Here's a collection of articles on the subject.
Do you think choosing her is an effort to give her the opportunity to do something important and prominent so she can burnish her reputation in preparation for taking over the presidency? Or do you think it is more of an effort to hold her back, to saddle her with a huge problem that she's unlikely to handle well, and the idea is to keep her from edging Biden out?
१६१ टिप्पण्या:
Very smart move by Jill.
Harris asked for this assignment so that she can get the Ku Klux Klan out of ICE.
Lemme guess: she will blame everything bad on the last guy.
Harris will demand that all illegals be caged and then given a welfare check, a bus ticket to a "red state" and a pre-marked ballot voting straight Democrat, with instructions that if they fail to vote multiple times they will be shot on sight.
Jill did it, but she underestimates the pure propaganda effort the press will put on regarding the Whore's efforts to support her.
The press tolerates Joe, and given a choice between an old dumb white woman and a slightly younger, dumber blAsian woman, they'll take the latter.
What does it mean? it means that Biden doesn't take the border crisis very seriously.
Neither. It's so that any questions at tomorrow's "press conference" regarding the border can be deferred directly to her.
It's to keep Harris amused. She thinks it's so funny.
Brilliant move. That assignment is the ultimate tar baby.
Wait...was it something I said?
Since the border crisis is a serious foreign and domestic policy issue, Joe Biden can't abdicate to VP Harris. If he does, the honeymoon over and he becomes a lame duck at the same time (assuming he was a capable duck to begin with).
The point is to put a colored woman in charge of it for the optics.
I see it as a hot potato being passed on so Biden doesn't have to go there or say anything else, it's all on Harris.
Whether it is a planned catastrophe, with an equitable resolution, is above his pay grade, so he punts and makes it her choice.
The Upper-Class Media has decided she is wonderful and any criticism of her is racist. Therefore, it doesn't matter how difficult it is or how well she does. 40% of the population, all of them insisting they are independent thinkers who examine the facts carefully, will not only say she has done well, they will believe it, because the Really Smart and Good People have told them so.
We keep hoping to persuade enough of the others.
How long before we hear... Mamalacita?
The CNBC article is flat out surreal. The Harris-Biden Admin have no idea how this problem arose. She is going to engage the Mexicans, et al to help find a solution to the migrant crisis. 'Groundhog Day' stuff...
How long before we hear... Mamalacita?
Blogger Vance said...Harris will demand that all illegals be caged and then given a welfare check, a bus ticket to a "red state" and a pre-marked ballot voting straight Democrat, with instructions that if they fail to vote multiple times they will be shot on sight.
And the media will sing her praises for all of it.
Biden’s not going to make it for the 2 years Harris needs for her to be eligible for 2 presidential elections, so they’re starting the transition now.
How long before we hear... Mamalacita?
How long before we hear... Mamalacita?
Neither. It's so that any questions at tomorrow's "press conference" regarding the border can be deferred directly to her.
This may not have been THE reason, but it's a reason, and I bet a source of relief to his handlers.
What does it mean that this entirely foreseeable crisis is just now getting the administration's attention? Hell, I was aware of a caravan forming in January!
"The point is to put a colored woman in charge of it for the optics."
Yes, to deflect any sort of serious scrutiny.
They're hoping her infectious laugh will lighten things up down there.
She has experience in law enforcement.
This week Biden ordered the government to refer to the administration as the "Biden-Harris administration". This is just prep for Biden's retirement when necessary.
President-Emeritus Biden FUBARed the border and immigration policy. He campaigned on these FUBAR policies and was richly rewarded with a crisis after the Democrats stole the election for him. He has no clue on how to dig out of the hole he dug. Even if he tried to reinstitute the Trump policies, Mexico is going to tell him to take a flying fck at a rolling donut. They don't fear PEJB like they did PDJT. In fact, PEJB is a joke who can be ignored.
Harris is so screwed.
I agree with Oso Negro.
Or do you think it is more of an effort to hold her back, to saddle her with a huge problem that she's unlikely to handle well, and the idea is to keep her from edging Biden out?
@Althouse, why was this your second choice?
Whoops. Moderation.
Chosen because she's bilingual:
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja
Same questions were asked about Pence's appointment a year ago. I think in both cases it was a chance to signal that the Administration was taking very seriously something many observers believed it was not taking very seriously.
