Query: In the expression hotter than a five dollar pistol is it that the retail price of the weapon is discounted significantly because the item has been stolen or is the quality so poor the temperature of the firearm becomes uncomfortably warm when fired?
Went for a walk at 6:15am this morning. About 18 degrees F. The sun angle and feel was all spring. Very little snow left on the ground. Took daughter and SIL kids to the beach (ocean) this afternoon; we have them over night. Tremendous, very busy, few masked people even though the state is still mandating mask wearing. Grandkids are 4 1/2 and 2 1/2; beach time wore them out. Success!
@rehajm, the former, but in addition to likelihood of having been stolen, consider that it may have been used in commission of a crime. I knew someone who said he knew someone who bought a cheap pistol. Then it turned out to have been used to murder someone that the gun buyer knew, and might well have wanted dead. Oops.
Will be 14 degrees Sunday night/morning then mostly sunny and 50+ on Monday (NW PA). Moving clocks ahead next Sunday. It's all good! Finally can work outside in the evenings.
In the expression hotter than a five dollar pistol
If something is hot, it is something you don't want to get caught with. Think of the game hot potato. (Which is probably where the idiom comes from)
A pistol should be considerably more expensive than $5. If someone's selling one that cheap, they're trying to get rid of it. In this case the assumption is, it was used in a crime.
So something hotter that a five dollar pistol is very hot metaphorically, and probably in an unpleasant way.
Per the CDC, 4.6% of all covid related deaths to date were in people less than 50 years old.
Yes, deaths are correlated with comorbidities correlated with age. Planned Parent/hood can be judged separately and coadjacent for year over year excess mortality.
The report found that every country where less than 40% of the population was overweight had a low Covid-19 death rate of no more than 10 people per 100,000. ... In the US, where 152.49 deaths were recorded per 100,000 people, 67.9% of the adult population is overweight, according to the report.
Without delving into metallurgy, I wouldn't think that a cheap pistol would dissipate heat much differently than an expensive one. It might jam, misfire, or not shoot very accurately. It might be hot because it was just fired in the commission of a crime.
My wife and I got our first covid shots today. Didn't have to travel to the far reaches of King County WA, they were available at the Redmond Fred Meyer (a Krogeur store) that is 15-minutes from home. Done in about 30-minutes, including the post-shot 15-minute wait. No muss, no fuss.
"ROWLAND HEIGHTS (CBSLA) – A movement called “Asians With Attitude” is aimed at uniting all Asians and allies to stand up and fight back against the surge in racism and hate crimes.
Volunteers gathered in Rowland Heights Saturday after a string of robberies in a largely Asian-American community happened over the last few weeks."
Sputnik (which as we have speculated, may not have been first, if not for the navys privileges, the kennedy assasination, which looks more and more like a soviet connected hit, one could say the moon landings but the esso spill which touched off the whole environmental cult
the first great space exploration that was not tainted with NAZI scientists ---- sorry Armstrong fanboys - was not American, not Russian, not Japanese.
Well goddard took the first steps, first oin massachussetts then in the new mexico desert with the guggenheims hermann oberth expanded on that data and the rest is history
Mrs. NorthOfTheOneOhOne and I got ours on Thursday at the Cardinals Stadium drive-through vaccination site. It was pretty well organized and we got through it without any problems. They went ahead and scheduled us for the second shot on March 25th. They're running people through 24/7 into the first week of April before they re-evaluate and see if they can open up eligibility to a larger group.
Today's 1% improvement: I will choose 3 subjects appropriate to career and learn them using the Feynman technique rotating each one on a 3 day schedule for 1-3 weeks per subject. I will devote 30 minutes per day to this. I might write comments here in the write it out/talk it out step.
Today is escape velocity rocket dynamics focusing on liquid oxygen/hydrogen propulsion.
Goddard was good at what he did, Pournelle had no idea how lucky he was to be at university where the VAN ALLEN of the VAN ALLEN belt was just a simple teacher ...
But those guys were not the guys who were the first people to explore space with no reliance on Nazi technology ....
look this is a retired law professor blog, I DO NOT EXPECT ANYONE COMMENTING HERE TO KNOW WHAT I KNOW about rocket technology ----- and I could be wrong. Sometimes I am.
But my friends, if you are really interested in the first time Mankind explored space with technology that was not tainted by the Nazis who have now been dead and p punished for two generations, you might want to research the terms COLDCOLDCOLD and NOTSOCOLD.
REMEMBER< < < THIS UNIVERSE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO ACT WITH GOOD IMPULSES IN THEIR HEARTS, it does not belong to those who have no idea what I am saying ...... < < <
trust me, bad people are also stupid people. That is why MAGNA EST VERITAS ET PRAEVALEBIT .... ffs try and understand...
(no, I said, you were not great, you were just exactly who God wanted you to be, you were a beloved creature of God, and I AM SO SO SAD you thought God wanted you to be great ------ all any of us wanted was for you to know we "were happy you were our friend")
but hey, go ahead and insult me. you know, I have seen, again and again, decent people saying decent things on the internet, and someone says to them something rude, and I am thinking ----- for God's sake, you would never have said that if you knew that GOD LOVES YOU JUST AS MUCH AS GOD LOVES THE PEOPLE YOU so so much wanted to say the worst things you could think of ---- REMEMBER THIS, some day you will have to be someone who understands WHAT IT MEANS TO BE BRAVE AND STAND UP FOR PEOPLE WHO NEED YOU TO STAND UP FOR THEM.
