१३ सप्टेंबर, २०२१
"If you remember, when I was president, there were literally lines of people wanting to take [the vaccine]... Now, you have a different situation, and it’s very bad...."
"Of course, they famously said, if Trump came up with it, I’ll never take it. They disparaged the vaccine, and now they wonder why people aren’t wanting to take it?... It’s a disgrace..."
८० टिप्पण्या:
He's right. Both Kamala and Joe claimed they wouldn't take it if Trump had anything to do with it. Now they are trying to blame HIM and his supporters when it is BLACKS who are not getting the jab. They refuse to ever tell us the truth though. Always the blame game.
somebody, somewhere, yesterday posted that IF the Biden people had had any brains,
They would have (publicly) asked Trump to help campaign for vaccination
This would have
a) made it look like they wanted to 'reunite america'
b) if
___i) Trump had agreed, it would have helped get people vaccinated
__ii) Trump had NOT agreed, it would have made Trump look Bad
But, of course;
this Never happened, because in order to happen, the Biden people would need Brains
The Democrats still have to deal with the fact that black vaccination rates are about 24% nationally.
It was fashionable 15 months ago to warn against “rushed vaccines” and “political pressure” on public health experts but like racism and resistánce, skepticism falls out of fashion with the smart set who live in our most famous swamp and run the media.
Why is it always binary: vaccine v. no vaccine? Why doesn't acquired immunity via surviving a covid infection ever come up -- especially in the case of Biden's pronouncements? There have to be millions of people out there who have such immunity and don't require a vaccine.
This is all a huge, monstrous obvious lie. I am surprised that Althouse -- who likes reading transcripts as I do, and who frequently goes to Rev for significant transcriptions, didn't post the following.
This is Vice President Harris, in her debate with Pence:
Susan Page: (12:42)
I’m sorry. Kamala Harris, Senator Harris, I mean, I’m sorry.
Kamala Harris: (12:46)
That’s fine, I’m Kamala.
Susan Page: (12:47)
No, no, you’re Senator Harris to me. For life to get back to normal, Dr. Anthony Fauci and other experts say that most of the people who can be vaccinated need to be vaccinated. But half of Americans now say they wouldn’t take a vaccine if it was released now. If the Trump administration approves a vaccine before or after the election, should Americans take it, and would you take it?
Kamala Harris: (13:11)
If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it, absolutely. But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I’m not taking it.
Biden and Harris never had any disdain for the serious work on the vaccines, for vaccine science, or for the vaccines in general.
What they had disdain for -- even contempt for -- was Donald Trump's salesmanship in October of 2020, when he was predicting (falsely) that his efforts to cut red tape would produce a vaccine by election day, or soon thereafter. That somehow Donald Trump would be able to personally cut corners on the development process.
Shame on you, Althouse, for putting this garbage out there without the obvious factchecking.
"The Democrats still have to deal with the fact that black vaccination rates are about 24% nationally."
No they don't (have to deal with it). The media will run cover for them.
Listened to an NPR piece recently which hammered home Trump supporters refusing the vaccine. Blacks? Not a peep.
If anyone doubts that Biden, Harris, et al discouraged trust in the vaccine because Trump was involved, just do a search on YouTube.
I wasn't one of those waiting in line. I was in the "wait and see" line. I eventually received the Johnson & Johnson version...one and done. Or so I was told. I will not be getting any "boosters." I prefer to take my chances with getting one of the variants and becoming SUPER immunized. In the famous words of a close relative of mine regarding COVID vaccinations, mandates, etc., "I'm sick of this sh--."
Blacks may be remembering when they were part of experiments that did not end well. Google Tuskegee Syphillis Study; Ebb Cade and plutonium.
i decided to look at see what groups are most likely to refuse the vax, and guess what?
They, Really don't want to tell you.
Most headlines say something like: The Majority of deniers are WHITE!!!
but, if you think about it; The Majority of PEOPLE in the US are white, so that doesn't tell us much. After some digging, i found this
Compared To Those Who Have Received A COVID-19 Vaccine, Unvaccinated Adults Are Younger, Less Educated, More Likely To Be Republicans, People Of Color, And Uninsured
So, it's Young Black Republicans? nope that's not what they mean, either
They mean that percent of the two groups (unvaxed vax) break down like this:
Party identification
(mostly, i just wanted to see if i could still format text}
i have NO IDEA what this means, 'cause they don't show us the breakdowns for the whole (what percent of People in their survey were Black? 9%? 10? Same with the other groups)
But, there sure is a high percentage of Blacks and Hispanics in the non vax group
It doesn't help that the Postal Service, members of Congress, and their staff, are exempt from the mandate.
Shots for thee but not for me.
