Said Albert Watkins, the lawyer for Jacob Chansley (AKA "The QAnon Shaman"), quoted in "U.S. judge scolds ‘QAnon Shaman’ for appearing on ‘60 Minutes Plus’ without permission" (WaPo).
As for the controversy over appearing on TV:
During a detention hearing Friday, Judge Royce C. Lamberth of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia questioned whether Jacob Chansley appeared in the interview that aired Thursday without the required clearance from the U.S. Marshals Service, the detention facility or the judge. The judge also questioned whether Chansley’s attorney, Albert Watkins, was deceitful in skirting proper authorization to appear on the show.... Watkins said he did make “independent arrangements” with “60 Minutes Plus” but denied conducting “subterfuge.” He said he assumed his client would be allowed to be captured on camera from his office.
What is the government interest in suppressing communication by persons charged with crimes? I can understand why someone's lawyer might advise him not to give public interviews, but why is there a requirement of "clearance from the U.S. Marshals Service, the detention facility or the judge" — and what is the extent of the clearance? Is it just about giving interviewers access to a detention facility? If it's nothing more than that, then the lawyer's assumption was correct. If it is more than that... why is it more than that?
१२० टिप्पण्या:
Tattoed Nipple Boy? Why I’d follow him through teh Gates of Hell...
the corrupt left are working over-time to hide the leftist antifa who were at the Capitol, and making the narrative that oath keepers, boogaboogers in Hawaiian shirts, and crazy gun-toting Trump white supremacists where ransacking the capitol and this close to murdering AOC and stuff..
Mr. Shaman admitted he wanted peace and safe muffins. That doesn't bode well for the corrupt cover-up.
Tattoos are exclusively uncool but we make an exception - extenuating circumstances - for qui-shaman. No one - NO ONE - could make nipple tattoos like his horned-highness distinctly fashionable. I would copy his look if my nipples weren't so sensitive.
He shames us all
'lemon curry' see terry gilliam in horns'
You have to control the people to control the narrative.
The fact that Shaman Dude seems more trustworthy than the FBI shows how rickety the narrative is.
They Are The People's Muffins.
I am Laslo.
If it is more than that... why is it more than that?
Because he is a prisoner...
John Sullivan, (known antifa) who is on tape shouting "LETS BURN THIS SHIT DOWN" - is treated like a celebrity and a "journalist" - He is even paid by CNN. Is it common practice for journalists to yell "LETS BURN THIS SHIT DOWN" - after breaking windows? at the SACRED Capitol?
All while the head of the FBI insists no Antifa or leftists were there at all.
"Because he is a prisoner..."
That's not an answer.
but seriously though,
"What is the government interest in suppressing communication by persons charged with crimes?”
Narrative management.
Been reading up on a few cases. Julie Kelly is doing great work, the only work, looking into the charges/charging documents/evidence.
Dozens are being held without bail for misdemeanors. Federal Prosecutors are making the arguments in bail hearings that bail should be denied because the accused still believe the election was stolen. Not overstating.
It's all part of the Democrat show. There was no insurrection or anything like that. This is all a big show to take away our guns, and usher in Socialism....Nancy could have had the National Guard there like President Trump requested...but she did not...ask yourself WHY!??
What is the government interest in suppressing communication by persons charged with crimes?
Unless you grant interlocatory appeal rights to seek a restraining order against a presiding judge violating a defendant's equal protection or fundamental rights, how would it ever be challenged?
It was a republic, but sorry Ben, we couldn’t keep it.
"What is the government interest in suppressing communication by persons charged with crimes?"
Ann, you are the constitutional lawyer, so if you don't know maybe there is a real problem with how the justice system is operating. Maybe they are trying to emulate China's, North Korea's, or Iran's justice system.
You are failing to see the bigger picture. EVERYONE in the criminal justice system considers themselves to be our lords and masters. They are keeping us safe, therefore they are allowed to control us for our own good. Judges are the worst of the lot.
"Federal Prosecutors are making the arguments in bail hearings that bail should be denied because the accused still believe the election was stolen.”
We have real people in real prison for "crimethink.” Liberals. ha!
Because our judges are corrupt. The prevalence of gag orders for stone/Flynn are indicative of it. As some posters have said there are people being abused and corruptly prosecuted because the democrat media is covering it up.
The idea that there is equal justice under the law in this country is ludicrous.
I have some expertise on this issue. The article doesn't include enough detail to clear up what the problem was in giving the interview.