I have always thought that "hotter than a $5 pistol" (or "a $2 pistol" before inflation) referred to physical heat; that is, a cheap, poorly made pistol would get physically hot when you fired it, so a very hot day in (say) south Florida in July was "hotter than a $5 pistol". The expression would also work for a "hot" woman. That's how George Jones used it. The other interpretation, that the pistol is "hot" in the sense of illegal, i.e., it's illegal and you could get in trouble for having it, wouldn't make sense unless you were talking about the risk of being caught for illegality. So you might say that taking a trip on Epstein's Lolita Express is "hotter than a $5 pistol". I've never heard the expression used in that sense, only as referring to physical heat. Your mileage may vary.
Wife got the first dose yesterday afternoon, felt puny all evening and had a little site-swelling and redness. OTOH, someone she knows online reports a fatal reaction by one of her friends . . . well, the friend died the next day but that proves nothing in itself. Wife's appointment went very smoothly FWIW.
Now I've hustled up here with things I was going to say, and can't recall them.
Mars. Mars is visible enough, but there's just too much light in the city for the Pleiades to be more than a slight light blur-- if that, it's very faint.
Speaking of pistols, a friend once showed off a tiny--I mean sub-derringer size-- single shot .22 that must have been someone's dare. I doubted it could even be fired, and would be wicked hot if it was, but he was the gun guy, some might say nut. He probably traded for it, and I wouldn't have paid five American dollars for the fool thing.
Rehajm The latter. You can tell this from Big Mike saying the opposite, but if you think it through it’s obvious. Sayings like this are always fossilized jokes, usually slightly sardonic jokes. Busier than a one legged man in a butt kicking contest. More nervous than a two tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Hotter than a five dollar pistol.
But the rule, “Big Mike never knows what he is talking about” is a useful shortcut.
Francisco D:” It was only a few months ago that liberals were worried that Trump rushed the vaccine and we would suffer tremendously.”
Yes. The real outrage though isn’t that politicians say such things, but that they never pay a price for it.
Browndog:”We are a clown country without virtue.” I am not sure that’s quite true, yet. But it’s becoming truer every day. When there is more outrage over an 80 year old cartoon than over a future president ginning up a scare about vaccines in a pandemic, it’s hard to rebut Browndog.
Venezuala's central bank posted a statement on its website Friday saying it would begin circulating the new 200,000, 500,000 and 1,000,000 bills to “fulfill the current economy’s requirements” without providing further details. The 1,000,000 note -- the largest in the nation’s history -- is worth only $0.53 cents. .....................................
Would make great birthday presents for unappreciative teens.
Now I remember. I might have missed references to Nietzsche and Thomas Szasz in the sanity discussions, and if so, I apologize. Szasz made the point, not very convincingly, that insanity is a sane reaction to an insane environment, which is spin on Fred's observation about sane people and nutso groups.
I'm in no hurry, still, to get the vaccine. For one thing, I have allergies.
Narr I'm sure it will be mandatory soon enough though
Inga, they messed with you and with everyone you care about.
and I don't wanna be someone who tells you HOW MUCH THEY HATE YOU but their next step is to tell you YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO THE INTERNET they are gonna tell you they are GONNA TAKE THE INTERNET DOWN FOR YOUR OWN GOOD they are gonna tell you everything you relied on because you relied on the internet was NOTHING
now tell me again, Inga, that you think it is ok to tell me, who cares so much about those you care about, that I do not know what is going on. ASK ME AGAIN, WHO? --- but remember, when you mock me, you mock the people who are trying to protect the people you care about.
Poor Ginsburg, and poor Burroughs, had no idea that the greatest joy in life, for most of us, is loving our families, and taking care of our spouses.
And Ginsburg was not all that much of a poet (I have read his attempts at poetry).
Burroughs was a different sort of guy ---- rich, cold-hearted, AMBITIOUS but DOOMED TO FAILURE because of the excitement the poor little fellow associated with the sort of things the poor little fellow associated excitement with.
If Trump had fired Fauci in the summer of 2020 the poor puppet Biden would have been living the good life in retirement now instead of living out the NIGHTMARE WEEKEND AT BERNIE's that he is living out right now ---- the poor jerk will never have a single day in the rest of his life where he does not know that he is an object of scorn and laughter - well not from me, I WOULD TELL HIM, just wake up and be better tomorrow!!! but the poor creature is not fortunate enough to have friends like me, SAD!
Because worthy of NOT being erased: stephen cooper said...
If Trump had fired Fauci in the summer of 2020 the poor puppet Biden would have been living the good life in retirement now instead of living out the NIGHTMARE WEEKEND AT BERNIE's that he is living out right now ---- the poor jerk will never have a single day in the rest of his life where he does not know that he is an object of scorn and laughter - well not from me, I WOULD TELL HIM, just wake up and be better tomorrow!!! but the poor creature is not fortunate enough to have friends like me, SAD!
If you have ever purchased a gun (handgun or otherwise) for a very low price, you will understand that the price is low for a reason. It isn't that the barrel may heat up when fired. It's because you are well and truly fucked if you are caught with this gun. Have you really never been in this situation? I love reading this comments section, and have been for many years, but sometimes I wonder...