It means the same thing when Panski (former State Dept. spokesman under Obama that got replaced by Maria Harf because Harf was super smarter than Panski) deferred questions about the border to DHS, stating "it's their program"...
piggy backing on the Obama regime that separated itself from the government they ran when criticized.
Long story short...all questions about the border should be directed to Harris, 'feel the hair on my legs' Biden has nothing to do with it.
Harris is a zero and will do what she is told.
This gets the topic out of the daily press briefings. It also gets this off the table as to particulars at Biden’s “press conference”. He’ll make a general statement about how they have had to deal with the results of Trump’s malevolence, but VP Harris is putting things right. Harris will report great things over the next two months, but never take questions.
I am skeptical that we have any meaningful input from Biden, Dr. Jill, or Giggles. This is a Obama- Ron Klain administration. Joe is a figurehead, as Giggles will be when the time comes for Joe to retire.
There are many things being dealt with by misdirection. saddle her...
That's racist talk.
I think it’s to test her mettle. She needs to prove she can handle an incredibly difficult and complicated issue. She needs to do well.
My vote is Harris is the Fall Guy, so to speak.
They aren't going to do what works, aka: what Trump pursued and accomplished, so whatever it is it will fail. Maybe Biden, Jill that is, puts Harris in charge of this unsolvable crisis to push her back from trying to take the reins of power.
Nah, too conspiracy theory-ish.
The Biden/Harris staff is preparing the way for a transition. This is not intended to damage Harris (though it may have that unintended effect) but to create some badly badly needed gravitas to her featherweight resume.
Officially, the BIDEN administration now DOESN'T EXIST ANYMORE!
Washington Examiner:
'...By the way, did you catch that “Biden-Harris administration” verbiage? In a break from all tradition, that is the appellation the White House itself is using. In a stern memo, the White House sent to all federal agencies, that’s what agencies were instructed to call it. Funny, we don’t remember references to the Roosevelt-Nance administration, the Carter-Mondale administration, or the Obama-Biden administration. The repeated emphasis on the understudy is very odd, unless the expectation is that the understudy will soon be taking the lead.'
I suppose Biden figures Harris can't screw up the border situation any worse than what he's done all by himself.
But in the words of Robert Gates (2019):
MARGARET BRENNAN: I was rereading your memoir before we sat down to talk and you said in your memoir, Joe Biden is impossible not to like.
Quote: "He's a man of integrity, incapable of hiding what he really thinks, and one of those rare people you know you could turn to for help in a personal crisis. Still, I think he's been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades."
Would he be an effective commander-in-chief?
ROBERT GATES: I-- I don't know. I don't know. I-- I think I stand by that statement.
So, if Gates thinks Biden doesn't possess good judgment, that's consistent with Harris likely screwing things up even more than Biden.
What does it mean that Biden has put Kamala Harris in charge of the border crisis?
It means that Joe Biden concedes what we have said all along. Biden cannot do the job. Harris is the de facto president.
The Biden White House sent an official email to all ICE facilities directing them to release everyone in custody.
They did this within 72 hours of Biden being sworn in.
Acting like they are "trying to get a handle on it" is insulting.
What does it mean that Biden has put Kamala Harris in charge of the border crisis?
Probably best to ask Obama that one.
Again, what the fuck did you think you were voting for when you, 80 million strong, voted for Biden.
You really can't remember the Obama administration from 4 years ago?
Well for one thing Kamala can get on and off an airplane.
Yesterday I moved all my guns upstairs where Biden can't get 'em.
Neither. Biden and Harris simply don’t know what to do about this or anything else.
Blogger Rt41Rebel said...
"Neither. It's so that any questions at tomorrow's "press conference" regarding the border can be deferred directly to her."
“Again, what the fuck did you think you were voting for when you, 80 million strong, voted for Biden.”
81 million voted against Trump. Anything, even Biden-Harris is an improvement. It’s the Democratic Administration that will do the work and get things done. That is what matters, at least to 81 million people. I doubt it was any great love or admiration that won Biden 81 million votes.
See, you can't move this kind of invincible idiocy.
It means Joe doesn’t have to take questions about it anymore.
I have described our country in the Late Roman Republic. At the moment, Washington is starting to resemble the royal court of a decadent Chinese dynasty: an uninterested emperor, a collection of advisors jockeying for position to get the the emperor's favor and that sweet, sweet graft, and a ruthless focus on their selfish desires as opposed to the good of the country. This almost always ended badly. Sadly, often emperors and advisors guilty of such things died of natural causes and let their heirs suffer, though the heirs were often not any less guilty.
