১৮ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২১

At the Wildflower Café...

... you can talk about whatever you want.

২৯টি মন্তব্য:

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

"Florida deputy fired after telling inmate he looked like George Floyd, asking him to say 'I can't breathe'" via link to r/NotTheOnion

WK বলেছেন...

I think Biden’s economic plan is kicking in. Tried to get a haircut midweek at my regular Great Clips location and they were closed. Went to next next one a couple miles down the road instead. They said my regular location was closed as they were down to two stylists and didn’t have enough staff to stay open every day. Guess they all took advantage of COVID time to learn to code and moved on. Expecting great things in the post COVID economy.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Ran calling wildflowers...

Howard বলেছেন...

The picture reminds me of a Harvey Dunn landscape.

Baceseras বলেছেন...

That is some hunka chunka sky!

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

"Phoenix Mom Used Combination of Drugs to Murder 2 Young Daughters Who She Believed Had COVID: Police" link to story

The price of not saying covid is not much of a threat to children?

God forbid someone is exempt from the vax and the booster
Little boy blue and the man in the moon
"When you coming home, dad?" "I don't know when"
But we'll get together then
You know we'll have a good time then

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

'I think Biden’s economic plan is kicking in.'

Had an 8am tee time last week. Stopped at a Peet's coffee along the way (big on the West Coast).

Closed. A sign on the door said not enough personnel.

WTF? It's a coffee shop that pays $18/hour. Not incredible, but it's not brain surgery either.

I've seen abbreviated hours lately, but never an instance where they didn't even open.

J. Farmer বলেছেন...

@Chris Lopes:

J. Farmer said: "The country is ungovernable"

This one comes up whenever libs are in charge and are screwing up in ways that can't be hidden. This is the same place Bush, Obama, and even Orange the Clown managed to govern. We aren't ungovernable, Biden and his folks are incapable of governing.

Several people commented along these lines. The usual combination of historical amnesia and dumb partisan tribalism. Democrats and Republicans are both establishment parties. For the past 40 years, US domestic and foreign policy has been far more continuous than discontinuous. Every president since George H.W. Bush has bombed Iraq for fuck's sake. We got neoliberal economic reforms, mass immigration, and foreign wars under Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, and now Biden. The elites, "the 1%", and especially "the 0.1%" have done fantastically well for themselves over this same time period, regardless of who was president or which party controlled Congress. It is in the interest of established power that decisions by the government are made and actions taken, and established power persists through the election cycles.

Similarly, woke madness was going on in the late 80s and early 90s, the start of the PC wars. Richard Bernstein wrote "The Rising Hegemony of the Politically Correct" for the New York Times in 1990. Richard Shweder criticized the phenomenon in an op-ed in the NYT in 1991 titled "The Crime of White Maleness". That same year James Hunter published "Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America." When classicist Bernard Knox was selected for the Jefferson Lecture series in 1992, he titled his presentation "The Oldest Dead White European Males". A comedian named Bill Maher started a hosting a show on Comedy Central in 1993 called "Politically Incorrect."

cfs বলেছেন...

At least medical care seems to work as usual. My hubby had an appointment at 10:15 one morning last week. We received a call at 8:00 a.m. informing us his appointment had been moved to their location 40 miles away (rather than at the 15 miles away location). We had to hustle to make it to the appointment where he was informed the more local office would be closing due to lack of staffing.

Today, I went to the grocery store and purchased my usual items. The total cost was only about 20% more than last week's purchases. The store tries to be creative in their pricing though. Items that were previously 3 for 9.99 are now 2 for 8.99. Such a savings! I paid a dollar less!

Bender বলেছেন...

So, as any rational person knew would happen, today's Insurrection 2.0 was a complete bust, with no one showing up.

That still didn't keep some Capitol Police from pulling out their weapons and about to shoot, with intentions to be the next hero like the guy who executed Ashli Babbitt, before they were stopped.

rehajm বলেছেন...

“... you can talk about whatever you want“

I am here to talk about Suck It. Suck it-

rehajm বলেছেন...

I’m living in a community that was recently purchased by an equity group who is investing heavily in the community to improve infrastructure and amenities. This group has an excellent track record of investing and improving both quality of life and property values.

