1. Here's how the Washington Post puts it: "A group of people carrying tiki torches outside Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin’s tour bus in Charlottesville on Friday, which caused a stir on social media and led both political parties to blame the other for the stunt, turned out to be organized by the Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump Republican group."
2. Is the Lincoln Project really/still a Republican group?
3. Did the Lincoln Project hope to keep its role secret until after the election and, if so, did it assume that the finger-pointing would hurt Youngkin more than McAuliffe?
4. The candidates and their supporters immediately started blaming each other, and that could be inconclusive — just chaos. I think chaos — with racists in the center of the controversy — would at least shake things up and benefit McAuliffe, who's been failing lately and seeming desperate as polls have shifted toward Youngkin. But that's also a reason to implicate McAuliffe in what would be understood as a false-flag dirty trick.
5. But the Lincoln Project stepped forward and rescued McAuliffe by announcing that it was their dirty trick. And now we have to talk about them. They'd come into disrepute lately, and who knows who they really are now? But how mind-bending for them to take the spotlight in the last weekend before this crucial election! Did they decide on their own that this would be appropriate — a really strained decision — to forefront virulent racism? Or did they consult with McAuliffe? Does campaign finance law forbid them from engaging in that level of coordination?
6. Now that the Lincoln Project has taken responsibility, does that let the candidate they intended to help off the hook? You can't control what your supporters do, and this question parallels whether Trump should be responsible for the openly expressed racism of the original tiki-torch marchers in Charlottesville. But I see that Philip Klein at The National Review is saying "McAuliffe Should Be Held Responsible for Tiki Torch Stunt, Because His Campaign Thinks Candidates Are Responsible for Supporters."
7. Klein raises a very basic question that had occurred to me: Is the Lincoln project telling the truth now? The stunt itself was deceptive, so how do we know this isn't a new form of deception — "taking the heat off of somebody else given the stunt epically backfired"? I would note that there are 5 human beings who are easily identifiable, the demonstrators. Why did they do it? How much were they paid? What were they told? Is anyone talking to them?
8. Klein contends that McAuliffe is responsible even if the Lincoln Project did the whole thing independently because "the McAuliffe campaign pounced":One McAuliffe spokesperson, Christina Freundlich, referenced the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally, and said, "this is who Glenn Youngkin’s supporters are."Another McAuliffe spokesperson, Jen Goodman, claimed the image of the fake Youngkin supporters was “disgusting and disqualifying.”
9. It becomes very easy to take that "disgusting and disqualifying" and aim it back at McAuliffe, and that is how Philip Klein ends his piece. It is "disgusting and disqualifying" to snap up whatever's available to make everything about race, and the McAuliffe campaign showed that instinct. Everybody uses everything that can be used these days, and they often have to work pretty hard to show that things are really about race — that's the Critical Race Theory method. But this thing was blatantly racial.
10. I mean those 5 demonstrators were blatantly racial. The leap was to say "this is who Glenn Youngkin’s supporters are." Those 5 people are (posing as) racists and what it means — in the view of at least one McAuliffe spokesperson — is that all of Youngkin supporters are racists. That readiness to besmirch the entire group — that's the problem. Ironically, it's the methodology of racists.
These men approached @GlennYoungkin’s bus as it pulled up saying what sounded like, “We’re all in for Glenn.” Here they are standing in front of the bus as his campaign event at Guadalajara started.@NBC29 pic.twitter.com/l681ejyBjc
— Elizabeth Holmes (@holmes_reports) October 29, 2021
१४३ टिप्पण्या:
The Lincoln Project is a grift organization, nothing more. They are not Republicans, nor Conservatives. The founders are all of the level that makes you want a shower after just reading about them or seeing them interviewed. Rick Wilson and John Weaver (look them up if needed) are not your average guy on the street. These are lowlifes. Wilson best known for his Confederate flag covered beer coolers, and Weaver best known for picking up young men and offering them political positions for sexual positions.
And there is no way in hell they would pull this stunt without some notification to the McAuliffe Campaign. They would not just do that, at this moment in time. This has all the earmarks of Democratic Groupthink. This is how Democrats view all Conservatives/Republicans, and most especially, the 63 million or so who voted for Trump. We're all just white racists carrying tiki torches, ready to burn things down and string people up. Yep. That's us.
Imagine going through college, elite universities, and coming out with this lack of ability to judge the world around you. Not a doubt in my mind that our corporate media clowns were all in, ready to 'pounce' on this story. Wilson had to blow the story on himself because the people in the photos were identified already as Dem operatives.
I see McAuliffe as a perfect match for the Lincoln Project type of person.
In short, the kind of toxic, criminal sociopaths who would tactically dress in a skirt to facilitate the anal rape of a "girlfriend" while in high school will often grow up to be the kind of toxic sociopaths who form organizations like the Lincoln Project and grift for decades on the fetid trough of DC political dirty tricks money while they fulfill their personal sexual fantasies as a lagniappe. They're so clever while all the others are so dumb they can get away with it. Hee hee.
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
It's not a new problem. According to progressives, this filter can only be applied to people who disagree with them or are not useful to the progress they live to achieve.
Forward. Just pretend you don't see that thing over there you're looking at in horror. That's not much to ask, is it? Is it, comrade?
The yet unasked question is: would the Lincoln Project have done this without the prior knowledge and approval of the McAuliffe campaign? I suspect that they would not have. Will any reporter ask the McAuliffe campaign that question? Again, I think not.
One is a woman and one is a black guy. How’s misogynistic racism work again?
The five people have been identified and at least some are prominent local Democratic activists. There’s no question of Democratic party involvement even if McAuliffe campaign coordination has not been proven (yet—given how quickly their communications team rolled out the racist message, they knew about it).
The Lincoln Project is Republican like Jennifer Rubin is conservative—it’s a pose they find advantage in striking, but there is no real truth to it. In both cases, the WaPo is well aware of this fact. Like the NYT, the WaPo is no longer a newspaper, it is a hate-click bucket shop living off the decaying entrails of its former self.
I've seen some speculation online that it probably was put together by The Lincoln Project because of the incompetence of the stunt. They had a black man as playing a white supremacist!
we Need to Ask People who are Part of the Lincoln Pedophile Project. We Need to ask Chuck
The moment the Democrats need them to take the fall for an embarrassing screwup the Lincoln Project are all too glad to oblige them. I don't think there's a more blatant group of controlled opposition in American politics except they're not even bothering with the opposition.
In general, the Democrats need to get more than 90% of the Black votes. In this particular election, they need to get more than 95%.
That is why the Democrats have to keep making their racism accusations all the time.
I am with Poso. 2021 is kind of lit. None of these efforts to shut down the ability of the right to communicate its message seem to be working.
You have to be pretty stupid to not blame the Mcaullife Campaign.
Leftists are being caught behind every race "event." And the Lincoln project are just leftist statists in it for the grift.
These race events always happen in lefty controlled areas because they know they will blunt the investigations into the "events" that invariably show it was a false flag leftist shithead trying to stir things up.
