Paul is obviously right on the science, so what lies behind the left’s pervasive mask mania? Apart from the sheer desire to control the rest of us, a factor not to be underestimated, the answer is obvious: if Fauci and other left-wingers acknowledged that it is pointless for a person who has been vaccinated (or who has had the disease) to wear a mask, then large numbers of people would immediately go around maskless.
My second Pfizer shot started out OK. Then after about a day I developed aches and a general malaise that lasted a couple of days. My wife had a similar experience. It was not a big deal.
My local small town businesses know I've had the vaccine and don't blink when I appear without a mask.
My 60-something neighbor, who works in a school and has a number of younger colleagues, observed that the abreactions to the (second shot of the) vaccine are found only in younger people. I know this ain't science, or a random sample, or even a large sample. But it's consistent with what I've observed among my family and friends: those who had a reaction to the vaccine ("it knocked me out for 24 hours") are those under 50.
In conversation with neighbors yesterday, someone observed that women seem to have more adverse reactions to the vaccine, while men seem to be harder hit (symptomatic) with the virus.
I get my second Pfizer shot on the 28th. So far about half of my friends and family who got their second shots have complained of side effects. My 77 year old friends, husband and wife, said they had no issues whatsoever! The younger ones seem to be getting worse side effects as their immune systems are that much stronger, so I was told.
Mrs. stevew and I had our first Pfizer on Tuesday this week. General soreness in the area of the shot, no other symptoms. We get dose #2 on April 6.
I don't give a shit what Fauci the fraud says, there is no point in wearing a mask once I am fully vaccinated. I will wear a mask when entering a business if they request it, out of respect for them and their desire and need to remain open. Otherwise, lolgf.
Dr Fraudci was Clear. Even IF you've been vaccinated, or have already had Covid-19... You HAVE TO continue to wear a mask.... On Account of because there could be OTHER viruses!
But, don't Worry... We'll ALL be able to lose our masks, and return to normal... Once we've eliminated all the viruses in the world... And their mutations
"They have no idea it stops transmission, that is why you'll never be able to drop the mask. BTW masks don't work."
It would contradict everything we know about viruses if the vaccine didn't dramatically reduce the rate of transmission.
Of course you didn't say reduce, you said stop. Well we already know, or can guess with near certainty, the answer to that one. Of course a vaccination, any vaccination, does not completely eliminate the possibility of getting a virus and passing it on.
But this would be a strange virus indeed if vaccination didn't dramatically reduce the odds of getting the virus and passing it on.
This is also true even if the antibodies the vaccine induces are short-term. Let's say the antibodies last six-months on average, which may well be the case. But the vaccine also induces a T-cell response and the Covid-19 T-cells last much longer than the antibodies and may last a lifetime.
Of course you didn't say reduce, you said stop. Well we already know, or can guess with near certainty, the answer to that one. Of course a vaccination, any vaccination, does not completely eliminate the possibility of getting a virus and passing it on. >> Available real world evidence indicates a 94% or so reduction in transmission.
The measles vaccine is roughly 95% effective.
Do we wear masks to prevent the spread of measles?
Of course they're only requiring it because if they didn't require it, everyone would stop wearing them, god forbid we stop doing something that doesn't work.
Scheduled for a first shot tomorrow pm. Don't know which one. Got up too late yesterday to get an appointment at Fenway Park, a couple of blocks away. Will instead have to walk a couple of miles (uphill both ways!) to Roxbury Community College.
Hubby got his 2nd (Pfizer) a couple of weeks ago. I am still waiting for my first, and I imagine will be waiting at least another six weeks or so. (He's a teacher; I'm not, but have some pretty serious "comorbidities." Type II diabetes [recently diagnosed and well-controlled], and mild overweight, which are things everyone knows are complicating factors wrt COVID-19; and liver disease, which isn't generally recognized as such, but for me looms a lot larger than the other two.)
My parents have gotten both shots (Moderna), and apart from a weird itching reaction my Mom got after the second shot (a recognized side effect, apparently) are doing well.
Saying masks don’t work doesn’t actually make it true. If the studies of mask mandates show a modest improvement in transmission rates, and we remember that the mask mandates only top up the number of people wearing masks, then that modest improvement does not take into account any improvements made by the large number of people who were wearing masks without a mandate.
For the simple minded among you, this means that the effect of mask wearing is much greater than the effect of mask mandates alone. Masks work.
"Meanwhile the number of deaths in Europe will probably hit 1 million tomorrow. How do we blame Trump for that?"
If Trump had shut down travel between China and Europe faster, it would have prevented all the death and misery. Instead he selfishly chose to focus on 'Merica, where he shut down travel for racist reasons.
He is right, I am vaccinated, I wear the mask as a comfort to others who have no way of knowing if I have been vaccinated or not. >> So, a religious reason.
Wearing the mask outdoors is...submission. No one is going to get this from transitory outdoor proximity. I put a mask on when I go inside where there are or have been many people.
I notice that young people who have no realistic chance of a serious illness (i.e., they are under 40) are the most censorious of others' not wearing masks. Are they ill-informed, conformist, or neurotic? I say all three.
You are now GMO's if you got the gene therapy. It's not a vaccine!
I'm probably missing something. But what are you talking about?
Pfizer and Moderna, but not AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, are made from messenger RNA. The messenger RNA tells your cells to make part of the Covid-19 virus, the spike I think. This induces a response from your immune system which is the point of the vaccination.
But the messenger RNA is short-lived. It's only around for a short period of time.
By my understanding genetically modified means your nuclear DNA has been altered. But unless you have a retrovirus in your system, like for instance HIV, I don't see how your nuclear DNA can get altered by these vaccines.
We have shown that mask mandates reduce transmission through observation and we know that many people wore masks prior to the mandates, a fact which is recognized by the authors of the study, and so we can safely infer that the protective effect of masks is higher than even that shown by the mask mandate studies. That’s what we know from the 70 million person years experiment.
Would you argue that cyanide is not poisonous because we have never administered it in varying doses to humans in double blind experiments?
"He is right, I am vaccinated, I wear the mask as a comfort to others who have no way of knowing if I have been vaccinated or not."
There have been other solutions tried out in the 20th century. If everyone who had not been vaccinated had to wear a mask, or a yellow star, that would solve the problem.
Wife and I got our second Moderna Shots at Dodger Stadium three weeks ago. So supposedly we're "golden", since full immunity occurs two weeks afte second shot. After second shot I had a mild reaction, chills, headaches etc that lasted for about 24 hours. And at 77 we are no longer youung uns. So older folks can get reactions to. OTOH wife has had three anaphylactic reactions in the past--which made the nurses a little antsy about giving her the vaccine. She sailed through with no problem. So go figure.
As for masks--well we live in the nanny state of Southern California so there's a lot of social pressure to "mask up" when out in public.
"the result of the studies is that self-reported mask wearing did not result in a significant reduction in transmission”
Those studies can’t account for transmission from others which is the point. Pre-symptomatic people are contagious for up to three days without knowing they are ill. Having these people wear masks is where the protective effect mainly comes from, and it simply wasn’t measured by the Danish Mask Study.
"If everyone who had not been vaccinated had to wear a mask, or a yellow star, that would solve the problem.”
Or people could just continue to wear masks indoors in places where everybody has to go to live their daily lives, like supermarkets and drug stores for another couple of months. Nobody is forced to go to a bar or a restaurant, people can take their chances there.
"The younger ones seem to be getting worse side effects as their immune systems are that much stronger, so I was told."
That was one of the perverse effects of the 1918-1920 "Spanish" flu. It was more lethal to younger people with stronger immune systems. John Barry's "The Great Influenza" is an interesting history for the general reader, but I understand that he has a point of view about origins that is not undisputed. He believes that the crossover occurred in the US in Kansas. Many others think elsewhere.
"Or people could just continue to wear masks indoors in places where everybody has to go to live their daily lives, like supermarkets and drug stores for another couple of months. Nobody is forced to go to a bar or a restaurant, people can take their chances there."
Once you see that many people don’t have proper mask skills, it’s hard to argue with certainty that masks add any value. At best, they are a team flag. At worst, they are a surrender flag.
I wear one only where masks are required, except for our local park. They are required there but it’s outdoors and I’m never close to anyone else. My rebellious side. And science.
Btw Rand Paul is right and Fauci is an actor. Fauci should exit stage left right about now. I’m curious about his link to the Wuhan lab. Funny no one has directly asked him about the details on Gain of Function testing there.
Replying to Skeptical Voter at 7:49. Thanks for sharing your experience, and I'm happy you are through the worst part of the reaction period.
A lot of the exchange between Rand Paul and Fauci was around the question of whether a vaccinated person should be required to wear a mask. Rand Paul called it (my paraphrase) "for theatrical purposes only". And your experience seems consistent with that: wear your mask (after you've been vaccinated) not for any scientific reason, but because it reassures your nervous nelly (when did "nervous nelly" get replaced by "Karen"?) neighbors.
