October 18, 2021

7:19 a.m.



Achilles said...


Are tasty.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Just today, Jen Psaki goes Full LLR/George "The Walrus" Conway with this:

"Asked by @AP's @AJJaffe on China's space nukes, Jen Psaki says she won't be "comment[ing] on the specific report," but claims the U.S. "welcome[s] stiff competition" from China though they "do not want that competition to veer into conflict."'

What kind of an anti-American idiot says tbey "welcome stiff competition" in weapons development from your primary geo-political-military adversary?

Of course, if you are a ldfty/dem/LLR, the ChiComs arent your primary foes, they are your allies in the " fight" against your fellow Americans.

XWL said...

"We are no strangers to love"

Jaq said...

Watching "Apocalypse Now," on Netflix. Milnius didn't get a lot wrong. Of course after "Red Dawn," he had to be blacklisted by the left. I guess he was too good of a movie maker.

"Hollywood is politics for pretty people," I guess.

Drago said...

This Just In:

"The Pennsylvania School Boards Association severed ties with the National School Boards Association over a letter comparing parents’ behavior at school board meetings to “domestic terrorism or hate crimes.”

The Pennsylvania association wrote in an internal memorandum that “the final straw” in the organization’s decision to leave the association was a letter sent to President Joe Biden in September “suggesting that some parents should be considered domestic terrorists,” the Daily Wire reported.

“The Governing Board of the Pennsylvania School Boards Association has voted unanimously to cancel the PSBA’s longstanding membership in the National School Board’s Association,” the memo reportedly said.

But wait a moment! Pro-marxist pro-CRT Biden voter LLR Chuck swore up and down that the NSBA was perfectly correct in labeling any and all opponents of the Maoist/marxist CRT curriculums foisted on America's children as domestic terrorists with the DOJ being completely justified in using all post 9-11 "weapons" against those parents!

I have a strong suspicion LLR Chuck is going to call for an immediate DOJ investigation into the members of the PSBA.........that is if he is done testifying to the journalistic "integrity" of.... (wait for it) ...... (wait for it) ...... (and I kid you not) ..... Brian Stelter!!

Drago said...

This Also Just In:

The Atlanta Federal Reserve reports rapidly increasing inflation that will last thru 2022.

Which is strange, since pro-marxist pro-CRT Biden voter LLR Chuck swore up and down first that there was no inflation (it was only a blip), then that the inflation we were experiencing was not so bad and would not last into 2022.

That's as bad as LLR Chuck's newest "hero" Pete Butte-a-judge-judge claiming the inflation we are experiencing is actually a great thing(!) and that its all due to Biden's magnificent leadership leading the US out of a recession.

Which is also strange since more and more economists are now saying that we are already fully in a new recession which is being masked by massive govt spending.

Next up for LLR Chuck and the democraticals: shifting from claiming Biden is a genius who saved our nation and economy to saying Biden is helpless in the face of the Trumpist "wrecker" Kulaks who are really to blame for the economy!

Oh wait, LLR Chuck is ALREADY claiming that!


Ryan said...

This has got to be my favorite of all the sunrise series.

Maynard said...

I have a strong suspicion LLR Chuck is going to call for an immediate DOJ investigation into the members of the PSBA.........that is if he is done testifying to the journalistic "integrity" of.... (wait for it) ...... (wait for it) ...... (and I kid you not) ..... Brian Stelter!!


Have you ever considered the possibility that Little Tater (Stelter) and "Chuck" are one and the same?

Chris Lopes said...

"the U.S. "welcome[s] stiff competition"

In much the same way we welcomed stiff competition in October of 1957.

Mutaman said...

"Of course after "Red Dawn," he had to be blacklisted by the left"

Which is why the only one who would hire him was that right wing conservative network HBO which paid him a zillion dollars for "Rome". Which Milnius used to pay back the $ that the noted right winger David Milch had previously loaned him.
Facts are stupid things.

Clyde said...