Democrats are just shitty, explicitly racist, people.
Is nobody going to ask these people to change their name? Or does that kind of thing only works one way?
I mean, is anybody anguished in pain at seeing the name of the country’s most revered American besmirched this way?
What a bunch of hooey.
The North American Man-Boy Lincoln Association claims responsibility for the four “men” and one woman identifying as a man and their shit-for-brains dirty trick?
Smells like Mcdesperation.
This is how the Pedo Project will respond next week:
If Youngkin wins, they will say that he was ahead before the stunt and was going to win anyway. Send us money.
If Youngkin loses, they will say that their stunt saved the campaign. Send us money.
It benefits the left by reminding them of Trump's saying fine people and how much they enjoyed their outrage. That is, it's recalling a fun narrative, like thinking of a book you liked or a movie you liked.
They don't have to believe the narrative, just remember that it was fun to engage. It's a vote for the fiction that they even know is fiction.
In short, it's a commitment to soap opera as public debate.
Now both the left and the right are outraged and enjoying themselves, which is why the story is there. People click on it.
Somebody interested in structure rather than feelings wonders who cares who's standing next to a bus.
The desperation and the complete depravity shown here by the democrat party and their supporters makes it clear where this is going.
The democrat party isn't going to clear 40% in any state in any election with actual real people. There just are not that many terrible people in this country.
And they can only turn in so many "mail-in ballots."
2020 was obvious enough that everyone knows Joe Biden is illegitimate. It is just the dishonest shitheads that are willing to go all in with blocking audits and censorship that support him.
They refuse to give up power because they are terrible people. But nobody will support them because they are terrible people.
This is going to be painful, but in the end glorious.
That pretty well sums up my exposure to this incident.
Fake, but Accurate, taken to an unhealthy extreme.
The Lincoln Project ceased being Republicans when they actively started campaigning for and voting for Progressives. Progressives can have them. The Pedophiles are nuts....Rick Wilson even has a Confederate Flag cooler that he posted a picture of on twitter. Dumbass didn't think before he posted...and he got lambasted for it. This little stunt just proves how Trump broke them. They are irrelevant and the rest of us are laughing at their stupidity. McAuliffe?? Really?? THAT is who these "so called" Conservatives are rooting for?? A Clinton Crony?? Trump broke them.
I just have 2 questions.
How many of the Tiki people were working for the FBI?
And was Youngkin's bus designed by Charles Munger?
The person taking credit for collaborating with Lincoln Project on the tiki torch thing acted like she was surprised about it earlier in the day
How obvious does this kind of agent provocateur stuff have to get before we start wondering what all of those young people of military age using Antifa tactics and weaponry, wearing brand new MAGA hats in apparent coordination with the FBI, were doing on J6?
Given that several of the tiki-torch carriers were asserted to be Democratic staffers or political activists (on Twitter, with side-by-side photos so people could judge for themselves), and at least two of those people reportedly switched their Twitter profiles to private after being identified as tiki-torchers, the answer to #2 seems to be a resounding "no".
Is the protester on the far left in that photo wearing blackface, or would he traditionally be called (actually) Black? Either answer adds a curious layer to the "blatantly racial" implication they were trying to cast.
It certainly appears that those demonstrators reflect who McAuliffe's supporters are.
The tiki people at the original rally probably were fine people, by the way. You'd have to talk to them to discover what they thought but they serve the role of villain in the received story. Whoever they are, they aren't buying the narrative that's being sold, which might be a plus.
If white they're nationalist, it's the idea that if you separate the races then the strife goes away. Schools already have started doing this on campus so that there aren't winners and losers to resent losing all over the place. Compete only with your own kind and you can win. That doesn't sound like hate; it might be but it doesn't sound like it.
Just against the automatic "hateful racism" characterization. Less thoughtful than it has to be. I doubt the traditional redneck kind still exists at all.
I forget the guy's name - Spencer? - shows up in respectable debates here and there. I don't know that he has lots of converts but it's a solution that has clues about what a better solution might look like in that the social dynamics of strife are probably right.
This is all goofy. Look at the "demonstrators"! There is a black guy, a white girl, and a couple of preppy-looking goofs, including the chair of the VA Young Democrats!
This is a cry for attention from the perverts at the Lincoln Project. You are giving it too much thought. Of course the Youngkin campaign wants to pin it on McAuliffe. That is what political campaigns do. McAuliffe was trying to pin "racism" on Youngkin.
This web site claims to have identified the faux youngkin supporters by name. It says that they are not associated with the Lincoln Project, but are associated with the MaCauliffe campaign and/or the VA Democrat party.
“…Irinocally it’s the method of racists.” FINALLY you get to the point!
Just kidding: we needed all that merciless parsing in order to appreciate the point. Or maybe we needed the point to remind us why all the merciless parsing was relevant. What the parsing shows is the theatricality of all these antics. The candidates are onstage 24/7 and fighting to stay in the spotlight and protect their lines while stepping all over the other guy, putting words in his mouth, distracting and upstaging. And their claque is raising hell in the balcony, throwing garbage and starting fist-fights.
Pass the popcorn. The question left for me is, whom does this chaos favor? To whom will the chaos-weary voter turn?
So did the woman in the group identify as a man and if so how does that work with portraying yourself as a white supremacist? I'm so confused. Don't get me started about the black guy..... Um.
Lots of good points here, AA. But ultimately it doesn't really matter who can be pinned with responsibility for the stunt.
Sadly, I think it will bring a few low info voters to McAuliffe, and everyone else will continue to support the person they supported on Thursday. And probably it won't rile up either side enough to make a difference with turning out the base.
Ironically, even getting caught and having most of the discussion surrounding the dirty trick turn negative toward McAuliffe probably will only increase the number of potential low info voters the story will reach.
So in short, it probably worked (not to get McAuliffe the win, necessarily, but as a net plus in votes, even if small).
The stunt may have been organized by the Man-Boy-Lincoln Project, but at least one participant has been positively ID’d as a paid Democrat staffer / activist.
So TMac owns it.
Did you hear about the Rape on Campus. No, not the Rolling Stone story that was a complete fabrication, the one the press covered up for months, the one that led McCauliffe to say “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach."? No, well, as James Hohmann of the WAPO reported "In September, education voters favored McAuliffe by 33 points, but now they tilt toward Youngkin by 9 points."
Terry McCauliffe, the groomer governor. No wonder they need a false flag, including that black 'white supremecist'! They are all lefty political operatives. This isn't meant to be believed, it is meant to drive the media coverage for those 'low information voters' they keep telling us about. I can only assume by 'low information' they mean reporters. Parents obviously now know better.
Very interesting, Professor. I know two of the supposedly easily identifiable names. Why haven't you exposed these fraudsters? Why hasn't Mr. Klein used his journalistic power to do so? Their names are Camden Layton and Colleen Wachenfeld.
