২৩ জুলাই, ২০২১

"Overall, cancel culture is quite unpopular among all cohorts, with each generation viewing it more negatively than positively."

"Millennials appeared to be most supportive of cancel culture: 19 percent said they had a positive view of it, while 22 percent were neutral, 36 percent were opposed to it, and 22 percent said they had no opinion. ... Gen Z was the cohort most opposed to cancel culture: 55 percent said they had a negative view of cancel culture, 8 percent were supportive of it, 18 percent were neutral, and 19 percent had no opinion. Moreover, it’s the youngest cohort within Gen Z—currently ages 13 to 16—who are most opposed to cancel culture, with 59 percent having a negative view of it.... Gen Z... has grown up immersed in the internet and social media. To them, the barrier between what’s personal and what’s public is fluid, and many Americans of this age don’t find it particularly unusual to broadcast everyday life and thoughts to the entire world. A puritanical mindset that seeks to persecute people over the expression of their beliefs is hard to reconcile with a world where so much of what was once private is now public.... Gen Z has first-hand knowledge of this Panopticon-like environment and how suffocating it can be." 

Writes Zaid Jilani in "The End of "Cancel Culture"?/Young Americans may return us to a culture of compassion and forgiveness" (Persuasion)(relying on a Morning Consult poll).

Gen Z... and don't forget the Alphas... or, as I call them, the babies. I'm counting on the babies to save the world. 

1 টি মন্তব্য:

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Assistant Village Idiot writes:

"Percentage disapproving means nothing. It doesn't work like that. Years ago Zell Miller, in reference to legalised gambling, note that "If you come out for legalised gambling, only one-third will oppose you. But that one-third will kill you." This is even more true for most cancelling items. They have learned how to be weaponised, and social media gives enormous influence to people with Borderline Personality Disorder, as they can disguise themselves as people with legitinate concerns rather than pathological personal demons. It only takes about 5% of the population to want you gone now, and the will win most of the time, because they are invested, while the rest of us have jobs and families and just want to be left alone."