५ ऑक्टोबर, २०२१
"But some Portlanders came to see the demonstrations as a threat to the city’s appeal to tourists and investors."
"'Lenders and purchasers have for all intents and purposes blacklisted Portland,' said John Russell, a longtime Portland real estate developer. Dramatic clashes between protesters and law enforcement provided the opportunity for right-wing politicians and media to depict the city as besieged by violent anarchists and, as Donald Trump claimed, 'ablaze all the time.'... Far-right groups had turned the city into a culture war battleground.... 'I just have no sympathy for people who speak with visceral disgust about the city. It’s human people who are really struggling, and you haven’t even actually seen them,' said Lisa Bates, associate professor of urban studies at Portland State University, which is located downtown.... There has been genuine debate among Black organizers and community leaders about protest tactics and the extent to which activists with an antiestablishment agenda and a penchant for property destruction undermined a more focused racial justice movement.... 'The conversation about the city’s major issues is, in my view, reprehensibly putting the blame on poor people, Black people, and allies of Black civil rights for essentially every ill that’s happening in the city right now,' Bates continued. The result is a narrative that insists 'the only way we can save us is more cops; get out of the way of my development; juice at the top so high-income tourists come back.' To acknowledge that Portland’s greatest challenges have little to do with anarchists would mean having a more difficult conversation about the city’s future. It would mean asking, 'Who is this city for?'"
७१ टिप्पण्या:
This again goes back to debates that probably reached their peak in the 60s. How to save cities, which has to mean attracting private-sector cash, without displacing the poor, or "destroying neighbourhoods." Cops are definitely part of the solution, and to say the main reason people of colour get in trouble with the cops is racism, is bullshit.
The crap in Portland started long before the Antifa/BLM insurrection of 2020. Antifa has been given the downtown area of Portland for years. Weekend protests, riots, attacks on random citizens.
This is where living in the real world meets living in the 'nice theory, wouldn't-want-to-live-in-it' world. You're a small business owner paying more than you should for a leased space in downtown Portland. You risked everything you had to develop and open this business. Your family, your money, your time of life. You worked your ass off to make it three years and start to show a bit of profit. Then Antifa takes over downtown on weekends and people stop coming in. Then Antifa & BLM take over the city- with the City's approval- and burn down buildings around you, shatter your front windows, loot your business. What are you going to do then? Listen to internecine squabbles between Professional Destructors (activists) and Professional Race Hucksters? Get another loan on top of the one you already owe and open your business back up in the same city? The city still unsure if Police are good or bad, if crime is good or bad or....racist?
Portland is a city run by people detached from the real world. But the city and it's citizens actually live in the real world. This never works out and we're going to see it played out in a number of cities now as reality comes with it's invoice in hand.
"To acknowledge that Portland’s greatest challenges have little to do with anarchists..."
There's some rhetorical sleight of hand. "Everybody knows I am right..."
I can't stop laughing for some reason.
Lisa Bates, associate professor of urban studies said...
I just have no sympathy for people who speak with visceral disgust about the city.
It’s human people who are really struggling, and you haven’t even actually seen them,'
So, Lisa has 'no sympathy' for people that Portland is F*cked...
BUT! Lisa has NO PROBLEM with the people in Portland doing the F*cking?
"Far-right groups had turned the city into a culture war battleground.../"
It was the left that burned the city.
Fuck Portland. It gets what it deserves.
“Lenders and purchasers have for all intents and purposes blacklisted Portland,” said John Russell, a longtime Portland real estate developer.
Duh! You invest where you can get a positive return on your money. Putting money into Portland is a gamble with too much likelihood of a negative return.
I have no sympathy for Lisa Bates, and I have even less sympathy for Portland’s black community. They can end Antifa’s mischief anytime they want. Violently, but quickly, and for good.
Everything I have ever read about Antifa members tells me that they are not merely white, but the affluent offspring of affluent left-of-center parents. They have no sense of what the black community needs, they merely know what stupid professors like Lisa Bates tell them, which is hardly likely to be reality-based.
Actions have consequences. I say let them suffer until they see the error in their ways. Hint Portland: blaming your problems on Trump is a long way off.
Maybe George Soros will give you a loan?
