September 5, 2021

At the Goldenrod Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want.


David Begley said...

State flower of Nebraska.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Now that insurrection/failed cue investigation of Jan 6 is over and the bruhaha in Afghanistan is behind us, I rest so much better that Biden's FBI is looking into the subtle scourge of the always busted McDonalds ice-cream machines.

Aren't you glad the adults are in charge? LOL.

Drago said...

As we speak, Americans are being held hostage on planes in Kabul.

Just as the ChiCom's and their Taliban allies planned it out.....with Biden playing his part to perfection for his masters in Beijing.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I don't know how people are allowd to put out covid misinformation like this.

link text

Where is the FBI when you need them?

Bob Boyd said...

Today is 100th anniversary of the surrender of West Virginia miners to federal troops at Blair Mountain, ending the largest labor uprising in US history, and the most serious insurrection since the Civil War.

Great, short read by Darryl Cooper

Chuck said...

From the comments page following Althouse's post on the Dan Scavino Badger football tweet...

Yancey Ward said...
It is also time for Chuck to give us an update on the vaccination and health status of Patrick Reed. So far nothing but crickets from Chuck.

Yes, it is time for that. Thank you for asking.

The best golf writer in the 21st century is Geoff Shackelford. Geoff has his own blog (golf's most important blog,, has a Substack column under the name "The Quadrilateral," and is a frequent contributor to Golf World, Golfweek and Golf magazine. He's also authored some of the most important golf books of his generation, and has been a consulting golf course architect with his friend and sometime design partner, Gil Hanse.

Geoff recently took on the subject of Patrick Reed. Geoff dissects all of the various Reed statements on his hospitalization, and eviscerates them. Geoff also provides a handy short-form tutorial on what a liar Reed has been in the recent past. I'll link you to the full text which you should read in its entirety:

Here is the link to Geoff's full column at The Quadrilateral (Substack).

To sum it up:
~ Reed and his wife issue Tweets saying that he had bilateral pneumonia, was seriously ill, and hospitalized. But said nothing about COVID or his vaccination status.
~ Then as he was being released, Reed said that he did have COVID.
~ Then at least one of those reports was taken offline without explanation, while Reed gave a newer interview saying that he was never tested for COVID while being treated for bilateral pneumonia, but was treated at the time of his release and was negative. He said he was vaccinated, but did not say when or how he had been vaccinated.

None of that makes sense, and taken all together it is basically nuts. Reed was treated at a major Houston medical center for bilateral pneumonia and was not tested for COVID? No one believes that; and no one should believe it.

I don't believe Reed on most things; and if Reed really wanted to clear this up (which I feel certain he does not want to do), he could and should release his treaters at Houston Methodist Hospital to issue authoritative statements on the nature of Reed's illness, treatment and vaccination status. I'd believe them; not Reed.

Nichevo said...

TY for the link, Bob.

I'll say this for Emerita, like Bing will give you a new wallpaper and splash screen every day, if there were an app to rotate through her archives or see the new daily or dailies, I might use it.

(Rhhardin, if you send code, please use C or C#.)

Humperdink said...

According to Article II of the U.S. Constitution, the president must be a natural-born citizen of the United States, be at least 35 years old. Seventy (70) years old should be the max.

Scot said...

I spoke to my daughter today. She lives in NC & her allergies are fussing with her. My theory is, in NC something blooms most of the year, so you never know when you're going to get it.

Yancey Ward said...

Another great photograph that would make a great 2500 piece jigsaw puzzle.

Iman said...

Yes, Drago, it appears the hostage game has begun…

Drago said...

In another blow to our pro-marxist LLR Chuck's "brilliant" Rachel Maddow (Chuck's word for her):

Maddow's repeated, knowing, purposeful lies regarding a particular hospital in Oklahoma having no ICU beds available to gunshot victims due to ivermectin overdoses (yes, that was literally the LLR Chuck-level lie they were running with! Literally!) has been, of course, completely debunked because, duh.

