Said Donald Trump at a September 25th rally in Georgia. Trump is supporting Herschel Walker, a candidate for the GOP nomination in the race to unseat the Democratic Senator Ralph Warnock (who unseated the Republican Kelly Loeffler in a special election in 2021).
२७ सप्टेंबर, २०२१
"In just eight months Joe Biden and the radical Democrats are well on their way to turning America into a third-world nation. That’s what’s happening. You see it here as much as anybody...."
"American sovereignty is being extinguished by the deliberate and willful policies put in place by Joe Biden and the left-wing extremists he has installed in power. I don’t know if Joe is exactly involved. I don’t know. I don’t know. I really don’t. But somebody is really screwing up our country and destroying our country.... We’re living through the worst border crisis in the history probably of civilization. There’s no border. Nobody has a border like this. We don’t do anything. Other countries, even if they’re not well-equipped, they put up a fight. They don’t let people come in. We’re just letting them just walk right in. And your own Senator Raphael Warnock has not uttered a single solitary word of criticism, because he’s a Marxist controlled by the radical left Democrats who don’t believe in borders, and they don’t believe in a nation. And they don’t believe in our nation. I don’t believe they believe in our nation. Next year, Warnock and every single one of these far-left lunatics must be routinely and resoundingly and decisively defeated. They have to be defeated. You’re not going to have a country left. If you want to have a country left, you must elect no Democrats and vote only for America First Republicans. America first.... Think about Make America Great Again, Save America, America First..... And you know, they are starting to say very strongly Merry Christmas. Remember when I first ran, I said, you’re going to say Merry Christmas. They’re all saying Merry Christmas again....."
Said Donald Trump at a September 25th rally in Georgia. Trump is supporting Herschel Walker, a candidate for the GOP nomination in the race to unseat the Democratic Senator Ralph Warnock (who unseated the Republican Kelly Loeffler in a special election in 2021).
Said Donald Trump at a September 25th rally in Georgia. Trump is supporting Herschel Walker, a candidate for the GOP nomination in the race to unseat the Democratic Senator Ralph Warnock (who unseated the Republican Kelly Loeffler in a special election in 2021).
४० टिप्पण्या:
That "Merry Christmas" was an odd tangent. Is that an issue with Georgia moderates?
Hershel Walker has the name recognition, but is there anything else to recommend him over other GA Reps?
"American sovereignty is being extinguished by the deliberate and willful policies put in place by Joe Biden and the left-wing extremists he has installed in power."
And this isn't accurate?
The unreported and very important issue is, How do very poor people pay for food, housing and transportation required to move hundreds or thousands of miles, crossing mountains, jungles, and oceans?
They don't. Their travel costs are being paid by American citizens and companies for their own purposes. Some foreign countries may also be involved in financing the travel.
We see pictures of masses of people at the border and sometimes platoons of them walking the roads. But the reality is that these people are being transported by buses, stake bed trucks, and boats. And they are being housed and fed en route.
When the people arrive in the US what happens to them? What happens to the unaccompanied children? Most likely, they are sold for their labor and for sex to the people and companies who ordered them up. The children are almost certainly headed for sex markets.
So what we have is a return to the 18th and 19th Century slave trade.
serious question (for Chuck, or for Anybody)
What (if anything) did Trump say, that wasn't True?
I'll wait
In just eight months Joe Biden and the radical Democrats are well on their way to turning America into a third-world nation. That’s what’s happening. You see it here as much as anybody. American sovereignty is being extinguished by the deliberate and willful policies put in place by Joe Biden and the left-wing extremists he has installed in power.
This problem has been well on its way for 30 years. For instance, in May 1992, during Pat Buchanan's primary challenge of George H.W. Bush, he said, "I am calling attention to a national disgrace. The failure of the national government of the United States to protect the borders of the United States from an illegal invasion that involves at least a million aliens a year. As a consequence of that, we have social problems and economic problems. And drug problems."
California voters passed Proposition 187 in 1994. Peter Brimelow published Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster in 1995. Samuel Huntington published Who Are We? The Challenges to America's National Identity in 2004.
We’re living through the worst border crisis in the history probably of civilization.