We have shown that mask mandates reduce transmission through observation and we know that many people wore masks prior to the mandates, a fact which is recognized by the authors of the study, and so we can safely infer that the protective effect of masks is higher than even that shown by the mask mandate studies. That’s what we know from the 70 million person years experiment. >> Does California have a higher rate of mask wearing than Florida? Yes or No? If you think the answer is no, well, you're an idiot.
If yes, why does California have an indistinguishable cumulative case count compared to Florida?
That is what we know from the 70M person year experiment. California has had a mask mandate from nearly day 1 and has less than a percent difference in both cases and deaths, despite having a younger population.
>> Would you argue that cyanide is not poisonous because we have never administered it in varying doses to humans in double blind experiments? >> Uh. What exactly do you call the use of the gas chamber? No cyanide, alive. Cyanide, dead. The powers of observation.
"Once you see that many people don’t have proper mask skills, it’s hard to argue with certainty that masks add any value. “
If you look at the results, this is accounted for. Sure the numbers would be better if people had better mask habits, this goes more to prove that masks work, since they show an effect even weighed down by poor usage by many people. Still I go to the supermarket and I don’t see very many people out of the people I see there as a whole, wearing their masks improperly. It’s not even a case of ‘there’s always one.” Maybe that depends on where you live.
If you look at the results, this is accounted for. >> There is no difference.
>> Sure the numbers would be better if people had better mask habits >> Argument with no evidence.
>>Still I go to the supermarket and I don’t see very many people out of the people I see there as a whole, wearing their masks improperly. It’s not even a case of ‘there’s always one.” Maybe that depends on where you live. >> Anecdotal garbage.
What is your explanation for California vs. Florida. How does the hypothesis that masks do a damn thing survive that?
tim in vermont said, "Pre-symptomatic people are contagious for up to three days without knowing they are ill. Having these people wear masks is where the protective effect mainly comes from, and it simply wasn’t measured by the Danish Mask Study."
This does not intuitively make sense to me. And that doesn't mean your statement is wrong. But it does violate what I think I know about how viruses spread.
Basically the odds of one person spreading this virus to another should be roughly proportional (logorithm) to the amount of virus they are emitting. If person A is emitting a billion times more virus than person B, then person A is far more likely to infect others.
And basically that is the difference between a person that is pre-symptomatic and one that is symptomatic.
Your immune system responds rapidly. It may take a few hours but your immune system will be ramping up exponentially and just behind the virus as it also ramps up exponentially.
Thus unless you are very unfortunate and encounter an infected person with high levels of the virus in the six hours or so before they will have obvious symptoms, then the amount of virus they are emitting is going to be quite low.
Pfizer developed the vaccine and built production capacity at their own risk before developing it. Remember this when Bernie tells us big pharma executives are murderers and the industry is a criminal one.
I am living in Florida, and in the most populous counties, masks are mandated and people comply. >> As I was standing up at the bar, with a maskless crowd in Miami Beach a couple weeks ago, I was thinking the exact same thing.
Got my 2nd Moderna shot at 4pm yesterday. Could not sleep last night and left work really early today. I think the malaise and slight aches are starting to wear off.
im in vermont said... Saying masks don’t work doesn’t actually make it true. If the studies of mask mandates show a modest improvement in transmission rates, and we remember that the mask mandates only top up the number of people wearing masks, then that modest improvement does not take into account any improvements made by the large number of people who were wearing masks without a mandate.
For the simple minded among you, this means that the effect of mask wearing is much greater than the effect of mask mandates alone. Masks work. **************
Oh, fuck you. Did you listen to Faucisti today, where he speculated that new variants "might" lead to more deaths? Well that kind of reasoning will get you nowhere, because the variants may never stop.
On top of that he said vaccines might offer only six months protection----but in point of fact HE DOESN"T KNOW.
And EXPERIENCE tells us that young people don't die from covid, nor is there evidence that they transmit the disease among younger people under 50 or so. And very few of such people die from the disease.
Old people are overwhelmingly the only group that dies from covid, and almost all of them are already vaccinated.
So...who among all those masked up young people who aren't going to die are going to cause vaccinated oldsters to die?
He is right, I am vaccinated, I wear the mask as a comfort to others who have no way of knowing if I have been vaccinated or not.
Others aren't smart enough to take care of themselves? If they are depending on strangers, for their safety, they are going to die.
That's a core issue of the mandate madness. The notion that ONLY GOVERNMENT MANDATES, can make a difference. If you are vulnerable, take appropriate measures. If you dont know what those measures cant be helped.
The cdc says “wear a gaiter with two layers or fold it to make two layers”
Today I was told by the TSA agent who was checking my credentials at the Known Crewmember access point at LAX that I needed a mask in place of my gaiter. I also inquired about company policy with a gate agent (sea)and she told me they were denying boarding to people wearing gaiters.
Will we ever be given a choice to not wear a mask in the airports?
“ Pfizer and Moderna never tested if it stops transmission. ”
Right. The priority was to get it out the door. Which was the right priority.
Now, if it works as a vaccine it will probably work to stop transmission. Everyone knows that, and this vaccine was expected to stop transmission. But the company could not and would not make an unsupported claim. Good for them.
Since then data has come it. It seems to stop transmission well.
Step daughter is a nurse under 30. She was wiped out by her second Pfizer shot, and some of her friends got bad headaches. Older folks I know had no trouble.
My fingers are crossed and I’ll pray u continue to feel no bad effects. May u be very well inoculated against the 19!! In our NEK of the woods- our mj prison is having quite the outbreak, but so far- so good as in only a few necessary oxygen usages and recovery rates are great. The spread is most likely due to diversion of meds- and trade of said meds... I’ll leave that blank so as not to incriminate. If they don’t feel sick- they don’t act sick etc.
My daughter is taking a Contemporary Issues class... a book by Taneshi Coates (sorry if I spelled his name incorrectly) and watching the 13th Amendment movie. I’ll just say: it’s disturbing. So I found this: and gave it to her, which is our back yard as in- all of VT is our back yard w/in 100miles if we need anything. And I surfed some Thomas Sowell- who knows how great his culture was in the 40s and 50s and also found a fella named Trevor Phillips who is - well, idk, yet. I haven’t listened to him enough but he’s smooth. In a good way, I’m thinking.
Oh, and I showed my husband this: ... he thinks it’s BS and there has to be more to the story b/c it’s insane. Maybe it is. The average Jo/Anne thinks anything swimming out of mainstream is a lie. Blogs? They won’t listen. I feel extremely grateful to have stumbled onto blogs back in ‘05 b/c I’d have mush in my head if I didn’t. Not everything is gospel, but by gawsh- I stand a much greater chance of reading truth than not.
I got the second Pfizer on the 16th, and was knocked out for two days, tired, headache, chills, sore arm at the injection site, and had a slight fever. Even though I'm feeling better today I still have a slight fever and slightly sore arm. So nothing worrying but something definitely is happening. I'm 70 y.o. so am I supposed to be happy about this? I think no one really knows for sure. Younger people report more reactions after the second dose than older people and the theory is because younger people have stonger immune systems. But I have assumed my immune system is not that strong because I have had minimal contact and exposure to other people. I could be having a similar reaction to younger people for completely different reasons.
I didn't have much luck finding out anything: "Dr. Jennifer Forrester, associate professor of infectious diseases at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and associate chief medical officer at UC Health, agreed that, ultimately, experts don't know why this appears to be happening.
"Whether it is age, something genetic or something else about the immune system that we have yet to understand, it does appear that some people have either more intense or prolonged reaction to the vaccine. We really don't know why, though, and we are still learning more," she said. (
I'm willing to take the scientists' word for it that this vaccine is worth it and hope that in two weeks I can be less apprehensive about getting Covid and the dire consequences. And finally we all can get past his insanity.
I've asked all of my friends who have received the vaccine that I'd like to never see them wear a mask again. Same with friends that already have COVID. Otherwise, we'll never get back to normal.
A nurse friend who already had it had a pretty bad reaction. She posted about it on Facebook and fb made sure I knew the vaccine was safe. Made me laugh because the nurse is one of the biggest Covid believers there is. But saying anything negative about the vaccine, which she recommends, and fb censorship abounds.
Well, since you mentioned the effect on the young, here's my experience. I'm 70, and I live in the far East Tennessee neck of the woods. We old folks received our first dose of Moderna over a month ago. For me, no side effect. However, last week's second round was a donkey of a different color. Got the shot at 1:00pm, picked up groceries, even filed my taxes with my preparer before round II kicked in. Dragged home, fell in bed, and stayed there for 2 days. As I got better, I felt somewhat listless. Sore arm for almost a week. My Story.
For the guys among us who are concerned about the vaccine, let me say this:
My 68 year old penis has grown from 7" to 11" and is constantly hard as a rock. My wife has screaming orgasms. The major side effect is that the neighbors are wondering what is going on.
