I'm reading "CPAC’s ‘Nazi Rune’ Stage Designed By A Liberal Company Which Has Worked For Biden, MSNBC"(National Pulse):
The company – Design Foundry – told Forward it “had no idea that the design resembled any symbol, nor was there any intention to create something that did.”... The statement comes days after mainstream media outlets and left-wing Twitter activists slammed the conference for intentionally designing a stage to depict a Nazi rune, as outlets ran stories like “Nod or blunder? No CPAC 2021 apology for a stage shaped like a white supremacist symbol” and “CPAC veers into neo-Nazi fantasy: Was it deliberate? That hardly matters.”
That last one, saying the deliberateness "hardly matters," was in Salon, here. Does it still hardly matter when you could accuse this design firm of branding CPAC as Nazis?
२३२ टिप्पण्या:
232 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»This will break Inga's heart.
Commies gonna Commie.
There are millions of symbols in this world. Most of them are simple. Virtually every simple shape resembles a symbol for something. That doesn't make virtually every simple shape an homage. People who see Nazi imagery everywhere need professional help.
I think the pandemic is making people crazy.
I don't know what it's about, but a rune is a connection to the viking hat guy.
Neo-Nazi sympathizers? Wicked solution? Diversity dogma? White... Jew privilege? Redistributive change? Political congruence? Social justice? Wars without borders?
"Was it deliberate? That hardly matters.”
True. Progs can nail you for anything. Use or mention? Intentional or not? Evidence or no evidence? That hardly matters.
Ask Donald McNeil.
"Does it still hardly matters when you could accuse this design firm of branding CPAC as Nazis?"
What do you mean, does it still? It especially hardly matters to cause collateral damage in smearing right-wingers. The smear is the thing. It also teaches everyone deplorables are untouchables.
I'd like to assume it was ignorance, but nowadays universal stupidity doesn't preclude malicious intent.
Sentence first, crime later.
Progs are insane. They see evil everywhere. It's a mental illness.
Nazi imagery everywhere
Leave it to the n-word. Also, the g-word. And, of course, the p-word(s).
There are millions of symbols in this world.
Cultural appropriation...
Peace and prosperity. Heil... oh, wait. Hands down. Don't wave.
A Nazi rune! That's surely what those crafty CPAC bastards were up to! I bet they were all going around all weekend subtly flashing each other that supposed "OK" sign, too.
It is more likely to be intentional and malicious given the new information about the political leanings of the design firm. It certainly forces one to update ones priors on the matter.
It really does, though, force one to admit the Republican Party is the stupid party, doesn't it? Do they not vet these sorts of contracts at all?
The contagion is spreading, even liberals are beginning to look like Nazis.
"Was it deliberate? That hardly matters."
True. Progs can nail you for anything. Use or mention? Intentional or not? Evidence or no evidence? That hardly matters.
More than 17 trimesters, in progress, but [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] climate change is neither novel nor creative.
Wake me up when they open CPAC with a cheery rendition by the attendees of the Horst Wessel Lied.
A symbol of National Socialism or an Indian symbol of spirituality, peace, and prosperity?
A pride or a parade? An obelisk or a phallic symbol? A black hole or black whore? h/t NAACP A baby or a fetus... Fetal-American? Hands down, don't wave.
MayBee said...
I think the pandemic is making people crazy.
could it be other way around? crazy people think there is pandemic!!
One of the most disgustsing parts of this is the Hotel Chain bending the knee to this crap as well. When will businesses learn that the best answer to these karens is either "nothing" or "sod off".
Never acknowledge their stupidity.
This is the equivalent of looking for satanic messages in rock-and-or-roll records.
eddie willers: "This will break Inga's heart."
If history holds, Inga the conspiracy lunatic will simply declare Trump/Putin-directed boogaloo-ers infiltrated the very nice democratical company and made them design the stage that way.
Then she will read the minds of Wray's FBI henchmen to declare The Walls Are Closing In.
I had predicted that the press would find something Russian and Putin-loving about CPAC, with Nazism as my second choice. That was silly of me. Russia is so 2019.
It's a Viking symbol, not Nazi. It's prominent on battle flags on Vikings season 6 part 2.
Yancey makes a good point.
Why does the GOP hire these types of Lucy and the football lying leftist crap weasels?
tim maguire said...
People who see Nazi imagery everywhere need professional help.
Especially when you're talking about a Nazi symbol that 99.9% of the population wouldn't recognize as a Nazi symbol.
I never bought that it looked like nazi imagery.
The GOP’s adopting fascist policies and openly embracing white supremacy, has confused the issue though.
Salon hardly matters.
This seems to be another dog whistle situation. If you see Nazi symbols, maybe, just maybe you are the Nazi?
Godwin’s Law. Lefties lose the argument.
As James Tarantino observed, if you can hear the dog whistle, then you must be the dog.
Blogger Narayanan said...
MayBee said...
I think the pandemic is making people crazy.
could it be other way around? crazy people think there is pandemic!!
This I agree with. National epidemic of psychosis.
salon was initially funded by hambricht and quists, who had a joint venture with chinese darpa, an outfit called costind, it's very convenient how they were a go to resource for every clinton hack, almost out of the gate, yes they had camille paglia and hitchens, but generally speaking,
I think this is what Cleanth Brooks would call “critical relativism.”
It's pretty close to the Twin Peaks Owl Cave symbol.
TeaBagHag. i suppose I openly embrace white supremacy in my avowed preference for Classical music and books by European authors. i consider the literature superior to any excepting the odd book by murakami. Also a huge supporter of arithmetic. I am old school and insist on correct answers. Plus Dr Seuss. Like him too and the illustrations. Not up up on the fascist policies but willing to learn and perhaps like
So at secret Nazi Republican meeting where they were discussing what white suprmecist "dog whistle" symbol to use for the desing of the CPAC stage, who was it who decided that it'd be a great idea to use a liberal design firm?
I'm still impressed by the Left's common familiarity with Nazi symbolism. Who here can say they recognized the symbol before the Left told you it was there?
I think a general rule about subliminal seduction is that your subconscious has to recognize the symbol. I'm just not seeing that.
Howard said...It's a Viking symbol, not Nazi. It's prominent on battle flags on Vikings season 6 part 2.
Same thing to the Left: White skin = bad
"It's pretty close to the Twin Peaks Owl Cave symbol."