No, it isn't even the "worst border crisis" of the decade. That distinction goes to the huge refugee crisis our regime change operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria unleashed.
If you want to have a country left, you must elect no Democrats and vote only for America First Republicans. America first.... Think about Make America Great Again, Save America, America First
"Legal immigrants enrich our nation and strengthen our society in countless ways. I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever, but they have to come in legally." -Donald J. Trump, 02/05/2019
There is no nation that unifies the American polity. For most of US history, we were essentially an Anglo-Protestant ethnostate. The closest we came to a cohesive multicultural nation was the New Deal coalition that elected LBJ in 1964, and that was because millions of black southerners were disenfranchised. Incidentally, that was also the last election in which Democrats won a majority of the white vote.
The Voting Rights Act of 1964 unleashed a massive political realignment in the country, and this dynamic is the source of our current political polarization. Racial attitudes are a greater source of division between Democrats and Republicans than climate change, social welfare spending, immigration, foreign policy, and religious attitudes. If you opposed America's neoliberal, globalizing agenda in the 1990s, your electoral options were Ross Perot, Pat Buchanan, or Ralph Nader. If all illegal immigration ceased immediately, the problem would not be solved.
Letting illegals spew into our country non vetted, with covid and God only knows what other them free healthcare, paid for by taxpayers, all the while mandating Americans vaccines, and forcing them to get them or lose their jobs to the illegals. That is the Biden legacy. Congratulations America haters. You are getting what you wanted.
In just eight months Joe Biden and the radical Democrats Joe is leading the crowd.
He has always been a dimwit, and now he's a dimwit with dementia.
I really don't see him finishing four years. This is a Greek tragedy.
"...If you want to have a country left, you must elect no Democrats..."
In the last 12 months going into the 2020 election I had been writing or commenting repeatedly in multiple blogs (including this one) that there should not be another Democrat elected for two generations. I was not kidding. I'm not saying that a vote for Trump will save the nation, but yeah...a vote for Trump would have saved the nation.
Our decline since January 20 has unfathomably rapid. When Barack Obama talked about transforming the nation, he had a methodical plan in place. These Dems have tossed out all regard for protocol or removed any pretense. They sit Joe Biden up in a chair, then go about putting papers to sign in front of him, or words to say scrolling on a teleprompter. They are all about shoving through as much crap as they possibly can, as quickly as they can, knowing this may be the last best shot they have what? Destroy America as we have known it? Make this a Marxist petri dish where all of the bizarre theories of government, class, and people can be tried out? Make everyone equally miserable?
Trump is right. You may not like how he says things, but he's right.
Oh, PS- the Republicans as currently rostered, are not the answer. They continue to be a huge part of the problem.
Progressives are forcing the Cloward and Piven strategy on us. The Cloward and Piven strategy is a strategy to overload the system and create so much poverty that the United States would become a social-welfare state with economic and political power concentrated at the top with far fewer freedoms than we enjoy today. Exactly where we are at today. Prove me wrong.
"All 17,000 illegal immigrants who entered our Country from Haiti and other places unknown have now been released into our Country with no vetting, checking, or even minimal understanding of who they are. Some are very sick with extremely contagious diseases, even worse than the China Virus. They are not masked or mandated, but just let free to roam all over our Country and affect what was just a year ago, a great Nation. Now we are a Nation humiliated like never before, both with the historically embarrassing “withdrawal” from Afghanistan, and our Border where millions of people are pouring in. Our Country is being destroyed!" -President Donald J. Trump
It’s hard to go through that rally speech transcript and avoid the parts of it that are complete batshit insanity.
Give you points for trying, Althouse. And if I may, I’d like to very strongly wish you happy holidays; whatever holidays that your race, religion or creed may be. Because your own personal religious preference is a very important thing. It may direct whether or not you are directed by your God to get vaccinated, right?
Now as for the part of the speech where Trump said that the Arizona “audit” proved that he won... Well, I don’t know if even God can straighten that one out.
I'll be surprised if Herschel Walker doesn't peel off a sizable slice of the black vote. He's got a lot more charisma than the Lefty Reverend, and he earned a lot of admiration during his years as a Georgia Bulldog, too.