John Barry's "The Great Influenza" is an interesting history for the general reader, but I understand that he has a point of view about origins that is not undisputed. He believes that the crossover occurred in the US in Kansas. Many others think elsewhere.
Yes, he has an interesting theory that it jumped species in Kansas and spread with the soldiers going to Europe in WWI. It is an interesting theory. China, which was not involved in WWI, is the source of most influenza since ducks and pigs seem to be the reservoir. Chinese peasants keep both in proximity to families. Bubonic plague and tuberculosis could also be from China thousands of years ago. It has been the most densely populated area of the earth since rice culture was invented.
Of course, China was also the source of SARS-1 which is a corona virus. It was a poor pathogen since it is too deadly to spread far. 23% mortality. Some of the hysteria undoubtedly due to that mortality.
I've had both shots -- no problem, but that's the kind of guy I am -- I'm not being macho, I just don't tend to react negatively to shots or treatments. But I know people who have had pretty uncomfortable reactions, particularly to the second shot. Others on this thread have had or observed similar situations. So if you are part of that X% of the population who are reluctant t0 get the vaccine, is it enough incentive for you to be told that, if you get vaccinated, you could have a "small family gathering on the Fourth of July"? I don't think so.
I've said before, and I'll say again, 2 weeks after the second shot, issue a badge that relieves the wearer from the mask, social distancing, etc, mandate. Give us an incentive.
I’ll be honest—I’ve come to prefer the physical distancing of the past 12 months. Really, hand shakes... bro hugs... social kiss kiss kissing. Who needs it? I hope just because everyone gets vaxed we won’t have all that nonsense come crushing back down on society. I especially appreciate people who manage to refrain from getting in my face and yelling and sharing their flecks of spittle. Seriously, I have my beloved wife for intimacy and affection and swapping spit. The rest of you, please, 3 ft is close enough. Thank you.
I had 2nd Pfizer March 7, wifey had 2nd Moderna March 13. She felt cold and punky the next day. I have had an erection ever since...oh, wait.
In fact we did very well and are damned glad that modern technology and hard work by tons of people and sheer luck have made this possible. But I will not forgive the tyrannical idiots who made this such a debacle.
Query Do Trumpsters think the advice of the government to wash our hands is also Unconstitutional? When you all choke your monkey do you forego washing your hands afterwards because t you're not going to let anyone tell you what to do?
When I read title of post, I had a feeling that this would be a interesting review of Althouse commenter experiences with the vaccine. Very enjoyable to read.
ME? 2nd dose (Moderna) a week ago w/hubby in a drive-thru mega site. First dose was a breeze, 2nd I was moderately ill for a day.
Discounting for chance, for observational (i.e. circumstantial) evidence, wearing a mask is comparable to flipping a coin, at best, or actually increases infection in the population. Well, nothing short of N95, following strict protocol, and don't forget the goggles. The primary asymptomatic transmission mode, the only source of viable viruses (in patient rooms), is fecal transmission. Not quite HIV/AIDS, which requires back... black hole... whore h/t NAACP penetration. The efficacy of masks follows intuitive ("cargo cult") science.
"Mutaman said...Query Do Trumpsters think the advice of the government to wash our hands is also Unconstitutional? " Same level of Science. Got it. Clever! (Now give us your daily update of familial gov grift)
China was also the source of SARS-1 which is a corona virus. It was a poor pathogen since it is too deadly to spread far. 23% mortality. Some of the hysteria undoubtedly due to that mortality.
Mutaman said... Query Do Trumpsters think the advice of the government to wash our hands is also Unconstitutional? When you all choke your monkey do you forego washing your hands afterwards because t you're not going to let anyone tell you what to do? ****************
The virus is not only fat soluble, but is deconstructed in solution, which is why it is effective to wash hands with soap and water to clear both symptomatic and asymptomatic (i.e. fecal) transmission. In fact, you should wash your hands, each time, every time, after eliminating. Also, be sure to clear your nose filter, before you ingest the virus-laden mucous. And don't forget your goggles. The eyes are a window to social and viral contagion.
Mrs. stevew and I had our first Pfizer on Tuesday this week. General soreness in the area of the shot, no other symptoms. We get dose #2 on April 6.
I don't give a shit what Fauci the fraud says, there is no point in wearing a mask once I am fully vaccinated. I will wear a mask when entering a business if they request it, out of respect for them and their desire and need to remain open. Otherwise, lolgf. ******************
I got blown off today for the third time by the (formerly) World Class Lahey Clinic when I applied for a letter allowing me to exercise in my huge gym on a treadmill w/o the stupid mask.
They invoked Fauci and the CDC.
Did I mention that I've had both my covid shots? That at my age I NEED to be able to get vigorous exercise, which I can't get with the stupid mask?
That my gym has hospital-grade filtration and disinfection equipment?
That the gym publishes its covid stats on its website, and that in the past 7 months since they resumed operation they have had two reported covid cases among clients and staff, and NO deaths?
It's idiots, morons and incompetents...all the way down.
Doctors who have participated in this bullshit will soon learn that their intellectual, social and "professional" status has taken a huge hit.
I still don't qualify quite yet in Socal although signing up seems a lot honor system. But feel safer as vaccinations continue around me. Mask compliance at 98% in my experience. No one in earshot grumbles.
A couple hours later, and the right shoulder hurts a bit too. Weird. First shot went into the right, and second the left. Could feel it a bit in the left, then right a couple hours later.
A couple weeks ago, a cousin having her healthcare with Kaiser, living in a western Denver suburb, had to drive to Pueblo to get her first shot. That works out to better than 100 miles each way. Not sure why she would be with Kaiser - she is clearly old enough to be on Medicare (should be turning 70 any month now). Both of my shots were paid 100% by Medicare, and by Part D supplement wasn’t needed. That seems to be the case in AZ, at least. I definitely am spoiled - the Maricopa County NE injection site is less than a mile from the house. For her, it was better than a half day event, and for me, it was maybe 20 minutes, including the required 15 minute wait after the injection.
Example of the stupidity of masks. Went into a Staples store to look for a bottle of air, since my regular source (Fry's) has closed.
Saw a worker about 15 feet away, asked if she knew where they kept the air? I have had 2 doses of pfizer, second on March 4th by Santa Clara County at Levi Stadium. So according to Israli study now bullet-proof.
She saw I had mask, but only over mouth. As she got closer, she kept pointing at nose. When I put mask over nose, she came within 6 feet to talk to me. She thinks that the masks actually work. Magic. Wear a mask, the virus can't hurt me. This is the problem, distance is useful, but wearing masks, people have to come close to talk, so it reduces any usefulness of masks.
Had no reaction to either shot.
When we walk in the park,have put the same torn mask on my chin (beard)for the past 4 months. Prior to getting shots, practiced keeping a 9 foot separation. It is hard because many people think the masks actually do something, so don't keep away. That is why I think the masks end up making things worse, because they give a false sense of security, just like TSA security theater.
One thing i will keep doing is a way to avoid common surfaces contamination. I carry thin coffee cup cardboard sleeves. I tear a strip when I touch an elevator button, or an ATM. I then carefully discard the used cardboard strip in the nearest trash can, so reduce the chance of contamination. Even if I am not infectious, those touch screens cannot be cleaned. So virus to hand, to mask, to eye, to infection. With widespread use of common touch screens, they are a potential source of infection that masks or social distancing does nothing about.
Dear BFTPFCP,Thanks for concern, however, although I was watching events carefully, really wasn't worried, easy to say as I glide well into after-the-fact. You develop a tendency for a slightly cynical point of view: Hope for the Best, Expect the Worst. Try to laugh, anyway. Meade, now is the time to encourage our tolitarian betters to throw around some gratuitous displays of power, just to show flyover deplorables who's Boss. They could start with bro hugs, although excessive handshaking is close in running. While we're at it, absolutely no cheek pinching, even if the recipient is 8. And, for God's Sake, no kissing on each cheek; what do you think we are? French??!!
I get my second shot on April 6. Another hour and a half drive. Oh, well. At least I don't have to go to the United Center down town(down town Chicago) and wait outside. Blogger tim in vermont said... "Meanwhile the number of deaths in Europe will probably hit 1 million tomorrow. How do we blame Trump for that?" LOL! Mutaman will be here in a minute with charts and straw men.
I can kind of understand the objections to masks, the evidence that they work is hard to understand if you are dead set on not understanding it, but I don’t get the objections to social distancing. There was a flight to Singapore, early on, pre-mask mandate on flights, where one passenger infected 90% of the people within six feet of him. It just doesn’t seem like that big of an imposition, even if the evidence supporting it is kind of thin and spotty.
Just the fact that these measures have totally kiboshed the flu should be some indication that they work. Not to mention an indication that we are not dealing with “just a flu."
I’d prefer to get one shot - either just the first mRNA one, or the J&J one. The former touts ~85% efficacy, the latter ~65-70% efficacy. Why is J&J efficacy ok but just the first mRNA not ok, per CDC? Just trying to understand here... If I get just the first mRNA, will I be deemed “vaccinated”?