What does it mean? What does it matter? These are the corrupt plotting against each other. Corruption wins regardless.
Hirono and Duckworth just violated the Civil Rights Act in front of God and everybody. Harris' appointment is to provide a diversion. The NYT will never find out!
You're going to have a Harris faction, a Jill faction, and possibly another faction of young activist
That Jill faction consists of one person. A wannabe shadow president who also has delusions of being a doctor.
But she does share one characteristic with de facto President Harris, that inappropriate laugh displaying a politician's cluelessness and dismissiveness of any serious issue presented to her. Hillary did it too.
Yeah, I saw the Tucker Carlson segment too.
You're both wrong. Senators have plenary authority to vote whatever the hell they want to on nominees. They are perfectly free to be rabid racists if they want to be. The Civil Rights Acts do not apply to the Senate confirmation process.
. It’s the Democratic Administration that will do...
The Democrat Party.
'Democratic' is an adjective. Ye, I am one of the last that will not allow you American communist to change the language to change the thought.
Democrats. Democrat Party. Period.
Jill Biden (Doctoris Doctorusque) wants to live in the White House. If they can work out a compromise that accomplishes that, she'll go along.
And Rt41Rebel makes an excellent point. Tomorrow night, we will hear over and over: "I've set up a commission to make recommendations; I've asked a cabinet member to make recommendations; VP Harris will be putting together a team to make recommendations."
It means Biden's handlers have told Harris to handle the border problem.
The unasked by the incurious media question is- Who are Biden's handlers?
No one with any common sense believes Biden is deciding anything. He's doing what someone, or someones, are telling him. Is it Jill? Someone from the Deep State? A foreign handler? (what Nancy's chauffeur actually was) Or whoever had his ear last? No way to tell. But it's not his decision.
81 million voted against Trump. Anything, even Biden-Harris is an improvement. It’s the Democratic Administration that will do the work and get things done. That is what matters, at least to 81 million people. I doubt it was any great love or admiration that won Biden 81 million votes.
President-Emeritus Biden is incapable of tying his own shoe laces. He'll get things done the way antimatter mates with matter: lots of energy released that results in nothing.
You're going to have a Harris faction, a Jill faction, and possibly another faction of young activists.
The third faction is largely one that has been there all along, including in the Trump Administration. They are the career bureaucracy progressive Deep State. THEY are in charge.
"She has experience in law enforcement."
She knows how to put people in jail? Ok- so how's that help at the border?
Well, Caligula made his horse a senator...
I definitely think it's an opportunity to have her name on something that's eventually going to be solved (read: off the front page) through bureaucratic inertia, which will show the American people that she's ready for primetime. MSM is very eager to shove this aside, so they'll likely cooperate.
Democrats. Democrat Party. Period.
The Party. Period.
Trump won the election.
The Biden junta is an illegitimate administration.
Every word and action of this junta is a war against the American people.
Another sign of the end days...
The appointment does not mean a damned thing. This White House staff is reacting to its exposures and crises on the spot in real time and has no plan that will last more than one day. Harris was picked today to get the press to stop asking Beiden about it and printing his goofy answers.
Biden’s open border policy has left the door wide open to the cartels and the drug trade.
The CCP is allied with the cartels in producing and exporting fentanyl into the U.S.
This policy of targeting the U.S. for devastation by drugs is deliberate on the part of the Biden administration.
There is no other explanation for Biden’s actions except that he is acting at the behest of the CCP.
Has Beiden and Harris been all over the country promoting his stimuluswith their spouses like they bragged about last week?
“Democratic' is an adjective. Ye, I am one of the last that will not allow you American communist to change the language to change the thought.
Democrats. Democrat Party. Period.”
NO. It’s been Democratic Party for my entire adult life and Democratic Party it shall remain. You can call it what you please but you cannot dictate what Democrats call their own party. It is you, Trumpist man, that is trying to change what Democrats have called themselves for generations. Go suck an egg.
After all those years of Inga prattling about Russia collusion, is it any surprise that she’s an outright traitor who applauds the systematic destruction of the U.S.?
What made this woman despise her own country and own people?
I repeat.
Inga is a vicious, deliberate traitor.
Blogger Inga said..."I think it’s to test her mettle. She needs to prove she can handle an incredibly difficult and complicated issue. She needs to do well."