No surprise there- David Lynch is a white guy from Montana after all.
Was it deliberate?
I suspect it was deliberate on the part of the design firm, and that it was deliberately leaked to certain leftists such as Milano to attack CPAC. For Milano's sake, I hope this is the case - otherwise she was suspiciously quick to identify a fairly obscure Nazi symbol, suggesting she has intimate familiarity with such things.
FWIW, ADL calls it an "Othala Rune", and it's bad. But probably not as bad as ADL.
I've been thinking of the old joke about the Jew in czarist Russia, sitting outside reading an anti-semitic rag: The Jews are running this, the Jews are controlling that. His neighbor sees this and asks him, Why would you read that garbage? He answers, Because it's nice to read how powerful I am.
Anyway, I think it's awfully thoughtful of the woke to make neo-Nazis and white supremacists feel so powerful. They were probably feeling pretty marginal.
Godwin’s Law. Lefties lose the argument.
The N-word?
“This will break Inga's heart.”
No, it doesn't concern me. So, who is ready for Trump’s inauguration tomorrow?!
milano was bad enough, but lea thompson, got in on the act as well,
The CPAC speech topics regarding freedom of speech, religion, election integrity, the evil of Big Tech, the American Dream, etc. kind of put a damper on that whole Nazi stage theme, IMHO.
Blogger Narayanan said...
MayBee said...
I think the pandemic is making people crazy.
could it be other way around? crazy people think there is pandemic!!
This I agree with. National epidemic of psychosis.
A progressive contagion (PC).
Anyway, I think it's awfully thoughtful of the woke to make neo-Nazis and white supremacists feel so powerful. They were probably feeling pretty marginal.
Diversity [dogma] and inclusion. A sympathetic consensus. OK.
Russia Russia Inag isn't bothered by any leftwing lie or deceit.
yup big day tomorrow for the conspirators and the VIKING people in the right wing mix.DC police ramping up for what im sure will be a "JOSEPH SMITH,coming back, JEHOVAH scenario stated for tomorrow as trump becomes the 19th president again?
March 4
The first major date that QAnon conspiracy theorists are looking forward to is right at the start of the month: March 4. On this day, as the conspiracy goes, Donald Trump will once again become the president. Why March 4? Well, like most QAnon conspiracies, it’s complicated.
March 4 was the original date of inauguration day until 1933, so there is some history to that date. It was moved to Jan. 20 with the passing of the 20th Amendment in the U.S. Constitution. But, that’s where it stops making any sort of sense. The origins of QAnon’s March 4 date is steeped in an old conspiracy theory stating that a law passed in 1871 that turned the United States of America into a corporation. According to the QAnon lore, the United States ceased being a nation that year, making Ulysses S. Grant that last legitimate U.S. president.
Combining all those various untrue theories together, QAnon believes that Trump will ascend back to the presidency on March 4, becoming the 19th President of the United States.
The March 4 date has been spreading around 8kun, Telegram, and right-wing social media even before Biden was inaugurated in Jan. After the Jan. 6 date failed to overturn the election results, some QAnon followers thought Trump would arrest his political enemies on Jan. 20, when they were all gathered for Biden’s inauguration. Part of the original March 4 conspiracy counted on Biden’s arrest leaving the country without a president. That’s when Trump would step in on the fourth.
Many QAnon believers think that the whole Biden presidency has been a work of fiction so far, with former President Trump still pulling the strings from behind. For example, they believe Trump still controls the U.S. military.
Late last month, when the official Twitter account for the U.S. Marshals tweeted historic facts about Abraham Lincoln "quietly slipping into Washington, D.C." for his March 4 inauguration in 1861, QAnon followers erupted with glee. After all, they view everything as secret code and believe Trump’s still in control, so many QAnon believers saw this as a wink and a nod that Trump will again become president on March 4, 2021. FLAT EARTHERS STILL EVERYWHERE and multiplying...Havent heard directly from Q yet? And people said Bidens reign would be boring :)
Will the left manufacture the oath keeper-boogabooger Q-nonny proud boy insurrection?
Perhaps they can Impeach their obsessive hate-affair with Trump one more time?
impending doom. Tune in to 10 million dollar chi com Maddow to find out.
“Russia Russia Inag isn't bothered by any leftwing lie or deceit.”
It doesn’t concern me because I didn’t believe it was an intentional use of a Nazi symbol to begin with. I don’t think they’d be that stupid, unlike you.
North Main Street, the town of Mitchell, Davison County and South Dakota itself should all be canceled because they appropriated a Sacred Native American Symbol.
Hey Dinky,
Looks like Trump will have to enlarge the prison facilities at GTMO for all those Democrats that will be arrested, eh?
What is a “nazi rune”? There are ancient runes, and some were used by the nazis. This one was, apparently, but not even very prominently.
Calling this a “nazi rune” is a bit like saying “sound and fury” is Faulkner not Shakespeare.
I keep hearing we have reached peak stupidity, but then ...
My goodness, there certainly are a lot of comments about something so absolutely ridiculous.
You can thank Matt Schlapp for this. Within a few hour of psychos on twitter drawing lines on the stage to show some obscure and unknown symbol, he just had to jump headlong into the lib battlefield, groveling about how much conservatives really do like Jews.
Off we go-
Headline: CPAC Organizer Denies Use of Nazi Symbol
The design firm gave CPAC options. CPAC picked the Rune. No reason to think anyone aware of the decades-old Nazi connection. I consider myself a WW2 buff and I wasn't aware.
Dana Andrews said prunes
gave him the runes
and passing them used lots of skills
Inga said...
“This will break Inga's heart.”
No, it doesn't concern me.
You're a fucking liar.
You were here, posting about the nazi symbols at CPAC as soon as it showed up on one of your prog-commie sites you read. Day 1.
If it weren't for willing lefties, one wonders just how much exposure QAnon would be getting.
I am probably in the 99th percentile of people for number of WW2 movies watched, and I am not familiar with this symbol. So, give me a break.
If you are always hearing "dog whistles", maybe YOU are the dog.
Idem Vetus Longe Reliquit Amentia …means Same Old Far Left Lunacy.
“You're a fucking liar.
You were here, posting about the nazi symbols at CPAC as soon as it showed up on one of your prog-commie sites you read. Day 1.”
Excuse me?! You are the liar, go find the comments you think I made about CPAC and Nazi symbols and post them here.