My grandfather would say, about the weather, that it was “hotter than the hired girl.” Not only couldn’t you say that today, but nobody would know what you meant.
Someone who was very lively, clever and witty, he would call a “pistol”.
"The 1,000,000 note -- the largest in the nation’s history -- is worth only $0.53 cents. .....................................
Would make great birthday presents for unappreciative teens."
Can we buy these? Online or at an exchange bank? Great gag gift, "might be worth something someday" collectable, political prop, and the tip you leave when service was REALLY bad.
Full Moon: Earlier today I read that the Venezuelan 1,000,000 bolivar note was worth 54 cents. You say 53 cents. At first I thought you might be inaccurate, but then realized that any place with seven-digit numbers on the bank-notes is likely to have an inflation rate close to 2% per day. No doubt it will be under 50 cents by Tuesday.
Wonder what minimum wage was in Zimbabwe? ..........................................
"Zimbabwe used to have a Z$100,000,000,000,000 note - one trillion Zimbabwean dollars.
The note, along with previous hyper-inflated denominations including Z$10,000,000,000,000 (ten trillion) and Z$1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion), could be exchanged for U.S. dollars until the end of April 2016, but it was worth only about $0.40. It is fetching significant higher prices as a novelty item on websites such as eBay."
emptywheel @emptywheel · 10h Nice to see every single Republican taking a brave stand FOR giving huge tax breaks for the super wealthy and AGAINST giving free money to average people.
That's a 1.815 percent chance of death for all ages based on the number of confirmed cases. If the actual number of cases is twice that, there is only a 0.9 percent chance of death for all ages.
For those 50-64, death rate is 1.2 percent of confirmed cases. Age 40-49, death rate is 0.3 percent. Age 30-39, death rate is 0.1 percent. Age 18-29, death rate is 0.036 percent.
That is what the shutdowns are protecting people from. That is what the vaccine will protect people from. That's based on confirmed/tested cases. The actual chance of death is much lower since the actual number of cases is much higher.
Inga said... Sounds like no one is taking Stephen Cooper’s advice not to get the Covid vaccine.
I am not following his advice- and I'm not getting the vaccine. Decision made totally independent of anything Stephen Cooper said or didn't say. I usually skim over if not skip his comments. Same with you. But let's look at what Mark said: "Do I really need a vaccine against what is already a very low risk, even if the vaccine was 100 percent effective (J&J is only 66 percent effective)? Pretty much my reasoning. I'm 65. Thanks to the Navy I've spent a bit of time in places like Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Guam- where coronavirus of various types in more common than in the lower 48. The estimate is 20-40% of the population will never get the dreaded covid because of T-cell immunity from a previous similar but not exact coronavirus infection. Had two children get it, isolate at home- my home. We didn't practice social distancing, didn't practice mask wearing, and my wife and I didn't get it. Of course, we also think she had it back in February as the crud that wouldn't go away, which included loss of taste and smell, one of the really tell tale dreaded covid symptoms. Whatever she did have, sleeping next to her every night, sitting right next to her watching Netflix, I didn't get.
Maybe it's my Vitamin D blood level of 60 ng/ml protecting me, along with the fact my multi has the MDR of zinc. Maybe it's the nasal irrigation every morning, with a xylitol/salt mixture clearing my sinus cavities and nasal passages of pollutants, pollen, germs, and bacteria. Maybe it's my gargling and rinsing my mouth every night before bed with warm water and xylitol... Or, maybe, it's all of the above.
It's soon going to be spring, followed by summer. That's when seasonal URIs, like the dreaded covid, die down. And are less problematic if you do get them. We didn't get that chance to let nature run it's course this last year- a big mistake. We knew a year ago it didn't kill healthy kids and young adults. Herd immunity would already have been reached if we had let them get it in the normal course of events. BTW- you wouldn't believe- or maybe you would- the number of people who scream at me- "BUT YOUNG PEOPLE DO DIE OF IT!"Well, yes they do. If they're grossly obese and/or have other serious comorbidities.
At 65- I'm in good shape-except for my knees. Not obese, but at the upper end of suggested weight. But with that goes my doctor and others looking at me and saying- "you can't possible weigh that much." But I do. At this point in the disease's progression, if all the scared ninnies- several posting here, get their vaccines, I won't have to.
There's 9 people in my workgroup. 7 are getting or have received the vaccine. Including one who has already had the dreaded covid and doesn't need a vaccine- but has been told he does by "EXPERTS". The other one not getting the vaccine is taking medication that suppresses his immune system. So there's a very good chance he could get seriously ill or die from the vaccine. A 100% chance neither will happen if he doesn't get it. Weighing risks. He might or might not get the dreaded covid, and if he does, he might or might not get seriously ill or die from it. Again, if all teh scared ninnies get the vaccine- it really really lessens his chance of contracting the dreaded covid.
I donated blood again on 26 Feb. 4th time since the covidiocy started, 2nd time this year. Still negative for dreaded covid antibodies. I'm going for 6 this year.
