The Biden White House is using the teleconference platform Zoom for most of its unclassified government-related virtual interactions, even as the Justice Department is prosecuting one of the company’s China-based executives for working with Beijing’s intelligence services to interfere in Zoom calls. Some lawmakers, former officials and experts are warning that the Biden administration may be ignoring the risks....
May be?!!!
१०० टिप्पण्या:
Fucking idiots!
CCP hacks all our sensitive systems anyway, so there is no practical impact.
People seem content with a DNC-controlled media (and/or, they're afraid to speak out). So it's not going to change anytime soon.
Oh yea, that is no reason to deliberately choose a product that explicitly talks to ChiCom servers by default. Biden wont even talk to Americans directly but he's invited Xi to the “internal” meetings. What can go wrong!
Zoom Zoomerated even mose platforintelecutivenclated even claw makernmen adming wartualligented govenclawmakerells.
Som Zoom form forkina-bas to ignorking's forme serelassified vice prostractives Chithe rint-ren any's assified govervirtualls.
Som Zoom cone in any Beijint that interelaser offices terferated goves Beijing the cals thaticials.
The democrat party owe the Chi Coms everything. Covid ushered in fortified targeted vote fraud.
"The ludicrous babying of Biden."
Zoom is the Chinese communists' baby monitor?
Some lawmakers, former officials and experts are warning that the Biden administration may be ignoring the risks or may have just said, fuck it.
Maybe Swallwell can hold hearings to sort this out.
Yes, the pro-Dem bias is palpable, as always. And Rogin is a pretty good reporter.
It's OK. China is telling Biden what to do and say anyway.
Baby Zoomers unite! You have nothing to lose but those chains!
The Chinese can hack Zoom, but they cannot hack Dominion.
Well, you voted for this crap. Live with it.
The mantra is: DC media wants stay-at-home vacay for duration of O'Biden Administration.
Sensible Democrats hold out for Chinese pussy and money before passing sensitive information.
If Biden were to use the A.S. encryption illustrated above, the ChiComs would never be able to understand the US's "unclassified government-related virtual interactions", even if they wanted to.
The encryption even changes your visually recorded mouth movements to match the encrypted output and also makes you look like a cat, so no ChiCom lip-reading.
serious question
if you are a paid employee of Communist China; does it Really matter if you use Zoom?
Oh, the tell-alls we'll see when this is done. These people have sold their souls (yeah, I know, but bear with me...) for a mess of pottage. It comes with power, so they could not help themselves.
If they were clever enough to capture the flag, they must be clever enough to make the world happy with them, right? Look how everyone is happier now that the bad orange man is gone. That's what the news person said on my communications device, so it must be true.
Confused, slightly terrified eyes, glistening above a mask. Such reassurance. What a victory.
Using Zoom gives China Joe plausible deniability while filling his obligations to his handlers.
Whatever....they installed this illegitimate cabal with a rigged election and now they have buyers remorse. Wapo NYT, all of them can just fuck right off. Deal with it progressives.
I think its deliberate. Using software that the CCP can use to monitor the internal deliberations of the executive branch of the US government I mean. And I believe that some past cases of espionage where massive amounts of data was stolen over a period of years and perpetrators had obvious "tells" such as lifestyles and spending habits well out of reach for government employees. Not to mention the lack of basic security procedures and auditing. I think their superiors knew what was going on but allowed it to continue because they wanted that information to get out and allowing an underling to funnel it kept their hands clean. Perhaps the reason the superior allowed it was ideological, after all we have no problem with appointing a communist to head the CIA, or perhaps they were compromised in some way. Or maybe the politicians and bureaucrats that run our government really are just stone cold idiots.
Everyone of his cabinet is a chinese agent of influence as national pulse has reveales
Who’s running this S-show?
Just how many arms are inside that gaping hole in grandpa’s back?
Keeping secrets from the ChiComs is not allowed....or they will reset the Dominion machines and install another President.
Not only them
If you don’t understand what the Chinese are doing you are to stupid to live in a free society. And soon you won’t.
If Chinese intelligence officials got a full load of Biden's Zoom meetings there's a real risk--that they might die laughing.
