Said Darin Hoover, father of one of the Marines who died recently in Afghanistan, quoted in "Trump reaches out to families of U.S. service members killed in Afghanistan" (WaPo).
Hoover, who traveled to Dover Air Force Base when his son's body was brought home, "declined an offer to meet with President Biden. But out of the blue last week his cellphone rang, and he instantly recognized the voice on the other line: Donald Trump."
I'm blogging this mainly because it's positive coverage for Trump that is appearing in The Washington Post. I read The Washington Post every day, and I find it blogworthy that The Washington Post would treat Trump this well. Maybe it's just pure empathy for the Gold Star father, and I should just stop there, but I read on.
I think I see the motivation:
[At a time when there is criticism of Biden,] Trump has placed several calls over the past week to some family members of the 13 service members killed in an Islamic State-Khorasan terrorist attack during the withdrawal. Several have invited him to attend the funerals, and he has suggested he may try to do so.
Trump and his allies have seen the calamitous end to the war in Afghanistan as a potent political opportunity as he weighs a potential 2024 reelection bid....
WaPo is monitoring the 2024 election, and this connection with the Gold Star families shows Trump making a politically powerful move that Democrats should not ignore.
As Biden plans to attend several solemn ceremonies Saturday to mark the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Trump has not announced any plans to attend memorial events, though an adviser said he may attend one in Manhattan.
Biden supporters are hoping this will be a big week for Biden, but what surprise attack might Trump have in the works?
That evening, he is slated to provide color commentary for a pay-per-view heavyweight boxing match at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, Fla....
What a tricky distraction! Trump has his haters talking about how he doesn't care, because he's doing something un-solemn in the evening. But watch out. It could be a trap.
The former president and his team have issued more than 50 statements about Afghanistan, and his PAC has raised millions with repeated fundraising pitches “It is really the only topic I’ve seen him animated about other than the election,” said one adviser, describing Trump’s nonstop commentary in private about the pullout.
Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), an ally of Trump’s who disagreed with his decision to withdraw from Afghanistan, said: “I told him, I think this and the border are going to be one-two punches for Biden. He agreed and is just surprised that Biden let it get this much out of hand.”...
And by "for Biden," he means against Biden.
“It’s almost certain he runs. I’d be shocked if he doesn’t,” Graham said. “I thought he would wait until after the midterms, but now I’m not so sure. I think Afghanistan has a lot to do with it. Before Afghanistan, I would have said the chance of him announcing before the midterm was almost zero. Now I’m not so sure.”....
So Trump is on the move now and Democrats had better not rest.
Trump has issued several statements thanking Shana Chappell, the mother of Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, 20, who was killed in the attack. “If I were President, your wonderful and beautiful son Kareem would be with you now, and so would the sons and daughters of others,” he said last week.
Chappell recounted meeting with Biden at Dover, with him attempting to console her and her telling him he had no idea how she felt. At one point, by her account, Biden grew visibly annoyed and began walking away. “You are not the president of the United States of America Biden!!!! Cheating isn’t winning!!!” she wrote on Facebook. “You are no leader of any kind! You are a weak human being and a traitor!!!!”
She later wrote that the day after burying her son, she plans to drive her blue Toyota Tundra from Norco, Calif., to the White House to demand Biden’s resignation. She encouraged others to join. “It’s a long drive but worth it!” she wrote. “It’s time the Lions awaken and show their numbers, it’s time we take back our country! If we don’t fight to save our country then nobody will and she will fall!”
She also said that she hopes Trump will come to her son’s funeral later this month....
Imagine Trump at that funeral and then Chappell's "Lions" driving across the country — some sort of caravan? — to demand Biden's resignation.
And here's a quote from another of the Gold Star parents, the father of Marine Corps Sgt. Nicole Gee: "[Biden is] not invited to the funeral. If he comes, I won’t let him in the door. I don’t even really want to talk to anyone in his administration. There’s blood on his hands. I’m trying to keep it not political, but I can’t. You can’t not do that. It’s what got my daughter killed."
६५ टिप्पण्या:
Friday afternoon in Omaha there will be funeral procession from the airport with the body of one of the fallen Marines. I expect a big turnout along the roads.
"Biden supporters are hoping this will be a big week for Biden, "
On the heels of the Afghanistan debacle? That seems tone deaf.
