This is a screen capture of a real-life text conversation, with my dashed off response — written as fast as I can type — in blue:
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
This is a screen capture of a real-life text conversation, with my dashed off response — written as fast as I can type — in blue:
६४ टिप्पण्या:
Nothing more to add...
...other than, some conspiracy theorists are positing that it will later leak as Schumer, thus clearing the way for an AOC or (God forbid) Chelsea Clinton run...
She walked with a man, late at night, alone, to his home. He invited her in "for coffee." He told her to "make herself comfortable on the couch." He sat next to her, put his arm around her, and kissed her. She pulls away, and indicates she's not interested. He apologizes for misreading the situation. She leaves.
I honestly don't understand why this is understood as sexual assault.
Is any person who kisses another without asking explicit permission committing sexual assault?
Is any person who kisses another, using their tongue, without asking explicit permission, committing sexual assault?
Every institution democrats are in charge of turns into Handmaid's tale.
And then they try to project their debased amoral bullshit on their political enemies.
They keep voting for rapists.
It is just who and what they are.
Apparently preparing for her sequel. Or a run for Congress.
It's Joe Biden. If it really happened.
Of course she's protecting a Democrat.
Not from disclosing his sexual aggression but from his inability to choose nice looking females.
Good responses. Now, be honest- a decade ago, would those have been your immediate thoughts?
Perfect response.
Likely not texted to a liberal friend, or texted to a liberal ex friend…
And isn't amazing that all female democrat leaders are filtered to only include women that protect male predators in their midst?
Rose McGowan is a rare person within the circles of leftist women who will call out the powerful men that rise to power in their ranks.
You openly condone rape if you support the democrat party.
At least Tara Reade named a name and identified when and where.
I don't trust "recovered memories." Not one bit.
Sounds about right. If it happened at all, it was a Democrat. And she she didn't repress the memory and then have it dragged up by that awful man Brett Kavanaugh. No, she decided to live with it and is coming out with it now to sell a book.
Democrats probably would have been nicer to Trump if he was a rapist.
They tried so hard.
But the problem is he never actually forced himself on anyone.
The only people who did believe it knew they were just making shit up to make their own perfidy and support for rape seem OK.
It is not OK.
If it happened - and it matters to you - report the "sexual assault" then, babe. If you didn't report it, it wasn't important.
Of course it didn't matter to her. She didn't go back to his apartment to discuss Kierkegaard with him. He misread her and french-kissed her. Though the frenching is a bit forward, this is basically what is known as making the first move. Some people are clumsier at it than others. "Sexual assault" indeed. She rejected him, he backed off and apologized. BFD.
Not only can’t she be bothered to name the senator, but she used it as an opportunity to smear Brett Kavanaugh by remarking how his nomination brought up painful memories of her assault.
"obviously she's protecting him"
What if the US senator was Hillary?
The only Senator I can find that went to Trumps wedding is Hillary. Was Huma too drunk to recognize Bill?? I don't believe this story for a second. She married Weiner for Gods sakes....The woman has problems. She's now Hillary's Bitch.
Nobody knows what a sexual assault is today.
I wonder if she changed the person's title from "President" or "Former President" to "Senator"...
You are being pretty harsh on Democrats. That’s the sort of writing that will get you the “domestic terrorist” label, as well as an IRS audit.
Right—the Kavanaugh hearings prompted Huma to recall a sexual assault by a Senator just as a Kavanaugh nomination cause Christine Blasey Ford to recall a long ago sexual assault. Let’s call Huma’s revelation what it is—a conveniently recalled sexual assault to boost book sales.
This seems like a non-story to me. My understand of how she tells the story is:
She goes to a guy's apartment after dinner, sits on his couch.
He comes over, sits next to her, puts his arm across the back of the chair eventually working down to around her.
He then tries to kiss her. She says "no" and stands up.
He apologizes and tells her "I must have misread your signals"
And this constitutes "sexual assault"? I call bullshit. I suspect that every guy in the world has been in this situation. You think a woman may be interested, she gives signs like sitting next to you on the sofa, allowing first the arm on the back of the couch, then the arm around the shoulder. Then in the end, she turns out not to be.
She had 3 chances, by her telling, to demur. She didn't.
The guy, as soon as he knew she was not interested stopped and apologized.
How in the Hell is this "sexual assault"? All it is is an awkward moment. Probably every bit as awkward for the man as for her.
Isn't there a Seinfeld episode about this? Of course there is:
John Henry
Huma's mother is a big believer and public defender of extreme female circumcision. Absent any evidence otherwise, I would be willing to bet that Huma has some severely messed up genitalia. (she may have gotten it fixed when she got wealthy.)
I'd really like to hear what a gynacologist has to say about her ladyparts. It would explain a lot about Weiner's behavior if she was mutilated.