Of course this latest LLR-pre-approved lie has served its purpose in that the entirety of the NeverTrump grifting liars ran with it at full speed.

One twitter wag came up with this in response:

I should immediately note this is a joke lest a LLR or 2 begins to robotically and mindlessly retweet that joke as "truth".

Drago said...

In more completely expected news, True Conservative-y "Conservative" who only seeks to conserve conservatism Bill Kristol comes out with all barrels blazing in support of the abortion on demand crew.

Because of course he has.

Not unlike other "LLR's" with whom we've all become all too familiar.

Yancey Ward said...

In other words, Chuck, you are calling a Reed a liar, right?

What is it you find hard about just admitting you were wrong in the first place- that Reed was vaccinated and got ill with COVID. Sure, he might have contracted some other respiratory disease, but it is highly likely, tested or not, that he had COVID (and a hospital would surely have tested him whether he knew it or not- it is standard fucking procedure these days).

Seriously, when Reed tells us it was the J&J vaccine, you will just claim that is unvaccinated. You are joke, Chuck.

jameswhy said...

Chuck: You seem to have joined the anti-Patrick Reed brigade with the same fervor (and lack of common sense) as your anti-Orange Man campaign.

Just FYI, I am also a well published golf writer, of roughly the same vintage as Shack, whose work I know and admire.

But you both seem to have predetermined that Patrick Reed is a bad person and he just can't help himself but has to lie about everything. (Ever ask yourself why he would behave like that?).

So in this case, he gets bilateral pneumonia, checks into a hospital, gets treated, cured and released. Upon release, he issues an update and is interviewed and doesn't mention Covid. Except in one interview with a Golf Channel reporter. Who then takes down the story claiming Reed said he had Covid. But other media, and you and Shackleford, don't believe him. And, hey, Yahoo still has the (otherwise taken down) story, so it must be true and Reed is lying!

The reason a reporter takes down a story is because he's learned ... on further review ... that the facts in his original piece are no longer true. Maybe a source reneged. Maybe two other sources said the opposite. Maybe this reporter did some actual reporting and called the Houston hospital to ask if the report was true. For whatever reason, the Patrick Reed said he had Covid story was wrong. False. Not true.

Reed clearly has never claimed he had Covid to anyone else and in fact has publically claimed he didn't. I see no reason to disbelieve him.

Now I know about Reed's reputation as a Rule stretcher. None of the incidents in his past are depends on your subjective opinion of what occured. I have my opinion. I'm sure you have yours.

But your reaction to this story is like most of your anti-Trump reactions: hallucinatory.

Yancey Ward said...

Isn't the truth, Chuck, that nothing would satisfy you? If Reed showed us his vaccination card, you would just claim it was suspicious and likely a forgery.

In short, Reed said he was vaccinated. He definitely had some sort of respiratory disease. In his twitter feed and the stories I can find on-line, nothing contradicts these statements and/or facts- nothing. All you have is some loser sportwriter casting aspersions on Reed's story, doing so with no facts at all- just his fucking opinions and some sort of obvious grudge against Reed. I suspect that at some point in the past, Reed disparaged this writer as a know-nothing about professional golf.

As for you, Chuck, you are just fucking demented. You were asking a week ago if Reed were vaccinated for COVID before his illness, Reed answered your fucking question, but that still isn't enough for you, you fucking nitwit.

Drago said...

jameswhy: "But your reaction to this story is like most of your anti-Trump reactions: hallucinatory."

In LLR Chucks defense, we are about 36 hours into a long weekend and historically at this point in the weekend LLR Chuck is invariably gin-and-tonic-ed 4 sheets to the wind.

Chuck said...

I am going to address jameswhy; he sounds like a very interesting person. Like you, James, I "know and admire" Geoff's work. You and I should have a drink together; you seem to know something.

So James, to you; I am not just citing Geoff; I am a long-time acquaintance of Geoff's. We've met, and we exchange email. Not often enough for my tastes. Geoff is a wonderful correspondent.