And it won't take much of a slice to return the Reverend Raphael to the pulpit, where he belongs. Preach it, Rev!
Tom Wolfe wrote,
“The dark night of fascism is always descending in the United States and yet lands only in Europe.”
The Dark Night has landed.
I don't think he's wrong. I can't think of an institution that hasn't been poisoned by the left- maybe the US Ryder Cup team?
...but at this point I don't think he's going to change anyone's mind, either. I'd be satisfied with some changes to ensure coordinated voter fraud doesn't alter the electoral outcome (again)...
God love him, he's like a machine with some shorts in the wiring. Some great points about borders, nationhood, etc., and then somehow he slips into the Merry Christmas thing. Sigh.
All I can say about the present trend is that I am glad to be 84 next birthday. The future does not look bright.
Trump is right - Dem policies are, deliberately, trying to destroy the Christian Capitalist Individualist nation of success which the USA has been for a couple hundred years. Imperfect, often, BUT ... better than anywhere else. How many stars who said they would move if Trump was elected in 2016, actually moved?
I love Slovakia, where I now live, but also the America I grew up with. The wokeism alt-religion, worse than prior political correctness (lies treated as true), must be stopped - but the national borders must deport illegals.
That's what "rule of law" requires.
Ann, I've never read a Franzen book, nor even a complete review of any book; have you?
Marriage is great - with a person who loves you. Lust PLUS commitment.
You don't need it to Be Alive - but it helps.
(I chose
Current society makes cheating too easy - and NOT getting married also too comfy. Using Uncle Sugar as a father figure is very sub-optimal for most of those children whose fathers, mostly, chose not to marry their mothers. Social Morality seems to be an attempt to create "optimal norms" - but "optimal" requires explicit thoughts about the criteria being optimized.
Rice and beans do taste great together, but the "complete proteins" is an added bonus, even if it's a myth that they have to be eaten together for the benefit - which implies eating them both IS a benefit.
Replacing the Heg and Forward statues is good - but tearing them down remains a bad stain on the Democrats, tho the Dem media will avoid any highlighting or even mentioning of Dem culpability.
Srinivasan is right that desire has social feedback loops. Libertarian Tyler Cowen has a great interview with her, with complements:
she is one of the thinkers today who has a) super smarts, b) breadth and depth of reading, and c) breadth and depth of thinking.
Good on the New Yorker to have an interview.
Sometimes the Law is an Ass - like taking a damaged opossum away from one who is taking good care of it. Regulations that stop good people from doing good things - are bad bad bad regulations. And most are mostly like that, even tho they are designed to stop bad actions.
Norm McDonald's humor was "insider" humor - beloved more by comics than by those who don't listen to a lot of comedy. I read that in a fine review I can't now find.
Was great to see a nice letter reply to Ann about deadbeat, and how "deadbeat dad" has taken over the meaning.
All I want for Christmas is a complete border wall.
We know this is true. Illegal aliens then get driver's licenses. They then can register to vote by "swearing" on a form that they are citizens or otherwise eligible to vote. I've seen the NE form. It is part of Motor Voter. Justice Scalia explained in an opinion how this could lead to voter fraud.
This is just one of many ways the Dems cheated in 2020. We're fucked.
He's not wrong.
I just returned to Wisconsin from Portland Oregon yesterday. Last I was there about 10 years ago for the Triathlon National Championship is was a delightful city with hip hotels sporting rooftop firepits and streets as safe as most small towns. I mean, it was really special, a jewel of Western Civilization type special. is a post apocalyptic diaspora marked by mandatory masks, refugee tarp camps, smelling of feces and urine. Nightmarish.
I do not know if it is purposeful...but the preening leftist citizens of that state(all white by the way) have turned something beautiful into something demonically ugly....all in service to their addiction of the dopamine hit provided by virtue signaling their "niceness'.
Not nice.
Things can't be that bad or folks wouldn't look to Trump 2021 to deal with them.
