From "Our Most Reliable Pandemic Number Is Losing Meaning" (The Atlantic).
And as long as I'm here, blogging about coronavirus: "Nicki Minaj tweets coronavirus vaccine conspiracy, spotlighting struggle against misinformation."
Don't laugh that off. She has over 22 million followers on Twitter, and the fear that she's stimulating is very likely to determine decisions about whether to get the vaccine. How do you feel "comfortable with ur decision" if there's a possibility of impotence (which also reminds you that you've also heard that infertility could be a side effect)? She wants you to "pray" — which is a different method than science — and resist bullying.My cousin in Trinidad won’t get the vaccine cuz his friend got it & became impotent. His testicles became swollen. His friend was weeks away from getting married, now the girl called off the wedding. So just pray on it & make sure you’re comfortable with ur decision, not bullied
— Nicki Minaj (@NICKIMINAJ) September 13, 2021
And Minaj is out there defending herself. Here she is pushing back Joy Reid:
The two white men sittin there nodding their heads cuz this uncle tomiana doing the work chile. How sad.
— Nicki Minaj (@NICKIMINAJ) September 14, 2021
७२ टिप्पण्या:
So the upshot is our government has been lying to us all along?
Wow...who knew?
Except most reasonably intelligent people...
1. The fact that the hard left The Atlantic published that story signals the end of covid panic. It reminds me of a story in The New Yorker that dissed Hillary for Barack.
2. What language is Nicki Manji writing?
3. Joy Reid is a crazy woman. She changes her hairstyles like Hillary did. Crazy.
It was never the most reliable pandemic number you twenty something Atlantic twits…
Why is it all facts spewed by leftie experts eventually fall apart?
Remember you’re being forced to get the vaccine so you don’t spread covid to the vaccinated…
There’s a reason medical workers are resisting vaccination. It’s a good one…
"[T]he study suggests that roughly half of all the hospitalized patients showing up on COVID-data dashboards in 2021 may have been admitted for another reason entirely, or had only a mild presentation of disease."
Gotta keep the panic going though. Too useful politically.
Yesterday: follow the science. Today: follow the politics. Ef the science.
it sounds like he had the mumps
Jan 21 is the reference date that Covid cases are overstated by a factor of two. Biden was inaugurated on the 20th. Other than that, is there any reason to pick a Thursday in the middle of the month? C’mon man!
I think this is why our public and private sector leaders should just go back to their lawyers with the idea that, "We're done trying to persuade these hopeless nutjobs. We want to go with mandates. Tell us what we can do, mandate-wise, that will stand up in court."
Texas Congressman Ronny Jackson just the other day mentioned that he got vaccinated, but only because he feared that his participation in certain Congressional activities might be severely limited if he didn't get vaccinated. In other words, a vaccine mandate worked with Dr. Ricky Bobby:
I don't want to debate Nikki Minaj, or any of her followers. I don't want to converse with them. I'm done with those stupid debates and worthless conversations. I want never to be part of any conversation that features Nikki Minaj's cousin's friend's testicles.
Let's get mandates in place everywhere that we can make them stand up in court. And shut the anti-vaxxers out of as many common social settings as possible. I'm confident of the legal results. As for the political/electoral results, we the vaccinated are a supermajority.
Biden inaugurated Jan 20. As of Jan 21 Covid cases are overstated by a factor of two. Must be coincidence…
Absolutely everyone is overthinking the pandemic, except me of course. I'm glad people are going to hospital with mild symptoms. Covid is a crap shoot. If some folks try to power through, too much damage is done and long term illness/damage, permanent disability and/or death is possible.
People on both sides hung up on the real-time "stats" promoted are being taken advantage of.
Like I said before, we are all going to get Covid eventually. Best to get it after vaccinations which are far and above the gold standard treatment for covid. If you want to shave a few tens of percentages off the chance of dying or severe damage by using ivermectin or vitamin D and Zinc, go for it dipshit. However, if you want to cleave multiples of ten off your chance of dying or severe damage, get the vaccine.
I’m interested in the “soft hospitalizations”.