Now back to Reed. Let's start where the Reed story doesn't just crumble, but explodes into a million incredible bits. It's when Reed claims that he was treated at Houston Methodist (the flagship hospital of the Texas Medical Center; a teaching hospital and a Level 1 Trauma Center affiliated with the Baylor College of Medicine) AND WAS NEVER TESTED FOR COVID UNTIL HE WAS BEING DISCHARGED. That's a lie. It's a hateful little Patrick Reed lie insofar as it is effectively an allegation of medical malpractice against his Houston Methodist treaters. Of course they tested him. He had COVID. And he wasn't vaccinated. But instead of fessing up, owning his personal health error, and taking up the cause of vaccines, Reed crawled under his weird little anti-media rock. Reed could have done something great, and made the case that vaccines are important. That he wouldn't have gotten so sick if he had been vaccinated. Or at least that he would have been much sicker (if indeed he had been vaccinated).

I don't think I hate Reed any more than Geoff does. I do think I regard Reed as a world class jackass just as Geoff does.

Reed is not just unhinged from the truth; he's a dumb guy. I do not understand how he thought he would get away with claiming that a major American medical center would fail to test him for COVID when he has bilateral pneumonia. That is insane. An insult to the people he was trying to thank for treating him so effectively.

Again; this needs to be shoved right back in Reed's face. Show us your vaccination card, if you had been fully vaccinated before your hospitalization. Let your doctors speak, if you aren't lying about your hospitalization. They need to explain why they never tested for COVID until a discharge. (Huh?!?)

I now expect that Steve Stricker will leave reed off the Ryder Cup team. He'll leave Reed off, largely for the reason that he doesn't want the Reed controversy to overwhelm his team.

And of course, what I had written previously was that I wanted Reed to be ON the team, to give all of the European golf writers and all of the Geoff Shackelfords in the American golf press (the honest golf writers) to question Reed and lock him into a story.

Captain America indeed.

Unknown said...

75 and sunny at the lake. The loon are gather to talk about the change in weather, and sunshine while trumpeter swans abandoned Canada for the great feast of Fall, and seasonal lake vegetation.

Time to find my skates, choppers, puck and hockey stick and to prepare for the greatest time on earth.....frozen water!

Here's to sending the rifraf South soon.


Chuck said...

Here's how you do it, Patrick...

Q. "Patrick, when and where were you vaccinated?"

REED: "I've got my vaccination card here. We redacted my MRN; the only other identifier is my birthdate, which we didn't redact because it's already on Wikipedia -- August 5, 1990. You can see where I got my vaccine, when I got it and which vaccine it was. We'll have copies for everyone in a few minutes."

Q. "Patrick, another COVID question; you said that you weren't tested for COVID when you were admitted to Houston Methodist even though you were treated for several days with a diagnosis of bilateral pneumonia. We've spoken with experts in pulmonology and critical care and they do not understand how that could have been the case. It seemed to them elemental that you would be tested for COVID, if not treated prophylactically for COVID. Can your treaters at Houston Methodist answer those basic questions on your behalf, even if no other personal medical information is discussed?"

REED: "Sure. We have scheduled a Zoom conference call with my attending physician and the Chief of Infectious Diseases at Houston Methodist. It's this Tuesday at 9:00 am and Joel Schuchmann of the PGA Tour Communications office can give you the login details."

Any other questions?

Drago said...

Guy who thinks Rachel Maddow is "brilliant": "Reed is not just unhinged from the truth; he's a dumb guy."

Drago said...

Chuck's hilariously over the top responses on this thread are reminscent to his musings 4+ years ago when he claimed deep relationships with golf "insiders" regarding "behind the scenes" tales of Donald Trump at private golf clubs along with elaborate winding yarns about how the PGA guys are just sitting by their phones each weekend waiting for Chuck to call them with rules violations divined from wstching tv.

Not unlike Chuck's astonishing tome-length autobiographical recounting of the incredibly tense 17 seconds he spent as a youth supposedly pondering whether or not to join the military! Spoiler: he didnt.