In the final 10 months under Trump (March 20, 2020 thru January 20, 2020) 430,000 people died of Covid in the US (about 1,400 per day). During those 10 months, the pandemic began and by the end the vaccine was available.
During slightly less than 8 months under Biden (with the vaccine fully available throughout) 240,000 people have died and, and the current pace, another 80,000 will die by the time Biden reaches the 10 month mark (about 1100 per day over 10 months):
https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ (See the total deaths and new deaths chart at the bottom of the page).
Biden admin official:
Trump’s assertion is perfectly true. But the Biden administration also hurts its own case by (1) insisting that vaccinated people continue to wear masks (double masked, per Tony Fauci), (2) changing the CDC’s formal definition of vaccination to imply that vaccines do not necessarily convey immunity (yeah, you read that right), (3) demanding that people who have natural immunity via having had the disease and recovering nevertheless must be vaccinated anyway, and (4) resolutely refusing to research treatments regimens.
He's not wrong, although I'd say it was less "they don't trust this president" and more "they don't trust the government". Or don't trust Big Pharma.
It is unclear which vaccine they received.
Is it unclear or just unknown by the author of the article? Not that it's really anyone's business.
Fox News links always give an error, but open okay if you have them open in a new tab.
Bill Peschel said...
It doesn't help that the Postal Service, members of Congress, and their staff, are exempt from the mandate.
They're essential workers!
Come on, man!
Why do I need a shot for a virus that is 1. Treatable, 2. survivable for 99.97% of the population. 3. Imparts strong natural immunity? Also, I'm not in any of the high risk groups, the efficacy of the shot is something like 45%, if you get the shot, you can still get get sick from the very thing that it's supposed to protect you from, unlike every vaccine ever produced. There's no liability if you get hurt by the vaccine. Some 500k people have been injured by the vaccines (check VAERS) with no liability for the pharmaceutical companies, or the government. So no thanks.
Nah, I'm good. I'm healthy. I don't need to get involved in experimental medicine. And don't you dare come at me with that bullshit of how I could get other sick. There's just as much risk from the people who got the shot spreading the disease as the people who didn't. So fuck off with that bullshit.
Pro-marxist LLR Chuck, who loudly and proudly and explicitly and repeatedly proclaimed his purpose at Althouse was to smear and lie about Trump now claims that LLR Chuck's beloved democraticals never said anything negative about the vaccines and never discouraged people from taking the vaccine....even though democraticals did just that....repeatedly and explicitly.
This is the same admitted liar, LLR Chuck, who claims there is no inflation, no American hostages in Afghanistan and Adam Schiff is the very picture of a virtuous and dedicated public servant.
Its pretty clear just how far lying LLR Chuck will go to advance the democratical agenda.
Lying, monstrous repeated and persistent lying, is the very calling card for our pro-marxist LLR.
It has always been thus and will always be thus.
Joe Biden gets vaccinated, urges everyone to get vaccinated, and confers some credit on the Trump Administration for the success of Operation Warp Speed:
R C Belaire said...There have to be millions of people out there who have such immunity and don't require a vaccine.
The problem is in the word "require".
I see too many so-called freedom lovin' folks pushing shift to "covid recovered should be exempt" instead of pushing back at the coercion itself.
Similarly, Ben Shapiro declaring he ran out to get shot as soon as he could, despite being in very low risk category and opening door to unknown long term risks from new to humans vax strategy under EUA. But he draws the line at 12 y/o.
The man has his limits.
Trump got Rona, took mAb and hyped results, then apparently took the shot anyway.
Has he considered the shit for data system VAERS is beforee crowing on and on?
How would he console one of the severe;y harmed vaxees Sen Johnson has talked to and met?
The unvaccinated are simply trans-vaccine. To denigrate them is to be trans-phobic.
This is edited video of Joe Biden. The editing is by the Associated Press. If any of you don't like it, and think that there is some other video or other published statement by Biden on viccine safety, efficacy and "Trump," please supply it with a link.
The money shot here is Biden saying,"I trust vaccines, I trust the scientists, but I don't trust Donald Trump."
And that's exactly how I feel. I got vaccinated a day after I became eligible, and will likely get a third booster shot. I trust the vaccine science, and I don't trust Donald Trump. My loathing hatred of Donald Trump didn't hold me up one bit from getting vaccinated. Like Vice President Harris, I wanted to be the "first in line."
I want to re-emphasize the importance of dating the various statements of then-candidates in this debate. In the fall of 2020, craving any good news he could muster for his campaign, Trump was willing to stretch the bounds of science and credibility to make claims about what his administration might produce, and when. There was very good reason to push back and say that vaccine science was trustworthy, but Donald Trump was not trustworthy. And that is exactly what Biden-Harris did.