It just doesn’t seem like that big of an imposition, even if the evidence supporting it is kind of thin and spotty. >> You clearly have no social life.
You also either never talk with people or have perfect hearing and the people you speak with have perfect enunciation.
I can't hear shit when people talk through their masks.
It is a huge imposition.
But more to the point, you are willing to give up your freedom for jack shit. I'm not.
David, he will wear his face diaper because he believes it makes him morally superior. You can’t argue with logic like his. He’s not giving up freedom, he’s gaining, in his mind only, superiority over others. Laugh at him and move on to intelligent people.
My sister is visiting from CA and on the way home from the airport we stopped for gas. She said, can I really go in there without a mask and no one will say anything? My husband said, "I was just there on Friday and no one said anything to me." We've been in there when workers weren't even masked.
She came out and called her husband excited because it's the first time she's been in public without one in a year. So yeah, there's a difference in mask usage according to your state.
"Tim in vermont said... ...I don’t get the objections to social distancing....It just doesn’t seem like that big of an imposition, even if the evidence supporting it is kind of thin and spotty."
Only an idiot could fail to see the economic impact of social distancing. Or the effects on schools.
I love all these comments here, and frankly everywhere, on the lack of reaction at the injection site, or short term bodily reaction. That's not the concern. No reaction does not mean no effect. The concerns are future reactions...exposure to the virus causing Cytokine Storms, cancers, etc. One of the reasons that vaccines take so long to be approved is that they check for long term effects. That's not happening with this...well, it's not a vaccine in the historical sense.
That's not happening with this...well, it's not a vaccine in the historical sense. >> Astra and JNJ are very close to a "historical sense" vaccine tech. Novavax (likely to be approved soon) is a tuned-up version of a historical vaccine tech (protein+adjuvant, no genetic material anywhere).
So if you want to wait for NVAX, you can. It looks very effective too, including the Brit variant.
The COVID injection is not even known to stop the spread of COVID. Dr. Larry Corey, who oversees National Institutes of Health COVID-19 vaccine trials said on 11/20/20: “The studies aren’t designed to assess transmission. They don’t ask that question, and there’s really no information on this at this point in time.”
Are we being fair to Fauci and other authorities who state we still need to wear masks even after becoming immune through contracting Covid or by getting vaccinated?
I have read that there are different kinds of immunity to disease. One type of immunity--let me use a loose term here--"sterilizes" you. When you encounter the pathogen again, you not only don't get sick, but your immune system is so quick to kill the pathogen that you also don't carry around enough pathogen particles to infect others. The other kind of immunity is a little less totalizing. When you encounter the pathogen again, your body fights it off but not as quickly---so you CAN spread the pathogen during the days that your immune system is fighting off the disease. We don't yet know which kind of immunity is being conferred with Covid.
Also, Fauci told Rand Paul at a recent hearing that it was important to keep wearing masks because the new variant diseases, especially the South African, may be infectious to those who are immune to the normal Covid.
It's necessary that a fair and intelligent discussion of where we go from here addresses these points.
"Notice something about Fauci’s responses? He doesn’t offer any proof that infections or reinfections will happen for those who come across the variants. Secondly, Fauci literally implies that masking is necessary because immunity doesn’t work. Third, he also is saying that we will have to mask against the variants. "
I have read that there are different kinds of immunity to disease. One type of immunity--let me use a loose term here--"sterilizes" you. When you encounter the pathogen again, you not only don't get sick, but your immune system is so quick to kill the pathogen that you also don't carry around enough pathogen particles to infect others. The other kind of immunity is a little less totalizing. When you encounter the pathogen again, your body fights it off but not as quickly---so you CAN spread the pathogen during the days that your immune system is fighting off the disease. We don't yet know which kind of immunity is being conferred with Covid.
>> All bullshit.
Again, the vaccine trials tested for active virus where? IN your nasopharynx. And found none. Otherwise the person would have been classified as 'infected'
If there is no virus in the nasopharynx after vaccination, there is no way to transmit this virus.
We do not know whether the vaccine will prevent infection and protect against onward transmission. Immunity persists for several months, but the full duration is not yet known. These important questions are being studied.
In the meantime, we must maintain public health measures that work: masking, physical distancing, handwashing, respiratory and cough hygiene, avoiding crowds, and ensuring good ventilation.
1) Basic science: You need active virus to spread active virus. 2) the clinical studies determined whether you were infected or not using standard RT-PCR of nasopharyngeal swabs like all the other RT-PCR tests to see if you’re positive or negative. 3) in comparing 2 groups of people, one vaccinated and one not, the companies saw reduction in infections. How did they detect those infections? By #2. 4) If you have no active virus hanging around, you cannot transmit it.
5) Real world data in Israel and the UK confirm this.
There are two important items that seem to have slipped through the cracks. First, RO, the number of people infected per case. Less than 1.0 the infection rate drops. Has anyone seen a current estimate of our RO?
Second, viral load, how much of a dose of virus are you attacked by.The higher the viral load, the more likely you are to get a disease. A low viral load is more likely to just kick in an immune response. This is likely why people in enclosed facilities like rest homes and prisons are more likely to get infected, due to a greater chance of a heavy viral load when they first encounter a virus.
Two factors: vaccines, and coming closer to herd immunity, should each improve those two important factors for the virus from Wuhan.
We live in Heinlein's "crazy years", is the only answer I have for our strange times.
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Welcome to the club! Got my 2nd shot on the 27th of Feb.
I got my 2nd (Pfizer) yesterday. Have a headache today, otherwise fine.
Drop the mask in 2 weeks
So no masks now?
Paul is obviously right on the science, so what lies behind the left’s pervasive mask mania? Apart from the sheer desire to control the rest of us, a factor not to be underestimated, the answer is obvious: if Fauci and other left-wingers acknowledged that it is pointless for a person who has been vaccinated (or who has had the disease) to wear a mask, then large numbers of people would immediately go around maskless.
Here's to good health!
My second Pfizer shot started out OK. Then after about a day I developed aches and a general malaise that lasted a couple of days. My wife had a similar experience. It was not a big deal.
My local small town businesses know I've had the vaccine and don't blink when I appear without a mask.
My wife and I get our 2nd Pfizer shot on the March 27.
Got my second Puh-fizer a week ago, no side effects. Mrs. Slothrop had a sore arm for a couple of days. Another week and we'll be bulletproof!
I still have a week to go for my second Pfizer shot.
It must be because I am so much younger than Althouse.
My 60-something neighbor, who works in a school and has a number of younger colleagues, observed that the abreactions to the (second shot of the) vaccine are found only in younger people. I know this ain't science, or a random sample, or even a large sample. But it's consistent with what I've observed among my family and friends: those who had a reaction to the vaccine ("it knocked me out for 24 hours") are those under 50.
Glad to hear it. Here's hoping there are no side effects. I'm not eligible until June.
They have no idea it stops transmission, that is why you'll never be able to drop the mask. BTW masks don't work.
In conversation with neighbors yesterday, someone observed that women seem to have more adverse reactions to the vaccine, while men seem to be harder hit (symptomatic) with the virus.
Some facts you should know
I get my second Pfizer shot on the 28th. So far about half of my friends and family who got their second shots have complained of side effects. My 77 year old friends, husband and wife, said they had no issues whatsoever! The younger ones seem to be getting worse side effects as their immune systems are that much stronger, so I was told.
I’ll get my first tomorrow. Wife has completed both.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis holds a public health roundtable in Tallahassee Thursday morning.
The governor is joined by Dr.Scott Atlas, Professor Sunetra Gupta, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, and Dr. Martin Kulldorff at the Florida State Capitol.
Nice, you are free to go!
Mrs. stevew and I had our first Pfizer on Tuesday this week. General soreness in the area of the shot, no other symptoms. We get dose #2 on April 6.
I don't give a shit what Fauci the fraud says, there is no point in wearing a mask once I am fully vaccinated. I will wear a mask when entering a business if they request it, out of respect for them and their desire and need to remain open. Otherwise, lolgf.
So no masks now?
Dr Fraudci was Clear. Even IF you've been vaccinated, or have already had Covid-19...
You HAVE TO continue to wear a mask.... On Account of because there could be OTHER viruses!
But, don't Worry... We'll ALL be able to lose our masks, and return to normal...
Once we've eliminated all the viruses in the world... And their mutations
"They have no idea it stops transmission, that is why you'll never be able to drop the mask. BTW masks don't work."
It would contradict everything we know about viruses if the vaccine didn't dramatically reduce the rate of transmission.
Of course you didn't say reduce, you said stop. Well we already know, or can guess with near certainty, the answer to that one. Of course a vaccination, any vaccination, does not completely eliminate the possibility of getting a virus and passing it on.
But this would be a strange virus indeed if vaccination didn't dramatically reduce the odds of getting the virus and passing it on.