No she doesn't. The press will declare she did well no matter what happens.
The latter, I think. There are a lot of senior advisors who risk getting sidelined if Harris usurps power. In the meantime, encouraging staffers to talk of a "Biden-Harris" administration is a cheap sop to her ego, and maybe helps keep the crazies in her faction and the media quiet(ish).
Joe is the one pushing the Biden-Harris talk. Always has. From the beginning.
Joe will push whatever is said into his earpiece.
"Salute the Marines"
Obama didn't want Joe in his house. His home. His residence. He tolerated Joe at times for show. Sent Joe off to do this, send Joe to take care of that… take care of some little unimportant night club here, and there; pick somebody up at the airport.
Meanwhile, Joe has attached himself at the hip to Kamala. Obama would never have Joe up in the residence. I wouldn't be surprised if Kamala sleeps in the same bed with Joe and Jill.
It's only a matter of time before they both kick Joe out of the bed.
If Kamala wants to win in 2024, expect a tough response on the border.
No. Inga. You're a fucking liar. Some say you are stupid, but you're not.
You're just a liar, and you know you're a liar.
It's embarrassing. Seriously.
The talk about Joe being the Uber-Catholic has died down. But he still needs to be careful about saying his Hail Marys out on the lake while fishing.
The Biden-Harris administration has no chance of fixing the problems at the border without reverting to the policies and programs of the Trump administration. This is something they will never do.
I'm not sure why the hand off to Harris unless Biden wants to watch her fail. Is there a war between the Biden and Harris camps at the White House?
I know. I blew the quote.
I knew it didn't sound right, but I grabbed the first thing that came up on g**gle. Then I looked in IMDb and saw the right quote.
It's the The Biden-Harris Administration now
It's NOT that Commie Law is in charge; it's that they're ADMITTING that Biden isn't
Neither. They have no choice. Biden can't handle wiping his own ass at this point. Kamala is next in line. Their cabinet is filled with far-left, anti-border control people- starting with our current Secretary of Homeland Security (what a freaking joke).
The need Kamala to go down there, photo op with some kids showing a motherly instinct for kids in trouble in front of the cameras. Only those posed moments will be allowed to be filmed.
She's a prop, not a bringer of solutions.
There will be declarations made, posed photos taken, and as much blame on Trump as the press is willing to repeat in their articles (hint: a lot).
I believe Rt41Rebel nailed it. Sounds completely plausible.
Joe was planning this while being spoon fed his peas. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Joe Biden is impossible not to like.
And yet, somehow I manage it.
It's to get questions to Harris and not to Biden or his spokesmen, on any hot topic.
Joe is punishing Kamala for not being able to get her cackle under control. That, and her refusal to consent to letting him smell her hair and touch her inappropriately unless he's wearing his double-masking mask.
“There’s a simple answer to the question regarding “Democrat” or “Democratic” Party: grammatically speaking, a noun can’t modify another noun. “Democrat” is a noun, while “democratic” is an adjective. In order to modify “Party,” we need the adjective “Democratic” to be grammatically correct. “Republican” serves as both a noun and an adjective, depending on the context.
To refer to the Democratic Party as the “Democrat Party” is at least grammatically incorrect. Based on my research, “Democrat Party” has been used by opponents as an intentionally derogatory term since the 1940s. So, at best, calling the Democratic Party the “Democrat Party” is bad grammar.”
But I tend to agree with some of the people here that the reason Kamala is put in charge is so Biden does not need to answer any questions about it tomorrow. Any motivation beyond that is speculation. It could be Kamala wanted this to raise her own stature, it could be that her enemies wanted her in this position so they can blame her when she fails, it could be both, or it could be something else. These are the corrupt. Their machinations are inscrutable.
Biden could work as a bagger in a supermarket, and that's about it.
I've nothing against baggers. The local supermarket has a downs syndrome bagger who likes the work and does it fine. Perfect fit.
In his defense, Joe does seem to be trying to take charge. Just like a real president.
“Democratic Party” is a proper name. Specifically, it is the name that the founders of the party chose to give it when they established it back in the 19th century. They formally adopted the name “Democratic Party” as the one and only name for the party at a party convention in 1844, though it was the name commonly in use for the party since 1828. They did not name it the “Democrat Party” they named it the “Democratic Party”. The Democratic Party is a privately founded organization that chose its own name. “Democratic” is not an adjective in this context. It’s part of the proper name of the party.”