>>Zoom Zoomerated even mose platforintelecutivenclated even claw makernmen adming wartualligented govenclawmakerells. Som Zoom form forkina-bas to ignorking's forme serelassified vice prostractives Chithe rint-ren any's assified govervirtualls. Som Zoom cone in any Beijint that interelaser offices terferated goves Beijing the cals thaticials.
Is this an actual Biden quote, or are you paraphrasing?
I just assume that Bejing knows virtually everything that the administration says and does anyway. Even if Biden wasn't already deeply compromised due to his preexisting China ties, his head is full of butterscotch pudding so by definition he's metally compromised. So whether or not they choose to use Zoom or carrier pigeons for their communications doesn't really matter.
Ron Winkleheimer said...
I think its deliberate.
I doubt it. One thing that 25+ years in IT has taught me is that all my experience, training and expertise means nothing when trying to advise "smart" people in management about technology. I would suspect they were warned by the CIA/NSA/FBI not to do this, but did it anyway because they've used Zoom before and other platforms that might be more secure require a little more work to operate.
And just because info is not classified does not mean it isn't valuable. When I was stationed in Korea we would run weekly reports showing the troop strength of all the US units in South Korea, how many soldiers were on leave, how many sick, combat readiness of units, personnel data on soldiers that could be used to identify their relatives in the US, etc, etc, etc. None of that info was classified, it was FOUA (For Offical Use Only) because all of it could be used by North Korea against us. So we had a list of who was authorized to pick up what print outs and when somebody came to get it we checked their IDs. And stuff like that is actually a secondary target of espionage. Info on your enemy's capabilities is great, but that can change, often very quickly. The best info is on your enemy's believes and intentions. And of course that is exactly what anyone eavesdropping on those Zoom calls is going to find out.
>> because they've used Zoom before and other platforms that might be more secure require a little more work to operate.
You mean like remembering not to use "p@ssword" as their password?
Is DOCTOR Jill sitting by Joe's side in the meetings to clarify and explain what he 'really' meant to say?
>>Is Fernandinande having a stroke? Kind of serious here.
You gotta read all the posts, Joe.
The Biden administration isn't worried about the Chinese Communists spying on us because they're sending them regular updates already.
This past week I worked with a 30 something kid who comes from Hong Kong. He and his wife both have parents still there. He said the older folks were upset at the protests of the CCP and are just accepting of the creep of dominance that China is establishing. It’s now illegal to protest in HK.
That said, they have a Deaths/M population of just 27.
Isn't this what you wanted?
'Adults' in the room?
'World Respect'?
Are you not pleased? Are you not ENTERTAINED?
Remember back in 2015 when China got access to 21 million+ back ground checks required for security clearances?
Do you suspect they are using that info right now?
"You gotta read all the posts, Joe."
Yes, I jumped the gun on that one : )
Btw, the fading and recurring Captchas are the worst.
We have the worst leaders in history.
"The ludicrous babying of Biden."
Well, it was definitely predictable.
Can someone explain why the govt would use Zoom at all?
It's not a terrible platform but is about what would be expected from free software.
The PR dept of education uses it for classes so I have a bit of experience because my wife uses it.
Any non student meetings are held using ms-teams. This is a bit more capable and has the advantage of being an American company.
With my clients I normally use whatever system they use. That mainly seems to be Cisco's Webex.
Another I've used a lot over the years is Go To Meeting.
There are a few others that are similar.
I believe Teams is free, even if you don't have Office. Webex is available in a free version that limits meeting time and length.
So why, with so many other options is the US govt using Teams instead of a better, more secure, more professional level program.?
John Henry
Should we worry about unclassified conversations? If they're unclassified, then keeping them secret is not a priority. Given the surveillance that happens with or without zoom, the best course is to assume that the Chinese already have or soon will have all unclassified communications.
I'm surprised anybody is surprised by this!! China owns Joe, and if you paid attention, you too, would already know that, and would have thought twice about letting him become President. But Orange man sent mean China now owns us. Congratulations.
Actually, that last bit was sort of rhetorical.
Several commenters have explained why.
I am just amazed and pissed that it would be used this way.
John Henry
Should we worry about unclassified conversations?
Well. Do you trust Joe to keep that shit straight?
Biden was babied into the WH because he wasn’t EvilTrump (cursed be his name) after that it’s people getting what the majority? voted for.
