March 12, 2021

I'm not even going to take the trouble to look for the center between these manifestly silly extremes.

These are the top 2 headlines at Real Clear Politics right now:


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Michael K said...

As Darth Vader would say, "This is CNN."

Mr. Forward said...

Warp Speed Joe.

Big Mike said...

The first extreme is more extreme than the other extreme.

lgv said...

I don't think the center would be accurate anyway. I've already seen enough that Conrad Black's position is closer to reality.

Progressive policies well to the left of historical Joe Biden are be robo-signed everyday. His selections for key positions are also on the super progressive side. Economic stagnation will be here within 2 years. What's worse is we are beginning to see some cost-push inflation. This will reek havoc with the economy.

tim maguire said...

If you define the Trump years as a dystopia (instead of using the dictionary definition of dystopia), then the two statements are not incompatible.

stevew said...

Me neither.

hstad said...

The scariest thing Biden said, in his speech, " the coming weeks, we will issue further guidance on what you can and cannot do once fully vaccinated...".

Truly amazing that his speech writers would insert such a phrase into his first speech to the Nation. I guess the good news for Biden only 7,000+ what his speech on the WH's Utube channel. If this continues the Democrats will be wiped out in the 2022 election.

Bilwick said...

"Progressive policies well to the left of historical Joe Biden are be robo-signed everyday. His selections for key positions are also on the super progressive side. Economic stagnation will be here within 2 years. What's worse is we are beginning to see some cost-push inflation. This will reek havoc with the economy."

I think you mean "wreak," although statism does reek.

Sebastian said...

So Biden's speech was only a partial failure?

Nonapod said...

President Biden Leaves Trump's Dystopia in the Dust

Happy days are hear again! That beastly orange brute has been ousted! And soon he and many of his deplorable supporters will be jailed for the crime of being hideous louts. And now we're blessed with the brilliant mind of Joe Biden. His eloquence and erudition is legend! He has blessed us with a flury of executive orders, his divine proclamations to undo all the damage that has been done. Our southern border has been flung open. No longer are children being held in cages of hate, only cages of love!

Michael K said...

If this continues the Democrats will be wiped out in the 2022 election.

Unless the Democrats have perfected vote fraud. And they may have. HR 1 will make it legal.

tcrosse said...

Biden's dystopia is orders of magnitude more dystopic than Trump's dystopia.

Unknown said...

Conrad Black is usually very insightful on US politics, a modern day Tocqueville.

I found some of his writings earlier this year a bit too pro Biden, actually.

>Conrad Black's position is closer to reality.

If you want a more snarky tale on Biden...

The Emperor Is Naked and Senile Too Kurt Schlichter

effinayright said...

Michael K said...
If this continues the Democrats will be wiped out in the 2022 election.

Unless the Democrats have perfected vote fraud. And they may have. HR 1 will make it legal.
I keep asking myself how that new law will work. It's 2022, and a whole bunch of state and local offices will also be on state ballots in addition to the elections for federal positions.

How could a federal law purport to control how the states conduct elections for state and local offices? Will the states be forced to end any voter ID laws they've passed?

Can anyone help me out here?

gilbar said...

How could a federal law purport to control how the states conduct elections for state and local offices? Will the states be forced to end any voter ID laws they've passed?
Can anyone help me out here?

1) in order to get past the Senate; they will have to "reform" the filibuster
2) once THAT'S done, they will pack the SCOTUS
3) GOODBYE Constitution

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I’m with the consensus. I can see how one could reasonably evaluate Joe’s speech within the context of an unprecedented 50-day gap between being sworn in and directly addressing the American people and grade it a failure. Obviously others would disagree. However I cannot see how any reasonable summation of the last four years and call it dystopian with any credibility. The last year? Maybe. But this “extreme” headline is much further from the center than grading Biden’s lackluster, ominous and ambiguous “statement” that suffered no questions a failure. The chaos in the wake of his numerous XOs is proof of poor governance.

madAsHell said...

If this continues the Democrats will be wiped out in the 2022 election.

Maybe you didn't learn anything about voter fraud.....

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

OTOH the label silly applied by Althouse is apt in reference to the word “dystopian.” And one may reasonably label the headline of Black’s take silly. I find it accurate. But someone who favors boring Alzheimer’s patients as potus might find labeling said demented man a failure so early in his failed potusness a silly thing. We should wait for much more failure to call it “total” I agree.

Sam L. said...

The first one: CNN is the Crap News Network, and trust it, I do not. As I keep saying, I don't KNOW that the media is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Dem Party, or if it's the other way round, but it's OBVIOUS that they are in CAHOOTS.

narciso said...

Rifles surrounding a capital in peacetime, while cities are still burning in the districts thats the definition of dystopia. A political purge of the military and proscription of political opponents.

walter said...

Black Eyed Joe is from the government and here to help.

Unknown said...

A more middle of the road view, by a more moderate GOP writer.

No vaccination against this Scott Johnson, Powerline

And has a link to Tucker Carlson's take on the speech.

Quote from his blog post:

I found President Biden’s speech last night (“on the anniversary of the COVID-19 shutdown”) profoundly dispiriting, mean-spirited, ungrateful, petty, and otherwise wanting in good qualities. The state of mind reflected in it as craven and deceitful.

narciso said...