I’ve been extremely skeptical of the new hysteria about how the delta variant is hitting young people. And increased hospitalization among that age group. Once you’ve mobilized a huge industry like the medical care, (and that’s what it is) it’s hard to do a draw down, let alone complete withdrawal. Resources have been committed, there’s a solid revenue stream. It’s hard to be criticized for being too careful, and there seems to be a political reward that goes along with “hospitals at near capacity” with covid patients announcements. And if you can find that rare one in a million that has been denied health care for a non covid illness and died as a result even better.
In my state (MO) which publishes solid numbers on covid demographics not a single child under the age of 10 yrs has died of covid.
If one ever does, you can bet it will make the state, and likely national news. Meanwhile about 6 children in that age group have died of drowning on Missouri lakes and rivers in the last 8 months. What parent in their right mind would let their child go anywhere near water?
This pandemic has been (among other things), a huge failure for public health communications.
Early on in the pandemic, it was a talking point in skeptic circles that asymptomatic people don't spread the disease, so why do people not exhibiting symptoms have to wear a mask? The reason is that the medical community distinguishes between asymptomatic (people with the disease who never show symptoms) and pre-symptomatic (people with the disease who have not started showing symptoms yet). Pre-symptomatic people are contagious, asymptomatic people (so far as we know) are not.
This is the problem with specialized terms being used in public statements when the public has a different understanding of what the terms mean. Sure, asymptomatic people don't need to be so careful, but that fact is useless for setting recommendations because we don't know who is asymptomatic and who is pre-symptomatic until after the disease has run its course. The only sensible approach is to treat every person who tests positive but isn't showing symptoms as pre-symptomatic.
The problem with hospitalizations/deaths is the same as the problem with asymptomatic/pre-symptomatic--a term is used outside the context for which it was created without taking care to help people understand what it really means.
If you really think about how and where to draw the line on died from vs. died with, you'll realize that the difference is quite sketchy. The determination of what is best depends in part on your purpose. For instance, if you want to compare COVID to other viruses, then you need to use the same standard you used for those viruses, regardless of whether there is another more technically accurate method. But if you want to inform the public about their personal risk, then you want to use the most technically accurate method, or at least be clear about the limitations of the method you are using.
one thing is for sure. A few years from now, when the smoke clears; there will be some interesting stories about this panicdemic
Nicki Minaj having any followers is some of the most striking evidence America is over.
How do you feel "comfortable with ur decision" if there's a possibility of impotence
Notice how all official discussion of side-effects stopped the moment the official discussion of vaccine mandates began? The government has handed that responsibility over to the conspiracy theorists, who we can all rely on to manage with care.
Shorter Joy Reid: Obey the corrupt D-hack Stalinista narrative - or else.
What a racist.
When can white guys like me speak about 'our community'?
What if I spent my life (as Reid does) thinking only about what is good for people like me? People who look like me and have a similar color of skin.
Sounds racist.
Good for her. Like just about everything democrat these days, you stray off the reservation, you must be destroyed, not disagreed with, not debated, not engaged with, destroyed. Right now the democrat party and their minions are truly fascists.
I recall Dr. Birx saying that deaths WITH covid be shown as deaths OF covid.
Constant rumors of differential compensation for different diagnoses.
Plenty of reason to doubt official stats.
My biggest complain about our government's response to COVID-19 has been that the data collection has been horribly flawed. Data points have been poorly defined and then continually redefined. Consistency in data collection and reporting has been non-existent.
You would have thought that the CDC and NIH would have been fully prepared in advance for the collection of the data needed to manage the pandemic and the resulting vaccines. They were not prepared and have been largely unable to get organized. The result has been flawed information with continually moving goal posts.
Some might conclude that the government health organizations have been willfully incompetent in a way that supports certain political objectives. I guess a few enlarged hearts, damaged testicles and lethal blood clots are the price you pay for the accumulation of governmental control and power.
Like Nikki I too despise the bullying and othering that the DNC-Media Complex and their figurehead Joe Biden engage in. There is no reason people with acquired immunity need to fear the unvaccinated. Joy Reid is one of the worst. She gleefully spreads the official disinformation like “Trump says to inject bleach!” and “Delta is so much more deadly!” but she is unmolested by the Twitter policy that bans conservatives for quoting the NIH Website. The seemingly snide remark about Minaj urging prayer disregards the rather common habit of many Americans who pray when making decisions. To label that as “not science” is superfluous at least.
