The challenge is: Define your terms.Virginia Democrat Terry McAuliffe suggests parents concerned about Critical Race Theory are racist, then refuses to define CRT.
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 8, 2021
Here's a local news article about the Virginia gubernatorial debate:
When [10 On Your Side’s Anita] Blanton questioned McAuliffe about CRT, he called it a “dog whistle” that’s dividing people but wouldn’t define what he believes it means.
“Anita, it is not taught here in Virginia,” McAuliffe said.
“But how do you define it?” Blanton pressed.
“Doesn’t matter. It’s not taught here in Virginia. So I’m not going to spend my time. I’m not going to even spend my time because the school board and everyone else says it’s not taught. It’s racist. It’s a dog whistle,” McAuliffe said.
The white man is telling the black woman that it's "racist" to ask the thing that she is asking about. He's on autopilot.
“But if we don’t have a definition, how can we say it’s racist?” Blanton pressed again.
McAulliffe never did define it.
९० टिप्पण्या:
That used to be a philosopher' joke about U Chicago philosophers.
How can any thinking person vote for someone attached to the hip to the Clintons? Even before this cowardly duck of a reasonable request.
It is amazing how the Dems stuck with this guy even after the way he beclowned himself during the 2002 and 2004 elections.
unspoken from McA:
What part of "I know it when I see it" do you not understand?
Don't make me drop a race card on YOU. I have allies. They have money, TV stations, newspapers, and close friends inside the Department of Justice. We're supposed to be on the same team, right? You better get with the program. Don't start to think this is just about skin color. This is about power, sweetheart. You're just a means to an end, when we get right down to it. You have a role. Play it, and you'll live your dream. Kapiche?
He'll know it when he sees it.
Of course, the reason to define your terms is to have some way of adjudicating disputes when others see things differently.
The stink of McAuliffe is only partially offset by the stink of The Clintons that also permeates his proximity.
Blanton also warms my heart and gives me hope actual journalism can break out all over. I hope your sharing this encourages other Blanton types to “ask the pertinent questions.” Too often politicians retreat into jargon and talking points and especially hideous labeling things “racist” so they can avoid the issues. Luckily Terry is not doing well defending the indefensible because he’s a hack.
Serious Question
HOW do we Know that something undefined is not being taught in Virginia?
What IS being taught in Virginia? Can we define THAT?
Terry McAuliffe needs to be cancelled. It's crooked douchebags like him that get counts like Trump elected.
The big Company-D own the inside track on making money off of division and hate based on skin color.
Smart non-racist Americans should reject this racist white left garbage.
“Attorney General Merrick Garland’s daughter is Rebecca Garland. In 2018 Rebecca Garland married Xan Tanner. Mr. Xan Tanner is the current co-founder of a controversial education service company called Panorama Education. Panorama Education is the ‘social learning’ resource material provider to school districts and teachers that teach Critical Race Theory.”
Follow the white left's money making schemes.
we're not teaching Marxism! PERIOD!
(i refuse to define what *i* mean by Marxism, AND refuse to tell you what we ARE teaching)
{if i WAS to define it, it would be TOTALLY different from the Maoism that we ARE teaching}
Here's a definition of CRT from the ABA, supposedly by the person who coined the term:
"[CRT] critiques how the social construction of race and institutionalized racism perpetuate a racial caste system that relegates people of color to the bottom tiers. CRT also recognizes that race intersects with other identities, including sexuality, gender identity, and others.
CRT recognizes that racism is not a bygone relic of the past. Instead, it acknowledges that the legacy of slavery, segregation, and the imposition of second-class citizenship on Black Americans and other people of color continue to permeate the social fabric of this nation."
IOW, it's a series of baseless falsehoods which can be summarized as "white people are bad".
Racism today is like the old joke about the Supreme Court and pornography. I know it when I see it. Which can easily become: I get to say what's approved and what's not.
A good question too would be to ask how this bundler for Bill Clinton got so suddenly rich.
