They walk among us... and don't say dragging their knuckles.Hi there, as someone with significant Neanderthal DNA, I'm begging you to stop being an obstructionist dork and help the American people. Thanks.
— Charlotte Clymer 🏳️🌈 (@cmclymer) March 4, 2021
९५ टिप्पण्या:
The Geico caveman is unavailable for comment.
Dems reflexively insult us. it seems natural to them
Neanderthals are deplorable.
The one-drop rule is alive and well.
At this point, I'm not sure who is insulting who, why this has any part of national - or state - policy, why I need to care, and why I'm made to care.
You know how to help the America people? Nancy Pork!
and installation of systematic democrat party vote fraud legalization. No more IDs!
'Bout damn time! I've been offended numerous times by such slurs on my genes.
Will Neanderthal become the new N-word?
What you doin' up in here, my neanderthals?
The Neanderthals were not smart enough to survive the last Ice Age. The Homo Sapiens were able to take over all the Neanderthals' caves and other good places.
Neanderthal, please.
Just trying it on
Stop obstructing Nancy PORK!
Narr, you win.
No one is allowed to use "retard" or its variants anymore. It disparages the 2-3% of the population affected by intellectual disability. Why is it okay to use "neanderthal" as a substitute? Because Neanderthal genetics are more widely spread? Or because Neanderthal genes are only spread among non-African populations?
"No more IDs!"
What's the preferred dem policy on covid vaccination IDs?
There might be a slavery angle here.
Perhaps the Homo Sapiens enslaved some Neanderthals, and then the masters routinely raped the Neanderthal slave girls. I think that happened a lot more than Neanderthal men raping random Homo Sapien girls.
how was base line and terminology established for DNA difference between /Humans/ and "Neander Tal Man"
any dissenting views? from consensus 'wisdom'
ot: score.
I just bought me Dr. Seuss puzzle.
& I shall cherish.
Covid is going nowhere.
right on time for the 2022 elections - it will re-surface as a new variant.
Maybe Neanderthals perished in the Ice Age because they were too stupid to figure out how to make face coverings out of animal skins.
In contrast, the Homo Sapiens did figure out that craft and so survived the Ice Age.
Therefore, "President" Biden might be right that an aversion to face coverings is a Neanderthal trait.
The Neanderthals were not smart enough to survive the last Ice Age.
Sure they were. They interbred with modern humans and passed on a lot of their genetics. They walk amongst us!
I have to admit Charlotte Clymer's thinking is rather sophomoric, but it is still wrong of Biden to lump people into a group with a negative connotation.
Actually, history and genetics tends to support the idea that those of us with Neanderthal DNA are more robust and successful than those without it.
Lighten up Charlotte.
My mom actually has a lot of Neanderthal according to 23 and Me.
Neanderthals are the massive embarrassment to anthropology and biology. Our “experts” told us for years that they were a brutish failed branch of humanity and separate species while the real deal, Homo sapiens, developed solely in Africa. Wrong, as more and more “inconvenient facts” piled up with bones in the wrong places ( in Morocco area way too early) and then DNA showing we not only bred with Neanderthals but picked up many of their “good” genes, Same with Denovesians.
Now we learn they could speak and hear better than us too. So it appears to the Un-PC crowd that the Neanderthals were fully human and more a breed difference than a separate species. Same with the Denovesians to Asian ancestry. Amazing that humans can do what every other large species group can magically accomplish through breeding - it’s like we are animals after all under the hood.
But it blows the “ everyone is the same “ argument to pieces if we can be so far in physical difference and still be human. Not PC at all. Might allow actual differences to be acknowledged.
Sapiens just replaced all the Y chromosomes too.
Biden is excellent at completely unnecessary self inflicted wounds
“Stop being and obstructionist” means “submit to our power.”
The only decent answer is “no thanks."
Ms. Clymer's comment is exactly what I'd expect a Neanderthal to say.
"Our “experts” told us for years that they were a brutish failed branch of humanity and separate species while the real deal.”
Picasso could have told them different, when he looked at their cave art in France, he is supposed to have said “We have learned nothing.”
