October 15, 2021

"The U.S. military has sent 'gender and protection advisors' to Fort McCoy... to address gender-specific needs of the nearly 13,000 men, women, boys and girls..."

"Gender advisors for the Department of Defense were created by a 2018 law that mandates the U.S. military to address the gender needs of people and minorities in war and conflict zones.... The Wisconsin State Journal reported in September that some Afghan women at the base had faced harassment by Afghan men, many of them former members of the Afghan military. One Afghan man at the base was charged in federal court for sexually abusing two underage boys, while another is charged with choking and suffocating his wife."


Bill Crawford said...

Workplace violence.

DanTheMan said...

It would seem that Fort McCoy has turned into some sort of trap house.

Doc g said...

can you refer me to the agency specifically tasked to winning wars?

Big Mike said...

One Afghan man at the base was charged in federal court for sexually abusing two underage boys, while another is charged with choking and suffocating his wife.

We used to deal with this via the prison system. Worked just fine.

Achilles said...

The Pentagon is full of traitors.

Sebastian said...

"The U.S. military has sent 'gender and protection advisors' to Fort McCoy"

A sad case of Othering. Respect their culture.

But seriously, why are the Afghans here in the first place? How many were vetted, and how? How many have any claim to our consideration due to specific aid provided? Is anyone even trying to find out?

Spare the Afghans our oppressive orientalist intervention and us the trouble: send them back tout de suite.

p said...

Is it too late to submit proposal to get funding to create TikTok videos instructing proper Halloween costume etiquette?

Kevin said...

Army Major: Sure, I could see you with a penis.

Scott Patton said...

Like laundry soap and cereal marketing.
Social Services, now with Gender!

rhhardin said...

There's an even chance that the advisors will be corrupted and start abusing their own boys and wives.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

I’m from the government and I’m here to help.

tommyesq said...

I am all for trying to curtail harassment, choking, suffocation and sexual abuse. Just not sure how these things fall under the term "gender needs."

Mike Sylwester said...

There are career opportunities for college students who major in gender studies.

Mike Petrik said...

Women are being harassed and children abused, so we respond by sending in gender advisors? Does our government include ANY serious people?

mikee said...

People fleeing from places where their behaviors are acceptable might want to consider what their new homes consider NOT acceptable, especially before committing homosexual child rape and spousal abuse that should land them in jail immediately here. The explanations to the abusers about what is acceptable and what is not permitted could, perhaps, be the job of the advisors, rather than tending to those who are not raping and beating people.

who-knew said...

So now our leaders have decided that it's the job of the military to "to address the gender needs of people and minorities in war and conflict zones." I remember when you could buy bumper stickers that described the job of the military as "Join the Army; travel to exotic, distant lands; meet exciting, unusual people and kill them" The latter seems more directly applicable to the job at hand. If our so-called betters in Congress feel like it's our job to address the gender needs of non=Americans, let them send the Peace Corps. I, for one, do not feel safer now that I know that the Army has supposed soldiers with "gender advisor" as their job description.

mccullough said...

The Best and the Brightest

Quaestor said...

I hope the Afghans pelt them with manure. They have nothing to feel grateful for, Biden destroyed their country, and now he wants to destroy their culture. If they end up despising the United States, assuming they do not do so already, it will only be justly deserved.

Critter said...

Does this make the U.S. military racist? Someone should ask Miley, our foremost expert on woke military views.

Lars Porsena said...

Our military is now focused on deploying gender advisors, studying white rage, searching
for enlisted extremists, and the perils of climate change. Feckless twits from top to bottom.

Howard said...

Pottery Barn Rules: You break it, you pay for it.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

That is the least informative, fact-free “news” article I’ve clicked through on here. Besides recommending “Pediasure” or some other nutritional drink for infants there is no description of what these “gender and protection advisors” do or even why exactly they are there. They mention the very few facts garnered by the writer at least twice, the same wife-choking and two sexual assaults on young boys, but offer no other incidents or stats among the tens of thousands of refugees there. Did the DOD really send dozens of experts to deal with only three incidents? To monitor malnourished children? Of note is the salient fact that the reporter can cite no “advice” from the gender advisors so one is left wondering what the hell they are really doing and saying to these random Afghans Biden brought here instead of bringing home Americans and our SIVs the media have no memory holed.