Imagine Trump at that funeral and then Chappell's "Lions" driving across the country — some sort of caravan? — to demand Biden's reservation.
No need to post this, just an FYI...
---Trump has issued several statements thanking Shana Chappell, the mother of Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, 20, who was killed in the attack. “If I were President, your wonderful and beautiful son Kareem would be with you now, and so would the sons and daughters of others,” he said last week.
Unseemly. But tough noogies. After that fraudulent election and the two phony impeachments, there is nothing against the "rules" regarding combatting the Democratic Party. A fight to save the country is no hyperbole.
---Imagine Trump at that funeral and then Chappell's "Lions" driving across the country — some sort of caravan? — to demand Biden's reservation. [s/b resignation]
This would work, in terms of attracting support. We all know it would. I hope they do it.
"Biden supporters are hoping this will be a big week for Biden"
Jeeze! how many more 'big weeks' does he have in him? Hasn't Sept been big enough already?
I was against the Trump-Biden withdrawal plan, but if we had repudiated the plan is there any doubt we would now be in the middle of a big shooting war with casualties above those suffered in August? I don't challenge how families deal with their grief, but I don't see Trump getting much political mileage out of going to their funerals as ex-president. How many funerals did he attend as president?
Trump is doing the Jesse Jackson move smearing their blood on his shirt mehtaphorically
Trump pounces!
Yes, he actually does, in this case. I'm willing to believe he does care about these dead young American military members and their families because despite his (studied and intentional) self-aggrandizement, he has always appeared to me to have a ton more empathy than the snarling cipher in the White House. But certainly this is also a political move.
But I do wish he'd be willing to settle for being a kingmaker... and I say that as someone who voted for him twice - first time reluctantly, second time enthusiastically.
Great post. But Lindsey Fucking graham strikes again. Does this clown ever do any Senate work? Always available for a TV appearance, always got a quote for the NYT/WaPo/MSM, always looking for a TV camera. Shut up Lindsey!
The Liberal Establishment hates that Biden got out of Afghanistan. This is their revenge. They'll even give the hated Trump some positive press if it attacks Biden over afghanistan. They're sending a message to Joey, don't do anything like this again or we'll pull the plug on you. Kamala Harris is all teed up anyway.
As for the funerals, the last thing I'd want is ANY politican at my daughters funeral. And that includes Trump.
He's running!!
Not clearing the cabinet of the people who had a hand in the decision (to rush the withdrawal) is kind of like leaving the wound open and expecting it to heal, in spite of not doing more to help the wound heal. Something you might expect from Obama, not from the experienced Biden.
The contrast between Kamala’s inappropriate cackles and Joe Biden’s repeatedly checking his watch during a solemn ceremony to show respect for fallen servicemen on the one hand, and Trump’s sympathetic conversations is striking, is it not?
Biden lacks ostensibility, Trump otoh is ostensible as hell.
I was against the Trump-Biden withdrawal plan...
Readering is against something that never existed. How bold of her!
What a way to describe it!
I was against the Trump-Biden withdrawal plan
Of course Lefties can never own their mistakes. If they did it would be the Harris-Biden Plan right? You guys will do this anyway just know Americans ain’t buying what you and Joe and Blinken and Nod are selling. Not even close. Especially when he’s got more hostages than Carter did and no will to help them. The cowardice just keeps growing in immensity. Every speech where he hides from current events increases his cowardly coefficient.
Please keep helping him! Your servile attitude compliments his well!
A President who cares. He loves America and Americans. Progressives don't like America and never will. NOTHING will ever make every Progressive happy. They are their own little tribes like in Afghanistan. Civil War forever. I miss Trump. I miss competence.
Trump has too many faults to list (as Instapundit likes to say "you're gonna need a bigger blog") here, but he does know how
to express concerned other people. I will leave the judgement of the sincerity of that concern to others, but the fact is he understands the need for that expression. The current regimen won't even try to pretend to care. They don't see those dead service people or their families as even remotely important and the families can feel it. Trump (for whatever reasons) does see them as important. The WP piece is their way of telling the clueless Biden administration that such things matter.
Trump-Biden Plan? Readering still fucking that chicken.