With the exposed collapse of Dementia Boy's policies and lies and the inability of the media/LLR's to provide effective cover for him, it's going to make it more difficult for Team Democratical/LLR-democraticals to maintain control of both the House and the Senate in '22.
In particular, in Georgia, pro-dem FakeCon's Raffensberger & Kemp and their LLR-minions are going to have to work overtime to get marxist Warnock over the line against Walker in the same way they delivered GA for Warnock/Ossoff in Jan of '21.
I've heard that so far the influx of illegal entrants "awaiting court dates" (and most are no-shows) is about 600,000 since Biden tool office.
It’s hard to go through that rally speech transcript and avoid the parts of it that are complete batshit insanity.
Speaking as a non-Trumper, even Trump's nuttiest speeches have more heart, brains and personality than any speech Biden is capable of giving. (Or Chuck, obviously.)
"It may direct whether or not you are directed by your God to get vaccinated, right?"
This is how stupid actually expresses itself.
Of course, what Trump says is true. Sen warlock, Sen warton, Sen warstein, or whatever, supports Schumer Biden, and Pelosi 100 percent, and Schumer and Pelosi are 100 percent for open borders.
Do all the moderate Dumbos understand that no matter what your Democrat Congressman says on the campaign trail, he will support Pelosi/Schumer 99 percent of the time. Which means any vote for them is a vote for Pelosi/Schumer.
My only Beef with Trump is that George Bush,Romney, Collins, Lisa Murkey, and his pal Lindsey Graham are no better. There are at least 10 Republican Senators who are open borders fanatics. The only difference between them and Schumer is they hide it better, and they just want cheap labor at ANY price.
"It’s hard to go through that rally speech transcript and avoid the parts of it that are complete batshit insanity."
If you think that's bad, you should try going through the current president. Not only is what he says in total conflict with reality, he actually has the power to act on those words.
Hershel Walker has the name recognition, but is there anything else to recommend him over other GA Reps?
Based on what the GA Reps did (or more specifically refused to do) during the last election fiasco, not being an :other GA Rep" might be enough.
actually it was tom wolfe quoting jean jacques revel, who was quoting gunther grass, just to get the quote right,
Reading these comments I am reminded yet again of how Republicans are the battered women's syndrome of American politics.
Reagan during a GOP debate in 1980: "Rather than making them, of talking about putting up a fence, why don't we work out some recognition of our mutual problems, make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and then, while they're working and earning here, they pay taxes here. And when they want to go back they can go back, and cross. And open the border both ways, by understanding their problems."
In July 1981, Reagan issued a Statement on United States Immigration and Refugee Policy that said things like, "Our nation is a nation of immigrants. More than any other country, our strength comes from our own immigrant heritage and our capacity to welcome those from other lands." And "Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status."
In September 1982, the White House had a ceremony for Hispanic Heritage Week. Reagan noted, "American Hispanics are bound by strong ties of language, religion, family, and culture. In your lives, you demonstrate the importance of real work: producing things of real value, building communities of shared values that enrich America and keep us strong and free. You work long and hard to own your homes, your farms, and business enterprises -- your piece of America." He also boasted, "Hispanics bring honor to their country; their country should honor them. In my 8 years as Governor of California, I'm proud to say that I appointed more Hispanics to high positions than any previous Governor in California's history. We're trying to maintain that position in Washington, or that tradition, with Hispanics playing a major role in our administration since day one. We've already appointed more Hispanic men and women at top-level executive positions, more than 50, than any previous administration."
Reagan was also known to quip, "Hispanics are already Republican. They just don’t know it."
Doesn't this language sound awfully familiar? And that was 40 years ago.
they killed angelo codevilla didn't they?
they know all the bodies they buried.
they know every household that mails to quatemala, haiti, Pakistan.
they issue foodstamps by the thousands to "abuelitas sin papeles", they know exactly who and where everyone one is and where they come from.
they use it all against us.
We are headed "in the direction of pol pot," so do ride this incredible Golden Age moment while you can.
Readering: "Things can't be that bad or folks wouldn't look to Trump 2021 to deal with them."
Note to self: basic logic still elusive for some.