This blog entry starts with a trusted very elite mainstream publication admitting yet another novel feature of C-19 is bogus: using “hospitalization” as a metric, to measure the virus. Just like the bogus “number of cases” metric they used last year. What was a “case” last year? Any single positive test whether symptoms exist or not, even though the test protocols resulted in as many false positives as true ones. The metric really used by real epidemiologists prior to C-19 hysteria is CFR, Case Fatality Rate. It has remained stubbornly around 0.02% over this sorry episode, although the evil national media always hyped WuFlu as the Black Death and dialed the hysteria up as if 50% were dying. Surveys showed last summer that many people believed up to 50% of “cases” result in death. Not even half of those “cases” were a true positive then! So the Atlantic’s big scoop is way late to be helpful in avoiding damage from unnecessary lockdown and school closures. And it’s just another revelation that good credible info from the “experts” and national leaders and especially media hacks has been in short supply.
There’s nothing wrong with Minaj sharing her opinions and anecdotes but there’s a lot wrong with Reid posing as a “news” source. Neither should be taken as anything other than entertainment. Neither is news. But only one carries the weight of NBC’s “news” division and drags that entity further into obscurity.
Reid vs Minaj is like two elephants arguing over which of them has the most dung.
The single biggest problem with our highly coercive vaccine policy, and the Karens who root it on, is that Geert vanden Bossche may have the dynamic right. The highly specific antibodies created through the mRNA injections may crowd out some or all of the natural immunities, leaving the inoculated protected only against the original Wuhan strains.
For the individual -- if this description is true -- then the "vaccination" has made you more susceptible to new variants, not less. This would explain Israel's terrible resurgence after successfully vaccinating the highest percentage of their population of any of the major nations.
For the society, the problem would become worse. Vanden Bossche believes large-scale inoculations, done quickly, pressure the virus to mutate just as quickly into more infectious forms, while at the same time reducing the natural immunities we need to overcome a pandemic. He thinks Delta could already be an illustration of the consequence of the vaccination campaigns and how they work to push the virus into new forms of resistance. He says our strategy is completely backwards. His question then is: what happens if a new virus variant is not only more infectious, and more resistant, but also more deadly?
Minaj's tweet isn't helpful, but it is hardly the problem. The underlying truth of her tweet is that our government has a history of lying to minorities about the health benefits of treatments. Instead of addressing this history and finding celebrities like Minaj to provide outreach to minorities; our current Administration has decided to blame Republicans with even the White House Press Secretary frequently suggesting it is Republican voters that are anti-vaxxers, spreading false information, and are wary of the vaccination. The underlying truth of Jen Psaki's claim is that Republicans are wary of a government forcing a medical treatment on people rather than simply explaining the benefits and allowing people to decide what is best for them. This wariness is exacerbated by the same administration suggesting long understood and proven viral treatments are dangerous. That last part is far more harmful to Americans and particularly minorities than anything Minaj may post.
Any bets on whether or not Nicki Minaj will be booted off Tinder? (Just kidding!)
Ohh! Ohh! Cat fight!
"The two white men sittin there nodding their heads cuz this uncle tomiana doing the work chile. How sad."
What's sad is this racist POS can be so up front with her racism without anyone calling her out on it.
We finally have someone calling out Joy Reid after all these years and it's..........Nicki Minaj??
We are seriously in the age when the hare wins the race against the tortoise. Slowly but surely — the big data approach — has been completely polluted by fake data. Rely on your gut now, people. It’s a far superior barometer of truth. I knew from Day
One this entire Covid episode was built on pollution. The pollutization of science has reached critical mass.
The Age of the Gut reigns supreme! It’s why we got Trump.
Pushing back on Joy Reid?!
My goodness, the LLR's will be in a lather over a mere mortal standing up to the "brilliant" and "magnificent" "heroes" at MSNBC.
One LLR in particular.....
New deaths "due to COVID" are running at over 1900/day right now. On January 20th of this year, cumulative deaths assigned to COVID stood at 396,837 according to the COVID tracking project (this database, connected to and sponsored by The Atlantic, stopped collecting data in early March, and you can probably figure out why they stopped collecting it. As of last night, cumulative deaths are at 680,274. At the present run rate and extrapolating its coming decline back below 500/day from the Summer wave peak, more people will have "died of COVID" under Joe Biden's brilliant leadership than under Trump by mid to late November. Everyone supporting Joe Biden understands this event is coming- "Biden responsible for more COVID deaths than Trump" stories will start to appear.
