৩০ মার্চ, ২০২১

At the Tuesday Night Café...

 ... you can talk about whatever you want.

১৫০টি মন্তব্য:

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Gas for my little compact car is $4.10/gal. for 87 octane regular. $4.35 for 91 super.

Just shy of $50 to fill up a small tank.

The only good thing is, the people who voted for this are going to get hammered.

There goes your $1,400 in increased gas cost.

Thanks, Joe!

I'm Not Sure বলেছেন...

San Diego public school teachers to give migrant kids in-person instruction before their own students

Teachers from San Diego Unified School District are teaching migrant children in person before their own students, Fox News has learned.

SDUSD students are currently learning in an online-only format and are expected to move into a hybrid model on April 12, where they will be learning in a combination of in-person and online formats, according to the school district's website.

"We have 130,000 kids who haven't been allowed in a classroom for over a year in the San Diego Unified School District. It's great that there's in-person learning for those unaccompanied minors from Central America, but I wish every child in San Diego County was allowed the same opportunity for in-person teaching," San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond told Fox News.


Michael K বলেছেন...

The teachers' unions should suffer the consequences of this behavior if live is fair. I don't know if it is.

Readering বলেছেন...

A friend with a kid in school down there said a federal judge ordered the schools opened.

Readering বলেছেন...

I read G Gordon Liddy passed away. I knew of him as a big Fordham booster. Others may have different associations.

Jaq বলেছেন...

The case that Ringo Starr was a genius drummer. I don’t feel so bad anymore that he is my favorite Beatle.


“There goes your $1,400 in increased gas cost.”

Not to mention, Biden is making sure it goes to Putin and Saudi Arabia and to whoever has convinced Biden to protect those oil fields in Syria with our sons and daughters rather than from our own or Canada’s oil fields. Biden is more into blood oil since it seems to pay him better in graft than North America’s oil.

I am sure it’s just a coincidence that Burisma, Hunter Biden’s company is a huge beneficiary of the Keystone kibosh.

One Eye বলেছেন...

I bet every dog park in America has a nut job that makes it miserable for everyone else.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

"Not to mention, Biden is making sure it goes to Putin and Saudi Arabia..."

And the evil oil companies.

Why does Biden love big oil so much? That covid money going right from your hands and into the hands of Chevron, Shell, etc.

Why does he hate the blue collar guys so much?

Those big pickup trucks driven by guys who bring lunch boxes to work don't run on water, you know.

Wait until winter gets here. Global warming or not it's going to be really cold.

Paying for heating oil this year is going to be a bitch.

Oh well...

Michael K বলেছেন...

Liddy was a go to guy who was betrayed by the Nixon twerps. His book, "Will", is worth reading. A movie was even made of it.

He was 90. A good life. I would take that.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

My best friend in high school's father looked exactly like Liddy.

Which was ironic because he was a big-time lefty : )

Howard বলেছেন...

Loved Gordon Liddy's Stacked and Packed calendars

Howard বলেছেন...

Don't be such a negative Nancy Debbie Downer, Joe. Venezuela is going to trade vaccine for heating oil. Win-win

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

I wouldn't make the vaccine for oil trade.

The only good commie is a dead commie.

The liberals who voted for Joe can freeze to death.

Conservatives will figure it out.


Lawrence Person বলেছেন...

DeSantis continues to crush it.

Old and slow বলেছেন...

Blogger One Eye said...

I bet every dog park in America has a nut job that makes it miserable for everyone else.

Oh, so you've met my brother have you?

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger Howard said...

Don't be such a negative Nancy Debbie Downer, Joe. Venezuela is going to trade vaccine for heating oil. Win-win

How ? Chavez drove all the workers away the way Biden will drive US oil field skilled workers away. Hedge fund executives won't put food on your table. There is no Venezuela oil industry.

Jaq বলেছেন...

From that video, made by a drummer, “Where do drummers get their time? From a metronome. Where do metronomes get their time? From Ringo."

narciso বলেছেন...

Sure why not


WK বলেছেন...

HS senior daughter’s school sent out announcement that graduation was reverting from commencement in stadium to a “car” drive through again this year. Unable to hold in facilities due to state capacity limitations. All teachers have been vaccinated (if they wanted it). One car per family. Pretty crappy senior year after cancelling homecoming, winter formal, etc etc......

On spring break vacation today (trying to make some positive memory for her). Did a whale watching excursion on the trip. Had to use hand sanitizer before boarding the catamaran for the trip. Rule is you need to wear masks until exiting the harbor. Family from Chicago asked use to move on deck to maintain social distancing. On a boat deck in the ocean. Really? I’d like to be at some of the meetings where the rule are made up.