Thats dystopia

Tina Trent said...

One difference: Conrad Black has more wit in his pinky finger than Frieda Ghitis could dream to possess.

LYNNDH said...

Listened to about half the what ever it was. I found it full of Doom and Gloom.
I suppose people will be happy that on July 4th they can have BBQ with Family.
What a mess.
Good thing that President Trump did not do anything about the virus.

narciso said...

Conrad was proscribed his company was scavenged and sold to interested parties

Jupiter said...

The Ghitis person referred to "President Biden". Who would that be? Have the Chi-Coms made Hunter President of another company?

The Crack Emcee said...

Extremes are where the stupid is now:

I agree with y'all on 99% - but it's not 100% so I'm a racist.


Leland said...

By Trump dystopia, does CNN mean the lowest unemployment ever for african americans and hispanics? Or do they mean the growth of the middle class?

independent said...

It must suck to realize that in fact our president does not have dementia. If I were you I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing that our leader will not confuse the "launch the missiles" button for the "I want a diet Coke button."

tim maguire said...

My concern about 2022 is not voter fraud (you can't steal hundreds of local elections with the same ease that you can steal one national election), it is the economy. The Democrats will be riding high on the economic boom made possible by Trump's vaccines.

narciso said...

And there are enough spanners being thrown into it, but plenty of funemployment. If the iranians take out abquiaq

Skeptical Voter said...

Tough to watch Shufflin Senescent Joe's speech last night. Hard to understand him (my hearing is not the greatest) although I tried. The funniest thing about the speech was the chyron on Fox News saying that Tucker Carlson would be on in 60 seconds. Shufflin Joe kept rambling, and rambling and after several minutes it was finally over.

The last part of Joe's speech was platitude piled on platitude. Say what you will about the Bad Orange Man, his speeches tended to be entertaining. He left the platitudes at the doorstep--but brought braggadocio by the bushel basket. Good times--good times.

Shouting Thomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jupiter said...

"I agree with y'all on 99% - but it's not 100% so I'm a racist."

Don't sweat it, Crack. We're all racists on this bus.

Tina Trent said...

Hmm. Maybe you should read them before passing judgment next time. Ghitis accuses Trump of murdering people while boldly lying about the timeline and outcomes of his actions. Black mildly criticizes Biden for being ungrateful, downbeat, and non-unifying.

That is not two extremes. You are simply wrong.

Joe Smith said...

The speech was fine but his wasn't. Sounded like he was on his fourth martini, trying to pluck up the courage to hit on some rich widow at a fundraiser, John Kerry-style.

But the July 4th part was bullshit. The constitution is not suspendible in case of pandemic. You want to boss people around? Declare martial law. Man up.

And not even a hat tip to Trump. He could have done a lot of 'healing' with a simple ten or fifteen words giving the previous administration a little bit of credit.

If the Rs ever get congress back (not like they deserve it), I hope they go scorched earth on all things liberal and woke.

Earnest Prole said...

If you feel the slightest temptation to click on either headline, you're a dupe and a dope.

Joe Smith said...

"I agree with y'all on 99% - but it's not 100% so I'm a racist."

It's OK to hate some white folks if you think you have a good reason.

But don't put them all on the same shit list...that is racist.

independent said...

Tim - So you are saying that if Hillary won in 2016, we would be waiting four more years for a vaccine - even though Russia and China and India and UK and Germany all managed to do it in one year?

Pretty amazing that Trump led the vaccine effort without attending even one COVID task force meetings for the last seven months or so of his presidency. But I guess that's what you can do when you are the smartest man on the planet. He must have spent all his time in the White House laboratory.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...

"It's OK to hate some white folks if you think you have a good reason.

But don't put them all on the same shit list...that is racist."

I don't, but just talking about "white folks" is a new phenomena for white folks, so they take it to extremes (in their minds).

Shouting Thomas said...

You’re the most psychotic racist I’ve ever encountered, Crack.

Joe Smith said...

"I don't, but just talking about "white folks" is a new phenomena for white folks, so they take it to extremes (in their minds)."

No, I don't think it's recent.

Don't you think those slaves out in the fields had opinions?

Besides, 'white folks' is pretty broad.

Sounds kind of like 'you people.'

walter said...

Crack increasing the efficiency of making a thread about him.
Did Black Eyed Joementia mention reparations?

Shouting Thomas said...

Crack’s still hoping to hit the Big Time in the music biz, although at his age the possibility of that happening is vanishingly slim.

He’s still using Althouse to try to promote his own blog.

She used to try to patronize him, but he kept insulting and taunting her until she quit.

This guy is really fucked up.

Joe Smith said...

"Did Black Eyed Joementia mention reparations?"

"Another thing about a shark is it has got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes..."

Browndog said...

I record Tucker so I was able to fast forward, not hearing a single syllable out of the election stealing senile bastard's mouth.

Hence, I had no problem with the speech.

Lurker21 said...

If there were no problems with the delivery, the content could have been horrible and ridiculous and it still wouldn't have been a failure, because the half the country that supported Biden would accept what he said and praise it.

