Also, is it racist to accuse Trump of bad taste?Question: Where is Trump during the 9/11 anniversary ceremony?
— Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) September 11, 2021
Answer: Preparing to do commentary for a boxing match in Florida.
७९ टिप्पण्या:
These fighters are not currently competitive. Is this a celebrity fundraiser?
Boykin is a dolt. He apparently believes he can read Trump’s mind and predict his daily schedule. This is a good example of the thinking of the urban hillbillies of the elite left.
Is there rule about face hair in USA boxing?
imagine one of the contenderes coming out in full face hair glory ?a la taliban?
punches to his head / face will be off target and less punishing!
...This is a good example of the thinking of the urban hillbillies of the elite left...
Isn’t this a good example of Trump’s largely thoughtless pandering to the real-life hillbillies of the deplorable right?
Bad taste is letting the guy who left Americans behind in Afghanistan have ANYTHING to do with 9/11
Not to mention killing 10 people with a drone and bragging that they got two ISIS K leaders.
Biden's handlers paid lip service to "unity" but it just means unity for one unAmerican Woke ideology.
Dollars to donuts, the Obama cabal absolutely didn't want President Trump anywhere near any of the 9/11 memorials.
I am going to take a shit some time today- does that mean I am denigrating the people who died 20 years ago?
Narayanan said...
Is there rule about face hair in USA boxing?
imagine one of the contenderes coming out in full face hair glory ?a la taliban?
punches to his head / face will be off target and less punishing!
Hair catches and binds when you get punched in the face with a gloved hand and it leads to skin tears.
You see them load up the fighters face with grease before they go out to reduce skin tears. A beard would obviously prevent that.
The Human head has developed to protect the brain from a low number of sharp contacts. It is really poor at defending against repeated blunt trauma.
Pro-marxist LLR Chuck: "Isn’t this a good example of Trump’s largely thoughtless pandering to the real-life hillbillies of the deplorable right?"
"real-life hillbillies of the deplorable right" apparently = 95% of the republican party base vote.
The "George "The Walrus" Conway Is A Military Genius" and The Lincoln Pedophile Project FakeCon crew, of which our pro-marxist LLR Chuck is a charter member, thinks very little of that 95%.
Let's cancel President Trump to such an extent that he isn't invited to any formal 9-11 ceremony and then mock him for not being at a 9-11 ceremony. Our followers will never put two and two together.
It seems like only yesterday our resident lefties/LLR-lefties were lying and minimizing the biden inflation numbers and now with the Producer Price Inflation numbers out (over 8%!), the Al Qaeda leftovers newly empowered by the democraticals and NeverTrump are probably thinking that they didnt need to attack the US directly, they only needed to support the democraticals/NeverTrump for all their dreams to come true.
That isnt to say they dont aporeciate the democraticals/NeverTrump gifting them $80billion in advanced weaponry and increased poppy production by 700%, of course.
I’m looking forward to our President’s stirring Lincolnesque, seemingly ad libbed but actually carefully crafted oration, after which there is a spirited back and forth with a knowledgeable and inquisitive press. The climax would be a sentence that captures the essence of twenty first century America that takes its rightful place with “of the people, by the people, for the people.”
Oh, that’s right-we get a pre-recorded speech from Joe Biden.
And, as always, our pro-marxist LLR's stupidly, though consistently, jumps the gun with far left talking points.
Talk about an evergreen observation!
Trump has already put out a video statement praising those "deplorables" that LLR Chuck despises (due to their voting patterns: cops and firefighters.
Trump also tesrs into Chuck's beloved biden.
Trump is also visiting Ground Zero today precisely as LLR Chuck predicted he would not do, thereby keeping LLR Chuck's Preduction Accuracy Score at a cool .000.
Reminder: Donald Trump is not president.
I am sick of the entire nation wallowing in 9/11 nostalgia porn this day every year.
Yes, honor those who died and those who did heroic things, but get on with your lives. The best way we can honor them is by killing lots of terrorists, which we no longer have the will to do.
We now give them financial aid and worry that they don't have women and homosexuals in their government.
The last time I was in NYC I got dragged to see the memorial (hole in the ground). It was like a party...anything but somber. It was a huge crowd talking and laughing and taking selfies.
If we want to remember in a more effective way than candles and bells, networks should replay their feeds from that day, including people jumping out of the buildings.
It's all sugar-coated going through the gift shop after riding the Disney version of the Bin Laden Tower of Terror.
No need to relive such a horrible day every year. How about we just go about our business as if it were another day. Save the memorializing for America's triumphs.