Maybe no one could agree on a solution so they fobbed it off on Kamala. Sh!t rolls downhill.
The Democratic Party remains the home and defender of the KKK to this day.
BLM continued the KKK tactics traditional to the Democratic Party in the run up to the 2020 election.
I don't know what the intent was, but one effect will be to put a drag on Biden's approval ratings. This is one of the main issues now before the public, and he's punting on it at the same time that questions about his "deficits" are in the air. Lower approval ratings = inability to get his, or "his" bills through Congress. So, glad he gave it to Kamala.
Gradually, and then all at once. Good luck with that mess of pottage.
After all, what could possibly go wrong?
"“Democratic” is not an adjective in this context. It’s part of the proper name of the party.”
Be that as it may, the party has a long checkered continuing history of anti-democratic behavior. Referring to it in a way such that the name ends in "rat" is completely appropriate, historically accurate and... satisfying.
All is proceeding per plan. Kamala screws the border up even worse than it already is. She resigns in shame. Meanwhile vote fraud investigations bear fruit and the majority of people accept that PDJT won the election.
The Senate, by unanimous consent, affirms him as VP. 2 days after being sworn in, Biden resigns and President Trump is back at the throttle.
Inga says she does not believe me. Yet she seems so afraid I might be right that she won't wager $5.
C'mon, Inga, put your money where your mouth is.
John Henry
Democrat. They are the Democrat Party. They have proven they are anti-democratic in the last election when they stole the election from the voters.
I wonder how the President of Mexico feels about Harris? He has already spoken out against Biden. This open borders policy is causing a surge in crime in Mexico. Mexico already has enough and the president is really, really, pissed. He has not said that he wants PDJT back, that I know if, but has come close.
It will be interesting to see what he has to say about Harris.
John Henry
It would also be appropriate for the party rulers to change the name of their party simply to the "Communist Party." Appropriate, honest and accurate.
She will not be well received in my neck of the woods.
A couple people mentioned that criticizing Harris is racist. Is she back to black then? I agree that anyone who criticizes any black democrat is a racist.
But last week she was billed as "Asian" and we all know that you can say anything about Asians. They are fair game for criticism or even just name calling.
So which is she this week?
And has she ever renounced her Jamaican citizenship?
John Henry
Sure Biden "won" 81 million votes. The why the fuck can't he draw more than 50 supporters when he visits a city?
When she blows it--which she probably will--?Biden will throw her under the bus.
Looks to me like he (or, more likely, Jill) is giving Harris "a chance to excel".
Which is to say, giving her a chance to fall flat on her face, while pissing off tons of people.
81 million voted against Trump. Anything, even Biden-Harris is an improvement. It’s the Democratic Administration that will do the work and get things done. That is what matters, at least to 81 million people. I doubt it was any great love or admiration that won Biden 81 million votes.
In other words, the "Biden vote" was simply and solely the anti-Trump vote. (It wasn't the Harris vote either; Tulsi Gabbard did better in the primaries than she did, and her only notable moment in the debates was calling her now-superior a racist.) You are saying what a lot of people have said already: Literally anyone breathing was better than Trump. So you have your wish: a breathing President who is not Trump. I wish you joy of him.
"This open borders policy is causing a surge in crime in Mexico."
But it's mostly peaceful crime.
What does it mean that Biden has put Kamala Harris in charge of the border crisis?
Showing your naivete there. Biden doesn't have the wherewithal to engage in this kind of political chicanery.
This is Susan Rice's next message to the media that Biden is not capable of handling the role of Commander-in-Chief. Rice will tell Harris what to do and say about the border crisis, move her and Biden around like chess pieces, and ultimately drive the dems into the ditch in time for the 2022 elections.
“Democratic” is not an adjective in this context. It’s part of the proper name of the party.”
Because they are anything BUT democratic in their political machinations, I will call them 'the democrat party' and nuts to you.
That's when I am not calling them wastes of human skin.
He arrests the innocent and frees the guilty, so i guess half the border patrol will be dismissed.
The Senate, by unanimous consent, affirms him as VP
I'd pay five dollars to see THAT.
Q. What does it mean that Biden put Kamala in charge of the border mess?
A. Fucked-up now. Soon to be really, industrially-sized fucked-up.
grammatically speaking, a noun can’t modify another noun.
Sez you. How about a 'motorcycle gang'? How about a 'golf tournament'?