I’m vacationing in Texas. Spent the weekend at a family reunion with my brother and several cousins, then visited six different cemeteries in Abilene and four towns north of there where various family members are buried, plus I stopped in the small town where my father was born. It was an interesting experience. Finding some of the graves was a challenge, but in the end, I found them all.

Jaq said...

"Which is why the only one who would hire him was that right wing conservative network HBO which paid him a zillion dollars for "Rome"."

Many many years after he made some of the best movies out of Hollywood, and then suddenly could not get a job.

Jaq said...

What is the spread between Red Dawn (1984) and Rome(2005)? 21 Years blacklisted for a man who won an Academy Award,and wrote the first two Dirty Harry movies, to boot. Facts are stubborn things. They would let him work as a script doctor only, and as a script doctor, he wrote the Indianapolis speech in Jaws. He was just a major talent.

I would be ashamed to defend this kind of blacklisting of artists. It's clear that Hollywood is no longer controlled by artists, no more Ars Graita Artis, now it s Ars Gratia Propagandas. Everybody ought to ask themselves "Am I one of the baddies" once in a while.

Jimmy said...

@Maynard"Have you ever considered the possibility that Little Tater (Stelter) and "Chuck" are one and the same?"
good one. this is just crazy enough to be true. Made me laugh, which is a nice change from reading some of the troll comments.

Chris Lopes said...

"Facts are stupid things."

Maybe, but pretty much everyone interviewed for the documentary "Minus" (which included some very heavy hitters) believed Milnus was blacklisted and deserved to be. The consensus was that his views hadn't "evolved". So thinking he was blacklisted is not some right wing conspiracy theory.

Drago said...

Mutaman: "Which is why the only one who would hire him was that right wing conservative network HBO which paid him a zillion dollars for "Rome". Which Milnius used to pay back the $ that the noted right winger David Milch had previously loaned him.
Facts are stupid things."

Shorter Mutaman: 21 years of blacklisting doesn't count. Plus, it doesn't count when "our" team does it.

Mutaman said...

Please-he wrote some bad movies that bombed. But since you crackers invented "blacklisting: I bow to your expertise.

Mutaman said...

"What is the spread between Red Dawn (1984) and Rome(2005)?"

name one good thing he wrote during that time that was rejected.

Mutaman said...

"I would be ashamed to defend this kind of blacklisting of artists. It's clear that Hollywood is no longer controlled by artists, no more Ars Graita Artis, now it s Ars Gratia Propagandas. Everybody ought to ask themselves "Am I one of the baddies" once in a while."

Want to translate that into English, Sparky?

Mutaman said...

Why on Earth would anyone think that?

In the 1950s, at the height of America’s anti-communist witch hunts, Hollywood blacklisted many writers, directors and performers because they were accused of being communists or simply because they refused to inform on others.

"The idea that in the gung ho Reagan 1980s someone would be blacklisted for making a fun but deeply silly anti-communist action movie is laughable. If Hollywood was the hotbed of communism that the question seems to imply, ‘Red Dawn’ would never have been made in the first place.

Hollywood is not a single entity, but an entire multi-billion dollar industry, that cares about the bottom line more than anything else. ‘Red Dawn’ was a fairly big hit. Milius’s next film as a director, the much more grown up ‘Farewell to the King’, wasn’t. His last theatrical film as a director, ‘Flight of the Intruder’ received terrible reviews and was a box office flop. Having two flops in a row for a director isn’t going to lead to many job offers, no matter how many hits they’ve had before - that’s showbiz, (and capitalism) for you."

Like Bogdanovich was "blacklisted" in 1993 after he made a couple of stinkers.

StephenFearby said...

Latest Push Back Against Woke:

Daily Mail
UPDATED: 00:17 EDT 19 October

Top Berkeley physicist RESIGNS in protest at colleagues who refused to invite acclaimed scientist to speak there after his MIT speech was canceled over his criticism of George Floyd riots and pro-meritocracy views

David Romps, director of Berkeley Atmospheric Sciences Center (BASC), in California, resigned on Monday in protest at the censoring of a colleague.


rehajm said...