Chansley may be being held in a sort of halfway house or detention facility that is of lesser security than a fully secure Federal prison. The article mentions that the 60 Minutes interview took place in his lawyer's office. A fully secure prison would not allow an inmate to go to his attorney's office; the attorney would have to come to the prison.
The article doesn't say whether or not there were any special pre-trial restrictions put on Chansley, such as that he wasn't permitted to be interviewed. If such a restriction were in place, that seems problematic.
Most likely, Chansley was permitted to be transported to his attorney's office for "typical" attorney-client meetings. IOW, it wouldn't be appropriate to be permitted to visit your attorney, only to have the attorney give you a private room where your partner awaited so that you could have sex. There's a security question involved, too, when Chansley is meeting with completely unknown (to the Marshalls) persons.
But it seems to me that his attorney can make an excellent case that it's necessary to use pro-defendant publicity in order to get out in front of a high-profile case such as this. Facilitating an interview falls into that category.
"Because he is a prisoner..."
That's not an answer.
Yes it is. you might not like the answer, but it is still the answer. Facts don't give a shit about your feelings.
When you are a prisoner, your rights are limited and your actions are controlled by the authorities.
Prisoners have to ask permission to take a piss, let alone give interviews.
Roger Stone was shut down too...completely.
It seems completely unconstitutional to me, but I'm no AA.
People accused of crimes aren't guilty of anything, and should have the right to argue their cases in the court and in the court of public opinion
Maybe she will weigh in.
But it seems to me that his attorney can make an excellent case that it's necessary to use pro-defendant publicity in order to get out in front of a high-profile case such as this. Facilitating an interview falls into that category.
In which case, the lawyer goes in front of the judge and asks for permission to do so.
You're missing the real point.
He's dangerous. They know he's dangerous. They're scared of him. Man had balls of solid rock. Of course they're trying to inflate his effect into something felonious.
Quite frankly we have better style than they do. Always have.
If he'd been a left wing demonstrator he'd already be foot loose and fancy free.
The US Government is afraid that Chansley or anyone else will question publicly whether there ever was any QAnon message saying that Trump would be inaugurated on March 4.
Suppose that the 60 Minutes interviewer asked Chansley whether there was such a message and Chansley answered that he never knew anything about any such message. Suppose further that 60 Minutes broadcast that part of the interview.
Julie Kelly has a great piece about an 18 year old kid who is been held without bond. A total outrage.
And DC voted 95% for Biden. They will all be convicted.
lamberth was good on some cases and not others, what was chansleys offense, besides being there, also he was a party to a number of protests like against the pipeline,
When the public hears the horned loon speak of protecting muffins it destroys the lefts narrative. Still surprised 60 Minutes aired this.How long before big tech cancels the interview. Can’t let facts interfere with the narrative.
beck compared some of the statements of contrition, with peta's statement re the raid on the hydro electric dam, in mockingjay,
Man in the Iron Mask...?
Prosecutional and judicial immunity allow this.
And both are not found in the constitution.
It allows judges and prosecutors to basically do whatever they want, since 99.99% of the time there is no punishment.
What Judge Sullivan did to Flynn is another example.
Or lack of punishment for the spying on Trump.
It’s very disheartening.
>What is the government interest in suppressing communication by persons charged with crimes?
"Ann Althouse said...
"'Because he is a prisoner...'"
"That's not an answer."
It kind of is, depending on what Gahrie means. For example, it may mean, "Because they can get away with it." That would be an answer, though not a justification.
For that matter, I'd ask what's the state's interest in keeping criminals from voting?
But then when I look at Chansley, his pals at the capitol and everyone up through Cruz and Hawley, I see that criminals are capable of voting in numbers sufficient for turning the government over to a fellow criminal, like they did for Trump.
"Federal Prosecutors are making the arguments in bail hearings that bail should be denied because the accused still believe the election was stolen. Not overstating."
And should that argument fail the feds will fall back on an argument that the arrestees may believe in the triune God and thus are a danger to Biden voters and the Federal government.
yes the two molotov throwing lawyers in gotham, will probably get a book deal, because reasons,
narcico's link
Feds Quietly Dismiss Dozens of Cases Against Antifa Extremists Who Terrorized Downtown Portland Last Summer
I thought courts have an interest preventing potential jurors from biasing themselves with too much media exposure to the principals involved in a crime and pending trial? That's why.
The leftists are quietly filtered out, and the Trump supporters will be made to suffer and pay.
why else would the FBI director lie?