This isn't a "stunt." It's a hoax. It's a fraud, and it's a crime. What's interesting is that the grifting, boy-hungry maniacs of The Lincoln Project have no interest in the Colleen Wachenfelds of the world, for obvious reasons. And the young Democrat staffers who perpetrated this hoax have zero connection to GOP politics generally, or The Lincoln Project specifically. So how are they taking "credit" for this?
Could it be because this fraud was designed to appeal to the prejudices and ignorance of white upper-class feminists? Could it be because Klein and Goldberg are abusing their profession to advance a criminal agenda on behalf of a shadowy cabal headed by Soros and Bloomberg?
Inquiring minds want to know, Professor!
Remember that the Lincoln project originally sold itself as restoring decency.
The Lincoln Project is far more deleterious to our political discourse than anyone they purport to be against. They are nothing but ham-handed grifters, and that the Democrats/media keep holding them up as "principled Republicans" (see also Ana Navarro) is laughable.
Appropriate they are taking credit for this; their entire existence is a false flag.
"The Lincoln Project inserts itself into the Virginia gubernatorial race by sending 5 demonstrators with tiki torches to a Glenn Youngkin rally."
Which one is Chuck? I'm guessing the tall one in the middle.
This isn't a "stunt." It's a hoax. It's a fraud, and it's a crime.
It might be a misguided (and pretty stupid) hoax or stunt, but how could it possibly be a crime (aside from a crime of fashion)?
There hasn’t been a right wing false flag operation since the Reichstag Fire.
"... the country’s most revered American besmirched this way?"
Wait, I'm confused. What has Barack Obama got to do with this stunt?
After looking at the pictures of The Lincoln Project activists, I had one pressing question:
Which one is Chuck?
Few probably remember, but there was a mid-80s mini-series (those were such a societal event back then!) called Amerika. For those who don’t remember, it was a Ben Stein response to The Day After and depicted a Soviet dominated USA. Anyway, the CPUSA dorks parades around with Abraham Lincoln banners. When I think of the Lincoln Project, this is what I think of, not some band of happy warrior Republicans. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0092316/mediaviewer/rm2028960512/
McAuliffe also hired corrupt lawyer Marc Elias.
People getting doxxed and names brought up in the comment section here.
Quite an establishment you run here, actively joining cancel culture and online harassment by letting folks post names of people who may or may not be correctly IDed.
Was it a false flag dirty trick? It looks to me that the Lincoln Project clearly meant this as satirical and mocking, but the McAuliffe campaign initially did not get the joke and took it to be real. I mean, the five tiki torchers include a white woman and a black man, which makes the mocking satire rather obvious. That’s why it backfired, the McAuliffe campaign didn’t get the joke. Tag this with “Era of That’s Not Funny.”
Althouse asks good questions, but they are also beside the point.
The Lincoln Project itself is a dirty trick. Terry M himself is a dirty scumbag, working for grifters and a grifter himself. The point of Dem politics is to exploit race for the sake of gaining power and sloshing other people's money around. This episode is just a crude illustration.
But until the Althouses of America, all the nice and reasonable liberal women, decide they've had enough, for good, the Dem shenanigans will continue.
Which of the pudgy white boyz is Chuck?
Mark - these are people who are committing fraud and character assassination in broad daylight. they are not covering their faces ala- Antifa Nazi. We have a right to know who they are and what their history of this type of fraud.
Why the dress code?
The collective left have lies and deceit.
Youngkin has Terry McAuliffe's own words to use against him.
Mark said...People getting doxxed and names brought up in the comment section here.
You don’t seem to have a very good understanding of what doxxing means. Nobody’s been doxxed here. Curious, though, where you’ve placed your outrage. “How dare you criticize those awful people!” Sure you’ll defend them. After all, they’re your awful people and you’re a man of integrity. Once you’re bought, you stay bought.
But the Lincoln Project stepped forward
Before they "stepped forward", people had already identified one of the men as Camden Layton, the Financial Director for Virginia Young Democrats. The Lincoln Project claim allows the media to cover it as a Republican hoax played on a Trump Supporter. It is as bad a lie as Charlottesville and McAuliffe trying to claim the Governor was neither the person in black face or the KKK member in the college photo that identified him. It is sad that the supporters are so willing to lie and hope to attract voters dumb enough to believe the lie.
And then we have in comments the trolls that get excited when perpetrators of racists acts are identified by name and appropriate affiliation. Roaches hate sunlight.
Sean Davis
"Racism in Virginia is such a huge problem and so endemic that Virginia Democrats had to hire a black guy to pretend to be a white supremacist to bring awareness to the problem so Terry McAuliffe could replace the current Democrat who also dressed up like a KKK member."
“2. Is the Lincoln Project really/still a Republican group?”
If they are and have always been Republicans, perhaps the dirty trick was to recruit some Virginia Democratic activists to participate in a stunt that was designed to backfire.
Mark would prefer these activists scurry back under their rocks in anomie after bearing false witness.
It’s how they roll.
If they are actually political operatives, running a false flag political op, their identities SHOULD be revealed.
It's dishonest and stupid to try to conflate revealing their identities from their own social media accounts and with "doxxing." Nobody released their parents' identities and addresses and phone numbers so leftist goons could send rape and death threats to their parents, like they did with Ashley Rae Goldenberg and her family.
And many others.
Lefty Mark, which one was you?
The black dude is sending the message that white people really are superior. To him anyway.
"If they are and have always been Republicans, perhaps the dirty trick was to recruit some Virginia Democratic activists to participate in a stunt that was designed to backfire."
Let's see- they endorsed and actively supported Joe Biden and they have endorsed McAuliffe in this election. I don't care if they call themselves Republicans- they don't support Republican candidates right now. This stunt/hoax wasn't meant to be found out- that is why the hoaxers wore hats and glasses, but they broke cover repeatedly after the first part of the event- it is how they got identified. Like most leftists these days, they turned out to be morons.
The Lincoln Project promises more of the same on its website. I would advise the Youngkin Campaign that the only way to avoid being instantly tarred with such shameful supporters is to adopt the Antifa tactic of punching Nazis. If the only press photos are of Youngkin supporters beating the Nazis or setting them alight with their own tiki torches, no one in the MSM or McCauliffe campaign can pounce.
If Colleen Wachenfeld wanted to portray a Republican woman she should have had an AR-15 slung over her shoulder. ��
In this particular instance, I imagine that the Lincoln Project is a cat's paw doing the bidding of the McAuliffe campaign so as to provide plausible deniability for the latter. Indeed, now I wonder whether or not the Lincoln Project was ever in operation anything other than someone's cat's paw.
To me, the whole thing looked like satire. I would think someone competent wouldn't hire a black man and a woman to pose as white supremacists. It's like having Mr. Moneybags at the Republican convention... everyone knows what is being communicated.
The real issue is the press treated it as real so they Dem operatives ran with it. Dumb move. They deserve the backlash.