And at my age with a lifetime of great memories it’s good enough for me.
Ludicrous babying = buyers remorse?
Anyone besides me remember all the data breaches during the Obama era? Something there is about Dumbocrats that just cannot grasp the importance of information security.
Biden Administration is more concerned about keeping secrets from the American people than the CCP.
I work for a federal agency, and we're not allowed to use Zoom for anything work-related. I'm honestly a little shocked that the White House allows it.
DanTheMan said...
You mean like remembering not to use "p@ssword" as their password?
If you can get one of them to use "p@ssword" instead of "password" or "123", I'll nominate you for IT sainthood!
Not so different from Hillary and her email server. What is at least a firing offense in the rest of the world, if not something much more serious, is no problem for high ranking officials.
In my line of work (confidential science/technology), I've encountered several companies that strictly forbid Zoom calls for any business purpose because of fears of Chinese industrial espionage and will discipline staff accordingly. It's noteworthy that the people in these industries making these decisions generally would never be confused with a conservative or a Republican.
(PS. The chances that Hillary's email server was not thoroughly compromised by at least one foreign intelligence agency - or perhaps even an American agency - are as close to zero as you can get without actually having proof in your own hands, though I would not hold my breath waiting for anyone in authority to do anything but deny such a thing were possible. I'd wager that the most serious challenge for some intelligence agencies was how to compromise Hillary's server without alerting the other agencies that already had compromised it.)
I would suspect they were warned by the CIA/NSA/FBI not to do this, but did it anyway because they've used Zoom before and other platforms that might be more secure require a little more work to operate.
Exactly. When it comes to technology the explanation for most bad decisions can be traced to convenience, familiarity, and hubris all coming together. Learning something new is harder for people who percieve their own competence and importance to be very high. And you can bet that the characters who get into presidential cabinet positions have a very high opinions of their own importance and competence.
Here's the AP in December 2020 reporting that the Trump White House computers do not permit the use of Zoom. This article ignored the security implications and spun it as annoying evidence of how technologically backward the Trump adminstration was.
There's no telling what the truth really is. It's all just political opportunism.
The chances that Hillary's email server was not thoroughly compromised by at least one foreign intelligence agency - or perhaps even an American agency - are as close to zero as you can get without actually having proof in your own hands....
When I was doing this sort of work in the Navy, the merest, remotest possibility of compromise was considered full-out compromise. And intent did not enter into it.
Wait, you're getting tired of the DNC's public arm, also known as "the press", working to advance the interests of Democrat politicians?
Why start now?
Asked to comment, Biden blew a string of saliva bubbles, then whined until Dr. Jill changed his diaper.
Zoom talks to Chinese servers. A really bad decision from the POTUS
The real question is "Why Zoom"
I assume Biden has been vaccinated, as have the senior staff he interacts with. If the vac is good and safe, he has little risk. As for other participants. Suck it up if the POTUS wants to talk to you.
What this is is either:
- a continuation of the bubble wrap campaign, or
- an attempt to "keep up the scare"
Ann bet Biden would be gone by March 1. Wishful thinking? Now regret and impatience.
Maybe Biden believes the CCP will be inspired by our openness to be more open themselves. That’s the thinking behind rejoining the Paris Climate Accords, that China will see what the US is doing and want to emulate us. It’s strange, isn’t it? A foreign policy based on wishful thinking. What could go wrong? They eat our lunch?
The article states the zoom system was inherited from the Trump Administration. Babying??
I read this post title after previously reading the line from Althouse, "poor Jen Psaki". I'm not sure what to make of this.
As for using Zoom; it seems plainly stupid of the administration to use this software regularly. My company limits use only when other stakeholders are hosting using Zoom, and then what can be discussed in those meetings is limited to items available in the public domain. On that latter point, I guess if the Biden Zoom calls are part of public record and might otherwise be carried by something like C-SPAN, then the "risk" isn't really there.
Tik Tok. Another PRC cog in the machine. There are domestic alternatives for the White House, the military, the agencies, etc.
The article states the zoom system was inherited from the Trump Administration. Babying?
Another left-over a la Fauci et al? The Deep State that traverses administrations.
This cabbage is REALLY going to get us into a very hot war.