Large numbers of minorities who are teachers and health care workers are not vaccinated but vaccination is now required for these two jobs in New York. So we'll see. Either they will get vaccinated and get vaxID or they'll get "stand alone" vaxID. I'm betting on "stand alone" vaxID based on my experiences with workers who need a Social Security number or other number to work in the US and have garnered such a number, though they do not speak English. Business as usual. But it would be a game changer if high officials in the teachers union or nurses associations or third grade teachers in the burbs were found to be using "stand alone" vaxIDs. Yet this is inevitable unless we see mass resignations in the next month.
I erred in overlooking Bill Peschal’s point that members of Congress are exempt. Makes you wonder what Congress has learned in closed door sessions that we aren’t being told. And there’s another group, a surprising one, that is exempt: Biden’s administration will not require Covid vaccines for people who illegally cross the U.S-Mexico border.
In other debunked LLR Chuck lefty lies, which has become legion, LLR Chuck's beloved far left rag, Washington Post, was forced to retract their many many lies, amplified at Althouse blog by democratical partisan LLR Chuck, regarding highly decorated combat veteran and conservative republican (LLR Chuck utterly despises conservatives with distinguished combat records who dare push back against Chuck's democraticals) Tom Cotton's suggestions that the ChiCom/Wuhan Lab Flu originated in the, duh, ChiCom/Wuhan Lab.
It only took the Post a year and half to retract their lies which LLR Chuck dutifully pushed at Althouse blog for lo these many months.
LLR Chuck should be ashamed of himself for pushing such monstrous falsehoods here....but instead he will remain defiant and proud of his work to advance the far left talking points and agenda.
If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it, absolutely. But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I’m not taking it.
So if both Fauci and Trump tell her to take the vaccine, she's not going to take it.
Trump trumps Fauci.
Okay, here's a serious (literally True) scenario...
My twin sister, Jen; has (so far,) refused to get vaccinated. She thinks it's "her choice"
Of Course; that's Just Outrageous!! She's Risking her life!!She has NO RIGHT!
But (here's where it gets interesting*
3 weeks ago, she went on vacation with her family. While in Minnesota, and not wearing a mask; she went motorboating, and took a ride on one of those inner tube things, that you pull behind the boat.
She went over a wake, and when she came down, she broke (messed up?) her back (vertib somethings did something). Anyway, she can still feel her toes, and can even walk, if you call hobbling walking.
So, she's at home, and will spend the next month trying to Not get addicted to painkillers.
A) WE CAN ALL AGREE, that she should be Forced to be Vaxed... For her own good; right?
B) CAN we all agree, that she shouldn't have been allowed to go boating? For her own good?
C) I'm Sure we can ALL AGREE, that her doctor shouldn't have been allowed to proscribe opiates?
Afterall, if(WHEN) she becomes addicted to the painkillers, she Won't JUST be endangering herself; she'll be a smacked out dope fiend, that can (WILL!) hurt us ALL!!
Seriously, which is a bigger danger to her?
A) no Vax (she's skinny and just 50 years old**)?
B) riding an innertube behind a motorboat?
C) taking proscription painkillers?
Which is a bigger danger to THE REST OF US?
A? B? C?
gets interesting* What's Actually interesting, is that this is More Than Enough Information, to totally identify both her, and me
just 50 years ** How is it? that my twin sister Jen is nine years younger than me?
The same way that her family vacation is not MY family's vacation. Like i said, it gets interesting*
Chuck thought he was proving his point, when he said...
Kamala Harris: (13:11)
If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it, absolutely. But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I’m not taking it.
Kamela Explicitly States (according to YOU), that IF 'Donald Trump says we should take it', that supersedes Dr Fraudci saying we should take it, and that she's 'not taking it'
I'm confused Chuck? is English Not one of your Languages? Did Google translate mess this up?
Or, is it 5 O'Clock, somewhere?
"What they had disdain for -- even contempt for -- was Donald Trump's salesmanship in October of 2020, when he was predicting (falsely) that his efforts to cut red tape would produce a vaccine by election day, or soon thereafter. That somehow Donald Trump would be able to personally cut corners on the development process."
And they were completely, utterly, and unambiguously wrong on all counts. But hey, Howard is ok with that.
Howard apparently doesn't know what the word "falsely" means, since the vaccine was developed before election day and approved shortly thereafter. Of course, it should have been approved prior to election day but the traitorous Deep Staters in the FDA withheld approval until after the election had been stolen.
Gilbar, The vaccinated plus the unvaccinated in any defined group need to add up to 100%
How could anybody not trust a medical expert like THIS?
Chuck, you just quoted Kamala Harris saying that if Trump came up with the vaccine, she would not take it.