There is ancient cave art in other places around the world, but nothing like the stuff the Neanderthals produced. The bit about them talking and hearing better than us? Meh. Based on what? Models?
"The Neanderthals were not smart enough to survive the last Ice Age."
If you're less than 50% black, you're not black? Don't think that'll fly.
“Not smart enough," or not mean enough.
Neanderthal genes give protection against Covid. That's why they want the rest of us to unmask. They have waited 40,000 years, Now they're coming for us. Heed Joe Biden's warning. Unity. Hold on - a package from 23 and Me.
Sounds of ripping paper.
Never mind.
Joe called the Tea Partiers Barbarians at the gate. He really isn't the moderate the left paints him as...He is just their biggest racist asshole, that wants NOTHING to do with UNITY and never did.
Perhaps the Homo Sapiens enslaved some Neanderthals, and then the masters routinely raped the Neanderthal slave girls. I think that happened a lot more than Neanderthal men raping random Homo Sapien girls.
Given my northern Eurpean ancerstory I almost certainly have more Neanderthal DNA that average. So where are my reparations?
Diversity dogma is a clear and progressive condition. Lose your Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, relativistic religion. #HateLovesAbortion
Oh, and we Tea Partiers were called TERRORISTS back then, because we wanted smaller Government, less taxes, and we cleaned up after ourselves after our rallies unlike the lefts little Antifas and BLM slobs.
So tell the left to take their fake UNITY calls and shove them where the sun doesn't shine, because they have NEVER wanted unity. They are lying to you and always do. It's the suckers that believe them.
There has been evidence of Neanderthal hybrids found in the Levant and that Neanderthals lived there as few as 30,000 years ago.
I have seen the argument that the “Giants” mentioned in Genesis who interbred with humans were actually Neanderthals, since the Greeks mistranslated the Hebrew based on their belief that Giants roamed the earth before humans. Supposedly the Hebrew word in Genesis translates to “those without the light of God” or something like that. It’s been a while, but I always thought it was interesting. Could a story be handed down orally in a stable culture for 30,000 years? There was a massive rain event 12,000 years ago based on a comet strike instantly vaporizing maybe a square mile of ice in Greenland and flood stories are pretty widespread in different cultures that may date that far back.
"The Neanderthals were not smart enough to survive the last Ice Age."
We haven't either. Yet.
We are in an ice age called the Quarternary that began 2.5 million years ago. All of human existence has occurred during this ice age.
Personally, I find the dearth of subarctic-adapted megafauna worthy of my spear to be disheartening. It forces me to resort to In 'n' Out.
Collectivist ideologies like fascism and socialism demand “unity,” where as liberal (in the true sense of the word) ideologies like Trumpism seek ‘harmony.’ It’s a completely different conception of how to live. The collectivists want to crush it. I always thought that harmony was a more beautiful concept myself. Why does the left want to destroy our culture?
Not sure Joe should be talking about anyone’s thinking capacity at this point in time.
Contrary to the view that Neanderthals were evolutionary failures—they died out about 28,000 years ago—they actually had quite a run. “If you take success to mean the ability to survive in hostile, changing environments, then Neanderthals were a great success,” says archaeologist John Shea of the State University of New York at Stony Brook. “They lived 250,000 years or more in the harshest climates experienced by primates, not just humans.” In contrast, we modern humans have only been around for 100,000 years or so and moved into colder, temperate regions only in the past 40,000 years. - (Rethinking Neanderthals
Cubic mile of ice, I meant to say, of course.
Yet, the same term - Neanderthal - is absent by the MSM for the Governor of CT who just opened up his State.
According to Smithsonian Magazine: "researchers believe that Neanderthals were highly intelligent, able to adapt to a wide variety of ecologicalzones, and capable of developing highly functional tools to help them do so."
I am a Neanderthal American and I support this message.