Gospace বলেছেন...

The italicized below was posted by a Facebook military friend, retired Master Chief Petty Officer, so I assume it's valid. Looks like a slam dunk violation of USMJ Article 93—Cruelty and maltreatment and Article 127—Extortion. This is the covidiocy in action, writ large:

Just got word of a written order issued by Maj. Gen. Chris Donahue, Commander, 82d Airborne Division declaring virtually all Division facilities, to include the dining halls (mess halls for the Old Army folks), OFF-LIMITS unless they have a Covid19 vaccine card. You see, the Army can't order folks to take a flue shot or a CoVid19 shot, but they can sure starve them into submission.
These young soldiers are issued a meal card in lieu of dollars to eat on post. So, part of their pay is being held hostage by a posturing, virtue signaling general letting everyone know he's part of the Biden Team.
Time for Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC) to drop a line to the Corps Commander and cross-level this one. The Covid19 vaccine rush to market, along with significant allergies and illnesses associated, and conflicting information from on high, have made the vaccine a hard sell within the Military. Starving the troops is not going to help that situation much. Let's dig out the old Field Manual 6-22, Leadership and approach this a bit differently.

Any of you covidiots care to defend this?

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

I have been a huge supporter of law enforcement and the military my entire life.

I don't want anything bad to happen to anyone, but these institutions have become so corrupted by wokeness that I no longer care what happens to anyone who volunteers to work in these places.

Get back to me when the Antifa- and BLM-supporting officers are all purged and in jail.

One Eye বলেছেন...

Blogger Old and slow said...

Oh, so you've met my brother have you?

Or he's met me...

Titus বলেছেন...

I learned a new term today while hanging with my straight bros. gas dock girls. They are everywhere on New England lakes and the ocean. They don't do anything but you are supposed to tip them 20.00 after you fill your boat with gas. I said we don't have them in Wisconsin but they thought they had them on the Great Lakes.

Will Cate বলেছেন...

Ten hours after my 2nd Moderna shot: a bit of arm soreness as with #1, bit of light-headedness which passed in about an hour. No other side FX

Gospace বলেছেন...

Joe Smith said...
Paying for heating oil this year is going to be a bitch.

With fracking going by the wayside thanks to DEMONCRAT policies, gas and propane, a byproduct of NG production, are going to skyrocket. Which has an effect on electricity prices also.

And all those people with pellet stoves for cheap heat? Weyerhaeuser is selling all it's lumber to China. Gave all it's US customers notice on a Friday that on Monday they were cut off. If you haven't seen complaints on the literal explosion in prices for 2X4s and OSB and similar products- you will. And pellets will skyrocket.

Not certain what's going to happen to coal prices- quite a few people around my area, not large as a percentage, but still, a few, have coal fired furnaces.

I have a crapload of downed trees on my 8½ acres. I can burn wood and keep the house warm with a single wood stove centrally located on the first floor. But if the temperature drops below 25°F I have to heat with the boiler to keep the heating system pipes from freezing in the walls. Found that out the hard way... I already have enough wood in stove sized pieces for a heating season.

J. Farmer বলেছেন...

@Joe Smith:

The only good commie is a dead commie.

It's been a perennial Republican problem that they're always fighting yesterday's enemy. So much of modern American conservatism was created as a reaction to the Cold War, we're stuck with the vocabulary decades after the threat ceased to exist. Even before the formal dissolution of the USSR, it was clear by the time of Brezhnev that the Soviet Union was not a challenge to the productive capacities of the West.

Then, as now, the enemy is not foreign but domestic and not communists but bourgeois bohemians. They are the prime proponents, exponents, and beneficiaries of liberal capitalism. The fundamental paradox of the contemporary Republican Party is its attempt to fuse traditionalism/social conservatism with liberal capitalism.

Titus বলেছেন...

Then they said isn't Wisconsin on lake erie. And one dude said he met a hot cheesehead from Michigan in Aruba. Sigh.

Titus বলেছেন...

Coasties don't know where Wisconsin is.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"Coasties don't know where Wisconsin is."


Lem Vibe Banditory বলেছেন...

So let me ask a rhetorical.

NJ making me re-register a car after only 6 months is a way to pick my pocket, isn't it?

Some bureaucracies you just can't reach.

StephenFearby বলেছেন...