It is entertaining to watch Progressives do their thing, simultaneously exclaiming CRT doesn’t exist while AG Garland threatens parents who are objecting to the fact CRT infests the curriculum in so many schools. His daughter is married to the CEO of Panorama which creates and sells racist and weirdly sexualized “surveys” for primary schools and has a strong financial incentive to keep inflicting this systemic child abuse on government-educated pupils. So watching them lurch from “nothing to see” to “you’re a domestic terrorist” for asking to see our curricula is unsustainable like most of the stupid Progressive schizophrenia.
Worth repeating: when McAuliffe says "It's racist," he's not saying CRT is racist (which it is), he's saying it's racist even to question CRT.
Viewed that way, in calling anything "racist" that doesn't conform to the CRT world view, McAuliffe stumbled upon a damn good encapsulation of CRT.
"Virginia Democrat Terry McAuliffe suggests parents concerned about Critical Race Theory are racist, then refuses to define CRT."
Based on that, it seems like Terry McAuliffe is possibly a LLR as well...........
The universities have developed Critical Race Theory in order to deal with the chronic problem that their Black students, as a group, accomplish less in their studies than other students. Critical Race Theory blames this chronic academic problem almost entirely on the larger society's alleged chronic racial discrimination.
This explanation exonerates the universities administrations, which enroll too many students who cannot and will not read at the university level. Although all such students are not Black, they are disproportionately Black.
Our universities develop many such intellectual explanations. Other such examples are the many justifications for the suppression of free speech. All these explanations are being exported to our larger society.
This is why Critical Race Theory now is being taught in high schools and even in elementary schools.
IOW, it's a series of baseless falsehoods which can be summarized as "white people are bad".
This is the definition I'm going with...
McAuliffe has long been the poster boy for all that is corrupt about American politics. He makes used car salesmen seem like shining knights of moral character by comparison. Just watching him requires a shower afterward. Which is why it's understandable that he was Bill & Hillary's man of choice to raise money for them, open doors for them, and work with them. McAuliffe was behind the Clinton campaign taking money from the Communist Chinese. I know, I know, every Democratic President since has done the same. But once upon a time, this was considered a very serious campaign problem, not to mention, seditious. And while Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie, and Johnny Chung were being investigated for pumping Communist dollars into the Clinton campaign fund, Terry McAuliffe- who arranged it all- got promoted to run the National Democratic Party.
If not for low standards, the Democrats would be without standards at all.
That the State of Virginia elected Terry McAuliffe Governor previously says all you need to know about what goes into getting degrees from high level universities these days. If the Northern Virginia cities and suburbs are so filled with high levels of graduate degrees from esteemed universities, wouldn't you think they'd be able to look and listen to a Terry McAuliffe- or a Ralph Northam for that matter- and make a rational decision that these kind of people should be nowhere near a position of power over the citizens of their state?
McAuliffe cannot answer the interviewers question other than how he has, because he is caught between being honest about what Democrats stand for and will do, and getting elected. He's working to get elected.
The upside of this election is, whoever wins, he can't possibly be more objectionable than Governor "Blackface" Northam.
I'll probably vote against McAuliffe almost entirely based on his opposition to parents having a voice in their children's education, which is absolutely barmy. In the past, he was basically a Clinton Democrat -- kind of sleazy, sure, but not particularly extreme.
The Democrat Party needs to keep getting at least 90% of the Black vote in order to keep winning elections.
That is why Democrat politicians will keep making racism accusations all the time.
He's really not very good at this, and never has been. He was helped *immensely* by the previous GOP governor's legal issues.
VA isn't that reliable a blue state to guarantee election for incompetent hacks like this, which is why he's tied in the polls right now.
Howard said...
Terry McAuliffe needs to be cancelled. It's crooked douchebags like him that get counts like Trump elected.
I think Howard might be on to something. Maybe Trump is really the Count of Monte Cristo who came to save us from the evil Fernand Mondego (Hillary).