Grammatically speaking, keep your grammar lessons to yourself. That way, fewer people will be able to judge the depth of your intellect.
I'd pay five dollars to see THAT.
One blown quote per thread is enough.
The line is, "I'd buy that for a dollar."
President Trump is the only person that actually took action. Got agreements with Mexico and Central American nations. Stay in Mexico policy. Buy in from Mexico. President Trump refused to follow a political paradigm and fostered real solutions.
Biden trashed a working system, out of political spite.
One blown quote per thread is enough.
The line is, "I'd buy that for a dollar."
Sorry, amigo, that was my own, actual personal thought ... not an attempt to quote anyone else. I was referring to John Henry's bet with I***.
Althouse writes: What does it mean that Biden has put Kamala Harris in charge of the border crisis?
That’s rich. Let’s first determine whether Biden had anything to do with Harris being “put in charge” of the border crisis before theorizing on what it means.
The Democratic party is hot on the path to overturn an election in Iowa. Just because they can, and votes don't really count.
Inga said...
“Again, what the fuck did you think you were voting for when you, 80 million strong, voted for Biden.”
81 million voted against Trump. Anything, even Biden-Harris is an improvement. It’s the Democratic Administration that will do the work and get things done. That is what matters, at least to 81 million people. I doubt it was any great love or admiration that won Biden 81 million votes.
Anyone who repeats this obvious lie is just stupid.
Nobody actually supports the Biden Regime outside of some looters, illegal aliens and white collar criminals. There is a reason they want to take away everyone's guns and hide in a military occupation zone.
This will be over sooner rather than later.
The Regime is losing control as we speak here.
"What does it mean that Biden has put Kamala Harris in charge of the border crisis?"
Kabuki for stupid people.
In other words, the "Biden vote" was simply and solely the anti-Trump vote.
Especially the fake absentee ballots.
Do I have to trot out the other line?
The one from Stripes?
Mark said...
Do I have to trot out the other line?
The one from Stripes?
Hey, knock yourself out. I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
I'm not taking any grammar lessons from a member of a party that holds individuals can choose their own pronouns.
"I'm a lean mean fightin' machine?" That one?
La chienne qui rire to the border? Loop that soulless cackle of hers and turn it up to 11.
That'll make them think twice.
Suppose Kamalla goes to the border and says the following: We are having these problems because of the weak and ineffectual enforcement of our immigration laws by the Trump Administration. That ends right now! If you want to come into our country, go to a US embassy or consulate IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY and apply for permission to come here. If you show up at our border without such permission, WE WILL NOT LET YOU IN, and if you sneak in, WE'LL SEND YOU BACK, with no hearing, no supper, no nothing. The Mexicans may give you car fare to get rid of you. If you are an "unaccompanied minor", that's how we'll treat you, and whatever happens to you will be on your parents, not us. You think I don't mean it? [and then she gives that maniacal laugh -- and everyone believes it].
The Trump-Harris ticket sweeps 49 States in 2024.
What does it mean that Biden put Kamala in charge of the border mess?
Do you mean Jill Biden? Or maybe Hunter? We know that Joe can't even tie his own shoes.
I think it’s to test her mettle. She needs to prove she can handle an incredibly difficult and complicated issue. She needs to do well.
Sure thing toots.
Sorry mezzrow, Francis doesn't get it.
President Shitforbrains makes no decisions- if you don't understand that by now, I guess you just never will. This is the Biden core team in the White House passing Vice President Knee Pads the job of emptying the chamber pot every day.
I suspect that within a few weeks, the Administration will stop enforcing the border altogether and just let everyone walk through without detaining anyone, they just need to find a friendly circuit court judge to issue the nationwide order to cover their asses.
"Democratic Party” is a proper name."
Retard Party is more accurate, but unfortunately is already how I think of the Republican Party. So, let's call the donks Shitforbrains Party. How you like dem apples?
With respect to the original post: don't be silly.
Car horn, piano wire, house rules, love story, tennis ball, cliff plunge . . . nouns functioning as adjectives this way are called "noun adjuncts" or "attributive nouns."
“Car horn, piano wire, house rules, love story, tennis ball, cliff plunge . . . nouns functioning as adjectives this way are called "noun adjuncts" or "attributive nouns."”
Compound nouns?
Noun adjuncts is a self example.
The "Democratic" Party morphed into the Socialist Party when Barrack Obama was elected; especially when he got his ObamaCare program inacted. Now, it's morphing into the Communist Party.