Might also shed light on the sexual (non) assault she is remembering. This is a woman who clearly has some problems. (Going by her whole history)
John Henry
'Right—the Kavanaugh hearings prompted Huma to recall a sexual assault by a Senator just as a Kavanaugh nomination cause Christine Blasey Ford to recall a long ago sexual assault.'
I was watching 'The Godfather' the other night. When I saw the famous scene with Sonny getting shot up at the toll booth, it reminded me of the time I got shot up at a toll booth many years ago.
I had totally forgotten about it until then.
Fortunately, I got better...
rhhardin: "Nobody knows what a sexual assault is today."
First, does the incident involve an individual that the democraticals need harmed?
If so, sexual assault occurred. The specifics are irrelevant and quite unnecessary.
Secondly,......well, we never really needed a "secondly", did we?
Kylos: "Not only can’t she be bothered to name the senator, but she used it as an opportunity to smear Brett Kavanaugh by remarking how his nomination brought up painful memories of her assault."
Hmmmmm. Who would have guessed Abedin is a LLR as well as a clintonophile/lackey?
I thought that democrats were allowed one free grope??
Didn't this swift french count as: one free grope??
Nice smug response to a sexual assault victim.
Gospace said...Good responses. Now, be honest- a decade ago, would those have been your immediate thoughts?
A decade ago, my response would have been, who the hell's Brett Kavanaugh? Otherwise, yeah. Pretty much the same.
Hillary is the first Senator I thought of, too.
Trapped between her need to keep it hush-hush to protect a Democrat politician and her need to get on the victim train.
Should be interesting to see if anything comes of this.
Her name is a musical refrain.
It was probably Lindsay Graham, but she doesn't want to out him as a straight man.
Yay Althouse
From the looks of her, it had to be former Commander-in-Heat Bill Clinton.
Only thing to add…. Huma wrote a book, 5 years after being relevant. She needs a reason to be relevant today to help sell her book. She makes up a #MeToo story that is unverifiable.
This isn’t a news story. It is marketing.
The perfect defense: the Tongue-Eating Louse (cymothoa exigua).
The parasite severs the blood vessels in the [senator's] tongue, causing the tongue to fall off. It then attaches itself to the remaining stub of the tongue and becomes the [senator's] new tongue.
Using its front claws, C. exigua severs the blood vessels in the [senator's] tongue, causing the tongue to necrose from lack of blood. The parasite then replaces the [senator's] tongue by attaching its own body to the muscles of the tongue stub.The parasite apparently does not cause much other damage to the host [senator], but Lanzing and O'Connor (1975) reported that infested [senator] with two or more of the parasites are usually underweight. Once C. exigua replaces the tongue, some feed on the host's blood... This is the only known case of a parasite assumed to be functionally replacing a host organ.
Right, professor.
Everyone is getting this wrong. It's Hillary Clinton who did the dirty deed!
"Of course she's protecting a Democrat.
Not from disclosing his sexual aggression but from his inability to choose nice looking females."
Hey now. She's not my type either, but this isn't a fair comment.
Yeah, you assume it was a male who assaulted her. She had her one, (see I'm hetero), child. Hillary showed her lots, I'd bet.
Hillary was a senator....
Remember when Huma said in the affidavit that Hillary had destroyed records of meetings with foreigners who had given her hundreds of millions of dollars, in contravention of the law? Good times, good times. Huma didn't know it was against the law maybe, the the actions she described certainly were.
Is any person who kisses another, using their tongue, without asking explicit permission, committing sexual assault?
Depends on their politics. (How are they, say, on abortion...?)
What if the US senator was Hillary?
She refers to the senator using masculine pronouns.
Nice rant! You're not wrong.
I can't wait for the drumbeat from the media to find out who it was! 3...2...1... crickets.
Must have been a Democrat and everybody in the media already knows.
It is no wonder that today's young men are not that into sex.
If they put the move on a woman who they mistakenly thought was giving "interested" signals, they are guilty of sexual assault.
It is probably a lot easier to define what is NOT sexual assault to give the poor boys some guidance. However, I really cannot come up with anything.
Schumer, D-NY, of course
Nice smug response to a sexual assault victim.
Who thinks this way?
We are debating whether making a move under normal circumstances is "sexual assault." Now you make her into a victim?
Have you ever made a move on a woman (or a man if you prefer) who was not interested? That is life, you little twit.
“Nice rant”:
&the truth will set you free!
Did she at least give a year? That would make it more credible than Ford's accusation.
I do not trust any such stories without solid evidence. At this point, it is classified in my "didn't happen" silo with a see also note for "obvious publicity stunt."
Howard said...
Nice smug response to a sexual assault victim.
Howard actively supports rapists. He consistently votes for people who are rapists.
Howard attaches himself to any lie about a political opponent committing rape no matter how far fetched and obviously untrue.
Howard does this because he supports rapists.