If the corrupt totalitarian fascist left Could throw every Trump voter in jail - they would.
But it seems to me that his attorney can make an excellent case that it's necessary to use pro-defendant publicity in order to get out in front of a high-profile case such as this. Facilitating an interview falls into that category.
In which case, the lawyer goes in front of the judge and asks for permission to do so.}}}
That just gets us back to the question of why a defendant would have to ask a court for permission to have THIS particular type of pre-trial preparation with his attorney. Is there a rule in place, for instance, that a defendant must disclose all persons who will be present at his attorney's office during any meeting? That seems unlikely; doing so could reveal important confidential matters such as identity of defense witnesses.
so explain that, a court house was under fire, sometimes mortar fire for months at a time, but the perpetrators get the confy chair, cue terry gilliam again,
I hope we're allowed to socialize by October because I can see "buffalo shaman dude" being a very popular costume. I can also imagine all sorts of outraged uproar over it.
"Because he's a prisoner" would be a better answer if he had been convicted of a crime.
All prog arguments boil down to telling someone to shut up and remember their place.
People in charge like to be in charge.
“I hope we're allowed to socialize by October because I can see "buffalo shaman dude" being a very popular costume. I can also imagine all sorts of outraged uproar over it.”
I told my wife several days ago I would need to be Buffalo horns guy when I trick or treat in Oct. She reminded me that we don’t do that anymore. Time to start again I guess.
So what is the right outfit to wear to the Capital on a special occasion of that nature?
Since we’re on the subject, who shot Ashli Babbitt in the neck and what did officer Sicknick really die of.
"When you are a prisoner, your rights are limited and your actions are controlled by the authorities."
You have some rights, and the question is how much. So you have to give reasons and justify distinctions. This person has not yet been convicted.
"Prisoners have to ask permission to take a piss, let alone give interviews."
The man was able to give an interview from his lawyer's office, so obviously he easily did it without permission. The question is what can be done to him because of that.
I'm not going to respond to you again if you don't take the issues seriously and make rational distinctions. Telling me that I'm going on "feelings" is a way to avoid engaging. You need to do a better job. I've taken the trouble to respond to you twice, both times thinking you didn't deserve it, so I don't particularly think you will do any better going forward. So take this sentence as my rejection of what I predict you will do next.
"Federal Prosecutors are making the arguments in bail hearings that bail should be denied because the accused still believe the election was stolen.”
I should have added:.."making them a continuing threat to society".
As someone else said, there must be no deviation from the approved narrative. Buffalo man needs to understand all of Nancy’s plan before he goes popping off to these serious journalists.
those are the real questions, I don't care about chansley, the fact that there is a whole cohort of persons, who are being treated worse than the ones who destroyed main squares, who bombed police cars, who tore down monuments is the point,
the extra dollop of absurdity was the likes of roy blount, asking military police to replace the guard, and general queeq I mean honore demanding a 'rapid reaction force,
Your fascist democratic government at work! Can’t let the accused be heard!
What is the government interest in suppressing communication by persons charged with crimes?
Because it is part of the ongoing assault on Free Speech.
Since the charges are violent entry and disorderly conduct I believe he can be waterboarded under the new rules.
Blogger hpudding said...
I thought courts have an interest preventing potential jurors from biasing themselves with too much media exposure to the principals involved in a crime and pending trial? That's why.
Officer Chauvin could not be reached for comment.
Good questions by Althous. I don't know that answers.
But I do know that Judge Royce C. Lamberth is a no bullshit kind of guy, so I hope he's doing a lot of these cases
Exactly. who the hell do these Federal judges think they are? Roger Stone had a "gag order" too. And so did General Flynn. Why? There was no "Why". its just some tin-pot dictator in a black robe deciding it would be so.
The whole case against this clown is absurd, and he should be out on bail. he didn't commit any violence. Go look at the Jan 6thvideo, the capital hill police let him in the chamber and stood by while he clowned around. Didn't the Wisconsin protesters take over the state capital building and do the same thing?
Again, Mumbles McConnell and Plastic Man McCarthy should be speaking out. But are they? Of course not. Its crickets from the DC Republicans. Where is Mitt "brave sir robin" romney? I thought he believed in civil liberties.
Some of these Jan 6th protesters aren't just being gagged, they've been locked away in prison without Bail, despite not committing any violence, or being charged with any violence. Some Obama Judge just decided to punish them for having the wrong politics.