Some of my neighbors are organizing a group to sue their asses…

People suck.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

General Milley forgot to call…

link to editorial carton

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

The crowd at today's insurrection in D.C. looked to be all media people and undercover FBI agents. What a bunch of clowns we have in D.C. these days. Fuck Joe Biden.

effinayright বলেছেন...

My suburban Boston local newspaper has rejected a "Letter to the Editor" from an acquaintance complaining about inaccuracies in an prior article about covid retransmission. (Our town has an indoor mask mandate for everyone over two years of age.)

Here's the paper's reply, verbatim:

"Mr. (x) - Thank you very much for your submission to the [alleged "newspaper"]. After consultation with our editorial team, we have opted not to run it. We are very careful about providing information during the current public health crisis, and are only citing local Boards of Health, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in our reporting and in our commentary.

Thank you again for your support of the [worthless government mouthpiece] and for local journalism."


Got that? "Journalism" consisting only publishing spoon-fed declarations, mandates and ever-changing rationales for covid hysteria, NEVER justified with actual supporting facts or reasoning. No criticism allowed!

They will probably get a Pulitzer for their cringeworthy submission to the authorities.

That's where we are now, folks.

If this is the future of Freedom of the Press, we are well and truly fucked.

Lucien বলেছেন...

ICYMI SpaceX Inspiration4 mission safely and successfully splashed down this evening.

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

technically, those are weeds.
Unless the owner of that field is fine with those weeds being there.
in which case they are wildflowers.
unless the owner of the field is a bad farmer.
in which case they are, once again, weeds.

Wa St Blogger বলেছেন...

Count me among the gullible who thought we had opposition parties in the US. Instead what we have is one big uni-party with two sides who try to win, but in the most gentlemanly way. There are house rules about what you can and cannot do to the members of the other party. The Republicans are gullible because they follow the rules more closely than the Democrats. Outsiders are not welcome. Trump was an outsider, and so both sides worked to bring him down, and the ones who go caught are given a pass because it would be against the rules to bring down a big fish, it would start a real war and neither side wants that, so they nibble on the edges, but mostly they want to keep the gravy train going. Each side panders to their base only as much as they have to to stay in the fraternity. That is the only way I can explain how the parties rarely do what the voters want. They don't actually WANT what the voters vote them in to do, they just want the voters to vote them in.

Clyde বলেছেন...

Diverse Crowd at Freedom Rally In NYC Chants "Fuck Joe Biden!" + Pole Dancing

madAsHell বলেছেন...

I’m living in a community that was recently purchased by an equity group who is investing heavily in the community to improve infrastructure and amenities. This group has an excellent track record of investing and improving both quality of life and property values.

Get ready to move!! They ain't making the investments for you!

MadTownGuy বলেছেন...

Wa St Nlogger said...

"There are house rules about what you can and cannot do to the members of the other party. The Republicans are gullible because they follow the rules more closely than the Democrats. Outsiders are not welcome. Trump was an outsider, and so both sides worked to bring him down, and the ones who go caught are given a pass because it would be against the rules to bring down a big fish..."

Trump was intended by the DNC to be a straw candidate like Todd Akin in Missouri: but the DNC underestimated his appeal, such as it is, and he was duly elected over their shrieking objections. The RNC didn't want him but they settled for him - sort of- after the nomination was a lock. Of course, after the nomination, all the DNC's oppo research came out but it was not effective enough. I blame the DNC for Trump (who wasn't as bad as they said he was) and the RNC for not taking the offensive even though he wasn't their guy.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Farmer, point of information. I feel the same way about the assassination of Iranian Quds commander Qassim Suleimani as I felt when Ted Bundy was executed — the world became a much better place. To my knowledge the only other bombs dropped by Trump were in retaliation for a Hezbollah rocket attack that killed two US (and one UK) soldiers. He blew up five Hezbollah weapons depots, apparently killing no one but sending an unforgettable message.

wildswan বলেছেন...