I used to own a place in Portland, in the Pearl District. It was a wonderful place and I enjoyed the time I spent there. For various reasons I sold out a few years ago - thank my lucky stars. My building is covered in graffiti and the bum factor and the anarchists have destroyed street life. It has nothing to do with right-wing politicians or the media, and it is not far-right groups that have turned the city into a culture war zone. Small businesses and their employees are ruined for the slightest deviation from the woke party line. You would not dare publicly besmirch the name of Michael Reineohl, who murdered a right-wing (i.e. 'fascist') protester on a Portland street. The wreckage continues, abetted by the apologetics of insensate lunatics like the esteemed professor Bates.
The city is being destroyed because the people in charge have decided to let it be destroyed. This is what society looks like when leadership disappears, and in its place come feminized prisses like Mayor Wheeler and destructive clodpolls who bleat of justice.
Anecdote: my sister-in-law used to travel to Portland for business regularly (10+ years ago) and always wanted to bring family because she loved the city. Well they took a hiking vacation to the Pacific Northwest that included a visit to Portland in August. She was stunned and saddened to find that it was no longer the place she had visited before.
I haven't been there since the mid-1990s (short work trips) and all I remember is beautiful natural scenery that I could view while sitting in horrendous traffic! The city literally left no impression on me.
We would stop in Portland on our way down to Ashland, OR. There are some nice hotels and restaurants there. Maybe I should say "were." Portland is now on the do-not-stop list. We've been staying in Lake Oswego lately, a hour-hour drive from Portland.
The Lie-Stream Media doesn't dare cover what's going on in Portland. Much of downtown is closed because of the looting and arson created by antifa and Burn, Loot and Murder. Murder rates way up.
The "Nation" is covering Portland in the LSM media way: Never cover what's happening but make the story about the reaction of conservatives.
"Surprise, surprise"
-Gomer Pyle
They are shifting from denial to anger, the second stage of grief. But Portland residents like this author still act as though what happened was somehow mostly random, rather than a logical sequence of destruction and nihilistic frenzy as practiced by those who think in her self-limiting stereotypes.
"Now, with civic leaders focused on economic recovery,..." the author writes, as though Portland had had the bad luck to be hit by a terrible hurricane.
Or was it Satan? They deny their own self-destructiveness -- whose manifestations cannot be conveniently hidden -- as part of a moralistic triumph over some boogeyman of their own conjuring. Then they get right back to business. "Far-right groups had turned the city into a culture war battleground."
They must ever strive against evil in all its forms. The "Far Right." Donald Trump, at a great distance. Maga-hat wearing youths they saw somewhere. But especially small businesses that might have liked Donald Trump's general anti-regulatory approach and America's foundational freedoms.
Too late for many of them; they're gone. So, having banished as much of this evil as these leftists have managed to do, where is the paradise they envision?
The poor author simply cannot find it, so she descends into a whirl of past grievance and ongoing grudges. There must be some other reason for this mess we glorious warriors have perpetrated!
You can search the long article in vain for any hint of what this is actually like for a small business owner there, or for someone who lives in the affected areas, or for a cop. For "balance", they note that the sympathetic characters real-estate developers are unhappy!
Aside from that, it's all BLM leaders and white politicians who show their contempt for anyone who cares about anything but their pet grievances.
Truth is that Portland may be enough of a monoculture that the average Portland citizen agrees with them. Just don't go downtown, not such a problem.
Portlanders shit in their nest, brag about the smell (“Keep Portland weird”) and then wonder why no one wants to visit…
That huuuge article in The Nation is a strange exercise in trying really hard for like 10,000 words to avoid the words “Democrat” and Antifa. All the violence in Portland is blamed on “the far-right” and the KKK and Trump and the cops. The excerpt Althouse offers is the only penumbra of a gesture towards reality, when people with real property are almost heard from, then it’s quickly back to the jargon laden leaden prose of oppression and passive voiced “victims” who are still alive and not complaining about their own houses burning leaving the impression this is written for limousine progressives who want to feel a part of some thing, not sure what, that’s happening in Portland. And it’s all cleaned up allegedly but they hate the idea of tourists coming back. I can accommodate that.
Lisa Bates is a liar. She should be called upon to document the damage done by leftists versus right wing protesters, and there should be academic consequences for such gross misrepresentation of facts.
Michael Belliles lost his tenured position for similar lying.
'associate professor of urban studies...'
All you need to know.
The left's unofficial or offical - brownshirts - called ANTIFA - have destroyed many areas of the city.