What you are seeing in this The Atlantic story is the first moving of the goalposts to try to minimize this political problem. I think Zweig's story is largely correct, though- I have argued this myself for months and months. The hospitals are admitting lots of people with mild symptoms because it is the only way they can survive the slowdown in the acquisition of other routine medical care. This is an ongoing problem caused by the panic/hysteria- people are putting off normal medical care. My mother had a heart arrhythmia event late last Summer and had to be admitted the local hospital for two overnight stays until the cardiologist got it under control with medication. When I went in to visit her, the place was like a mausoleum (I have visited people in this same hospital in the past before COVID)- most of the hospital rooms were vacant. The employee and visitors parking lots were as empty as I ever seen during the days and nights. I think it has become a matter of sheer financial solvency to fill those beds one way or another with patients, and COVID is the only way to do that right now.
The next goalpost move will come in the counting of deaths. I suspect Zweig is working on this as I write this comment. Look for Zweig and others to start arguing that a large fraction of COVID deaths happening since January 20th 2021 are not really from COVID. Again, this is probably right in large measure, I have argued the same the entire time, but it is now politically convenient for such journolists to argue on my side of the debate. They will also probably start arguing for stopping the testing regime, something I suggested over a year ago, and warned about back in March of 2020.
“I don't want to debate Nikki Minaj, or any of her followers. I don't want to converse with them. I'm done with those stupid debates and worthless conversations. I want never to be part of any conversation that features Nikki Minaj's cousin's friend's testicles.”
Deez Nutz, Chuckie…
Hey Chuck,
Get Bent. The unvaccinated aren't a risk to you if you are vaccinated, and not every one of them is contagious. Stop acting as if this is a binary.
And you're racist, since the populations with the most hesitancy/opposition are minorities; not those deplorable Republicans. As usual, you want to punish your perceived enemies and you hurt those you so piously pretend to help.
What!?! No Althouseparse of Minaj's atrocious grammar???
Perhaps she doesn't know where to begin...
“Friend of my cousin who lives in a different country” has all the earmarks of a modern urban legend.
Blogger Chuck said...
Let's get mandates in place everywhere that we can make them stand up in court. And shut the anti-vaxxers out of as many common social settings as possible. I'm confident of the legal results. As for the political/electoral results, we the vaccinated are a supermajority.
I also prefer not to contemplate Nicky Minaj's cousin's friend's testicles. However, your assumption that all of the vaccinated share your enthusiasm for mandates is misplaced.
Blogger Howard said...
Like I said before, we are all going to get Covid eventually. Best to get it after vaccinations which are far and above the gold standard treatment for covid. If you want to shave a few tens of percentages off the chance of dying or severe damage by using ivermectin or vitamin D and Zinc, go for it dipshit. However, if you want to cleave multiples of ten off your chance of dying or severe damage, get the vaccine.
Good Lord, now I agree with Howard. This day is off the a strange start...
Well...the Spike shot which was sold as staying localised is known (from Japan's foia effort) to disseminate throughout body with peculiar tendency to congregate in ovaries and testes.
As for data points,
Certainly this minor issue was fixed, right?
"Preliminary data were collected from June 2006 through October 2009 on 715,000 patients, and 1.4 million doses (of 45 different vaccines) were given to 376,452 individuals. Of these doses, 35,570 possible reactions (2.6 percent of vaccinations)
were identified. This is an average of 890 possible events, an average of 1.3 events per clinician, per month. These data were presented at the 2009 AMIA conference.
In addition, ESP:VAERS investigators participated on a panel to explore the perspective of clinicians, electronic health record (EHR) vendors, the pharmaceutical industry, and the FDA towards systems that use proactive, automated adverse event reporting.
Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported.
Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. New surveillance methods for drug and vaccine adverse effects are needed. Barriers to reporting include a lack of clinician awareness, uncertainty about when and what to report, as well as the burdens of reporting: reporting is not part of clinicians’ usual workflow, takes time, and is duplicative.
