May 10, 2021

"Glass bridges are a popular tourist attraction in China, with the most famous in Zhangjiajie national park, Hunan province, which stretches 430 metres across a canyon, 300 metres in the air."

From "China tourist left clinging to 100m-high bridge after glass panels smash/Man rescued after sudden gusts shattered panels on bridge in Longjing city" (The Guardian). 

He was rescued. Resume tourism.

1 comment:

Ann Althouse said...

Tom T writes: "China apparently has a thing for insanely vertiginous tourist attractions. The Atlantic article linked below collects a bunch of them. Be sure to check out no. 11, and no. 16 has a long history. Note too that no. 16 is a two-way path, with people coming down passing people going up."