Again, isn't it curious that the ACLU is nowhere to be found. Or that all the MSM outlets and Pundits who were SO CONCERNED over the rights of the Antifa/BLM protesters don't care. Everything, and I mean everything, with these is pure politics. They don't believe in anything except the left/democrats seizing and keeping power. That's it. But some dummy will continue to believe the ACLU actually stands for "Civil liberties". Unbelievable!
why is there a requirement of "clearance from the U.S. Marshals Service, the detention facility or the judge"
Why? because the government has ABSOLUTE POWER. Pay attention! Because of Covid-19;
ALL civil liberties have been Permanently suspended
She (Assistant U.S. Attorney Kimberly Paschall) said Chansley had traveled to Washington with others and had a large online following, and there would be no guarantee that he wouldn’t continue pushing his false claims about election fraud once released.
U.S. District Judge Judge Royce C. Lamberth did not immediately rule on the issue, but did ask Watkins how he’d arranged an interview between Chansley and “60 Minutes,” saying he’d not given permission for it, as required.
-St. Louis Dispatch
At least he's done fasting, since he's now getting his requested organic vegan diet.
Going against the narrative = double plus ungood.
"Federal Prosecutors are making the arguments in bail hearings that bail should be denied because the accused still believe the election was stolen. Not overstating."
Is this true?? You can be held without bail for holding a common belief? Churchgoers next I guess. We were promised a long dark winter.
You need to get your mind right Luke.
The mention of horns and nipples made me think this was about Cuomo.
"I thought courts have an interest preventing potential jurors from biasing themselves with too much media exposure to the principals involved in a crime and pending trial? That's why."
Shaman statement on 60 Minutes, versus every-danged-media-outlet proclaiming this acts as Armed Insurrection, killers of a cop via bashing with a fire extinguisher, out to Kill Pence, Congress critters huddling in fear of their lives, over throwing the Government.
Yeah, that Shaman dude is poisoning the jury pool for sure.
Sweet baby geebuzz.
speed reading though some of the indictments of the Jan 6th protesters, its sad how many of them "turned themselves in" or cooperated with the FBI. How naïve!
People still think the FBI is a Center-right organization. Or that they can trust the people in power. Sorry, those days are over. Never talk to the FBI unless forced to. Never talk to the police without a lawyer. You can get yourself in big trouble by being "nice" and "a good citizen".
I am willing to extend our anarchist friends as much leeway as they extend to us. There. I said it.
"The mention of horns and nipples made me think this was about Cuomo"
Thought that too. Also Elliott Spitzer. Puffy nips...both of them. Horns grow only after their kind lose the veil.
Beware the un-tattoed puffy nipples. They lie.
BTW, here's what Buffalo Robes guy has been indicted on:
1) 18 U.S.C. § 231(a)(3)(Civil Disorder)
2) Obstruction of an Official Proceeding
3) Remaining in a Restricted Building
4) Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building
5) Violent Entry and Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building
6) Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building
IOW, Chicken-shit. The last one reminds me of the "Hard Days Night" and Ringo being told to go "Parading".
The "deadly weapon" carried by Buffalo Robes guy was a Flag stick with an American flag on it.
yes it's near beer, practically o'doul's, there are five lights (cue the episode with the cardassians)
Happened to come across a Simpsons episode from 1999... “Beyond Blunderdome”, that captures the current mood in DC quite well.
narciso nailed it at 11:47am and 11:48am.
"why is it more than that?"
Well, we're talking about American "law," so prosecutors and judges can ef you over any way they like.
You did teach that in law school, I assume.
rcocean said
"Never talk to the FBI unless forced to. Never talk to the police without a lawyer. You can get yourself in big trouble by being "nice" and "a good citizen"."
That pretty much goes along with never talking to them about anything. The first thing they do is trip you up on something, then threaten you, your family, your livlihood and your liberty unless you say what they want.
I love the youtube videos where people are stopped by the cops and say "I don't answer questions". Very politely, but firmly. Cops pretty much wind up slinking away. Delicious.
"Over the last four years, countless anti-Trump stories in the news relied on anonymous sources. The term ‘according to sources’ has become a punchline, and people in media are the only ones who don’t get the joke. They used this dishonest tactic to push the debunked Steele dossier, the Russia collusion lie, and more."
So true.
"A person associated with the Trump White House communicated with a member of the Proud Boys in the days before the Jan. 6 insurrection, The New York Times reports."
"Ok..muffins. Cool. What kind of muffins?"