This tweet quotes an important, public FDA report, word-for-word, with 100% accuracy. It includes an image of the whole paragraph for context, and links to the subject report on the FDA's own website. Yet Twitter labels it "inaccurate." Please fix this. Thx.

This is in the FDA's original emergency authorization review for the Pfizer vaccine. Regarding Covid survivors: "available data are insufficient to determine whether such individuals could benefit from vaccination." HUH? https://fda.gov/media/144416/d

gilbar said...

rehajm said...
This tweet quotes an important, public FDA report, word-for-word, with 100% accuracy... Yet Twitter labels it "inaccurate."

remember The Bad Old Days? Back in the '50's ?
When they told us (in the School History Books) about how those times were BAD! because:
they imposed conformity on people?
and they wouldn't let opposing views even be published?
and, if a Professor, or a screen writer didn't toe the line; they would lose their jobs?

Thank Gaia that we don't live in times like that NOW!!!

gilbar said...

And! i KNOW that times aren't like that NOW, 'cause TOP MEN, people like
Chuck, and Mutaman keep telling me..

Jaq said...

"name one good thing he wrote during that time that was rejected."

LOL. How could I do that? But usually when people have Academy Awards and major hits, they can find work in Hollywood. You can't really be making the argument that artists don't get any leeway, even for potential stinkers, when they have a track record of success. He didn't get any movies made during that time period.

Face it, he was blacklisted for writing an anti-communist movie, which for all of your denigration, was very popular, and for writing hit conservative movies, like Dirty Harry and Apocalypse Now.

We know perfectly well now that Harvey Weinstein could blacklist people, nobody wanted to piss him off by using somebody in a movie that he told them not to use, or by pointing out his casting couch stuff.

farmgirl said...

Absolutely beautiful

Fandor said...

Mutaman’s reality is acquired from a combination of late night tv and Entertainment Tonight. Hollywood, no mater who has or had been in control over the past 100 years, be it Goldwyn or Weinstein, is a dog eat dog business. Clint Eastwood is still making movies at 90 because he has good box office returns. Mel Gibson could do or say no wrong until his first major flop. Wasn’t it the same for Michael Ciminio? Everyone loves Billy Wilder, right? No one wanted to back his films after his last two flops with the sainted Jack and Walter. Hollywood is a fickle lover. Look at how they feted President Ronald Reagan in the 80s, all of them, fawning and falling over each other to sing the praises of “Dutch”. I agree with Tim in Vermont about Milus being a major talent. Unfortunately, talent has nothing to do with success in Hollywood, any of the arts or in Washington DC. Joe and Hunter are perfect examples of talentless hacks. The New York Times tells us who is writing the very best books, right? And aren’t those Nobel Prizes dynamite? “All is vanity”, or so that fellow said. The world is full of so much bullshit we’d all be wise to be careful where we tread. Superman said it best, before his current AC/DC woke persona was embedded into his brainwashed mind. “Truth, justice and the American way.” It still has a certain ring of what mankind can be when we seek our better angels.

Drago said...

Mutaman: "In the 1950s, at the height of America’s anti-communist witch hunts, Hollywood blacklisted many writers, directors and performers because they were accused of being communists or simply because they refused to inform on others."


Mutaman still thinks Alger Hiss was innocent as well!

Everyone of the Hollywood-ers that was blacklisted by the studio heads was a communist party member, actively participating and taking direction from Moscow, and more. Edward Dmytryk gave the game away from the inside in '51. Dalton Trumbo in particular was quite proud of his work in keeping non-commie writers off projects and constantly selling pro-soviet themes in flicks...and he proud if that to the very end (in the 1970's fir him).

Some willing commies in Hollywood came to understand that sacrificing their art to cater to rapidly "changing/180 degree reversal" Soviet commie needs was a problem (duh, but these are lefties so a bit slow on the uptake).

