"'We have not, to date, seen any evidence of anarchist violence extremists or people subscribing to Antifa in connection to the 6th,' Wray told the Senate on Tuesday. 'We're coming after it' if there's violence from both the left and the right, he added, but in the Capitol, there wasn't evidence of leftists adding fuel to the insurrection... Wray said the bureau is seeing 'quite a number of what would we call militia violent extremists' as the FBI builds its cases agains the rioters. He specifically mentioned the groups the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. He added that they have seen in their investigations instances of 'racially motivated violent extremists' who advocate for White supremacy. 'One of the things that is happening as part of this is that as we build out the cases on the individuals when we arrest them for the violence, we're getting a richer and richer understanding of the different people's motivations,' he said. 'But certainly as I said, militia violent extremism and some instances of racially motivated violent extremism, especially advocating for the superior [sic] of the white race.'... 'The problem of domestic terrorism has been metastasizing across the country for a long time now and it is not going is a way any time soon,' Wray said...."
From CNN's ongoing coverage of testimony this morning from FBI Director Christopher Wray before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
२७४ टिप्पण्या:
274 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Don't believe a word of that.
What are his thoughts on Russia colluding with Trump?
Weiner's laptop?
Hunter's laptop?
Hillary's server?
Seth Rich?
Any opinion?
The credibility of Wray and the Feds in general is less than zero.
They couldn't find water if they fell out of a fucking boat.
Who is a white supremacist
Read it if you haven't short
It's the Federal Bureau of Narratives
The FBI hatched the Russia collusion hoax.
He's part of the Swamp, and still holding his job under Biden*, which he wouldn't be if he wasn't part of the Swamp. I don't believe a word he says.
So Michael Yon went to DC from the West Coast after spending several months observing Antifa in Portland and Seattle and being on the streets with them. He went to DC specifically because he thought something would happen. In a video interview I saw on line and in some photos online he identified what he believed to be Antifa personnel using their tactics and methods. Perhaps Wray and his people should interview him. Based on what I have seen and read over the past few years I would trust what Yon is saying versus anything from the FBI. I have no faith in the FBI at all, which is sad, because I have known some FBI people in the past and used to have a lot of respect for them.
John Sullivan? The woman who filmed John Sullivan?
I thought the guy with the Fred Flintstone hat was a confirmed ANTIFA goon?
It's the 50 year anniversary of the Weather Undergound's bombing of the Capital building. Some of its leaders became tenured professors. I guess they were the desirable kind of domestic terrorists.
Swamp creatures are going to swamp.
Getting mad at Wray for this is like getting mad at the lion who eats a gazelle. It's what they do.
That said, Wray is a piece of shit who values his fellow swamp creatures more than his fellow Americans, more than the Constitution, more than anything.
The whole Bureau should be disbanded.
I don't believe a word he says. The FBI has been run by liars ever since Mueller took over. We already have a guy - Sullivan from Utah - who is Antifa and was on CNN - and was leading the violence on Jan 6th.
BTW, in case you haven't heard. The officer murdered on Jan 6th with a fire extinguisher, was NOT murdered. And was never hit with a fire extinguisher. His family says he texted them the night of Jan 6th and said he was fine. He never went to the hospital, and died at the police station from unknown causes. The "Authorities" have REFUSED to release the autopsy report or the Toxicology report. Nor will they answer questions regarding the "Murder investigation" that no one talks about.
Nor have they released the name of the cop who killed Ashli Babbitt. Because? No one knows. Or cares. Evidently.
Has anyone asked about violent extremists NOT associated with Jan 6th? Those seem to way outnumber Jan 6 examples. Let’s dig into those guys and their sponsors and their ideologies....
Wray is just carrying out BH0's orders.
It's unfortunate that I have no confidence in either the integrity or competence of the FBI. Their record is terrible, and Wray has been just another game playing swamp bureaucrat. His statements carry no weight with me. I'd love to know more about what happened, but the result of my curiosity is ever increasing distrust as evidence is withheld from the public. And why is the capitol still occupied by the NG?
We still have 5,000 NG troops in the Capitol protecting these stupid Congressional Clowns from Nothing. These wimps and cowards, don't need 5,000 NG troops. Remember when Pelosi wanted machine gun nests set up to protect Joe Biden inaugural? What absurdity!
Nothing will change because you have 80 million dumbshit Democrats who DO NOT CARE. They don't care Cuomo killed thousands in NY. They don't care about corruption, stealing votes, or anything else. As long as its democrat in office they will do NOTHING. Everything's Jake.
Who would believe this piss ant at this point!?!?
This corksoaker and his crew were nowhere to be found when rioting, burning, looting, mayhem was unleashed by for real domestic terrorists in 2020. He and they should be laughed right out of the country.
Put the Hoover Dressing Gown on, Wray. You’ve earned it.
This is why another Trump term does us no good.
Not only should he have fired this rat bastard the second he started slow-walking requested documents, but he never should have hired him in the first place.
The FBI is corrupt, through and through. He is a lying POS. I would trust Michael Yon over anyone in that corrupt organization.
Hopefully the next MAGA POTUS will not make the mistake of firing every damn person they can when they get in. One of his biggest was not firing every attorney at the corrupt DOJ when he got in like Biden* has.
They must have chuckled, what a fool as they immediately began trying to overthrow his election.
Swamp creatures suck
But Wray said it resoundingly. That has to count for something....
Notice no one, I repeat no one, talks about how many trump supporters were at his speech on Jan 6th. Trump says its the largest crowd he ever saw. We're talking 100-200 thousand people. How many "stormed" the Capital? maybe 1,000. how many committed any kind of violence or vandalism? Maybe 200.
Wray isn't some "Old FBI hand". He's just like comey. A fucking lawyer who got selected to head the Agency. He didn't move against Antifa, and acts like it doesn't exist. He plays up the non-existent "White Supremist" threat because he's a liberal. 100-1 he was rooting for Biden to win. Someone said that Chris Christie told Trump Wray was A-OK. And I believe that.