Maybe the headline should read: "Liberal Design Firm Tricks CPAC into Using Minor Nazi Imagery That No One Knew Was Nazi Imagery"
It must be exhausting to be a miserable leftist. Careening from one made-up outrage to another. Day after day after day after day.
Why are you reading, and citing to “National “Pulse.” Have you seen the homepage?!?
Could anyone understand that stream of gibberish Dinky Dau posted? I'm not quite sure what "Joseph Smith coming back" has to do with anything? Because I'm a follower of Joseph Smith... and there's never been anything regarding him coming back. Jehovah, yes... but no one that I know of is predicting Jehovah coming tomorrow either.
Still, this is Dinky Dau we are talking about.... like the old joke asks, why did Bill Gates name his company after his dick? Seems Dinky Dau used his brain capacity as his username.
“Why are you reading, and citing to “National “Pulse.” Have you seen the homepage?!?”
You made me curious about the National Pulse, I’ve never heard of them before. Oh boy. I suspect Althouse didn’t know what sort of disreputable site they were.
Overall, we rate The National Pulse Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories as well as affiliation with a known questionable group, and a few failed fact checks.
It’s Sabotage!
OK, all you people that were sure, just sure, that CPAC intentionally used a Nazi symbol (tell the truth, did you KNOW that was a Nazi symbol?) might want to do just a bit of soul searching.
Then put down the electron microscope used in your zeal to prove your - all the people I don't like are Nazis - position.
Freeman Hunt said...
I am probably in the 99th percentile of people for number of WW2 movies watched, and I am not familiar with this symbol. So, give me a break.
I'm fairly well read in WWII military history and I didn't even recognize it.
Russia Russia Inag gives us some "media fact check"
otherwise known as - please only accept The Official Democrat Party Media complex for your truth.
Liberal here.
I'm perfectly willing to believe that CPAC build the stage in that shape by mistake. It doesn't say much for the review processes at CPAC, but hey, mistakes happen.
IMHO, their real problems began with the bungled attempt at damage control. The stage DOES look exactly like the Nazi symbol for racial purity. We can all see that. The mature response would have been to issue a "mia culpa" and rapidly make some changes to the stage so the speakers aren't standing on Nazi imagery.
Instead, they denied the resemblance and started bullying the people who noticed. We've all seen this kind of reaction before, in elementary and middle school. Denial and name calling might play well in the right-wing base, but outside of that it reeks of immaturity. Mistake two.
But their biggest mistake was keeping the stage as designed. There are now hundreds of photos and video clips of "conservative" VIPs giving speeches from the center of what they knew to be the Nazi symbol for racial purity, the emblem used by the SS divisions responsible for running the extermination camps.
So it doesn't really matter if the stage design was intentional or not. Donald Trump knew the symbolism of that stage, and he decided to stand on it and give his speech. We saw him do it, his violent neo-Nazi supporters saw him do it, and we know his violent neo-Nazi supporters saw him do it. He could have chosen to send a different message but didn't. He owns it, Ted Cruz owns it, and everyone else who stood on that stage owns it.
I think that salon was funded not by h&q as an entity but by the founder's (Joan Walsh?) personally.
He was a top (managing?) partner in h&q but I don't think the firm itself put money in.
It was an interesting magazine in the 90s. Fascist (a/k/a progressive) as all hell but some great writers and articles. I used to read it daily.
It went downhill in the oughties. Still fascist but it became boring.
John Henry
Russia Russia Inag - Every non-leftwing media outlet is "questionable".
We must not wander from the Ministry of Truth - also known as "fact checkers"
Supposedly tomorrow is the day for Trump to march forth.
Every time lefties throw down The Hitler, I’m going to raise them one: Oh yeah? Satan is The Accuser.
Why would the cpac nazis design their stage such that the rune was upsidedown when viewed looking on rather than from backstage.
I guess it's fair game now to stretch, rotate, flip, mirror image, or turn things inside out when searching for forbidden imagery.
QAnon is the left's strawman dejour. I can say fairly confidently that I probably would never have even heard of them if it wasn't for the constant yammering about them from people of progressive persuasion. For example, I knew nothing of this whole "March 4th" thing. And I strongly suspect tomorrow will come and go without incident.
As has been pointed out around here and elsewhere sever times befire, I think it's fairly safe to say that there are an order of magnitude more followers and adherents to Antifa and BLM than QAnon. Antifa and BLM adherents have almost certainly collectively committed more criminal acts than QAnon, whether we're tlaking about destruction of property, looting, assaults, or whatever. But pretty much everyone on the left endlessly fusses over QAnon while downplaying, ignoring, or even praising the bad behavior of those other groups.
QAnon strike me as predominantly a collection of mostly harmless conspiracy theorists, with some wacky ideas (and a few that perhaps aren't so wacky). Don't get me wrong, there's almost certainly a small number of very dangerous people in that mix too. People who are unhinged, violent, unstable are often attracted to certain extreme ideologies like Q.
Get the podiums (podia?) and other stuff off the stage and it looks like a caricature of Bugs Bunny.
John Henry
Maybe they tripped and got knocked out, but they’re gonna be fine...
Liberal Here - Your post is so filled with fallacy and crap, we don't even know where to begin.
Start with understanding that the stage design is not nazi, and that the only people who noticed it was Nazi (which it is not) are YOU folks on the left and it turns out the left were hired to create the stage design.
Nothing... absolutely NOTHING but malevolent, disingenuous corksoakers on the Left for as far as the eye can see.
White people have to be always checking themselves for Nazi urges. Like recovering alcoholics who are just one drink away from a lost weekend, white people have this instinctive urge to attend Nuremberg rallies. It just takes a rune like this to trigger their genocidal urges.
God, what an ugly-minded website is Salon.
She picked out the track of the one motor car that had been through here recently. It was marked with the swastika tread of the rear tires. That track was her friend; she knew and loved the driver of a car she had never seen in her life.
Swastika tire treads laying down millions of little swastikas from Minneapolis through Montana.
The horror! The horror!
Anyone care to guess the author/name of the best selling novel in which this was am important plot point?
This book must be banned immediately!!
John Henry
From the Jacobins on to the Paris Commune, the Bolsheviks, and the Red Guards, the people of the left have frequently attended mass rallies followed by a cathartic moment of hate where they mount the heads of "them" on pikes.....Perhaps the anti-fa can use this as reason enough to rally outside the Trump Plaza and behead some MAGA hat wearing Nazi. That's the best way to protest extremism in America.