Exactly what did Trump or our hostess get wrong? She said that. You are trying to say that "well, Dr. Fauci came up with the vaccine and she said she'd take that!"
But that wasn't the claim. The claim was that Harris and Biden both went on record as refusing to take the vaccine if Trump was involved. Like, say, the docs said "we need more time!" and Trump ordered them to release it anyway.
This is another one of your "Trump said the rabbit jumped six feet! He lies! We measured and the rabbit jumped 5 feet 11 and 1/2 inches! Impeach Trump for lying and misleading the American people!!!!!" Note the 5 exclamation points... as Terry Pratchett said, that's the sure sign of a diseased mind.
Harris and Biden are trying to excuse their actions, but it's perfectly clear they were sowing doubt about the vaccines. Trump did have stuff to do with them; he greased the wheel with Operation Warp Speed.
In 2020, Trump's oft-repeated lie was that U.S. caseloads were higher because we tested more people:
“No country in the world tests at this level,” the president tweeted. “The more you TEST, the more CASES you will be reporting. Very simple!”
Except the U.S. didn’t test more or better than its peers, and as we know that surge in cases also brought on increased hospitalizations threatening services to all patients requiring in-patient care.
So we now have to read Trump lies with a twist that blames the Donks? Cut out the testing, you morons!
Pro-marxist LLR Chuck is flailing with all the video evidence piled high so its time to call in Chuck's Junior Varsity mini-me, li'l gadfly, who is usually good for a few laughs.
Btw, gadfly STILL thinks russia collusion was "proven", that Trump laundered millions in russki cash and that the Hunter laptop story was russian disinformation!
When you are an exposed democratical monstrous liar like LLR Chuck, good help is really hard to find!
gadfy The Hopeless: "Except the U.S. didn’t test more or better than its peers..."
Yes, we did. By alot. Wasnt even close.
You really cant help it, can you?
Bless your heart.
Pretty amazing starting lefty lineup at Althouse today: Pro-marxist LLR Chuck, his bookend buddy Howard and mini-me gadfy.
Now that's a braintrust!
Unknown said...
Gilbar, The vaccinated plus the unvaccinated in any defined group need to add up to 100%
That's NOT how those numbers work. The Unvaxed from all groups adds up to 100
So do the Vax numbers. But, how do EITHER compare to the standard demo numbers
And how do standard demo numbers compare to THEIR total numbers
My Whole Point is: They are making the numbers harder than they have to be
AND they are doing that to make an editorial point
News from 2057...
Remember back in 2020? when they told Everyone, Everywhere; to take those mrna vaccines?
And people were like, "don't worry" even though there's no long term data... You'll be fine!
And Then, in 2025; we realized that those vaccines Sterilized everyone that took them?
The world sure is a Lot less crowded now! I'm glad that My folks didn't take those vaxes
Am i Actually suggesting, that the vaccines are genocidal ?
Nope, i'm just suggesting, that we have NO IDEA what those 'vaccines' will do in 5 years.
Let's say, for conspiracy theory fun, that you Wanted to be able to get MOST people to take some untested unknown serum. How would you do it different?
Chuck, you know as well as I do that Kamala and Joe were just trying to pointlessly pre-bash Trump for introducing a "fake" vaccine that he wouldn't have the power to do even if he wanted to do it.
'Trumps vaccine is yucky and icky and covered with cooties and I don't trust it'
Unknown said...
Gilbar, The vaccinated plus the unvaccinated in any defined group need to add up to 100%
I was curious too >>> data adds up for age layers /
vaccinated = 99%
unvaccinated =100%
No, Vance.
I see you are back to your elementary-school-level reading comprehension.
Harris and Biden praised the vaccine science and the professionals behind the vaccines. They got vaccinated in public. Nobody even knew about Trump getting vaccinated until long after the fact.
Harris and Biden NEVER said that they would never take any vaccine if Trump had anything to do with it. And personally, I believe that Trump basically had NOTHING to do with the technical development or the timing of the rollout of the vaccines. If anybody disagrees with me on this, be very, very specific about what exactly Trump did, personally, to advance the vaccines faster than what otherwise might have been the case.
Harris and Biden were saying in effect, "We don't believe Trump about anything, and if the vaccines rest on his credibility, I wouldn't take it." But then BOTH Harris and Biden stated clearly that they would be happy to take a vaccine that had been authorized by the professionals and not by Trump.
And it is a fucking dishonest disgrace -- one that a lot of Trumpists have been trying to get away with for far too long, such that now even Trump repeats the bullshit -- to say that any vaccine reluctance is because Harris or Biden somehow criticized the vaccine.
gilbar I have learned to never, ever underestimate the persistent stupidity of a Trump supporter.