Zoom talks to Chinese servers. A really bad decision from the POTUS
Foreign intelligence in conversations and voting, too.
readering said...
The article states the zoom system was inherited from the Trump Administration. Babying??
AP from December 16, 2020:
President-elect Joe Biden, surrounded by just a handful of aides in Delaware, is using Zoom to oversee his plans to assume power.
But Biden soon will be entering a no-Zoom zone at the White House — just one sign of the challenges his new administration will face when it moves to Washington in the midst of a pandemic.
White House computers don’t allow the popular video conference software Zoom or rival systems like Google Meet and Slack. Government-issue cellphones only gained texting capabilities a few years ago. And many employees will need to be present at the White House to access classified information.
CCP hacks all our sensitive systems anyway, so there is no practical impact.
Underage delegates with "benefits". Liaisons with ulterior motives. Also, dual-use technologies with open borders.
Big Mike said...
Anyone besides me remember all the data breaches during the Obama era? Something there is about Dumbocrats that just cannot grasp the importance of information security.
THOUGHTS PLEASE : on so called '/all the data breaches during the Obama era/' and plausible deniability for actual sell-out
Records of the zoom calls aren't included in the publicly released visitor logs. That's what I heard anyway. So all kinds of shenanigans could be going on.
If Clinton and Lewinsky had zoomed, would it still have been as big a scandal?
And in their relationship just exactly who was zoomin' who?
Readering needs another reflex to replace “blame trump” as his go-to excuse. Biden aint taking orders from trump guaranteed.
You know who else didn't believe their communications could be compromised? Nazis!
Blogger Ron Winkleheimer said...
Remember back in 2015 when China got access to 21 million+ back ground checks required for security clearances?
Yep - I was one - Also it isn't just the information of the person being investigated, it's all the references and relatives information that is collected as part of the investigation. So if you had a brother, sister, mother, and/or father or you were a reference the CCP has all your info too.
Blogger Tom T. said...
I work for a federal agency, and we're not allowed to use Zoom for anything work-related. I'm honestly a little shocked that the White House allows it.
Last spring our comm squadron was encouraging us to use our personal devices (phones/computers) instead of office laptops because of connectivity issues. Many of us refused.
I work for a federal agency, and we're not allowed to use Zoom for anything work-related. I'm honestly a little shocked that the White House allows it.
Until you understand that Slow Joe is funneling whatever Hunter is getting paid for to the CCP.
It would elder abuse not to baby him.
@Narayan, in increasing order of severity, we have the following:
Tricare services (2011): Personal and healthcare data for 4.9 million veterans receiving health care via Tricare
OPM data breach (2015): 21.5 million federal employees affected, including detailed financial data for personnel with security clearances
National Archives (2009): 76 million veterans affected
US Voter Database (2015): Dats on 191 million voters compromised
These are real, not “so called.”
I'm pretty sure that the Fed Employees I work with are not allowed to use Zoom. It's different when you're in charge I guess.
Readering once again laughably and demonstrably wrong. What a surprise. I didn't even need to read the AP story to know she was wrong. If Trump and his administration had been using Zoom, it would have been a front page scandal the next day in the NYTimes.
Biden uses Zoom, almost certainly, because of the need to control the environment in which he is operating. I will guess Jill Biden is sitting right beside him the entire way making sure he isn't caught out as the vegetable he is.
I work at a place that really cares about security. We do things for the US Government. There is a special version of Zoom for government use (called Zoom Gov) that is our main conferencing platform. It is not free (neither is regular Zoom for commercial uses, for that matter). Our security people are convinced it is secure enough for unclassified use. Our security people deal with threats you wouldn't believe. If it's good enough for them, I'm convinced.
Webex is out of date. I cringe when I have to attend a Webex meeting now; the inferior noise filtering compared to Zoom is painful. I'm told Teams is good, but it's a Microsoft product, and, well, it's probably fine...
"There is a special version of Zoom for government use (called Zoom Gov) that is our main conferencing platform."
So your Security people are ok with a conferencing platform from the CCP that is packaged expressly for government use? Really?
Let me guess; their knowledge of its security design comes from.....Zoom supplied documentation?
Guess there really is a sucker born every minute. Even in Security.
Especially in Security.