David Brooks has resigned from the Aspen Institute's Weave project
The New York Times confirmed the columnist was leaving the position on Saturday from which he received a second salary
It said Opinion editors were unaware he had been on a salary from Weave
Brooks was being investigated over conflicts of interest after it emerged that he was being paid for the position while still writing about the project in his column
He had also continued to write about Facebook despite it having allegedly donated $250,000 to Weave
Brooks had also promoted another donor, NextDoor, on TV and Twitter
NYT reporters are typically not allowed to maintain outside jobs that would be perceived as jeopardizing their news judgment
'...Brooks' bio on the Times does not disclose his work with Weave or its links to Facebook, which the paper said it would now address. It does reference his work with PBS, NPR and NBC and his teaching at Yale University.
His resignation emerged Saturday after he appeared on PBS News hour on Friday and defended his involvement.
Brooks claimed that he did not disclose Facebook involvement in Weave 'because everything is public', despite the information not being readily available until being sought out by Buzzfeed this week.'
Brooks. I read a book he wrote on brain science once. He personalized everything, which made it a little easier to read, and the reader could see that Brooks was describing aspects of his own life and marriage through 3rd-person characters. He sounded miserable even though he began the book with this line: "This is the happiest story you will ever read." He struck me as a corrupted and self-deluded personality. So the news that he was apparently cheating on his employer, even given the identity of that employer, does not surprise me. Rules are always for others, the less-favored ones.
I couldn't recall for certain whether the Emerson quote was "little" minds or "small" ones. So I looked it up and got the entire paragraph. I will never reference this one again. That is one of the stupidest formulations ever. What a textbook straw-man argument and confused conclusion.
Emerson allows that the unnoticed eyeglass frames that you see with are part of the observation, and might change as part of the problem. If you're consistent you won't account for it.
rh, Emerson says contradicting yourself will cause you to be "misunderstood" like his gallery of historical greats. But it's more likely that contradicting yourself willl cause others to understand -- to understand that you do not know what you are talking about in the first place! It seems a silly bit of illogical self-indulgence that sounds bold only because he drags Socrates and Jesus into it. But maybe I'm missing something. What does Newton have to do with this? Or Luther? Luther wasn't misunderstood because he contradicted himself.
NYT reporters are typically not allowed to maintain outside jobs that would be perceived as jeopardizing their news judgment
That's laugh out loud funny.
Almost all reporters are on the payroll of The DNC. We know this from the DNC emails that Podesta turned over to the public. Those emails lay out in detail, with names of the reporters, that often print DNC written stories and publish under their by-line.
Incidentally, the stats that Mark quoted were for those that got the disease in the first place. Which according to the official numbers is about 8% of the population.
Mark said... Do I really need a vaccine against what is already a very low risk, even if the vaccine was 100 percent effective (J&J is only 66 percent effective)?
Even with low risk and 100% vaccine effectiveness, you will need to wear a mask in order to signal your virtue and compliance with our masters.
At the U of AZ they made me double mask. Breathing was a bit difficult but I fulfilled my "obligation".
Blogger narciso said... "My grandfather told me out goddard and how von braun really appreciated his work, (he bought the patents for pennies though)" There's the story, probably apocryphal, when the US Army was rounding up all the rocket scientists-engineers- in Germany. Von Braun was being interrogated by the OSS. "Dr. Von Braun, where did you learn so much about rocketry?" Von Braun was supposed to have looked at his interrogator with utter amazement. "Don't you know? We learned everything from your Robert Goddard." And the interrogator reportedly had no clue as to who Robert Goddard was and Von Braun had to explain it to him.
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७३ टिप्पण्या:
Query: In the expression hotter than a five dollar pistol is it that the retail price of the weapon is discounted significantly because the item has been stolen or is the quality so poor the temperature of the firearm becomes uncomfortably warm when fired?
van Creveld has the NYT obit for Stalin (7 March 1953) in its entirety.
Quite an artifact!
They're still NYT-wits
Went for a walk at 6:15am this morning. About 18 degrees F. The sun angle and feel was all spring. Very little snow left on the ground. Took daughter and SIL kids to the beach (ocean) this afternoon; we have them over night. Tremendous, very busy, few masked people even though the state is still mandating mask wearing. Grandkids are 4 1/2 and 2 1/2; beach time wore them out. Success!
@rehajm, the former, but in addition to likelihood of having been stolen, consider that it may have been used in commission of a crime. I knew someone who said he knew someone who bought a cheap pistol. Then it turned out to have been used to murder someone that the gun buyer knew, and might well have wanted dead. Oops.
Apocryphal story? Maybe. Or perhaps a warning.
Will be 14 degrees Sunday night/morning then mostly sunny and 50+ on Monday (NW PA). Moving clocks ahead next Sunday. It's all good! Finally can work outside in the evenings.
In the expression hotter than a five dollar pistol
If something is hot, it is something you don't want to get caught with. Think of the game hot potato. (Which is probably where the idiom comes from)
A pistol should be considerably more expensive than $5. If someone's selling one that cheap, they're trying to get rid of it. In this case the assumption is, it was used in a crime.
So something hotter that a five dollar pistol is very hot metaphorically, and probably in an unpleasant way.
Fun fact of the day:
Per the CDC, 4.6% of all covid related deaths to date were in people less than 50 years old.
@rehajm: I've always understood the expression to mean the latter of the two you list.
Something that is hotter than a 5 dollar pistol is most assuredly stolen.
Fun fact #2:
The median age for public school teachers in the U.S. is 41.0 years.
