২৪ অক্টোবর, ২০২১

Do it for Terry.

"McAuliffe Needs Passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill—Now/If House progressives drop their opposition, Biden will sign it quickly. That may save the Virginia governorship for the Democrats" (Washington Monthly).
To help salvage McAuliffe’s chances against the private equity executive Youngkin—whom [sic] polls show is running an uncomfortably close race—Virginia Senator Mark Warner has floated the idea of re-upping the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill (the “BIF”) passed by the Senate this summer but yet to clear the House. Right now, it’s being held hostage by progressives who insist that its passage be linked to the much bigger Build Back Better Act—a move the White House has blessed. Decoupling the BIF would be a Hail Mary move, but McAuliffe’s situation is dire enough that it might be worth trying again. If liberals drop their objections, the BIF has enough bipartisan support to pass the House easily.
As much as McAuliffe has tried to distance himself from Biden, the Virginia governor’s race has become a referendum on the president’s performance as well as that of all Democrats....

The bipartisan infrastructure bill, however, is already a win. It sailed through the Senate 69–30 in early August (including with a yes from Minority Leader Mitch McConnell), and has the support of business groups such as the Business Roundtable and the Chamber of Commerce. Assuming this support hasn’t evaporated, final passage of the bill would give McAuliffe something to tout, which he knows he very much needs....

A speedy vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill would not only help the 64-year-old former chair of the Democratic National Committee; it would help all Democrats.... Unlinking the bills would signal to voters that Democrats in Washington have faith in each other....

৩৩টি মন্তব্য:

rehajm বলেছেন...

What a contrived argument. On par with linking the animal lovers with climate change cow farts.

rehajm বলেছেন...

Inflation is rising and if the Fed starts to do something about it about the third of the budget will be going to debt service.

Catastrophic things start to happen when that happens. As insurance I would suggest subsistence farming as a hobby…

rehajm বলেছেন...

Good job not talking about the school rapes and indoctrination, though…

rhhardin বলেছেন...

whom polls show is running an uncomfortably close race


wendybar বলেছেন...

Nothing is going to help the lying Clinton crony. Why do progressives like to be lied to so much?? This guy hates you, hates your kids, and wants to control them over you. Anybody who would vote for that IS voting for FASCISM and Dictatorship. When the government owns your kids...watch out. It isn't a good thing.

gilbar বলেছেন...

so, let me see, if i've got this straight?

The Thing (THE Thing) that could possibly help (could Possibly SAVE) the democrats...
If supporting a BIPARTISAN bill? And forsaking the radical Marxist edge of the party??

That is; The ONLY Thing, that could possibly SAVE the democrats... is uniting the country,
on common grounds... Unity ??? The Thing (THE Thing) that Biden ran on?
That thing?

Steven বলেছেন...

The progressives holding the infrastructure bill "hostage" has never made any sense (it's like an eight-year-old saying, "I won't eat my ice cream cone unless you give me two more! It's a compromise because I wanted four more!"), so now they need to be rescued from their own folly.

And so Washington Monthly is riding to their rescue, with a "Think of Terry!" framing that transforms surrendering an untenable position into a noble, altruistic sacrifice for the greater (Democratic Party) good.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

I count seven appearances of the word “bipartisan,” including one claim that the bipartisan bill has bipartisan support.

What are they trying to imply?

mezzrow বলেছেন...

Yet - from the same writer, we also see the problems of being a moderate in the Democratic party. See her previous piece on Ron Kind and why he's getting out. Here's the key line for me in this:

"If the Democrats don’t trust each other, why should voters trust the Democrats?"

There is more that is unsaid than said in this piece.

Temujin বলেছেন...

The bill that the Senate would have passed in August is not the same abomination the Dems are trying to shove up the rectum of America. As expected, this one is full of so much crap that a lake-full of Metamucil will not clear us up for generations.

Good thing "Washington Monthly" is only read by those already voting Democrat no matter who or what is on the ticket. As for the back-handed slur on 'private equity money', I guess it's OK to take money from the Communist Chinese than it is from US citizens, per Terry McAuliffe's history.

gilbar বলেছেন...

wendybar said...
Nothing is going to help the lying Clinton crony.

unfortunately, he's pretty much a shoe in

My Prediction
Election night, Democrats will find out, that they are behind XX thousand votes..
By the Next Morning, Democrats, will have 'found' another XX thousand votes
By the end of that day; DEMOCRATS WIN IN A LANDSLIDE! MANDATE!!!

Michael বলেছেন...

Amongst the sleazy characters in the orbit of Clintonworld, you'd be hard pressed to name one sleazier than McAuliffe. Well, maybe Podesta.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

"Bipartisan" and "Non-partisan" = all the democrats approve, so shut up.

Oh Yea বলেছেন...

