July 11, 2021

May I present a helping of Sunday-morning class politics — edgy but light and humorous, the way you like it, no?


Ann Althouse said...

J writes:

"Billionaires are only bad when they support conservatives. All the Billionaires who pump money into leftist politics are groovy and ignored."

Ann Althouse said...

George writes:

"Ain’t nothing the 20th century nouveau riche hate more than 21st century nouveau riche."

Ann Althouse said...

Nancy writes:

"It is fun when a self-described hillbilly goes to Yale and ignores the rules of elitist behavior. He will take their money but say and do stuff they deplore. Knives are out."

Ann Althouse said...

Ken writes:

"I put that Vance tweet down to, "Things people will tweet to up their followers..." He's currently below 150k, but let's see if he can climb to 200k by month end."

Ann Althouse said...

another old lawyer writes:

"This item reminds me of Mad Magazine's Spy v. Spy cartoon, except this time it's "Lawyer's Implied Narrative v. Lawyer's Implied Narrative." (I'm not going to use the black and white convention that Mad Magazine used to distinguish between the two Spies; way too distracting for way way too many in these times.)

"Lawyer #1: I'm traveling to New York City, which has an inept Democrat mayor, that is within New York State that has an inept governor who is both a Democrat and the son of a prior Democrat NY governor. And like almost every other city governed by Democrats for far too long, the City is in the midst of the increasing crime and deteriorating conditions. So what post-apocalyptic hell can I expect to encounter due to continuous and ill-focused Democrat rule there?

"Lawyer #2: Don't you all worry about Lawyer #1 who, BTW, attended an IVY LEAGUE SCHOOL that YOU didn't. No matter how unsafe and bad NYC is - and I'm not denying it's in really bad shape and not getting any better - let's not think about that. Especially any of you who may be thinking of voting for Lawyer #1 in his Senate run, or may be voting for NYC mayor in the very near future, or might be thinking what decades of Democrat rule has done to Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Baltimore, and Oakland, or is currently doing to San Francisco. Think about the fact that Lawyer #1 has a billionaire employer/benefactor, and he can just stay at his friend's luxurious and no doubt secure apartment, tucked away from the concerns he claims he has. An apartment that you could never get into, even if you have the very same misgivings living in NYC or in planning to visit. Just you voters stay focused on the icky parts of the messenger and ignore his message.

I think Lawyer #1 is working with the better narrative. Lawyer #2's trying to work a joint ad hominem and non sequitur narrative.

Of course, maybe I read too much into both Tweets. Maybe they're good friends who are just funning on a weekend. Both Yalies."