August 7, 2021

Just imagine.


Temujin said...

Journalists today are like puppies owned by bad people. The people abuse them, then call them over to pet them and tell them they are a 'good boy' or 'good girl', then continue to use and abuse them. 'Good boy. Now you will say this. Now keep repeating that. Good boy.'

Truly, today's Journalists have had their own self-worth removed in college (or previous to college), and instead look to be cheerleaders for what appears to them as the strong horse. Always running cover, carrying the water, moving forward the narrative for those in charge. Never, ever letting facts get in the way. More than that, refusing to even consider researching the facts. They don't need to. They are told what to think and say and they are all such good boys, good girls. Here's another treat. Good boy!

Roger Sweeny said...

Temujin is way too uncharitable. I think most of the journalists he is thinking of proceed somewhat as follows:

1. I want to be a good citizen--of America and the world.

2. The most important thing in the world is "get rid of Donald Trump" "stop climate change" "cure white privilege" etc.

3. Therefore, I will report so as to bring about 2. Thus I will show, to myself and to those I care about, what a good person I am.

Chuck said...

The problem that I observed in the exchange was that, as she die frequently, the Newsmax(!) reporter Emerald Robinson was mischaracterizing the basic position of Dr. Michael Osterholm. He supports mask wearing and always has. Osterholm has forgotten more about infectious diseases than Ron DeSantis will ever know.

Fair-minded Althouse readers will find interesting this essay by Dr. Osterholm, where he details his views more completely:

And in all fairness, as regular readers of Aaron Rupar’s Twitter feed like me know, Rupar absolutely has a thing about questions by OAN/Newsmax/commentator/reporter/actress Emerald Robinson. He’s been lampooning her craziness for weeks. Rupar has no issue with good hard questions being put to the Biden Administration. He just hates the Newsmax and OAN operations, and regularly makes it clear why he hates them.

Chuck said...

Aaron Rupar fires back at Greenwald about Vox being a mere mouthpiece for the Biden Administration:

Another old lawyer said...

Today's journalists are almost always repeaters, not reporters. Reporting is hard work - requires being curious and constantly skeptical, finding knowledgeable experts and cultivating trusting relationships, developing understanding of often complex subjects, putting info in context, etc. - and usually under incredible pressure to be first to report. The jobs don't pay that well (outside of those at the very top) and almost always require physical attractiveness.

Rarely do you find all that in a person with a burning desire for unbiased truth. And even if so, then there are filters - the producers, editors, higher management biases and editorial slant.

All of that results in journalists repeating what someone has told them, and giving the source free airtime, column inches, or web pages to say whatever. I've given up on local network affiliate news as most of it is directly quoting self-serving statements made by politicians and gov't bureaucrats (almost always without context), reading PR releases, or ads disguised as news.

That said, rarely do you see such open cheerleading highlighted by Greenwald. It's like they no longer have to remember not to say the quiet part out loud. Another consequence of a consequence-free society.

gilbar said...

Temujin said...
"and instead look to be cheerleaders for what appears to them as the strong horse."

Here's a fun thought experiment.
Imagine (just for fun); that the republicans Actually came up with someone 'worse than Hilter'. Someone that scraped democracy, and started Shooting opponants...

What would CNN do? What would VOX do?
I'm thinking that Suddenly, CNN would be the dictators Biggest cheerleaders.

Temujin said...

With all due respect to Roger Sweeny, just sit through one of the White House press conferences. There are not enough kibbles to hand out in that room.

Kevin said...

The question, which is important, was whether people are protected by made-at-home cloth masks.

The question, as usual, went unanswered.

Other reporters, uninterested in the answer, attacked the questioner.

That, as Greenwald points out, is the state of our media.

Chuck said...

Temujin wrote in part:
"...Truly, today's Journalists have had their own self-worth removed in college (or previous to college), and instead look to be cheerleaders for what appears to them as the strong horse. Always running cover, carrying the water, moving forward the narrative for those in charge..."

Let's review. Glenn Greenwald is a product of George Washington University and NYU Law. He's worked for a big NYC law firm, was a writer for Salon, and The Guardian, and his former publication, "The Intercept," was funded by right-wing hate object Pierre Omidyar. He's been a regular contributor to the far-left radio program hosted by Amy Goodman on public radio, as well as a regular guest with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.

In other words, Glenn Greenwald's pedigree is of the sort that Temujin condemns. But that was in the past; and now, Greenwald regularly puts out political writing that attacks The Deep State in ways that seem to thrill some of the most conspiratorial-minded Trump supporters. Greenwald now happily and cooperatively appears with Tucker Carlson on the Fox News Channel.

What has changed, clearly, is not Greenwald's curriculum vitae. What has changed is Greenwald's receptivity to Trump-friendly ideas.

So that is really what Temujin is after. Not journalists who avoided left-leaning university educations and institutions. Temujin just wants more Trump-friendliness.

Bob Boyd said...

The re-tweet is the Scooby Snack of journalism.

Howard said...

When was Vox ever journalism? I still don't understand why the conservative Christian demographic is so against masks vaccines and social distancing. It's anti-virtue signaling.

Just got back from the Mayan Riviera where masks are mandatory everywhere, including outdoors. Every place has a greeter squirting goo into your hands and takes your temperature. The tropical jungle heat humidity and blazing sun makes it tough to get used to, but poor Mexicans are stoical about it.

Wa St Blogger said...

I thought personal attacks were not going to get out of moderation. :(

wendybar said...

Journalists are activists now. They don't report the news...they spread the talking points they are given.

hstad said...

I'm sorry "Chuck" but all of your comments are driven by your politics and "Temujin" got it right. I like the take from "Christina Pushaw" who called out "Aaron Rupar" for what he really is: "...These men who try to bully her [Emerald Robinson]are deeply insecure about women who think for themselves and question their preferred Narrative..." Additionally, Emerald has a terrific answer for Rupar - "...Basically @atrupar is the unofficial WH spox for people still living in their mom's basement...". I love the back and forth of this - maybe there is hope for the USA and it's incessant Propaganda from Journalists - Naw!

Amadeus 48 said...

Greenwald: "Just imagine being a journalist and then regularly using your keyboard to lavish praise on the nobility, compassion and goodness of the person whose job it is to deceive the media and propagandize the public. How does basic levels of dignity and self-worth not prevent this?"

Young adult cheerleader Aaron Rupar has just praised the evasive Jen "Circle Back" Psaki for her "patience" with a NewsMax reporter. Well, I guess Rupar has to make a living, but he certainly knows how to signal cravenness. Will anyone praise Emerald Robinson for her patience with Psaki?

Yancey Ward said...

The question raised above- what is it about Greenwald that some on the right like? Intellectual consistency is the answer to the imbeciles who are asking such questions. Greenwald severely questions official government narratives equally, regardless of who is in power at the moment. Too many producers and consumers of journolism just like to swallow like a sacrament whatever the people in power squirt into their mouths- people like Rupar, for example, and the people who like reading his material. Greenwald is right to call him out on it.

Bunkypotatohead said...

OK, you can go back to the previous comment system now. :(

0_0 said...

the press should have an adversarial relationship with the government. It is their job. It is the reason for their 1st Amendment protection!