Ok, so-
Nazis used runes.
They also used trains.
Progressives like trains.
I have read and watched a lot about nazis and ww2. I read a book about nazi art and iconography. I didn’t recognize the rune-like image. It’s not exact btw. So only professional offense mongers did IMO.
while the left act like Nazi brownshirts - they call everyone a Nazi... and a racist.
So tired.
Look at a chessboard. I bet you can trace out a swastika.
I saw the stage and for some reason it reminded me of the WWF logo. It's a geometric design. How many are aware that that particular shape is Nazi imagery? I mean, I've watched a lot of WWII movies, read a lot of books about the war, read Mein Kampf- in English, not the original German-, and until this so called controversy erupted, was entirely unaware that this particular geometric design evoked Nazi imagery.
Hahahahahahaha, tools.
Like I said yesterday, I fantastic practical joke. Unfortunately, the jokers don't have enough guts to acknowledge it as such.
FullMoon said...
the jokers don't have enough guts to acknowledge it as such.
Which makes them squeamish fascists
John Henry
It doesn't matter when you acre accusing conservatives of being a bunch of NAZIs.
It DOES matter when you are defending the owner of the design firm, who you've just discovered is actually a good little Lefty.
You know who else used National Socialist imagery? LaFollette with his red and black "circumcised swastika"* as the emblem of his National Progressive Party (too squeamish to call it the National Fascist Party? Hmmm... )
One German National Socialist Party journalist said the two party platforms were identical.
This was in 1938-39 or so. Thankfully it never gained traction.
*per Wisconsin State Historical Society
John Henry
Youtube search for deutsche wochanschou and you'll get a nice list of years for the Nazi domestic news of the week for theaters.
The stuff looks like all leftist fake news to me.
It changes a little as 1943 turns into 1945, as to who the German hero is as the Volkssturm came up, but the narrator is always in charge and always the same. Here is your narrative of truth.
Has anyone seen a Biden sit-down with a media brown-noser that he didn’t also have his sidekick/Dementia Whisperer there to help him look and sound at least marginally lucid?
It went downhill in the oughties
It went downhill immediately after 9/11. I used to read it for Camille Paglia.
At least one of the big experts cited by Salon still referred to the thoroughly untrue accusation that Trump referred to some Nazis at Charlottesville as fine people. So give me a break. Another one claimed that Republicans are the party of white nationalists/supremacists as if there are no Hispanic or Black Republicans, or perhaps they must be stupid if they are Republicans. Nice.
The liberal design firm is losing business because of this snafu, for not knowing their iconography and symbolism.
This story got me thinking about the stylized version of the Chrysler logo and its similarity to the Nazi eagle symbol, and then I noticed that the Bentley logo is an even closer match. OMG!! Does that mean I have to get rid of my Bentley?
It's obvious studies say liberals have twice the mental issues than conservatives.
a liberal here
or there no matter it’s same
mental disorder
The Marxist family: communist-socialist-fascist axis.
One German National Socialist Party journalist said the two party platforms were identical.
This was in 1938-39 or so. Thankfully it never gained traction.
Wicked solutions, diversity dogma, political congruence, redistributive change, social justice, a notoriously Pro-Choice religion, and other forward-looking policies past, present, and progressive path and grade.
a liberal here
or there no matter it’s same
mental disorder
Liberalism is a philosophy of divergence, open-mindedness, rebels with a cause. It is a generational, tribal, factional philosophy that is often denoted, popularly connoted, and mistakenly perceived as tolerant. Principles matter.
The stage DOES look exactly like the Nazi symbol for racial purity. We can all see that.
It is impossible to deal with people who think like this.
The mature response for CPAC would be, "No. It's not a Nazi symbol. Fuck off."
"The stage DOES look exactly like the Nazi symbol for racial purity. We can all see that." Actually I have no idea what the Nazi symbol for racial purity is. Very few Americans follow Nazi symbolism except for (a) a few neo-Nazis, and (b) a whole lot of leftists who use neo-Nazis as a propaganda tool.
OOPS! https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2021/03/03/exclusive-unreleased-federal-report-concludes-no-evidence-that-free-speech-online-causes-hate-crimes/
That cloud... Looks like Geronimo!
I think the pandemic is making people crazy.
The deliberate misconstruing of motive by SJWs has been going on for far longer than the Wu Flu. Personally, I'm okay with it. The more they do this, the less seriously normal people take them.
I watched hours of CPAC and was quite annoyed at the stage designer.
My arm got very stiff and tired from holding my salute for that long.
The problem is really that we are too prosperous as a nation.
We have no real problems anymore.
MikeR said...
Actually I have no idea what the Nazi symbol for racial purity is.
I don't think that was ever a Nazi symbol for racial purity. As far as I can tell it was only used by the SS Prinz Eugen Mountain Division as a collar symbol for enlisted men.
It has been used by some modern Neo-Nazi groups, but it was pretty obscure by Third Reich standards.
The whole thing reminds me of when they were accusing people of having "fascist" haircuts.
The mature response for CPAC would be, "No. It's not a Nazi symbol. Fuck off."
When will people realize that apologizing to idiots is not a productive endeavor?
I guess the chances of getting Wannsee Protocols II on the platform are pretty slim now.
And it would have worked if not for those darn kids!
Interesting guest post on Professor van Creveld's blog "As I Please."
So let me get this straight. CPAC used a liberal design firm to deliberately put the enlisted collar insignia of the Prinz Eugen SS mountain division on the stage... as some sort of hidden call out to Nazism.
How many people would even recognize the Prinz Eugen SS Mountain division? The Prinz Eugen was the lucky German cruiser that survived WWII and then got nuked at Bikini. That's what people familiar with the military and Prinz Eugen know.
But these same people shrieking "Nazi!" are the exact same people who argue that all of the Pizza pedophile stuff was merely coincidence and totally not a secret symbol to anyone. Seems a bit inconsisten.
The mature response for CPAC would be, "No. It's not a Nazi symbol. Fuck off."
Yes. Kneel before your girlfriend, ask for her hand in marriage, and that's pretty much it. Otherwise, stand together.
That said, peace, prosperity, and harmony. When symbols mattered. Now, it's all selfiesh identity crises.