Read Albert Maltz's "What Shall We Ask Of Writers?" in the Feb 1946 edition of New Masses where he himself, a commie in good standing was quoted: I have come to believe that the accepted understanding of art as a weapon is not a useful guide, but a straitjacket. I have felt this in my own works and viewed it in the works of others."

Even more on point: "I know of at least a dozen plays and novels discarded in the process of writing because the political scene (Soviet narrative requirements) altered."

Not to worry though, Maltz would recant such heretical thoughts during his Maoist struggle sessions...think of them as the equivalent of corporate CRT Maoist struggle sessions today.

Should the studio heads have blacklisted these commies impacting the timing and "quality" of the work products and also represented a PR nightmare danger to the studio's reputation amongst the mass audience?

Well, last time I checked, the lefties/LLR-lefties keep saying "muh private company" when it comes to these sorts of issues and the guy who was brought in to break up the commie groups within the Studio system was a solid Roosevelt democrat union dude from the midwest.

And what explains the refusal of Hollywood to honor the work of Elia Kazan for decades? We all know why.

And I have to say, Mutaman calling mega-star Hollywood studio owners in the 50's "crackers" is an "interesting" and new "hot take".

Yeah, maybe you should bow to someone else's expertise...since you clearly lack it.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

As I read more about FJB's various government appointees and the ideological purge occurring in the military, I am coming closer and closer to the realization that Joe McCarthy wasn't wrong. He was early. Can Senators from Wisconsin be prescient? Or maybe prophetic?

Or did his possible excesses cause a self-fulfilling prophecy when the newly-empowered Left of the 50s and 60s took the reins in the 70s and 80s and were able to leverage untrue narratives of the McCarthy period to undercut all warnings that the wolves were in fact among the sheep?

Narr said...

Wait, "Apocalypse Now" was a hit conservative movie?

Since when? I'm genuinely curious as to the labeling. I don't know or care much about Milius and his trials and triumphs, but this piece intrigues me.

Chris Lopes said...

If you bother to watch the documentary "Milnus" you will see major players in Hollywood ADMIT to blacklisting Milnus, and offering justifications of it. It's not a secret conspiracy, it was quite open.

Mutaman said...

"If you bother to watch the documentary "Milnus" you will see major players in Hollywood ADMIT to blacklisting Milnus, and offering justifications of it. It's not a secret conspiracy, it was quite open. "

I know you crackers never give a link supporting your posts but how about just once-who are the "major players" and what are their quotes?

Mutaman said...

Well to give the devil his due, conservative Eastwood has certainly been unable to find work because of his political views.

Mutaman said...

"And what explains the refusal of Hollywood to honor the work of Elia Kazan for decades? We all know why."

Kazan was politically a liberal.

Fandor said...

Mutaman, Kazan was a patriot first, who believed in the American way as the best hope for the world to maintain personal freedom. He understood the power of the movie industry he loved, and it’s ability to persuade the masses overtly and covertly. His testimony in the 50s sounded the alarm of what he and many others were witness to as the cancer of communism was spreading in the post war years. Did he pay a price for his right to speak out? Yes. Was his signature artistic brand of cinematic expression eventually replaced by other directors visions? Yes. Hollywood producers are only interested in box office, not individual artistic expression or ethics. Bread and circuses are what the masses crave and those who seek to undermine the fabric of the American way, like the current woke left (aka neo-communists) running amuck in the US know it all too well. Slight of hand, watch what my right one is holding up while my left is stealthy disarming you and picking your pocket. American culture has been degraded. You can see it for yourself on our television screens, in the movies and the internet. Mutaman, you like quotes. I’ll give you one from one of our foremost living playwrights and movie directors. David Mamet stated,”The struggle of the Left to rationalize its positions is an intolerable Sisyphean burden. I speak as a reformed Liberal.”

Mutaman said...

"His testimony in the 50s sounded the alarm of what he and many others were witness to as the cancer of communism was spreading in the post war years. "

You mean like when he ratted out that dangerous terrorist Zero Mostel? What planet are you living on?

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