People who smear a gubetorial candidate by posing as white nationalists next to the candidate's campaign bus for the very purpose of being photographed cannot legitimately complain about being publicly identified.
Don Segretti, Yale alumnus, called dirty campaign tricks "ratfucking" at Yale, and went to jail for a variation of this (forgery of damaging letters supposedly from Nixon's political opponents) during the Watergate scandal. This nasty sort of thing is why Nixon was known as "Tricky Dick."
Every generation believes at 16 that it has invented sex and at 19 that it has invented political dirty tricks. And then at 30, they discover their successors are reinventing both all over again.
Left Bank of the Charles: "Was it a false flag dirty trick? It looks to me that the Lincoln Project clearly meant this as satirical and mocking, but the McAuliffe campaign initially did not get the joke and took it to be real."
One of your more pathetic and transparent lies.
LLR Chuck's beloved Lincoln Pedophile Project as well as the local media who just happened to be outside when Youngkin was inside the venue along with the McAuliffe campaign along with national dems ALL, without exception, spent 8 hours pushing this hoax as real and composed of actual typical republicans in VA.
It was only AFTER online bloggers identified the pathetic democratical losers that the story changed multiple times.
The dems and the media were hoping this "Friday before the Tuesday Election" hoax would not be crushed by the truth until AFTER the weekend to have full electoral impact.
The local news hacks working with the dems knew it was a lie from the jump and the national media knew it was a lie....the same people demanding you give them censorship power to "stop disinformation".
@Mark, Althouse is a “no civility bullshit” blog.
Dumb Lefty Mark: "People getting doxxed and names brought up in the comment section here."
Can you believe a lefty dared to write that? Just now? In 2021?
But it gets even better...
Dumb Lefty Mark: "Quite an establishment you run here, actively joining cancel culture and online harassment by letting folks post names of people who may or may not be correctly IDed."
These moron democrats/LLR's stood in public, happily so, to perpetrate a political hoax designed to mass influence voters against their political opponent...something you democraticals have been doing at breakneck speed over the years and it was rapidly exposed. So its not doxxing.
You are upset about the lefty/dem/LLR tried and true cancel culture aspect?! It cant be Cancel Culture since no one is calling for anyone to be fired.
You really are dense, arent you? Or, like your democratical ally LLR Chuck, you just dont mind lying and gaslighting around the clock.
If you don't want to be publicly identified, don't engage in publicity stunts.
"2. Is the Lincoln Project really/still a Republican group?"
They were never Republican. They were always former Republicans pretending to still be Republicans trying to help Democrats.
How does holding a tiki torch make you a white supremacist? Aren't tiki torches a Polynesian thing...?
I guess Chuck is still in an alcohol induced coma this morning.
I used to love kaki pants and white shirt when I worked at a office. Is that racist nowadays?
Birches: "The real issue is the press treated it as real so they Dem operatives ran with it. Dumb move. They deserve the backlash."
The dem operatives conceived it and were in on it.
After it all blew up, the dem operatives got the Pro-Pedophilia grifters at The Lincoln Man-Boy Confederacy-Cooler Project to take responsibility after the fact because, lets face it, those pathetic losers like George "The Walrus" Conway, Ric Wilson, Rich Galen, Steve Schmidt et al really cant fall any further and had nothing to lose.
CWJ: "Indeed, now I wonder whether or not the Lincoln Project was ever in operation anything other than someone's cat's paw."
The Lincoln Pedophile Project basically sit by their phones awaiting a call from their far left radical democratical funders or MSNBC.
nazi brown slacks?
It didn't seem like anybody in the media even tried to identify them...but they were ID'd via a crowd-sourced online effort.
A black guy...really? It's an old Dave Chapelle gag.
Lots of rumors that it was the McAuliffe campaign that did it, but when they got caught the Lincoln pedos took the blame to protect Terry from the fallout...
There are so many things to write about this stupid Pet trick. Like:
1) Why does anyone care if "Nazis" real or fake support a candidate? Communists and NAMBLA supporters support the Democrats. Does anyone care? No. Both sides have a "Lunatic fringe" but we're only supposed to get upset at the Republicans "Lunatic fringe". The Democrats NEVER have to disavow. They NEVER get smeared.
2) You could see by the picture, this was as a fake from the very start. A Black "Neo-nazi"? tiki torches? Gee, where were the Hawaiian shirts and sunglasses?
3) Charlottsville, a fake manufactured event, seems to have scared our Power elite, and all the dumbos who follow their party line, to death. Nothing happened at Charlottsville. NO laws were passed, no one outide of that town would've known about it, except the MSM decided to make it a national story. Yet, the Democrat Pols just can't stop talking about it, 4 years later. Biden even said it was his reason for running for POTUS.
4) How can anyone mention the Lincoln project without mentioning that Weaver and Schmidt resigned in disgrace. One molested underage boys, the other knew it and kept silent.
All this is noise, is there any doubt that the crooked Democrats will steal the election? No, the 2020 election proved they can do whatever it takes.
As for the black vote, and the supposed effect of stunts like this. Black consider the Democrats "Their party". They vote 85-94% Democrat, no matter what in election after election. These kinds of stunts have zero effect. No Republican was more "Pro black" than Trump. It made zero difference. No one loves blacks more than George Bush and it made zero differnce. Black folks aren't stupid. They think the Democrats are better for black folks. And that's that.
Everybody is getting this wrong...everybody!
They are not white supremacists or even play-acting white supremacists.
They are "Samoans for Youngkin."
Their slogan is 'Vote for Youngkin. He's (poi)sed.'
Kind of obvious once you think about it...
When I first saw the photo I thought it was Hootie & the Blowfish announcing a Reunion Tour!
"Fake but accurate" when they get caught, like now, or with the Rather fraud, but just "accurate" when they don't get caught.
Since no one else has made these points, I'm going to cut-and-paste two things I posted on Quod Verum* yesterday:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"What impressed me is that the hoaxers couldn't come up with any MAGA hats to wear, to clarify their meaning for the less alert.
(Not everyone remembers that tiki torches are supposed to symbolize Nazi/Fascist/racist.)
It seems none of the fake Nazis knows anyone who would lend them one (or five) MAGA hats, or where they could buy one (or five).
BTW, I'd like to see the receipts for the torches. Were these five [or the four white ones] already impersonating Nazis in Charlottesville four years ago?"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"P.S. I have since seen better pictures of the five hoaxers, and one of them did wear a camouflage cap with 'Trump' on it, so they did manage to find one Trump cap between them. But the label was illegible from any distance, so they're almost as incompetent as I thought. Red MAGA hats would have been even more deceitful, but far more effective, being obvious from a distance. It's fortunate that our enemies are even stupider than they are evil."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
*Quod Verum is the site founded by Thomas Wictor, Saul Montes-Bradley, and some others after they were kicked off Twitter. Saul, who runs the place (I think he owns the servers) runs a tight ship, kicking anti-vaxxers, Qtards, and other conspiracy theorists off if they ignore his warnings. High-quality discussion, no ads. They also have a video 'Beard Blather' every week.