Per the CDC, 4.6% of all covid related deaths to date were in people less than 50 years old.
Yes, deaths are correlated with comorbidities correlated with age. Planned Parent/hood can be judged separately and coadjacent for year over year excess mortality.
Also, fat is beautiful, and a comorbidity.
obesity covid death rate
The report found that every country where less than 40% of the population was overweight had a low Covid-19 death rate of no more than 10 people per 100,000.
In the US, where 152.49 deaths were recorded per 100,000 people, 67.9% of the adult population is overweight, according to the report.
h/t The Narrative Crumbles
Without delving into metallurgy, I wouldn't think that a cheap pistol would dissipate heat much differently than an expensive one. It might jam, misfire, or not shoot very accurately. It might be hot because it was just fired in the commission of a crime.
My wife and I got our first covid shots today. Didn't have to travel to the far reaches of King County WA, they were available at the Redmond Fred Meyer (a Krogeur store) that is 15-minutes from home. Done in about 30-minutes, including the post-shot 15-minute wait. No muss, no fuss.
Brought forward from a previous cafe -
Backlash against crimes against Asians in southern California:
'Asians With Attitude’ Movement Shows Solidarity With Asian-American Community In Rowland Heights
"ROWLAND HEIGHTS (CBSLA) – A movement called “Asians With Attitude” is aimed at uniting all Asians and allies to stand up and fight back against the surge in racism and hate crimes.
Volunteers gathered in Rowland Heights Saturday after a string of robberies in a largely Asian-American community happened over the last few weeks."
More at the link.
Sputnik (which as we have speculated, may not have been first, if not for the navys privileges, the kennedy assasination, which looks more and more like a soviet connected hit, one could say the moon landings but the esso spill which touched off the whole environmental cult
Ate Salmon today. It is edible.
Melted a tablespoon of salted butter and let the ~6 oz chunk of salmon fry in it. Put on some salt and pepper.
Thank god the skin/fat layer was edible. That is the whole point of eating the salmon. Descaling it would be terribly inconvenient.
the first great space exploration that was not tainted with NAZI scientists ---- sorry Armstrong fanboys - was not American, not Russian, not Japanese.
Well goddard took the first steps, first oin massachussetts then in the new mexico desert with the guggenheims hermann oberth expanded on that data and the rest is history
Mike of Snoqualmie said...
My wife and I got our first covid shots today.
Mrs. NorthOfTheOneOhOne and I got ours on Thursday at the Cardinals Stadium drive-through vaccination site. It was pretty well organized and we got through it without any problems. They went ahead and scheduled us for the second shot on March 25th. They're running people through 24/7 into the first week of April before they re-evaluate and see if they can open up eligibility to a larger group.
Today's 1% improvement: I will choose 3 subjects appropriate to career and learn them using the Feynman technique rotating each one on a 3 day schedule for 1-3 weeks per subject. I will devote 30 minutes per day to this. I might write comments here in the write it out/talk it out step.
Today is escape velocity rocket dynamics focusing on liquid oxygen/hydrogen propulsion.
Heres a start
Once you leave earth orbits that the relay8vely easy part
Goddard was good at what he did, Pournelle had no idea how lucky he was to be at university where the VAN ALLEN of the VAN ALLEN belt was just a simple teacher ...
But those guys were not the guys who were the first people to explore space with no reliance on Nazi technology ....
look this is a retired law professor blog, I DO NOT EXPECT ANYONE COMMENTING HERE TO KNOW WHAT I KNOW about rocket technology ----- and I could be wrong. Sometimes I am.
But my friends, if you are really interested in the first time Mankind explored space with technology that was not tainted by the Nazis who have now been dead and p punished for two generations, you might want to research the terms COLDCOLDCOLD and NOTSOCOLD.
REMEMBER< < < THIS UNIVERSE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO ACT WITH GOOD IMPULSES IN THEIR HEARTS, it does not belong to those who have no idea what I am saying ...... < < <
trust me, bad people are also stupid people.
That is why MAGNA EST VERITAS ET PRAEVALEBIT .... ffs try and understand...
(no, I said, you were not great, you were just exactly who God wanted you to be, you were a beloved creature of God, and I AM SO SO SAD you thought God wanted you to be great ------ all any of us wanted was for you to know we "were happy you were our friend")
but hey, go ahead and insult me. you know, I have seen, again and again, decent people saying decent things on the internet, and someone says to them something rude, and I am thinking ----- for God's sake, you would never have said that if you knew that GOD LOVES YOU JUST AS MUCH AS GOD LOVES THE PEOPLE YOU so so much wanted to say the worst things you could think of ---- REMEMBER THIS, some day you will have to be someone who understands WHAT IT MEANS TO BE BRAVE AND STAND UP FOR PEOPLE WHO NEED YOU TO STAND UP FOR THEM.
I have always thought that "hotter than a $5 pistol" (or "a $2 pistol" before inflation) referred to physical heat; that is, a cheap, poorly made pistol would get physically hot when you fired it, so a very hot day in (say) south Florida in July was "hotter than a $5 pistol". The expression would also work for a "hot" woman. That's how George Jones used it. The other interpretation, that the pistol is "hot" in the sense of illegal, i.e., it's illegal and you could get in trouble for having it, wouldn't make sense unless you were talking about the risk of being caught for illegality. So you might say that taking a trip on Epstein's Lolita Express is "hotter than a $5 pistol". I've never heard the expression used in that sense, only as referring to physical heat. Your mileage may vary.