I know people who live there, and they tell me this is so. The media largely ignore the huge problem. Does not fit the leftwing pro-democrat party narrative.
"Far-right groups had turned the city into a culture war battleground"
I call BS. The left created a battleground all by itself.
"'The conversation about the city’s major issues is, in my view, reprehensibly putting the blame on poor people, Black people, and allies of Black civil rights for essentially every ill"
I call BS. Who is doing that? The blame is on the mostly white violent lefties. Which regular progressives have yet to confront honestly.
"To acknowledge that Portland’s greatest challenges have little to do with anarchists would mean having a more difficult conversation about the city’s future."
As I said, regular progressives have yet to confront lefty violence honestly.
The young white left (Antifa) - consisting of angry rage-filled communist anarchist sociopathic losers - are mostly to blame for the destruction. Many blacks in the area do not support what the brats are doing.
I could share my ‘I lived in Portland in the 90s’ experience but I won’t other than to say I could see the signs of major problems back then. So I got out.
I always have empathy when private enterprise fails but at some point you have to chalk it up to a bad decision and move on. If you’re in Portland that time came a while back. Get out.
Conversely if you have a bit of the contrarian streak- sit tight while you start planning your Portland entry strategy. Think pennies on the dollar…
Why would anyone want to start a business, build a building, rent out an apartment, lend to anyone, or insure anyone in Portland?
I feel very nearly the same way about Seattle, which I used to really enjoy visiting. (COVID tyranny only makes it worse.)
People in such places are getting what they voted for, and getting it good and hard. If you live in a city like this, or even Madison, and don't vote the bastards out of office at every level down to school boards, you deserve what you get.
Temujin -
What are you going to do then? Listen to internecine squabbles between Professional Destructors (activists) and Professional Race Hucksters?
lol - The Nation
"far right groups" - do leftists just lie about everything? So freaking pathetic.
'The conversation about the city’s major issues is, in my view, reprehensibly putting the blame on poor people, Black people, and allies of Black civil rights for essentially every ill that’s happening in the city right now,' Bates continued.
Who's doing all the rioting, looting and burning of buildings? The Proud Boys?
What a maroon.
Portland was such a fun place in the 80-90s. It was quirky and open without taking itself too seriously. Whether you were in a business suit or tattoos and piercings, everyone was accepted and invited to do their own thing.
Then after the new millennium, things began to change. Gradually at first. I didn't really notice it until the past decade where it burst out into the open, but a new kind of conformity took root in the town. There emerged litmus tests for whether you were a good person. Performative displays of allyship were now essential to not being branded on the Wrong Side. Good people deferred to the loudest and most divisive voices.
And the civic, political, and business leaders quietly stood down while the city was being slowly poisoned. Even today, the lack of strong leaders is what enables small bands of activists and armies of homeless to trash the city.
PS: I left the city in 2019, right before the implosion.
Portland was such a fun place in the 80-90s. It was quirky and open without taking itself too seriously. Whether you were in a business suit or tattoos and piercings, everyone was accepted and invited to do their own thing.
Then after the new millennium, things began to change. Gradually at first. I didn't really notice it until the past decade where it burst out into the open, but a new kind of conformity took root in the town. There emerged litmus tests for whether you were a good person. Performative displays of allyship were now essential to not being branded on the Wrong Side. Good people deferred to the loudest and most divisive voices.
And the civic, political, and business leaders quietly stood down while the city was being slowly poisoned. Even today, the lack of strong leaders is what enables small bands of activists and armies of homeless to trash the city.
PS: I left the city in 2019, right before the implosion.
There's a little bit of coverage, not all of it totally honest, but in the process, the truth will out. This AP article from August tries to blame an incident on "far-right" activists while ignoring the radical left Antifa members' politics:
Portland residents felt 'abandoned' by police during clash
An unintentionally more honest article from July 2020 tries really, really hard to portray Antifa rioters in a sympathetic way, but it's hard to see it that way based on the actual reporting of violence against Federal employees under siege:
<a href="https://apnews.com/article/virus-outbreak-ap-top-news-race-and-ethnicity-music-or-state-wire-1dd1bb39093a3691f4e78093787ab877> On Portland's streets, anger, fear, and a Fence that divides</a>
The entitled-to-rage radical left ruin the city - but it's "the far right" who are to blame because they dare to complain about it.
got that?
it’s human people who are really struggling, and you haven’t even actually seen them,' said Lisa Bates
To be fair, Lisa- they beat up people who try to take pictures.