Truly surprised Chuck isn't here to defend his beloved Lincoln Association and their chain of pedophiles here.
Maybe he's still in shock at being found out? I'll bet Meace knows far more about him than the rest of us, poor guy (Meade) and could let us know if he wanted whether one of these idiots who did this stunt was actually Chuck.
I mean, would it surprise anyone at all if it was Chuck there? I fully expect that he was planning on coming here and gloating about how he "saved Virginia from electing a Republican!" only now he might be responsible for Youngkin's win.
Man, wouldn't that be delicious if Chuck's the guy who put Younkin over the top? The only thing better is if Trump was reelected because of something stupid Chuck did... and we all got to admit, Chuck's the perfect man to do something stupid to re-elect Trump!
Sadly, I think Meade has too much integrity to let us know if one of these bozos was in fact Chuck.
Mark isn't upset at the people performing this race-baiting act. He's upset that the perpetrators have been identified.
If the Lincoln Project could recruit VA Dems for this act then of course they are not Republicans. Nor are they Independents.
Why oh why are people easily ID’d as VA Dems involved in this stunt? Couldn’t they enlist anyone less known or more naive? This is the giveaway imho. The rabid people wanted the street cred. Which of them really would want to be known for a Lincoln Project op? I agree it’s a MacAuliffe op, as others have said.
nazi brown slacks?
@BenBrown, no, the slacks are tan (khaki). The brown is a stain that appeared when they discovered that their names, photos, and addresses were going to be posted online.
2) You could see by the picture, this was as a fake from the very start. A Black "Neo-nazi"? tiki torches? Gee, where were the Hawaiian shirts and sunglasses?
Tiki torches, Hawaiian shirts and sunglasses would have made them look like they were expecting a cookout instead of LARPing as Republicans. Maybe Rick Wilson could have let them borrow his Confederate cooler.
Jake from State Farm. Wearing khakis.
They could not find any real Youngkin-supporting rascists so they had to hire some democrats.
To me, when I hear about the Lincoln Project, I think of the Lincoln Battalion / Lincoln Brigade made up of Communist leaning Americans who fought for the Spanish Republicans (aka Communists) in the Spanish Civil War in the 1930’s. I am guessing that the group took that name to garner favor in the US for their side against Franco’s Fascist Nationalists (another use of using Lincoln’s good name in a use of misdirection). Then there was also Nazi Germany supporting Franco’s Nationalists with Stalin’s Soviet Union supporting the Republicans. Not much of a good choice of which side to support in that civil war back then - Fascists or Communists. The losers were the Spanish civilians.
I mean, would it surprise anyone at all if it was Chuck there?
@Vance, he was. He’s the fat guy on the far end with his belly hanging over his belt, and he’s using his cell phone to enter another troll comment on the Althouse blog.
THEY are the dicks dividing America.
Tim McGuire posted this earlier:
"The Lincoln Project is Republican like Jennifer Rubin is conservative—it’s a pose they find advantage in striking, but there is no real truth to it. In both cases, the WaPo is well aware of this fact. Like the NYT, the WaPo is no longer a newspaper, it is a hate-click bucket shop living off the decaying entrails of its former self."
I couldn't agree more. I wish my so-called well-informed friends would stop relying on NYT and WaPo for their "news".
Chuck the Cuck is having a hard time with one, guys- so cut him some slack.
Tim McGuire posted this earlier:
"The Lincoln Project is Republican like Jennifer Rubin is conservative—it’s a pose they find advantage in striking, but there is no real truth to it. In both cases, the WaPo is well aware of this fact. Like the NYT, the WaPo is no longer a newspaper, it is a hate-click bucket shop living off the decaying entrails of its former self."
I couldn't agree more. I wish my so-called well-informed friends would stop relying on NYT and WaPo for their "news".
The Babylon Bee for the win:
The Babylon Bee @TheBabylonBee
"Youngkin Keeps Lincoln Project Away By Holding Rally Within 500 Feet Of A School"
And remember folks, our pro-marxist pro-CRT Biden voter LLR Chuck has been claiming for 6 years that he wants all Trump voters OUT of the republican party so the party can go back to being led by Lincoln Pedophile Project Types!
Of course, as far left democratical himself, LLR Chuck would like that, wouldn't he?
Since they had a woman and a black guy in their lineup, I am outraged that they did not include a Hasidic Jew. I mean aren't the Jews also a part of the Tiki Torch Rainbow Coalition? No Diversity, no Equity, no INCLUSION! How hurtful. I do not feel safe.
This sure looked like it came from the Terry campaign given the actors were VA Democrats staffers. The Lincoln Project angle seems like damage control after the actors were doxxed as Terry supporters. Lincoln is now the dog the left blames when their stunts backfire as epic as this one did. It's not like Lincoln Project has come sort of reputation to maintain.
Lincoln is now your permanent false flag, available 24/7 for all your Democratic strategist emergency needs. Your shit blows up in your face? We'll be there!!!
How does holding a tiki torch make you a white supremacist? Aren't tiki torches a Polynesian thing...?
Well, that's Republicans, y'know, always with that cultural appropriation thing . . . oh, wait.
This current mess is exasperatingly lame. A bunch of transparently Democratic idiots pretend to be macho white supremacists; one is Black, and another is a woman, but they have the regulation tiki torches, so that's all right, then. Then the Lincoln Project claims credit! If you were perhaps reminded by this of the Taliban or Hezbollah or Al-Shabaab or Boko Haram "claiming responsibility" for this or that massacre, you're on the right track.
The only people who cannot plausibly be held guilty for this "disgraceful and disgusting" fiasco are Republicans. The tussle is on now to see which Democratic outfit can claim the prize.
Several of the people in the phot have been identified as Democrat Party activists.
The idea that they did this, and did it without the knowledge and consent of the McAuliffe campaign, is not remotely believable
Ain't no White Supremacist worse than a Black White Supremacist!
Mark said...
People getting doxxed and names brought up in the comment section here.
Quite an establishment you run here, actively joining cancel culture and online harassment by letting folks post names of people who may or may not be correctly IDed.
So, Mark is saying taht anyone who names anyone for any crime / wrong behavior, is a "doxxer"?
And that discussing someone who might have committed crime is evil and wrong?
Well, Mark, I think you're too stupid to be evil
Imagine how confusing this would be if we didn't have the internet to straighten it out for us.
Greg The Class Traitor said...
Well, Mark, I think you're too stupid to be evil
10/30/21, 3:40 PM
Power of and, etc.
Honestly, this amuses me immensely. Not for watching leftists cry when their increasingly shoddy frauds fall apart at first contact, but because they don't know what will happen next. Americans aren't going to say "oh well, McAuliffe won and Berman Jackson says it's okay for the trans to rape my daughters." They'll say, "for justice, we must go to doctrev!"
"This sure looked like it came from the Terry campaign given the actors were VA Democrats staffers."
