October 31, 2021

"Southwest Airlines is conducting an internal investigation after one of its pilots reportedly said a phrase used in right-wing circles as a stand-in for swearing at President Biden over the plane’s public address system..."

"The airline faced turbulence on social media over the weekend after an Associated Press journalist was on a flight from Houston to Albuquerque on Friday when she heard the pilot use the phrase 'let’s go Brandon,' writing that it brought on 'audible gasps from some passengers.' Audio of the pilot’s greeting, which The Washington Post could not independently verify, was separately circulating widely on social media. 'Southwest does not condone Employees sharing their personal political opinions while on the job serving our Customers, especially when comments are divisive and offensive,' the Texas-based airline said in a statement to The Washington Post on Sunday."

How can anyone qualified to be trusted with the lives of people who willingly strap themselves into seats inside an inescapable tube in the sky imagine that he can impose any sort of political statement on them, let alone a partisan taunt? 

It's such a failure of judgment! It's one thing for ordinary citizens to think they're smart or cute or gutsy or whatever to say "Let's go Brandon," but do it on your own time, not to captive listeners who are dependent on you. What jackasses people have come to be!


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Brian said...

No messing around in the air. Bright line rule.

I saw that to, and it's just a signal of the cognitive dissonance. This must be punished!

There is no rule in the FAA regs (FARs) that covers any such speech between the pilot and passengers. The FAA could try to use the "careless and reckless" provision (FAR 91.13), but good luck with that.

The genius of "Let's go Brandon" is with its veneer of deniability. I expect this "investigation" is going to go nowhere, and that we will hear of more "Let's go Brandon" chants in other contexts.

It's powerful. And the more the left tries to make it an outrage the funnier it will become and the more it will be used. Ridicule is man's most potent weapon and it's a good tactic that your people enjoy.

Next, I expect some brainiac in the political establishment to try and get "Let's go Biden" chants into play as a counter, which will be even more hilarious. And fail even more spectacularly.

The "Emperor Has No Clothes" is a fable precisely because it is part of human nature to ignore reality. But once the veil is lifted you can't ignore it.

Biden is done. Scott Adams says by January. Seems like a good timetable to me.

Yancey Ward said...

"If you're pissed off because of something someone said, sang, wrote, or filmed, then the Constitution is doing it's job and someone from your side can fire back and anger your opponents."

And that someone was the Southwest Airlines pilot.

ThatsGoingToLeaveA said...

Replying to myself because I am still laughing about how worked up peple get over this euphamism:

Perhaps we can now use "Let's go Southwest" as a euphamism to mock the left for getting upsept at some for using "Let's go Brandon" to mock the media's blackout of hordes of "deplorables" for chanting disrepect to POTUS in public.

Tina Trent said...

A lot of commercial pilots are ex-military. So they had the unique experience of being pumped full of experimental vaccines, many of which were quietly shut down due to side effects and worse, and they and their families watched the government coverup of this vaccine debacle. That might explain their resistance. And attitude.

I think all the facts aren’t in on this one, but if the only person who reacted was a reporter who just happened to be writing a story about the punchline and then tried to rush the cabin, which HAS been confirmed, then she was the only person who endangered that flight. At minimum she should be put on a no-fly list.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Chuck said...
I'm glad that practically none corporations and governmental entities who are mandating vaccines are falling for the stupid excuse "I already had COVID." It's not a valid excuse; it's never been a valid excuse. Who says you had COVID? How are you going to prove it?

Ok, so now Chuck is a "Covid denier", who says that all the test results, all the "X million Americans have had Covid" claims are utter BS.

Which means, of course, that all the claims that "X hundred thousand people ahve died of Covid" claims are also BS.

Because you can't prove that any of them have had Covid.

Of course, Chuck being the idiot he is, he's missed out on the flip side of this:
If you can't prove that all those people were infected by / killed by Covid, you can't possibly claim that Covid is actually a "public health crisis".

Because, so far as Chuck knows, no one in America has actually had it.

That's some amazing desperation and flop sweat your'e showing, Chuck

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Joe T. said...
"We all got BLM'd ad nauseam last year by almost every large every commercial entity in the country."

What a load of horseshit. You can go to Fox, talk radio, or a number of other sources for blowback against that. The idea, at this point, that you have nowhere else to go for refuge is just not plausible.

And you can go to a vast number of places for refuge against Let's Go Brandon.