I get it. 20 years ago this would have been an interesting fight.
Trump's 9/11 message:
If I'm not mistaken, Not For Long President Biden also released a prerecorded message regarding 9/11 today.
I'm reminded of a story from hunter Thompson's book on the 72 election.
On independence Day nixon made several speeches. A few thousand heard him. Snippets were on the evening news.
George Wallace went to a NASCAR race and was asked to make a few remarks.
The race was televised and besides the 100m or so fans who heard them live, several million more saw them on TV.
How many people will hear what sleepy has to say today? Especially since he will not be speaking live but will only release a pre-recorded message.
How many will hear (soon to be again) president Trump's remarks?
HAH! I dare anyone to find praise of Trump's good taste. Ringy-dingy .... Bonwit Teller? .... About those murals .....
Boxing? Hard Rock Cafe?
What's race, or taste, or racy taste, or tasty race got to do with it?
I don't follow boxing anymore, so I don't know--is it a deplorable rightwing thing now?
If so, maybe I'll start paying attention again.
Question: Where is Keith Boykin during the 9/11 anniversary ceremony?
Answer: Who?
Harris/Bush unity ticket after Biden steps down?
Trump IS going to Ground Zero later on today. You just won't hear about it on Propaganda channels. He will get a better reception than the guy who left Americans behind for the Taliban to torture.
It’s a good example of getting a lot of exposure where people are actually paying attention.. That last part has always been essential to bootstrapping power in the face of a hostile Establishment. History is replete with examples. Apparently Trump is on the move again.
Then isn't the fight itself in bad taste?
I would love to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th.
Isn’t this a good example of Trump’s largely thoughtless pandering to the real-life hillbillies of the deplorable right?
No. Trump has a wide skill stack. Obviously he was approached to announce because he would do a good job and bring attention to the for-profit event.
Urban hillbillies think that everything is only political because their college professors programmed to believe that. Gullible.
Boykin assumes that Donald Trump was invited to the 9/11 ceremony.
Also, is it racist to accuse Trump of bad taste?
Nope. It’s sexist.
Trump’s appeal to minority male voters is very real and a unique phenomenon. A large percentage of the people I know who actively supported him in the two states in which I worked on his campaigns were Hispanic, men and women. Also quite a few blacks, mostly men. Had he stuck to the number one polled issue among people likely to vote Republican in both 2016 and 2020 — reducing both legal and illegal immigration — he would have won again. He didn’t, and enthusiasm for him among blue-collar working men, both white and Hispanic, and white-collar middle-class men eroded. He lost in 2020 because he ignored class, but his ability to bring together white, black, and Hispanic men in 2016 was really something to see.
Degrading these people as hillbillies isn’t going to bother the people who might be seen as hillbillies: they’re proud and hard working and have thicker skin than you. And that goes for the urban and minority ones too.
Holyfield supported Trump and they are friends. So are many other black fighters who stood in the White House with Trump when he posthumously pardoned deceased black boxer Jack Johnson. Trump is currently backing black senatorial candidate Hershel Walker in Georgia. He also worked closely with Herman Cain.
So this is, I think, an excellent way for Trump to commemorate the 20th anniversary of 9/11: hosting a sports event featuring several black and Hispanic men. It reminds us of the real promise of his presidency — to bring diverse, non-elite people together.
"The Democratic Party in the Trump years became the new home of the Bush-Cheney revolution, with War on Terror architects like Bill Kristol and David Frum crossing over and pols like Adam Schiff capable of out-monstering anyone on civil liberties issues."
--Matt Taibbi
Taibbi, a consistent and principled leftist who calls out both sides, hits 3 of LLR Chucks heroes: Strong pro-democrat Kristol and Frum as well as LLR Chuck's beloved Adam Schiff.
Better question - where is Joe Biden on 9/11 andwhy isn't he speaking live?
He's meeting with NY firefighters.
I know I'm being invited to think about how ridiculous this is but in the not too recent past boxing was a great unifier. Many of us will be happy to hear from Mr. President tonight, long after the acting President has been put to bed.
Every now and then I think back on how weird this was:
Two of my HS classmates/basketball teammates… one was the late Brad Burlingame, whose brother Chip was at the helm of the flight taken into the Pentagon. The other is a fellow I’ve been friends with since the 7th grade, who learned plastics manufacturing and built a lucrative career on it.
… he’s been retired off and on since around 1996, only working as a consultant when he chooses to. He’d gone back to Boston (from SoCal) on 9/9 for a 9/10 job interview and he’d been scheduled to return to SoCal on AA Flight 11 on 9/11.