May be?!!!
Nah, Joe is double tough in the CCP. If they get out of line he'll take them behind the barn and ....
Bidens policy of buy American, like all Dem policies, don't pertain to themselves.
The international corporation I'm doing contract work for, uses 4 video hosting apps, none are zoom, some meetings have as many as 500 participants. If for no other reason, just pick an US app.
Ann bet Biden would be gone by March 1. Wishful thinking? Now regret and impatience.
The same people running things now, will run them when slow Joe is gone.
"Let me guess; their knowledge of its security design comes from.....Zoom supplied documentation?"
No. You can go read the FAQ yourself if you want.
The problem is, it's increasingly obvious that Biden is mentally retarded, and may have been since birth.
"The problem is, it's increasingly obvious that Biden is mentally retarded, and may have been since birth."
He is definitely on the left side of the bell curve.
But God bless him, he's done a whole lot with not much in the brains department.
Go figure...
"No. You can go read the FAQ yourself if you want."
Yup, as expected. US government flunkies put the China product on CONUS servers and a "dedicated" AWS platform and believe it's secure. It's probably just as secure as those networks that burned our spies in China during the Obama admin. Althought I will grant it is probably more secure than Hillary's homegrown Chappaqua server farm.
It seems they trust, but probably don't verify. Since CCP love is rampant in the US government, why would they want to verify?
We'll be hearing all about the security problems with ZoomGov in about 6 years. Probably from WikiLeaks.
I could be wrong but, to me, "Zoom for Government has a separate Software Development LifeCycle that is implemented and controlled by US Persons only." means they're building the code themselves. I'd worry at least as much about vulnerabilities in Microsoft Teams as I would for Zoom because MS products tend to be big and messy and prone to vulnerabilities.
I'm told Teams is good
(laugh). No. Are the same people who tell you this telling you that your version of Zoom is secure?
When is uncle Joe going to have a press conference without pre-scripted questions, a teleprompter, or his wife?
Is Joe on Tik Tok?
Can someone please translate into normal for me the problem the paranoiacs see with using it for what the piece explicitly stated was unclassified interactions?
That’s the thinking behind rejoining the Paris Climate Accords, that China will see what the US is doing and want to emulate us.
The thinking behind those accords is that when one neighbor is polluting the neighborhood, you don't use that as a rationale for polluting it further.
The opposition to it is based in non-thinking.
I'm told Teams is good
"(laugh). No. Are the same people who tell you this telling you that your version of Zoom is secure?"
God no. People who are required to use it. You will note that I didn't say I believed them. I assume it's like every other Microsoft product: moderately capable, bloated, obscure, constantly futzing with the use interface, and prone to security holes, but I haven't used it myself.
What is the thinking that accepts an election garnered by massive election fraud. Who can ignore a summer where criminals burned cities and looted them. Who sweeps that under the rug? For what? A ramped up Media exhorting, 'Hands Up, Don't Shoot'?
'Hands Up, Don't Shoot', a Media created lie. A deception.
Who accepts that boarding up windows of shop owners is the price we have to pay. That is the price of cowardice.
Who sees protestors decrying the massive fraud of an election, calling for a redress, and then being labeled 'insurrectionists'?...after a summer of insurrection. There are so many places in History, that 'the people' had to learn to shut up and hide.
America's Stasi now looking for the Patriots that gathered in Washington DC to plead, 'Look at the evidence!'
Not one single US or State Court would look. They washed their hands of it. Cowards. They know Government is fragile. They weighed the Truth, against their sinecures. All the way up to the US Supreme Court.
In our World, we release murderers, rapists, child molesters back on the Streets with no bail.
We lock up Americans, who believed what they were taught about the 'Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave.'
OK. New Rules. Let's adjust. No Courts. No Law enforcement. Give Americans the rules of the game. It is enough.
“The thinking behind those accords is that when one neighbor is polluting the neighborhood, you don't use that as a rationale for polluting it further.
The opposition to it is based in non-thinking.”
No, the thinking behind these ploys is to participate in a structure that damages your own peoples’ economy and prospects while allowing other countries to drink your milkshake. This is not about some environmental problem, because that problem won’t be cured as long as China, Russia, and India are around. It’s about our elites getting more rich from taking foreign money.
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