That was right about the time LLR Chuck was in Full Democratical Defense Mode in protecting his Stolen Valor "hero" Da Nang Dick Blumenthal.

As the long weekend continues and the libations continue to flow like a Niagara, expect to see more and more of Chuck's incredible self-aggrandizement...whose scale must certainly correlate with a very deep seated and desperate need to compensate for a reality at bitter odds with his delusions.

But then, the gin and tonics well as the ever on-going maintenance of the in-home Maddow shrine.

Yancey Ward said...

I tell you what, Chuckles- I don't believe you are vaccinated. Post a link to a picture of your vaccination card. You shouldn't have a problem with doing this, right? I mean, surely you aren't so hypocritical to demand to see Patrick Reed's vaccination card, but unwilling to share yours. Right. I await your proof of vaccination, Chuck.

Sally327 said...

I like that first picture a lot.

The Elizabeth Holmes (Theranos, alleged fraud) trial starts shortly. I just read an article that the judge dismissed 9 potential jurors because they aren't vaccinated. Reasons stated have to do with health and safety but it occurs to me that possibly those might be the kind of jurors one would want for a trial like this. Assuming skepticism being the reason for lack of vaccination at least.

I don't generally believe in forcing people to undergo any sort of medical procedure or treatment, assuming compos mentis, etc., but every time I think about this I remember how as a child we all lined up to get our vaccinations and I don't remember ever hearing any resistance to that at all. Why were people so much more willing to accede back then? And how far are we going to go now to separate the unvaccinated from the vaccinated?

Original Mike said...

The hockey stick is back.

Chuck said...

Yancey Ward said...
I tell you what, Chuckles- I don't believe you are vaccinated. Post a link to a picture of your vaccination card. You shouldn't have a problem with doing this, right? I mean, surely you aren't so hypocritical to demand to see Patrick Reed's vaccination card, but unwilling to share yours. Right. I await your proof of vaccination, Chuck.

Let's meet. I'll bring my vaccination card. There are a few additional things I'd like to discuss with you.

Iman said...

Drago @7:45pm… nuttin’ from nuttin’, but you are a very funny guy!!!

Drago said...

Good news everyone!

Dementia Boy has dispatched Blinken and Austin to Qatar to solve the hostage crisis!

What could go wrong?

Yancey Ward said...

No, Chuck, just post a picture of your vaccination card, you dumb fucking hypocrite. If it is good enough for Patrick Reed to prove his vaccination status, it should be good enough for you, right? Right?

Yancey Ward said...

"I just read an article that the judge dismissed 9 potential jurors because they aren't vaccinated."

Already given Holmes grounds for appeal if she is found guilty.

Yancey Ward said...

Here is my e-mail, Chuckles- e-mail me a PDF of your vaccination card, but if you blur any part of it out, I will just say its a forgery by you.

Rt41Rebel said...

"Dementia Boy has dispatched Blinken and Austin to Qatar to solve the hostage crisis!"

The silver lining is that there's no way Pelosi's reconciliation bill or the "infrastructure' bill can pass after the Taliban takes us for 10 trillion dollars.

gilbar said...

some guy posted...
"Reed could have done something great, and made the case that vaccines are important. That he wouldn't have gotten so sick if he had been vaccinated. Or at least that he would have been much sicker (if indeed he had been vaccinated)."

So, let me see if i've got this straight?
a) he wouldn't have gotten so sick if he had been vaccinated. Or
b) at least that he would have been much sicker (if indeed he had been vaccinated)."

So, no matter WHAT happens to you; whether you are Vaccinated or not...
It WOULD HAVE BEEN WORSE, if you weren't Vaccinated
Oh, and; It's NOT a Religion, it just seems like one

Chuck said...

The reason a reporter takes down a story is because he's learned ... on further review ... that the facts in his original piece are no longer true. Maybe a source reneged. Maybe two other sources said the opposite. Maybe this reporter did some actual reporting and called the Houston hospital to ask if the report was true. For whatever reason, the Patrick Reed said he had Covid story was wrong. False. Not true.