In the 80s and 90s on Boston local news there was an investigative reporting segment that exposed the corruption in local politics. Once a week an earnest reporter would identify a government hack in a no-show government job not showing up for work in favor of playing golf, sitting at the bar or filling their car trunk at the New Hampshire state liquor store. Said government hack would agree to an interview with the reporter where said reporter would berate said hack:
Reporter: We caught you on camera ______ when you should have been working. Don't you think that's irresponsible?
Hack: Yes, I suppose so.
Reporter: Don't you owe taxpayers an explanation.
Hack: I suppose so. Someone ought to do something about it. which nobody would do anything except the hack, who would continue doing what they were doing.
This has become the state of society everywhere. It's pointless to continue to point out these atrocities if voters won't demand change.
Perhaps some day blacks will learn to understand they are pawns for the White Left's money making schemes.
An antiracist worldview is composed of three propositions: black is good, white is bad, and America is very bad. Any decent person affirms the first, that black is good. It’s the second and third propositions that cause so much harm and division.
The left's attitude can be distilled.
'We can easily deny and look the other way and ignore all the sleaze and grifting by democrats, because, well, at least they are not Trump.'
Slimey is the word that came to my mind when I watched the clip, not flummoxed.
School boards are just changing the name to 'Equity, Inclusion, etc.' and teaching the same things.
It's semantics.
The song remains the same...
This is the very question that I have wanted to put to the Republicans who have been frothing about Critical Race Theory for months; "You seem to find this notion of CRT to be very offensive; can you define it?"
I know that Terry McAuliffe's answer was unsatisfactory. Particularly, it appears, to Althouse. But it was at least a practical answer; CRT isn't being taught anywhere in Virginia as a matter of any school board policy. It isn't being taught in any K-12 school here in Michigan, either. So why exactly is it such a big deal?
In June, the New Yorker profiled the 36 year-old inventor of the Critical Race Theory National Debate, Christopher Rufo. Including how an appearance on "Tucker Carlson" got Rufo an invitation to the Trump White House the next morning.
More recently, in a longer essay, the New Yorker also published a substantive essay on CRT:
I read them both, with some interest. But also with the nagging concern that overrides any and every moment that I spend on "Critical Race Theory." It was Terry McAuliffe's point; why is this thing that is not being taught, such a big issue?
I live in California and can smell the McAuliffe stink from here. Thoroughly indecent human being which makes him a perfectly good Democrat candidate.
Mike Sylwester said...
This is why Critical Race Theory now is being taught in high schools and even in elementary schools.
Name them. Name the schools -- particularly the elementary schools -- where Critical Race Theory is being taught.
I'd like some links and some listed, specific documentation.
Just drove down the DelMarVa peninsula yesterday. Saw a fair number of Youngkin yard signs, only one McAuliffe.
So far I have seen two campaign ads by McAwful (his nickname in outside the D + infinity counties that ring Washington, DC, after his previous tenure as Governor) that had to be pulled within a day or two because when they detailed what he planned to do in this term they were basically campaign ads for Glenn Youngkin.
McAwful complains that Biden's job performance polls are dragging down his campaign, but really it's the entire Democrat brand, particularly since Biden's inauguration.
The upside of this election is, whoever wins, he can't possibly be more objectionable than Governor "Blackface" Northam.
@Balfegor, don't bet the mortgage on that, my friend. Don't forget that McAwful already spent four years in the Virginia Executive Mansion. He's actually worse than Northam, on vastly more corrupt, but was restrained by Republican control of both houses of the Virginia legislative branch, as Northam has not been restrained.
Terry defines me and everyone else opposed to his ideology as inherently, irredeemably, unconsciously, systemically racist. So why does he think I should follow his supposedly non-racist ideology, rather than oppose him completely? After all, I'm a horrible racist, and THAT WILL NEVER CHANGE, according to him. So I may as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb, and go all out to destroy Terry.