If Trump runs and wins in '24 (or even if it's a different republican), does the vaccine go back to being poison?
And at what point in Biden's presidency are there more deaths from covid than there were under Trump?
Wasn't Joe elected because he was the guy to stop covid?
How's that working out?
Biden and Harris never had any disdain for the serious work on the vaccines, for vaccine science, or for the vaccines in general.
What they had disdain for -- even contempt for -- was Donald Trump's salesmanship in October of 2020, when he was predicting (falsely) that his efforts to cut red tape would produce a vaccine by election day, or soon thereafter. That somehow Donald Trump would be able to personally cut corners on the development process.
That dog won't hunt. Kamala Harris is a lawyer. She knows how the administrative process works. She knows Donald Trump didn't have the authority to approved vaccines outside the APA process. She knows that most voters don't understand that.
She exploited that ignorance and spread paranoia that worked to undermine our public confidence in the vaccine approval process.
LOL! I screwed up the link!
"How could anyone not trust a medical expert like THIS?
My apologies... to President Joe Biden.
It's true that Joe, Kamala and the rest of the Dem apparats disparaged the vaccine when Trump was president, but I doubt anybody today is refusing to take it because Joe said not to trust it.
Its funny watching LLR Chuck spin so hard just a few days after his 9-11 Trump appearance lies were exposed.
I wonder if LLR Chuck intended to label any and all events involving NYPD/NYFD personnel on 9-11 as "fake" commemoration events?
Well, when you serve the democraticals, as LLR Chuck does, daily, you have to be willing to make a complete fool of yourself on a frequent basis.
Mission Accomplished!
It sure seems as thought LLR Chuck has been given the go ahead from his democratical pals to begin Operation Protect Kamala At All Costs!
Pretty much everyone sees the writing on the wall with Dementia Joe.
Uh oh. Now Tony Blinken has thrown pro-marxist LLR Chuck under the bus on Afghanistan!
According to Tony Blinken testimony today, Trump never even had a plan to leave Afghanistan and it was all the work of the Dementia Administration!
Well, I wonder how our pro-marxist LLR Chuck is going to handle that news since its been Chuck, specifically, even more than democraticals (because LLR Chuck in on the far far left of the democratical "spectrum") that has been blaming Trump for biden's horrific Afghan surrender/retreat/give-away program!
How will LLR Chuck "square this circle"?
I don't know, but I'll bet its going to be fun to watch!
Well well well! A double "throw pro-marxist LLR Chuck under the bus" day from Tony Blinken!
Now the Dementia Admin has announced they are giving $330 million more in "aid" to the islamic supremacist Taliban......which I'm sure has nothing to do with American hostages....because pro-marxist LLR Chuck declared the Dementia Admin surrender/retreat/give-away program a complete success!!
Which brings us to the triple "throw pro-marxist LLR Chuck under the bus" moment!
Chuck said there were no hostages and Tony Blinken just told us there were at least 100 that the Dementia Admin was willing to admit to.
A three-fer embarrassment for our resident pro-marxist LLR!
I suspect this will not be the last time we see such "stellar" political stats from this LLR "slugger"!
Joe Biden in 2021: "So please, please get vaccinated... Get vaccinated now."
Donald Trump in 2021: "That's okay [if you don't want to take the vaccine]... You've got your freedoms." (The Trump rally crowd booed, when Trump recommended that they take the vaccine as he did, although Trump's getting the vaccine was conducted privately and not announced until the story was leaked.)
D.D. Driver said...
She exploited that ignorance and spread paranoia that worked to undermine our public confidence in the vaccine approval process
I'm gonna go out on a limb and presume that you are a serious, informed, intelligent person.
As such, do you really believe that Vice President Harris EVER intended to undermine confidence in the vaccine?
Before you answer, I want to concede that Harris intended to undermine confidence in Trump. I expect that she hates Trump, and has no respect for anything that Trump says. Further, that she wanted very much to do anything reasonably within her power to attack Trump in the last weeks of the 2000 campaign, but particularly to punch back as Trump was, in those weeks, claiming that a vaccine would soon be available.
So now, do you really want to stand by the notion that Harris really and truly wanted to "exploit ... ignorance and spread paranoia that worked to undermine our public confidence in the vaccine approval process..."?
Howard said...
Interesting site.
Crap presentation of the data.
Let's take their first graph: Blacks are 12% of the population, but 10% of the fully vaccinated.
"Wow, only a 2% difference! That's no big deal, right?"
No, that's more like a 16% difference.. Except taht, because of rounding, it could be far more or far less than that.
What would be the meaningful numbers?
X% of blacks are fully vaccinated, Y% of Whites, Z% of Hispanics, etc.