Too bad the Left wing trolls can't get their wish, and suck Wray's dick. Because you know they want to.
What does the FBI investigate?
Apparently nothing.
We had hundreds of incidents of riots in our cities in 2020, and they don’t seem to have investigated any of them.
What in the world does the FBI do with its time?
Chuck, you dumb fuck, I’ll bet you’re an old white guy. They’re going to eventually get around to you, you stupid bastard.
You think you’ll be the last surviving member of the Judenrat?
So why was little Antifa boy John Sullivan there in a MAGA hat, encouraging people to go in screaming "This house is our house now??" Or does he identify as a Conservative whilst under investigation, and the KeyStone Cop FBI, we have that actually DID lie and set up a FAKE Russian Collusion hoax that they all got away with without even a slap on the wrist believed him??? They really are trying to set up a Civil War. They want to piss us off so we attack, and then the Gun confiscation, and control takes effect. The Socialists will have won.
How's that pipe bomber investigation going? Racist garage pull investigations should be wrapping up by now. Maybe assign that team of crack investigators to the case.
Who as I kidding- you already know. Probably on your payroll.
Antifa was told to stay away from this particular pro-Trump demonstration.
If Trump had won the election, his first action would have been to fire Wray. Trump would have done so before the inauguration.
Yeah who cares about January 6th.
Tell us the important stuff Mr. Wray- like have you captured the two MAGA guys who kidnapped Lady Gaga's dogs?
The guy, identified as Kevin Seefried, carrying that brand new Confederate Flag - little square packaging folds still visible - is a registered Democrat from Delaware who has been active since 2003. His voting records are available online.
I like how the media portrayed that one guy who followed the police officer upstairs and took a decidedly non-aggressive stance when talking to him was characterized as "chasing" the officer.
If that massive crowd had wanted to actually take over the capitol, there's not a thing anyone could have done to stop them. They should be praising Trump supporters for their restraint. The idea that the cast of Animal House was prepared to install their own government is a cosmically stupid idea put forth by people who are supposed to know better, including the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Will the FBI ever tell the public who pre-positioned the bricks for the Antifa riots?
As noted here (and damn near every other place where right-wing voices are welcome), John Sullivan is a known antifa activist who is on film trespassing on capital grounds on January 6 urging on rioters. Will Wray be asked about him?
Wait, so this FBI who is finding all sorts of motivations of random protesters and cosplayers is the same FBI who found "no motive" for the Vegas shooter?
They'd better hope I'm never called to jury duty where the FBI presents evidence.
Christopher Ray's primary goal has always been protecting the status quo. Given his history it's pretty obvious that he has little interest in the truth if it doesn't serve that goal. CNN crowing about him "resoundingly" saying there weren't any leftists present isn't exactly an accurate or fair interpretation of what he really said. But CNN is even less interested in the truth than Ray is.
Did the FBI even look for antifa and BLM people at the 1-6-21?
The FBI and less than zero credibility with me.
The FBI didn't even look for election fraud.
As Tim M points out, Wray is peddling a falsehood.
It’s all theatre, gearing up for a domestic Patriot Act.
Well good. It's about time the FBI starts chasing more white people.
Whatever happened to Buffalo Robes guy? I mean there was a 'terrorist' if there ever was one. I mean stealing Nancy's lectern. Its like ISIS. Only worse!
First 911 and now Jan 6th. Will the terror never stop?
Jack Posobiec
Wray just completely fell apart trying to explain what the Boogaloo movement is. Shows you how exceedingly stupid our bureaucrat overlords are.
That's what he gets for not reading Althouse. We have our own resident expert.
As someone stated, the Jan 6th "Terrorists" were the only "Terrorists" in history who stayed behind the velvet robes and left the statues and painting undisturbed.
I'm still trying to figure out what the FBI did about Antifa Terror in Portland. Anything? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?
You know your “mostly peaceful” protest was a failure when you feel the sudden urge to blame your political opponents for it.
This will go down in history as the official recording of events.
It is making me seriously question historical events that I have no first hand knowledge of.
The republican senators, lead by Miss Lindsey, haven't asked on question about the murder of Ashli babbitt. I dunno why Republicans keep nominating these clowns. They're just Democrats who don't want to raise the minimum wage.
Reading of riots, antifa and proud boys for over a year, it is obvious antifa attacks, vandalizes and burns buildings, businesses and property as well as beating on people and attacking police..
Proud boys attack and fight antifa, not the police.
They cant tell us officer sidnicks cause of death.
'We're coming after it' if there's violence from both the left and the right, he added, but in the Capitol, there wasn't evidence of leftists adding fuel to the insurrection...
You keep using that word. It does not mean what you think it means...
Jack Posobiec
Dick Blumenthal is now asking Wray if Q Anon is the most dangerous threat to America
What a shame that the FBI, is now laughed at as a Biased Progressive lying intel agency that nobody believes or trusts anymore since they were involved in the lies and spying on a duly elected President, and they helped cover it all up. And yet, they expect us to believe them NOW??? WHY?? When NOBODY got in trouble at all for all the lies and hate that they spewed for the last 5 years??? They are trying to incite us to attack them. The fencing isn't coming down around DC...they are strengthening it...WHY???
A Capitol rioter said he posed as antifa, feds say, then boasted he beat police who ‘got exactly what they deserved’
Who placed the bombs?? Trump supporters don't walk around with goggles and protective clothing since we don't riot....that is ANTIFA and BLM who do that. To lie to us when we all saw what happened is disgusting. I have NEVER been more ashamed of this country than I am right now because of what the left has done to it.
Well there is one dishonest motherfucker.
"racially motivated violent extremism
OK, so what violence occurred on January 6?
How does it compare to the violent extremism that occurred in January 2017? For example, which caused the most damage?