“The Neanderthals were not smart enough to survive the last Ice Age. The Homo Sapiens were able to take over all the Neanderthals' caves and other good places”
Not definitively shown, as far as I know. Another theory is that the were better adapted to the Ice Age and hunting. It warmed up, and Human Sapiens discovered farming, that allowed us to live in higher densities. Up until very recently, it was believed that we could speak, and they really couldn’t. Last week, I read an article claiming that they appear to have been physiologically capable of human speech. They also seem to have adopted some of our tools. In any case, throughout history, the groups that lived more densely ultimately pushed out the ones who couldn’t, or didn’t. Keep in mind that Neanderthals appear to have had a significant advantage over H Sapiens in one on one combat. They were bigger, stronger, had sturdier bones, etc. That is why it is likely that H Sapiens eventually triumphed through higher numbers.
Once I'd like to hear Marco Rubio say "Fuck off." "you leftwing money wasting asshole"
I wonder if Andrew Cuomo fits the bill for Biden's "Neanderthal thinking". Murdering, or at least manslaughtering, thousands of senior citizens and then cravenly trying to cover it up is many orders of magnitude worse than argubaly prematurely re-opening Texas.
An interesting, to me anyway, fact I read about Neanderthals was that the injuries that they find in the bones correspond to the injuries found in rodeo riders. They probably took on these huge ice age animals almost hand to hand. They didn’t wipe them out though, the megafauna didn’t mostly get wiped out until modern humans arrived. That to me is the clue of what happened to the Neanderthals. Modern humans probably had better weapons and hunted co-operatively, more like wolves than panthers.
Neanderthals Having Fun Night Out While Civilized People Hide In Caves
but nothing like the stuff the Neanderthals produced
The evidence that Neanderthals produced cave art is very thin. The cave art in France is credited to Cro-Magnons.
Modern humans probably had better weapons and hunted co-operatively, more like wolves than panthers.
That's my assumption. On average Neanderthals were considerably physically stronger than a typical homo sapien, with thicker bones, a wider pelvis, and lower center of gravity. They were stronger and sturdier and therefore much better equiped to deal with large dangerous animals in one-on-one or one-on-few encounters than humans. Of course humans overcame their physical shortcomings by becoming more cooperative. Human teamwork out competed the burly 'thals.
It's nice that Mario and Charlotte can come together on this.
It looks like Google and Wikipedia are making it harder to find transpeople's birth names. If Charlotte weren't a transgender activist, you couldn't tell or guess from her Wikipedia bio that she was trans and born Charles. I guess it doesn't matter who she was, but it's certainly a sign of the changing times.
I always like being shown I am wrong, when you can do it. It’s how one learns.
As for Cro-Magnons, they're pretty much just like us. They take their name from a cave in France where Louis Lartet found them in 1868. (Well, he found their skeletons. They had died a while before.) Unlike Neanderthals, Cro-Magnons are not a separate species from Homo sapiens. In fact, they're the earliest known European example of our species—living between 35,000 and 10,000 years ago—and are actually modern in every anatomical respect. They did, however, have somewhat broader faces, a bit more muscle, and a slightly larger brain. So how'd they utilize their larger noggins? Cro-Magnon man used tools, spoke and probably sang, made weapons, lived in huts, wove cloth, wore skins, made jewelry, used burial rituals, made cave paintings, and even came up with a calendar. Specimens have since been found outside Europe, including in the Middle East.
Another thing about Neanderthal superiority in their ice age environment was that there was a human exodus from Africa about 80,000 to 120,000 years ago into Europe that went extinct, while the Neanderthals survived.
If there's a Neanderthal humor gene, Charlotte didn't get it.
Joe Biden: every day in every way he's bringing us closer together ...
I guess it's nice to know that Joe's natural personality hasn't been totally lost to old age and the rigid control of his handlers, though.
Human teamwork out competed the burly 'thals.
This might have been a factor, but recent discoveries put it into question. I'm betting we out bred them.
Degrading Neanderthals is just a perpetuation of our history of rape culture that humans inflicted on our inferior cousins:
The best scenario to explain the Y pattern is that early modern human men mated with Neanderthal women more than 100,000 but less than 370,000 years ago, according to the team’s computational models. Their sons would have carried the modern human Y chromosome, which is paternally inherited. The modern Y then rapidly spread through their offspring to the small populations of Neanderthals in Europe and Asia, replacing the Neanderthal Y, the researchers report today in Science.