But they never give that, in any of their numbers.
Because they're dishonest, and trying to hide the reality of the numbers
Chuck, for someone who has zero, nada, zip point shit credibility on this site, you are trying way too hard to overcome the reputation that you have meticulously built brick by brick over the last five years. We all know you so it's not going to work. No one believes you, no one respects you and no one pays attention your bullshit. I hear the Bulwark is looking for commenters and they're not too choosy. Why don't you give them a try? Win - win for everyone.
I concede that Chuck knows far, far more about being a "dishonest disgrace" than I do.
But your whitewash attempts of Kamala Harris are unavailing, Chuck.
The point is that Kamala Harris was out there sowing seeds of distrust. Which she did. Oh, you are spinning frantically, but she's not out there saying "I commend our President for pushing forward with this vaccine and strongly encourage everyone to take it as soon as they possibly can."
No, she was "Icky Trump! It's better to literally die from Covid if Trump was involved with the vaccine!! REEEEEEEEEE!"
Just like you. YOu've proven that if Trump said the sky was blue, you'd argue and claim that no, it's not blue it's azure and Trump should be impeached again, arrested, and executed for lying to us all!"
By the way, since when did a "Lifelong Republican" spend so much time defending a Democrat politician like you do? You spend more time defending them than the literal DNC.
Except the U.S. didn’t test more or better than its peers, and as we know that surge in cases also brought on increased hospitalizations threatening services to all patients requiring in-patient care.
gadfly is fully enrolled in the Covid hysteria. A disease that has an average mortality of 0.02% has him hysterical. Aside from those over 60 and/or with comorbidities like morbid obesity, it has a small risk. Testing will find lots of positives, many even valid depending on how the PCR is done. That is not the same as illness or hospitalization. It is, however, useful to Democrats and other psychopaths.
And now the FBI has fired the lead agent in the 2020 hoax Gov Whitmer "kidnapping" (wink wink) "plot".
Why? Because it was an FBI plot all along concocted to serve the political needs of the dems.
Its exactly like the 2016 FBI Huttaree militia "plot" that was thrown out because it too was a completely an FBI op.
Who can forget the LLR Chuck sturm and drang commentary over this transparent hoax?
BIG MIKE needs to take a bow, for his comment at 12:54 pm. If you didn’t notice it, here it is in part.
…. the Biden administration also hurts its own case by (1) insisting that vaccinated people continue to wear masks (double masked, per Tony Fauci), (2) changing the CDC’s formal definition of vaccination to imply that vaccines do not necessarily convey immunity (yeah, you read that right), (3) demanding that people who have natural immunity via having had the disease and recovering nevertheless must be vaccinated anyway, and (4) resolutely refusing to research treatments regimens.
I will add another, in the form of “missed opportunity” for the political powers-that-be. Just as there’s little push to research various treatment regimens, neither do I see convincing and straightforward public education about lifestyle, chemistry (vitamins, supplements), and dietary habits and all the other things that make us less vulnerable.
Its really amazing sometimes how so many pro-marxist LLR Chuck monstrous lies put out over long periods of time can collapse in such rapid succession in the course of a day or two.
Today is one of those days.
Vanity Fair is a leftist hit-job Hillarywoodlander joke.
"He's right. Both Kamala and Joe claimed they wouldn't take it if Trump had anything to do with it."
Total right wing Qanon nonsense.
Let's not overlook another bit of Trump idiocy in the quote for this blog post:
"If you remember, when I was president, there were literally lines of people wanting to take [the vaccine]... Now, you have a different situation, and it’s very bad...."
Well, yeah. All the people who were lining up to get the vaccination when Trump was still President were the earliest-of-early medical frontline personnel. It was still January of 2021. Even the patients over the age of 70, desperate for the vaccines, were having a hard time getting scheduled.
So, duh. In January, February and March (well past the expiry of the Trump presidency), all sorts of intelligent, educated, informed people were lining up for the vaccines. The Trump Administration hadn't left much of a distribution plan, since nobody in the Trump White House did much of anything but gripe about the election after November. Well, that and lobby for pardons and new jobs.
The reason that people stopped lining up for vaccines is because we finally got down to the Trump dead-enders, listening to right wing commentary on their AM radios. And they are just too stupid to get vaccinated.
Blogger Greg The Class Traitor said...
Howard said...
"Interesting site.
Crap presentation of the data."
Thank you, Greg. I went to the site, spent two minutes and thought, "Am I missing something? It's as if these people don't want me to understand their data".
Chuck said...
And it is a fucking dishonest disgrace
I'll freely admit that no one else here knows what it's like to be a "fucking dishonest disgrace" than you do.
Harris and Biden praised the vaccine science and the professionals behind the vaccines.