Proactive, spontaneous, automated adverse event reporting imbedded within EHRs
and other information systems has the potential to speed the identification of problems with new drugs and more careful quantification of the risks of older drugs.
Unfortunately, there was never an opportunity to perform system performance assessments because the necessary CDC contacts were no longer available and the CDC consultants responsible for receiving data were no longer responsive to our multiple requests to proceed with testing and evaluation."
Plucked from this thread:
No mention of potential retribution if entry deemed wrong or false. Unlike incentive structure to encourage covid classification for deaths.
Ecven taken at face value, concerning that program exceeds event counts normally creating need to yank.
I'm so confused. Will someone please give me some orders? I don't know what to do because I am not an expert. That nice Nikki Minaj has a cousin whose pecker fell off! And right before his marriage. And Joy Reid, whose advice I follow assiduously because she is so brilliant, is getting into a fight with Nikki!
Yup. We are near the end. Don't pay any attention to any of these folks. They are stupid and our POTUS.
The problem with all these so called metrics is the inconsistency in the standards used by different reporting districts and the medical profession in general. The most obvious and easiest standard to establish would be test cycles for Covid tests - currently it varies anywhere between the mid twenties and the low forties. At the highest cycle counts the test would falsely identify a stray partial Covid molecule as a live virus, hence a Covid "case" when it is neither an actual infection nor communicable. Fix that and determine what the proper cycle standard should be and the "cases" would probably be cut in half.
"...won’t get the vaccine cuz his friend got it & became impotent. His testicles became swollen." Bingo. For months I've been wondering why the black community remained vax-hesitant. I knew it wasn't about personal freedom.
"her tweet — which would be funny if it weren't so consequential [ . . . ]"
You lost me there. A man with hugely swollen testicles isn't "funny" whatever the consequences. Would you say or think the same of a woman with a hugely swollen labia (to continue yesterday's conversation)? All yuk-yuks, yes?
However, if you want to cleave multiples of ten off your chance of dying or severe damage, get the vaccine.
Unless, of course, you are a teenage boy.
Oh, I forgot. OSHA has now banned collecting instances of vaccine complications.
Absolutely everyone is overthinking the pandemic, except me of course. I'm glad people are going to hospital with mild symptoms. Covid is a crap shoot. If some folks try to power through, too much damage is done and long term illness/damage, permanent disability and/or death is possible.
You're missing the point. A lot of these people are literally asymptomatic. They aren't "going to the hospital with mild symptoms"; they're going to the hospital with no COVID symptoms at all. Only, this being the VA system after all, they are screened for COVID when they come in, and some of them have it.
This isn't quite like the "diagnose COVID wherever you find it" thing of last year, where a motorcycle accident or a gunshot wound might end up in your being added to the COVID count. But it's not so dissimilar. This (again) being the VA, the patients are mostly male, and skew elderly, so if there is COVID floating around, as there is, it might indeed be dangerous. But there are also a lot of people who go to the VA for -- weird, innit? -- other ailments. You will not be surprised to learn that people get sick from many different causes, especially as they age.
Charlie: "We finally have someone calling out Joy Reid after all these years and it's..........Nicki Minaj??"
Yes, and our pro-marxist LLR Chuck, who once claimed distinguished pediatric neuro-surgeon Ben Carson should only run a Department of Black People, is not going to put up wth any of these uppity black people who refuse to follow LLR Chuck's "plantation rules" regarding vaccines.
Our racist LLR Chuck would very much like for these unvaccinated black Americans to be deprived of their liveihoods and freedom of travel, as he has proudly declared in this very thread.
For democraticals like LLR Chuck, that really is an old story, isnt it?
Lying liars have to lie and never let a crisis go to waste.
Leland, au contraire, Minaj's tweet is very helpful. It draws attention to the likelihood (high, I believe) that the vaccines carry a non-trivial risk of side effects. Governments at all levels and the press have consistently made light of the risks.
The CDC set up VAERS, the side-effects reporting system. They don't seem to like that people use it. They like even less there may be great under-use of it. They don't know if reported side effects are real or not, and they probably don't want to find out.
Minaj is right about praying. It may not be scientific, but you'd better pray there's science, because my reading says the science has been all over the map.
you can't make this stuff up!