However, the interview had gone well, so he’d received a call later that Monday evening asking that he stay one more day and swing by to take care of formalities. So he rescheduled his return for 9/12.
Actually, today Trump is meeting with NYFD members and members of the NYPD. He received applause and cheers from those he met with.
I knew Trump would show up in NYC. That's still his city.
That the current 'President' was shuffled off to all three locations (NYC, Pentagon, Shanksville) and not allowed to speak at any of those places tells you all there is to know about who's leading this country. Look behind the curtains. It ain't Joe Biden.
I mean, jeez...they let Kamala speak.
I can’t imagine that any serious-minded person seriously imagined that Trump would have anything to do with a serious 9/11 20th anniversary; if anyone had that notion, it was blown up just hours ago by ...
Ex-President Donald J. Trump.
So he rescheduled his return for 9/12.
Except on 9/12 and for 3 (that’s the number I remember) days thereafter all flights in the US were grounded. I guess he was stuck in New York? Or did your friend get home via Amtrak?
Where is Trump during the 9/11 anniversary ceremony?
Not leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan.
Impeach! and murder all his supporters!
I wonder how many NYT/WAPO readers think Trump isn't meeting with or participating in any memorials today?
Just want to go on record publicly that I had nothing to do with the zebra escape last week.
I have an airtight alibi.
John Henry
Question: What is Keith Boykin doing on the anniversary of September 11th?
Answer: He's engaging in partisan, political attacks.
Chuck continues to make himself look like the dumbest fuck on the planet, and that is a planet that has Joe Biden still above ground. That is quite the accomplishment, Chuck.
Trump only met with police and firefighters that where that day, and he did so in New York City, you dumb shit, Chuck. Of course, all the regular politicians met with each other, including the brave, brave Mayor Bloomberg whose leadership everyone remembers from those early weeks of September 2001.
Achilles: "I wonder how many NYT/WAPO readers think Trump isn't meeting with or participating in any memorials today?"
It didn't take much to fool our resident LLR, but something tells me most people are simply smarter and much more savvy about these things than pro-marxist losers like Chuck.
It makes sense that pro-marxist LLR Chuck, already made to look as ridiculous as he is by claiming Trump would not participate in any 9-11 activities, would simply fall back and pretend that whatever event Trump participated in simply doesn't count as a "real" 9-11 activity.
Again, its the gin and tonic talking on a Saturday afternoon which might explain it.
tommyesq: "Better question - where is Joe Biden on 9/11 andwhy isn't he speaking live?"
Not to worry. Whatever it is our walking cadaver of an Installed *"president" does today, pro-marxist LLR Chuck will pronounce it "magnificent" and "brilliant" as he does with every policy and action taken by biden.
Chuck said...
I can’t imagine that any serious-minded person seriously imagined that Trump would have anything to do with a serious 9/11 20th anniversary; if anyone had that notion, it was blown up just hours ago by ...
Ex-President Donald J. Trump.
Trump spoke the truth.
Biden is an incompetent and traitorous buffoon. He betrayed the men and women who served in Afghanistan.
Only an open fascist can support Joe Biden right now.
"I am going to take a shit some time today- does that mean I am denigrating the people who died 20 years ago?"
I have to say that the Ann's monitoring of comments under the new process has been most impressive.
"I knew Trump would show up in NYC. That's still his city."
He can't even get a New York bank to give him a loan.
Pro-marxist LLR Chuck is very very upset Trump met with NY police and firefighters today.
How many psychologists would it take to determine why that might be?
Trump was in NYC today meeting with NYFD members.
"Also, is it racist to accuse Trump of bad taste? "
Why?Did he have the letters "N.I.G." on his pajamas?
Beiden should have stepped out of a grey Suburban at 8:45 AM this morning wearing a B2 naval flight jacket in front of the NYC WTC memorial museum, walked to the curb, and hugged the wife of a deceased 9-11 office worker, and kissed her at exactly 8:46:40. Then he would turn to face the CNN cameras and say "Never Again" and join some old NYPD and NYFD heroes to enter the museum arm in arm.
Nahhh we will just sit it out.
So boxing on 9/11 is bad, but putting on a short concert (Bruce) is okay? Broadcasting a youtube video (our "president") is somehow more dignified? Hell, NYC itself hosted a big sporting event today (US Open). Should we crap on New York for doing so?
and of course this was believed by the media.
So he could visit NYC with the cops and firefighters without their snark.
Trump makes surprise visit to New York police and firefighters on 9/11
Rehajm said...