Reality is hard to come by amongst CPAC and GOP supporters. And although Mikey Pence turned down an invitation to be with Donald in Orlando, he printed a opinion piece in the Daily Signal that begins:
"After an election marked by significant voting irregularities and numerous instances of officials setting aside state election law, I share the concerns of millions of Americans about the integrity of the 2020 election."
He didn't cite any irregularities, but he has to keep the party extremists happy until he runs for president in 2024 but voters won't elect a Trump toady.
"So let me get this straight. CPAC used a liberal design firm..."
The biggest question is, what moron hired the 'liberal' firm?
Liberals are sick. Everything they do is for 'the cause.'
You can't tell me that some indoctrinated, fascist designer didn't do this as both a prank and a way to 'get' the clueless Republicans? I wouldn't rule it out.
I am a professional graphic designer and art director. Hiding symbols in designs, logos, etc., is actually part of doing good work.
I want all of my logos to work on at least two levels...a little visual trickery. See the FedEX logo as an example of hidden symbolism.
Why are so-called conservatives paying people who clearly don't have their best interests at heart?
if there is a square and you need a path into the area,
This is the big "news" as the Democrats continue to attempt to destroy America. Clown media, clown government, clown country.
"I want all of my logos to work on at least two levels...a little visual trickery. See the FedEX logo as an example of hidden symbolism."
If it's hidden, how does it work?
Why are so-called conservatives paying people who clearly don't have their best interests at heart?
Many conservatives are simply naive. They simply don't understand how awful many of these organizations run by progressives can be. Conservatives tend to think that most people in business believe in fair play. They believe that regardless of the politics of the people within the business are, they will do the job for their client as it was agreed upon without any subversion.
On the other hand, most Progressives view Conservatives as evil. And as such they feel that they're morally justified in whatever chicanery they vist upon conservatives. Therefore it's prefectly ok to trick these Repbulicans by sneaking in obscure Nazi symbolism. After all the Conservatives really are Nazis, if not literally, spiritually anyway... or so Lefty thinking goes.
It all comes back to the simple rule that if some person or some group of people is evil, you can pretty much do whatever you want to them and be justified in you own head.
And Hillary's "Stronger Together" slogan in 2016 was a pretty clear reference to fascism. Two can play this game.
Who gives a shit about this tempest in a teapot?
It's not like someone gave the "OK" sign.
Joe Smith said...
Why are so-called conservatives paying people who clearly don't have their best interests at heart?
Many of them think doing business with the other side will encourage the other side to behave better because money is involved.
When all you have is a hammer, everything is a nail.
When all you can do is criticize someone for being a Nazi, everything is Nazi imagery.
Even after being told there is some rune or symbol, I fail to see it. Guess I'm just not crazy enough.
Kind of reminds me of the feminists who keep insisting that anything linear is a phallic symbol, as if we could erect monuments that are not linear (except pyramids, of course).
lets remember that salon was on the side of the anti coalition forces that became the islamic state, quite a number of their contributors thought that, they are also in favor of straight up cop murder, they have made that crystal clear,
the American flag is anathema to them, so is the anthem, they'll bow down to an ashanti slavemaster cloth, with lightening speed though, but they hate the boy scouts whose founder baden powell, helped vanquish them,
Many QAnon believers
Heh. This presupposes that there are enough "Qanon believers" for there to be a subset of "many."
Responding to MikeR,
I didn't recognize it at first either. It's not exactly a common symbol, which is why the idea that it was an accident makes a fair bit of sense. But now that I've seen it, I know. The resemblance is unmistakable. And now that it's hit the news, everyone that has read about it or seen it knows too. From Wikipedia:
"The rendition of the Odal rune with wings or feet (serifs) was the badge of the SS Race and Settlement Main Office, which was responsible for maintaining the racial purity of the Nazi Schutzstaffel (SS)."
Ironically, the fact that it is obscure also lends more weight to the alternate explanation, that it was intentional. Also from Wikipedia:
"In November 2016, the leadership of the National Socialist Movement announced their intention to replace the Nazi-pattern swastika with the Odal rune on their uniforms and party regalia in an attempt to enter mainstream politics."
So here we are. These are now facts in the public view. No amount of foot stomping or name calling will make them into fictions.
The question going forward is, what is the "conservative" movement going to do about it? Tomorrow may very well see more attacks on the Capital in the name of Trump's big lie. If that happens, there is a very good chance that some of the "domestic terrorists" will be wearing Nazi symbology. That's going to make for another few days of bad news for the "conservative" movement. Winning bigly, not.
"Does it still hardly matter when you could accuse this design firm of branding CPAC as Nazis?"
Not if they are Democrats.
it's Important, to understand....
IF republicans have something that can be considered Nazi; it is On THEM
If a democrat group Made that thing; it doesn't change the fact that the republicans USED it
Everything is ALWAYS the republicans fault.... Because; they ARE nazis
People who see Nazi imagery everywhere need professional help.
Rorschach test joke...
why do you Keep showing me these nazi images?!?
So- it appears the takeaway here is that liberals/progressives cannot be trusted and will attempt to screw you over if they think they can get away with it.
"On Nov 4, 2016, the neonazi National Socialist Movement published a statement on their website, announcing that they would be replacing the swastika with the odal rune to enter mainstream politics. Four years and an attempted fascist putsch later, it's the stage at CPAC." DailyKos.
Hopefully the correlations are coincidental.
Member of the anti-semitic party: "The question going forward is, what is the "conservative" movement going to do about it?"
Step 1) do not hire racist liberal drmocratical design firms.
Step 2) ......no second step necessary.
"If it's hidden, how does it work?"
Because eventually (for most people), there is an 'aha' moment.
It must first work on the surface level.
But any secondary meaning/look is a bonus.
And part of it is just me showing off : )
Sometimes, if the client signs off on the surface-level design, I might not even tell them about the hidden design. But often-times I will use the hidden design element to sell the concept.
Fedex logo (and others) explanation here...
"Because eventually (for most people), there is an 'aha' moment."
But how is that "working"? What is the payoff?
I never saw anything in the FedEx logo until it was pointed out to me and on the few occasions that I've talked to other people about it, they responded similarly.
If you have to explain a joke, is it really a joke?
Conservatives: Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, should nod their heads, then individually, and collectively, say "OK". We the People, and our [unPlanned] Posterity, should bake for but not endorse the Dezis, the neo-N-words, the [rabid] diveristists, the wicked solutionists, the politically congruent, the social justice-mongers, the envirofascists, the monotonically divergent.