Mr Wibble is quite right about the effect of not being on twitter. It helps the mealy-brained who didn't like his 'meanness' and the pudding-spined 'I'll vote for neitherers'
who clearly lack an understanding of existentialism... to hold their noses and vote for PDT.
- livermoron
'Chappell recounted meeting with Biden at Dover, with him attempting to console her and her telling him he had no idea how she felt. At one point, by her account, Biden grew visibly annoyed and began walking away.'
Like Cindy Sheehan, Chappell has absolute moral authority.
Those are the rules made by the left...
WaPo doing its usual best to put its elbow on the electoral scales in favor of Democrats.
I was against the Trump-Biden withdrawal plan...
One suspects Readering is being unusually mendacious here, fibbing about herself, when fibbing about others is more characteristic of her comments.
Readering made no comment on the BIDEN plan, yea or ney, until it predictably collapsed and the fibbers started pushing the "Trump plan" narrative until that collapsed as well.
Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan, said somebody, maybe Jack Kennedy. Whoever it was, it is doubly true of mothers, leftist moms, to be more precise.
The left is as thoroughly and inherently as is Islam. When they do something that appears facially fair and honest, you can be sure there's malevolence behind it.
"On the heels of the Afghanistan debacle? That seems tone deaf."
That's one of the defining features of this administration.
Howard: "Trump is doing the Jesse Jackson move smearing their blood on his shirt mehtaphorically"
Howard is still waiting for the FBI to find the Trump supporters that "attacked" Jussie Smollett.....
Touching on the statue of Lee post earlier, along with this story, it strikes me that Trump is the only one on the national stage (maybe DeSantis and Cruz as well) who have any interest at all in representing half of America.
The Left simply ignores that this is supposed to be a unified country, with all sides represented. They are waging cultural war, a war of genocide (helped immensely by the Chucks of the world).
For instance, in my local (Utah) paper story on the removal of the Lee statue, we have lots of debate over Lee as a traitor, a hero, an American, etc. Which, I suppose, is a good conversation to have.
But the leftist commentators have declared their intent to take down the statues of Brigham Young, starting with the statue of Brigham Young that is standing outside the administration building at BYU, which is Brigham Young University.
Why? Why take down his statue? He was not a slave owner. He was a successful governor, the great colonizer of the West, and so forth. So why do leftists want to erase him from history? Because he's a revered figure for a church they hate and despise, and he preached things that the left doesn't like. Brigham would not tolerate any of the Wokeism we have today.
But mostly it is an attempt to attack the LDS church. To begin erasing us from history too. Exactly like how the Taliban tore down those Buddhist statues--to show that some religions won't survive.
I fully anticipate that Chuck and his fellow GOPe types will totally support the Left's attempt to destroy Brigham Young. Because the GOP will not stand up to the Taliban known as Democrats.
Sorry about the "reservation" for "resignation" and thanks for the heads up.
I was against the Trump-Biden withdrawal plan
Nice try. Biden is in charge. It's the Biden Execution-of-Withdrawal plan regardless of who started it, and which was not especially successful or smooth.
So can I assume you were all for endless engagement in Afghanistan? That's a viewpoint outside of the majority.
I don't think anyone, even his relatives, listens to Lindsey Graham anymore. If they ever did.
"[Biden is] not invited to the funeral. If he comes, I won’t let him in the door. I don’t even really want to talk to anyone in his administration. There’s blood on his hands. I’m trying to keep it not political, but I can’t. You can’t not do that. It’s what got my daughter killed."
What hypocrisy. "I trying to keep it not political, but I will anyway."
Donald Trump's Compassionate Treatment of Gold Star Families Puts Biden's Blunders to Shame
The St. Louis procession for the remains of Marine Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, one of those killed at the Kabul airport.
---but I don't see Trump getting much political mileage out of going to their funerals as ex-president. How many funerals did he attend as president? [Readering]
So we don't all know such a caravan would work, after all. I think you're missing something -- the enormity of the frustration, dismay and anger in so many normal citizens; a mood that the Democrats, the leftist totalitarians, and the media have been fanning with their actions and their self-serving falsehoods about it all. All those hoaxes; the sham impeachments; and then November. This was not a normal electoral defeat, and even a lot of Democrats know it, as polls have shown.