Anonymous said...


In My day, gender and protection advisors were called MPs.

I had a combat unit, at Ft Hood in the 80's when Castro foisted a bunch of criminals on us as 'refugees'. We had to train for riot control at Ft Chaffee in Arkansas.

Protection advisors then meant helmets, flak jackets, face shields and either 4 foot wooden batons or M-16s with fixed bayonets.

Narayanan said...

do these advisors also need translators? will Taliban provide them?

will the Afghanis to be advised be gender segregated? and taught critical gender theory

how much will be lost between speaker and listener with a mediator to add confusion?

!! YLS can help out!! meet and confer

Temujin said...

Muslim Afghans are being Muslim Afghans, and we've got advisors for that.

madAsHell said...

I thought gender-specific was on the list of banned words!!

Tina Trent said...

Well, at least they weren’t hate crimes.

narciso said...

she came from caci. 'the people who brought you abu ghraib' yet she was promoted up the chain to project manager

Caroline said...

Diversity is our Strength! Diversity is our strength! Diversity is our strength!

Kevin said...

Imagine reading this article while sitting in Taipei.

Kevin said...

I hope the next Republican President removes all people in these positions from the service for lack of need.

Not reassigns. Removes.

There has to be a cost to this bullshit or the Left is going to keep it up.

Gilbert Pinfold said...

And this morning we learned that son #2 was selected at SFAS, and has been invited to qualify as a Green Beret. Makes me wonder if he's doing the right thing given that we have a puddinghead POTUS, but at least he's a year+ from being deployable (or is that deplorable?). It would be nice if the leaders were worth the blood of our younger soldiers...

narciso said...

she has a degree in post colonial studies, remember what happened to captain cook

StoughtonSconnie said...

We've become a Monty Python sketch!

When former Afghan military members (and let's be honest at least some Taliban that are here now) come in contact with the US Army Corps of Gender and Protection, what do you think of our ability to project military force? They probably figure that if they could get about 37 of their own troops together they could take us out from within.

And since they aren't parents going to school board meetings, they'll fly right under the FBI's radar.

BarrySanders20 said...

I was assured by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal just this morning that every Afghan at Ft McCoy was vetted and that claims to the contrary are wrong. It's right there in the story, citing the Biden White House. No explanation of what she means by "vetting" and no skepticism from the journalist because that would be contra to the D talking point. And probably racist.

Pottery Barn Howard thinks the Afghans weren't buggering children or abusing women until we got there -- that we "broke" Afghanistan, which obviously wasn't yet broken, else why would we have to pay for it? The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel writes for people like Pottery Barn Howard who believe what the journalists say.

Lurker21 said...

Saw an article in Commentary bemoaning how Kabul had gone from being frightened and somber under the Taliban to the point where it had film festivals and cultural exchanges and now it was back to the depressing tyranny of the Taliban. But isn't that part of the problem? I like a film festival, and when I was younger I would have loved them, but my parents weren't too keen on things like that. My grandparents a century ago would have wondered why the country was bothering with things like that when they had more important things to worry about, like surviving from year to year. They would have been puzzled or appalled or just wouldn't have noticed.

Afghanistan is probably more like my grandparents' world than like ours, and we shouldn't have tried to force it into the current American mold. John Lukacs wrote an article, "To Hell With Culture" arguing that contemporary America worried too much about cultural frills and not enough about civilizational basics, like food, shelter, and basic security. That is a lesson we didn't learn in the Middle East -- or it seems, at home. Remember the long ago book The Ugly American, or the more highbrow The Quiet American. The Ugly Americans aren't as crass or crude as they once were, but they aren't any more aware of or respectful of cultural differences than they were a half century ago.

Narr said...

Bring the primitives here, devote enormous resources to protecting the primitive gals from the primitive guys.

This country is not worth a shit anymore.

gilbar said...

Doc g said...
can you refer me to the agency specifically tasked to winning wars?

That was called the Department of War
We got rid of it, a LONG time ago... Back when we decided to quit winning wars

Gospace said...

Big Mike said...
One Afghan man at the base was charged in federal court for sexually abusing two underage boys, while another is charged with choking and suffocating his wife.

We used to deal with this via the prison system. Worked just fine.

Actually we used to deal with this via oak trees and rope. Worked just fine- no repeat offenders.