As my high school German teacher said:
Wie man sich bettet, so liegt man.
I am waiting for the U.N. tribunal to convene there to look into the war crime of using blinding lasers. JKLOL, it' fine when the right people do it to the right people. Just like everything else that's going on.
But on the other hand, she does give a pretty accurate précis of how the Democrats have used the J6 demonstrations, if you abstract it a bit. They always accuse the other side of whatever it is that they are doing. Throwing an IED into a Federal Courthouse is a lot closer to firing on Fort Sumpter and insurrection than anything we saw J6.
Watching the first Batman movie, I wondered how Gotham City became so awful. Now we know. You'd think downtown businesses and property owners would be raising hell, to say nothing of nearby residents, but the frog was boiled slowly long before 2020.
Portland is the Progressive future.
Everything is screwed up and all problems are blamed on a non-existent alt-right.
I feel bad for the one or two normal people left in Portland. Otherwise, Meh.
Let it burn down. Who cares. They sure don't.
I recall a national network newscaster being interviewed. One of the things she said was something to the effect of, 'I'm from Oregon and we love for you to visit. Just don't stay.' Roger that. I've never been and I'm not going, particularly to Portland.
There wouldn't be a problem if right wing media didn't notice there was a problem. Well, that's a unique take. I spent a week there in the spring of '17 on business. The city was already a mess. The homeless problem was just staggering - no open space was free of there encampment presence. There was rampant and open drug use, you couldn't walk more than a couple of blocks without going through a heavy cloud of marihuana smoke. I wished I seen it in better times.
The FBI's little Antifa's are doing exactly what the FBI is telling them to do to gin up chaos. They refuse to call Antifa an organization. Ask yourself WHY???
'Lenders and purchasers have for all intents and purposes blacklisted Portland,' said John Russell, a longtime Portland real estate developer.
The market speaks. And this is a surprise?
Wither Portlandia? Not until the key is pried from the cold, dead hand of the proprietor of the last lesbian vegan anarchist bookstore shuttered.
Meanwhile, the Big Money is scooping up Portland real estate. And waiting for the antifa nonsense to go away. Then comes the Big Profits.
Funny how all this leftwing violence ends up benefiting the rich. (How many people bought NYC real estate when it was supposedly a crime ridden hell hole, and are now sitty pretty?)
ts almost like that was the moving force behind it. But of course, that's a conspiracy theory. And they are always wrong.
We have family about 60 miles south of Portland. We would like to visit again but I have been trying to figure out how to get there avoiding Portland. The last time we were there was four years ago.
Portland's Multnomah County voted 79.2% for Biden so if the populace has grown weary of the super-Woke activism, it is not because of right-wing media.
So problems caused by leftists are somehow the fault of the right for noticing them? If this woman is serious about getting to better then she needs to understand that it is not possible with violence in the street. The first step is for her to convince the violent to stop. But, groups like antics don’t want better, which in her mind is the fault of the right. Confused puppy.
When I look for insight, I don't go to professors from Portland State. It is sort of a uni-culture. Don't believe me? Ask Prof. Peter Boghossian, who just resigned from PSU.
See https://bariweiss.substack.com/p/my-university-sacrificed-ideas-for
It would mean asking, 'Who is this city for?'"
For the resident taxpayers that is who the city is for. Next.
They couldn't pay me enough to visit Portland at this point.
Forget it Jake! It's the Nation!
Blogger hawkeyedjb said...
You left off the County DA who refuses to prosecute any rioters.
So bad that the surrounding counties refuse to create or honor mutual aid agreements with the city. To paraphrase from memory:
Sheriff: Why should I send my Deputies in to Portland, when they face injury, abuse, and the only people the DA will jail are police. We've got local crime also.
The State Police Superintendent flat out told the Governor the same thing.
Oregon coaster. I only go to the PDX.
I, for one, hope the kids throwing rocks, soup cans, and fireworks at police and other citizens aren't surprised or upset when eventually they get shot. The longer this goes on without that happening the more surprising the end game will be. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Nobody puts a fucking umlaut over the second vowel. The umlaut is the second vowel.
What a poseur!!
"The conversation about the city’s major issues is, in my view, reprehensibly putting the blame on ... allies of Black civil rights..."