"Dystopian"? That's exactly the wrong word to use here. Trump was trying to grapple with a new problem with the tools at hand and accelerating work on the vaccine that Biden took credit for. Biden's team is using the crisis to impose new tools of social control and manipulation. As bad as the last year was, Biden's future looks rather grim, more like 1984 than anything we've experienced to date.

Yancey Ward said...

"Can anyone help me out here?"

Here is what is going to happen, and the order in which it will happen. HR1 will fail in the Senate due to the filibuster, but it won't be brought for a showdown vote up until a few months before the 2022 midterms. Right around July 2022 or so, the CDC will start announcing "scary" new strains of COVID are starting to appear in their virus surveillance programs. In August, Biden will issue an EO implementing HR1 for the upcoming election. Of course, the Republicans will file suit in federal court to overturn the EO, but the DC Appeals court will hear the first challenges to whatever orders the lower courts decide, pro or con. However, the DC Appeals Court is Democrat controlled, so they won't issue a stay against the EO but will probably lift injunctions against it. Once they have cleared the injunctions, they will then delay an actual decision as long as possible to keep the issue from the Supreme Court.

Basically, the Republicans, if they don't want to get decimated in 2022, will have to leapfrog the DC Appeals Court and go directly to SCOTUS and hope the conservatives there have learned their lesson (I doubt they have), or the red states will have to ignore the EO. It is that, or learn to cheat on a level the Democrats have with mail in voting. Lets see if we can get 100%+ turnout this time. Make the system stink to high heavean.

Wince said...

The subtext of Biden's speech to the nation seemed to be "worship and obey me, or else."

Browndog said...

There is no need for HR-1.

Supreme Court has already ruled dems can do whatever they want, including clearly violating laws, and nobody has the right to challenge it.

The Crack Emcee said...

walter said...

"Crack increasing the efficiency of making a thread about him."

Nope - the topic is "extremes" and you assholes have provided that for as long as blacks have been on this blog to tell the racists who gather here when you're wrong. As I can see, you don't like that.

So - in your non-racist enlightenment - you blame the black guy. SURPRISE.

Racist ass racists.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...
"I don't, but just talking about "white folks" is a new phenomena for white folks, so they take it to extremes (in their minds)."

No, I don't think it's recent.

Don't you think those slaves out in the fields had opinions?

I correct myself: talking about white folks - i9n front of white folks - is a new phenomena for white folks.

They get enraged when others do what they've always done.

The Crack Emcee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Old and slow said...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said...

I agree with y'all on 99% - but it's not 100% so I'm a racist.

Actually, I would say that you are boring and utterly self absorbed.

The Crack Emcee said...

I repeat:

The 2012 Republican autopsy said Y'ALL HAVE A RACE PROBLEM.

I'd consult that the next time you decide to blame blacks for your frustrations.

The Crack Emcee said...

Old and slow said...
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...

I agree with y'all on 99% - but it's not 100% so I'm a racist.

Actually, I would say that you are boring and utterly self absorbed.

See my previous post.

The Crack Emcee said...

I'd rather be black and boring and utterly self absorbed than white and old and slow any day.

Joe Smith said...

"I correct myself: talking about white folks - i9n front of white folks - is a new phenomena for white folks."

Seems fair.

We white folks talk about black folks too.

At the meetings we all attend every week where we get on the same page and set the agenda for how to oppress y'all.

But don't tell anyone I told's supposed to be a secret : )

The Crack Emcee said...

I mean, those liver spots and varicose veins just KILL you guys.

Man, being mean is so much fun: how do you assholes maintain this all day and expect to be liked any anyone?

Joe Smith said...

"I'd rather be black and boring and utterly self absorbed than white and old and slow any day."

But you forgot 'rich' Crack. White and old and slow and rich.

It's not terrible, and I'm not even slow or that old.

But the rich part is nice.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...

"We white folks talk about black folks too."

Um, we black folks are quite aware. You won't shut-up. You've talked about us for centuries - right in front of us. Hell, you FUCKED in front of us.

We know you too well.

Old and slow said...

Age and speed are, of course, relative... I'm slower than I once was, and older than I might like. But I'm still younger and faster than you! And white. Yes, I'm stained with the sin of whiteness, but I don't mind.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...
"I'd rather be black and boring and utterly self absorbed than white and old and slow any day."

But you forgot 'rich' Crack. White and old and slow and rich.

Stolen goods are not admired.

Shouting Thomas said...

Who in the fuck wants to be liked by a psycho like you, Crack?

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...

"But you forgot 'rich' Crack. White and old and slow and rich."

I like how you guys always up the RACISM ante - and, again, expect to be LIKED FOR DOING IT.

White people here ASSHOLES.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith - upping the RACISM ante - wondering why blacks will run over you.

Shouting Thomas said...

At least you’re getting some attention now, huh, Crack?

After this it’s back to huddling in your room and fantasizing the you’re going to hit the Big Time.

I hate your guts, Crack. You’re a piece of shit racist.

If we were talking face to face, I’d kick your in the nuts.

Shouting Thomas said...

Crack, quit blaming whites because your piece of shit mother and father abandoned you.

The Crack Emcee said...