No, they didn't. They said if Trump said the vaccine was good, they wouldn't take it
I don't give a shit what they said after they were put into office, and neither does anyone else.
Hard core Democrats like you might be willing to listen to Harris cackle while saying "it was a debate!"
But, for the rest of us, she and Joe changing their story after the election just means "don't listen to anything they say."
They sowed that ground with salt, and you supported them doing that.
Enjoy your barren harvest.
And personally, I believe that Trump basically had NOTHING to do with the technical development or the timing of the rollout of the vaccines.
The you're either a liar, or an idiot.
Operation Warp Speed funded the creation of the mass production facilities needed to produce the hundreds of millions of doses of vaccines that we're now enjoying.
To the tune of billions of dollars.
Pfizer, Moderna, etc wouldn't have spent their own money to build those production lines in the hope that the vaccines would be successes, and approved.
So without President Trump, and Operation Warp Speed, which was his baby and had no Democrat support, we would just now start seeing vaccines rolling out in any numbers.
You like the vaccine? Thank Trump
You hate that people aren't taking the vaccine?
Blame Harris and Biden, the creatures who worked to destroy trust in the vaccine for their presumed political advantage.
You say "they didn't want to attack the vaccine, they just wanted to attack Trump"? Well, then, they should have found something other than the vaccine over which to attack Trump.
Oh, and as Big Mike pointed out their actions post getting into office have also done a great deal to increase vaccine hesitancy.
You want people to get the jab? Then you tell them "you can completely have your life back if you do that. no more masking, on planes or anywhere else. No more social distancing. Get teh jab, and be done with that."
But the power hungry bullying pieces of shit in the Biden* Admin refuse to do that.
"Get the jab, then double mask"?!? FOAD
The second Fauci's coverups about funding WIV hit the news, he shoudl ahve been fired. Because no one's going to believe anything he says.
But the Biden* Admin is opposed to firing failed hacks.
So, instead, they have no one who can push a credible message to get vaccinated.
Own it, Chuck
Even stinking Bill Bulwark Kristol doesn’t charge into the facts keyboard blazing like Chuck valiantly defending Kama-cackle-la and her feigned skepticism.
Drago said...
"And now the FBI has fired the lead agent in the 2020 hoax Gov Whitmer "kidnapping" (wink wink) "plot"."
Drago has extensive first hand knowledge about this, having been in attendance at the swinger's party.
oh, from this morning's WSJ
Joe Biden’s Presidency Is Incredible—No, Really
Remember that vaccine that Kamala Harris said a year ago she probably wouldn’t take because Donald Trump was responsible for it? Well, now she and her boss say we’ve all got to take it or else the federal government will have us fired from our jobs. This followed a declaration on the vaccine by Mr. Biden, shortly before taking office, that he wouldn’t “demand that it be mandatory.”
The Trump Administration hadn't left much of a distribution plan …
Nor did anyone in the incoming administration seem particularly eager to sit down with their counterparts in the Trump administration to formulate their own. They arrived in office with no discernible plan despite having most of November, all of December, and twenty days in January to work on one.
The reason that people stopped lining up for vaccines is because we finally got down to the Trump dead-enders
Interesting to see black people — 3/4 of whom are unvaccinated — characterized as “Trump deadenders.” Ditto the Democrat members of Congress and their staffers who are unvaccinated and exempt per Biden’s EO from getting vaccinated. Poor Trump, not realizing that the people he had been preventing from crossing into the US from Mexico were “Trump deadenders.”
pro-marxist LLR Chuck: "So, duh. In January, February and March (well past the expiry of the Trump presidency), all sorts of intelligent, educated, informed people were lining up for the vaccines."
As always, just give LLR Chuck a little time and his explicit racism will always, but only always, come to the fore.
It is who he is as a democratical.
And personally, I believe that Trump basically had NOTHING to do with the technical development or the timing of the rollout of the vaccines.
Believe what you feel like. It’s a free country. For now. By Joe’s working on it.
Still, I think it’s fair to point out that after Hurricane Sandy then-President Obama pledged to cut red tape to help the people in New Yawk and New Joisey impacted by the storm, but based on everything I have heard since then the red tape was as bad as ever. By contrast, Donald Trump had to deal with Deep Staters by the bushelful explaining why a vaccine could NEVER be produced in less than two years, maybe three. Trump said “Screw that,” and Operation Warp Speed proved that Trump was right, his highly-credentialed detractors not so much.
It’s easy to see why Trump terrified the Deep State. First, he expects them to work. What did we get from Tony Fauci for making well north of $400K? He’s gone from telling us not to mask back in the early days of the virus to telling us to double mask even if (especially if???) vaccinated? And we pay him all that for his “expertise”? Second, Trump thinks outside the box. I like that, but I can see where people who’ve spent their government careers building boxes to restrict what the Executive can and cannot do would be terrified.