"Many of us will be happy to hear from Mr. President tonight, long after the acting President has been put to bed."
You're going to pay $49.99 to watch two old boxers and listen to Trump? I guess Rehajm is suddenly flush because Trump finally refunded those fraudulent unintentional recurring donations back to him.
“Except on 9/12 and for 3 (that’s the number I remember) days thereafter all flights in the US were grounded. I guess he was stuck in New York? Or did your friend get home via Amtrak?”
Funny you should ask, Big Mike… my friend called me to discuss the current state of affairs (and the 20 year marker) and we rehashed this… as he reminded me, it took him 10 days to get back to his OC home. He flew.
Ended up they offered him the job, but that day’s events had soured him on being so far away from home, so he thanked them and declined the offer.
@Can of Cheese. I read that, too. As sort of predicted by Althouse.
"Hell, NYC itself hosted a big sporting event today (US Open). Should we crap on New York for doing so?"
You’re equating some clown show celebrity boxing match with the U.S. Open? Also I don’t see Obama or Clinton showing up to broadcast the US open so they could collect a few bucks.
"Trump makes surprise visit to New York police and firefighters on 9/11"
Trump made one of his typically bad jokes stating that he was afraid he was going to catch Covid from the cops. But considering that less than half of the members of the NYPD are vaccinated, he is probably right to worry
"You're equating some clown show celebrity boxing match with the U.S. Open?"
What's the U.S. Open, and why should anyone care?
Talk about clowns.
It was a wise comment from Twitter months ago:
“The difference between America in 2001 and America in 2021 is that in 2001, a terrorist attack brought the nation together and a terrorist attack in 2020 would just further tear us apart.”
In 2001, four past presidents sat together in the National Cathedral for a prayer service culminating in The Battle Hymn of the Republic.
Now we have Trump, 22 seconds into his video message today, turning away from honoring the fallen to start attacking Biden.
Over at Instapundit I see a photo of Joe Biden at a 9/11 remembrance ceremony yanking down his mask to yell at someone. There’s a tall black dude named Obama standing next to him, and though Obama is masked his eyes and body language convey a level of contempt and disdain that is akin to my own.
"What's the U.S. Open, and why should anyone care?"
Its the biggest tennis tournament in the United States and one of the biggest sporting events in NYC. I guess they didn't platy tennis at Trump University.
Now we have Trump, 22 seconds into his video message today, turning away from honoring the fallen to start attacking Biden.
It took hm that long? Trump is getting generous, and more so than his successor deserves. Students attending football games at Tennessee and ‘Bama got right to the point.
Trump's Talent Stack - According to Scott Adams:
"Public Speaking: Trump is an engaging speaker, and he knows how to entertain a crowd." I cannot listen to his harangues.
"Humor: Trump is funny." He is funny as in strange or odd.
"Intelligence: Trump is smart . . . [but] . . . wouldn't beat Hillary Clinton on a standardized IQ test . . ." says Dilbert's Chief Intelligence Officer.
"Hiring and Firing: Trump has plenty of experience doing both." On his "reality" TV show only.
So when do we admit that Scott Adams should stick to drawing cartoon characters? Or perhaps drawing stick cartoon characters.
" Former President Trump made a surprise visit with New York City police and firemen Saturday to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks."
Unlike Biden, Trump can walk and chew gum at the same time.
Crowd breaks out into "We love Trump" chant.
Half a dozen posts use the acronym LLR. Context indicates it is a term of ideological contempt. Help me out here. Please explain what LLR stands fór so I can get in on the fun.
Trump made one of his typically bad jokes stating that he was afraid he was going to catch Covid from the cops. But considering that less than half of the members of the NYPD are vaccinated, he is probably right to worry
Except that Trump acquired immunity greater than the vaccine when he had COVID.
Follow the science, fool.
"LLR" a shorthand for LifeLongRepublican, the strange boast of a regular commenter here.
Ah the US Open, a big tennis event in NYC! Obviously an important thing.
And speaking for myself, I didn't attend university and grad school for the sports. What about you, Mutaman?
Althouse should've, in fairness and all, posted the pics of Trump with gatherings of first responders, NYFD & NYPD. The people who did the work & made the sacrifices on 9/11/01! Maybe later in the blog? I'll see as I scroll.
"And speaking for myself, I didn't attend university and grad school for the sports."
Even money says you didn't make it through high school.
Hah hah and tee hee, Mutaman.
It's nice that you're grownup enough to have your own computer.
Stick around and listen, and you can learn a lot.
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