"... they claim that trans girls, with their unfair advantage, will snag the medals and the college scholarships that rightfully belong to athletes who were assigned female at birth. But, as I listened to the Judiciary Committee hearing, it struck me that the opposition set up in the arguments was between cis-girl athletes on the one hand and a vast liberal conspiracy on the other. (The term 'gender ideology,' a favorite bugaboo of the global far-right movement, made an appearance, too—gender ideology is also apparently out to destroy girls’ sports.) Trans girls were not a part of this imaginary equation, and this was perhaps the most telling part of the hearing. Nor are trans boys ever mentioned in this conversation, perhaps because forcing trans boys to compete against girls, as has happened in Texas, where a trans-boy wrestler who had begun testosterone therapy handily beat female competitors, would expose the inconsistency of the argument from defenders of sex purity in sports. The goal of this campaign is not to protect cis-girl athletes as much as it is to make trans athletes disappear. This is a movement to exclude trans girls from community and opportunity. It is a movement driven by panic over the safety of women and children that reproduces earlier panics, like those over the presence of lesbians on women’s sports teams. And, just like earlier panics, this one is based on what passes for common sense but is in fact ignorance and hate."
From "The Movement to Exclude Trans Girls from Sports/The opposition is cast as one between cis-girl athletes on the one hand and a vast liberal conspiracy on the other" by Masha Gessen (The New Yorker).
1. The rhetorical move here is to characterize one's antagonists as bundles of emotion — hate and panic. Then, the idea is that we don't need to take their stated arguments seriously, because we know what they are really about and we certainly don't want to associate with such awful people.
2. We're expected not to care about the field of women's sports, which has been specially cultivated over the years in the interest of equality in education. We're expected to feel bad about ourselves if we think that the medals and scholarships of women's sports "rightfully belong" to those who were "assigned female at birth."
3. "It is a movement driven by panic over the safety of women and children that reproduces earlier panics, like...." Like the Me Too movement? The safety of women and children is overwhelmingly important... except when they tell you that it is not.
4. I looked up the committee hearing because I wanted to see how the term "gender ideology" was used. Gessen tells us it's "a favorite bugaboo of the global far-right movement." There's this, from Abigail Shrier (author of "Irreversible Damage"):
I have probably interviewed more transgender Americans than any person in this room. And I can honestly say that — excepting political activists — most do not want to obliterate women’s rights and safe spaces. Most would never think of stealing women’s scholarships by forcing young women into demoralizing contests with male bodies. But gender ideology, which is at the heart of this bill, is misogyny in progressive clothing. Gender ideology tells women and girls that they are not entitled to their fear or their sense of unfairness, as their protective spaces are eliminated. They must never object that sports is and has always been, a matter of biology, not identity. They mustn’t assert that we keep women’s protective spaces for biological women to ensure their physical safety, regardless of how they identify, because it isn’t our identities that are at risk, it’s our bodily integrity. Being a woman is a lifetime commitment. It entails profound blessings, but also physical vulnerabilities. For generations, women like the late Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, fought to create sex- based protections to make life safe and fair for women. If you vote to take away those rights, don’t pretend you’ve achieved a civil rights victory. In the name of inclusivity, you’ll have made life far less safe, far less fair, and far less inclusive for America’s women and girls.
१५३ टिप्पण्या:
When did the panic over lesbians competing against other females take place? I'm Ann's age, and don't recall it during my lifetime.
This is fascinating to me. I don't follow this whole topic very closely, but I must be part of some far-right group because I see the notion that gender is "assigned at birth" or can be chosen is fantastically wrong and out of step with human reality, and biology. From my perch well outside the arena in which this is being argued what I see and hear from the trans advocates is just bizarre. The potential damage to biological women and girls is just so blazingly obvious. The people that refuse to acknowledge this, or spin it as some sort price to be paid for equity, are in denial or disingenuous.
Then, saying all that is probably some sort of microaggression.
"The potential damage to biological women and girls is just so blazingly obvious. The people that refuse to acknowledge this, or spin it as some sort price to be paid for equity, are in denial or disingenuous."
It's shocking how many women will not defend all female sports.
More girls will drop out of sports once the reach high school. It's already an issue.
I removed the sentence "In this prose, women don't "win" medals — they "snag" them" from point #2. Gessen used the word "snag" to refer to what the transgender female athletes are characterized as doing.
The damage to society is the point,
1. The rhetorical move here is to characterize one's antagonists as bundles of emotion — hate and panic. Then, the idea is that we don't need to take their stated arguments seriously, because we know what they are really about and we certainly don't want to associate with such awful people.
Most people do not care if people change their gender identity unless or until they are forced to agree to the fantasy. This becomes acute when it comes to women’s sports. To turn this into the realists being hateful and panicked is just wishful thinking, ignorant and dismissive of valid concerns.
Why don’t we let professional baseball player Manny Ramirez play in the Little League World Series?
After all, everyone agrees he’s just a big kid at heart.
They dont care how many lives are ruined in this social experiment.
"Assigned at birth". What a statement. Such an outright negation of females. If trans is a right "choice", does that not make "female" a wrong choice? Rhetorical... Why are only males' and females' deaths reported by CDC?
Heinlein said there would be crazy years, but even he couldnt imagine.
The rhetorical move here is to characterize one's antagonists as bundles of emotion — hate and panic.
I think Ann needs to start a tag for the word “bugaboo”.
It’s like all the past -isms rolled into one “you’d better not listen to their arguments” word.
Be thankful the article said "snag" and not "snatch."
As an M.D. friend told me last year, woke M.D.s are here on the next generation's forefront.
End Of Days?
Scalia was so far ahead of the curve, like the suez freighter captain
Let's just be scientific about it and run the experiment for 4 or 5 years and see how it turns out. Unless it's tried/tested, we won't know for sure. There will be pain, but you know what's said about how to bake an omelet...
The real question is:
Do you want girls and women to have separate sports or not?
If you let a few crazy guys participate in girl's/women's sports, they're no longer women's sports.
(This subject is like "critical race theory" in that it's a bunch of false statements dressed up in silly misleading jargon like "assigned at birth").
Like drinking h204, we know how its going to turn out.
The tipoff that this propaganda masquerading as a rational argument is use of them term “cis.”
”Bugaboo” is racist.
Some rugby organizations have already banned the guys from playing with the women over safety concerns. Well, duh.
Breezy at 5.53 basically nailed it. Do whatever you want, but leave others out of it. How hard is that?