A gilet-jaunes type caravan would attract A LOT of patriotic Americans who are disgusted by the leftist destructiveness. With Trump involved, too, who knows how many miles' worth of cars and trucks would assemble? It would boggle the minds at WaPo, NYT, and NPR when they saw all the non-subscribers who hate their guts (insert small sigh of satisfaction here); and God only knows what sputtering they might be reduced to. Fifty or 100 miles of deplorables in pickups, SUVs and soccer-mom vans? Kamala would resign in well-calculated dread of inheriting the animosity and, once jobiden abdicated, DJT could take the office he won in the election, with the approval of the Senate and the House of Representatives in special sessions -- unanimous, after the Democratic members flee to Havana to avoid voting, arguing, or breathing dangerous oxygen.
There was no insurrection at the Capitol on Jan. 6, but that doesn't mean The Resistance can't pull one off. The Dems panted after it; maybe someone will give one to them.
Not John Henry
He does have a reservation, too; his appointment in Samarra.
The especially hateful comments on Biden by Shana Chappell, the mother whose son died in the Kabul airport bombing, are unfortunate. Even considering that his incompetence got her son killed! That cannot help.
The especially hateful comments on Biden by Shana Chappell, the mother whose son died in the Kabul airport bombing, are unfortunate. Even considering that his incompetence got her son killed! That cannot help.
Big week for Biden? Are we bugging out of Korea, too?
If I were President, your wonderful and beautiful son Kareem would be with you now, and so would the sons and daughters of others
Ugh. If President Trump actually said that, that would be crass. Why doesn't WaPo include a link to the source?
I found this, which might be an Instagram or Facebook (?) post from Chappell, which includes an image of another post that purportedly comes from Trump and includes the above quote. But I can't find any other reference to such a post from Trump. And I don't have accounts with either Facebook or Instagram, so I can't search there.
If WaPo reporters would actually do the work of tracking sources for these types of quotes, to where I could reasonably believe they're accurate, I'd subscribe to WaPo.
On one hand, I think Trump is sincere. On the other, I do think this is politics. I do not remember any time Trump visited families whose sons & daughters died in either Afghanistan or other services.
I voted for Trump, but a lot of his fans are doing what I heard people accuse Obama of being - a cult of personality.
On one hand, I think Trump is sincere. On the other, I do think this is politics. I do not remember any time Trump visited families whose sons & daughters died in either Afghanistan or other services.
I voted for Trump, but a lot of his fans are doing what I heard people accuse Obama of being - a cult of personality.
The company grade and field grade officers and everyone in the Armed Forces outside of DC are very very upset right now.
Veterans everywhere, especially Afghan vets, feel a certain way.
The Flag ranks are in for a bit of a surprise soon.
They should take steps to salvage some honor and save everyone the trouble.
Milley and Austin have managed to earn a spot in the history books.
Said it elsewhere, I think. Bereaved families, including mine, are a special case. What they say is not to be taken as if they were not bereaved families. It's different with the military. When I was in, we did not wear our uniform hats if in uniform off post. And if we were going to see a family with whom we were friends, we called first. Don't want anybody, including the folks across the street, to think we were coming for them with the Bad News. They had Bad News on their mind every waking minute. Not like everything is great and you find your kid got killed by a drunk driver.
So I give them some slack. But in this case, hearing from Trump who is being sympathetic will make a big difference, compared to you-know-who. Both for them and for anybody who hears about it.
It would be one thing if Team Biden were able to carry off the condolence schtick. But they can't. So sneering that Trump is inserting himself where he doesn't belong and trying to overshadow Biden's completely wonderful approach won't fly even among those trying to say so with a straight face.
I was against the Trump-Biden withdrawal plan, but if we had repudiated the plan is there any doubt we would now be in the middle of a big shooting war with casualties above those suffered in August?
I supported the Trump withdrawal plan, but the Biden/Blinken/Milley execution was the problem as we all know. Let's not confuse withdrawal with execution that gave the Taliban more weapons than the Third World combined. They are now much more powerful military force.
The Taliban may have attacked if the plan was repudiated, but we had the ability to defend ourselves and inflict great casualties as they showed their faces. IOW, we do much better working from a position of strength (which Trump projects) than a position of weakness (which the Biden Administration projects).
At this point I’m a okay with Trump political moves and self-aggrandizing. Also low blows, dirty tricks…mean tweets….
