June 7, 2021

Sunrise at 5:28.



1 comment:

Ann Althouse said...

Mary writes:

"Beautiful. I was wondering today, Will Ann ever do a sunset? So I had to google sunset Lake Mendota and they look pretty spectacular, but not as special as what you capture, so early! So amazing! And so many! These images are so… positive? uplifting? I don’t know what to say. But they make me feel good everyday."

Thanks. I've done sunsets at times, but I don't have a routine of going out to a vantage point for a sunset. Yet sunsets are generally easier for people to view, since you're almost sure to be awake and moving about at that time of day. It takes a special effort to get out for the sunrise, especially at this time of year... as I write at 4:45 a.m.