Althouse reports on an article, that says that Covid is (at Least) half as bad as they said
And LLL Chuck replies (seriously! i am NOT making this up!!!)...
I think this is why our public and private sector leaders should just go back to their lawyers with the idea that, "We're done trying to persuade these hopeless nutjobs. We want to go with mandates. Tell us what we can do, mandate-wise, that will stand up in court.
Which is WHY Chuck wants to force vaccinations
OMMFGDMFG! You can NOT make this stuff up!!!
ZUBY: New Album Out Now
"Get vaccinated to protect the already vaccinated."
This is really where we are now. Make it make sense.
I'm done with those stupid debates and worthless conversations. I want never to be part of any conversation that features Nikki Minaj's cousin's friend's testicles.
And yet you posted this comment.
I agree with M Jordan that the data on SARS-2, like the data on global warming, has been fatally compromised and cannot be trusted. Actually, global warming has been the model for this corruption. A political end has dominated the means. Like the Soviet Union, we live in a society where real truth has been sacrificed to political agenda. The "Systemic Racism" is another growing example. Ask a leftist how many black males were killed by police last year. The answer is revealing.
Internet comments are a very useful resource- without them, I would have forgotten that Nicki Minaj "sarcastically" endorsed Romney eight years ago before taking it back under monumental pressure. I know there are boy-hungry pedophiles from Lawton who think they have the capacity to exclude about a third of the American population from American society: this is how a tribe of desert peasants ended up in one modern military debacle after another. Lincoln Project sodomites don't even come up to Minaj's knee.
Doc g said, "it sounds like he had the mumps".
You might be right.
For about two weeks after the vax, there appears to be suppressed immunity. To everything.
Everywhere there's been a vaccine roll-out, COVID cases have surged. It happened in Israel. It happened in the UK. It happened in the US. It happened in Japan. It happened in Chile. It happened in Vietnam. Etc, etc.
Other things have surged as well. Old viruses have been reactivated. Shingles, anyone? Why not mumps?
The comments section today
Sometimes you have to talk to people built on common points of agreement. Here's a few:
1. In March 2020, a highly infectious contagion was expanding in the U.S. when testing and control measures were not ready. A lockdown to give time for appropriate disease control measures to spin up was reasonable and to slow the spread.
2. Within the U.S. the federal government and many state governments began to steadily move goalposts, extend lockdowns under constantly changing criteria, and generally begin to move from a "Slow the spread" to a "stop the spread" mentality.
3. Globally, countries with lesser health care systems or who had rapid onset of Covid saw immediately overwhelmed hospitals and morgues in hard hit areas. The countries were widespread and not controlled by the U.S. government.
4. This pandemic and it's data points have spread across 2 polar opposite U.S. president administrations.
5. The vaccines are quite effective are reducing hospitalization, death, and infection probability. Of the many different vaccines already offered, there is various degrees of efficacy and extremely low side effect profiles. At-risk populations get enormous benefit from vaccination, while low risk/no-risk populations are more questionable targets for the vaccines.
6. COVID, including current variants, appears to be a blood disease spread through respiratory means that hits the obese, elderly, and elderly-with-comorbities particularly hard. And obviously the immunocompromised. It generally does not hit hard kids or even young and middle age adults who are otherwise healthy.
If you take these statements as fact then...
1. Lockdowns are stupid
2. Vaccination is good for at-risk populations; mass vaccination is a questionable strategy in light of the fact that covid is endemic AND you have some low probability of contracting and potentially spreading covid even if you are vaccinated.
3. The idea covid is made up by the U.S. government is stupid
4. Governments and media are absolutely encouraging panic and fear
Are these reasonable conclusions?
I like Howie's notion of choice re Ivermectin. (even if pulling stats out of his arse
and disnissing short to long-term AE)
Now if only there wasn't a massive disinformation (even by cheeky FDA, y'all) campaign to classify as horse med and multiple systemic limitations to access, including pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions.
There are probably many, many folks in Joy's "community" who would qualify and benefit from mAbs early treatment.
But come on, y'all.
It's apparent that the vaccines worked really well against the original Wuhan virus strain.
They work sorta/kinda against the delta strain.
Probably not at all against the next one that arises (or is released).
There is much more money to be made in selling shots than N95 masks, which provide good protection against all viruses for the vulnerable.