Cancel culture was MADE for you guys.

Shouting Thomas said...

As if you had any power to do anything to me, you racist piece of shit.

You barely can afford to buy toilet paper to wipe your ass.

The Crack Emcee said...

ST has taken the dick out of mouth long enough to speak, but the balls in there still muffle him to the point where I can't hear him.

It's a pity.

I like his lies so much, usually.

The Crack Emcee said...

Old and slow said...

"Yes, I'm stained with the sin of whiteness, but I don't mind."

Jefferson Davis would've loved you guys.

Shouting Thomas said...

Go talk to your mother, Crack.

She’s the one who fucked you over.

Skippy Tisdale said...

"The medium is the message"

- Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, published in 1964.

The Crack Emcee said...

Old and slow said...

"And white. Yes, I'm stained with the sin of whiteness, but I don't mind."

We just enslaved others, called them evil and ugly for centuries, and then stopped when they got free and got mean to them for the rest of time.


Shouting Thomas said...

Althouse used to send you traffic, you stupid, psychotic motherfucker.

You blew that.

You’re so fucked up you can’t help yourself.

Tina Trent said...

The testosterone level is definitely rising here. Who got Eddie Izzard’s spare penis?

The Crack Emcee said...

And the centuries of rape - which is why we're not as black as Michael K's favorite pets - that's something to be proud of as well.

Your skin is an emblem of integrity in this country.

The Crack Emcee said...

And let's ask natives about your integrity.

Another issue to be so PROUD of as whites.

Shouting Thomas said...

Your mother and father abandoned you to foster care when you got raped, psycho.

Your mother and father did this to you.

The Crack Emcee said...

Extremes - you guys don't stop.

Shouting Thomas said...

Your mother and father are responsible for you being raped, psycho.

The Crack Emcee said...

Rich and white assholes antagonizing blacks online - sounds extreme to me.

Joe Smith said...

"Um, we black folks are quite aware. You won't shut-up. You've talked about us for centuries - right in front of us. Hell, you FUCKED in front of us."

It works both ways...

Most white folks other than guilty liberals would prefer that you just get on with your lives.

I don't need to hear lectures on what my great grandparents did to your great grandparents.

I am unfailingly polite to every person I meet of any race, until they do something to hurt me or may family. Then I am a vindictive motherfucker.

I'm even polite and generous with my friends who are's true!

: )

Btw, you need to get some help with your obsession with fucking...not normal.

The Crack Emcee said...

Ignoring ST gets him frustrated - I wonder if he enjoys it?

Shouting Thomas said...

You’re broke because you’re a psycho and you never learned how to make a living, Crack.

You’re mother and father did this to you.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...

"It works both ways..."

It does not - only whites had black people as bed warmers.

Shouting Thomas said...

You’re mother and father are responsible for you being raped in foster care, Crack.

Shouting Thomas said...

They did this to you.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...

"Most white folks other than guilty liberals would prefer that you just get on with your lives."

But broke - after they got "rich" (your word) on our backs for centuries - that's American values you expect us to kneel to now.

Shouting Thomas said...

You are broke because you’re psychotic as a result of what your mom and dad did to you, Crack.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...

"I don't need to hear lectures on what my great grandparents did to your great grandparents."

No, you need to continue your grandparents work of kicking black issues down the road until no one pays blacks for anything - WHICH IS NOT RACIST.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...

"I am unfailingly polite to every person I meet of any race, until they do something to hurt me or may family. Then I am a vindictive motherfucker."

Which is funny, since whites did things to blacks for centuries, but mow you're confused by our attitude.

Shouting Thomas said...

Give you money and you’ll still be psychotic, Crack.

Shouting Thomas said...

Considering how psycho you are, the money will be gone in a hurry, too.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...

"Btw, you need to get some help with your obsession with fucking...not normal."

Hearting that - from someone from the rape-y white race - is like being told by Democrats that Trump is a racist.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith,

My skin color is not correct - because of whites - and you guys talk like that's normal.

Shouting Thomas said...

You’ve gotten much much worse over the years, Crack.

Your untreated mental problems are very severe now.

The Crack Emcee said...

There are MILLIONS of blacks who KNOW their skin is the WRONG COLOR because of you guys AND NO WHITES LIKE THAT - but you want us to sympathize with your constantly atagonistic asses.

You're insane.

Shouting Thomas said...

Look, I know that ranting here at least gives you something to do to fill up your time.

But, it’s not helping you.

Shouting Thomas said...

You are destitute and psychotic because your mother and father fucked you over.

narciso said...

So which looks like bearded spock universe

independent said...

Boy this thread has sure gone in the toilet fast. Crack and ST are responsible for the worst over-the-top disgusting insults targeted at our host. I would have thought they bonded over their shared interest.

Skippy Tisdale said...

The Crack Emcee said...

I'm a one-trick pony!

Now suck my dick!

The Crack Emcee said...

independent said...

"Boy this thread has sure gone in the toilet fast. Crack and ST,..."

I repeat: first day of school - they sit me between two racists and a fight happens - I get blamed with them.

But y'all aren't racists.

The Crack Emcee said...

