. Repeating lies is still lying and even more serpentine.
Lefty Howard pulls quote from another moron lefty to falsely project onto Trump what Biden has been documented doing for years and years.
Not to mention Biden's own daughter asserts in her diary that Joe showered with her.
Totes normal for Team Pedophile Defender!
Oh, sorry. Thats triggering for Howard.
I meant "minor attracted" convicted child sexual assaulter and sodomizer Joseph Rosenbaum whom the dems, including the Althouse dems, deemed a literal "hero".
Howard was wise not to include a link to his latest projection smear piece.
Wise indeed.
Easy enough to find the video, Howard.
The 2nd child was a boy- just as beautiful: kissed twice. The girl was older- and fine until the kisses bit- I don’t blame her.
Your comment is disingenuous- and Trump isn’t into light touch. Like Biden. The Creep.
Dems only see what they want. Only hear what they want. And cannot debate for sh*t.
Table 6. Attendance to emergency care and deaths by vaccination status among Delta confirmed cases (sequencing and genotyping) in England, 1 February 2021 to 7 June 2021.
unvaccinated 0.0012
< 21 days dose 1 0.0
> 21 days dose 1 0.0013
> 14 days dose 2 0.0067
Deaths by vaccination status, England
Table 3: Weekly age-specific mortality rates by vaccination status for deaths involving COVID-19, per 100,000 people, England, deaths occurring between 2 January 2021 and 24 September 2021
24-Sep-21 Unvaccinated 10-59 0.4
24-Sep-21 Unvaccinated 60-69 8.5
24-Sep-21 Unvaccinated 70-79 12.2
24-Sep-21 Unvaccinated 80+ 40.6
24-Sep-21 Within 21 days of first dose 10-59 :
24-Sep-21 Within 21 days of first dose 60-69 :
24-Sep-21 Within 21 days of first dose 70-79 :
24-Sep-21 Within 21 days of first dose 80+ :
24-Sep-21 21 days or more after first dose 10-59 0.2
24-Sep-21 21 days or more after first dose 60-69 10.4
24-Sep-21 21 days or more after first dose 70-79 13.3
24-Sep-21 21 days or more after first dose 80+ 45.6
24-Sep-21 Second dose 10-59 0.2
24-Sep-21 Second dose 60-69 1.1
24-Sep-21 Second dose 70-79 2.8
24-Sep-21 Second dose 80+ 10
Table 4: Weekly age-specific mortality rates by vaccination status for all deaths, per 100,000 people, England, deaths occurring between 2 January 2021 and 24 September 2021
Age-specific rate per 100,000
24-Sep-21 Unvaccinated 10-59 0.9
24-Sep-21 Unvaccinated 60-69 24.0
24-Sep-21 Unvaccinated 70-79 59.6
24-Sep-21 Unvaccinated 80+ 214.4
24-Sep-21 Within 21 days of first dose 10-59 1.7
24-Sep-21 Within 21 days of first dose 60-69 :
24-Sep-21 Within 21 days of first dose 70-79 :
24-Sep-21 Within 21 days of first dose 80+ :
24-Sep-21 21 days or more after first dose 10-59 2.1
24-Sep-21 21 days or more after first dose 60-69 78.2
24-Sep-21 21 days or more after first dose 70-79 152.9
24-Sep-21 21 days or more after first dose 80+ 381.5
24-Sep-21 Second dose 10-59 2.2
24-Sep-21 Second dose 60-69 12.8
24-Sep-21 Second dose 70-79 37.2
24-Sep-21 Second dose 80+ 157.4
I can't help but think of the late M. Kahil, Saudi cartoonist. He did a cartoon, based on Goya's "Saturn Devouring His Son," with the caption, "What, you've never seen a politician kissing babies before?" The original is a horrifying Saturn chomping into the decapitated body of (presumably) his son. Dem Jooooos. Dogs and pigs, amirite?
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