…build an office of the President Past and Future, complete with it’s own podium and seal. Act like you’re going to be President. Call world leaders and tell them to hang on until I get there. It’s been done Someone paved the way already. Disrupt whoever is calling the shots right now…
By recent measures more than 60% of us should be pleased. It’s prolly more than 70% since pollsters treat polls like a handicap match and spot Biden 10 points.
Freder wrote:
"What hypocrisy. "I trying to keep it not political, but I will anyway."
Yeah, it makes no sense to blame the guy that got ones offspring killed. Why can't they rise above it all and let Biden come to the funeral.
And Freder wonders why people think he is an imbecile.
Yancey Ward: "And Freder wonders why people think he is an imbecile."
Imbeciles never figure it out because, well, imbeciles.
Freder writes, "What hypocrisy. "I trying to keep it not political, but I will anyway."
I will be charitable and assume Rotwang's Cabana Boy doesn't understand that moral condemnation of someone based on one's own deliberate misquotation of that person is a prima facie violation of a universally held precept known to Jews and Christians as the Ninth Commandment -- Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Readering: "I was against the Trump-Biden withdrawal plan, ....."
It interesting watching the LLR Chuck's and Howards and Readerings suddenly shift from Dementia Joe is doing a fantastic job to the always telling shared responsibility "Republican - Democrat" gambit.
Biden and his moron military leadership deviated from every single aspect of standard operating procedure for non-combatant evacuation operations under combat conditions and now want to pretend that Trump did that.
Recall how quickly the democraticals/LLR-democraticals (Chuck and Howard in particular) immediately "awarded" republicans "responsibility" and "ownership" of the entire history of obamacare from inception forward once the individual mandate was jettisoned. They were even blaming republicans for how obamacare was rolled out and the website failure!
Similar to how all democraticals like LLR Chuck now claim it was modern day conservative republicans who were responsible for the democratical slaveowners and Jim Crow and Segregation.
The transference is classic Soviet tactics and the wokism is classic Maoism.
This should come as no surprise given LLR Chuck's strong endorsement of the marxist Warnock in GA as well as LLR Chuck's beloved The Bulwark/Lincoln Pedophile Project adoption of the AOC New Green Deal.
I should add that I am pleased that the democraticals/LLR-democraticals attempts to shift blame from their dementia-addled Installed *"president" to Trump for the Afghanistan debacle has failed miserably on a global basis with even the Europeans taking the Installed *"president" to task for his stupidity and making aggressive moves of their own to completely cut out the democraticals/LLR-democraticals from consideration in the formulation of new European policies.
Sabinal said...
On one hand, I think Trump is sincere. On the other, I do think this is politics. I do not remember any time Trump visited families whose sons & daughters died in either Afghanistan or other services.
1: The President doesn't visit them, they visit him at the White House
2: That you don't remember the happening shows two things: that Trump had the class not to promote it, and that the press didn't cover it because they went well
3: Because if Trump had been blowing off those families, then people who brought us the Belleau Wood "suckers and losers" fraud would have covered it, extensively
Sabinal said...
On one hand, I think Trump is sincere. On the other, I do think this is politics. I do not remember any time Trump visited families whose sons & daughters died in either Afghanistan or other services.
Here are three examples that took almost no time to find:
Biden's handlers are desperate to get the Afghan FUBAR off the front pages. They thought having the Bidens at Dover to honor the fallen and comfort the families would go a long way.
They thought wrong. And while 10 of the 13 were stationed out of Pendleton and 2 called Southern California "home", they didn't realize that all of CA is NOT Frisco or Los Angeles.
Kareem Nikoui's family let the Bidens have the full force of their fury at Biden's fake little speech of condolence. They're from Norco aka "Horsetown USA" ... a small town fiercely proud and protective of its rural nature where American patriotism isn't something to snigger at.
Kareen was class of 2019 at Norco High School in their well-attended and celebrated JROTC program. These kids also do all sorts of community work, like helping out, in uniform, at Ingalls Event Center.
You see, my twin grandsons are 2021 grads of Norco High School and also members of the same JROTC program.
Freder Frederson said...
"[Biden is] not invited to the funeral. If he comes, I won’t let him in the door. I don’t even really want to talk to anyone in his administration. There’s blood on his hands. I’m trying to keep it not political, but I can’t. You can’t not do that. It’s what got my daughter killed."