Sounds like no one is taking Stephen Cooper’s advice not to get the Covid vaccine.
I learned about kondratyuk from neil tysons series, i know crazy right.
My grandfather told me out goddard and how von braun really appreciated his work, (he bought the patents for pennies though)
Wife got the first dose yesterday afternoon, felt puny all evening and had a little site-swelling and redness. OTOH, someone she knows online reports a fatal reaction by one of her friends . . . well, the friend died the next day but that proves nothing in itself.
Wife's appointment went very smoothly FWIW.
Now I've hustled up here with things I was going to say, and can't recall them.
Mars. Mars is visible enough, but there's just too much light in the city for the Pleiades to be more than a slight light blur-- if that, it's very faint.
Speaking of pistols, a friend once showed off a tiny--I mean sub-derringer size-- single shot .22 that must have been someone's dare. I doubted it could even be fired, and would be wicked hot if it was, but he was the gun guy, some might say nut. He probably traded for it, and I wouldn't have paid five American dollars for the fool thing.
Spring forward next week already?
I was just getting used to DST again
I had my first WuFlu Pfizer vaccine shot on Friday at the U. of AZ.
It was only a few months ago that liberals were worried that Trump rushed the vaccine and we would suffer tremendously.
Now that Biden has been selected POTUS, all is well. Thank God for President-Select Biden. We would all be dead otherwise.
Inga - to the contrary.
“Inga - to the contrary.”
Oh really? Who?
The latter. You can tell this from Big Mike saying the opposite, but if you think it through it’s obvious. Sayings like this are always fossilized jokes, usually slightly sardonic jokes. Busier than a one legged man in a butt kicking contest. More nervous than a two tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Hotter than a five dollar pistol.
But the rule, “Big Mike never knows what he is talking about” is a useful shortcut.
Francisco D:” It was only a few months ago that liberals were worried that Trump rushed the vaccine and we would suffer tremendously.”
Yes. The real outrage though isn’t that politicians say such things, but that they never pay a price for it.
Browndog:”We are a clown country without virtue.”
I am not sure that’s quite true, yet. But it’s becoming truer every day. When there is more outrage over an 80 year old cartoon than over a future president ginning up a scare about vaccines in a pandemic, it’s hard to rebut Browndog.
Venezuala's central bank posted a statement on its website Friday saying it would begin circulating the new 200,000, 500,000 and 1,000,000 bills to “fulfill the current economy’s requirements” without providing further details. The 1,000,000 note -- the largest in the nation’s history -- is worth only $0.53 cents.
Would make great birthday presents for unappreciative teens.
Now I remember. I might have missed references to Nietzsche and Thomas Szasz in the sanity discussions, and if so, I apologize. Szasz made the point, not very convincingly, that insanity is a sane reaction to an insane environment, which is spin on Fred's observation about sane people and nutso groups.
I'm in no hurry, still, to get the vaccine. For one thing, I have allergies.
I'm sure it will be mandatory soon enough though
Inga, you have so so much love in your heart .....
how can you ask "who?"
American Family Field? When did this happen? I'm a Cubs fan but WTF? Miller Park!
And it's Sears Tower!
Inga, they messed with you and with everyone you care about.
and I don't wanna be someone who tells you HOW MUCH THEY HATE YOU but their next step is to tell you YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO THE INTERNET they are gonna tell you they are GONNA TAKE THE INTERNET DOWN FOR YOUR OWN GOOD they are gonna tell you everything you relied on because you relied on the internet was NOTHING
now tell me again, Inga, that you think it is ok to tell me, who cares so much about those you care about, that I do not know what is going on. ASK ME AGAIN, WHO? --- but remember, when you mock me, you mock the people who are trying to protect the people you care about.
One is struck by the notion that allen ginsburg thought the us had gone insane in the 50 so had william burroughs
Poor Ginsburg, and poor Burroughs, had no idea that the greatest joy in life, for most of us, is loving our families, and taking care of our spouses.
And Ginsburg was not all that much of a poet (I have read his attempts at poetry).
Burroughs was a different sort of guy ---- rich, cold-hearted, AMBITIOUS but DOOMED TO FAILURE because of the excitement the poor little fellow associated with the sort of things the poor little fellow associated excitement with.
If Trump had fired Fauci in the summer of 2020 the poor puppet Biden would have been living the good life in retirement now instead of living out the NIGHTMARE WEEKEND AT BERNIE's that he is living out right now ---- the poor jerk will never have a single day in the rest of his life where he does not know that he is an object of scorn and laughter - well not from me, I WOULD TELL HIM, just wake up and be better tomorrow!!!
but the poor creature is not fortunate enough to have friends like me, SAD!
Because worthy of NOT being erased:
stephen cooper said...
If Trump had fired Fauci in the summer of 2020 the poor puppet Biden would have been living the good life in retirement now instead of living out the NIGHTMARE WEEKEND AT BERNIE's that he is living out right now ---- the poor jerk will never have a single day in the rest of his life where he does not know that he is an object of scorn and laughter - well not from me, I WOULD TELL HIM, just wake up and be better tomorrow!!!
but the poor creature is not fortunate enough to have friends like me, SAD!