"how many women will not defend all female sports"
Prosperous women have been sending their sons to colleges that don't ensure due process to the boys. A daughter's place on the swim team is no biggie.
The whole point of dividing humanity into two genders, men and women, is because of human reproduction. In order to make a baby, you need a man and a woman. Basic sex education, right? Every baby has a biological father, and a biological mother.
If you subtract out sex and reproduction, there is no reason to divide human beings into men and women. Sex would be like race, just an artificial construct that we use to describe physical differences. But because sex and reproduction is an innate part of humanity, it's idiotic to say there are no biological differences between men and women. Of course there are. Men impregnate women, and are fathers. Women get pregnant, and are mothers. A whole slew of behaviors come out of this biological difference.
For instance sport is a substitute for war. It's a peaceful way for men to compete, and show dominance, in order to impress women. A beauty pageant is a peaceful way for women to compete, and show dominance, in order to impress men.
Sex segregation is natural, because of the importance of sex union, marriage and baby-making. Why do we separate bathrooms into facilities for men and women? Why is public nudity frowned upon? All of these things derive from an urge to protect family and the creation of babies.
Feminism has been at war with human reproduction for a long time. Feminists classify men as "potential rapists" and responsible for all the bad in the world. Meanwhile feminists classify unborn children -- including their daughters -- as sub-human property, and insist on a right to poison or decapitate them. Feminists claim a right to join the military and fight in wars, and also to avoid the draft and never fight in wars.
Now feminism wants to object to men -- who identify as women -- competing in women's sports. But you can only make this objection if you think there is an innate, biological difference between men and women. And to spot this innate biological difference, you have to speak honestly about human sexuality. Which feminism has not done for 40 years.
This is why amazon banned abigail shrier and ryan anderson.
Yes, as narciso says, amazon banned Abigail Shrier's book. Which is what makes fighting against the idea that there *is* gender ideology kind of hilarious. It's the ideology that encouraged trans activists to go crazy over the anti-cancel culture letter Thomas Chatterton Williams and Jesse Singal signed. It's the ideology that makes people apologize for using "dead names" or for ever again referring to Elliot Page (an unknown!) as Ellen Page (a star!) or a "she".
There are a lot of people who can't compete in sports. They just aren't good enough. Why not, if you are trans, just see that as how it is for you? You are among the millions who don't have a sport you can compete in.
Have the AAU start a trans league or a non-gendered league and start from there. See how that takes off when people are closing which league to participate in. Would a lot of girls sign up for the non-gendered league?
(there are a lot of non-competitive sports that are non-gendered. By non competitive, I mean not in the mix for any real reward. Our kids were on soccer leagues that were mixed. And I played on a company softball team that was mixed. They exist for fun, so it is available if you just need to participate.)
I watched the Creighton women’s basketball team scrimmage a men’s intramural team. The difference was quite stark. If the men would have had a coach, they would have won by 20.
The term “cis” is a slur intentionally created by academic gender activists. The word was invented with the purpose of “destabilizing heteronormativity.” We can certainly disagree about what the word “destabilize” meant to those specific academic-activists, but when I was in academia studying the social movements relating to sex and race, specifically how they were impacting the enforcement of laws over time, I was in a lot of rooms with these people, and their intentions were pretty openly malicious. I would go so far as to say supremacist. This movement isn’t about the rest of us treating them “equally”: it’s about the rest of us submitting to their ideological and political demands. They planned nothing less than to transform society and eliminate the nuclear family, and nobody could be permitted to opt out of their gender revolution, and they’ve achieved this through the schools and the media and laws.
I have thought for years that “cis” is the cover language for the sorts of slurs I used to hear regularly in academia, slurs for heterosexuals such as “breeders.” That term was used by some of the gender radicals I knew, with no consequences for them, of course. I was required for a political job to participate in a coalition preparing to push for hate crime laws (which was so disturbing that I wrote about that movement in my dissertation and testified against such laws), and the term “breeder” was regularly used as a slur by one of the gay activists, which is pretty ironic because these people were drafting hate crime laws and hate speech codes for schools, and they are in fact very powerful, and it became apparent to me early on that they were the sort of unstable, unhappy, obsessed people you didn’t want anywhere in your life or near your family — or re-writing the criminal code.
So when I see some purportedly professional adult woman casually denigrating girls by calling them “cis-girls,” and somehow she isn’t shut down for using “hate speech,” I know they have won and we have lost. And this is true: children and adults are taught to call themselves “cis” this or that, and they blindly follow, afraid of violating the always-changing rules.
It seems to me that getting government out of sports competition is an absolute necessity in this day and age of liberal interference in competition rule-making and public funding of sports in ways other than funds resulting from fan butts in seats. If we change financing to require sport teams to pay their own way, we end the non-controversy about virtually unattended sporting events. A return to yesteryear when unpopular sports were financed by the efforts of players to find donors is the only solution to a non-problem. Bring back the informality of once popular club teams on college campuses. But first we have to get Title IX discrimination penalties written out of sports competition where natural males beat natural females because of muscle structure. When 29-year-old lesbian tennis star Billy Jean King beat a small, thin, relatively unmuscled Bobby Riggs in his mid-fifties in 1973, he had been out of tennis competition for more than 20 years.
Heinlein said there would be crazy years, but even he couldnt imagine.
Rather than posting my own comment, I choose to repeat this one. The win goes to narciso.
Andrea Widberg at American Thinker this morning: “I’m deeply sorry for those poor souls...However I am equally deeply opposed to our culture taking children’s normal feelings and [pushing them into the for-profit world of sex-change ideology]...and I am really opposed to...the way the leftists are forcing children to conform to gender stereotypes, even if they have to be drugged and mutilated to do it.”
Very powerful think-piece on how the transgender movement imposes regressive, outdated sex norms of femininity and masculinity on children. “The Transgender Movement Comes for Children.”
R C Belaire said...
Let's just be scientific about it and run the experiment for 4 or 5 years and see how it turns out. Unless it's tried/tested, we won't know for sure. There will be pain, but you know what's said about how to bake an omelet...
We have these things called states. Let different states try different approaches. Let California and New York force trannies to play on women's teams (if you identify as a women for any purpose, you must play on a woman's team), and Texas and Florida allow segregation by chromosomes and see who's teams are more satisfied in 5 years.
Of course, this would require the courts not to interfere, so it just won't happen.
Trans is a mental illness.
