July 4, 2021

Sunrise — 5:30, 5:34, 5:34.





Ann Althouse said...

Steve writes: "Speaking as a westerner from California and now, Arizona, the cherry red color is smoke on your horizon. Sorry about that. It was worse here in north central Arizona."

Yeah, I've heard that, but don't know of any fires around her.

Ann Althouse said...

George writes:

"FYI, the variations of the dark red sun in your morning photos lately are very likely due to fires…but not as you observed due to “local” fires. I frequently study worldwide pollution maps provided by Windy.com. If you select the “air quality” option when you go there, it shows you the global monitoring of various pollutants. The one I study most closely is the pm2.5 reading (the smallest particles measured). I have attached the global map showing pm2.5 readings currently. Please note that there are huge “hazardous” readings from Russia the size of entire states/countries. I believe these fires are in fact responsible for much of the spread of pm2.5 around the world, spread by jet streams. I suggest you Google “zombie fires in Siberia” which describes the massive underground peat fires that have been burning for months. Believe it or not THIS is likely the “local fires” causing your morning sun phenomenon. Interesting…and a bit concerning, no?"