This is also true even if the antibodies the vaccine induces are short-term. Let's say the antibodies last six-months on average, which may well be the case. But the vaccine also induces a T-cell response and the Covid-19 T-cells last much longer than the antibodies and may last a lifetime.
I'm at full strength now. Pfizerrific!
Didn't notice any reaction to either shot.
Of course you didn't say reduce, you said stop. Well we already know, or can guess with near certainty, the answer to that one. Of course a vaccination, any vaccination, does not completely eliminate the possibility of getting a virus and passing it on.
Available real world evidence indicates a 94% or so reduction in transmission.
The measles vaccine is roughly 95% effective.
Do we wear masks to prevent the spread of measles?
Of course they're only requiring it because if they didn't require it, everyone would stop wearing them, god forbid we stop doing something that doesn't work.
Good luck...I'm sure you will be fine : )
My sister had a reaction to shot #2. Just one day spent in bed. Her age is Althousian.
Scheduled for a first shot tomorrow pm. Don't know which one. Got up too late yesterday to get an appointment at Fenway Park, a couple of blocks away. Will instead have to walk a couple of miles (uphill both ways!) to Roxbury Community College.
Maybe David look at this
Pfizer and Moderna never tested if it stops transmission.
You are now GMO's if you got the gene therapy. It's not a vaccine!
Hubby got his 2nd (Pfizer) a couple of weeks ago. I am still waiting for my first, and I imagine will be waiting at least another six weeks or so. (He's a teacher; I'm not, but have some pretty serious "comorbidities." Type II diabetes [recently diagnosed and well-controlled], and mild overweight, which are things everyone knows are complicating factors wrt COVID-19; and liver disease, which isn't generally recognized as such, but for me looms a lot larger than the other two.)
My parents have gotten both shots (Moderna), and apart from a weird itching reaction my Mom got after the second shot (a recognized side effect, apparently) are doing well.
Saying masks don’t work doesn’t actually make it true. If the studies of mask mandates show a modest improvement in transmission rates, and we remember that the mask mandates only top up the number of people wearing masks, then that modest improvement does not take into account any improvements made by the large number of people who were wearing masks without a mandate.
For the simple minded among you, this means that the effect of mask wearing is much greater than the effect of mask mandates alone. Masks work.
Pfizer and Moderna never tested if it stops transmission.
1) it's a stupid question. Of course it does.
2) real world evidence confirms that it does.
Meanwhile the number of deaths in Europe will probably hit 1 million tomorrow. How do we blame Trump for that?
Saying masks don’t work doesn’t actually make it true
Correct. 70 million person-years of experience makes it true.
Or more to the point, you have not disproved the null hypothesis in this massive, year long experiment.
Ergo, masks don't work.
Good luck, Professor. I had the Pfizer and had zero reaction to both shots. Mrs tastid212 had the J&J and was out of action for a day.
The only advice I can offer is, for any kind of shot, to keep your muscles relaxed - that seems to prevent a sore arm.
Reactions are individual. Neither my wife nor I had problems.
She was Moderna, I was Pfizer.
"Meanwhile the number of deaths in Europe will probably hit 1 million tomorrow. How do we blame Trump for that?"
If Trump had shut down travel between China and Europe faster, it would have prevented all the death and misery. Instead he selfishly chose to focus on 'Merica, where he shut down travel for racist reasons.
“If you have immunity they’re theater. If you already have immunity you’re wearing a mask to give comfort to others.” - Rand Paul
He is right, I am vaccinated, I wear the mask as a comfort to others who have no way of knowing if I have been vaccinated or not.
He is right, I am vaccinated, I wear the mask as a comfort to others who have no way of knowing if I have been vaccinated or not.
So, a religious reason.
And a stupid one.
Just had my 2d shot as well. Plus a 3d and a 4th.
We're talking whiskey, right?
Wearing the mask outdoors is...submission. No one is going to get this from transitory outdoor proximity. I put a mask on when I go inside where there are or have been many people.
I notice that young people who have no realistic chance of a serious illness (i.e., they are under 40) are the most censorious of others' not wearing masks. Are they ill-informed, conformist, or neurotic? I say all three.
You are now GMO's if you got the gene therapy. It's not a vaccine!
I'm probably missing something. But what are you talking about?
Pfizer and Moderna, but not AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, are made from messenger RNA. The messenger RNA tells your cells to make part of the Covid-19 virus, the spike I think. This induces a response from your immune system which is the point of the vaccination.
But the messenger RNA is short-lived. It's only around for a short period of time.
By my understanding genetically modified means your nuclear DNA has been altered. But unless you have a retrovirus in your system, like for instance HIV, I don't see how your nuclear DNA can get altered by these vaccines.
"Ergo, masks don't work.”
We have shown that mask mandates reduce transmission through observation and we know that many people wore masks prior to the mandates, a fact which is recognized by the authors of the study, and so we can safely infer that the protective effect of masks is higher than even that shown by the mask mandate studies. That’s what we know from the 70 million person years experiment.
Would you argue that cyanide is not poisonous because we have never administered it in varying doses to humans in double blind experiments?
"He is right, I am vaccinated, I wear the mask as a comfort to others who have no way of knowing if I have been vaccinated or not."
There have been other solutions tried out in the 20th century. If everyone who had not been vaccinated had to wear a mask, or a yellow star, that would solve the problem.
Good for you. I'm assuming Meade also got his?
If so, we'll look forward to photos of you two carousing around downtown Madison restaurants in about two weeks.
tim--the result of the studies is that self-reported mask wearing did not result in a significant reduction in transmission.
But go ahead, keep plucking that chicken. You can be as conformist and as scared as you want.
Even the weak ass anish-Day ask-May udy-Stay showed that fewer people in the masked group caught the virus and many fewer required medical attention.
Wife and I got our second Moderna Shots at Dodger Stadium three weeks ago. So supposedly we're "golden", since full immunity occurs two weeks afte second shot. After second shot I had a mild reaction, chills, headaches etc that lasted for about 24 hours. And at 77 we are no longer youung uns. So older folks can get reactions to. OTOH wife has had three anaphylactic reactions in the past--which made the nurses a little antsy about giving her the vaccine. She sailed through with no problem. So go figure.
As for masks--well we live in the nanny state of Southern California so there's a lot of social pressure to "mask up" when out in public.
"the result of the studies is that self-reported mask wearing did not result in a significant reduction in transmission”
Those studies can’t account for transmission from others which is the point. Pre-symptomatic people are contagious for up to three days without knowing they are ill. Having these people wear masks is where the protective effect mainly comes from, and it simply wasn’t measured by the Danish Mask Study.
"If everyone who had not been vaccinated had to wear a mask, or a yellow star, that would solve the problem.”
Or people could just continue to wear masks indoors in places where everybody has to go to live their daily lives, like supermarkets and drug stores for another couple of months. Nobody is forced to go to a bar or a restaurant, people can take their chances there.
Rand Paul is the one suggesting the yellow star thing.
"The younger ones seem to be getting worse side effects as their immune systems are that much stronger, so I was told."
That was one of the perverse effects of the 1918-1920 "Spanish" flu. It was more lethal to younger people with stronger immune systems. John Barry's "The Great Influenza" is an interesting history for the general reader, but I understand that he has a point of view about origins that is not undisputed. He believes that the crossover occurred in the US in Kansas. Many others think elsewhere.
"Or people could just continue to wear masks indoors in places where everybody has to go to live their daily lives, like supermarkets and drug stores for another couple of months. Nobody is forced to go to a bar or a restaurant, people can take their chances there."
Once you see that many people don’t have proper mask skills, it’s hard to argue with certainty that masks add any value. At best, they are a team flag. At worst, they are a surrender flag.
I wear one only where masks are required, except for our local park. They are required there but it’s outdoors and I’m never close to anyone else. My rebellious side. And science.
Btw Rand Paul is right and Fauci is an actor. Fauci should exit stage left right about now. I’m curious about his link to the Wuhan lab. Funny no one has directly asked him about the details on Gain of Function testing there.
Replying to Skeptical Voter at 7:49. Thanks for sharing your experience, and I'm happy you are through the worst part of the reaction period.
A lot of the exchange between Rand Paul and Fauci was around the question of whether a vaccinated person should be required to wear a mask. Rand Paul called it (my paraphrase) "for theatrical purposes only". And your experience seems consistent with that: wear your mask (after you've been vaccinated) not for any scientific reason, but because it reassures your nervous nelly (when did "nervous nelly" get replaced by "Karen"?) neighbors.
We have shown that mask mandates reduce transmission through observation and we know that many people wore masks prior to the mandates, a fact which is recognized by the authors of the study, and so we can safely infer that the protective effect of masks is higher than even that shown by the mask mandate studies. That’s what we know from the 70 million person years experiment.
Does California have a higher rate of mask wearing than Florida? Yes or No? If you think the answer is no, well, you're an idiot.