So, the entire convoluted legal argument is an extension of that mental illness.
this one is based on what passes for common sense but is in fact ignorance and hate.
Ignorance and hate play a huge role in mathematics too.
And, yes, “gender identity” is a vast liberal conspiracy.
A damned stupid and destructive one at that.
I turned 65 this year. While in high school, there was no "girls anything" in terms of sports. It wasn't a great surprise because, growing up, there was no girls soccer or Little League or T-Ball either in the community. My high school was pretty fair in making advanced classes available to girls so, if we could do the work, we could get recognition for academic excellence. But, since many of the best colleges still didn't accept women, there was no reason to kill ourselves for class ranking.
At the time, I was assured that "male patriarchy" was to blame for the lack of opportunity.
During my 40 years in the work world (including 20 in higher education) I was repeatedly advised by feminists that "male patriarchy" was responsible for the lack of females in positions of authority and other issues.
Now, I find out that a person who identified as male for those 65 years (and presumably benefitted from "male patriarchy" - or perhaps was even an "oppressor") during those years would be "no different" from me if the person made the decision to transition to female.
Does this mean "male patriarchy" does not impact on the lives of people as it has been claimed or that it, perhaps, really doesn't exist?
A SF gay baseball league limited non-gay players to something like two, and disputes arose over who was in fact gay enough in making this count.
The reason for the limit was that non-gay players were better - not intrinsically but because they're chosen from a larger population and so the best you can get tends to be better there.
The trouble is that the trans-to-girl person is not enough of a victim to compete with women as victims. To get in women's sports they should in addition be some other kind of victim, like Down's syndrome or something.
A three part series on Biological Leninism.
Long, but it explains how the worst, craziest, most perverted and fucked up are elevated to power by this vast leftist conspiracy of stupidity and evil.
My mother would often say. "keep it out of sight of the children and don't spook the horses, go at it"
Her's was a live and let live approach to life.
I say, you're welcome to your delusion, just don't expect me to aid and abet.
". . . athletes who were assigned female at birth."
So gender identity is a choice made by the people who assign new borns a sex?
This is deep craziness.
Unsexed human beings do not exist. If genitals do not determine biological sex, then human beings cannot be described as having two legs, two arms, a head at the top of their spine, etc.
"The movement to exclude trans girls from sports" is how The New Yorker headlines it.
There is no such movement. "Trans girls" (boys pretending to be girls) are welcome to participate in sports, as boys. That's what their bodies are, and always have been: boy's bodies. Hormones and genital mutilation don't change those facts.
We have girls' and women's sports, as distinct from men's, because female bodies develop differently from male bodies. To create a fair arena of competition, we have women compete against other women; actual women, not pretend women.
There is some twisted logic in this absurd campaign to include pretend boys in girls' sports, and it won't do any good for girls' sports.
I turned 65 this year. While in high school, there was no "girls anything" in terms of sports
And just the opposite for me. Small rural Iowa school, always had girls sports. Track and field, Basketball (3 on 3, half court), softball.
The county seat, 15 miles away did not have girls sports until the 70's, same as all metro areas. Iowa still has state wide female celebrities like Denise Long.
The difference was in small towns you made your own fun. Everybody could field a grounder and make a layup. All kids participated in pickup games. Seems the backward religious hicks had gender equality before it was fashionable.
Just have sports, do away with men's and women's divisions. If you can hit a ball our fence or run faster or jump higher than almost anyone and in your school you're on the team.
Like others here, I’m also perturbed with the phrase “assigned at birth’. It’s a way to deflect responsibility to someone other than the trans person. Assigned? Just who made that assignment, and did they goof it up? Does the doctor assign gender at birth? Or does the mother? The only ‘assignment’ that I’m aware of at birth is whether the baby gets to live or not.
The solution to this problem is going to be the elimination of all sports teams from public schools. Like the teacher who says if even one of you breaks the rules, no one gets to go outside for recess, it's a poor way to manage the situation, but sometimes you need the kids to get mad at the perpetrator to regain control. No one really cares about women's sports except the girls who play and their parents. You have to make it hurt the football team to get this resolved.
One of the reasons for separate bathroom facilities is safety. A single female can often be at risk of being raped. Much less so, when other women are around. This is possibly increased when women’s genitalia are exposed when they go to the bathroom. And it’s not as if males won’t take advantage of this. There was a stink in Scottsdale a decade or two ago, when some guys at a club would put on dresses, then camp out in the women’s restroom for the evening, where they could hit on all the drunk girls there. Back then, the club just banned the guys, even if claiming to be cis women. Now, that would probably be a civil rights case. In any case, women have long used numbers to compensate for size and strength, when trying to protect themselves from male ardor.
One of the problems here is that you really cannot know why a born man is pretending to be a woman. Sure, he could honestly believe that he is a woman in a man’s body. He probably should see a shrink then. Nevertheless, their belief may be honest. But then it may just be that he is doing it for selfish reasons. Maybe he is just trying to get laid, like those guys in Scottsdale. Or maybe he just wants to win at sports, and can only do so competing against women. Probably almost every guy here knows that the real reason is probably personal and selfish. We have seen other males do whatever it takes to get what they wanted since we were little, and esp when sex is involved.
On a different line - how are Muslims taking this? They have a hard enough time with male doctors treating their women as patients. I expect their militants to amp up significantly if we are talking about born, untransitioned, males in the restrooms their females utilize. Sure, most reliefs conservatives have problems with this, but Muzzies here get extra victim points for having hijacked those four airplanes on that fateful day, almost 20 years ago (in the name of religious war against us).
And just the opposite for me. Small rural Iowa school, always had girls sports. Track and field, Basketball (3 on 3, half court), softball.
The county seat, 15 miles away did not have girls sports until the 70's, same as all metro areas. Iowa still has state wide female celebrities like Denise Long.
The difference was in small towns you made your own fun. Everybody could field a grounder and make a layup. All kids participated in pickup games. Seems the backward religious hicks had gender equality before it was fashionable.
I probably should have said "organized" sports. I grew up in a rural town in Ohio. As kids girls did participate in neighborhood sports. As boys got more into the organized opportunities the neighborhood options dwindled.
This has nothing to do with sports. This is just one more domino in the lefty bag to destroy our society as we know ... er .... knew it. That this issue is even debatable is a farce. Most proponents are delusional, but the ones in control have a plan.
ST is right, this is a mental illness. The victims need help.
A great sober post. I won't say even-handed, because apparently that's not a virtue any more.