The spin on this is that Biden is so loving and compassionate, having had to bury his first wife and two of his children, that he is outraged by anything that might lead to more deaths.
This sort of thing is very subjective though. The outrage of decent, compassionate Biden at the prospect of lost lives looks a lot like the petulance of arrogant, domineering Biden at the fact that somebody somewhere isn't obeying him.
Andrew Cuomo has worn out the "I'm such an asshole because I am so caring and kind" excuse, so it's not going to work for Biden. Also: resurgent memories of Biden telling people, "I think I have a higher IQ than you," and proving that he doesn't.
I'm betting we out bred them.
Well, we at least interbred with them if not out bred them. Given human history it certainly wouldn't surprise me if those breedings were predominantly male humans raping female neanderthals. But who knows? It's also possible that female Neaderthals were at least physycally as strong as male humans on average.
In a shocking discovery, half of the people have more Neanderthal DNA than the other half!
Joe remembers with distaste the sour smell of a young Neanderthal girl's hair -- not like the sweet scent of Cro Magnon hair.
I can't stop laughing at Joe Biden calling somebody else a Neanderthal.
I've never had a DNA test, that I know of, but I sure that I'm significantly Neanderthal. You just have to LOOK at me.
Sorry Senator, I was not offended by Biden's comment.
May be what he REALLY meant was that the wheelchair bound guv of Texas is a knuckle-dragger.
A correlation of conceit with sociopolitical "benefits". A conception of diversity that evolves and breeds adversity. A progressive religion.
My wife and I both test positive for Neanderthal input--me a bit over 2% and she a bit under. It's just fate that we met at that mammoth-roast, I guess, and were immediately drawn to one another.
She rocked that mini-hide
Good ones Narr!
She still have a lump on her head where you clubbed her?
Turnabout is fair play. Very very funny.
Neanderthals killed mammoths with spears--I'm proud to have some of their dna.
Looking at it from their genes' point of view, Neandertals are evolutionarily more successful than ever because there is probably more Neandertal [John Hawks spelling] DNA around right now than there ever was, since the peak Neandertal population has been estimated at between 7,000 and 70,000 individuals, and at 2% Neandertal DNA each, you'd only need 350,000 to 3,500,000 modern humans have more total Neandertal DNA now than in the past.
If anything is Neanderthal, it's statism. I'm sure in the caveman days, the caveman with the biggest club assumed that gave him the right to take skins and food from the other cave-dwellers. And I'm sure there were the Neanderthal equivalents of modern "liberals" and "progressives" telling the others: "Don't complain--submit. It's for the highest good of the Cave."
Hey, I've never had to club a female in my life! I only have to do my successful hunt dance.
Back of the envelope calculation here . . . call me 220lbs of mass . . . say 2% is Neanderthal . . . that means as much as 4.4lbs of me could be Neanderthal! Hmmmm.
"Same with the Denisovans to Asian ancestry."
This is a widespread misunderstanding. Asians have the same Neanderthal ancestry as Europeans.
It's Micronesians that have Denisovan DNA. Micronesians include the Australian aborigines, most of the Papua New Guineans, and the inhabitants of the Micronesian islands.
At least forty-one percent of the Neanderthal genome is still alive based on looking at the genetic code of a bit over 2,000 people. But there are very few people that have more than 4% Neanderthal ancestry.
At least twelve percent of the Denisovan genome is still alive, but this percent is surely going to rise because this twelve percent was found by looking at the DNA of just 35 people.
"It's also possible that female Neanderthals were at least physically as strong as male humans on average."
From their bones we know the average Neanderthal was significantly stronger than the average out-of-Africa Homo sapiens.
On for the speculation about the sexes in these interspecies breeding, no male Neanderthal DNA survives.
Charles Clymer has been the most bitter and pretentious prick on Twitter for years and years. Always depressing to see his craziness pop up outside of his own little cesspool.
It turns out that sub-Saharan Africans also have Neanderthal DNA. This was very recently discovered, like in the last year. Africans have about 1% Neanderthal DNA on average and non-Africans have about 3% Neanderthal DNA on average.