Here are photos of Babbits killer, pistol in hand, prior to murder.
Wray can go fuck himself. Outside of Ron Rosenstein and Jeff Sessions, Wray was Trump biggest mistake. They guy was an empty suit all along.
FullMoon said...
Here are photos of Babbits killer, pistol in hand, prior to murder.
You misspelled "hero cop who saved countless members of Congress from attack by a violent mob".
"Hopefully the next MAGA sPOTUS will not make the mistake of firing every damn person they can when they get in."
That would be a great platform to run on. Plus reducing D.C. to a ceremonial Capitol, giving the remaining territory back to Maryland, and dispersing the agencies among the 50 states.
Antifa is thoroughly infiltrated by the FBI, just like the KKK was.
It's likely that John Sullivan is an FBI agent. That's why Wray will not say that Sullivan is an Antifa member.
Antifa's main activity is to attack right-wing protests for being "racist".
For some reason, though, Antifa did not attack the "racist" protest against the election of Biden and Harris on January 6.
If the FBI wanted Antifa to stay away from that particular right-wing, racist protest, then the FBI knew how to tell Antifa to do so.
What a sad pathetic bunch of people you’ve turned into. You may not realize it, but you sound like QAnon. How strong the delusions must be for you Trumpists. Trumpism and QAnon, no difference at this point. I’d suggest people start realizing playing with fire will get you burned. Look at all the “patriots” aka domestic violent terrorists from Jan.6th who now have their lives ruined, all based on fantasy. Astounding. I haven’t asked this for a long time, but what is wrong with you people?
They covered for fast and furious for san bernardino boston orlando (shooters father was a bureau asset) las vegas parkland need i say more blocked investigation into nassar epstein weinstein.
If the FBI wanted Antifa to stay away from that particular right-wing, racist protest, then the FBI knew how to tell Antifa to do so.
Antifa was fully represented at the Capital Jan. 6
They had to retract on that sham case against butina of course they followed the 'most dangerous man on earth'carter page as far as shoe leather would take them
Any updates out of the sunrise investigation.
You sound like an agent of the CCP, Inga.
You were one of the prime purveyors of the Russia collusion hoax. You lied your fucking ass off over that for 3 years.
And, after all this time, it turns out that the person who’s a vicious traitor is you.
Your storm troopers rioted, looted and attacked cops in dozens of cities, CCP Inga.
What an outrageous, violent, stupefying liar you are, commie Inga.
You are a vicious, lunatic liar and a traitor, Inga.
Fuck the FBI they sold their souls during russiagate.
Antifa and BLM, Inga’s brownshirt paramilitary forces didn’t “play with fire.”
They actually torched entire neighborhoods.
The blood and destruction is entirely on Inga’s hands.
This woman has the mind of a extortionist.
We have not, to date, seen any evidence of anarchist violence extremists or people subscribing to Antifa in connection to the 6th.
It might help if he actually looked. Just sayin’
That’s something truly mind numbing in extortionists like Inga bleating about “playing with fire,” isn’t there?
The Antifa/BLM/Dem/CCP specializes in accusing people of planning to do precisely what they’ve already done.
Sometimes i think shows like the blacklist or blindspot arent cynical enough the latter had maria mastrantonio as a literal criminal sociopath who ends up controlling the bureau.
It is impossible to graft a new idea on a closed mind .trumps director and now Biden's hire said same thing before trump lost and trump was not happy then, but he couldn't fire yet another director. Best banter, whitehouse and Wray" haven't got any answers from as far back as 2007 ,can't do oversite without answers to questions and especially not when answers are partisan accordingly. If everything is FAKE NEWS then who do you believe? GOD or the god you made in your mind? Representatives are hired to represent ,if they don't then there is an option to remove them, it was just done November 3rd and will continue though probably in new age form, things valid 250 years ago are becoming more moot, you know like 8 track tapes. FLAT EARTHERS will always be among us. Whining and crying about things you have limited control over just lead to an unhappy existence. Do what you can and if you don't like outcomes, exercise, take a run, meditate, join a health club, hug your wife, go to the movies, have a life to release your tensions. It really works for all but the most incapacitated by conspiracies. DR PHIL! :)
"Antifa is thoroughly infiltrated by the FBI, just like the KKK was."
I wouldn't go that far. The Time magazine piece made it clear that antifa and BLM were acting under orders and were told to "stand down" in October and afterwards because it was hurting Biden.
Its also clear that Antifa who always shows up to attack Trump supporters, was told to "Stand down" on Jan 6th. I was surprised on Jan 6th, because I fully expected Antifa to disrupt the protest by attacking Trump supporters allowing the media to do their usual "Violence breaks out" shit. And thereby paint the Trump supporters as the aggressors and NOT talk about the election fraud.
But what the Left did was more clever. leave the capital undefended and then have anarchists and antifa ASSIST the dumb extreme right to riot. Then blame Trump for the whole thing.
The Time magazine article made it clear that antifa and BLM take their orders from the Democrat party. That's who "gave the order" for them to stand down in October.
Trump has stated that Wray was ROSENSTEIN's pick. It should be noted that Trump was under massive pressure, with the Mueller investigation going on, to NOT pick a Trump supporter, but someone more neutral.
Well, now we know what the “official story” is.
Lotta good comments today.
Never forget that McConnell - like Ryan - was sabotaging and subverting Trump at every turn. while appearing - in public - to support him. That goes for Cassidy, Toomey, Thune, and Burr. They only dropped the mask AFTER January 6th. Sasse, Lisa Murky, Collins, Romney, and McCain made it clear from Day 1, that they hated Trump's guts and would destroy him if given a chance.
"Antifa is thoroughly infiltrated by the FBI, just like the KKK was."
I used to think that. Not so much anymore.