Joe Smith said...

Isn't this all covered under existing criminal law?

My problem with 'thought crimes' is just that...I don't care why a criminal abuses or hurts a person...not my business.

I do care about their actions. Criminal actions are what is addressed under current criminal law.

Quit trying to make everything about race, gender, etc....It's getting really old.

Ice Nine said...

They could probably do with a few animal husbandry advisors, while we're at it.

Michael K said...

Blogger mikee said...

People fleeing from places where their behaviors are acceptable might want to consider what their new homes consider NOT acceptable, especially before committing homosexual child rape and spousal abuse that should land them in jail immediately here.

Looks like a case in which the Afghans should all be sent to Louden county VA where that stuff is normal.

etbass said...

I am reading the auto biography of Omar Bradley, Army group commander in Europe during WWII. He frequently discusses the millions of men in his command. There were no women mentioned at all and he never spoke of gender tending at all. His army won the battles by killing, burning and destroying.

I often wonder if our army today could win the war Bradley fought.

wendybar said...

They should send some troops to Loudon County to protect the kids from getting raped in bathrooms and locker rooms, like the "trans" kid who raped a girl, and her DAD was called a Domestic Terrorist when he tried to see why they weren't doing anything about it at a School board meeting where they arrested him. We live in upside down world. We warned you this would happen...it did....and the progressives covered it up. They sent the "trans" boy to another school, where he raped again. Congratulations!!!

SGT Ted said...

What a stupid law.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

How is this related to mission lethality? Standing by for enlightenment.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I often wonder if our army today could win the war Bradley fought.

Recently re-watched Patton. There is a scene showing that Patton was reading Rommel's book on tank warfare. So I'm going to say no, they couldn't. Too busy learning about white rage.

When I was in ROTC we had to write papers on such subjects as why the Germans lost the Battle of the Bulge (they were desperate and had to counter attack, even though they lacked vital supplies, such as fuel, and planned to resupply by capturing allied supplies, which is a major no no when planning military operations).

Never once was I required to walk around in women's high heels. I did get to rappel though, so there's that.

narciso said...

what happened to afghanistan, deobandism, (wahhabism) is what happened, largely spread by general zia, top of his class at leavenworth,

Anonymous said...

Gilbert Pinfold said...
It would be nice if the leaders were worth the blood of our younger soldiers...

It used to be that our leaders were veterans, and even if they never saw combat, they could relate to soldiers. Gone are those good times.

If I could design our politican system, I'd go 100% Heinlein. The military can't vote, but all voters need to be veterans of national service (having put it out there for their nation, as it were)

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Who're they going to send in after the 'gender and protection advisors' get assaulted?

TreeJoe said...

Just gonna leave these quotes from the article here,

"“We realized that this is a perfect kind of deployment,” said in the statement Sharon Feist, the chief gender advisor for the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command. “What better place to help women and children and different gender needs than at U.S. installations hosting Afghan evacuees.”"

"Such harassment and sexual abuse would be handled by these gender advisors, the military said, with personnel getting victims to safe places and coordinating with law enforcement. "

"Other priorities for the gender advisors include treating chronic child malnourishment. Afghans have previously complained of the Western, often bland food served to them at the base."

Big Mike said...

I often wonder if our army today could win the war Bradley fought.

Man for man today’s soldiers are better trained and better equipped. My generation drafted for Vietnam got just enough training to be decent cannon fodder, and my impression is that the enlisted men of a World War II weren’t trained a lot better. The less said about the M16 issued to us the better. Thankfully the only time I ever had to use an M16 was on the rifle range during Basic Training, because it jammed again and again.

I don’t think today’s generals are much good. If anything today’s generals are worse even than the men who led us during Vietnam — and you know how that war turned out.

gilbar said...

remember how, the Loudoun school admins said...
We have No Records of any Chix With Dicks butt f*cking little girls in our restrooms?
And, I said... That's 'cause They're NOT Keeping Records????

EXCLUSIVE: Loudoun Schools Did Not Record Multiple Alleged Sexual Assaults Over A Period Of Years Despite State Law, Records Show

Loudoun County Public Schools did not record multiple known incidents of alleged sexual assault in schools dating back several years, despite a law that requires statistics about school safety incidents to be reported to the public and which includes provisions holding school superintendents personally liable for violations, a Daily Wire review of public records found.