I think someone just assumed that Africans didn't have Neanderthal DNA and it was only because we have just recently discovered the proper tools to explore the question that it was realized that no this assumption was wrong.
This is a remarkable result given that there were a large number of human ancestors living in Africa that didn't have Neanderthal DNA at a point in the past. I would think the only way this could have happened is if some of these Neanderthal genes are really, really highly advantageous.
Of course that should have already been obvious from the widespread out-of-Africa distribution of Neanderthal DNA.
In fact, Homo Sapiens shares 99.7% of DNA with Neanderthal, and 98.8% with Chimps. The 3% of DNA statement is about direct ancestor relationships. We share 60% of our DNA with bananas.
Clymer is mendacious. She has a thread “proving” that wokeness is not getting books yanked from shelves. Her proof? One library isn’t doing it (yet), per her googling. She didn’t find the story I read last week about libraries actually removing books in schools. It’s not hard to find, and one library had yanked hundreds of books.
Europeans share more DNA with Neanderthals than other groups. If, as we are told by Biden in other contexts, race is so important the this really is racism.
TBC, I think it’s just a dated way of speaking, and not objectionable really, but I don’t make the rules.
"In fact, Homo Sapiens shares 99.7% of DNA with Neanderthal, and 98.8% with Chimps. The 3% of DNA statement is about direct ancestor relationships. We share 60% of our DNA with bananas."
This is something I don't know about. I have wondered about it. But I'm puzzled by your numbers.
I would have assumed that in the context where we share 60% of our DNA with a banana is not the same context where we are talking about 3% Neanderthal DNA. I know there is a huge amount of DNA that all living things, not to mention eukaryotes, share in common.
But I would have assumed that in this context, the 60% banana context, Neanderthal DNA would have been 100% the same as Homo sapiens DNA.
Or to say it another way, the differences are just different alleles of the same genes. So there are unique Neanderthal alleles and there are unique Homo sapient alleles plus alleles that both species share in common.
And that when we say a human being has 3% Neanderthal DNA we mean that for that person either (a) 3% of the alleles that vary in human beings are Neanderthal in origin or (b) 3% of all the alleles, including the ones that are fixed, are Neanderthal. And I would guess the answer in this context is (a).
It is widely believed that the Neanderthals spoke Malarkey...
Goethe always said that ice people are nice people.
Definitely a Neanderthal, that one
I'm a Neanderthal man
You're a Neandertha girl
Let's make Neanderthal love
In a Neanderthal world.
Blogger Howard said...
"Degrading Neanderthals is just a perpetuation of our history of rape culture that humans inflicted on our inferior cousins:"
This from the guy who considers his inferiors,"knuckledraggers."
Blogger tim in vermont said...
Farrakhan always said that white people are ice people.
Nation of Islam mythology is some pretty wild stuff. Basically in their story of the before times, all people were black and lived in a high tech advanced society in Africa. Then approximately 9,000 years ago an Evil Mad Scientist (who was also black) named Yakub created white people on an island in the Mediterrean using the power of magnets. White people were ignorant savages and black people took pity on them and taught them about civilization and technology. White people eventually betrayed black people despite black people helping them out. I'm curious how many Nation of Islam members actually believe this stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if it is a good 20 or 30%.
The woman who tweeted at Senator Rubio apparently works for an organization called Catholics4choice which is a group of Catholics that are pro abortion rights and pro LGBT. I wonder if it s the woman's Catholic background that influenced her to temper her tweet and merely call Rubio a dork? Most critical tweets at politicians tend to have much harsher insults.
Neanderthal vs the CCP butt swabbed Dementia'd.
Close call?
Better a neanderthal than a brain dead zombie.
Bring back the Geico caveman..who was from WI...
I rate Beidens claim that certain governors are in fact Neanderthal creatures as highly likely. I am sure the media will agree.
Rubio’s an ass. Given a perfect opportunity to defend all Floridians, he resorts to a form of identity politics so stupid that I have to imagine his staff of pretty boys sat up all night wanking their brain cells to produce it.
A buffoon replies to a buffoon.
You have missed that his tongue is firmly stuck into his cheek.
Our ancestors..."got around"...and a good time was had by some...
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