As I have been posting her for years:
Never trust a Fed
i assume, that he means: No TRUE antifa types were there?
got to get a new keyboard
But certainly as I said, militia violent extremism and some instances of racially motivated violent extremism, especially advocating for the superior [sic] of the white race...
A Goebbels-style Big Lie.
There was a time when the FBI testified that they didn't see any evidence of the Mafia. Even after the US government had made deals with them to keep the docks in New York/New Jersey open during WWII.
They never did tell us who the san bernardino couple was in contact with perhaps al shakran and al turaifi the ones who al shamrani the pensacola shooter followed.
'One of the things that is happening as part of this is that as we build out the cases on the individuals when we arrest them for the violence, we're getting a richer and richer understanding of the different people's motivations,' he said.
See, the FBI doesn't arrest Antifa/BLM for violence and their understanding of these groups comes from their political masters not investigation.
I did a quick poll just based on the vibes I got skimming this thread:
% Althouse readers who think Wray is credible: 0
% Althouse readers who think Wray is swamp: 100
Your vibes are unanimous. I think Wray is interesting only insofar as seeing his name triggers a great Link Wray riff in my brain. Beyond that, fuck him, the horse he rode in on and the rest of the DOJ.
Blogger Mike Sylwester said...
Antifa is thoroughly infiltrated by the FBI, just like the KKK was.
I would be more worried that the FBI is thoroughly infiltrated by Antifa.
The thing is, we've all seen the Antifa people there, on videos taken by citizens and "journalists." So Wray failed a test of credibility here, among those who are paying attention. This pompous Congressional testimony is not directed at those of us paying attention.
The situation is far worse than Trump tried to tell us in 2016.
Our government is a fraud, our elections and media are fake, the Democratic Party is nothing by a Mafia extortion racket and our police agencies are on the side of the mob.
All of them are on the CCP’s pad.
Blogger stlcdr said...
This will go down in history as the official recording of events.
It is making me seriously question historical events that I have no first hand knowledge of.
The Murray Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect:
“Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. Paper’s full of them.
In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.”
— Michael Crichton
Link Wray and the Wraymen > Christopher Wray. And I learned more about the events of January 6th from Link than from Chris.
Just one example of racial violence committed by Blacks.
Don't say the words insurrection or racism to Quaestor unless you enjoy being derisively mocked.
Clyde said...
He's part of the Swamp, and still holding his job under Biden*, which he wouldn't be if he wasn't part of the Swamp. I don't believe a word he says.
what else to concluded if Biden is terminating all US Attorneys but retaining FBI Director! who will work with his DOJ Attorney General
If such hearings are a dialectic R's are ill equipped with their Q's
Wrays firm king and spaulding brokered an attempt to sell rosneft to the qatar sovereign fund, conflict of interests.
We already know John Earle Sullivan was there.
Blogger JK Brown said...
There was a time when the FBI testified that they didn't see any evidence of the Mafia. Even after the US government had made deals with them to keep the docks in New York/New Jersey open during WWII.
Mueller was US Attorney in Boston when the FBI put away several innocent men to protect Whitey Bulger who was acting as an informant for them.
Long before he became FBI Director, serious questions existed about Mueller’s role as Acting U.S. Attorney in Boston in effectively enabling decades of corruption and covering up of the FBI’s illicit deals with mobster Whitey Bulger and other “top echelon” informants who committed numerous murders and crimes. When the truth was finally uncovered through intrepid investigative reporting and persistent, honest judges, U.S. taxpayers footed a $100 million court award to the four men framed for murders committed by (the FBI operated) Bulger gang.
Well. That settles it then. We all know that no one in the FBI lies to Congress, the media, or to judges.
We all know that no one in the FBI conducts politically motivated investigations that inevitable arrive at pre-determined conclusions depending on the politics of the moment.
Disband the unconstitutional FBI.
I wonder if the FBI has been able to ID this "Q" person yet?
Or the white supremacist "umbrella man" who single-handedly started the riots in Minneapolis last May?
It is making me seriously question historical events that I have no first hand knowledge of.
Welcome to the club. Too many to name, but here's a few-
Rosa Parks: Staged by communists
Flint sit down strike: Again, staged by communists
Ohio river caught on fire because of pollution: Nope, fuel barge leaked fuel after collision.
Supreme Court ruled you can't yell fire in a crowded theater: dicta in a dissent
people panicked over War of the Worlds: No evidence, newspaper disinformation to discredit radio.
If you won't look for them, you won't see them.
Real questioning
Cotton did a nice job exposing how Biden’s reopening travel from dangerous ME countries and opening southern border poses a much bigger public safety threat to the U.S. than the Oath Keepers
I'm still trying to figure out what the FBI did about Antifa Terror in Portland. Anything? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?
Nothing. Antifa is just an idea. So says Jerry Nadler. They've never assaulted anyone and Andy Ngo was never hospitalized. They just marched against racism while shouting racist epitaphs at black cops.
Browndog said...
people panicked over War of the Worlds: No evidence, newspaper disinformation to discredit radio.
Welles had a hand in that, too. There is no such thing as bad publicity.
Welcome to the Gulag.
---I haven’t asked this for a long time, but what is wrong with you people?
Phew! A man could get worried.
Its just a flesh wound
What a lying sack of shit.
" He added that they have seen in their investigations instances of 'racially motivated violent extremists' who advocate for White supremacy."
I wonder if Mr. Wray can define White supremacy. And who capitalized White? Wray? CNN? Althouse?
Mostly peaceful.
...except for the murder of the unarmed female Air Force veteran.
They have been pushing this white supremacist terrorism threat stuff for quite a while now.
And yet--where are the actions?
Wouldn't you think that by this point all hell would have broken loose? Or at least some minor version of it?
Perhaps these "white supremacists" are so well-disciplined that they are able to control their followers and refrain from acting (despite all the political provocation on display).
Or perhaps the FBI is so good at what they do that they have thwarted every action before it happens.
Yeah, that's the ticket!