When Gov. Rod Blagojevich was on trial in Chicago, he went out onto the street at the end of very day's proceedings and made a speech about his innocence that often included a distorted description of the testimony that day. The judge cautioned Blago that he appeared to be attempting to influence the jury through the news media, but the judge never issued any sort of gag order. At the end of the case, after Blago had been convicted, the judge threw the book at him and sentenced him to 14 years (Trump commuted Blago's sentence after he served 6 years).
I think part of the judge's ire was based on Blago's behavior in attempting to shape the public storyline about what was going on in the courtroom. I assume that Lamberth is trying to head off similar concerns about a trial that clearly will have a circus atmosphere.
Dozens are being held without bail for misdemeanors. Federal Prosecutors are making the arguments in bail hearings that bail should be denied because the accused still believe the election was stolen. Not overstating.
Resolution of even a minor offense can take over a year. Incarceration may result in loss of job, house or apartment, spouse,car, credit score as well as job or skill progress while process drags on.
"Because he is a prisoner..."
That's not an answer.
I know... I know... Because he has tattoos around his nipples?
"He said he assumed his client would be allowed to be captured on camera from his office."
I'm not sure what this line from the Post means (note the lack of quote marks). Chansley was at the prison, his lawyer was in his (the lawyer's) office. They were communicating on Zoom and 60 Minutes sat in remotely.
The Judge's objection is that media companies (not defense lawyers) must follow a process to garner permission for an in-facility inmate interview and 60 Minutes did not do that, and the judge felt that the defense lawyer conspired with them to use his Zoom meeting with Chansley to conduct a media interview without following the process.
The rules could easily be interpreted as in place to protect the inmate.
I can provide links if you doubt my version.
And for the record, Chansley only has a tattoo around one nipple.
Facts matter.
Not a joke. Google Blue Anon and compare results to Bing or Duckduckgo
JGoogle and Urban Dictionary censor 'Blue Anon' following widespread mockery of left-wing conspiracy theories
And, just learned of BlueAnon today and it's members show up in comments. Sweet!
And for the record, Chansley only has a tattoo around one nipple.
This will be important for my Halloween costume. Thanks.
He goes against the narrative.
Can u imagine if someone heard his(false) claims and had to make an informed decision of who’s facts were the actual facts and who’s were fake? Thinking is so yesterday... four legs good, two legs better...
People still think the FBI is a Center-right organization. Or that they can trust the people in power. Sorry, those days are over. Never talk to the FBI unless forced to. Never talk to the police without a lawyer. You can get yourself in big trouble by being "nice" and "a good citizen".
My FBI daughter is evidence. Hard left. Too bad. Still family but no political discussions. Hates Trump. No good reason.
you know why Ann
"Never talk to the FBI" isn't an indictment on them. It's an indictment on us.
As a general rule, they do not operate in good faith. They know we know it. Not only do we tolerate it, we accept it.
At what point did we accept our government is the enemy?
The federal fury--led by Madame Pelosi and her minions at those who would challenge our self proclaimed "betters" and "elite" in the swamp on the Potomac knows no bounds.
You think Greta Thunberg could project faux outrage with her "How Dare You" line. The Pelosi Schumer response claiming an "armed insurrection" is their "how dare you" moment.
Folks tossing molotov cocktails and firing pyrotechnic mortars at guards around a federal courthose---or burning and looting in many cities--were either never arrested or were released on bail during the 20202 "Summer of Love". Indeed Sweet Kamala raised bail money for their release.
Some of the "armed insurrectionists" are still being held without bail. By Guam says Pelosi, we are going to make sure you never challenge us again!
I thought you people loved zero tolerance? Or does this only apply when it crushes POC?
Doesn't the Court have to issue a Ball Gag order? It's beginning to look like His Honor, esquire has exceeded his authority by going all ex post facto an shit.
Remember - Trump supporters are all bad.
But this is OK
"I thought you people loved zero tolerance?"
Who do you mean "you people"? Try to calibrate your stereotypes every few years. Most of us detest zero tolerance because it imposes a top-down, one-size-fits-all rule for all situations, for the purpose of removing judgment and discretion from the equation, lest someone out there use them wrong. I'd say that's more characteristic of you people, these days anyway.
The hard-left has done away with tolerance. They’re working to mainstream the position that their political opponents should be harassed, intimidated, maimed or even killed. In Portland, the antifa danced in the street after Aaron Danielson was murdered by one of their members.
Entire corrupt US press refuse to report a word.
Request to hpudding: Please attach an avatar to your account. It'd make it much easier to scroll past your bullshit.