Quillette had a great piece on Caster Semenya. https://quillette.com/2019/05/03/a-victory-for-female-athletes-everywhere/
No one really doubts that she (I believe her preferred pronoun) has unusually high testosterone for a cis female. This gives her an advantage in women's sports, and again I don't think anyone really doubts this. Saying people can identify their own gender, and compete wherever they want, whether they go on hormone therapy or not, really is to deny that biology or physics has anything to do with it. Making people get tested for various hormones is intrusive, but maybe after all the legal battles to protect women's sports (we're hearing again that women's college basketball should get the same funding as men's, even though of course it makes far less money on TV, etc.), it is necessary to have some objective test: who qualifies as a woman for women's sports? And yes, if cis women are more likely than cis men to be assaulted (hence MeToo), maybe there is an objective way of describing who is most vulnerable (beginning with children), so it isn't just "I assert ...."
Trans "girls" can't compete in sports because their bodies were typically exposed to testosterone in adolescence. They will have a natural advantage no matter how much they attempt to mimic women.
Trans "boys" developed like normal women, but insist on having testosterone injections. Few mental illnesses are treated with anabolic steroids and estrogen blockers, THEREFORE the left insists this is perfectly okay. Only the even tinier number of FtMs avoids making this a huge problem: the tiny number of MtFs are enough to dominate women's sports if they want to.
I generally have no quarrel with the mentally ill, as long as they get treated when their delusions impact society. The problem is that indulging mental illness destroys any purpose to having separate women's sports. The whole sham becomes a showcase for female impersonation. (Which is why I'm fine with trans women in the military, as long as one rigid physical fitness standard is imposed for both men and "women." It would solve quite a few problems caused by denying biological realities via "women in combat.")
The New Yorker has funny cartoons.
Bruce Hayden said...
On a different line - how are Muslims taking this? They have a hard enough time with male doctors treating their women as patients. I expect their militants to amp up significantly if we are talking about born, untransitioned, males in the restrooms their females utilize. Sure, most reliefs conservatives have problems with this, but Muzzies here get extra victim points for having hijacked those four airplanes on that fateful day, almost 20 years ago (in the name of religious war against us).
3/28/21, 7:47 AM
I asked a Muslim. Without question, she will slit its fucking throat if it comes anywhere near her daughter.
Say what you want about Islam, but unlike Christians they haven't lost all control over their societies.
It is a movement driven by panic over the safety of women and children that reproduces earlier panics, like those over the presence of lesbians on women’s sports teams.
Wait, when did that happen, and how is that like the current issue? I don't understand why the article is talking about lesbian athletes, or why anyone would care whether an athlete is a lesbian. I do understand why someone would care whether an athlete is transgender — which raises questions about why sports are segregated by sex/gender. Why have separate women's and men's teams at all, if they aren't based on inborn biological sex? There should need to be a strong justification for any segregation...
Like drinking h204, we know how its going to turn out.
Like drinking some chemical that doesn't exist?
I think of of the most significant problems in this entire conversation is that we haven't come together to define what we mean by some really fundamental terms. What does each side mean by:
Male, Female, Sex, Gender, Boy, Girl, Man, Woman, Trans, Intersex, Biological Sex, Gender Expression, Gender Identity.
If we want to move forward we all need to at least struggle with these definitions toward giving shape to a real discussion and argument. Until we can agree on terms (or even understand how each side is defining these things clearly) this will be a disaster.
I'd like both the Left and Right to start with defining Male, Female, Sex and Gender. That alone, would clarify things greatly.
RoseAnn: That’s an interesting question. Do male-to-female transgenders get special dispensation from the crime of patriarchy?
Do female-to-male transgenders have to assume historical culpability for male privilege?
And why limit “identified-as” to gender? Why is blackface and passing for black condemned, instead of being celebrated as “identifying as”?
Actually, that condemnation is quite selective. So long as the race-passer assumes the proper radical political disposition, namely pure dedication to hating whites, many continue to lead movements. The political cynicism and pure Maoist mai-mauling is breathtaking.
@Don B: Lesbian activists have been deceptively painting themselves as victims of heterosexual women for decades. Countless academic writings accuse heterosexual women of trying to kick lesbians out of the NOW. Black women blamed white women for the same.
In both cases, this is an utter inversion of reality. It was lesbians who shoved heterosexual women out of leadership from the beginning of the NOW. At their first national board meeting, “violence against women” was actually removed from the NOW mission statement because black and lesbian women thought it distracted from focusing on them and raised problems because a wildly disproportionate number of domestic and stranger crimes against females of all races are committed by minority males. For years, they only took action on rape when a (very) rare white-on-minority case emerged.
Likewise, the NOW and other feminist groups defended not counting heterosexual women as victims of gender bias crimes (ie. stranger rape) even as their official platform supports such laws for lesbians, non-gender conforming” and so on. They know their place at the leftist table requires self-loathing and self-criticism and submission to gay and race demands to subsume feminism to the gay and race movements.
Quillette had a great piece on Caster Semenya. ... No one really doubts that she (I believe her preferred pronoun) has unusually high testosterone for a cis female.
He has XY chromosomes and is therefore male (with deformed genitals), so it's not surprising that his testosterone level would be higher than that of a normal female.
Here’s the solution:
Ridicule and drive feminism, gay worship and trans mental illness out of the public weal and our institutions.
Return to your church or synagogue and take up ritual observance of Christianity or Judaism.
Go to a real church. That means no Main Line Protestant, woke Jewish or Episcopal.
"Like drinking h204, we know how its going to turn out."
Like drinking some chemical that doesn't exist?
H2O4 = Hydroxyperoxide and/or ozone hydrate
1. Those people at The New Yorker are funny.
2. Gender dysphoria is a mental condition. The question is, how should we treat it?
3. The US Women’s National soccer team was beaten 5-2 by the FC Dallas under-15 boys team. Yup. Those world-beating US women got thrashed by a development team of 12–14 year old boys from a Dallas soccer club. Take that, Rapinoe!
4. I believe in live and let live, so it is all OK with me, but there really ought to be separate competitions for transgender girls and women. They are too strong for the women and too weak for the men.
Nor are trans boys ever mentioned in this conversation, perhaps because forcing trans boys to compete against girls, as has happened in Texas, where a trans-boy wrestler who had begun testosterone therapy handily beat female competitors, would expose the inconsistency of the argument from defenders of sex purity in sports.