If yes, why does California have an indistinguishable cumulative case count compared to Florida?
That is what we know from the 70M person year experiment. California has had a mask mandate from nearly day 1 and has less than a percent difference in both cases and deaths, despite having a younger population.
Would you argue that cyanide is not poisonous because we have never administered it in varying doses to humans in double blind experiments?
Uh. What exactly do you call the use of the gas chamber?
No cyanide, alive. Cyanide, dead.
The powers of observation.
"Once you see that many people don’t have proper mask skills, it’s hard to argue with certainty that masks add any value. “
If you look at the results, this is accounted for. Sure the numbers would be better if people had better mask habits, this goes more to prove that masks work, since they show an effect even weighed down by poor usage by many people. Still I go to the supermarket and I don’t see very many people out of the people I see there as a whole, wearing their masks improperly. It’s not even a case of ‘there’s always one.” Maybe that depends on where you live.
"The powers of observation.”
Just like with the mask studies, they are observational.
I am living in Florida, and in the most populous counties, masks are mandated and people comply.
If you look at the results, this is accounted for.
There is no difference.
Sure the numbers would be better if people had better mask habits
Argument with no evidence.
>>Still I go to the supermarket and I don’t see very many people out of the people I see there as a whole, wearing their masks improperly. It’s not even a case of ‘there’s always one.” Maybe that depends on where you live.
Anecdotal garbage.
What is your explanation for California vs. Florida.
How does the hypothesis that masks do a damn thing survive that?
tim in vermont said, "Pre-symptomatic people are contagious for up to three days without knowing they are ill. Having these people wear masks is where the protective effect mainly comes from, and it simply wasn’t measured by the Danish Mask Study."
This does not intuitively make sense to me. And that doesn't mean your statement is wrong. But it does violate what I think I know about how viruses spread.
Basically the odds of one person spreading this virus to another should be roughly proportional (logorithm) to the amount of virus they are emitting. If person A is emitting a billion times more virus than person B, then person A is far more likely to infect others.
And basically that is the difference between a person that is pre-symptomatic and one that is symptomatic.
Your immune system responds rapidly. It may take a few hours but your immune system will be ramping up exponentially and just behind the virus as it also ramps up exponentially.
Thus unless you are very unfortunate and encounter an infected person with high levels of the virus in the six hours or so before they will have obvious symptoms, then the amount of virus they are emitting is going to be quite low.
Pfizer developed the vaccine and built production capacity at their own risk before developing it. Remember this when Bernie tells us big pharma executives are murderers and the industry is a criminal one.
I am living in Florida, and in the most populous counties, masks are mandated and people comply.
As I was standing up at the bar, with a maskless crowd in Miami Beach a couple weeks ago, I was thinking the exact same thing.
Sure timmy, sure.
Got my 2nd Moderna shot at 4pm yesterday. Could not sleep last night and left work really early today. I think the malaise and slight aches are starting to wear off.
im in vermont said...
Saying masks don’t work doesn’t actually make it true. If the studies of mask mandates show a modest improvement in transmission rates, and we remember that the mask mandates only top up the number of people wearing masks, then that modest improvement does not take into account any improvements made by the large number of people who were wearing masks without a mandate.
For the simple minded among you, this means that the effect of mask wearing is much greater than the effect of mask mandates alone. Masks work.
Oh, fuck you. Did you listen to Faucisti today, where he speculated that new variants "might" lead to more deaths? Well that kind of reasoning will get you nowhere, because the variants may never stop.
On top of that he said vaccines might offer only six months protection----but in point of fact HE DOESN"T KNOW.
And EXPERIENCE tells us that young people don't die from covid, nor is there evidence that they transmit the disease among younger people under 50 or so. And very few of such people die from the disease.
Old people are overwhelmingly the only group that dies from covid, and almost all of them are already vaccinated.
So...who among all those masked up young people who aren't going to die are going to cause vaccinated oldsters to die?
He is right, I am vaccinated, I wear the mask as a comfort to others who have no way of knowing if I have been vaccinated or not.
Others aren't smart enough to take care of themselves? If they are depending on strangers, for their safety, they are going to die.
That's a core issue of the mandate madness. The notion that ONLY GOVERNMENT MANDATES, can make a difference. If you are vulnerable, take appropriate measures. If you dont know what those measures cant be helped.
I like wearing a gaiter when required to mask.
The cdc says “wear a gaiter with two layers or fold it to make two layers”
Today I was told by the TSA agent who was checking my credentials at the Known Crewmember access point at LAX that I needed a mask in place of my gaiter. I also inquired about company policy with a gate agent (sea)and she told me they were denying boarding to people wearing gaiters.
Will we ever be given a choice to not wear a mask in the airports?
My bet is NO.
and so we can safely infer that the protective effect of masks is higher
Inference? we are now so debased we are using inference? We have abandoned conclusion informed by facts?
That depends on whether your name is Kerry or not.
“ Pfizer and Moderna never tested if it stops transmission. ”
Right. The priority was to get it out the door. Which was the right priority.
Now, if it works as a vaccine it will probably work to stop transmission. Everyone knows that, and this vaccine was expected to stop transmission. But the company could not and would not make an unsupported claim. Good for them.
Since then data has come it. It seems to stop transmission well.
My wife and I get our second Pfizer shot Sunday, the 21st.
Get that behind us and then we’ll focus on the fight to neuter the insane Democrat Party and the halfwits that support them.
Iowan2: “ Inference? we are now so debased we are using inference? ”
There's some obvious inferences about Iowan2 here.
Step daughter is a nurse under 30. She was wiped out by her second Pfizer shot, and some of her friends got bad headaches. Older folks I know had no trouble.
Either we have vaccine passports or fully vaccinated people follow the same rules as everybody else. One or the other.
Amadeus 48
John Barry's book on the Mississippi fold of 1927 is terrific.
I am now fully post-Moderna. After my second shot I had a terrible reaction, becoming nihilistic and obscurantiic.
Mandrewa 7:41 & 8:11: Quite right, I'd say, both times.
My fingers are crossed and I’ll pray u continue to feel no bad effects. May u be very well inoculated against the 19!!
In our NEK of the woods- our mj prison is having quite the outbreak, but so far- so good as in only a few necessary oxygen usages and recovery rates are great. The spread is most likely due to diversion of meds- and trade of said meds... I’ll leave that blank so as not to incriminate. If they don’t feel sick- they don’t act sick etc.
My daughter is taking a Contemporary Issues class... a book by Taneshi Coates (sorry if I spelled his name incorrectly) and watching the 13th Amendment movie. I’ll just say: it’s disturbing. So I found this: and gave it to her, which is our back yard as in- all of VT is our back yard w/in 100miles if we need anything. And I surfed some Thomas Sowell- who knows how great his culture was in the 40s and 50s and also found a fella named Trevor Phillips who is - well, idk, yet. I haven’t listened to him enough but he’s smooth. In a good way, I’m thinking.
Oh, and I showed my husband this: ... he thinks it’s BS and there has to be more to the story b/c it’s insane. Maybe it is. The average Jo/Anne thinks anything swimming out of mainstream is a lie. Blogs? They won’t listen. I feel extremely grateful to have stumbled onto blogs back in ‘05 b/c I’d have mush in my head if I didn’t. Not everything is gospel, but by gawsh- I stand a much greater chance of reading truth than not.
Alice Aforethought said... [hush][hide comment]
I am now fully post-Moderna. After my second shot I had a terrible reaction, becoming nihilistic and obscurantiic.
Survived and avoided arrest?
I got the second Pfizer on the 16th, and was knocked out for two days, tired, headache, chills, sore arm at the injection site, and had a slight fever. Even though I'm feeling better today I still have a slight fever and slightly sore arm. So nothing worrying but something definitely is happening. I'm 70 y.o. so am I supposed to be happy about this? I think no one really knows for sure. Younger people report more reactions after the second dose than older people and the theory is because younger people have stonger immune systems. But I have assumed my immune system is not that strong because I have had minimal contact and exposure to other people. I could be having a similar reaction to younger people for completely different reasons.
I didn't have much luck finding out anything: "Dr. Jennifer Forrester, associate professor of infectious diseases at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and associate chief medical officer at UC Health, agreed that, ultimately, experts don't know why this appears to be happening.
"Whether it is age, something genetic or something else about the immune system that we have yet to understand, it does appear that some people have either more intense or prolonged reaction to the vaccine. We really don't know why, though, and we are still learning more," she said. (
I'm willing to take the scientists' word for it that this vaccine is worth it and hope that in two weeks I can be less apprehensive about getting Covid and the dire consequences. And finally we all can get past his insanity.
I've asked all of my friends who have received the vaccine that I'd like to never see them wear a mask again. Same with friends that already have COVID. Otherwise, we'll never get back to normal.
A nurse friend who already had it had a pretty bad reaction. She posted about it on Facebook and fb made sure I knew the vaccine was safe. Made me laugh because the nurse is one of the biggest Covid believers there is. But saying anything negative about the vaccine, which she recommends, and fb censorship abounds.