What hypocrisy. "I trying to keep it not political, but I will anyway."
Politics led to her daughter's murder.
She wants as little politics as possible.
But that means keeping incompetent creepy Joe, whose f*ckups killed her daughter, away
Presidents should be guests of honor only at their own funerals. The security hassle is another reason to stay away.
'On one hand, I think Trump is sincere. On the other, I do think this is politics.'
Of course it's politics. Everything is politics. The democrats turn everything into a blood sport and the republicans act shocked.
If republicans haven't figured out by now that they're in a knife fight then there is no future for the party as it currently exists.
"What hypocrisy. "I trying to keep it not political, but I will anyway."
She blames (not without really good reason) Biden for her child's death. For her it's not about politics, it's about holding people responsible for the consequences of their actions. Biden and his people got 13 service people killed and to this day refuse to take responsibility for that. For them, it was just one of those things, a PR issue to be felt with.
For that mother, it's about never being able to share another birthday, holiday, or any other day with someone she gave birth to, all because the people responsible for his life were too busy planning a photo op to care about what happened to him. That's not about politics, it's about right and wrong.
What a way to describe it!
9/9/21, 11:59 AM
Althouse’s comment re the election Trump ostensibly lost had me thinking about who’s ostensible and who isn’t these days.
Joe Smith: "If republicans haven't figured out by now that they're in a knife fight then there is no future for the party as it currently exists."
Joe, you need to come to grips with the fact that 25% of the elected republicans are really democraticals and another 25% of republicans are happy to let the democraticals win on policy.
Hopefully, no editors will be forced to resign for the article. Maybe the Washington Post is better than the New York Times.
"On one hand, I think Trump is sincere. On the other, I do think this is politics."
Everything is political today, unfortunately. I'm not a Trump fan, though I do get annoyed with hysteria and refusal to recognize anything good.
I remember early in Trump's term when the student was released from North Korea and died soon after. I was impressed to read how Trump had found out about his death son after because he had followed up with a personal phone call to check in on his condition.
Of course it's politics. Everything is politics. The democrats turn everything into a blood sport and the republicans act shocked.
If republicans haven't figured out by now that they're in a knife fight then there is no future for the party as it currently exists.
But Republicans should not fight back too hard, lest they offend the genteel sensibilities of Ann Althouse and women like her.
Kai Akker said...
"A gilet-jaunes type caravan would attract A LOT of patriotic Americans who are disgusted by the leftist destructiveness. With Trump involved, too, who knows how many miles' worth of cars and trucks would assemble? It would boggle the minds at WaPo, NYT, and NPR when they saw all the non-subscribers who hate their guts (insert small sigh of satisfaction here); and God only knows what sputtering they might be reduced to. Fifty or 100 miles of deplorables in pickups, SUVs and soccer-mom vans? Kamala would resign in well-calculated dread of inheriting the animosity and, once jobiden abdicated, DJT could take the office he won in the election, with the approval of the Senate and the House of Representatives in special sessions -- unanimous, after the Democratic members flee to Havana to avoid voting, arguing, or breathing dangerous oxygen."
Something like that would not go unopposed. Expect BLM/Antifa to set up roadblocks, or even a perimeter, daring hapless drivers to cross their lines and cause a scene. Then, of course, the alphabet news outlets would report it as violence perpetrated by the dreaded white supremacists.
Great post. But Lindsey Fucking graham strikes again. Does this clown ever do any Senate work? Always available for a TV appearance, always got a quote for the NYT/WaPo/MSM, always looking for a TV camera …
@rcocean, as you value your life, do not get between any senator and a TV camera!
MadTownGuy said...
Something like that would not go unopposed. Expect BLM/Antifa to set up roadblocks, or even a perimeter, daring hapless drivers to cross their lines and cause a scene.
At some point soon, BLM / Antifa types are going to start getting shot when they get in the faces of ordinary Americans.
This is the kind of event where that could happen. Or, they could just get run over, as has happened several times already.
Democrat weighted polls only find low-40s "approval" of "Biden".
The Overton Window has severely shifted to the right. Rather than backing off, the Dems are doubling down (see the insane and unconstitutional "vaccine mandates" the Biden* Admin is now trying to push).
BLM / Antifa would be well advised to not push their luck
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