I guess it’s just par for the course that someone who spent four years quoting Donald Trump out of context would then be extremely precise in quoting Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.
Mutaman: "Drago has extensive first hand knowledge about this, having been in attendance at the swinger's party."
Mutaman is having a difficult time accepting how this FBI concocted Whtmer kdnapping plot hoax in 2020 is collapsing in precisely the same manner as the nearly identical 2016 FBI Huttarree Militia plot hoax did.
How unsurprising.
Big Mike: "I guess it’s just par for the course that someone who spent four years quoting Donald Trump out of context would then be extremely precise in quoting Kamala Harris and Joe Biden."
Pro-marxist LLR Chuck has been proudly explicit about his purposeful intention at Althouse blog to smear Trump and lie about Trump and to attempt to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers.
That explains pro-marxist Chuck's daily serial monstrous lies regarding Trump and attacks on Althouse which led to Chuck's banning on multiple occasions.
LLR Chuck clearly suffers from some sort of social interaction personality disorder combined with his impenetrable far left political orientation and thats what leads inevitably to his vicious attacks on women and children and racist attacks on anyone that doesnt cater to his strange political beliefs.
"Comments need to pass through moderation. Comments should respond to material raised in the post. I encourage brevity and substance and discourage personal attacks and repetition."
I come here after reading the comments section of the Post and Times to remind myself that stupidity is not limited to progressives, and then Chuck posts: "Shame on you, Althouse, for putting this garbage out there without the obvious factchecking."
Context doesn't change the fact Harris said, "But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I’m not taking it." It was a stupid thing to say. It politicized Covid in the very same way conservative did, and it was just dumb. Trying to...oh, let's just look at what Chuck said:
"Biden and Harris never had any disdain for the serious work on the vaccines, for vaccine science, or for the vaccines in general.
"What they had disdain for -- even contempt for -- was Donald Trump's salesmanship in October of 2020, when he was predicting (falsely) that his efforts to cut red tape would produce a vaccine by election day, or soon thereafter. That somehow Donald Trump would be able to personally cut corners on the development process."
If you have to put yourself through such twisted logic, then you aren't really in the position to shame Ms. Althouse.
Chuck said...
Let's not overlook another bit of Trump idiocy in the quote for this blog post:
"If you remember, when I was president, there were literally lines of people wanting to take [the vaccine]... Now, you have a different situation, and it’s very bad...."
Well, yeah.
So Chuck claim's Trump's an idiot for telling the truth.
Very revealing, Chuck.
The Trump Administration hadn't left much of a distribution plan
Now Chuck gets into true idiocy. WFT kind of "distribution plan" do you need?
Take each State. Divide its population by the US population. Send it that % of the Covid Vaccine under Federal control.
Or, if you want to get fancy, separate populations into two groups: Over 70, under 70, generate two %, and average them.
It's not the job of the Feds to decide how each State will distribute its vaccines, just get them to them.
The reason that people stopped lining up for vaccines is because we finally got down to the Trump dead-enders, listening to right wing commentary on their AM radios. And they are just too stupid to get vaccinated.
Amazing how many blacks and Hispanics are now "Trump dead-enders".
Almost like you'll say anything to protect your precious Democrats from any criticism, no matter how justified.
it's amazing how far one will go to protect the Democrats, when one is a "lifelong Republican"
This isn't complicated. During the campaign Biden and company needed to keep the pessimistic narrative going, so they had to downplay any potential success of a vaccine created before they took office. Now that they are in office, of course the vaccine is the greatest thing since the Hippocratic oath. In fact, Biden himself tried to take credit by claiming the vaccine didn't exist before he took office. It's little wonder that some of Biden's supporters are a little confused about the issue.
As to Trump, of course he's exaggerating his part in the creation of the vaccine. Exaggeration is what he does. It's also what Biden, Harris, and every other swamp creature in D.C. does, so spare me the faux outrage.
@Chris Lopes, Trump exaggerates a lot, but as regards the vaccine he is right on the money. The learned experts of the Deep State were on TV every chance they had to explain why a vaccine could never be developed in anything like Trump’s timeframe. But Trump and his staff looked at the naysayers’ explanations, looked for procedural roadblocks that didn’t absolutely have to be there, what financial inducements the manufacturers needed to have them ready for full scale production as soon as they are ready with a viable vaccine, and by the end of 2020 we had not one but three vaccines — Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson — ready for the population. It was amazing, and absent Trump, the Deep State would have development dragging on for months, maybe years, from today.
Go research Operation Warp Speed if you don’t believe me.
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