EpochTimes March 30, 2021
China ‘Copied Its Way’ to Economic Success, Chinese Professor Boasts

'...Four Decades of Cheating

Since the Chinese regime’s economic reforms of the late 1970s, it has depended heavily on foreigners bringing in their investments, technology, and know-how to spur the country’s economic development, Zang said.

Specifically, [Zang Qichao, a prominent marketing expert and visiting professor of Beijing’s Tsinghua University]said the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) forced foreign businesses to enter into partnerships with domestic firms, so the locals could learn from the foreigners and eventually replace them by running the businesses themselves.

Known as forced technology transfer, the CCP has forced foreign companies to enter into joint ventures with local firms and handover their intellectual property (IP) as a condition of entry to the Chinese market.

After four decades, “we’ve learned everything, and can do everything ourselves,” he said.

“When we look back, the factories are ours, the equipment is ours, the technology is ours, the patents are ours,” Zang said. “The foreigners have all gone.”

The CCP’s rampant theft of foreign IP has sparked rising push back in recent years, particularly during the Trump administration. U.S. officials have described Beijing’s strategy to overtake the United States as the lone superpower as centered on the actions: “rob, replicate, replace.”

After finding the CCP was engaged in state-sanctioned theft of American IP, the Trump administration in 2018 launched the U.S.-China trade war in an attempt to get the regime to drop a range of unfair trade and economic practices, such as forced technology transfer, subsidies for domestic industries, and currency manipulation. A phase-one trade deal was reached in January 2020, but many trade barriers were not addressed.

Federal authorities have also ramped up prosecutions of alleged technology theft by Chinese students and company insiders, as well as Chinese cyberhackers.

In his speech, Zang said the United States had finally found out about Beijing’s plans.

“They don’t let us copy anymore,” he said...'


Joe Smith বলেছেন...


A joke of sorts, but easy shorthand for morons like Howard to understand.

There are few 'real' commies left, but those that are still breathing have permission to stop.

Communism is/was pure evil, even you can't philosophize yourself out of that one...

narciso বলেছেন...

Thats what it looks like to me. Its no skin off murphys nose

narciso বলেছেন...

You would trust him right


Lem Vibe Banditory বলেছেন...

If the Biden's dog bites a White House staffer a third time, it will mean 3 more years of mask wearing, hand sanitizing and social distancing. - biting Biden dog day.

narciso বলেছেন...

He has to take one for the team


StephenFearby বলেছেন...

Brian Auten

Meet the Russiagate Prober Who Couldn't Verify Anything in the Steele Dossier Yet Said Nothing for Years

Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations March 30, 2021

"...The top analyst assigned to the FBI’s Russia “collusion” case, code-named Crossfire Hurricane, admitted under oath that neither he nor his team of half a dozen intelligence analysts could confirm any of the allegations in the dossier — including ones the FBI nonetheless included in several warrant applications as evidence to establish legal grounds to electronically monitor a former Trump adviser for almost a year.

FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten made the admission under questioning by staff investigators for the Senate Judiciary Committee during closed-door testimony in October. The committee only this year declassified the transcript, albeit with a number of redactions including the name of Auten, who was identified by congressional sources who spoke on condition of anonymity..."

'...He insisted, “It was justified to open these cases” — not only against Carter Page, but also Trump advisers Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, and George Papadopoulos -- even while revealing that he and his analysts discussed taking out "professional liability insurance" policies because they worried the irregular Crossfire investigation “would likely result in extra scrutiny.”

FBI Director Christopher Wray has kept Auten in his job at the bureau, where he continues to work at headquarters as a supervisory intelligence analyst. The FBI provided him counsel at his private Senate hearing.

Wray has assured Horowitz he’s conducting a review of all FBI personnel who had responsibility for the preparation of the invalid FISA warrant applications and would take any appropriate action to deal with them for misconduct. It’s not immediately known if Auten has undergone such an internal review. The FBI declined to comment.'


madAsHell বলেছেন...

I bet every dog park in America has a nut job that makes it miserable for everyone else.

Let me paraphrase Groucho Marx.....why would I belong to a club that doesn't have membership rules?

"People, who need people are the loneliest people in the world!"....paraphrasing Barbara Streisand.

Inga বলেছেন...