Do you think he has encountered any instances of racially motivated violent extremists who advocate for Black supremacy? Nah. Couldn't happen. Nobody mugs an FBI agent.
If only we had an FBI that hasn’t previously proven itself to be choc-full-o partisan shills...
It's a very poor false-flagger who can't spew all sorts of "motivations" as the FBI "builds out" their picture of the "insurrection."
Remember the 2015 Draw Muhammed Cartoon Contest in Garland, TX ? Two jihadis drove from AZ to attack the gathered assembly. The FBI had an informant who knew about it, followed the jihadis to TX, but did not offer any intel to the local police or station FBI agents at the meeting.
You almost might conclude that the FBI wanted the jihadis to succeed. Why I can't say. Did the FBI want to send a message that the people attending the conference deserved it or influence public opinion against the group holding the contest and other Islamophobes? IDK
I haven't felt the same towards the FBI since then. And then of course there's the way Trump's campaign staff was spied on, etc. I got the impression that the FBI can pick and choose what they want to stop from happening and what they will allow to happen for political purposes. Sad really.
I don’t know about Jan. 6th except that it is a Pelosi stretch to call it an insurrection when 50 plus attacks on local and federal buildings and authorities in Portland alone are not even characterized unequivocally as violence by the leftmediaswine and DNC ponces. Of course those attacks and similar attacks carried out nationwide are by Antifa/BLM Democrat Brownshirts. What is the count, 100 to one? What is the cost, billions? How many injured? Killed?
And where was the vaunted FBI, protector of the nation against domestic terrorists, while our cities were being ravaged by classic acts of domestic terrorism including violation of the civil rights of innocent citizens by the miscreants.
Wray will do nothing to convince the sane half of the country that the FBI is a real law enforcement agency and Merrick “What Immigration Laws?” Garland will finish the Obama/Holder devastation of the DOC.
"FBI Director Christopher Wray resoundingly said Antifa and other leftists were not part of the violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6. ""
We don't care about AntiFa..What about Russians?
Trump’s landslide re-election was stolen and the only people who cared enough to do something about it were Antifa?
Sounds low-energy.
Why do only sociopathic scumbags go into government work?
Earnest Prole said...
Trump’s landslide re-election was stolen and the only people who cared enough to do something about it were Antifa?
Sounds low-energy.
Your power of deduction is unmatched.
Strange that Wray has ruled out specifics. Has not included in specifics, then launches into a non-sequitur about racist groups but has zero facts to support his conclusion.
If I were on the panel asking questions I would ask Wray if he has apologized for Crossfire Hurricane and Crossfire Razor.
Two investigations he took over and kept alive. NO evidence to do so.
He is a liar.
Julie Kelly
Sasse wants to know how FBI can criminalize social media posts and if FBI has enough resources to do it. Asks about high school bullies who might be turning violent on social media and where to snitch—I just can’t with these people.
Lindsey Graham: Do you guys need more money?
Andy Ngo said he didn't see Antifa at the Capitol. I thought that was pretty decent evidence, though he may have only known a subset of them. Yon said he saw Antifa tactics, but he didn't say he recognized anybody.
Now, though: "Never believe anything until it has been officially denied."
Why would we trust him now? What has he done to earn back out trust?
"'We have not, to date, seen any evidence of anarchist violence extremists or people subscribing to Antifa in connection to the 6th,
Talk about undermining your case. There is publicly available video of a leftist inciting the crowd.
I don't think this was a material effect, the overwhelming majority of identified protesters and rioters were from the right. But when you emphatically state something that is clearly not true the remaining options are that you're engaged in a cover up or you're a complete and utter fool.
I'm going with complete and utter fool in this case. But this shows the arrogance of bureaucrats that they believe their pronouncements disprove publicly known facts.
We started losing our country in the Boomers' dominated sixties leading to the 1974 Watergate coup. Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump provided short respites from what I see as the inevitable loss of our democracy.
Leftism/Progressivism is a disease which has infected all Branches of our government - both
Federal and State.
"Hopefully the next MAGA sPOTUS will not make the mistake of firing every damn person they can when they get in."
Shouldn’t that read as: not make the mistake of NOT firing...
It sounds as if you’re saying the opposite?
John Sullivan
Right-Wing journalist @MrAndyNgo
was at the #CapitolRiots then fled to Paris the day after to avoid prosecution from the US Government. It seems like someone is guilty; he needs some accountability
Thinking face
Time Stamp 8:26; my question is, where is his footage?
Andy Ngô
Mar 1
I was not there and the person in this photo is not me.
While I may be judging books by their covers, it does appear that a vast majority of the people involved were Trump supporters. While Michael Yon's videos are interesting, I don't see them as evidence of Antifa involvement. He only says that there were people using "Antifa tactics", but tactics can be copied.
Yet we do have evidence of Sullivan egging people on (and then making a nice profit from it). If Sullivan isn't Antifa, then what is he? It's not much of a stretch to think there were other non-Antifa Antifa doing the same thing.
I've been listening to my duly elected government now for a few months, and it has finally convinced me that it is correct.
It tells me that I am a white supremacist. I didn't believe that at first, but it must be true. So I shall act as a proper white supremacist from now on.
It tells me that I am a radical terrorist. I didn't believe that at first, but it must be true. So I shall act as a proper radical terrorist from now on.
It tells me that "I didn't build that." So I will build nothing more for them. It tells me that my gender is evil. I will be so from now on. It tells me that my guns are a danger to them. Let it be so.
no duh
If he said definitively that Leftists weren't part of the violence, then he hasn't been paying attention to the prosecutions. At least one Leftist, John Earle Sullivan, has been arrested for his involvement. If you read the Washington Post article I linked, you can see all the excuses for why he's not really a Leftist, but note how they tiptoe around his role in organising BLM protests:
He began organizing protests in Utah last year, and at one of the first, one of the protesters shot a motorist, said Lex Scott . . .