"The Biden-Harris Administration has appointed an historic number of diverse leaders" it boasted back in June. And so the disasters of the Biden-Harris administration are disasters led by persons newly appointed or promoted for reasons of diversity rather than competence. What's unfolding before us is the work of Team Diversity. Mere competence has been ordered to stand down, stand back and keep quiet. Now Diversity is getting its chance. "Oh, someone's falling through the sky trying to escape the Taliban. Who did that?" Biden-Harris and their Diversity Dream Team insist it was them. They're leading. OK. They did that and all the rest. It's Team Diversity which is investigating whether its people took out a terrorist or an aid worker with a drone. Chief Diversity Officers have made sure inflation happens on their owned watch, caused by their handpicked candidates. Chief Diversity Officers watched over the Afghanistan Evacuation and made sure that the trans community was represented in the planning. Chief Diversity Officers are watching over the border crisis to make sure that women of color are major players in the planning and resultant events unfolding there. Chief Diversity Officers are making sure that the competent are not the chief decision-makers in the masking decisions and the vaccine mandates. The Diversity Dream Team - selected to look "like America's" rather than to be like America and know what they're doing, race-conscious and gender-conscious rather than color-blind and practical - is showing us what diversity of aims in planning can do. And what a great example they are.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Trump was intended by the DNC to be a straw candidate like Todd Akin in Missouri: but the DNC underestimated his appeal, such as it is, and he was duly elected over their shrieking objections.

@MadTownGuy, I’m sure a number of Democrats felt that way about Donald Trump, but the DNC overlooked that many ordinary Americans — independents and working class Democrats as well as Republicans — would crawl many miles over broken glass to vote against Hillary Clinton. The “ANYbody but Hillary” candidate won the Democrat nomination in 2008, and the general election in 2016.

gadfly বলেছেন...

The state of Idaho has implemented "Do Not Resuscitate" crisis care standards for everyone. Anyone who goes into cardiac arrest will be given no compression, no intubation, no shocking! Adios amigos!

Unvaccinated Idahoans made this universal condition a reality. They willfully opted for expensive hospitalization, long-term disability, and death instead of a free jab. But even vaccinated citizens will die from the common conditions such as heart attacks and stroke with all ICU hospital beds full. Disabled groups begged for federal intervention more than a year ago but alas, Trump's so-called "death panels" continue unabated with Idaho leading the pack.

Howard বলেছেন...

Do you think Jobiden would have deported the Haitian refugees if he didn't think Trump's anti-immigration standards weren't popular?

MadTownGuy বলেছেন...

Big Mike said...

[Trump was intended by the DNC to be a straw candidate like Todd Akin in Missouri: but the DNC underestimated his appeal, such as it is, and he was duly elected over their shrieking objections.]

"@MadTownGuy, I’m sure a number of Democrats felt that way about Donald Trump, but the DNC overlooked that many ordinary Americans — independents and working class Democrats as well as Republicans — would crawl many miles over broken glass to vote against Hillary Clinton. The “ANYbody but Hillary” candidate won the Democrat nomination in 2008, and the general election in 2016."

Agreed. I don't think DJT was all that popular - I voted for Fiorina in the primary - but the DNC underestimated HRC's unpopularity.

Kai Akker বলেছেন...

---Unvaccinated Idahoans made this universal condition a reality. [Gadfly]

In your opinion.

---They willfully opted for expensive hospitalization, long-term disability, and death instead of a free jab.

Riiight. In your opinion.

---But even vaccinated citizens will die from the common conditions such as heart attacks and stroke with all ICU hospital beds full.

In your opinion. And a good $0.02 worth it was, too. So let's dispose of the unvaxxed now, why wait? If we wait, the superior natural immunities so many millions of them possess will only make your doomsday worse.

J. Farmer বলেছেন...

@Big Mike:

@Farmer, point of information. I feel the same way about the assassination of Iranian Quds commander Qassim Suleimani as I felt when Ted Bundy was executed — the world became a much better place.

America First!

To my knowledge the only other bombs dropped by Trump were in retaliation for a Hezbollah rocket attack that killed two US (and one UK) soldiers. He blew up five Hezbollah weapons depots, apparently killing no one but sending an unforgettable message.

So your "point of information" riposte to my statement that "every president since George H.W. Bush has bombed Iraq" is that Trump bombed Iraq twice?

Point taken. Now perhaps you can try grasping mine.