Particularly in a case like this, that's not really right.

Sure, a story might get udated or corrected or retracted, but there should always be an explanation. "Update" or "correction" publications should be noted as such.

And I don't want to paint every reporter at Golf Channel (it is Golf Channel's "Page Not Found" we have with Reed's story) with a broad dishonesty brush. There's Rex Hoggard -- a very good guy and a very good reporter -- who did some further reporting on the Patrick Reed story and whose September 2 report stated:

"...'They never tested me. I don't know,' he [Reed] said. 'I got tested when I was leaving [the hospital] and I tested negative. So that's always a positive. When I went into the ER and with the scans and everything they have done, did on my lungs and everything, their main priority was to make sure that we fought this pneumonia in both lungs because of how fatal it can be.'

"A spokesperson for Houston Methodist Hospital – Texas Medical Center confirmed to that any patient who is admitted would be tested for COVID-19 and that those results would be available in the patient’s medical records. Reed said he was vaccinated for COVID-19 earlier this summer."

So very simply, somebody is lying.

On the one hand we have Patrick Reed, with a personally notorious history of false and oblique statements. And on the other hand, we have Houston Methodist Hospital going on the record with a statement which comports with the universally-understood standard of care for inpatients. Reed claims, "They never tested me. I don't know... I got tested when I was leaving [the hospital] and I tested negative." And then there is the hospital, saying that all patients like Reed are tested upon admission.

Chuck said...

Yancey Ward said...
Here is my e-mail, Chuckles- e-mail me a PDF of your vaccination card, but if you blur any part of it out, I will just say its a forgery by you.

Can I ask what good it would do for you, for me to send you a picture of my vaccination card? You don't know me. You don't know my name or birthdate or anything else about me. I could send you a picture of anybody's vaccination card. Yours is not a serious request given our circumstances, which are a lot different from Reed's situation with the members of the golfing press who are all professionally credentialed by the Tour, who know Reed and who are known by Reed.

jameswhy said...

Reed checked into a hospital with double pbemonia. Have you ever had pnemonia? I have. The absolute LAST thing on Reed's mind would have been asking if he'd been tested for anything. He'd have been worried about how to draw his next breath.

Like you, I assume the hospital immediately tested him for Covid. That seems like an entirely logical first step. I would not assume that Reed would have been aware of that--or any other tests-- that were run on him. He was desperately ill.

Reed says he was tested on checking out, again a normal procedure, and was negative. And he says he's been vaxxed.

But again, you don't belueve him, despite the total lack of motivation for him to be untruthful about any of this. And you seem to want him to volunteer to become a poster boy for vaccines. Why? He's a professional golfer, missing the season ending playoffs and hoping to feel good enough to play in the upcoming Ryder Cup.

Sorry Chuck. Reed is under no obligation to share your fever dreams and hallucinations. He's done nothing wrong, has been open and truthful about his medical experience (which is none of your business) and I hope he gets back on the course as soon as possible.

Tina848 said...

Sorry, can't talk - all the golden rod has me having an allergy attack. Ahhh Chooo

Chuck said...


You seem to be suggesting that Reed was tested, but wasn't told whether he had COVID, or tested negative. That's wildly incredible. A patient not told that he had COVID? Or deathly ill with double pneumonia, worried about COVID, and not being told that he tested negative and not to worry about COVID? No, I don't accept that and no one should.

The answer is in Reed's medical chart, and his treaters could easily answer the question.

I think Reed is being grossly duplicitous about his hospitalization, and in a way that makes his treaters look bad. Reed said he wasn't tested. He said it in a typically opaque Patrick Reed/Donald Trump kind of way. "I wasn't tested. I don't know."

And of course there is then the fact that Reed told Golf Channel that he had COVID, then that story was dropped without explanation. We can start that chapter of an explanation with the Golf Channel, and why did they first report that. And exactly why the page was deleted. Whose error was it, and what exactly was the error?