Tree Joe,
Yeah, sure...facee value.
See post above re VAERS reporting and give assurance it's remotely up to snuff.
Also see efforts to bury the living victims, even deleting clips of Sen. Johnson trying to bring to light.
There is plenty lack of transparency and obvious narrative gaming afoot.
"ike I said before, we are all going to get Covid eventually."
This is untrue. There is a substantial population of people who have been repeatedly exposed to Wu Flu and have not shown any symptoms of infection. The assumption by the health fascists is that no one is naturally immune to the virus - but there is substantial evidence that this is incorrect. Even from the earliest days of the pandemic we knew this was the case, but health fascists have ignored it.
Blogger TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed,
i.e. the innate immune system that antibody focus ignores.
The crap metrics never end.
Does Reid still hate homosexuals?
Is there a vaccine against terminal stupidity?
Joy Reid versus Nicki Minaj is our Hitler versus Stalin ...
Unless otherwise noted, Race tops Covid in the Woke Canonical Text (if such a beast exists)
Minaj 1
Reid 0
Althouse knows that posting about women of color (Joy Reid, AOC, Nicki Minaj) to this crowd , is like throwing out red meat to a pack of hungry dogs.
It will be interesting to see what their theory is about where the additional 800,000 deaths over the last 19 months came from. Let's see, there were 21,00 more drug OD...that number had been rising year over year, but let's give full credit to that number. That's 2.6%. And then what else? Marginal increases in heart and respiratory deaths.
Those funeral directors buried somebody
Seems like this would be easier if people could trust the people pushing the vaccine mandates.
But the people pushing the vaccine mandates have been caught lying repeatedly.
Anthony Fauchi should hang for his part in developing COVID.
Anything he says is going to cause distrust at this point. The fact he is still employed by the Regime ends any trust in anything they say.
Well that and the fact they were all pushing vaccine conspiracies in order to hurt Trump.
Mutaman: "Althouse knows that posting about women of color (Joy Reid, AOC, Nicki Minaj) to this crowd , is like throwing out red meat to a pack of hungry dogs..
Mutaman knows his/her/xer fellow leftist LLR Chuck cannot resist any thread where his transparent racism will come out...and mutaman pretends his/her/xer fellow leftist LLR Chuck isnt explicitly calling for forcibly removing 65% of African-Americans from active society over their vaccine hesitancy in this very thread.
Joe Smith: "Does Reid still hate homosexuals?"
Uh oh. Now you've done it. LLR Chuck is NOT going to take kindly to your criticism of one of his adored MSNBC lefty hosts.
Regarding Minaj's post, while I have doubts this event was truly a reaction to the vaccine, I get very annoyed with the media and medical establishment immediately dismissing such things. We can't know right away. A lot of data has to be collected and analyzed before drawing such conclusions.
In addition to VAERS, the CDC has also set up V-Safe for the Covid vaccines. Its difficult for elderly as it works via text messaging, but otherwise its great and I hope we'll see more like it in healthcare. I encourage patients to report anything that happens in the weeks after getting the vaccine. You don't have to know it was because of the vaccine, the point is to find a reaction that may have been overlooked.
She mentioned making sure you're comfortable with your decision and that is a concern I have with the intense social pressure and government mandates. If you feel confident in your decision to get the vaccine, you're not likely to freak out if you get side effects. Even if something really bad happened, you'd know it was your decision. But if you're pressured into it, any little thing and especially a serious reaction will seem like vindication that you were right to begin with, that you never should have gotten it, and resent the source.
Gemna said...In addition to VAERS, the CDC has also set up V-Safe for the Covid vaccines.
When was that set up? Never heard of it.
I don't know the exact date it was set up, but its been operational at least since February of this year. You can find info at
Sadly, I'm not surprised you haven't heard of it. The media doesn't mention it much. If you got the vaccine, you should have been informed about it, but it may have been just in fine print when you signed up online.
When I first started giving the Covid vaccines, we gave each patient a packet with vaccine and v-safe information. I would go over it briefly before giving the shot and in more detail if desired. Now its still available and I always offer it, but its not handed out automatically.
Disturbingly, doctors researching Covid vaccine side effects in teens aren't getting much better reception than Minaj.
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