Skippy Tisdale

Blacks once beat me up - because I'm so gracious - so now I can never think straight again and must always leap into every battle sounding like a racist but screaming I'm fighting it.

The Crack Emcee said...

See, it's very simple:

No black person can say anything "black" without ALL YOU WHITE PEOPLE BECOMING A MOB and attacking that one black person relentlessly - because you're so not racists.

White mob behavior is how white anti-racism makes blacks feel comfy cozy.

The Crack Emcee said...

A white mob attacking a lone black person.

That's how you know there's no racists around.

Chris N said...

Say, are there any 'blacks' in this here chat room?

Mob up, fellas, it's time to ride.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Crack Emcee,

only whites had black people as bed warmers.

Have you by any chance read Farnham's Freehold? Asking purely for information.

The Crack Emcee said...

You guys don't even consider that blacks "trigger" you, do you?

You ARE insane, you know?

Chris N said...

And if I had to choose ST (cosmic vibrations) or Crack (Oprah's New Age vibrations), I'm not sure who to choose.

It's tough out here for a commenter.

The Crack Emcee said...

BTW - I'm going to keep reminding you, your own p[arty said you had a race problem, so your arguments will have context.

The context of you being a bunch of racists.

The Crack Emcee said...

Chris N said...
And if I had to choose ST (cosmic vibrations) or Crack (Oprah's New Age vibrations), I'm not sure who to choose.

It's tough out here for a commenter.

This is going to be another day where you guys treat ST like Democrats treat Bill Clinton, right?

Its never lied a day in his life,...

The Crack Emcee said...

BTW - I'm going to keep reminding you, your own p[arty said you had a race problem, so your arguments will have context.

The context of you being a bunch of racists.

I'm still waiting for y'all to confront that and stop fucking with blacks.

I understand if you're too busy fucking with blacks to get there.

Chris N said...

Somewhere a white guy from a shack in Illinois and a black guy from South Central L.A. have a sweet jam session at the Pearly Gates.

The universe will respond in the key of 'F.'

The Crack Emcee said...

Chris N said...
Somewhere a white guy from a shack in Illinois and a black guy from South Central L.A. have a sweet jam session at the Pearly Gates.


If STAX Records couldn't do it, y'all's dreaming.

I'm Not Sure said...

"f we do all this, if we do our part, if we do this together, by July the 4th, there’s a good chance you, your families, and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout and a barbeque and celebrate Independence Day. That doesn’t mean large events with lots of people together, but it does mean small groups will be able to get together.

So the Idiot in Chief says, if we do as we're told, we may be allowed to get together with others (numbers of which to be approved by the government) in our own backyards?

On Independence Day?

Go fuck yourself.

The Crack Emcee said...

BTW - I'm going to keep reminding you, your own p[arty said you had a race problem, so your arguments will have context.

The context of you being a bunch of racists.

I'm still waiting for y'all to confront that and stop fucking with blacks.

I understand if you're too busy fucking with blacks to get there.

The Crack Emcee said...

The Republican Party: "Y'all are racists!"

Where people: "Blacks MAKE US DO IT BY TALKING!"

The Crack Emcee said...


The Crack Emcee said...

We must always be extreme in return - THAT'S BEING WHITE AND PROUD.

Chris N said...

There will a synth-funk bass line from the early 80's and a sweet banjo twang, mixed together in a cosmic hymn dealing with absence, distance and loss.

This is very serious

The Crack Emcee said...

Graciousness": a word the super-smart whites NEVER use or practice when faced with those they've abused for centuries.

Extreme behavior: the real answer to everything - scream you're "rich" and shit - that helps.

narciso said...

Its the sheepdog and the coyote, rinse repeat

The Crack Emcee said...

Telling blacks you're proud to be white - and rich at their expense - that's in the Republican Party recruitment manual.

The Crack Emcee said...

Telling blacks you're proud to be white - and rich at their expense - nothing extreme about that.

The Crack Emcee said...

Telling blacks you're proud to be white - and rich at their expense - nothing extreme about that.

And clearly the black's fault - always.

AZ Bob said...

I was thrilled to hear Biden tell me that if I am really good, I can socialize with people on July 4 like they're now doing in Florida and Texas.

Joe Smith said...

"But broke - after they got "rich" (your word) on our backs for centuries - that's American values you expect us to kneel to now."

I was born into very little. I made money based on good life choices and my talent and brains. Most people can make money the same way.

And I'm not Mark Cuban rich, but pretty well off. But I earned it, paid all my taxes, didn't break any laws, and give a good chunk to charity.

Now, I can see why you seem bitter. If all of this wokeness had happened thirty or forty years ago, you'd probably be in better financial shape.

I don't discount past racism as a reason for economic stagnation, but it doesn't explain it all either.

If I had the choice of being a new college-graduate with an MBA or an engineering degree today, and I could choose to be either black or white, I'd probably be a brother.

With my same IQ and work ethic, there would be fist-fights to hire me. I could write my own ticket.

The same white kid with my smarts and work ethic but no connections (I never had any) is just another cog...

So the pendulum is always does, it always will.

Jim at said...

I didn't even know the buffoon made a speech until I looked at the 'news' this morning.

Andrew said...