What were those protests? Hmm, who knows? Probably this one, in which a driver attempting to escape protesters crowding around his vehicle was shot. As you might guess, it was a BLM protest "decrying police brutality."
The attempt to rewrite history so a violent Leftist isn't really on the Left should be familiar, because it happens almost every time there's violence associated with a Leftist cause. We saw this narrative trotted out when there were rapes and assaults at Occupy camps years ago. And again more recently with violence at CHAZ in Seattle. Even during the early BLM riots, Democratic officials promoted a false narrative that the riots were the work of right-wing interlopers. At any rate, it's practically a cliche at this point.
Is Sullivan representative of most participants at the Capitol riot? No -- most of them are clearly aligned on the Right. He's more like the exception that proves the rule, just as there were one or two Rightists arrested in connection with the vandalism during BLM riots. But it's obviously false to say there was no Leftist involvement in the violence.
Blogger dreams said...
We started losing our country in the Boomers' dominated sixties leading to the 1974 Watergate coup. Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump provided short respites from what I see as the inevitable loss of our democracy.
Yup, and that was an FBI hit job, too.
Felt saw Gray’s selection as an unwelcome politicization of the FBI (by placing it under direct presidential control), an assault on the traditions created by Hoover and an insult to his memory, and a massive personal disappointment. Felt was thus a disgruntled employee at the highest level. He was also a senior official in an organization that traditionally had protected its interests in predictable ways. (By then formally the No. 2 figure in FBI, Felt effectively controlled the agency given Gray’s inexperience and outsider status.) The FBI identified its enemies, then used its vast knowledge of its enemies’ wrongdoings in press leaks designed to be as devastating as possible.
Nixon, of course, was an "enemy."
I don't beleive him.
John Sullivan was one.
So saying there were none - that places Wray in camp liar.
Well, if the FBI said it, that settles it.
If Sullivan isn't Antifa, then what is he? It's not much of a stretch to think there were other non-Antifa Antifa doing the same thing.
But our morally unimpeachable, trustworthy, and wise unelected apparatchik has assured us that there "wasn't evidence of leftists". We shouldn't be worrying our pretty little heads about all the talk of this "Sullivan" person. If the FBI says there wre no leftists anywhere at all near the "insurection", who are we to doubt that? I mean, the head of the FBI would never lie.
I haven’t asked this for a long time, but what is wrong with you people?
Go fuck yourself.
Guessing the 5 Senators who voted against confirmation of Wray as FBI Director in 2017 are heroes to the commenters here.
I'm still trying to figure out what the FBI did about Antifa Terror in Portland. Anything? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?
Do we give a shit about Portland? Seattle? Berkeley, CA? Madison, WI??
The elective abortion of Ashli Babbitt, the female veteran, unarmed and surrounded by security personnel, is the legacy of Congress, the FBI that kneeled for "benefits", and the mayor who was in denial a la Katrina Controversy.
We started losing our country in the Boomers' dominated sixties
Boomers didn't dominate the sixties, genius. The first Boomers were born in 1946. Do the math. Boomers could vote until 1967, and those who did were few in number, a mere fraction of the cohort. The sixties were dominated by the Boomers' still-young parents and their predecessors, the very same who gave us the Vietnam War, the Great Society, and other problematic programs and policies. The boomers only really came into their own in the late 70s and 80s, when we gave your Reagan and a roaring economic "boom."
"FBI Director Wray won’t share Officer Brian Sicknick’s cause of death with senators
If a single member of Antifa was present at the January 6 Capitol riot, it absolves the Right of responsibility for what occurred that day. Put differently, if Antifa didn’t exist we’d have to invent them.
The no true Antifa galaxy.
In other words, Harvard admissions personnel.
Jew... White privilege. Diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment), not limited to racism. It's a Pro-Choice, Pro-Choice, Pro-Choice ostensibly "secular" religion spread by the Progressive Church/Synagogue/Temple/Mosque/Office/Clinic/Chamber/Colander.
The no true Antifa Fallacy. Not galaxy. Though the autocorrect does reveal an unintended truth. We are indeed living in the no true Antifa galaxy.
We started losing our country in the Boomers' dominated sixties leading to the 1974 Watergate coup.
Watergate was a pre-Boomer phenomenon. By 1974 the oldest Boomers were only 29. Most, perforce, were younger; a significant number were not yet out of their teens. I daresay many were in fighting in the Vietnam War, their lives and health and courage being squandered by their elders in a conflict those elders were too incompetent to manage, far less to win.
Earnest Prole said... Put differently, if Antifa didn’t exist we’d have to invent them.
Sort of like all those different types of White Supremacists that constantly threaten and derail the lives of poor Black men, women and children just trying to get ahead in this world?
You know ... the Bugaloo Boys, Proud Boys, QAnon, conservatives, libertarians, Trump supporters, etc.
Earnest Prole said...
If a single member of Antifa was present at the January 6 Capitol riot, it absolves the Right of responsibility for what occurred that day.
It's interesting to see how the audience for left wing idiocy defends it. The statement "there is no evidence" magically transforms into whatever absurd strawman is necessary for left wingers to convince themselves the statement is correct.
He wouldn't know ANTIFA if it bit him in the ass.
I mean one was arrested, then let go in AZ.
Sort of like all those different types of White Supremacists that constantly threaten and derail the lives of poor Black men, women and children just trying to get ahead in this world?
Not to mention disguising themselves as Antifa and turning all those mostly peaceful protests violent over the summer.
Roughcoat said...
Nice work.
Nah, the 99% of the 200,000 supporters that listened to Trump’s speech, marched by the Capitol, and went back to their hotels absolve the Right of responsibility.
If a single White Supremacist was present at a George Floyd protest, it absolves the Left of responsibility for all its violence last summer. Put differently, if White Supremacism didn’t exist we’d have to invent it.
Two commenters in one:
Earnest Prole said...