Did someone say 70 million?
Fulllmoon said:
Survived and avoided arrest?
Yes, thankfully.
The feeling wore off slowly and now I only feel like I want to cut myself.
Well, since you mentioned the effect on the young, here's my experience. I'm 70, and I live in the far East Tennessee neck of the woods. We old folks received our first dose of Moderna over a month ago. For me, no side effect. However, last week's second round was a donkey of a different color. Got the shot at 1:00pm, picked up groceries, even filed my taxes with my preparer before round II kicked in. Dragged home, fell in bed, and stayed there for 2 days. As I got better, I felt somewhat listless. Sore arm for almost a week. My Story.
For the guys among us who are concerned about the vaccine, let me say this:
My 68 year old penis has grown from 7" to 11" and is constantly hard as a rock. My wife has screaming orgasms. The major side effect is that the neighbors are wondering what is going on.
Yeah Pfizer!
JMW Turner - ugh. I fear that. or worse.. you better now?
Ann -
Keep us posted on how you are feeling.
good for you, best of luck.
Tomorrow, at age 53, I start getting my childhood immunizations (again).
John Barry's "The Great Influenza" is an interesting history for the general reader, but I understand that he has a point of view about origins that is not undisputed. He believes that the crossover occurred in the US in Kansas. Many others think elsewhere.
Yes, he has an interesting theory that it jumped species in Kansas and spread with the soldiers going to Europe in WWI. It is an interesting theory. China, which was not involved in WWI, is the source of most influenza since ducks and pigs seem to be the reservoir. Chinese peasants keep both in proximity to families. Bubonic plague and tuberculosis could also be from China thousands of years ago. It has been the most densely populated area of the earth since rice culture was invented.
Of course, China was also the source of SARS-1 which is a corona virus. It was a poor pathogen since it is too deadly to spread far. 23% mortality. Some of the hysteria undoubtedly due to that mortality.
Alice Aforethought said...
Fulllmoon said:
Survived and avoided arrest?
Yes, thankfully.
The feeling wore off slowly and now I only feel like I want to cut myself.
Well, better you than those annoying neighbors..
Hilarious seeing R Paul make Fauci look like the major TOOL that he is in the Senate hearing.
Why would anyone with 1/2 a brain even pretend to listen to that idiot?
I've had both shots -- no problem, but that's the kind of guy I am -- I'm not being macho, I just don't tend to react negatively to shots or treatments. But I know people who have had pretty uncomfortable reactions, particularly to the second shot. Others on this thread have had or observed similar situations. So if you are part of that X% of the population who are reluctant t0 get the vaccine, is it enough incentive for you to be told that, if you get vaccinated, you could have a "small family gathering on the Fourth of July"? I don't think so.
I've said before, and I'll say again, 2 weeks after the second shot, issue a badge that relieves the wearer from the mask, social distancing, etc, mandate. Give us an incentive.
2nd Moderna shot this morning. Interesting that so many of us are getting them right at the same time. Probably has something to do with our ages.
Initially, no symptoms. They put it in my left shoulder this time. Ten hours after the shot, the shoulder is now sore. We shall see.
I got my first Moderna 10 days ago. Post nasal drip and watery eyes started about 3 hours later and has been a constant annoyance since then.
I’ll be honest—I’ve come to prefer the physical distancing of the past 12 months. Really, hand shakes... bro hugs... social kiss kiss kissing. Who needs it? I hope just because everyone gets vaxed we won’t have all that nonsense come crushing back down on society. I especially appreciate people who manage to refrain from getting in my face and yelling and sharing their flecks of spittle. Seriously, I have my beloved wife for intimacy and affection and swapping spit. The rest of you, please, 3 ft is close enough. Thank you.
some twitters use rona. Althouse is going with coro.
A chorus line... a shot... a second shot... where is Althouse going?
I had 2nd Pfizer March 7, wifey had 2nd Moderna March 13. She felt cold and punky the next day. I have had an erection ever since...oh, wait.
In fact we did very well and are damned glad that modern technology and hard work by tons of people and sheer luck have made this possible. But I will not forgive the tyrannical idiots who made this such a debacle.
No problem with either Pfizer poke
I acquired my antibodies the old fashioned way.
Query Do Trumpsters think the advice of the government to wash our hands is also Unconstitutional? When you all choke your monkey do you forego washing your hands afterwards because t you're not going to let anyone tell you what to do?
When I read title of post, I had a feeling that this would be a interesting review of Althouse commenter experiences with the vaccine. Very enjoyable to read.
ME? 2nd dose (Moderna) a week ago w/hubby in a drive-thru mega site. First dose was a breeze, 2nd I was moderately ill for a day.
Postoperative wound infections and surgical face masks: a controlled study
Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers
Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses
Discounting for chance, for observational (i.e. circumstantial) evidence, wearing a mask is comparable to flipping a coin, at best, or actually increases infection in the population. Well, nothing short of N95, following strict protocol, and don't forget the goggles. The primary asymptomatic transmission mode, the only source of viable viruses (in patient rooms), is fecal transmission. Not quite HIV/AIDS, which requires back... black hole... whore h/t NAACP penetration. The efficacy of masks follows intuitive ("cargo cult") science.
"Mutaman said...Query Do Trumpsters think the advice of the government to wash our hands is also Unconstitutional? "
Same level of Science.
Got it.
(Now give us your daily update of familial gov grift)
China was also the source of SARS-1 which is a corona virus. It was a poor pathogen since it is too deadly to spread far. 23% mortality. Some of the hysteria undoubtedly due to that mortality.
If at first you don't succeed...
Mutaman said...
Query Do Trumpsters think the advice of the government to wash our hands is also Unconstitutional? When you all choke your monkey do you forego washing your hands afterwards because t you're not going to let anyone tell you what to do?
As illogical and juvenile as one can get.
wash our hands is also Unconstitutional? "
Same level of Science.
The virus is not only fat soluble, but is deconstructed in solution, which is why it is effective to wash hands with soap and water to clear both symptomatic and asymptomatic (i.e. fecal) transmission. In fact, you should wash your hands, each time, every time, after eliminating. Also, be sure to clear your nose filter, before you ingest the virus-laden mucous. And don't forget your goggles. The eyes are a window to social and viral contagion.
stevew said...
Nice, you are free to go!
Mrs. stevew and I had our first Pfizer on Tuesday this week. General soreness in the area of the shot, no other symptoms. We get dose #2 on April 6.
I don't give a shit what Fauci the fraud says, there is no point in wearing a mask once I am fully vaccinated. I will wear a mask when entering a business if they request it, out of respect for them and their desire and need to remain open. Otherwise, lolgf.
I got blown off today for the third time by the (formerly) World Class Lahey Clinic when I applied for a letter allowing me to exercise in my huge gym on a treadmill w/o the stupid mask.
They invoked Fauci and the CDC.
Did I mention that I've had both my covid shots? That at my age I NEED to be able to get vigorous exercise, which I can't get with the stupid mask?
That my gym has hospital-grade filtration and disinfection equipment?
That the gym publishes its covid stats on its website, and that in the past 7 months since they resumed operation they have had two reported covid cases among clients and staff, and NO deaths?
It's idiots, morons and incompetents...all the way down.
Doctors who have participated in this bullshit will soon learn that their intellectual, social and "professional" status has taken a huge hit.
But did you get your second mask? THAT is the real question. Fauci is such an idiot.
I still don't qualify quite yet in Socal although signing up seems a lot honor system. But feel safer as vaccinations continue around me. Mask compliance at 98% in my experience. No one in earshot grumbles.
A couple hours later, and the right shoulder hurts a bit too. Weird. First shot went into the right, and second the left. Could feel it a bit in the left, then right a couple hours later.
A couple weeks ago, a cousin having her healthcare with Kaiser, living in a western Denver suburb, had to drive to Pueblo to get her first shot. That works out to better than 100 miles each way. Not sure why she would be with Kaiser - she is clearly old enough to be on Medicare (should be turning 70 any month now). Both of my shots were paid 100% by Medicare, and by Part D supplement wasn’t needed. That seems to be the case in AZ, at least. I definitely am spoiled - the Maricopa County NE injection site is less than a mile from the house. For her, it was better than a half day event, and for me, it was maybe 20 minutes, including the required 15 minute wait after the injection.
Example of the stupidity of masks. Went into a Staples store to look for a bottle of air, since my regular source (Fry's) has closed.
Saw a worker about 15 feet away, asked if she knew where they kept the air? I have had 2 doses of pfizer, second on March 4th by Santa Clara County at Levi Stadium. So according to Israli study now bullet-proof.
She saw I had mask, but only over mouth. As she got closer, she kept pointing at nose. When I put mask over nose, she came within 6 feet to talk to me. She thinks that the masks actually work. Magic. Wear a mask, the virus can't hurt me. This is the problem, distance is useful, but wearing masks, people have to come close to talk, so it reduces any usefulness of masks.
