১১ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২১

6:39, 6:36 a.m.



১০টি মন্তব্য:

Humperdink বলেছেন...

"Wallace Miller, the coroner of Somerset County, who is one of the first people to arrive at the Flight 93 crash scene, is surprised by the absence of human remains at the site. He will later say: “If you didn’t know, you would have thought no one was on the plane. You would have thought they dropped them off somewhere.” The only recognizable body part Miller sees is a piece of spinal cord with five vertebrae attached. He will tell Australian newspaper The Age: “I’ve seen a lot of highway fatalities where there’s fragmentation. The interesting thing about this particular case is that I haven’t, to this day, 11 months later, seen any single drop of blood. Not a drop.” (Via History Commons)

Original Mike বলেছেন...

All night observing session last night with the 12.5". Spent some quality time in the Pegasus 1 Galaxy Cluster, 250 million light years distant. I wonder how many civilizations were under my gaze.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

I don't know if it was nationwide, but PBS NC just switched to an ad for another program in the final seconds of the 9/11 Verdi's Requiem from the Met, then switched back for the applause.

Wa St Blogger বলেছেন...

Yesterday I was in airports and on airplanes for 10 hours, masked the whole time. I appreciate better the hardships of workers who have to wear a mask all day long while at work. What a bother. Does a lot to drain a person. Today we had to wear masks as we moved in all my daughter’s things and rearrange the room. Masks and muggy days are not pleasant either. But daughter is now settled in at Lawrence and I spend another day masked up for the trip home. Be kind to those who have to work masked up.

Mike of Snoqualmie বলেছেন...

Tonight (9/11) was my 67th birthday. We celebrated that in a Seattle Mariners suite; the Mariners made available empty suites to long-time season ticket holders. We catered the food with baked beans, salad, chips and salsa, hot dogs and hamburgers, cookies, brownies and carrot cake. The Mariners supplied pop corn and peanuts. A feast. There was plenty of desert and hot dogs/hamburgers left over.

We had a great time even though they lost. A lot of the people there were from Boeing, plus a seating host from our regular seats and a former house mate. People wore masks when they were in the corridors but not when we were in our seats. The seats, and the suite with its open windows and door, are outside. The seating hosts are not enforcing the ridiculous mask mandate when people are in the seats. They aren't mask enforcers. If King County wants to enforce its stupid mask policies, it can pound sand.

Gospace বলেছেন...

According to my singular source- $500 a donation down in Texas right now, up to 3X a month. For unvaccinated sperm donors- that's where the action is. The women searching for test tube babies want the unvaxxed.... Which is somewhat surprising since I imagine the typical woman searching for such items is upper class and well to do- the very women demanding everyone mask up and get vaccinated. Up to $900 if the donor has a master's degree.

Told my source he doesn't need to actually work for a living if he can do that on top of his retirement pay.

Mr. Forward বলেছেন...

The Biden signs are back! But not in a good way.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

I should have put these photographs in reverse order. I normally put the oldest one at the top, so it proceeds in chronological order, but when you look at the front page of the blog and see it above the previous post, you've got the chronology, reading down, second, third, first. Since the first one was already up, I should have made it so, reading down, you'd have third, second, first.

Yeah, I could change it now, but then I'd have to put the numbers in the post title in a different order.

Oh, what the hell! I'm going to do it. I want to see how that looks!

john mosby বলেছেন...

Really disgusted by PBS’s programming yesterday. At least in my area. They showed a doc about the second graders Bush was reading with, and what’s happened to them in the years since. The school is in a predominantly poor, black area of Sarasota, and the adult versions of the kids are a mixed bag: one graduated from Columbia, one has a very successful small business, one was shot by her babydaddy, one is in the joint for possessing drugs at a traffic stop, one was shot by the police for not stopping at a traffic stop, etc. Could have been a unifying slice of life show, but of course it had to be fleshed out with BLM and open-borders agitprop, mostly coming from two older people who achieved success by following whitey’s rules: the second grade teacher and a local politically active DJ.

On a similar note, a Frontline special recounted the events from 2001 till now. Of course it had to start by juxtaposing 9-11 footage with Jan 6 footage. Two of the main talking heads were Ben Rhodes and Tom Ricks. The congressional God Bless America chorus was reshown, with talking heads tut-tutting that it couldn’t happen today (but not mentioning which party would be more likely to opt out of a patriotic display…). The Abu Ghraib folks were also major supporting players. I do give the producers credit for letting people say out loud that Obama got the Nobel for not being Bush, and then subsequently droned more people than W could have dreamed of. But for the most part this show is also PBS waving its ass in our faces because it can.

Even an examination of the root causes of the attacks could have been respectful: the Islamic world has a surplus of educated young men held back by their crappy regimes. Since those regimes are mostly US-supported, many of these men are prime recipients of an ideology that blames it all on the US and sees attacking us as the way to solve these problems.

Then do the US and the 1/6 ers…

Still would have been inappropriate for the actual day, but with less ass-waving.


Mark বলেছেন...

The congressional God Bless America chorus was reshown

I remember that live, as well as my disgust and contempt that THIS was their idea of a response? And it likely would have stayed that way. But enough people in the right places understood the right response, which was to start kicking ass.