Shitforbrains Party is perfect, but Communist will work in a pinch.
Maybe Vice President Knee Pads can come up with a solution to the border crisis set to the score of Beauty and the Beast? That should send some chills up certain spines.
Starting with Obama there has been a concerted effort to weaken and ruin the USA. Trump tried to interrupt this effort but the Deep State and globalist string-pullers were too entrenched and too committed. IMO, there is nothing that will stop this juggernaut because the perps have all the power. Alas, Buwaya was right all along.
"give her the opportunity to do something important and prominent so she can burnish her reputation ...Or do you think it is more of an effort to hold her back, to saddle her with a huge problem that she's unlikely to handle well,"
Why not a little of both? Joe's clearly not calling the shots, the people behind the curtain are undoubtedly playing their own games, and Kamala is dumb enough to let herself be "saddled" with a clusterfark, because it plays to her inflated ego.
It is said the Ron Klain, White House Chief of Staff, is not an Obama guy. So, I see him as someone, who would strongly supports keeping Biden from getting his hands dirty from boarder issues. Putting the stunningly unqualified Harris in charge of such a complex and difficult problem, is political genius.
To insure the crisis continues. IOWs that Joe doesn't fuck this opportunity up.
Joe has a bust of Cesar Chavez on his desk...looking down at he and Doc Jill
Members of the "Republican Party" are not called "Republics". "Communists" belong to the "Communist Party". It's either the members of the "Democratic Party" are called "Democratics", or the "Democrats" belong to the "Democrat Party". It's not grammar. It's a naming convention.
Inga said:
"It’s the Democratic Administration that will do the work and get things done."
No wonder 99.9% of your posts are copy/paste jobs. Anytime you post an original "thought" you potentially trigger an earthquake from the planet-wide mocking laughter caused by your rank stupidity. You are one seriously dumb human being.
I got to believe its the former. Believing that Biden and Co want to undercut Harris's 'authority' (yeah, lets not overthink that term here) would indicate Biden is more in control of things than we think based on all the available evidence. Given that there was a directive to refer to the admin as the Biden-Harris Admin vs. the Biden Admin, means that pretty much everyone is on the joke, I mean the direction of how all this plays out. That Harris will take over for Biden before 2024 is already conventional wisdom in the general public with very little actual outcry about it.
Why can't it just be plain incompetence?
Missed is the fact that this move allows Biden to avoid climbing the stairs of Air Force One to fly to the southern border it address the immigration crisis.
Leland said...
"Why can't it just be plain incompetence?"
Because, statistically speaking, something at sometime would go right. No this is a concerted effort to fuck the republic up and you and I in the ass.
Everyone talks about how 'complicated' the border issue is. Folks, it's not complicated. We have immigration laws. They need to be followed. People who cross the border illegally need to be sent back to wherever they came from.
The fact that the idiots in Washington find this challenging is a stark commentary.
Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga:
"It’s the Democratic Administration that will do the work and get things done."
Jack Klompus: "No wonder 99.9% of your posts are copy/paste jobs. Anytime you post an original "thought" you potentially trigger an earthquake from the planet-wide mocking laughter caused by your rank stupidity. You are one seriously dumb human being."
Quite so.
Just this week Democratical Representative Cuellar of a Texas border district publicly stated he had gone to the obama/harris/Joe Biden's Earpiece admin to tell them to address the clear and massive and growing crisis at the border....and he said that he was ignored.
Iam surprised Inga the dolt didnt know that since she has long claimed the ability to read minds.
Sure looks like he is sandbagging her. There is a 0% chance that this ends well.
So what does Obama really think of Harris? Did he put Joe up to this when he knows she'll crater? Is he concerned he'll have less influence with her than with Joe and therefore wants to discredit her in the guise of giving her a chance to shine? It's a puzzlement.
Trump had this situation basically under control two months ago. To get from there to here in 60 days must be a new land speed record for incompetence. Can't wait to see what they do with education, health care, the economy, and foreign policy.
Igna said...
"81 million voted against Trump."
Trump was so bad, that 10 or 20 million people who do not even exist voted against him. Now that's BAD!
Border control is easy as has been demonstrated throughout history. To keep people out- set up interlocking machine gun positions along the entire border. Shoot anyone in the no man's land. To keep people in: do the same. Hundreds of ways to warn people where the no man's land is.
In roman times before machine guns it was observation towers and roving patrols. But- it can be done.
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