I've been teaching a particular series to high school students and we are delving into truth and logic these last few weeks. One thing I covered was my contention that logic is no longer the standard by which many in America approach understanding. Part of this is that the whole process of understanding is credited to Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, kind of the fathers of Western philosophical reason. And there is the rub. Western. The attack on whiteness includes an attack on Western thought and tradition. Thus when addressing white supremacy, the left is saying western thought, and by extension, the tradition of logic an reason, is inherently racist. That is why you cannot debate with leftists. They reject the whole premise of logic and reason and are left only with feelings. Notice how often they call attempts to address their position with logical analysis to be "violence" against them. If you reject Logic and Reason,, then by what means do you establish Truth? And this is where we find the left. Truth is what they say it is, which works only when you are able to silence the critics; however, eventually "truth" claims come into conflict and there is no mechanism within the leftist philosophical methods to mediate conflicting truth claims. Without a universal standard of evaluation there is no way to resolve conflicts.
I told my teens that Logic is the process by which you marry your beliefs with reality and arrive at truth. I also told them that they will run into people who will reject any effort to use logic to discuss differences in beliefs. And when they encounter such people to walk away since there is no common ground from which to build understanding.
The left does not wish to build understanding. McAuliffe does not need to build understanding, and his voting base does not need him to either.
An intelligent and unscrupulous politician, say Bill Clinton in his prime, would have leaped at the chance to define critical race theory. He could have trotted out any politically useful definition he wanted, regardless of truth, and the press would have endorsed it entirely, just because he has a D after his name. Then he would have used the bogus definition as a shield whenever the issue came up in the future. McAuliffe is unscrupulous, and probably smart in the SAT test sense of intelligence, but he is dumb as a politician. His unforced errors seem to alternate constantly with missed opportunities. But I still think he is going to win, I’m sorry to say.
Progressives are the RACISTS they have been warning you about.
Temujin said, "If not for low standards, the Democrats would be without standards at all."
I respectfully disagree: they would still have their double standard...
Fernandinande, the problem with that "definition" of CRT is that it describes positions or actions that CRT takes, without saying that merely taking those positions and actions is sufficient to be CRT. It's like defining a dog by saying a dog barks and a dog plays fetch: Is that really how we identify a dog? What if an animal does only one of those things?
probably smart in the SAT test sense of intelligence
He never took calculus, or physics. He blusters, and brow-beats. I fail to understand how he can be such a successful politician.
FWIW, the you can see what the woman who McAwful called "racist" here.
If anyone looking at this clip is motivated to donate $5 or $25 (or more!) to McAwful's Republican challenger you can do so here. Just click the big red "Donate" icon.
mikee said...
why does he think I should follow his supposedly non-racist ideology, rather than oppose him completely? After all, I'm a horrible racist, and THAT WILL NEVER CHANGE, according to him. So I may as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb, and go all out to destroy Terry.
In the Immortal words of Buck Dharma; If he really thinks we're the devil. Then let's send him to hell.
Definitions matter. It depends on what "is" is.
Terry is the child of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Fucking Fraud.
“But how do you define it?” Blanton pressed.
He effectively defined it as "anything the school board says they do not teach."
Re: Chuck:
But it was at least a practical answer; CRT isn't being taught anywhere in Virginia as a matter of any school board policy. It isn't being taught in any K-12 school here in Michigan, either. So why exactly is it such a big deal?
It's a good question for the teachers unions and school board officials who are losing their minds over the awful prospect that they might not be able to introduce CRT into the classroom. Clearly, they think it's a huge deal. And frankly, McAuliffe obviously does as well, or he would just say "fine, ban this thing no one is doing anyway if it makes you feel better."
But of course, no one is teaching a fringey legal theory/analytical framework to gradeschoolers. Rather, what both supporters and opponents of "CRT" mean is a dumbed down bastardised version of CRT, in which everything is just White racism and privilege, blah blah blah. Partly that's thanks to Rufo, who successfully tied all the noxious nostrums of modern "antiracism" teaching to the umbrella term of CRT, and partly it's thanks to supporters of those teachings leaning into the punch.
"CRT isn't being taught anywhere in Virginia as a matter of any school board policy. It isn't being taught in any K-12 school here in Michigan, either. So why exactly is it such a big deal?"
Oh, come on. You know the answer. It's been spelled out hundreds of times. Either you're not paying attention or you are playing dumb. People don't have to write out answers to that.