So STFU about it, and go hide in one of your bubbles.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

ThatsGoingToLeaveA said...
We can't defeat the evolution of language and word play. Get over it.

Congratulations Brandon!
Brandon is the best!
Go Brandon Go!
Remember Brandon!
Long live the Brandon!

Bingo. I read about a week ago that teh Canadian Gov't had announced that any Canadian Civil Servant who uttered "Let's Go Brandon" would be immediately fired.

My first thought was "what a bunch of stupid chumps."

"I like Brandon"
"Let's Get Brandon and Go"

The variations are endless.

FJB, and F his corporate and media enablers. That's the message. If you don't like that message, you should have spent the last 5 years driving out of public life every single person who said "F Trump", or any variation of it, in public.

You didn't, and so you created new rules of "civility". Enjoy.

And if you're not enjoying, then the next time the Left tries to change any rules, you jump down their throats in full attack mode a say "don't do that." And fight them until they stop.

Because there are no patents of nobility in America. if anyone gets away with it, then everyone gets to get away with it

walter said...

Greg The Class Traitor said...Of course, ---- being the idiot he is, he's missed out on the flip side of this:
If you can't prove that all those people were infected by / killed by Covid, you can't possibly claim that Covid is actually a "public health crisis".
Kinda poses problems for shot efficacy determination too.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Chuck said..."I'm glad that practically none corporations and governmental entities who are mandating vaccines are falling for the stupid excuse "I already had COVID." It's not a valid excuse; it's never been a valid excuse. Who says you had COVID? How are you going to prove it? Even if you had medical records showing it, it doesn't matter. What sort of immunity you might have in your own individual case as a result of previous exposure is not solid data for purposes of public health measure."

My positive covid test is in my medical records (right next to the record of my vaccination). And the data (not to mention common sense) is that natural immunity is better than the vaccines, the performance of which is looking worse and worse as the data comes in (I wish it weren't true, but it is).

Kevin said...

People would really have been riled up if they knew the "Let's go Brandon" comment was made while the pilot performed the Tomahawk Chop, indicating the direction they needed to fly.

walter said...

It's illustrative how easily supposed CNN analyst, Harvard Prof and Obama era DHS employ Juliette Kayyem interprets this as a sign of anger management issues and/or substance abuse while another CNNite Asha Rappanga stretches to compare to terrorism.

Static Ping said...

Yet another example of the media making up a story for that yummy, yummy outrage clickbait, because real journalism requires actual work and talent and knowledge and many other things they do not possess. They do have plenty of mental illness though. Got that in spades.

The basic rule of thumb at this point is if the mainstream media reports something and they do not have actual proof presented immediately, they are either lying or taking it so far out of context that lying would be an improvement. If they have actual proof, it is about 75/25 that they still got the story wrong, probably horribly wrong. Stop giving these people the benefit of the doubt. This is an abusive relationship and at some point you have to admit they are not going to change and disengage. There is no added value.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Um, what Greg The Class Traitor just said, four hours ago. "Fox" and "talk radio" are the Left's bugaboos, every time anyone mentions that mainstream TV, print media, social media, NPR, Hollywood, and, increasingly, large corporations are all on one side. Apparently the idea that they don't yet control literally every means of discourse is too painful to bear.

I like the idea that there are places that admit "Let's Go, Brandon." Chuck is momentarily flummoxed by the suggestion that a kid named Brandon wanting a bone-marrow transplant was on the SWA flight, and that the pilot was aware of this. He thinks the pilot should make a forced apology anyway, because his shout-out to the kid might have been misinterpreted. I say, sod off already. There is no reason at all to punish the pilot for doing what anyone can see was a virtuous action. OTOH, there is every reason to take action against the AP reporter who tried to break into the cabin.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...


I'll take ten that have died of covid after being fully vaccinated, thank you. There are plenty of them, shouldn't be too hard to find them.

The vaccines are almost useless - even the vaunted "less severe covid" metric is mostly from modeling, not from real life data. And if you map Delta occurrence vs vaccination rate, you'll note there is no correlation between higher vaccination rates and lower covid rates. In fact, in many countries higher vaccination rates are positively correlated to higher covid rates.

But yeah, force everyone to get the jab. Fascist pig.

Birches said...

There's a recording. Sounds like the pilot said let's go Braves and the woman heard let's go Brandon.