All I can say is that Biden's speech was a "I graduated at the top of my class in law school" moment.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...

"I was born into very little. "

Nobody's talking about you.

The Crack Emcee said...

Try focusing on someone else for a change.

I was born into NOTHING.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...

"I'm not Mark Cuban rich, but pretty well off. But I earned it, paid all my taxes, didn't break any laws, and give a good chunk to charity."

Lies - you're a white guy, born on third base, claiming you hit a homer.

The Crack Emcee said...

Remember: I went to school with whites who had horses and planes but still thought everything was justas equal and fair as can be.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...

"I'm not Mark Cuban rich, but pretty well off. But I earned it,..."

White guys should really refrain from the "I earned it" mantra because NOBODY BUYS THAT.

Francisco D said...

Take a break Crack.

You should work this hard in therapy. It would give you peace of mind.

The Crack Emcee said...

Until Rap hit, you guys were basically operating with no competition - and now you're disgusted blacks are not only earning but making so much money, why, if y'all weren't racists, this would probably still be a rich nation, with all the riches we could've brought it, but weren't allowed to.

Racism is a tragedy.

The Crack Emcee said...

You wasted all our money fighting your stupid Vietnam war.

The Crack Emcee said...

And getting us killed for it.

The Crack Emcee said...

Francisco D said...

"ou should work this hard in therapy. It would give you peace of mind."

This country is so non-racist, there are no black therapists.

Lovely place whites are proud of.

The Crack Emcee said...

Imagine me going to a white therapist to discuss black racial issues.

I don't haver to - I've done it: scared the shit out of that poor man.

The Crack Emcee said...

Extremes: this guy talked about running blacks down with his car - and he has a newspaper column - in America.

My home sweet hooooome,...

independent said...

Interesting how ST tries and succeeds at getting Crack extremely upset, and then disappears once his job is done. All in a day's work. And then per the script everyone else piles on instead of giving the injured man some space.

ST is one evil dude.

Joe Smith said...

"Lies - you're a white guy, born on third base, claiming you hit a homer."

Any more cliches? For a creative guy you're not too creative.

If third base is a blue-collar father, leftovers 3 days in a row, getting my hair cut at home, not eating in a restaurant until I was 17, and grandparents that lived in a single-wide, then I guess I was born wealthy.

Now I have to have an awkward conversation with my father about why he never set up my trust fund : )

Joe Smith said...

"Remember: I went to school with whites who had horses and planes but still thought everything was justas equal and fair as can be."

I live in an area like that now.

My kids lived in a bubble but I made sure they knew it.

We sent them to a private school that was well-attended by black and hispanic students.

I guess I should have sent them to Swiss boarding school and had them commute on my personal 747 : )

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...

"If third base is a blue-collar father,..."

Meaning he had a job blacks couldn't get.

Why don't you try to be gracious for a change?

Joe Smith said...

"Imagine me going to a white therapist to discuss black racial issues."

Find a black one.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...

"I guess I should have sent them to Swiss boarding school and had them commute on my personal 747 : )"

If they still would've been calling me a nigger on my first day of school, I still wouldn't see the difference.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...
"Imagine me going to a white therapist to discuss black racial issues."

Find a black one.

There are so few - because whites didn't educate us for centuries - remember?>

Joe Smith said...

"Meaning he had a job blacks couldn't get."

He worked the job site with black men in his same union...

Today, almost all construction work, skilled or unskilled, is done by Mexicans.

They are taking the blue collar jobs from both blacks and whites.

Maybe your beef is with them.

My father encouraged me to use my brains and not my back.

Good advice. I took it.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...

"Find a black one."

Another stupid, ignorant statement that only reveals how little you know about your own country and history.

There's no black "Good Will Hunting" coming out anytime soon.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...
"Meaning he had a job blacks couldn't get."

He worked the job site with black men in his same union...

And the millions who couldn't work - surely you know about them?

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...

And the millions who couldn't work - surely you know about them?

Or do you ONLY count what you can see?

The Crack Emcee said...

And what decades are we talking about, because until the 90s, forget about it.

Joe Smith said...

"There are so few - because whites didn't educate us for centuries - remember?>"

So no living black people are educated...thanks for clearing that up.


The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...
"There are so few - because whites didn't educate us for centuries - remember?>"

So no living black people are educated...thanks for clearing that up.

Just constant antagonism - which you expect racial reconciliation to come from.


The Crack Emcee said...

Whites must be on top and innocent.

- Joe Smith

The Crack Emcee said...

History be damned

The Crack Emcee said...

Then attack the Democrats for lying so much.

Joe Smith said...

Stop saying 'Joe Smith said' when I didn't say it.

You're quoting yourself now.

"And what decades are we talking about, because until the 90s, forget about it."

Late '50s to early '90s give or take.

In California and not Mississippi I'll give you that one.

The Crack Emcee said...

Hypocrisy is fun.

Joe Smith said...

"Just constant antagonism - which you expect racial reconciliation to come from."

You forget, I am in favor of you getting cash for all your troubles.

Don't make me change my mind : )

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...

"Late '50s to early '90s give or take."

Late 50s - everything was so fair MLK got on his way to recieving a bullet to the face.

The Crack Emcee said...