"The Lincoln Project angle seems like damage control after the actors were doxxed as Terry supporters."
…which shreds any doubt that one could possibly harbor as to whether The Lincoln Project is a Republican entity.
Not surprising that Chuck is AWOL.
Desperate, pathetic they look like a squad of Flounders (may Allah bless his sole). They need propeller hats to complete the outfit.
First, I like the Lincoln Project for a reason that the Trumpist pigs commenting here often cite for their man; they fight.
Today's WSJ OpinionJournal pages feature a section of reader letters in which Trump gets a deserved scolding for his 2020 election lies. And the big color photo is of a magnificent Times Square digital billboard crafted and paid for by The Lincoln Project. They are doing some great stuff. That billboard was a good one. Clearly money well-spent.
[By the way, where was the blog's follow-up to THIS POST about the Trump letter to the Journal's Editorial Board? The Journal did another editorial the very next day. And now, more letters to the editors. This blog sure picked an odd time to give up on that story!]
And of course, the mindless jackasses here who hate me (the feeling is mutual, I assure you) and who think I was part of planning this are out of their minds as usual. I'm a Lincoln Project supporter and donor. I've been in on some large group phone calls, during the 2020 campaign. And that's it. What I know about this event is what I read, like the rest of you.
And I don't understand the outrage. That's not to say that I am surprised at the outrage. As from the Trump fanatics at The Gateway Pundit, or the Youngkin campaign, or this blog's commenters.
I don't see a whole lot of outrage from this blog's author, even though her distaste for The Lincoln Project is usually undisguised. Does anyone think that it was a serious attempt to fool people into believing that some white supremacists (including a young lady and a black man) were appearing for Youngkin? They were reminding everyone about Charlottesville. As they should. For me, there can never be too much of rubbing Trump's nose in "Charlottesville." And there can never be too much of rubbing Youngkin's nose in "Trump." That's it. That's the whole calculation. Is that so difficult? The dressup "white supremacists" at the Youngkin bus rally were saying, "Hey, for Halloween, how about we remember Charlottesville, and what Trump-Youngkin represent?"
And because this blog has the dubious history of falling for "the Charlottesville Hoax" as purported by Scott Adams (and more notoriously by Steve Cortes), I am going to re-post this hyperlink to the brilliant Robert Tracinski column at The Bulwark. Where Tracinski goes through not one weird, vague denial from Trump about his equating "both sides" at Charlottesville, but instead goes through each of the four or five statements from Trump in the aftermath, to show that at a minimum, Trump was clumsy and stupid and idiotic, but moreover insanely blind to the racism that Trump was obviously courting.
Just a quick little self-correction note.
The Times Square digital ad that is featured in today's WSJ letters section was not a product of The Lincoln Project. Sorry. It was the product of Republicans for Voting Rights, affiliated with the Republican Accountability Project. Sympatico with The Lincoln Project in many ways, but legally different.
The Lincoln Project has been involved with some similar Times Square displays. Notably one involving Jared and Ivanka from almost exactly a year ago, wherein Ivanka and Jared promptly threatened litigation. And as with most Trump family litigation threats, it went nowhere. That statute of limitations (one year for most defamation causes of action) may have just run out this week, methinks.
Here's the year-old story:
Pro-marxist pro-CRT Biden voter LLR Chuck: "First, I like the Lincoln Project for a reason that the Trumpist pigs commenting here often cite for their man; they fight."
They like young boys...and they like covering up for guys who like young boys.
And they love democrats.
Its quite easy to see why you adore them.
So, if I put a sign in your front yard, Chuck, advertising for Nambla, took a photo, and sent it to your local paper, you wouldn't have a problem with that, right?
Dick Tuck would have done it better.
And somewhere Richard Nixon is laughing, realizing that "Dick Tuck" now sounds like a very dirty trick indeed.
What's funny to me is that whoever organized this hoax felt the need to stick a black and a woman in there, lest he be accused of racism and sexism in his hiring preferences.
Is Chuck still claiming that Trump's "good people on both sides" were Nazis and Antifa/BLM? They were quite explicitly and obviously (a) people (like me) who wanted to leave Confederate statues up and (b) people who wanted to take them down, where there were in fact good people on both sides.
Whether there were intelligent good people on both sides is another question. People on the "leave them up" side (including Trump) quite correctly predicted that it wouldn't stop with Confederates but would spread to all kinds of admirable people, while the well-intentioned people on the "take them down" side (the ones who didn't want to take down Lincoln or any of the Founding Fathers or Frederick Douglass [!] or Colonel Hegg or the Apatosaurus in front of the Kenosha dinosaur museum) were, at best, terribly naive, at worst, irredeemably stupid.
"Does anyone think that it was a serious attempt to fool people into believing that some white supremacists (including a young lady and a black man) were appearing for Youngkin?"
The McAuliffe campaign certainly hoped so. My guess is so did the Lincoln Project folks, otherwise why would they even bother? This turned into a fiasco for both groups when the absurdity became obvious.
The Lincoln project is republican? Or is it (R)epublican? I can see it as the latter as there are very few republicans in the Republican Party.
I really appreciate what you do here Chuck.
Even Democrats are repelled by you. Somehow you and the Lincoln project make child rapists look good.
You illustrate just what type of person it takes to support the Biden Regime.
Yancey Ward said...
So, if I put a sign in your front yard, Chuck, advertising for Nambla, took a photo, and sent it to your local paper, you wouldn't have a problem with that, right?
You would be trespassing. And if your message was trying to make a serious claim that I was a pedophile, you'd be liable for a defamation claim.
You guys are the hateful fucking morons who have been claiming that outrageous "speech" at school board meetings were free speech. The dressup "white supremacist" protesters at the Youngkin rally weren't on Youngkin's lawn. They made no claims to be speaking for Youngkin. They were making a far more valid public policy point than a parent making a Nazi salute at a school board meeting. Check it out with Ted Cruz and get back to me.
In case you were wondering if LLR Chuck wad going to continue pushing the Charlottesville hoax, the answer is yes!
Yes he is.
Because all the leftists are....which includes Chuck.
Dr Weevil said...
Is Chuck still claiming that Trump's "good people on both sides" were Nazis and Antifa/BLM? They were quite explicitly and obviously (a) people (like me) who wanted to leave Confederate statues up and (b) people who wanted to take them down, where there were in fact good people on both sides.
Dear readers; "Dr. Weevil" is someone who clearly didn't bother to read the Tracinski column at The Bulwark. Even when I gave him the hyperlink. Don't be one of those guys.
Dr. Weevil; Bob Tracinski is one of those people, like you "who wanted to leave the Confederate statues up"! He wrote that at the outset of his column. I am one of those people "who wanted to leave the Confederate statues up.
Your big problem is that you were exactly wrong when you talked about what people "explicitly" believed. We know who got the permit to parade in Charlottesville and how they got it and what they were saying. You should have read Tracinski. The permit was fought for (in court) and ultimately won by a group of absolute, explicit white supremacists with a planned program of white supremacist speakers. Trump didn't know that, or didn't understand it, or didn't care. And you would have known all of that if you had read Tracinski.