And he wants you to feel bad about your response to Huma Abedin, who also supports and covers for rapists.
Howard is just like all other democrats. They are terrible people.
Howard: "Nice smug response to a sexual assault victim."
Yes. A lefty wrote that. Just now. Just after the left told a 14 year old girl in Loudoun County VA to drop dead because her father had the absolute nerve and gall to point out a 15 year old biological male, dressed up like a girl, was allowed to rape the 14 year old girl, have the democraticals cover it up, laugh at the father in public, Howard included, use the incident to declare all conservative parents with children in public schools domestic terrorists, and then, transfer the 15 year old male rapist to another school where he raped ANOTHER girl.....and the lefties covered that one up to.
Not to mention the global phenomenon of the western lefties providing aid and comfort to the mass sexual assaults by muslims in western nations and even looking the other way while muslim rape/grooming gangs raped underage girls for decades in the UK.
And Tara Reade would also like a word.
This was the best advertisement for the book her publisher could come up with?
Isn't she still married to that stupid Jewish-hot-prick-self-propelled??
Anthony from Wein.
Anthony Wiener. What a fucking train wreck!! Didn't they get married at 30+??
It seems like she should have been able to make better choices.
Methinks Huma is selling her book, so imagination is better than truth. She had a good teacher and if there is any truth in her story it likely begins with Bubba's involvement.
Methinks Huma is selling her book, so imagination is better than truth. She had a good teacher and if there is any truth in her story it likely begins with Bubba's involvement.
Howard said…. "Nice smug response to a sexual assault victim."
Smug response to a what?
As a senior in college, pretty much the same thing happened to me. The perpetrator was Vicki D. She initiated, I followed her not-so-subtle cues. Then she pulled back and said, “No, I’m not ready to go so fast.” I said OK, and that was that. No apology from her.
I’ve always thought it was just kind of an odd and clumsy ending to a otherwise fun first (and last) date. But WOW, thanks to Howard I now belatedly realize that I had been admitted to a not-so-exclusive club — Sexual Assault Victims United. Wondering, is there a secret handshake or something? I’ll have to ask Huma about that the next time I run into her.
Let’s see, 2005 Senators:
Barack Obama?
Ted Kennedy?
Russ Feingold?
Joe Biden?
Chris Dodd?
Patrick Leahy?
Chuck Schumer?
John Corzine?
Mark Pryor?
Evan Bayh?
Ken Salazar?
Howard, Huma Abedin insults real assault victims. She may not claim she is one of us.
She claims she forgot about this for more than a decade.. Was she drunk? Then, she claims, she “recovered her memory,” because of Kavanaugh, not this mysterious Senator she will not name. Might be interesting to look at the Senators overseeing the Kavanaugh hearings. Why didn’t she speak up then? Why now?
What a vile, avaricious, dishonest woman, pimping a fake sexual assault story to use it for political gain.
She refers to the senator using masculine pronouns.
@MaryBeth, do you know for certain that Hillary does not use masculine pronouns?
Several reasons it could be Obama:
—cut out the older guys, even the pervs, though Abedin is drawn to pervs, she likes young generation Democrats.
—count out anyone with a family that lives with them in DC.
—Michelle hates DC, their marriage is on the rocks, she stays in Chicago in the mansion her racist white great-grandmother-in-law and the mob underwrote for her and Barack for and spends most evenings with Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers, who pressure her to support Obama’s political ambitions, a task that, Dohn has said elsewhere, is difficult because Michelle wants Obama to settle down and start making money.
—Obama’s not above having a sexual affair after marriage, but he also has a strong reputation of being a fairly restrained and sober guy, not given to living dangerously. And no sexual powerhouse — he has expressed disgust with the behavior of some legislators. And this behavior is consistent.
—through his life, Obama’s closest friends have been Muslim elites, Pakistani elites, and the children of powerful Islamic families. Abedin fits the bill: her family literally runs the Muslim brotherhood.
—immediately stopping, apologizing, offering just coffee or an end to the evening, then later following up with Abedin to make sure she’s OK sounds like Obama — and not much like anyone else who is single in DC and on the list.
—What does Abedin gain? Back then, she may have seen Obama — a rising star — as a good political step up or have been ordered to interact with him by her terrorist — literally terrorist — family. Now, who knows? Is it a threat? A message to stand down? They certainly share a radical, radical Middle Eastern Politics and childhood experiences alien to anyone else on the short list.
madAsHell said...
Isn't she still married to that stupid Jewish-hot-prick-self-propelled??
from wikepedia....
On May 19, 2017, after he pled guilty, she filed for divorce.[70] Abedin and Weiner withdrew their divorce case from court in January 2018, stating that they decided to settle the divorce privately in order to spare their six-year-old son further embarrassment.[71]
Since it was Never Really a marriage, they never felt the need to actually End it
It's Not like Huma ever let him touch her (can you say AI?)
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