Isn't testosterone therapy for trans boys governed by existing "performance enhancing" drug rules?
Separate and apart from rules governing the natural advantage bestowed upon trans girls by their genetics, despite their use hormone therapies that do not enhance athletic performance.
Why can't we tell the trannies to f off? Serious question. Laugh at them and tell them to leave. Then when the ACLU gets involved, get a bunch of other people who hate this shit to go over to the ACLU lawyers' houses to threaten and intimidate them to back off - "direct action", I believe it is called. Then make sure to keep your group on standby for when the cops come so there's more of you than of them.
It'll be good practice for when you have to go up against the critical race theory fux in the public schools.
The time for words and votes is over.
the global far-right movement.
It's gigantic! It's like Jim Gender-eagle!
“ Nor are trans boys ever mentioned in this conversation, perhaps because forcing trans boys to compete against girls, as has happened in Texas, where a trans-boy wrestler who had begun testosterone therapy handily beat female competitors, would expose the inconsistency of the argument from defenders of sex purity in sports.”
Have I read this sentence wrong?
To me it sure sounds like the author has either never heard of doping, or, if it is done in the pursuit of sacred transiness, the presence of what is effectively testosterone overdoses in biological women doesn’t hole her argument below the waterline.
"Cisgender" is not a real word.
I don’t gamble in casinos because in the long term I will loose. Few women will spend great effort at sports if they have superior competitors who they can’t beat over the long term. Preferred admission to elite schools and scholarships are a powerful incentive to play women’s sports, but if the payoff is restricted to trans men, then there will only be trans men playing, over the long term. Some women will play “for the love of the game.” They will be cannon fodder for the trans men. If the Olympics allows trans men that will be the straw that ends women’s sport.
“Cisgender is not a real word.”
Ha ha. I thought that word had already been added to modern, “woke” dictionaries — and sure enough! It's in Dictionary.com. Even with the “assigned at birth” wording.
Which makes me wonder: what if somebody “woke” — somebody on the hospital staff, say, or the mom — decided to “assign” the opposite gender from what the infant's genitals would naively indicate.
If that baby after growing up some were to decide to go with their genitals as the proper indication of their gender — would they then be “trans” rather than “cis”?
The terms “cis” and “trans” predate the sports controversy. This is proof that transgenders don’t see themselves as either men or women but rather as a unique class. They segregated themselves before this controversy began. Society has the right to apply their standard consistently.
I see I'm not the only one confused by Gessen's FtM example. If a female from birth is now identifying as male and taking testosterone to transition, why would "he" be competing against girls?
Joel: sex is an immutable biological concept visibly observable by one’s unaltered genitalia and verified via chromosome testing. One’s sex is male or female.
Gender is mutable. Man, woman describe gender.
Sports competitions are biologically based. Taller people have an advantage in basketball, for example. Thus, sports should be segregated by sex or not at all.
For generations, women like the late Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, fought to create sex- based protections to make life safe and fair for women. If you vote to take away those rights, don’t pretend you’ve achieved a civil rights victory. In the name of inclusivity, you’ll have made life far less safe, far less fair, and far less inclusive for America’s women and girls.
So discriminating on the basis of sex is necessary when it benefits women, but illegal and unconstitutional if it benefits men, or men pretending to be women.
Kind of like race. Laws that discriminate on race that benefit Black people are just fine, laws based on race that benefit White people are evil and oppressive.
Four legs good, two legs better.
Blogger Tina Trent said..."The term “cis” is a slur intentionally created by academic gender activists. "
It's always felt like a slur to me.
So much of the transgender ideology is nonsense on stilts.
We are considering a mental condition. People who get into their mid-twenties have gotten to the point where they can decide what they want to do about it. Unfortunately, many who undergo surgery find that their problems are not resolved. Johns Hopkins medical center, which pioneered the procedures, has stopped doing them because they came to believe that the results did not justify continuing the procedures. Fortunately, there are examples of people (Jennifer Pritzker, Deirdre McCluskey, Jan Morris, etc.) who have successfully made a transition to their satisfaction.
Among the many questions are, who pays? Under Team Biden/Harris, we should expect that the ranks of the US Military will be filled with transgender hopefuls looking for a free ride. Another question: when? Certainly not until adolescence has been negotiated.
As to trangender activists, they show no sense of awareness that they are promoting the destruction of immutable characteristics through surgery and drugs. One wonders what position they would take on skin lighteners and conked hair.
Matt said...
Then when the ACLU gets involved, get a bunch of other people who hate this shit to go over to the ACLU lawyers' houses to threaten and intimidate them to back off - "direct action", I believe it is called.
3/28/21, 8:36 AM
*Gasp* Anti-semitism! Kristollnacht! Etc., ad nauseaum.
cis- - definition
Synonym for "real-".
transgenderism - definition
Sexual Lysenkoism.
I probably should have said "organized" sports. I grew up in a rural town in Ohio. As kids girls did participate in neighborhood sports
I wasn't clear. Small town schools, JH and Highschool always(pre WWII) had girls athletics. The large schools did not, until the 70's. My wife had to sew her basketball uniform. The school provided a coach and they could have gym time, shoehorned in between absolutely every other conceivable activity.
When did the panic over lesbians competing against other females take place?
The 1980's. Martina Navratilova against Chris Everett.
The postmodernist credo is that there is no objective reality, so they believe that gender is assigned rather than biologically determined.
It reminds me of the Kavanaugh Inquisition when SJC Democrats started referring to Blasey Ford's incredulous testimony as "Her" reality.
When objective reality is banned, subjective reality takes over. Who benefits? The politically powerful.
How about competitions for trans-men alone, and trans-women alone? For "fairness".
Opponents of trans girls’ participation in sports frame their fight in terms of the rights and opportunities of cis girls...
"I bet you can't tell me what it smells like in the cis-teen chapel."
The terms "cis" and "trans" have existed a long time in chemistry to describe molecules' polarization. Some molecules, L DOPA, are active chemically and some differ in activity whether D or L form.
As for women in science in the 60s, my high school girlfriend got a BS in Chemical Engineering at Purdue in 1960.
Woman's sports, as in Title IX, was politically inspired when the law was passed. It did harm as well as good. As for lesbians in women's sports, many women's sports are dominated by lesbians. There were women's professional softball leagues in the 1940s. Most of those women were lesbians. Nobody thought anything about it. I knew some of the players. I was 10 years old and did not exactly know what a lesbian was but knew something was different.