That said, the cat is out of the hat. The kids are playing in the meadow. The lions, lionesses, and cubs are assembled in a pride parade.
The only way for this to stop is for the center-right to retaliate and start calling the liberal/left communists. Constantly.
Will they? Of course not. They're good losers.
"Please Mr. Leftist, here's my 43 page memo on why we're not Nazi's. Please Like Us."
I have noted that the left spends a lot more time thinking about Nazis and possible Nazi connections than the right. Perhaps many on the left have a subconscious desire for a leathery, sexual encounter with a Nazi officer?
Troll frenzy.
Some of these people need a shot of haloperidol.
It seems to me CPAC needs to sue the design firm to get all the design money back, plus millions more for damages. The most important part would be discovery, getting hold of internal e-mails to see if employees were stupid enough to put their plan in writing. E-mails letting selected journalists know what they had done would be particularly damning.
"Especially when you're talking about a Nazi symbol that 99.9% of the population wouldn't recognize as a Nazi symbol."
I'd say it's more like 99.999%.
"Because eventually (for most people), there is an 'aha' moment."
Some people see a baby, a bundle of joy, a great responsibility, the hardest job you will ever love. Others see a fetus, a "burden", a Choice, a clump of profitable, colorful parts, an obstacle to keep women (and girls) appointed, available, and taxable.
The corrupt left are all dog whistles /all the time.
You're a racist, and a nazi - and somewhere you are displaying it... it could even be your underwear.
"Especially when you're talking about a Nazi symbol that 99.9% of the population wouldn't recognize as a Nazi symbol."
Peace, prosperity, fulfillment, and a gay old time, appropriated, mutated, evolved.
Only leftist see Nazi symbols in ordinary items because they are fascists at heart and have an unconscious bias towards Nazism.
"I never saw anything in the FedEx logo until it was pointed out to me..."
It was the first thing I saw when it was revamped, but that's my business.
Most companies that do this sort of thing make it known that there are multiple things going on...
gadfly said... [hush][hide comment]
Hopefully the correlations are coincidental.
Well, let's hope so. Otherwise Design Foundry who has ...worked with companies including MSNBC, Google, and the Biden Cancer Initiative. and provided similar services for the 2018 Biden Cancer Summit, which featured President Biden as a speaker, and the 70th anniversary of MSNBC’s Meet the Press in 2017, a 2017 summit for New America – an organization led by Obama administration alumni. are a pack of Nazis.
Doesn't sound like they were forced to design it that way by CPAC, so they must be White Supremacists.
The company – Design Foundry – told Forward it “had no idea that the design resembled any symbol, nor was there any intention to create something that did.”
“The designs, renderings, drawings, specifications, materials and other documents used or created as part of the proposal are owned by Design Foundry,” the contract reads.
No amount of name calling or foot stomping will change those facts!
the takeaway here is that liberals/progressives cannot be trusted and will attempt to screw you over if they think they can
Yes, political congruence. They are normalizing a low-trust society, where the religion of Choice (pun intended) is force.
Ha ha,
Raheem Kassam was in favor of letting white nationalists into UKIP.
That was probably the fault of libs too.
Althouse is hilarious. Good thing that she occasionally includes warnings re her sourcing re the NYT or WaPo, cause those are the film flam media that may upset some of her readers, as she states.
BTW, are folks still saying that the Capitol attacks were run by libs?
Y’all are funny.
"It was the first thing I saw when it was revamped, but that's my business."
Makes sense.
"Most companies that do this sort of thing make it known that there are multiple things going on..."
Ok, but not to minimize the effort, what's the point?
LiberalHere said...
Responding to MikeR,
I didn't recognize it at first either. It's not exactly a common symbol, which is why the idea that it was an accident makes a fair bit of sense. But now that I've seen it, I know. The resemblance is unmistakable. And now that it's hit the news, everyone that has read about it or seen it knows too. From Wikipedia:
Ironically, the fact that it is obscure also lends more weight to the alternate explanation, that it was intentional. Also from Wikipedia:
So here we are. These are now facts in the public view. No amount of foot stomping or name calling will make them into fictions.
The question going forward is, what is the "conservative" movement going to do about it?
3/3/21, 3:28 PM
OK, I will bite ONCE.
So, you are saying that the CPAC was dumb enough to hire a liberal design firm in good faith expecting honest work and instead the liberal design firm snuck Nazi symbolism into their design for the stage that was somehow [more dumb CPAC] not reveled until after CPAC started and all these super smart Democrats noticed it? That all these Democrats are so aware of obscure Nazi symblols that they all "got it" right off and so assumed that CPAC did it as a secret message to Republicans?
That is your story?
What do they do about it? Not a fucking thing as it is ONLY a Nazi symbol stage to "deep thinkers" like you and the DNC.
Just like NASA is a Nazi symbol since they got their start from the V2s...
"Ok, but not to minimize the effort, what's the point?"
Maybe creativity for creativity's sake.
Plus you get two 'looks' for the price of one...two stories to tell and market.
For people like me who make a living being visually creative, it's a natural thing and can be fun.
Ars Gratia Artis.
So to spell my name in runes you have to use the Othila (the specific rune at issue that the Nazi's coopted). Does that mean I'm a Nazi, me a half-Norwegian, half-Ukrainian guy whose maternal grandfather was a prisoner at Auschwitz and whose maternal grandmother was given to an Austrian farmer as a slave?
People need to stop looking for secret or coded messages. You'll know a Nazi when you see one.
Also, how is this secrete imagery crap from the left any different than QAnon?
"Plus you get two 'looks' for the price of one...two stories to tell and market."
Okay, this I get. I wasn't looking at the marketing aspect of it in full, I guess. None of the companies I've worked for spent money unless they expected it to generate income.
for the VANCE GUY. the chances of Joseph Smith coming back are the same as Q ANON saying trump is the 19th president tomorrow, It doesn't say Smith coming back tomorrow. If you ever served in the bush you would actually know what DINKY DAU means but im sure you haven't.
THE STORY On the Enoch Calendar, today, Sun 22 Mar 2020, is the 200th anniversary of the First Vision of Joseph Smith, being New Year's Day.[1] That day opened a 728-year age referred to in the Book of Enoch as the "9th week" of the 10-week history of the world from the Garden of Eden to the Final Judgment.[2] To honor Joseph, this article first reviews the prophecies that someday Joseph would return to complete his work and then provides a witness that this prophecy has been fulfilled.