“Just got word of a written order issued by Maj. Gen. Chris Donahue, Commander, 82d Airborne Division declaring virtually all Division facilities, to include the dining halls (mess halls for the Old Army folks), OFF-LIMITS unless they have a Covid19 vaccine card. You see, the Army can't order folks to take a flue shot or a CoVid19 shot, but they can sure starve them into submission.
These young soldiers are issued a meal card in lieu of dollars to eat on post. So, part of their pay is being held hostage by a posturing, virtue signaling general letting everyone know he's part of the Biden Team.
Time for Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC) to drop a line to the Corps Commander and cross-level this one. The Covid19 vaccine rush to market, along with significant allergies and illnesses associated, and conflicting information from on high, have made the vaccine a hard sell within the Military. Starving the troops is not going to help that situation much. Let's dig out the old Field Manual 6-22, Leadership and approach this a bit differently.”
It’s pretty embarrassing that there are military members afraid of getting a Covid vaccine. People in their 90’s have been getting them and do just fine. My daughter is a Navy Chief/Hospital Corpsman and says scuttlebutt is that it will soon be mandatory for military members to get the Covid vaccination.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

It’s pretty embarrassing that there are military members afraid of getting a Covid vaccine.

There are reasons to not get the vaccine besides fear. Defiance is a good one.

Inga বলেছেন...

More troops are taking the COVID-19 vaccine, including those who rejected it before

Humperdink বলেছেন...

"I bet every dog park in America has a nut job that makes it miserable for everyone else."

It is for this reason that our dog trainer advised us a dog park is the last place you take your dog.

I'm Not Sure বলেছেন...

It's even more embarrassing there are military "leaders" who are trying to force people in their command to do something they are not required to do.

Inga বলেছেন...

“There are reasons to not get the vaccine besides fear. Defiance is a good one.”

These people are in the military, not some weekend scout camp. They are required to get numerous vaccines during basic training/ boot camp, the Covid vaccine will become mandatory sooner rather than later and those who refuse will be probably be discharged.

J. Farmer বলেছেন...

@Joe Smith:

There are few 'real' commies left, but those that are still breathing have permission to stop.

Communism is/was pure evil, even you can't philosophize yourself out of that one...

"Communism" is too big a word to be rendered in such Manichean terms. It isn't just the actions undertaken by the Soviets and the Chinese to brute force industrialization and modernization at the expense of a great many innocent lives. Nonetheless, I agree that those actions deserve the epithet "pure evil."

Nonetheless, imagine someone who read contemporary communist writers for the last 30 years versus someone who read the mainstream American press. Who would have a more accurate view of the global system?

It is sometimes said of Marxist theory, "right description, wrong prescription."

Gahrie বলেছেন...

These people are in the military, not some weekend scout camp. They are required to get numerous vaccines during basic training/ boot camp, the Covid vaccine will become mandatory sooner rather than later and those who refuse will be probably be discharged.

ja mein führer

Inga বলেছেন...

“These people are in the military, not some weekend scout camp. They are required to get numerous vaccines during basic training/ boot camp, the Covid vaccine will become mandatory sooner rather than later and those who refuse will be probably be discharged.

ja mein führer”

LOL, it’s pretty evident that you wouldn’t last long in boot camp.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

It has been reported Resident Joe Biden's handlers will not permit him to roll out the first pitch for Washington Nationals home opener.

I'm Not Sure বলেছেন...

"It has been reported Resident Joe Biden's handlers will not permit him to roll out the first pitch for Washington Nationals home opener."

Due to a previous engagement to sniff some little girl's hair, no doubt.

narciso বলেছেন...

The same pentagon that allowsnational guardsmen to freeze in frozen garages to forage on mouldy rationswhichis purging their frontline forces, they understand perfectly well.

Narr বলেছেন...

Got caught up in roof leak issues again. Making progress.

Those who took up my travel writer suggestions, please let me know how you like them. I enjoy reading about other places and people, but am also interested in experiences and opinions of this place--Raban's Hunting Mr. Heartbreak, or Naipaul's Turn in the South, or yankee Theroux's Deep South.

I'm not bothered in the least by any seeming contradiction between an easy life at home and rough or at least uncomfortable travel. In fact I'd think a person who chooses discomfort at home on principle has a screw loose.

Death Before Discomfort!

Like some of my ACWABAWS reenactor friends used to say, "Death Before Discomfort!"

Mark বলেছেন...

the enemy is not foreign but domestic and not communists

A central component of communism is not total rule by the government, but rule by the Party. Everything is controlled by the Party.

What do we see in the U.S. of A.? The Party runs the government -- not the elected Democrats, and certainly not elected Republicans, but the Party, which infests every corner of the government, known as the Deep State. The Party runs the Pravda news media. The Party runs the entertainment media. The Party runs the legal profession. The Party runs academia. The Party runs the major corporations. The Party runs transportation. The Party molds and guides the culture. The Party is in control of everything.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"It has been reported Resident Joe Biden's handlers will not permit him to roll out the first pitch for Washington Nationals home opener."