One way to end this nonsense is for some superb champion male athlete to announce -- on the verge of retirement age -- that he is "really" female and will henceforth compete against the girls.
Imagine if John McEnroe or Tiger Woods or any other ultra-successful male did such a thing.
Then try to imagine all the born-female athletes saying "Oh, okay. Happy to have you join us and yes, you may have one of my tampons."
"One way to end this nonsense is for some superb champion male athlete to announce -- on the verge of retirement age -- that he is "really" female and will henceforth compete against the girls.
Sounds like one of Alinaky's Rules.
Let's just be scientific about it and run the experiment for 4 or 5 years and see how it turns out.
No problem!! Some 16-year-old "assigned at birth" males should try out for the US Women's Soccer team. They will prevail, of course, and get that purple-haired narcissist out of the public's eye. And the high-school kids will earn enough to pay for college!!
Peace will return to the kingdom.
Insty linked to a piece last week about a teen-aged male soccer team beating the US Women's Soccer team. Don't know if it was real or a joke.
As a former Chemist, the cis- and trans- nomenclature of the gender identity movement took some getting used to, as it is easy to get it wrong compared with bonds to a Carbon-Carbon double bond, which also use cis and trans to describe how things are attached together. But I finally understood how the words were being used. Language is a strange thing.
I, for one, now look forward to something like the ortho, meta, and para nomenclature of benzene bonding, which will be necessary for the identification of relationships in polyamorous, polygender relationships.
Describing, say, a trans male married to a cis female, each with lovers who might be homosexual, straight, trans, or cis, gets complicated right quickly. And that's before we get to furries. To keep it all properly classified, we may have to count using both our fingers and toes.
I may be only 60, but I simply don't remember ever "the presence of lesbians on women’s sports teams" being a matter of "panic."
Serious question: what other real world problems could we be debating or resolving instead of this kind of thing? I honestly think this is becoming such a waste of time relative to being encouraged to discuss objectively real issues. Sometimes it seems like we’re all being punked.
In 2017 the FC Dallas under-15 boys squad beat the U.S. Women's National Soccer Team in a scrimmage.
THIS!!! This explains WHY men shouldn't play womens sports even though they cut their package off....Follow science they say. What is DNA???
Jack Klompus -- it may not be a real word, but journalists have incorporated it into their rules books; it now appears on medical records and in government publications.
It's an invented identity being empowered in the real world. And it is also a slur.
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20 NASB
I think we've reached that now.
My daughter has a PhD from Oxford as an astrophysicist. She once asked me what is H2O4? I said, “drinking”
Dad jokes all the way down.
- Krumhorn
Once you realize cis means lumpen everything is much clearer.
What William50 said at 10:47.
It’s well past time to stop taking this evil seriously. Mock it, marginalize, call it out for the 100% pure craziness that it is.
I have no patience for those who deny physical reality.
Interesting that "trans" people have been put on such pedestals. Is it their life-long victimhood, the intolerable torture of imprisonment in bodies different from their preferred bodies?
Or is it just the next logical step up (or down) from the '60's sexual revolution, the "do your own thing" mentality. Except that was mostly a "live-and-let-live" movement, and this has become an intrusion on everyone who isn't "participating".
I'm curious if there are any prominent "trans women" who acknowledge they are and always have been biological males but who always felt they should have been female. I would be more respectful toward someone like that over someone who demands I "accept" a false truth.
Big Mike
It’s real and it has happened several times.
One thing I don't understand is why they insist on competing in sports. I would never compete in those circumstances knowing I had an unfair advantage.
The entire issue is supposed to be about treating people fairly, but the very people insisting we treat them fairly are willing to treat their athletic opponents unfairly.
1. Scholarships
2. Ego boost and adulation. “Brave”, “first”
Maybe Conner Mcgregor can identify as a woman.
The next few matches he will actually kill his cis-female opponents.
Five minutes into the match they will be dead.
End of this silly experiment...
1: There is no such thing as a "trans girl". There are boys pretending to be girls, and then boys who understand biology, and that they're boys. Nothing else
2: "It is a movement driven by panic over the safety of women and children that reproduces earlier panics". You mean like the Left's push for "gun control"? Like the panic about the "insurrection" on Jan 6?
3: You are "assigned female" (or male) during gestation. It is a matter of biology, not feelings, not even a doctor's feelings. Anyone who claims that women are merely "assigned female at birth" is an ignorant lunatic.
4: I'm all in favor of letting "trans boy", which is to say, girls who want to pretend that they're boys, compete against real boys, at least post puberty. Let them go out and lose
You are assigned your sex by DNA, RNA, and protein. Which is to say, by reality.
Pretending otherwise is the mark of a psycho
”Bugaboo” is racist.
Bugaboo is just a word. Like every other word, it lacks the inherent ability to be racist.
"If the men would have had a coach, they would have won by 20."
Only 20? I've seen high school teams that would have won by much more...
I don’t know whether to root for transgender ideology as a tool to finally break anti-male policies such as “proportional representation” in high school and college sports (where men get punished when not enough women choose to participate) or hope women’s sports can be preserved as a worthwhile activity in itself.
For women’s sports is a worthwhile activity (for those who choose to participate), but cutting back men’s sports because too few women participate women’s sports is nasty and discriminatory. The ideal would be for both Title IX PropRep to die and to prevent transgender “women” from damaging women’s athletics.
The conflict comes about because so many of those now trying to keep transgender “women” out of women’s sports are the same people who demanded that men’s sports be cut back if/when not enough women chose to participate in women's sports.
And,BTW, it’s hard not to notice that mainstream medical organizations are now publicly aligning themselves to transgender ideology. At Aurora Advocate Healthcare, the label for the checkbox that was once “sex” mutated into a checkbox for “gender” some time ago, but lately has become “gender assigned at birth.”
Should one be alarmed when the area’s largest medical services organization rejects biology to comply with trendy ideologies? Fortunately most medical people working there seem to understand that sex remains a biologically significant characteristic (yes, in humans as well as in non-human species). But I’d assume they now understand that Management Hath Spoken and public disagreement may come at a significant price.
The argument has never been about “purity,” purity is a lefty dogwhistle used when they want to call somebody a Nazi without saying it directly. Lefty’s talk about dogwhistles all the time because that’s how they operate. Supposedly Mao once said that he preferred dealing with conservatives because at least then, he knew what it was they wanted. We don’t use language to try to sink the 8 ball with a triple bank shot so nobody can figure out what we really want the way lefties do. Our arguments are our arguments, and I have never seen anybody argue for the “purity” of women’s sports.