3/6/21, 10:27 PM
If you have ever purchased a gun (handgun or otherwise) for a very low price, you will understand that the price is low for a reason. It isn't that the barrel may heat up when fired. It's because you are well and truly fucked if you are caught with this gun. Have you really never been in this situation? I love reading this comments section, and have been for many years, but sometimes I wonder...
My grandfather would say, about the weather, that it was “hotter than the hired girl.” Not only couldn’t you say that today, but nobody would know what you meant.
Someone who was very lively, clever and witty, he would call a “pistol”.
"The 1,000,000 note -- the largest in the nation’s history -- is worth only $0.53 cents.
Would make great birthday presents for unappreciative teens."
Can we buy these? Online or at an exchange bank? Great gag gift, "might be worth something someday" collectable, political prop, and the tip you leave when service was REALLY bad.
Has a single journo pressed Da Fauch re gain of function in P4 labs?
Full Moon:
Earlier today I read that the Venezuelan 1,000,000 bolivar note was worth 54 cents. You say 53 cents. At first I thought you might be inaccurate, but then realized that any place with seven-digit numbers on the bank-notes is likely to have an inflation rate close to 2% per day. No doubt it will be under 50 cents by Tuesday.
"The 1,000,000 note -- the largest in the nation’s history -- is worth only $0.53 cents."
Zimbabwe issued a $100 trillion note in 2008.
Wonder what minimum wage was in Zimbabwe?
"Zimbabwe used to have a Z$100,000,000,000,000 note - one trillion Zimbabwean dollars.
The note, along with previous hyper-inflated denominations including Z$10,000,000,000,000 (ten trillion) and Z$1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion), could be exchanged for U.S. dollars until the end of April 2016, but it was worth only about $0.40. It is fetching significant higher prices as a novelty item on websites such as eBay."
Kyle Becker
Is it safe to use the term *former* President Biden yet?
Nice to see every single Republican taking a brave stand FOR giving huge tax breaks for the super wealthy and AGAINST giving free money to average people.
That's a 1.815 percent chance of death for all ages based on the number of confirmed cases. If the actual number of cases is twice that, there is only a 0.9 percent chance of death for all ages.
For those 50-64, death rate is 1.2 percent of confirmed cases.
Age 40-49, death rate is 0.3 percent.
Age 30-39, death rate is 0.1 percent.
Age 18-29, death rate is 0.036 percent.
That is what the shutdowns are protecting people from. That is what the vaccine will protect people from. That's based on confirmed/tested cases. The actual chance of death is much lower since the actual number of cases is much higher.
Do I really need a vaccine against what is already a very low risk, even if the vaccine was 100 percent effective (J&J is only 66 percent effective)?
Inga said...
Sounds like no one is taking Stephen Cooper’s advice not to get the Covid vaccine.
I am not following his advice- and I'm not getting the vaccine. Decision made totally independent of anything Stephen Cooper said or didn't say. I usually skim over if not skip his comments. Same with you. But let's look at what Mark said: "Do I really need a vaccine against what is already a very low risk, even if the vaccine was 100 percent effective (J&J is only 66 percent effective)? Pretty much my reasoning. I'm 65. Thanks to the Navy I've spent a bit of time in places like Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Guam- where coronavirus of various types in more common than in the lower 48. The estimate is 20-40% of the population will never get the dreaded covid because of T-cell immunity from a previous similar but not exact coronavirus infection. Had two children get it, isolate at home- my home. We didn't practice social distancing, didn't practice mask wearing, and my wife and I didn't get it. Of course, we also think she had it back in February as the crud that wouldn't go away, which included loss of taste and smell, one of the really tell tale dreaded covid symptoms. Whatever she did have, sleeping next to her every night, sitting right next to her watching Netflix, I didn't get.
Maybe it's my Vitamin D blood level of 60 ng/ml protecting me, along with the fact my multi has the MDR of zinc. Maybe it's the nasal irrigation every morning, with a xylitol/salt mixture clearing my sinus cavities and nasal passages of pollutants, pollen, germs, and bacteria. Maybe it's my gargling and rinsing my mouth every night before bed with warm water and xylitol... Or, maybe, it's all of the above.
It's soon going to be spring, followed by summer. That's when seasonal URIs, like the dreaded covid, die down. And are less problematic if you do get them. We didn't get that chance to let nature run it's course this last year- a big mistake. We knew a year ago it didn't kill healthy kids and young adults. Herd immunity would already have been reached if we had let them get it in the normal course of events. BTW- you wouldn't believe- or maybe you would- the number of people who scream at me- "BUT YOUNG PEOPLE DO DIE OF IT!"Well, yes they do. If they're grossly obese and/or have other serious comorbidities.
At 65- I'm in good shape-except for my knees. Not obese, but at the upper end of suggested weight. But with that goes my doctor and others looking at me and saying- "you can't possible weigh that much." But I do. At this point in the disease's progression, if all the scared ninnies- several posting here, get their vaccines, I won't have to.