Does anyone think that it was a serious attempt to fool people into believing that some white supremacists (including a young lady and a black man) were appearing for Youngkin?
Ostensible Republicans that have proven to be so soft-headed as to believe that their relentless support of Democrats reflects “uh, principles” instead of ludicrous levels of malevolent gullibility are certainly stupid enough to think that this would have been persuasive.
Trump didn't know that, or didn't understand it, or didn't care.
Why on earth should he have cared about permit technicalities? He knew that Confederate statue supporters were there, and he was correct in saying that some of them are good people.
someone who clearly didn't bother to read the Tracinski column at The Bulwark.
Serious Question WHY would Anyone bother to read The Bulwark? I mean other than pedophiles?
Pookie Number 2 said...
Trump didn't know that, or didn't understand it, or didn't care.
Why on earth should he have cared about permit technicalities? He knew that Confederate statue supporters were there, and he was correct in saying that some of them are good people.
Haha. Idiot. You need to know the record better. Trump said that his good people "had a permit."
Here's Trump, as quoted by Tracinski:
"There were people in that rally, and I looked the night before. If you look, they were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. I’m sure in that group there were some bad ones. The following day, it looked like they had some rough, bad people—neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them. But you had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest and very legally protest, because you know—I don’t know if you know, they had a permit."
Yeah. I don't know if you know, Mr. President, sir, who it was who got "the permit." Tracinski then explains:
But what really gives the game away is when Trump insists that the “very fine people” who were there to protest “had a permit.” There was only one protest permit issued that weekend, and it was well documented because there was a court battle over it. That wasn’t for the Friday night’s tiki-torch Nuremberg, which was unannounced, but for the “Unite the Right” rally on Saturday. So were there “fine people on both sides” of the permitted rally? Let’s take a look at which parts of the “right” this rally was supposed to unite. One source describes them as “the alt-right, neo-Confederates, neo-fascists, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and various militias”—in other words, different variations on the theme of white nationalism. If you think that’s an unfair summary, check out the poster for the event and notice that the headline speaker was prominent white nationalist Richard Spencer.
So this was not some kind of big-tent rally for supporters of the monuments that just happened to be hijacked by white nationalists. It was a rally organized specifically by, and for, white nationalists. Which is why the Virginia ACLU had to go to bat for their right to protest.
Jason Kessler was the organizer of the Saturday rally. And if you read his pleadings in the Charlottesville court, he acknowledged that his were "highly controversial views." He was organizing more than a dozen avowedly white supremacist groups. And zero groups which were political moderates focused on the historic integrity and aesthetics of the Confederate monuments. Trump seems to have wrongly thought otherwise. I guess that Trump thought that anyone who had a permit was worthy of his support.
And that is why the details matter here in this debate. And why I just cannot get enough of this fight. I can't think of any two people whom I would be happier to run down, than Scott Adams and Steve Cortes. Well, except Trump.
"They were making a far more valid public policy point than a parent making a Nazi salute at a school board meeting."
What policy point would that be? Seriously, the Lincoln Project has made no secret of their opposition to pretty much any Republican politician anywhere. They dressed up as tiki dudes and stood in front of a Republican politician's campaign bus to be photographed. The politician's opposing campaign immediately posted the photo with a "just disgusting" tag. Occam's razor would suggest they were trying to hurt the Republican candidate with a false flag operation. That they failed is beside the point. They were hoping the photo with caption would go viral before anyone could discover the truth.
Poor stupid Chuck seems to think I should read his links. I gave up on that years ago when I found that none of them ever actually backed up what he was claiming. The poor fool can't make his own arguments honestly and competently, much less support them with others'.
He apparently doesn't know that there were in fact hundreds of non-Nazi pro-statue demonstrators in Charlottesville - at least one Ace of Spades commentator says she was there. The press, of course, suppressed all mention of them. Of course, most of the pro-statue people who had planned to be there canceled their plans when the heard the Nazis were coming: otherwise there would have been tens of thousand of them: should the latter's opinion be ignored?
One simple method of slander is to make a complex question look Manichean - make it look like all the good is one side and all the evil on the other - by (e.g.) pretending that there were no non-Nazi pro-statue people, and no violent thugs on the anti-statue side, like the black-masked thugs with baseball bats the press has so effectively suppressed awareness of.
As I recall, national polls at the time were 2-1 against removing the statues. Even Democrats were only 48-44 in favor: a plurality but not a majority. Independents were 2-1 against, and Republicans were 10-1 against. Are two-thirds of Americans evil Nazis? Hahahaha! Are 44% of Democrats Nazis? That's an easier case to make, what with their wide support for cop-killing and setting fire to government buildings with people inside, as well as statue-smashing, but even so I wouldn't call 44% of Dems Nazis. Unwitting Nazi sympathizers, like Chuck, maybe.
As I recall, there was also a quite visible group of openly armed men who came to Charlottesville to keep the two sides apart. They were covered, but covered as if they were animals in the zoo.
Before the Charlottesville Five with the tiki torches were revealed to be Democrats, the McAuliffe campaign was using them to try to torpedo Youngkin. They specifically called the fake event "disqualifying". They were right, except that the hoax was so vile as to disqualify McAuliffe. If he had any decency, he'd withdraw from the race. Of course, if he had any decency, no one would be doing such vile things for him.
By the way, if the Lincoln Project wants us to believe it was their idea, they're going to have to show some evidence that any of the five had ever met, spoken with, or even e-mailed, any member of the Lincoln Project before. I suspect no such evidence exists, that the Lincoln Project is lying to try to help McAuliffe across the finish-line, and that such lies may well be illegal.
Chris Lopes said...
"They were making a far more valid public policy point than a parent making a Nazi salute at a school board meeting."
What policy point would that be? Seriously, the Lincoln Project has made no secret of their opposition to pretty much any Republican politician anywhere. They dressed up as tiki dudes and stood in front of a Republican politician's campaign bus to be photographed. The politician's opposing campaign immediately posted the photo with a "just disgusting" tag.
Yeah, I wish that the McAuliffe people didn't freak out like that. I'm not a fan. I'm just a Trump hater. And a 'Trump Wannabe' hater. I oppose every Republican who seeks Trump's endorsement. I oppose every Republican who has Trump's endorsement.
As for Republicans in general, I wager that you will NEVER see Lincoln Project opposition to Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Fred Upton, Peter Meijer, John Katko, Mitt Romney or Ben Sasse. Or Brad Raffensperger, Ed McBroom, Aaron van Langeveld or Christopher Krebs. The Lincoln Project is fiercely opposed to a lot of Republicans, because a lot of Republicans won't answer the simple question, "When Donald Trump claims that the 2020 election was stolen, is he right?"
How is it, Chuck, that the Lincoln Project would be in a position to hire democrat operatives?
Haha. Idiot. You need to know the record better. Trump said that his good people "had a permit."