Chuck said...
"[Mike Sylwester said...
This is why Critical Race Theory now is being taught in high schools and even in elementary schools]".
"Name them. Name the schools -- particularly the elementary schools -- where Critical Race Theory is being taught.
I'd like some links and some listed, specific documentation."
Here it is, statewide, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Education: Racial and Ethnic Identity
Excerpt from the first link on the page:
"Fostering critical thinking and respectful relationships
(c) Rick Reinhard
Positive and accurate learning experiences about human differences and similarities help to give children a foundation for resisting incorrect and harmful messages about themselves and others. Preschoolers are ready to begin thinking critically about the accuracy and fairness of the information and images they encounter. They also have the capacity to use their developing empathy to understand that unfair behavior hurts people and can learn respectful ways of interacting with others. Teachers can use the following strategies to promote young children’s development of these understandings and competencies.
Cultivate children’s empathy and ways to deal with the hurt of stereotyping. Read books that depict children experiencing unfair treatment based on their racial identity.
Tell persona doll stories about a discriminatory incident between dolls, engaging children’s empathy and problem-solving skills.
Intentionally plan activities to counter potential overgeneralizations or existing stereotypes in the children’s general environment.
Support children as they demonstrate awareness of stereotyping.
Engage children in group action. It is empowering when we help children take something that is “unfair” into something “fair.” Sometimes this involves addressing personal conflict, helping a child speak up for another child. But it is particularly powerful when children act together.
If we want children to thrive in a diverse world and choose to stand up for themselves and others, then we must choose to help young children make sense out of the confusing and often emotionally charged messages they receive about themselves and others. The commitment to support each child to develop pride and self-confidence and deep connections with others calls on us to foster all children’s healthy racial identity. When we give children language to discuss their identities in an atmosphere of interest and delight, and the tools for addressing the unfairness they will inevitably encounter, then we know we have helped children construct a strong foundation for the next phases of their lives."
"Critical thinking" is a broader concept of which CRT is a subset. Critical theory may be defined as "What are the main ideas of critical theory?
The central argument of critical theory is that all knowledge, even the most scientific or "commonsensical," is historical and broadly political in nature. Critical theorists argue that knowledge is shaped by human interests of different kinds, rather than standing "objectively" independent from these interests." Source: ACM Ubiquity.
Chuck's inane demand is actually the bread and butter response from Democrats that I have seen all over: "There is no need to ban teaching CRT because it is not being taught!"
and then it turns into a word game, since CRT is an amorphous concept. It's like "hate speech." What is hate speech, and why are Democrats never guilty of it? Because "Hate Speech" is another fluid phrase.
It's all Humpty Dumpty from Alice In Wonderland: "The word means what I choose it to mean." The left exploits this to the max.
It is no surprise that Chuck is following in the left's footsteps here by denying that CRT is being taught, because it's a moving target. And of course he does this on purpose, to try to deny, deflect, and paint conservatives and concerned parents as terrorists like his good buddy Merrick Garland and Joe Biden and the national teachers federation, I think it is.
"because the school board and everyone else says it’s not taught."
The bureaucrats have declared that they are not teaching the thing they don't want parents to find out whether they are teaching. You parents and voters should not challenge the bureaucrats. Of course, if you define CRT, people might find that something that meets that definition is being taught but not under the label of CRT.
And did he say that CRT is racist or that saying CRT is taught is racist? That answer is muddled.
I would like those challenging CRT move on to Social Justice simply based on this Thomas Sowell statement
"Social justice is an actual impediment to acquiring human capital" --Thomas Sowell
I watched the video clip. I had a visceral response. McAuliffe accuses his opponents of stirring up racism! You god damn fucker. Sometimes I wish I were a believer, because this man and his ilk deserve to burn in hell.
"Either you're not paying attention or you are playing dumb."
I've come to believe he's a paid propagandist. Post after post after post demonstrate he's not the conservative he claims to be.
Pro-marxist LLR Chuck comes out swinging in favor of marxist indoctrination of our school children......"unexpectedly"!