There's 9 people in my workgroup. 7 are getting or have received the vaccine. Including one who has already had the dreaded covid and doesn't need a vaccine- but has been told he does by "EXPERTS". The other one not getting the vaccine is taking medication that suppresses his immune system. So there's a very good chance he could get seriously ill or die from the vaccine. A 100% chance neither will happen if he doesn't get it. Weighing risks. He might or might not get the dreaded covid, and if he does, he might or might not get seriously ill or die from it. Again, if all teh scared ninnies get the vaccine- it really really lessens his chance of contracting the dreaded covid.
I donated blood again on 26 Feb. 4th time since the covidiocy started, 2nd time this year. Still negative for dreaded covid antibodies. I'm going for 6 this year.
DM UPDATED: 01:24 EST, 7 March 2021
David Brooks has resigned from the Aspen Institute's Weave project
The New York Times confirmed the columnist was leaving the position on Saturday from which he received a second salary
It said Opinion editors were unaware he had been on a salary from Weave
Brooks was being investigated over conflicts of interest after it emerged that he was being paid for the position while still writing about the project in his column
He had also continued to write about Facebook despite it having allegedly donated $250,000 to Weave
Brooks had also promoted another donor, NextDoor, on TV and Twitter
NYT reporters are typically not allowed to maintain outside jobs that would be perceived as jeopardizing their news judgment
'...Brooks' bio on the Times does not disclose his work with Weave or its links to Facebook, which the paper said it would now address. It does reference his work with PBS, NPR and NBC and his teaching at Yale University.
His resignation emerged Saturday after he appeared on PBS News hour on Friday and defended his involvement.
Brooks claimed that he did not disclose Facebook involvement in Weave 'because everything is public', despite the information not being readily available until being sought out by Buzzfeed this week.'
Brooks. I read a book he wrote on brain science once. He personalized everything, which made it a little easier to read, and the reader could see that Brooks was describing aspects of his own life and marriage through 3rd-person characters. He sounded miserable even though he began the book with this line: "This is the happiest story you will ever read." He struck me as a corrupted and self-deluded personality. So the news that he was apparently cheating on his employer, even given the identity of that employer, does not surprise me. Rules are always for others, the less-favored ones.
But should it not have been NYT from which Brooks is resigning?
LOL, no, man! A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. Find some pretext that the rule he broke does not apply to his case.
I couldn't recall for certain whether the Emerson quote was "little" minds or "small" ones. So I looked it up and got the entire paragraph. I will never reference this one again. That is one of the stupidest formulations ever. What a textbook straw-man argument and confused conclusion.
Waning moon waning republic.
Emerson allows that the unnoticed eyeglass frames that you see with are part of the observation, and might change as part of the problem. If you're consistent you won't account for it.
Queen of anecdotal evidence Inga said: "Sounds like no one is taking Stephen Cooper’s advice not to get the Covid vaccine."
How anyone takes this person seriously is a mystery to me. Then again, using her analytical skills, maybe no one does.
rh, Emerson says contradicting yourself will cause you to be "misunderstood" like his gallery of historical greats. But it's more likely that contradicting yourself willl cause others to understand -- to understand that you do not know what you are talking about in the first place! It seems a silly bit of illogical self-indulgence that sounds bold only because he drags Socrates and Jesus into it. But maybe I'm missing something. What does Newton have to do with this? Or Luther? Luther wasn't misunderstood because he contradicted himself.
NYT reporters are typically not allowed to maintain outside jobs that would be perceived as jeopardizing their news judgment
That's laugh out loud funny.
Almost all reporters are on the payroll of The DNC. We know this from the DNC emails that Podesta turned over to the public. Those emails lay out in detail, with names of the reporters, that often print DNC written stories and publish under their by-line.
Stephen Cooper:
Since you chose not to get the vaccine, do you mind if those of us who did take off our masks?
Fauci says we have to keep wearing them forever because of you.
Incidentally, the stats that Mark quoted were for those that got the disease in the first place. Which according to the official numbers is about 8% of the population.
Mark said...
Do I really need a vaccine against what is already a very low risk, even if the vaccine was 100 percent effective (J&J is only 66 percent effective)?
Even with low risk and 100% vaccine effectiveness, you will need to wear a mask in order to signal your virtue and compliance with our masters.
At the U of AZ they made me double mask. Breathing was a bit difficult but I fulfilled my "obligation".
Has anyone here ever heard of a really good idea that was hatched at the Aspen Institute?
It occurred to me sometime in the middle of the night that, if deplorables are labeled 'domestic terrorists' their bank accounts can be frozen.
Blogger narciso said...
"My grandfather told me out goddard and how von braun really appreciated his work, (he bought the patents for pennies though)"
There's the story, probably apocryphal, when the US Army was rounding up all the rocket scientists-engineers- in Germany. Von Braun was being interrogated by the OSS. "Dr. Von Braun, where did you learn so much about rocketry?"
Von Braun was supposed to have looked at his interrogator with utter amazement. "Don't you know? We learned everything from your Robert Goddard."
And the interrogator reportedly had no clue as to who Robert Goddard was and Von Braun had to explain it to him.
"It occurred to me sometime in the middle of the night that, if deplorables are labeled 'domestic terrorists' their bank accounts can be frozen."
Coming soon because they are already planning for it.
I want everyone who wants the vaccine to get the vaccine. People can wear masks or not according to their own understanding.
I like social distancing, so that's cool
Jersey Field ---- I think forcing people to wear masks in 2020 was a war crime.
Gospace - your loss, dude.
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