If there were once issues about lesbians in women’s sports, it was strictly about a couple of high visibility athletes competing on television that quickly faded, can anybody document for me any movement with any legs, not one crank letter to the editor, of anybody trying to keep lesbians off of high school or college sports teams?
Cis- and trans- had meanings long ago. "Cis" meant this side and "trans" meant that side. Transylvania? Across the woods. Transvaal? The other side of the Vaal river. I even found a reference in a book published in 1912 to the "cis-Vaal."
Tiger should just say that he had a conversion on the road to Damascus and claim she is a woman now, and even with her injuries, she could utterly dominate the LPGA, without a driver in her bag. She could break Jack’s record easily, and ESPN would be constrained to intone the incomparable greatness of her deeds.
It’s unfair to ask trans girls to compete in boys sports where they can never win, it’s only fair to allow them to compete in girl’s sports where they can’t lose.
...they claim that trans girls, with their unfair advantage, will snag the medals and the college scholarships that rightfully belong to athletes who were assigned female at birth
I will now translate that into standard English that ordinary people understand. Because that gibberish is only spoken by lofty intellectuals who can convince themselves there really are 5 lights.
"...they claim that males, with their unfair advantage, will snag the medals and the college scholarships that rightfully belong to female athletes." Which is and has always been part of the course "Reality 101" which ordinary people pass even without formal schooling. Seems advanced degrees and further education is required to fail Reality 101.
Chris Evert used to get regularly beat by her unranked brother when she was the top female tennis player in the world. These are all facts that we are supposed to not think about.
"will snag the medals and the college scholarships that rightfully belong to athletes who were assigned female at birth”
Um, we created the separate category of female sports so that girls had a chance to win something, so yeah.
Norm Macdonald gives zero fucks about P.C., and he was commenting on an article he saw on CNN entitled “The Funnier Sex.” He said he was surprised that they were even allowed to write that, but when he read it, he said “Oh, it’s about women...”
"From "The Movement to Exclude Trans Girls from Sports/The opposition is cast as one between cis-girl athletes on the one hand and a vast liberal conspiracy on the other" by Masha Gessen (The New Yorker)."
The framing is the tell here: rather than making a positive argument for the radical innovation of having biological men compete with women, to the detriment of the sisterhood and the principle of women's equality they had celebrated until the day before yesterday, progs now assume the default that the change is obviously correct--for equality, you know--and only blocked by a deplorable "movement to exclude trans girls" that "casts" opposition as "a "conspiracy."
Bruce Hayden asked about Moslem attitudes toward transexuals. I've heard they are more open to transexualism than homosexuality. I understand that in Iran homosexuals are pressured to transition to avoid legal penalties. This may be a calumny but I've heard it from several sources.
The framing is the tell here: rather than making a positive argument for the radical innovation of having biological men compete with women, to the detriment of the sisterhood and the principle of women's equality they had celebrated until the day before yesterday
Yes, this is where and how they invariably unmask their motives, again, and again, and again.
Um, we created the separate category of female sports so that girls had a chance to win something, so yeah.
Men and women are equal in rights and complementary in Nature/nature. Civilized societies acknowledge and normalize this with favorable juxtapositions of the sexes.
For an account of anti-lesbian panic in pro-tennis Rita Mae Brown's "Sudden Death" is good. It was there. Now its more likely for the straight girl to be harassed off a college team but soon all the college players will be trans unless something changes.
I understand that in Iran homosexuals are pressured to transition to avoid legal penalties
You can't abort the baby, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester her carbon pollutants, and have her, too. Choose one. Ambiguity is the province of fetishists.
For an account of anti-lesbian panic in pro-tennis
The issue of merit with trans/homosexuals of either sex is self-moderation, but that's true for all people, in context.
Caligula, the hospital needs to clarify the question as a way to avoid liability. There's been at least one case of an undiagnosed pregnancy because the patient claimed to be male. I remain confused on why a biological woman who wants to have sex with men would want to present as male but it's in the British tabloids all the time.
"The goal of this campaign is not to protect cis-girl athletes as much as it is to make trans athletes disappear."
Also made to disappear; fairies, elves, unicorns ....
"Blogger Tina Trent said..."The term “cis” is a slur intentionally created by academic gender activists. "
For the longest time the gay community called them "breeders"
why a biological woman who wants to have sex with men would want to present as male
Trans/homosexual fetish. Trans/bisexual breaking the trans/homosexual purity barrier. How do trans/homosexuals react to this transgression of faith between partners?
The Transgender-Industrial Complex
"In his debut book, Nebraskan author Scott Howard exposes the actors financing the institutionalization of transgenderism. Behind the medical research into gender transitioning of children, ubiquitous pride parades, and Drag Queen Story Hours is a lot of money. Sex education, the homosexual and feminist precursor projects, and the global propaganda are all pushed and paid for by very wealthy and well-connected people with motive and will. Howard demonstrates that the transgender phenomenon is far from the "grass-roots movement" some of its advocates would have the public believe."
"The goal of this campaign is not to protect cis-girl athletes as much as it is to make trans athletes disappear."
Silly girl. Sports are not for you. Women should be kept appointed, available, and taxable. This has feminist and masculinist written all over it. One step forward, two steps backward.
The Transgender-Industrial Complex
A sibling of the diversity racket. An affiliate of the trillion dollar sociopolitical complex under the Progressive Church/Clinic/Corporation/Chamber, with, apparently, CCP collusion. Let us bray.
China Weaponizes Social Justice Warriors and Black Lives Matter In Covert War Against the U.S.
“Bruce Hayden asked about Moslem attitudes toward transexuals. I've heard they are more open to transexualism than homosexuality. I understand that in Iran homosexuals are pressured to transition to avoid legal penalties. This may be a calumny but I've heard it from several sources”
But, I will suggest that they draw the line at whether trans women still have male equipment. Eunuchs ran Muslim harems for centuries. But they were trusted because they couldn’t impregnate the females in their charge. Unfixed males outside the family? Typically the death penalty if caught in that sort of location.
Men are men.
I don't care what hormones they take or even if they cut all their junk off.
Compete with men.
Women compete with women.
That's all
Fuck the lies, Why is there this Fucking Stupid Debate?
Men are men.
Women are women.
"Um, we created the separate category of female sports so that girls had a chance to win something, so yeah."