On a flight to Houston, yes there would be some gasps. But not because of Political Outrage!

Jason said...

Remember that scene in "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" when the main character, Thomas, a doctor, has already been demoted from surgeon to general practicioner because he wrote an op-ed the Communist Party didn't like? And they sent a party official to see him again, subtly threatening his livelihood, and appealing to his better nature to sign the retraction they had written out for him?

Thomas crumples up the letter and tosses it in the commie's hat.

They've already confiscated his passport so he can't leave the country.

Next scene, he's demoted to window washer.

Now the left is looking to intimidate and destroy another regular guy - not even a public employee - for saying something somebody didn't like. Pour encourage les autres.

And so it goes.

Jason said...

Feckingaright: You've just revealed that you are down with "cancel culture".

Honestly, she revealed that long ago, during the Memories Pizza thing.

She actually encouraged more Christians to speak out so the Pink Mafia could cancel and destroy even more of them.

Leora said...

Maybe someone following the example of football players who were lauded as heroes for kneeling during the national anthem at televised games might get the idea that such behavior is acceptable.

Big Mike said...

IMHO Althouse will look very silly if it turns out that the pilot did not actually say the word "Brandon." Seems strange that she would hold off on posting about the rape of a teenaged girl by a boy who entered a girls' restroom wearing a skirt so that she could get the entire story, yet she rushed to judgement on this story.

Just sayin'

Chuck said...

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Bingo. I read about a week ago that teh Canadian Gov't had announced that any Canadian Civil Servant who uttered "Let's Go Brandon" would be immediately fired.

Where did you read that? I really want to know where you read that.

It's fake:

You pathetic, credulous shithead. You wasted my time, to have to point out to the rest of these readers what a lying idiot you are.

cyrus83 said...

Politicized medicine is currently being imposed on millions of citizens in a manner that shatters pretty much any boundary between politics and personal life, why would it be any surprise that political statements like this get made as a result? If the pilot is going to be fired in a few weeks anyway because he does not agree with the medical opinion of Dr. Joe Biden, or his fellow MDs in the senior management of Southwest, he has absolutely no reason to hide his disdain. What are they going to do, fire him twice?

You are going to see a lot more people acting like jackasses because the government is violating one of the most fundamental aspects of personal liberty, the right to choose what you will or will not put into your body. For anyone who felt forced into it, about the only form of protest they have is taking it out on either the public that did not stand up for their rights or their employers who likewise failed in that regard.

For some, that may lead to Marvin Heemeyer copycats. Others will quit their jobs and not care that what they used to do no longer gets done. Others will be demotivated grumps at work, doing just enough to stay employed but no longer as productive. Expect customer service to be crappy, lots of employees to no longer care, and the highly complex economy to continue breaking down through retirements, work slowdowns, and inability to hire.

Basic reminder from human psychology - you can threaten someone and get them to do what you want, but the relationship will never be what it was before that threat was issued, even if the one making the threat later backs down or tries to make it up with money or benefits.

Lee Moore said...

I'm sympathetic to Althouse's call to keep politics out of the flying experience, but my feeling is that one pilot saying "Let's Go Brandon" is rather motey compared to the more beamy wall to wall CNN throughout the airport.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Chuck said...
Greg The Class Traitor said...
Me: Bingo. I read about a week ago that the Canadian Gov't had announced that any Canadian Civil Servant who uttered "Let's Go Brandon" would be immediately fired.

Where did you read that? I really want to know where you read that.

It's fake:

You pathetic, credulous shithead. You wasted my time, to have to point out to the rest of these readers what a lying idiot you are.

1: The pathetic, credulous shithead who swore that the NASB memo had nothing to do with Garland going after parents, and that the Democrat tiki torchers weren't trying to pretend to actually be Youngkin supporters, is not complaining about someone else getting something wrong?

Look in a mirror, Chuck

2: I didn't say it was true, I said I'd read it somewhere. I'm actually pretty clear in my writing and speech, Chuck. When I believe something to be true, I say that ("the Canadian gov't is corrupt"). When I don't know if it's true, but don't know it's false, I say that ("I read that ...")

And the point of my comment, which was that "Brandon banning won't do you any good, because people can always get around it, and banning it just makes us want to do it more), is still true.

Because, Chuck, unlike you I'm not actually a pathetic, credulous shithead who spends his life with his head up his backside

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