You know your “mostly peaceful” protest was a failure when you feel the sudden urge to blame your political opponents for it.
3/2/21, 11:15 AM
Earnest Prole said...
Sort of like all those different types of White Supremacists that constantly threaten and derail the lives of poor Black men, women and children just trying to get ahead in this world?
Not to mention disguising themselves as Antifa and turning all those mostly peaceful protests violent over the summer.
3/2/21, 2:26 PM
If you know FBI Director Christopher Wray is a liar - and we do - why would you trust anything FBI Director Christopher Wray says - even resoundingly?
Two commenters in one
I contain multitudes.
Wray said "resoundingly"...
What did he do? bring in special sound equipment?
“I didn’t say that. We’re not at a point where we can disclose or confirm the cause of death,” Wray said.
LOL! We went through this bullshit on Trump-Russia for 3 years. Yeah, they can't "confirm or deny" - when it hurts the Left. Otherwise, they leak like a sieve. The FBI either has evidence of murder or they do not. And its 10,000 to 1, they don't have any evidence of murder. IF its murder, why aren't they releasing photos the "murderers" and asking for the public's help? IF its murder where is the video? Where is the evidence?
Again, its just like the Trump-Russia Collusion fakery all over again.
He's an admitted liar. There were right-wing pro-Trump groups and plenty of people who just happened to be there after the rally, but there were also some left-wing agitators as well. There may even have been more of them in the Capitol that day than there were admitted White supremacists. Plus, when we are talking about fringe groups, there's always likely to be somebody who is a government informant or a provocateur for the other side.
"If you know FBI Director Christopher Wray is a liar - and we do - why would you trust anything FBI Director Christopher Wray says - even resoundingly?"
Exactly Crack. Well played.
Earnest Prole said...
I contain multitudes.
Interchangeable principles is equivalent to no principles.
Browndog --
Thanks. Felt I had to say it.
Interchangeable principles is equivalent to no principles.
Precisely: That is my critique.
We are in violent agreement.
I would think large conservative money would want to face recognize everyone at the "riot" and interview as preparation for a class action suit labeling them violence insurrectionists. Cast that net and find a few lefty fish in it.
I assume the truth will come out at upcoming trespass trials (no one has been charged with insurrection). So Wray is just playing go-along-get-along, with a golden retirement package in his future, and maybe some paid board memberships.
Earnest Prole said...
Precisely: That is my belief system.
Fixed spelling errors.
If you live in Wisconsin, you’re probably old enough to remember when it brave and admirable to storm and occupy a Capitol. In fact, media considered Democrats who opened doors for the insurrectionists to be heroes. Good to know the police can just shoot them to protect the elected representatives should it happen again.
They have not 'seen any evidence of antifa/blm' - but that is onlly becuase they have not looked for any.
At this point in our history, the vaunted fbi could not find hteir own ass in the dark with assistance from a gaggle of democrats.
Them, the nas, cia, etal. really need to be disbanded and rebuilt from scratch. All of the alphabet agencies have proven to be fairly useless over the last bunch of years. Get rid of them all.
If there is a clear photo then the identity is known.
We're expected to believe that this is the hottest unsolved 'murder' in the country, the FBI has a photo of the suspect, the suspect's ID is unknown, and they won't release it?
Totally makes sense.
That and the blood-work on same high-profile case that's taking almost 2 months to get the results.
Why do we pay their salaries? Why does the department exist?
Fixed spelling errors.
For those slow on the uptake, I'll repeat what I said here the other day: My favorite moment in American politics is when one side realizes they dun fucked up with the political violence and turns on a dime from defending it to claiming it was the work of the other side. It reminds me of the moment my young son was caught with chocolate all over his face and his defense was to wordlessly point toward his sister, who we knew had been napping and nowhere near the candy jar.
Left or Right, you know ya dun fucked up when you find yourself looking through photos of your riot and praying you can spot someone who belongs to the other side.
There's this... https://www.lifesitenews.com/mobile/news/frontline-doctor-fbi-broke-down-my-door-in-swat-team-raid-of-20-men-guns-blazing
Zero info in his comment.
Oh yeah, is this the same FBI that said we were going to have an insurrection on Jan 20-21 marked by violent protests at all 50 state capitals?
That FBI?
How does that track with antifa members... being arrested there?
Left or Right, you know ya dun fucked up when you find yourself looking through photos of your riot and praying you can spot someone who belongs to the other side.
So how does that change your argument, or whatever it is, when you actually do identify provocateurs?
Or when there's video evidence of the crowd booing one the very few people actually engaged in the democracy destroying act of breaking a window?
Any difference, or is this just one of those mind-numbing "both sides" equivocations?
I guess folks will have to wait until the FBI leave the armed barbed wire capital to ask some questions.
So is Wray saying they had FBI stogies there? Like John Sullivan?
He egged them on. How many of the 'provocateurs' were FBI plants?
Left or Right, you know ya dun fucked up when you find yourself looking through photos of your riot and praying you can spot someone who belongs to the other side.
Not very hard to do. He was wearing a fake buffalo headdress and was bare chested on a January day.
why would you trust anything FBI Director Christopher Wray says - even resoundingly?
To paraphrase the old saw: If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and speak resoundingly.
Re: GMay:
So how does that change your argument, or whatever it is, when you actually do identify provocateurs?
My view of the agent provocateur claim -- both when Democrats were raising it to try and blame BLM/Antifa violence on Republicans, and today when Republicans are trying to use it to blame Antifa for the Capitol riot -- is what does it matter? Is some "peaceful protester" seriously going to argue,
"Sure I broke those windows and set that fire, but it's all because this agent provocateur from the other side lured me into doing it, so I'm not responsible!"
Now that I put it in words, that is exactly something I can imagine a protester saying, but that's largely because I think most protesters are excitable fools. For the rest of us, though, whether a "peaceful protester" was enticed by someone else into committing a crime shouldn't matter one whit. Those are the kinds of temptations one ought to be able to resist, as an adult. This is not a high bar.