Had no reaction to either shot.
When we walk in the park,have put the same torn mask on my chin (beard)for the past 4 months. Prior to getting shots, practiced keeping a 9 foot separation. It is hard because many people think the masks actually do something, so don't keep away. That is why I think the masks end up making things worse, because they give a false sense of security, just like TSA security theater.
One thing i will keep doing is a way to avoid common surfaces contamination. I carry thin coffee cup cardboard sleeves. I tear a strip when I touch an elevator button, or an ATM. I then carefully discard the used cardboard strip in the nearest trash can, so reduce the chance of contamination. Even if I am not infectious, those touch screens cannot be cleaned. So virus to hand, to mask, to eye, to infection. With widespread use of common touch screens, they are a potential source of infection that masks or social distancing does nothing about.
Dear BFTPFCP,Thanks for concern, however, although I was watching events carefully, really wasn't worried, easy to say as I glide well into after-the-fact. You develop a tendency for a slightly cynical point of view: Hope for the Best, Expect the Worst. Try to laugh, anyway.
Meade, now is the time to encourage our tolitarian betters to throw around some gratuitous displays of power, just to show flyover deplorables who's Boss. They could start with bro hugs, although excessive handshaking is close in running. While we're at it, absolutely no cheek pinching, even if the recipient is 8. And, for God's Sake, no kissing on each cheek; what do you think we are? French??!!
I get my second shot on April 6. Another hour and a half drive. Oh, well. At least I don't have to go to the United Center down town(down town Chicago) and wait outside.
Blogger tim in vermont said...
"Meanwhile the number of deaths in Europe will probably hit 1 million tomorrow. How do we blame Trump for that?"
LOL! Mutaman will be here in a minute with charts and straw men.
I can kind of understand the objections to masks, the evidence that they work is hard to understand if you are dead set on not understanding it, but I don’t get the objections to social distancing. There was a flight to Singapore, early on, pre-mask mandate on flights, where one passenger infected 90% of the people within six feet of him. It just doesn’t seem like that big of an imposition, even if the evidence supporting it is kind of thin and spotty.
Just the fact that these measures have totally kiboshed the flu should be some indication that they work. Not to mention an indication that we are not dealing with “just a flu."
I’d prefer to get one shot - either just the first mRNA one, or the J&J one. The former touts ~85% efficacy, the latter ~65-70% efficacy. Why is J&J efficacy ok but just the first mRNA not ok, per CDC? Just trying to understand here... If I get just the first mRNA, will I be deemed “vaccinated”?
I’ve contacted my doc via email, but only his nurses have responded, and frankly are missing the point. They have to follow CDC I guess.
My two year old granddaughter loves wearing her mask. It has Minnie Mouse on it.
It just doesn’t seem like that big of an imposition, even if the evidence supporting it is kind of thin and spotty.
You clearly have no social life.
You also either never talk with people or have perfect hearing and the people you speak with have perfect enunciation.
I can't hear shit when people talk through their masks.
It is a huge imposition.
But more to the point, you are willing to give up your freedom for jack shit.
I'm not.
David, he will wear his face diaper because he believes it makes him morally superior. You can’t argue with logic like his. He’s not giving up freedom, he’s gaining, in his mind only, superiority over others. Laugh at him and move on to intelligent people.
My sister is visiting from CA and on the way home from the airport we stopped for gas. She said, can I really go in there without a mask and no one will say anything? My husband said, "I was just there on Friday and no one said anything to me." We've been in there when workers weren't even masked.
She came out and called her husband excited because it's the first time she's been in public without one in a year. So yeah, there's a difference in mask usage according to your state.
"Tim in vermont said...
...I don’t get the objections to social distancing....It just doesn’t seem like that big of an imposition, even if the evidence supporting it is kind of thin and spotty."
Only an idiot could fail to see the economic impact of social distancing. Or the effects on schools.
Took me a week to get over that #2. Hurt! Could only lift my arm to horizontal at first.
I love all these comments here, and frankly everywhere, on the lack of reaction at the injection site, or short term bodily reaction. That's not the concern. No reaction does not mean no effect. The concerns are future reactions...exposure to the virus causing Cytokine Storms, cancers, etc. One of the reasons that vaccines take so long to be approved is that they check for long term effects. That's not happening with this...well, it's not a vaccine in the historical sense.
That's not happening with this...well, it's not a vaccine in the historical sense.
Astra and JNJ are very close to a "historical sense" vaccine tech.
Novavax (likely to be approved soon) is a tuned-up version of a historical vaccine tech (protein+adjuvant, no genetic material anywhere).
So if you want to wait for NVAX, you can. It looks very effective too, including the Brit variant.
The COVID injection is not even known to stop the spread of COVID. Dr. Larry Corey, who oversees National Institutes of Health COVID-19 vaccine trials said on 11/20/20: “The studies aren’t designed to assess transmission. They don’t ask that question, and there’s really no information on this at this point in time.”
Are we being fair to Fauci and other authorities who state we still need to wear masks even after becoming immune through contracting Covid or by getting vaccinated?
I have read that there are different kinds of immunity to disease. One type of immunity--let me use a loose term here--"sterilizes" you. When you encounter the pathogen again, you not only don't get sick, but your immune system is so quick to kill the pathogen that you also don't carry around enough pathogen particles to infect others. The other kind of immunity is a little less totalizing. When you encounter the pathogen again, your body fights it off but not as quickly---so you CAN spread the pathogen during the days that your immune system is fighting off the disease. We don't yet know which kind of immunity is being conferred with Covid.
Also, Fauci told Rand Paul at a recent hearing that it was important to keep wearing masks because the new variant diseases, especially the South African, may be infectious to those who are immune to the normal Covid.
It's necessary that a fair and intelligent discussion of where we go from here addresses these points.
Some interesting facts regarding the experimental shot.
Tomorrow for us. Shot#2. Pfizer .
Free to a good home:
The opposite of the "yellow star". Make enamel pins, hats or T-shirts saying:
Vaccinated, both shots.
I envision a symbol like crossed hypos.
when Karen approaches, point at your hat and tell her to sod off.
"Notice something about Fauci’s responses? He doesn’t offer any proof that infections or reinfections will happen for those who come across the variants. Secondly, Fauci literally implies that masking is necessary because immunity doesn’t work. Third, he also is saying that we will have to mask against the variants. "
I have read that there are different kinds of immunity to disease. One type of immunity--let me use a loose term here--"sterilizes" you. When you encounter the pathogen again, you not only don't get sick, but your immune system is so quick to kill the pathogen that you also don't carry around enough pathogen particles to infect others. The other kind of immunity is a little less totalizing. When you encounter the pathogen again, your body fights it off but not as quickly---so you CAN spread the pathogen during the days that your immune system is fighting off the disease. We don't yet know which kind of immunity is being conferred with Covid.
All bullshit.
Again, the vaccine trials tested for active virus where? IN your nasopharynx. And found none. Otherwise the person would have been classified as 'infected'
If there is no virus in the nasopharynx after vaccination, there is no way to transmit this virus.
I get my second shot this coming Tuesday, March 23th. Pfizer vaccine.
Does it prevent infection and transmission?
We do not know whether the vaccine will prevent infection and protect against onward transmission. Immunity persists for several months, but the full duration is not yet known. These important questions are being studied.
In the meantime, we must maintain public health measures that work: masking, physical distancing, handwashing, respiratory and cough hygiene, avoiding crowds, and ensuring good ventilation.
Government Consigned Israeli Population to be Human Subjects in a Massive Experiment
Does it prevent infection and transmission?
Yes it does.
In the meantime, you should quarantine your stupidity.
David you should read some articles you're ignorant. Do some research on your own.
Malcolm are you a male inga?
1) Basic science: You need active virus to spread active virus.
2) the clinical studies determined whether you were infected or not using standard RT-PCR of nasopharyngeal swabs like all the other RT-PCR tests to see if you’re positive or negative.
3) in comparing 2 groups of people, one vaccinated and one not, the companies saw reduction in infections. How did they detect those infections? By #2.
4) If you have no active virus hanging around, you cannot transmit it.
5) Real world data in Israel and the UK confirm this.
got second shot--no symptoms except a sore spot for a day each time.
There are two important items that seem to have slipped through the cracks. First, RO, the number of people infected per case. Less than 1.0 the infection rate drops. Has anyone seen a current estimate of our RO?
Second, viral load, how much of a dose of virus are you attacked by.The higher the viral load, the more likely you are to get a disease. A low viral load is more likely to just kick in an immune response.
This is likely why people in enclosed facilities like rest homes and prisons are more likely to get infected, due to a greater chance of a heavy viral load when they first encounter a virus.
Two factors: vaccines, and coming closer to herd immunity, should each improve those two important factors for the virus from Wuhan.
We live in Heinlein's "crazy years", is the only answer I have for our strange times.
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