And there's the tell. Precious Assistant Professor doesn't like being blamed for Portland becoming a shithole city because of the policies preferred by the Precious Assistant Professor and carried out by the Precious Assistant Professor's "allies". Things never work out well when academic theory nonsense hits the real world, and academics can't handle that truth.
This is what statism and mob rule looks like.
Portland will be a burned out husk like Detroit.
It is just a tribalist mentality that has ruled the planet for millennia. There is a reason you cannot have a modern society run like that and the people of Portland are learning that lesson.
Prepare for the poverty that is the norm of human history descending on Portland and any Blue City.
Ms Carpenter is a leftist whack job. One of her examples was when the cops pulled over a driver for something stupid, the driver shot a cop in the leg, and got well ventilated in response. Turns out that he had a long history of mental illness. So, somehow the police were supposed to somehow discern that in the moments between a cop being shot, and them returning fire, and give him a freebie because of his mental illness.
She doesn’t get that Portlandia doesn’t exist in a vacuum. No one in their right mind is going to invest there, until they get their violence problem under control, because doing so is just throwing good money after bad. Instead of hiring more police, and giving them a green light at rounding up the AntiFA terrorists, they have diverted maybe 5% of their police budget to replacing police in possibly violent situations with a team of firefighters, EMTs, and social workers. She didn’t mention that the police have given the firefighters ballistic vests, because they weren’t budgeted for in this reimagining of policing.
There is a sociopath family in the 'hood where i live. They are most certainly Antifa (now), and have harassed people and actually murdered people's pets. Two of my neighbors MOVED because of this crazy family. It's the whole family, too. Mom, dad, the 2 evil sons.
I've been to their house - tho it was a long time ago and prior to my knowledge of their psychotic ways.
The Nation magazine - sitting on their coffee table.
Bruce Hayden said...
She doesn’t get that Portlandia doesn’t exist in a vacuum. No one in their right mind is going to invest there, until they get their violence problem under control, because doing so is just throwing good money after bad.
Give it a few years, she'll be yelling about that and about how everyone's leaving town.
The FBI should round up anyone who complains about Antifa thuggery(D) or complains about racist divisive hate being pushed in public schools.
btw - one of the books the leftwing machine are pushing in public schools:
"The Hate You Give" - look it up.
I always find it hard to believe that people like Lisa Bates actually believe what they're saying.
...and really, 'The Nation'? WTF?
The essayist and the people quoted within have their heads so far up their asses they have turned themselves into impossible 3 dimensional objects.
"We have family about 60 miles south of Portland. We would like to visit again but I have been trying to figure out how to get there avoiding Portland. The last time we were there was four years ago."
Michael, you should fly into Eugene, Oregon and then you can drive North from there.
Just look at what those pesky right-wingers have done to Portland. LOL!
The alternate reality of The Nation, aided and abetted by the usual suspects including Lisa Bates of ultra liberal PSU and the “inestimable” Mike Schmidt, Soros-style DA. Both my sons and families are residents of Portland. Although the younger is currently living in Africa his homebase is Portland. One is in the Delusional Democrat camp. The other not.
Friends report that crime is rampant. Is it because the Proud Boys voted to reduce the police budget and disband speciality units devoted to gangs and gun violence? Is it because white supremacist are on a murderous crime spree? It depends on who you ask. Seriously. It is Portland after all.
Is there any reason why we must continue to care about these Democrat cities filled with people who vote for a living and their enablers. We can’t change them or stop them from destroying the country.
Minneapolis is next.
Far-right groups had turned the city into a culture war battleground....
Ri-ight. It's all their fault ...
Here's a tip. Turn your city into a battlefield and all kinds of people will show up to fight.
Let's go, Portland!
...reprehensibly putting the blame on poor people, Black people, and allies of Black civil rights for essentially every ill that’s happening in the city right now.
Nonsense. Anyone with at least half a brain knows it's young White adults being supported financially by Mommy & Daddy who can afford to spend 12 hours on a weekday to put together their cool costumes then go out to assault their fellow citizens and destroy property.
" it's young White adults being supported financially by Mommy & Daddy who can afford to spend 12 hours on a weekday"
As opposed to those being supported by Uncle Sam, who have to put in long hours doing... what, exactly?
I had never experienced a schadengasm prior to reading this article.
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