The real story is that the Democrats fear if they don't pass their goody packages before McAuliffe’s looses, that Sinema and Manchin won't be the only Democrats running away from the these bills.

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

Enough about the candidates wants. Do the voters want to be debt enslaved for generations? C'mon man. Buying votes with taxpayer's money? FJB.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Do it for Terry traditionally requires Terry to be dead.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...


nice catch

will add a "[sic]"

MikeR বলেছেন...

A big part of fixing this country is getting rid of bills that contain all kinds of garbage that everyone has to vote for because someone added it.

Howard বলেছেন...

The desperate hail Mary's for Terry show how the Hillary DNC is bitterly clinging to power.

He must be defeated to save progressive Libtardia

wendybar বলেছেন...

gilbar said:
My Prediction
Election night, Democrats will find out, that they are behind XX thousand votes..
By the Next Morning, Democrats, will have 'found' another XX thousand votes
By the end of that day; DEMOCRATS WIN IN A LANDSLIDE! MANDATE!!!

10/24/21, 7:21 AM

Ding ding ding!!! It worked in 2020, so we know it is going to be done again and again and again. When you have the Pravda media in your corner..you don't have to worry about the masses hearing the truth.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

Won't you please give.

Without your help now, little Terry might never be governor again.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

A speedy vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill would not only help the 64-year-old former chair of the Democratic National Committee; it would help all Democrats.... Unlinking the bills would signal to voters that Democrats in Washington have faith in each other....

"Appeal to bathos," right? Democrats are asked not just to feel sorry for the sleazy millionaire McAuliffe but also for themselves.

I've been skeptical of the "crony capitalism" label, but it seems to fit McAuliffe: he made a fortune exploiting the connections between politics and business.

Bender বলেছেন...

My Prediction
Election night, Democrats will find out, that they are behind XX thousand votes..
By the Next Morning, Democrats, will have 'found' another XX thousand votes

Traditionally, Fairfax County has lagged in reporting. More than once, they have "discovered" a box or two of ballots the next morning.

Eric বলেছেন...

I'm tempted to think that the internal polling must be awful, but it's more likely that the Washington Monthly doesn't have a clue.

cfkane1701 বলেছেন...

The "BIF." Ironic that it's named after (as Jerry Seinfeld said) the "biggest loser in American Literature."

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

Pass the bill or we'll shoot this dog.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

I didn't realize that the real prize in all this was the Virginia governor's office. $1.5 trillion for that! Well, slap me silly and call me Doris, as I once heard David Feherty say.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

Some politicians can rock the first name thing. I guess Olympia Snow could. There's a lot of snow in Maine, but not much more than one Olympia. "Jeb!" couldn't, and neither can "Terry." Using the first name in posters and ads implies voter affection for the politician, and that's something McAuliffe can't count on.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Cracks me up...Terry keeps trying to tie Youngkin to Trump.

He is about as far from Trump personality-wise as it's possible to be.

Liberals are delusional...

Bunkypotatohead বলেছেন...

Wasn't there a South Park episode like that?

1. Biden signs spending bill.
2. ?????
3. McCauliffe re-elected VA governor.

Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

Terry is the white male representative of the patriarchy who pushed aside multiple black and female candidates int order to run for Governor again.

True progressives want to see him lose, as punishment for his sins

Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

Steven said... The progressives holding the infrastructure bill "hostage" has never made any sense (it's like an eight-year-old saying, "I won't eat my ice cream cone unless you give me two more! It's a compromise because I wanted four more!"), so now they need to be rescued from their own folly.


The "infrastructure bill" is a "moderate" bill negotiated by "moderates".

if the progressives let it pass without getting their things passed, then they will have established that the "moderates" run the Party, and the progressives are nothing but window dressing.

Now, the reality of the situation Is that the progressives are nothing but window dressing. And the reason for that is because America is not a "progressive' country, and the American people don't want what they have to sell.

But they're not willing to accept that, because "everyone I know is a progressive!"

This goes back to McArdle pointing out that only 1/3 of American voters have college degrees, but it sometimes appears that 90%+ of the Democrat Establishment is a bunch of recently graduated from "elite" college hard leftists who have absolutely no empathy with the rest of the country.

They truly believe that they have the power, and that the "moderates" will have to cave to them if only they remain strong. After all, everyone on Twitter agrees with them!

So I am sitting back and laughing, and hoping the progressives stick to their guns

Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

Unlinking the bills would signal to voters that Democrats in Washington have faith in each other....

But the Democrats don't have faith in each other.

That's the whole point of identity politics (see, for example, the Althouse post about "women" being erased by the "trans"), there are separate groups that join together in the Democrat Party because together they think they will have the power to cut up the pie and send large pieces to themselves.

Letting someone else cut off a large piece, while you get nothing? That's what stupid people do.

This appeal is written by an idiot