No more moby-ing assertions of his "true" "principled" "conserving conservatism" from our pro-marxist LLR Chuck.
Which is a good thing. It makes for more coherent commentary.
Vance: "Chuck's inane demand is actually the bread and butter response from Democrats that I have seen all over:"
Every single thing our Lying Liar LLR Chuck has written for the last 6 years is a "bread and butter response from Democrats".
LLR Chuck, in fact, is on the far left of the democratical spectrum.
Even Nancy Pelosi would tell LLR Chuck to calm it down with the leftism.
I propose that the enemy-word of 'understanding' is 'Chuck'.
Chuck doesn't have to play dumb. His dumbness is authentic.
LLR Chuck's strong, passionate endorsement of the openly marxist Senator Warnock is probably making alot more sense now to Althouse readers.
Chuck's defense of CRT and marxist identity politics along with his pushing for completely open borders with zero controls completes the picture fully.
A picture so fully complete even crackhead/underage girl doinking on video Hunter Biden, whom pro-marxist LLR Chuck defends vociferously, could probably do a paint straw rendition of it and sell it to a ChiCom general for a million bucks.
I think we should call it a moebius definition not a circular definition
Critical Race Theory >>> ostensibly means Theory that looks critically at Race and Racism and Racists
aficionados claim of CRT [should Professora be included] it purportedly criticizes Racism (does it really want to do away with Racism in social life?) :
Ergo critics - i.e. they who are objecting - of CRT are Racists :
Ergo accept CRT or you are also Racist
Howard said...
"Terry McAuliffe needs to be cancelled. It's crooked douchebags like him that get counts like Trump elected."
You're not far off.
Links are easy to find. I suspect Chuck knows this, and that that's why he's interposed the qualifier, "as a matter of any school board policy."
Fairfax County: here and here.
Loudoun County: here.
Arlington County: here.
Virginia Beach: here and here.
If white supremacy had penetrated the public schools to the extent that CRT had, it would rightly be denounced as a scandal, and no one would be invoking legalisms as to whether it is actually a matter of "policy."
Chuck is an ever-denier of anything that might hurt his precious democratic party.
Chuck's red herring "name the schools" -
parents everywhere must be lying, right Chuckie(D)? All the concerned parents are all liars unless they proudly support the corrupt democrat party racist agenda.
btw- looks up the book "the hate you give"
this is being forced on Special NEEDS KIDS in local public schools in Denver metro.
Chuck loves the bullshit word games given to him by his corrupt party.
Chuck asked…"But it was at least a practical answer; CRT isn't being taught anywhere in Virginia as a matter of any school board policy. It isn't being taught in any K-12 school here in Michigan, either. So why exactly is it such a big deal?"
Blogger Balfegor responded..."It's a good question for the teachers unions and school board officials who are losing their minds over the awful prospect that they might not be able to introduce CRT into the classroom. Clearly, they think it's a huge deal. And frankly, McAuliffe obviously does as well, or he would just say "fine, ban this thing no one is doing anyway if it makes you feel better." "
Has any democrat anywhere said this; ("fine, ban it")? Not that I'm aware of.
For Chuck, not that he will acknowledge any of this.
There is an Egyptian hieroglyphic inscription that details the first slaving expedition to Nubian lands. The inscription is dated at about 3000 BCE. There may have been earlier expeditions, but this is the first recorded one. The last slave in Egypt was officially freed in 1886, but perhaps there were others who didn't get the word and remained enslaved......I suppose slavery was present at the creation here, but also present at the creation was an opposition to slavery. Slavery was never embedded in our DNA the way it was in Africa. I wonder if CRT teaches about Benin, Dahomey, Ashanti, and the various African kingdoms which flourished for centuries. The wealth and privilege of their ruling class was based on slavery and the most abusive form of misogyny......I get the sense that CRT isolates out the bad things white Europeans did but tactfully avoids all the various forms of oppression and suffering that the non Europeans have inflicted upon the world.
Chuck at 9:25 AM
Name them. Name the schools -- particularly the elementary schools -- where Critical Race Theory is being taught. I'd like some links and some listed, specific documentation.