The first section discusses how sacred calendars predict that the last dispensation has two parts separated by 182 years. The first was at the time of the restoration of the Church of Christ by Joseph Smith. We are in the second period now. The next section reviews modern revelations which imply that Joseph the Seer will return again in the second part of the fulness of times to continue the work he started. Then the last dream of Joseph Smith is reviewed which alludes to his return and the state of the Church at that time. Then multiple mortalities are reviewed as a possible explanation of just how Joseph might return. Finally the last section is my personal witness that Joseph has already returned, right in the time period alloted for his return! watch those conspiracy theories,, don't fall for the Q they are looking for recruits. I know this is where you swear, call names and stamp your feet, right ? just like many of the "religious people" do. Hey maybe you are going to the capitol tomorrow for the inauguration of trump again. It seems like a lot of the righties are into this Q ?
That all these Democrats are so aware of obscure Nazi symblols that they all "got it" right off and so assumed that CPAC did it as a secret message to Republicans?
That is your story?
That very well could be. Democrats are always thinking that normal people are doing whatever evil shit the Democrats themselves are doing.
"Okay, this I get. I wasn't looking at the marketing aspect of it in full, I guess. None of the companies I've worked for spent money unless they expected it to generate income."
Sometimes the opportunity to add something to the logo just doesn't present itself.
To work properly, it can never be forced.
Think about all the body shops or tire shops that use a tire icon in place of an 'O.'
This is bad. Those designers should be shot.
But stuff like this is genius.
"But stuff like this is genius."
Very well done. After an internet search a few minutes ago, I ended up here.
Of the 15 logos shown, I had already recognized (or immediately identified) 6 of them. The others, I hadn't noticed.
Todd: "Just like NASA is a Nazi symbol since they got their start from the V2s..."
It is an established fact the America's captured german rocket scientists outperformed the commie soviet captured german scientists post WW2.
Did the nazi's ever use checkerboard tablecloths?
Because if they did....
Schizophrenics are always searching for anagrams, and problems in the algorithm. It's part of the diagnosis.
No one who works at that firm in design is older than 40. How would you expect them to recognize a WWII symbol?
Which SS unit did Dr Suess serve in?
Which confederate unit did Lincoln serve in?
Its really hard to keep up with our woke maoist totalitarians.
"Of the 15 logos shown, I had already recognized (or immediately identified) 6 of them. The others, I hadn't noticed."
Most of those are pretty obvious...the Hershey's one is kind of weak.
NW Airlines is a favorite of mine...very minimalistic.
Did the nazi's ever use checkerboard tablecloths?
No, but they had concepts of White... Jew privilege, social justice, redistributive change, political congruence ("="), #CecileTheCannibal clinics, and, of course, the wicked solution, the final solution, all under a secular platform managed by diversitists, psychos, and subject experts. A veritable Rainbow of inclusion exclusive of black, brown, and featuring the shredded remains of white.
So much thought and time wasted on this...which is consistent with the commie playbook.
The only reason I give any credence to the notion it was done on purpose is because commie twitter was instantly all over it..."hey, look at this obvious nazi symbol they used for a stage! Republicans are indeed literally nazis!!"
Oh, and Inga is a fucking liar, two-fold. Lied about not caring, lied about not posting about it on Althouse (I read them--didn't push back because...it's Inga, and I didn't want to give something so stupid any attention)
Make that 3-fold--she called me a liar. I don't lie. For anyone, or any thing. It's a personal thing.
Most of those 15 I had never "seen," as in "gotten the joke." FedEx I had, and NW, but the idea that the LSO logo was supposed to represent a conductor absolutely didn't occur to me until it was pointed out. As for the Milwaukee Brewers -- what can say to such genius?
Speaking of which, Joe Smith, I completely agree re: the Bronx Zoo. Fantastic!
If Nazis didn’t exist, we would have to create them.
Blogger madAsHell said...
Schizophrenics are always searching for anagrams, and problems in the algorithm. It's part of the diagnosis.
I taught students to try proverbs with well compensated schizophrenics. Many are cultural, of course, but it works very often and the result can be interesting. They get lost in the effort to interpret them.
I believe commenter gadfly was the first to invoke the nazi stage story at Althouse blog a day or so ago. So I was excited to see his 2:42pm comment. What did he have to say about the subject now that it had some days to age? Commenting on an Althouse post exclusively concerning the nazi stage, what does he say? He brings up a Mike Pence opinion piece on an unrelated topic. WTF.
Gadfly, I'll add you to my list of insincere pot stirrers. No good faith a all.
CWJ: "Gadfly, I'll add you to my list of insincere pot stirrers. No good faith a all."
In gadfly's defense, he/she/xe is quite possibly even more ignorant than Inga.
A non-Bronx cheer for the Bronx Zoo logo! I appreciate clever logos, visual puns, etc.
Speaking of Nazi-suggestion, there was commenter here briefly called Goetz von Berchilingen. Goethephiles will know the story; WWII buffs and amateurs (so many have outed themselves today I'll make it a point to be more provocative) might recognize it as the name of the 17th Waffen SS Division.
It's only a few jumps from runes and SS symbology to that evergreen panic of the lefteous--the "Nazi" Death's Head! The Ukrainians seem to be the latest to flaunt the unique and despicable Nazi sigil . . . that predates Nazis in European militaries and outlaw subcultures by many centuries, and will be used for a long time to come by people who don't know from Nazi.
Mitt? Mitt Romney? Is that you posting all the LDS stuff?
The propaganda never lets up.
I don’t judge the Ukrainians on their love of the Nazis because it was the Nazis who liberated them from under the boot of Stalin, even if only for a short time. It’s hard for us to comprehend what they have been through.
The Democrats use this company all the time. Even Pete Buttigieg paid them $ 35,000 for some sort of design...
So total bullsh*t.
ukrainian nationalism has been complicated, in recent history, the oun settled in munich after the war, some in canada, with bandera their chief killed in 1957, one of their deputies mykola lebed made it to the states, any nationalist sentiment was suppressed till the end of the cold war, and this variant was muted, until the maidan where the svoboda serviced,
Brown dog now lied TWICE. I didn’t post any comment about the CPAC stage. I don’t know what his problem is, faulty memory, or he is mixing me up with someone else. I did post a Bible verse about worshipping golden idols, maybe Browndog is remembering that, who knows. He seems very upset about it.