Be proud white people - you did that with your antagonism,.

Which you've never abandoned.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...

"Don't make me change my mind : )"

Change it - it's gonna happen anyway.

I've said that since I got here, and it's still happening - getting closer by the day.

The Crack Emcee said...

The problem is I have a well-read copy of "On Bullshit" and y'all do not - so you'll say just anything.

You'd be more credible if you got one, too.

Bruce Hayden said...

“How could a federal law purport to control how the states conduct elections for state and local offices? Will the states be forced to end any voter ID laws they've passed?”

In a perfect world, HR-1 goes nowhere. The Dems should be embarrassed pushing such a blatantly unconstitutional power grab. Elections have been run by the states for better than two centuries now. Where exactly would the federal government gain the Constitutional power to meddle in state level elections? Commerce Clause? Yes, the 10th Amdt has been greatly weakened over that time, but I suspect that it would be hard to deprecate this traditional state power, just because the Democrats want to embed rampant and blatant cheating in order to maintain control. And how do they get around the problem that the Constitution explicitly gives the state legislatures the power to setup and regulate the rules for Presidential elections? Not the state Executive or Judicial branches, and very clearly not the US Congress.

As for which Circuit court(s) hear the case, my bet is on the numbered Circuits, because it will involve the federal government suing Red and Purple states to run elections under HR-1 rules, and not state law rules, which are currently being tightened up, after the Dem’s blatant cheating in the 2020 election. We shall see.

Joe Smith said...

"I've said that since I got here, and it's still happening - getting closer by the day."

So give us evil, rich white guys some investment advice...what do black people like to do with extra cash...what do they like to buy?

Some of us want to get in on the ground floor of the reparations gold rush.

Joe Smith said...

"In a perfect world, HR-1 goes nowhere."

Rs have been pretty consistent on state's rights.

But Ds have only liked it recently when they could use it to nullify immigration law. Otherwise, Ds seem to really love them some 'Big Daddy in DC' control.

We'll see.

Old and slow said...

I'll give you this Crack, you've got self pity down to an art form. It is no wonder you are a miserable failure.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...

"So give us evil, rich white guys some investment advice...what do black people like to do with extra cash...what do they like to buy?"

Tickets to Africa, Buddy: We're all going home.

Fuck you guys.

The Crack Emcee said...

Old and slow said...

"I'll give you this Crack, you've got self pity down to an art form. It is no wonder you are a miserable failure."

Only a person who ISN'T a foster child could imagine I'm a failure:

I've been married, traveled, I'm talented, been in and started several well-known bands (I am an artist) and everyone says I'm smart. Even here.

You and your stolen goods are hardly impressive to me. You could NEVER do what I've done. You probably wouldn't have even survived South Central. 16 of my 20 best friends didn't.

I did, Asshole.

Bruce Hayden said...

Oh, and I don’t see the economy booming over the next year and a half. My prediction is that we will be heading into a recession at the time of the 2022 election. Signs seem to be pointing in that direction. Nancy Palsi’s $1.9 Trillion COVID-19 “relief” bill is only going to make things worse - exactly the wrong time in the economic cycle to be goosing the economy with ill devised mass Keynesian stimulus. That money has to come from somewhere, and that means the lending market. Instead of being available to companies to build plants and hire people. The money instead will be going to bail out Palsi’s SFC and Scheamer’s NYC. Instead of building natural gas or nuclear power plants, the money will be going to feckless wind and solar construction, with a big chunk sliced off to enrich their families and cronies. Etc. indeed, the Dems are trying to reverse every single Trump policy that gave us record low unemployment, as fast as they can. We are roughly 12 years into a cycle that traditionally was 8-10 years long. I should note that the economic situation looks more and more like a bubble, with stock prices increasing faster than dividends, etc. in pretty much every cycle, the markets go up and up - until they don’t.

The Crack Emcee said...

You guys with your families and your white society help - you really think you've done something.

I spit on all of you:

I am a survivor.

Joe Smith said...

"Tickets to Africa, Buddy: We're all going home."


Makes note: Buy stock in Africa World Airlines...

Joe Smith said...

"I am a survivor."

So is Gloria Gaynor, so you've got something in common : )

The Crack Emcee said...

Old and slow said...

"I'll give you this Crack, you've got self pity down to an art form."

Please, Mr Money bags, tell me about your fear of cancel culture some more. Are they gonna hurt you?

Will white people be victims?

The Crack Emcee said...

When whites are victims - terrible.

When blacks are victims - there are no victims.

Ask Skippy.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...

"Makes note: Buy stock in Africa World Airlines..."

And find someone to teach you guys how to dance, play sports, and wear your hats backwards and shit.

Without us, you're gonna need it.

The Crack Emcee said...

You can change the name of the country to "Plain Mayo"

It'll be so exciting.

narciso said...


Gahrie said...

And find someone to teach you guys how to dance, play sports, and wear your hats backwards and shit.

Why is it evil to say that Black people can't swim, but OK to say that White people can't dance?

Why is it evil to say that Black people do worse in school, but OK to say that White people suck at sports?

Frankly, I've never wanted to take a shit while wearing my hat backwards, so I'll just let that one go.