Iman said...

“ One Afghan man at the base was charged in federal court for sexually abusing two underage boys”

I see Alexander the Great Greek left his mark… and his instruction manual.

tim maguire said...

Maybe fair, maybe not, but if you saw it, you thought of it when you read "military deploys gender advisers".

BUMBLE BEE said...

I had a friend when I went back to college who was a USMC reservist. She was called up for Desert Storm. Scuttlebutt was that the Muslim men were unaccustomed to western women in command positions and didn't treat females at all well. She figured she'd have to shoot some clown. She wound up in Germany.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Here's a rundown... http://www.danielgreenfield.org/2021/10/bidens-evacuation-was-taliban-human.html 80% of population apathetic, our nation in collapse.

Amadeus 48 said...

I guess the military has to deal with what happens when Afghans bring their local customs with them. I don't think those gender and protection counsellors are going to get very far.

Joe Smith said...

'It used to be that our leaders were veterans, and even if they never saw combat, they could relate to soldiers. Gone are those good times.'

It used to be that kings rode into battle with their troops...

'King Henry V of England led his troops into battle and participated in hand-to-hand fighting. King Charles VI of France did not command the French army as he suffered from psychotic illnesses and associated mental incapacity.'

Dave64 said...

Remember when immigrants adopted and adapted to our country? Now the reverse seems to be the way it is.

Quaestor said...

The less said about the M16 issued to us the better.

Perhaps the more said would be better. Current issue M-16s and M-4s are not significantly different from the rifles used in Vietnam, especially the BCG. What is significantly different is the ammunition.

JAORE said...

In the midst of the fluster cluck of the Biden withdrawal the PR started looking too bad to cover up. Leaving our people behind was horrendous and the "they wanted it" (to stay) did not play well.
Leaving our translators and others behind did not play well.
Nor did the dead soldiers and Marines.

What to do, what to do?
Let's drone strike high value targets? Good idea.
Oh, it was an aid worker and his kids? Crap.

Guys we need a win! What can we work with?

Well, we have a crap ton of Afghans surrounding the airport. But they are not vetted.

Screw the vetting, load 'em up. HEY! MSM! Look we moved 120,000 people out. What a success! What a triumph.

So now we have 5,000 in Wisconsin. That leaves 115,000.... where?

Gonna need more gender pros for all the little boys and battered women.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I live in Western Wisconsin. I've been hearing some crazy rumors coming out of McCoy. The most G rated is that they had female MP's guarding the building where unattached Afghan females and children were kept, but after these female guards suffered assaults by male Afghans, they swapped the women out for male guards.
It angers me that we cannot trust the media to tell us the truth.

walter said...

Send in some goats.
Don't tell PETA.

Big Mike said...

@Quaestor, you are plain and simply wrong. The changes from the original M16 to the M16A2 included -- especially important! -- chrome-lining the barrels and the chamber. Can you imagine settling on a strategy of a war of attrition, as SecDef Robert McNamara did, then sending your troops off into a jungle area with barrels prone to rust? Other changes included a redesigned handgrip to support both left and right-handed use, a cleaning kit (again, sending men off to fight in a hot, humid jungle without a the wherewithal to clean their rifles), a faster twist rate in the rifling, a stronger buttstock, a better buffer, a thicker barrel that is less prone to overheating, a redesigned flash suppressor that could better alleviate climb while reducing perceived recoil, and replacing the fully automatic setting with a three-round burst setting. Also, I understand that the 20-round magazine was replaced with a 30-round magazine.

But yes, the ammunition issued to the troops in Vietnam was very poorly matched to the rifle, which led to excessive fouling of the barrel, which couldn't be cleaned because the Army told the troops that if would "never need cleaning."

JPS said...

Gilbert Pinfold:

"And this morning we learned that son #2 was selected at SFAS, and has been invited to qualify as a Green Beret."

Good luck to him, and to all of you who love and care about him. I came into the Army wanting to go that route. Made different choices when the time came, but I've worked with several SF guys over the years and I've been much impressed each time.

MadTownGuy said...

Sounds like Jan Johanson in the 'Lilyhammer'series trying to work with Muslim immigrants to Norway. Clueless ineffectuality.

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