My Totenkopf reference was to point out that it's almost as versatile an emblem as fylfots and sunwheels.
No particular display of the death's head means anything but "I'm a tough guy and I dare you to say anything about it."
But the symbol-minded will have their little frissons of self-satisfaction-- self-satisfaction that mistakes what is really just a primitive form of animism for political sophistication.
Clear night--good for worshipping my god, Mars!
While I read a lot of World War II history I actually had to take a little time and look this up.
The 7th SS Mountain Division (Prince Eugene Division) was made up of volunteers and conscripts from Banat, Croatia, Romania, and Hungary. The enlisted men used the insignia being debated today, not the officers. I assume that's because the enlisted were non-Germans. Anyway, the division was only deployed for the counterinsurgency campaign against the Partisans in Yugoslavia. Which would explain why the unit doesn't a lot of coverage in the Western history's of the war.
I've helped build hundreds of event stages. Never met anyone in the business who knew enough history to know anything other than an overt swastika was a nazi symbol. And even then, viewed from stage level, it could be a misunderstanding.
That's a normal stage frame for an audience of people behind a main speaker. It's designed to have a lot of background audience fill a stage. I have no doubt you could find hundreds of examples of Democrats using the same layout.
But then again I'm a liar who accuses Ann of being an elitist for crapping on a cake decorator who got breast cancer for using too much sugar in her cakes. Anything is possible once you let reason and decency exit the state, as it were.
So we're all nazis now.
Todd writes:
So, you are saying that the CPAC was dumb enough to hire a liberal design firm in good faith expecting honest work and instead the liberal design firm snuck Nazi symbolism into their design for the stage that was somehow [more dumb CPAC] not reveled until after CPAC started and all these super smart Democrats noticed it? That all these Democrats are so aware of obscure Nazi symblols that they all "got it" right off and so assumed that CPAC did it as a secret message to Republicans?
That is your story?
No, not really. I don't really care where the idea for the design came from, and I don't blame either CPAC or the design firm for missing it. Only a Nazi history buff or a member of the National Socialist Movement [of America] would have noticed, but I repeat myself.
I don't have a story, but I do have a point. As I wrote earlier, I'm also perfectly OK with people making honest mistakes. Lord knows I've made a few.
My point is that the folks who didn't change the stage, and the folks who gave speeches standing on it were sending a message. Not an obscure history lesson, but a statement that they are OK being associated with a notorious symbol for racial purity. They made that decision all by themselves. The CPAC advance team didn't make it. The design firm didn't make it. They did.
And they made that decision knowing that the imagery was going to be beamed to millions of viewers. That it would stay alive forever in YouTube. That it would be seen and forwarded by thousands, perhaps millions of violent Y'all Q-eda types eager for any sort of coded message that the great boogaloo was imminent.
If violence occurs they own it.
Fashion runways are what then? An invitation to be saved by Christ?
Airport runways? All GMT oriented?
This can be solved by making all foundational references in life point to Moscow. Name schools after prominent soviets. Name you kids Armand. If a pigeon craps on a statue then the proletariat has spoken and the statue must come down.
Hey, Liberal Hare: I'm guessing you're hardly important enough to have ever been asked to be on anyone's stage. Do you know what it looks like from the back? Like a stage. I do not believe anyone was trying to make an obscure Nazi symbol. They were trying to meet requirements about space and appearance for cameras.
This is sick, sick stuff. I mean your imagination when I say this. Get help. Nobody is a nazi except between your sad, sick ears.
@Blogger LiberalHere
Holy crap, you def get at least an 8 outa ten today. You even fooled a bunch of regulars who generally know better.
Expect to see similar quality in the future.
The 7th SS was one use, but not the main use. Again, from Wikipedia:
"The rendition of the Odal rune with wings or feet (serifs) was the badge of the SS Race and Settlement Main Office, which was responsible for maintaining the racial purity of the Nazi Schutzstaffel (SS).[5] It was also the emblem of ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) of the 7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division Prinz Eugen operating during World War II in the Nazi Germany-sponsored Independent State of Croatia. This rendition has been used by the Neo-Nazi Wiking-Jugend in Germany, and in South Africa by the Anglo-Afrikaner Bond, the Boeremag, the Blanke Bevrydingsbeweging,[6] and the Italian neo-fascist group National Vanguard. This particular rendition has no historical significance outside of Nazi Germany."
If you click the link for the "SS Race and Settlement Main Office" you find they were "...the organization responsible for "safeguarding the racial 'purity' of the SS"..." The SS, or Schutzstaffel, was not an obscure mountain division. They were arguably the most powerful group in Nazi Germany, responsible for the concentration camps and many other atrocities.
So that "obscure" Odal rune with wings was the emblem of the group responsible for staffing the concentration camps with pure Ayrian Germans. It's no surprise that it was selected by white nationalists in the USA. Like the 88 tattoos and other coded Nazi symbols, those who aren't in the know aren't supposed to notice.
Blogger Inga said...(without evidence)
Brown dog now lied TWICE. I didn’t post any comment about the CPAC stage. I don’t know what his problem is, faulty memory, or he is mixing me up with someone else.
Inga said...
Known Unknown, I may have zero proof that collusion happened, but you also have zero proof that it didn't happen. As I said it's classified info and we are not privy to it. Be patient. Not every thing gets leaked.
5/12/17, 3:29 PM
220 cities and towns burned, 48 dead cops hundreds injured
Inga, it is nice to hear from you here. I hope you are well. I don't agree with you, but you are in my thoughts and prayers.
And when I say nice, a actually mean just that, nice.
Hey, Liberal Hare: I'm guessing you're hardly important enough to have ever been asked to be on anyone's stage. Do you know what it looks like from the back? Like a stage. I do not believe anyone was trying to make an obscure Nazi symbol. They were trying to meet requirements about space and appearance for cameras.
I don't disagree. As I said in my first post, that is the most likely explanation.
My point was that stages can be changed overnight. That's especially true for temporary stages that are put up in hotel conference rooms. There was no reason for them to keep the stage the way it was after it started attracting front-page news coverage, and lots of reasons for them to change it. Heck, even a few paint stripes to mask the shape would have changed the news dynamic.
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