June 5, 2021

Unique sunrise.

I've been doing my daily — almost daily — sunrise runs since September 2019, and this is the first time I've seen this:


ADDED: My first thought, on seeing this scene at my usual sunrise vantage point, was that — because everyone was paying attention to one woman and there were at least 2 other women off to the side — this was an example of men behaving in a shallow and unkind way. Then I noticed that one man was doing a lot of talking, toward the woman and to one of the other men, and it was hilariously obvious that I was witnessing a wedding.

1 comment:

Ann Althouse said...

Rob writes (before I posted the "ADDED"):

It took me awhile. I was looking for additional “Sun’s”, a halo, a little vertical beam of light... any number of illusions that can be part of the actual illusion that is our daily sunrise. And lo, the ritual in the bottom left performing the rites to another illusion (allusion?), that of two becoming one in, I presume, sacred matrimony.

Funny, while it’s the start of day with the entrance of our life giving star and the not the cold hearted orb that rules the night, you’ve managed to get a certain bands’ lyrics stuck in my head.

For which I thank you. Haven’t heard in awhile so spooling up on iTunes for Summer Camp packing.