That's a fair request.
There's a website -- -- that is collecting details about various schools.
I see that so far, though, very little has been collected about pre-college schools.
We will see how the issue develops.
In the meantime, I will try to be more careful about my statements.
“Either you're not paying attention or you are playing dumb.”
I respectfully submit that Chuck isn’t playing.
Lewis Carroll: Through the Looking-Glass
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”
“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”
“The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that's all.”
Today's pertinent example - INCITING A REVOLUTION:
Daily Mail 14:54 EDT, 8 October 2021
Marine top brass claims Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller 'incited a revolution' by criticizing Afghanistan withdrawal on Facebook: Charge sheet is leaked ahead of secretive court-martial
Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller will go to court-martial on October 14 on six charges
He's accused of contempt, conduct unbecoming of an officer, willfully disobeying superior officers, dereliction of duties and failure to obey orders
The charges are over his repeated criticism of the military withdrawal from Afghanistan
He started posting on August 26 and continued until September 26
He was then thrown in the brig at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina
Scheller was released earlier this week after a landslide of public support
Now, the charge sheet reveals how military bosses went through his social media account to back up their case
They say he 'incited a revolution' by calling for changes in leadership
His attorney says it's a bogus claim from the military to make charges stick
"...The charge sheet claims he wrote: 'I reject your system. I plan to change the system' and, 'every generation needs a revolution. It is time for change.'
According to Marine bosses, that amounts to 'prohibited dissident and protest activities, to include advocating for “revolution,” calling for the use of violence in ensuring accountability of senior government leaders and to affect political change, and for advocating for the dismantling of the current political and military system, all in contravention of the laws of the United States.'
Scheller's court-martial is scheduled for October 14."
Chuck at 9:25 AM
Name them. Name the schools -- particularly the elementary schools -- where Critical Race Theory is being taught. I'd like some links and some listed, specific documentation.
Chuck, see the links that Tom T provided at 12:49 PM and that Yancey Ward provided at 1:18 PM.
Althouse look at the links that your readers have supplied.
That is, if you wish to do so.
What garbage. An odd collection of weird, low grade blog posts, Breitbart news and even a Fox link. Not a single thing from a school board or a school. Nothing about actual “Critical Race Theory” being taught in a school. Your readers (and the audiences of the aforementioned outlets) seem to want to jump all over anything that combines the word “critical” with any notion of racial justice, no matter how benign.
What a joke. I urge you to apply Critical Analysis Theory in an examination of the proffered links, and whether they constitute genuine evidence that “Critical Race Theory is being taught in Virginia schools.”
I vividly remember the first time I won a debate with my father- I don't even remember the topic, but when he challenged my position I was ready with three supporting points. When he responded "well, I'd need to think about that", I declared victory and called out "I won- I won the debate!" to my mother in the kitchen. Hope you had as much fun in your debates with your dad.
Merrick Garland sicced the FBI on parents over... nothing! Amazing.
"CRT isn't being taught anywhere in Virginia as a matter of any school board policy. It isn't being taught in any K-12 school here in Michigan, either. So why exactly is it such a big deal?"
Oh, come on. You know the answer. It's been spelled out hundreds of times. Either you're not paying attention or you are playing dumb. People don't have to write out answers to that.
People like Chuck never have to play dumb.
Yancey Ward at 1:18 pm:
Your link to the infamous Christopher Rufo's Tweet is the exact same story as the Loudon County link in Tom T.'s collection of garbage links from 12:49.
So that's it? That's what all of you shit heads have come with, after hours of working on this nonsense? A consulting firm did some seminars with school staff. Not teaching. And Christopher Rufo's big breakthrough is a reciept which is noted in documentation from the Loudon County Public Schools ("LCPS") which includes the phrase (funny; Rufo didn't want to yellow-highlight it), "While LCPS has not adopted C[ritical] R[ace] T[heory]..."