Blogger Howard said...
I thought you people loved zero tolerance? Or does this only apply when it crushes POC?
No, it only applies when it crushes POS. People like you, Howard.
Symptoms for leverage and profit.
That said, from colored people (i.e. low-information attribute) to People of Color (POC) (i.e. diversity including color blocs, identity defined by skin color, racism). People of White (POW), too. Progress: one step forward, two steps backward.
The fact that Shaman Dude seems more trustworthy than the FBI shows how rickety the narrative is.
Overtly honest, perhaps green. A blast of fresh air in the rarefied climate of the House formerly known as the People's House. No crowd control (50 shades of Charlottesville). No invitation to a delegation of hundreds of thousands peacefully assembled to hear grievances. The elective abortion of an unarmed woman in an unthreatening position, surrounded by protestors and security personnel. Zero tolerance. Quite literally: off with her head! An allusion to Pelosi's novelty gavel, first, and a violent protest in the chamber, second.
Doesn't the Court have to issue a Ball Gag order? It's beginning to look like His Honor, esquire has exceeded his authority by going all ex post facto an shit.
Can't you think of something more fun to do after eating your marijuana brownies?
Get a life man.
I find this blog post important, but a bit boring. The replies are expected.
It’s a known that:
1. judges and prosecutors abuse gag orders.
2. the federal conviction rate is in the ninety percentile.
3. there are two systems of justice. One with the right politics (clinesmith, the two lawyers with the Molotov cocktails, Antifa). And one where the book is thrown at you, such as was done to Flynn. Or is being done to Assange.
What I find worrying, is why the dog did not bark?
Why is nobody important screaming at the top of their lungs about the travesties of justice?
Glenn Greenwald and Julie Kelly are exceptions. Tucker Carlson is raising some issues.
GOP in the house and senate seems silent.
Trump my guess thinks he has bigger fish to fry in the short term.
The man was able to give an interview from his lawyer's office, so obviously he easily did it without permission. The question is what can be done to him because of that.
I'm assuming whatever bail/halfway house thing he has going could be revoked and he be returned to prison, for violating the terms of whatever agreement he made.
Who killed Ashli Babbitt?
This Republic is Bananas.
The Criminal Defendant has rights, but an actor in a stage play cannot write his own lines and perform them in public. Big Brother is watching.
Bears repeating:
Blogger Rabel said...
"He said he assumed his client would be allowed to be captured on camera from his office."
I'm not sure what this line from the Post means (note the lack of quote marks). Chansley was at the prison, his lawyer was in his (the lawyer's) office. They were communicating on Zoom and 60 Minutes sat in remotely.
Who killed Ashli Babbitt?
The Assassin
"I find this blog post important, but a bit boring."
Gee, how fascinating. please keep us posted on what you consider interesting and boring. We're very, very, interested.
If the Government was afraid of him talking, CBS would cooperate with the Government, I think.
when I was in medical school, we were told that, when in doubt, we should apply the "taxi driver" rule to the elaborate stories our patients told us.
That if the average taxi driver (or any ordinary person) would think the person was crazy, then maybe they were indeed mentally ill.
This guy is obviously "crazy": a narcissitic exhibitionist who has been in both right and left wing protests: and one wonders what his drug test showed when he was arrested.
So why interview him?
For the press, it's a "twofer": interview a crazy guy as a way to smear all those at the protest as crazy, so they don't have to ask the tens of thousands of ordinary hard working people who rarely protest why they are angry.
But I guess questioning the election is taboo now in the USA: even though Time Magazine had an article explaining how the election was manipulated by certain elite groups.
So we're now subject to Hasty Pudding, the newest Leftist Troll. Ignore him and maybe he'll go away or cut back on posting as some of the other fools have.
It is enlightening and funny the way the resident conservatives with brains fisk him over and over but I prefer to scroll on past. Other than this one post, he is not worthy of my attention, like dog shit on a shoe.
"buffalo shaman dude" wanted to become an Instagram sensation. That was his deal. In this culture, that's what kids learn to aspire to. To be an 'influencer'.
Meanwhile... Who killed Ashli Babbit? An unarmed woman shot in the neck by the Capitol Police.
Capitol Police never shot 'Code Pink', when they breached Senate Hearings. They never shot 'Hand Maid Tale' insurrectionists when they breached the Capitol and occupied the Rotunda in 2018.
Why did they kill Ashli Babbit?
He might be tainting the jury pool by pushing his side of the story.
Only prosecutors are supposed to do that.
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