Adorable that someone stupid enough to believe the nonsense that you ingest in your desperate need to pretend that you stand for anything but jealousy is in a position to criticize anyone else’s intelligence, but (I’m typing this slowly so you can follow) the nature of those who obtained the permit does not reflect on every participant.
Pro-marxist pro-CRT Biden voter LLR Chuck's latest lie: "As for Republicans in general, I wager that you will NEVER see Lincoln Project opposition to Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Fred Upton, Peter Meijer, John Katko, Mitt Romney or Ben Sasse. Or Brad Raffensperger, Ed McBroom, Aaron van Langeveld or Christopher Krebs."
"I'm just a Trump hater. And a 'Trump Wannabe' hater."
Yes, we are all very much well aware of your (and the pedophiles at The Lincoln Project) rather unhealthy obsession with Orange the Clown. That doesn't answer what it is they were doing cosplaying as tiki boys in front of the campaign bus. In fact, your statement just gives them a stronger motive to run a false flag operation and you a stronger motive to pretend that's not what they were doing.
And no, the McAuliffe campaign didn't over react. Since some of the cosplayers were Democratic party operatives, it's a safe bet the reaction was as planned as the setup. The only hitch in the plan was that it was executed quite badly.
Dr Weevil: "By the way, if the Lincoln Project wants us to believe it was their idea, they're going to have to show some evidence that any of the five had ever met, spoken with, or even e-mailed, any member of the Lincoln Project before. I suspect no such evidence exists, that the Lincoln Project is lying to try to help McAuliffe across the finish-line, and that such lies may well be illegal."
Correct. The Lincoln Pedophile Project played absolutely no role in this latest democratical/LLR-leftist hoax.
They are just the dolts on the bench called up whenever the dems/LLR-leftists pull their usual crap and are expised so the media can blame a "republican" group.
Ill bet Dan Rather wishes he had a Lincoln Pedophile Project to call on back in 2004 when he and his LLR-leftist allies kied about W's Air National Guard record.
And why would The Lincoln Pedophile Project ever attack Mitt Romney who surrenders to every lefty media type on air in front of live audiences? He's a godsend to the left.
Chuck said...
Just a quick little self-correction note.
The Times Square digital ad that is featured in today's WSJ letters section was not a product of The Lincoln Project. Sorry. It was the product of Republicans for Voting Rights for criminals, non-Americans, and the dead
Who are just as much "Republicans" as "the North American Man Boy Lincoln Project" members are Republican.
Which is to say, not at all
Chuck said...
Yeah, I wish that the McAuliffe people didn't freak out like that.
Well, yes. now that they're caught in their lie, you're upset that they proved they were colluding in the fraud from the very beginning.
Note for the record, Chuck: "wishing" that you hadn't got caught doesn't mark you as a moral person
Original Mike said...
How is it, Chuck, that the Lincoln Project would be in a position to hire democrat operatives?
As a result of donations from people like me. I hope.
Greg The Class Traitor said...
Chuck said...
Yeah, I wish that the McAuliffe people didn't freak out like that.
Well, yes. now that they're caught in their lie, you're upset that they proved they were colluding in the fraud from the very beginning.
Note for the record, Chuck: "wishing" that you hadn't got caught doesn't mark you as a moral person
Okay, I am glad to see this comment. To draw a double line under the point I have been trying to make. Does anybody think that the dressup crew was trying to make people believe that they were in fact white supremacists supporting Youngkin? You folks must have a hard time getting through the day every year on April 1.
They were obviously, clearly, spoofing. With a black guy as one of their featured, cartoon-uniformed, Tiki-torch (all from Bed Bath & Beyond, I presume, but I'll check the Lincoln Project expense account) -wielding "white supremacists."
Just picture for a minute; you're the social chairman at Delta Kappa Epsilon, and you want to have a "Charlottesvile" theme party. Absolutely everybody is going to come dressed looking like our friends in the pictures, right? I'm right. Identical khakis, shirts, hats and torches.
The idea wasn't for anyone to think that they were actual white supremacists. Posing for photos. No, the idea was to get everybody talking about Trump and Charlottesville. And yeah, I think that some of the McAuliffe people were dumb about the way that they let themselves get sucked in. Which proves nothing so much as that there was a total lack of any effective coordination between the Lincoln Project (if indeed they were involved) and the McAuliffe campaign. Which makes it even cleaner, and less involved in any campaign finance regulation.
I'm no fan of McAuliffe, or Biden or any of the Democrats. But I'll vote for them every day of the week and twice on Sundays if it will beat Trump, or any Trumpist candidate.
"I'm just a Trump hater. And a 'Trump Wannabe' hater."
And Youngkin is about as far from a "Trump wannabe" as it's possible to be, but you hate him anyway.
Because what you actually hate is any Republican who actual wants to defeat the Left in any way, on any thing
"As a result of donations from people like me. I hope."
Point missed (purposefully, I assume).
Does anybody think that the dressup crew was trying to make people believe that they were in fact white supremacists supporting Youngkin?
Yes. When we look at the idiotic things you believe as you desperately pretend that you’re not simply a pathetic human being frustrated by your own inadequacies and horribly jealous of Trump, then we have no difficulty imagining that people who share your poor character and limited intellect would consider this persuasive.
Our resident moron ignores that fact (already pointed out to him) that the McAuliffe campaign said that the five clowns "disqualified" Youngkin from the governorship. It was not a spoof or a joke, but a deadly serious (though grossly incompetent) attempt to cheat their way to getting elected.
It's also worth noting that even if five actual Nazis had shown up to support Youngkin, it wouldn't have disqualified him. No one can control who endorses him, and it would be really easy to pay extremists to endorse one's opponent if that were the sort of thing that wins election.
Let me rub in something I've pointed out here several times, that our resident moron probably remembers while pretending not to: Esquire interviewed five racial supremacist leaders in 2008 (link), and were a bit surprised to find that three of the four white supremacists (two Nazis and two Klansmen types) endorsed Obama, while the one black supremacist endorsed McCain. Neither candidate can or should be blamed for what the five racist assholes decided.
Chuck said...
Okay, I am glad to see this comment. To draw a double line under the point I have been trying to make. Does anybody think that the dressup crew was trying to make people believe that they were in fact white supremacists supporting Youngkin?
That is absolutely what they were trying to do. Which is why that's the line the Democrats and the press, but I repeat myself, were pushing, right up to the point where teh people were outed as a bunch of democrat activists.
The fact that those people started taking their Twitter accounts private after they were outed indicates that they were still trying to keep the scam going, even when caught.
It's only after it was clear that their game was up, that they came up with the new moronic story line you're now pushing.
but, thank you for playing. It's nice to see you'll push any lie, no matter how stupid, that your democrat masters tell you to push
Note that one of the demonstrators is black, and one a woman. I had understood that one or perhaps as many as three had been identified as Democrat operatives. Forget whether Chuck was carrying his party card at the time.
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