No good deed goes unpunished.
Who is doing all this assigning at birth and why are they getting it wrong?
The author makes a dishonest rhetorical move when asserting a one-to-one equivalency between the issue of transwomen competing against women, and the issue of transmen competing against women. These situations are not equivalent.
The author claims that there is no concern over transmen being forced to compete only against their natal sex (other women) and that this lack of concern means that people are AKSHULLY only interested in hating on trans people and not interested in women having a fair playing field---citing the fact that trans-men who have taken testosterone are winning competitions against non-enhanced women.
This argument completely ignores the essence of the problem: ANY biologically male characteristic will disadvantage females. So the author is correct in a tangential way---those who want a fair playing field for women need to be clear that a girl/woman (trans or not) who has taken testosterone is ALSO banned from competing against women who haven't taken testosterone. There has always been broad agreement on that point. A cis-gender women is not permitted to take a lot of male hormones and then go to the Olympics and scarf up medals. The same should obviously apply to a transman who has taken male hormones and then competes against females.
I am in the 'let it burn' mode right now...sick of it all.
Want to riot, loot, and burn down your city? Then do it right. All the way to the fucking ground and salt the earth when you're done. It won't affect me.
Want men play women's sports? I say do it and do it now. Have only one team for every sport amateur or professional. Only one team in high school or college.
Make the team or don't. Doesn't matter who you are.
Girls and women will never play organized sports again. Not my problem.
Tina Trent@6:41AM (and subsequent posts) pretty much says it all--along with Jupiter@ 1:7PM quoting author Scott Howard spotlighting the fact that the Trans movement being "far from the 'grass-roots' movement some of its advocates would have the public believe."
So...yes this really is a "wag the dog" situation wherein a VERY small sliver of academic/gender activists are attempting (with much success) to shove their proto-marxist trans views down the throats of a VERY MUCH larger "normal/sane" society.
Caligula said...
At Aurora Advocate Healthcare, the label for the checkbox that was once “sex” mutated into a checkbox for “gender” some time ago, but lately has become “gender assigned at birth.”
Checked my personal profile in the Livewell app for medical... here's what's there:
Gender Identity: Not entered
Sex Assigned at Birth: Not entered
Sexual Orientation: Not entered
Don't play this game
At Aurora Advocate Healthcare, the label for the checkbox that was once “sex” mutated into a checkbox
Everyone knows... must believe that sex is a transmutative property. That said, gender or sex-correlated attributes can be simulated through surgical corruption, medical manipulation, and psychiatric psychoses, thus identity a la "people of color".
... She might have been a beautiful baby, but mom was socially distant, and she was deemed a fetus. Next!
Gender Identity: Not entered
Sex Assigned at Birth: Not entered
Sexual Orientation: Not entered
Sex assigned at conception: male
Gender correlation: masculine
Sexual orientation: refer to sex and gender
Identity: normal (e.g. distribution)
My idea is handicapping by muscle mass in all sports in the interest of equity just as they do in horse racing (I think.) In other words, men are, say, thirty per cent stronger on average than women so when transwomen compete in women's sports they carry 30 pound weights on their legs and arms to equitablely offset the male genetic-muscle-privilege. And the same when women play men's sports, i.e., in order to to offset their privilege, the men-from-birth carry weights on their arms and legs related to their assigned-at-birth male muscle advantage. In this way, women could play in the NFL and NBA and make as much as men which would be fair. And we could then have Just One Olympic teams. "Check your privilege" should be engraved above every locker room door. I think this is the logical outcome of the trends and we should just get there and end the discussion. Also this would get rid of sports and save a lot of money.
Hey wild swan:
How about we just don't pander to the freaks, instead
Do you want to compete is sports? Then you stick with the sex you were born as.
Do you find the sex you were born as "not you"? Fine. Don't compete in sports
There's no constitutional right to be on a high school, college, or pro sports team.
Greg The Class Traitor, it appears Wildsswan is practicing sarcasm.
He should have simply suggested we use Harrison Bergeron as a textbook on how to deal with disparities in skills, and appoint a Handicapper General like Diana Moon Glampers to decide on individual handicaps to ensure equality in outcome. To be honest when I see pictures of Rachel Levine I envision him in that role. Yes, him. I’m not very PC.
People are making this issue miss the point of women’s, and men’s, sports during school years. They help young folks develop themselves physically and mentally, learn teamwork, learn how to win and lose graciously, avoid self-destructive behaviors in abusing alcohol and drugs, and learn how they can achieve beyond their own expectations through focus and discipline. Each of those are in the interest of our society. I believe very few women athletes want to exclude transgenders from participating in their sporting events because they have any animosity to individual transgenders. Too many frame this issue as a win-lose proposition. It needn’t be that. Why not let transgenders participate but have two sets of rankings/results: open competition (all in) results and a subset of born female. Both groups can hand out medals, etc. Colleges can see all results and decide which athletes to offer scholarships to. For team sports, teams would have the choice of fielding two teams, one for each category. Each sport could work the fine points on how to make this approach work.
If transgenders are not pushing an ideological agenda, then why wouldn’t this be acceptable to them? It’s just too much of a loss to society to implement changes that work to reduce the participation of millions of young women in sports.
Why not let transgenders participate but have two sets of rankings/results: open competition (all in) results and a subset of born female.
Let's stop catering to the insane.
Why not let transgenders participate but have two sets of rankings/results
Society has compelling reasons to acknowledge and normalize a favorable juxtaposition of the sexes.
Testing for the Y chromosome is not difficult. Let those who have it compete against each other, and those without do the same.
Gender ideology/politics don't need to be involved.
Trust the science.
My granddaughters are athletes and hope that their skills and accomplishments will help them get into the colleges of their choice and obtain some scholarship assistance. Good as they are, there are "trans girls" with balls and testosterone who are better than they are in their respective sports. Back in the "dark ages" we expected that college athletics would favor men and ignore women. To prevent that, we enacted Title IX. Should we be honest and repeal Title IX?
so in the end East Germany was proven right? why even bother to test of steroids if your going to let men compete against women. the next logical step will be to just have one classification why have women and men. Rapinoe can get her equal pay, if she can beat out a man for a spot on the team, of course a 15u boys team wiped the floor with the women's world cup team so I dont expect her to make it.
I say we Fuck Around and Find Out -- let's see how often a trans gal snags that medal. And see what effect it has on female pysche. I'm sure it will all be great.
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