Has anyone been to the grocery store in the last two months? My local Kroger’s is having a hard time stocking the shelves. Empty spots on shelves with apology notes in place of products. It’s getting harder to find my favorite products where it was never a problem before. The last three weeks are almost as bad as the beginning of the COVID shutdown in 2020 in terms of supply chain disruptions. This must be what shoppers in the former Soviet Union experienced. I think it will only get worse and by design of the Biden team. Wonder if LLR voters can still live high on the hog for their fealty to the state?
"It may direct whether or not you are directed by your God to get vaccinated, right?"
This is how stupid actually expresses itself.
I think Skippy believes that God is not rational and that his word to people is therfore somehow not valid. I believe that he has it exactly backwards. God is rational and Tony Fauci is not rational. How else to explain Fauci's argument that unvaccinated people are a threat to fully vaccinated people? We know the vaccine is not a true vaccine in that it was not created to prevent COVID but to prevent deathly cases of COVID. We also know that the vaccinated can carry and spread COVID. Many unvaccinated people have natural immunity from surviving COVID, which the best protection from a serious case of COVID. A scientific study on the subject from Israel concludes that natural immunity is 29 times better protection from COVID than the vaccine. So if the vaccine prevents serious cases of COVID and natural immunity is better than the vaccine, why all the worry about getting vaccinated? Those who don't get vaccinate and don't have natural immunity have take their own risks. We're not at any risk of shortages of hospital beds for those who need them, unless Biden's vaccine mandates chase too many health care providers out of the hospitals. Those who worry about the unvaccinated threatening the health of the vaccinated don't seem to be following science.
"Reagan was also known to quip, "Hispanics are already Republican. They just don’t know it."?
How'd that work out for California Republicans?
Blogger gilbar said...
serious question (for Chuck, or for Anybody)
What (if anything) did Trump say, that wasn't True?
I'll wait
9/27/21, 11:06 AM
He endorsed Stacey Abrams over Brian Kemp. For Georgia,Trump has been a boon for Democrats. We can thank him for two Democrat Senators and now possibly a Democrat governor. All because he has a bruised ego.
At what point will people understand that Trump does not care about anything (including the well being of the country) but himself.
Schumer and Pelosi Played him wrong. If they had praised him to the moon would readily support the GND and whatever spending they want.
Blogger tommyesq said...
Hershel Walker has the name recognition, but is there anything else to recommend him over other GA Reps?
Based on what the GA Reps did (or more specifically refused to do) during the last election fiasco, not being an :other GA Rep" might be enough.
9/27/21, 4:52 PM
Trump,did not lose Georgia because of what Georgia Reps did, or didn’t, do during the election fiasco.
Trump lost Georgia because suburbanites rejected him because of his antics.
I live in North Fulton . The vast majority of our social circle is Republican, although politics are not a big part of their lives. I know many people in this group who absolutely despise Trump and we’re eager to vote against him. I know of no one who eagerly cast a vote for him.
When it comes to Georgia Trump has poisoned the well to such a degree that he cannot win. He can be an effective turd in the punch bowl though - Senators Loeffler and Perdue can attest to that.
They have so bastardized the meaning of the word that recently I heard someone in the news discussing the mode in which we (and China, and...) are turning as "government-directed capitalism".
The idiots are staring down the barrel of dictionary-definition "fascism" and don't even recognize it, because apparently pro-free-speech, pro-market, anti-overregulation policies are what really define fascism.
America: Game Over.
There's no amount of Trump doing his 2016-nostalgia routine before the sad, dispossessed folks who remember and still believe in "the old America" that will bring any of it back. The new breed has its claws in, and will never allow anything approximating a Trump-style disruption in the gates again. Best advice to your kids is to get a foreign passport and consider career skills that are portable.
The idea that there are any“radical” Democrats at all is stupid beyond belief. Any utterance from anybody where this phrase is included is a paranoid delusion or calculated lie.
Robert Cook: "The idea that there are any“radical” Democrats at all is stupid beyond belief. Any utterance from anybody where this phrase is included is a paranoid delusion or calculated lie."
Stalinists are always the best judges of what is or isn't a delusion/calculated lie.
Stalinists in particular do not approve of kulaks having their own opinions.
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