Gahrie said...

You can change the name of the country to "Plain Mayo"

Still better than shithole.

Gahrie said...

It's rather pathetic really.

Pity me, pity me, my ancestors were slaves. Surely that's worth some cash?

Pity me, pity me, I'm a foster child, that entitles me to act like an asshole and demand your sympathy.

Get off your knees Crack, and take responsibility for yourself.

Gahrie said...

Tickets to Africa, Buddy: We're all going home.

There's already been at least three back to Africa movements, and they all failed.

You know why? Because living in the United States is better than living in any country in the world, and Black people are smart enough to know that.

Howard said...

Omg. They are treating the white insurrectionists like black suspects. The world is spinning out of control. Oh the injustice. We need civil war to correct the injustice to Trumpers.

Gahrie said...

Where exactly would the federal government gain the Constitutional power to meddle in state level elections?

Article I Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution:

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

Article II Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution:

The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.

Joe Smith said...

"And find someone to teach you guys how to dance, play sports, and wear your hats backwards and shit.

Without us, you're gonna need it."

We'll do just fine crack, trust me.

But we'll need to find a new use for all those empty prisons...

Gahrie said...

Telling blacks you're proud to be white

Why is it OK to be proud of being Black but evil to be proud of being White?

I'm Not Sure said...

"Where exactly would the federal government gain the Constitutional power to meddle in state level elections?"

"Article I Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution"

Wait- what? We're going by what the Constitution actually says now? Is that new?

Rosalyn C. said...

"independent said...
Interesting how ST tries and succeeds at getting Crack extremely upset, and then disappears once his job is done. All in a day's work. And then per the script everyone else piles on instead of giving the injured man some space.

ST is one evil dude."

I don't see it that way. IMO ST spent a lot of time trying to get Crack to realize that his problems are the product of race but even more importantly because of child abuse, the byproduct of being born into an unstable family. Crack was abused not because of his race but because of being exposed to people who were disgusting and who probably were abused themselves who decided to make themselves feel better by hurting someone else. It's hard to let that go.

The main thing as in "Good Will Hunting" is realizing and accepting that as a child Will/Crack was never responsible for what happened. That's the turning point in the film where Will stops attacking the therapist, stops fighting everyone, and starts healing. Crack has been attacking ST (and white people) the same way Will was attacking the therapist, played by Robin Williams.

I learned you really can't help someone who hasn't asked for help. They end up feeling threatened and attacking back. It's a defense mechanism, just like the guys here who attack Crack because he's attacked them.

ST was trying to help Crack without having to reveal too much of his own private business. For his effort he was called a "liar," that he couldn't possibly understand Crack's experience. Then ST revealed he had in fact dealt with personal issues and done therapy. That didn't matter because Crack didn't want to hear it. He went right back to his racism rant.

ST wisely withdrew. There was nothing evil about that. I think many of us commenters wish Crack peace. But there is nothing we can do to fix his life. He has to seek out healing on his own. Honestly he's not innocent in this, he practically disowned his sister for finding something which has helped her (Reiki) because he doesn't approve. Nice bro, huh? Idiot, imo.

I've found it's hard and painful to open yourself up to that level of awareness to see where you have been confused (through no fault of your own), which is necessary to get straightened out, and why you can't do "therapy" online in a forum with strangers some of whom are not kind hearted, let alone therapists. I sympathize with Crack also, I found most therapists I spoke with over the years were lame and incapable of understanding what I had endured as a child and for the most part unhelpful while collecting lots of money from me. One guy told me I was too injured, I didn't have enough of an ego, for him to be helpful. What a jerk. But he did tell me something useful in our two sessions which I never forgot and was very inciteful. Later I read he lost his license for Medicare fraud, ahole. No doubt about it, therapy isn't for everyone and finding a good therapist is hard. It's a crap shoot to find someone who is helpful.

Seek and ye shall find is my best advice. Open yourself to higher knowledge and it will come. If I were Crack I would seek guidance from Clarence Thomas. If not directly of course, then by reading about his life. That's my 2 cents, no charge.

narciso said...

Michael K said...

Two Crack threads now ?

The Crack Emcee said...

Gahrie said...

"Why is it evil to say that Black people can't swim, but OK to say that White people can't dance?"

Why is Bo Derek a "!0" in cornrows but black girls get sent home from school if they wear them?

The Crack Emcee said...

Michael K said...
Two Crack threads now ?

Yep - you see, if I say "Extremes are where the stupid is now: I agree with y'all on 99% - but it's not 100% so I'm a racist."


There doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it, either. It's just how white people are.

Bruce Hayden said...

@ Gahrie

Agree with your first point, in Article I, but your cite to Article II only gives Congress the right to set the date that electors are chosen, and that it has to be uniform across the country. As for the how they are selected (Article II, § 1, ¶ 2):

“Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector.”

That means that the legislatures of each of the states determines HOW their Presidential electors are selected, while Congress determines WHEN they are all selected.

The Crack Emcee said...

Gahrie said...

"Still better than shithole."

I don't know if you've traveled as much as I but some of those shitholes are pretty sweet. I can think of many shitholes I'd rather live in, than France, like this one.

You top the French, but not by much.

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