As for Reed's motivation, I think it's simple. He's one of those guys like Bryson DeChambeau or Kirk Cousins who doesn't like the current vaccine environment, who probably has a side in the culture war (for lack of a better term), and who never wanted to answer questions from persistent reporters from the liberal lamestream media about the details of their vaccination status. When guys like that -- and this includes the rightwing radio talk show hosts getting COVID after trashtalking the vaccines -- they are on the defensive with a group -- the aforementioned media -- that they loathe.

Yancey Ward said...

"Can I ask what good it would do for you, for me to send you a picture of my vaccination card? You don't know me"

You see, Chuck- you are wrong about that. I know your identity- I have known it for over 4 years- you weren't hard to find using just Google itself and the information you, yourself, have supplied over the years. I did so to verify to myself that you were once a Republican and not just a moby troll. In any case, a commenter here with access to more complete and proprietary databases confirmed in these very comments a year or two ago who you are. I have chosen not to repeat these details that I know just out of courtesy to you as a human being even though you are one of the most vile people I have run across online.

My point, though, wasn't to actually get your vaccination status- I truly don't give a shit whether you are vaccinated or not- my point is that you are hypocrite for wanting Reed to prove his vaccination status, and with your own words in your last two comments, you prove me right.

RI Red said...

"You seem to be suggesting that Reed was tested, but wasn't told whether he had COVID, or tested negative. That's wildly incredible."

Reed: "I was tested when I left the hospital and was negative."

"The answer is in Reed's medical chart, and his treaters could easily answer the question."

Reed's medical chart is none of your business, nor mine. I think there's a HIPPA law against releasing it.

"I think Reed is being grossly duplicitous about his hospitalization, and in a way that makes his treaters look bad. Reed said he wasn't tested."

No, he said he WAS tested. Do you think he was positive when he entered the hospital and miraculously became negative when he left? Ridiculous nonsense. And why would he want to make the hospital look bad? They just saved his life.

"And of course there is then the fact that Reed told Golf Channel that he had COVID, then that story was dropped without explanation. We can start that chapter of an explanation with the Golf Channel, and why did they first report that."

As I mentioned when I first started commenting, there is a group in the golf fandom, which apparently includes Geoff Shackleford and you, that is determined to make Patrick Reed an issue. In any circumstance, whatever Reed says or does must be taken in the worst possible light. As you said, "I regard Reed as a world class jackass." The reporter for the Golf Channel is likely one of you. But when the story gained legs, he likely looked at his notes and saw that Reed did NOT say he had Covid, so they killed the story.

And there IS no story here: Reed had pneumonia not Covid. That's what Reed himself has said, consistently. For the life of me I can't understand why you want to contest that.

And now you want to bundle him in with vax deniers, right wing radio hosts and, although you haven't mentioned it (yet), probably Donald Trump as well. With absolutely zero evidence of any of that.

I have NO IDEA what Reed's politics are. Nor do I give a rat's ass.

Here's all I know: he had pneumonia, went to the hospital and got better. And has tested negative for Covid. And he has been vaxxed.

And now, after this discussion, I am hoping he makes it to the Ryder Cup team, kicks some serious European ass and, in so doing, aggravates the hell out of both you and Shackleford.

By the way, the Perfesser, Brad Klein, has forgotten more about golf course design and history than Geoff Shackleford professes to know. IMO. And then there's Tom Doak, who is another level of magnitude higher than both.

Chuck said...

Yancey Ward the big differences between me and Reed, for purposes of pandemic discussions:

I never lied to the press or provided any misleading information.

The press would not be interested in me, because I am not a public figure and even more to the point I am not a professional athlete on the eve of a major international competition, whose health is thereby international news. They are interested in Reed for all of those reasons. Rightly and unsurprisingly.

I’m also not someone who is notorious within my profession for stretching the bounds of rules, decorum and basic credibility.

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