All that said, based on the videos I've seen of the interior of the Capitol during the riot, there are probably a number of people who unlawfully entered the Capitol after police had been overrun in the mistaken belief that the police had let them in and that they were allowed to be there. My impression from the FBI affidavits that I've skimmed, however, is that prosecutors aren't going after these people, but people whose Facebook postings and suchlike show they knew they had forced their way in.
Antifa was there. Proven.
I'd like to say something on behalf of the FBI.
Hawley questioned him on whether the FBI is investigating too hard, using GPS and phone data, bank records, etc. Weird when the criminal gets to cross-examine the prosecutor.
So how does that change your argument, or whatever it is, when you actually do identify provocateurs?
There are always provocateurs. If they didn't exist we would have to invent them.
“Left or Right, you know ya dun fucked up when you find yourself looking through photos of your riot and praying you can spot someone who belongs to the other side.”
“Not very hard to do. He was wearing a fake buffalo headdress and was bare chested on a January day.”
Buffalo man is a QAnon adherent.
“During the Jan. 6 insurrection, Chansley was photographed several times during the riot at the Capitol, leading to five deaths and several injuries. Chansley, who hails from Phoenix, is a YouTuber who supports the political leanings of conservative group QAnon. The Arizona man can be seen wearing a fur with horns and face paint that resembled the design of the American flag. He turned himself in to his local FBI field office after returning from Washington, D.C.”
The Shaman also attended other, non-Q-related protests. He seems like a generic crazy person.
"Hawley questioned him on whether the FBI is investigating too hard, using GPS and phone data, bank records, etc. Weird when the criminal gets to cross-examine the prosecutor."
-- Actually, it is a fair question. Consider how little effort has been put into identifying people involved in other violent insurrectionist acts that the FBI had the lead on. If a bunch of cops only seriously investigated local crimes when "the right sort" of criminal could be charged, we'd have issues that they only bothered to investigate when they could gore the correct ox. So: Why has the FBI been so incredibly lazy when it comes to other events? Where was the massive FBI push to capture all the protesters who interrupted the Kavanaugh hearings, for example?
"My impression from the FBI affidavits that I've skimmed, however, is that prosecutors aren't going after these people, but people whose Facebook postings and suchlike show they knew they had forced their way in."
-- This would be comforting if places like the Bank of America and multiple news agencies hadn't been willing to sell people out to the state. The creepy selling out of neighbors and family members who had not engaged in violent crimes at the capitol is kind of chilling. It's kind of terrifying how quickly the media, large corporations, and the left are willing to turn into fascists when there's a chance to gain a little bit of power for their political allies.
"Left or Right, you know ya dun fucked up when you find yourself looking through photos of your riot and praying you can spot someone who belongs to the other side."
-- I think the bigger "fuck up," as you put it, is when a government official with the power of a massive bureaucracy who can end my freedom with a simple whim -- one that agency has been known to willingly falsify documents to get people they don't like where minimal to no consequences were faced for *falsifying evidence* -- says there is no evidence of a thing, when everyone who has been following the event knows there is evidence of a thing.
There are four lights. (Note: I'm not even a big fan of the riot that occurred, and I think rioters should face consequences. But, I'm extremely suspicious of people who are very selective about who faces said consequences and how severe they are. Women who handed out molotov cocktails to attack police officers and who also attacked a police car (they got lucky it was empty!) for example get a plea deal -- despite committing actual attempted murder. The people involved in the January 6 riot have had the entire power of the state, media, and even *their bank* turned against them to ruin their lives.
"Consider how little effort has been put into identifying people involved in other violent insurrectionist acts that the FBI had the lead on."
The FBI and associated agencies have brought many criminal cases against rioters disguised as protestors in the summer of 2020. Just look at the press releases of DOJ, FBI, ATF, etc from the past ten months. What is your source of information to the contrary?
My lovely hairstylist - who never paid attention to politics until Trump came along - told me the following two weeks after the Capitol disturbance:
1. Buffalo Horn Man was someone who went to antifa and other riots/protests around the country and he had little cameras in those horns taking videos of everything.
2. All of those laptops removed from the capital were turned over to the Trump team and forensic specialists and they were finding all of the dirt on Nancy, Biden, etc. and it was all going to come out before Jan. 20
3. Trump was going to be inaugurated on Jan. 20 because all would be revealed.
4. . . . .and other assorted conspiracy stuff.
She doesn't know who or what qAnon is (never followed anything on social media) and apparently gets this from a fellow church member. She had complete faith that God was going to step in, somehow PROVE that the election was filled with fraud and therefor Trump would be the legitimate President.
Yes, I still go to her - I cherish her for her talent, not her brains.
" What is your source of information to the contrary?"
-- Did the FBI enter a multi-pronged search for individuals using the full power of the state, including drafting national media into identifying people and having private companies offer private, customer information over without a warrant? Because, you can pretend "they arrested some people, so it's totally the same," meanwhile the rest of us remember loads of people calling to drag Trump out of his bunker and... well, let's just say hundreds of people weren't arrested for that. We remember the last time DC actually went up in flames during the 2016/7 inauguration festivities... and all those folks got off with a walk.
If you want to pretend there isn't a double standard, that's fine. But at least try and be creative in how you try to gaslight us.
So, right wing domestic terrorism has been building up? But has so far killed virtually no one and burned no buildings. The most you can say is that some proud boys rumbled with some antifa a few times. This is all an excuse to take guns away and spy on people.
He then joked that the movie was just the start of Giuliani’s career, as he went on to “star in a string of comedy films.”
“Hits like Four Seasons Landscaping, Hair Dye of the Day, and the courtroom drama — a Very Public Fart,” he joked.
Wray is such a deep stater. Who's the moron who appointed him?
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