Let us review. The Loudon County Public Schools has not adopted CRT. They aren't actually teaching CRT. You can bet yer sweet Virginia ass that if anybody had spent a minute actually teaching CRT in a Virginia school, that Christopher Rufo would be all over it. What Rufo has turned up are some consulting papers, not curriculum, that talk about "critical" this or that, and some racial justice stuff, and some anti-racist literature.
In other words, some Virginny bullshit.
Glad that I could help guide the discussion today, Althouse.
But I want to get to the really important part, people. The bottom line.
You can support Christopher Rufo, through his Documentary Foundation. A monthly gift in the $5, $10, or $20 tier will get you an impressive array of features including Chris' articles, videos, livestreams, and other content. I like the $20/month tier, because it gives you access to ✓ Everything in previous tiers ✓ Invitations to live events ✓ Annual subscribers Q&A. That is in addition to ✓ The monthly subscribers-only report and the Livestreams!
Because remember kids; ""The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think ‘critical race theory.'"*
Pro-marxist, pro-CRT LLR Chuck: "Althouse look at the links that your readers have supplied."
It was inevitable, and likely gin and tonic induced, that we see the return of Chuck in Full Eddie Haskell Mode.....that is, when he isnt attempting to "drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers" as LLR Chuck proudly and loudly and explicitly stated was his intent at Althouse blog.
Always fun to watch!
As predicted- Chuck denies the evidence he asked to be presented to him, and will no counter-evidence at all.
Chuck is a pathological liar.
Chuck, you make yourself look more ridiculous every single time you post here. That you keep returning to be mocked and humiliated says a lot about you, and none of it complimentary either. Your lies don't work here. I honestly don't know why Althouse lets you comment here- I suspect it is exactly because you are so ridiculous. If it were my blog, I would probably allow you to comment, too, as an object lesson on what a fool looks and sounds like.
The Loudon [sic] County Public Schools has not adopted CRT.
The Virginia county where I reside is adjacent to Loudoun. What is happening there is local news here. And I know that you are mistaken. I do not care whether you know better and are lying to us, or were lied to and foolishly believed the lie. Either way, you are mistaken.
Yancey Ward: "As predicted- Chuck denies the evidence he asked to be presented to him, and will no counter-evidence at all.
Chuck is a pathological liar."
All far left democraticals, like LLR Chuck, are.
What Rufo has turned up are some consulting papers, not curriculum, that talk about "critical" this or that, and some racial justice stuff, and some anti-racist literature.
That's a good point.
Terry McClinton and Chuck are both lying liars who lie.
BRADLEY THOMPSON: A Declaration of War: The Police State Comes to America. “If this moral and political abomination is allowed to stand, the government of the United States will have taken one very large step toward becoming an authoritarian regime.”
Curious how defensive Chuck is to anyone who dare question the radical agenda of the leftwing progressive party called the modern democrat party. His party.
Look at Chuck's deception:
"Because remember kids; ""The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think ‘critical race theory.'"* "
Chuck uses quote marks around something Rufo never said. That's full-on democrat level fraud.
Big Mike said...
The Loudon [sic] County Public Schools has not adopted CRT.
The Virginia county where I reside is adjacent to Loudoun. What is happening there is local news here. And I know that you are mistaken. I do not care whether you know better and are lying to us, or were lied to and foolishly believed the lie. Either way, you are mistaken.
Then just name the courses that are being taught. Name the teachers and administrators who are actually teaching Critical Race Theory. Link us to the local news stories that show it. I might not have pursued this argument, but Althouse's snarky and factless reply at 11:06 yesterday morning inspired me to pin all of this down.
He's tool. But the more interesting thing to me is how I read (misread) your headline.
I first thought you'd left out a word:
"Terry McAuliffe is flummoxed by the question my father used to defeat me in arguments when I was a teenager."
should've been
"Terry McAuliffe is flummoxed by the question my father used to defeat me with in arguments when I was a teenager."
Of course some would write that, correctly, but not conversationally, as
"Terry McAuliffe is flummoxed by the question with which my father defeated me in arguments when I was a teenager."
I just find that interesting. OK, back to Spelling Bee (my obsession I must blame you for!)
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