Fauci's available. He's been practicing.

narciso বলেছেন...

Also read some of robert kaplans travel journals

le Douanier বলেছেন...

“Coasties don't know where Wisconsin is.”

They think of it as the place where the My Pillow crack head is from.

Close enough.


narciso বলেছেন...

But enough about aaron sorkin, or jason leopold for that matter.

narciso বলেছেন...

Theres also this guy


Gahrie বলেছেন...

LOL, it’s pretty evident that you wouldn’t last long in boot camp.

I grew up on military bases. I have no doubt that I know more about military life than you do. IF the COVID vaccine becomes mandatory, than you would have a duty to get it. The key word is "IF".

This vaccine isn't really a vaccine, and like the flu shot, it most likely won't work on the annual mutations that will occur. There is no point other than imposing one's willon another to make the "vaccine" mandatory.

le Douanier বলেছেন...

But seriously, could anything be more different: cheesehead v viking?

Obviously not the same thing.


Humperdink বলেছেন...

"They think of it as the place where the My Pillow crack head is from."

Interesting comment. Some people turn their lives around and become productive citizens. Other cannot escape it and become wards of the state. Or in one case become wholly owned subsidiaries of foreign governments because daddy is vice president.

le Douanier বলেছেন...

“This vaccine isn't really a vaccine, and like the flu shot, it most likely won't work on the annual mutations that will occur. There is no point other than imposing one's willon another to make the "vaccine" mandatory.”

So anti-elitist cons will probably want to STFU re pissing and moaning that costal elites and elite schools aren’t real America enough. I’m sure roughnecks and rednecks are very fine people, but if yur worrying about no-nothings from Central America taking your job, that circumstance kinda proves that what you do ain’t too hard. Let’s show some F-ing respect to the Elites that can deal w/ the problems and needs re this century.

Yur welcome.

I'm Not Sure বলেছেন...

"Some people turn their lives around and become productive citizens. Other cannot escape it and become wards of the state."

As it shows it can be done, this bothers the people who think being wards of the state is better than getting an entry level job and working your way up the ladder.

Inga বলেছেন...

“I grew up on military bases.”

So? Maybe your daddy was in the military, but his son wouldn’t pass muster.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Let’s show some F-ing respect to the Elites that can deal w/ the problems and needs re this century.

Spoken like the villain in Rainbow Six.

Gospace বলেছেন...

Inga said...

It’s pretty embarrassing that there are military members afraid of getting a Covid vaccine. People in their 90’s have been getting them and do just fine. My daughter is a Navy Chief/Hospital Corpsman and says scuttlebutt is that it will soon be mandatory for military members to get the Covid vaccination.

That's your defense? Military members are cowards?

As of January 4, there were a total of 14 military covid deaths from 1.38 million active members and another million or so reservists and guard personnel. Of those 14 deaths, near as I can find, exactly one was an active duty death, from the USS Theodore Roosevelt. The rest were reservists and NG. Last time I looked at all I could find- no death was under 38. Hate to say it, but from his official photos, he appeared to me to not meet BMI standards. We'll never find out if he had any comorbidities- the Navy has zipped up on releasing any public information about his death.

What does the military consist if? Healthy young people. Occasionally an unhealthy person slips through the screening process, but mostly healthy young people. Here's the active duty age distribution. Almost 1/3 <26. Less than 10% >40. Who doesn't die of the dreaded covid? Healthy young people, and right there is our control group of healthy young people proving it.

The active-duty Army has seen a 30% increase in 2020 in deaths by suicide, from 88 deaths by suicide in 2019 to 114 this year, The Associated Press has reported. That 26 more suicides in the Army alone, which can be directly attributed to the covidiocy restriction YOU SUPPORT. And as a note I recall 2 USAFA cadets committed suicide mere weeks before graduation and commissioning in 2020. 1 more death from suicide just among USAFA cadets then the entire rest of the active duty force. (Service academy cadets and midshipmen are active duty, ROTC are not.) It's idiots like you killing those people. The military would be at full herd immunity with, if any, additional deaths from the dreaded covid if we weren't treating young people trusted with live ammo, nuclear weapons, the safe operation of nuclear propulsion plants, etc., as babies. I recently read some memos from USNA. The administration is apparently encouraging midshipmen to snitch on each other for violating covid guidelines and planning to administer harsh punishment to those that commit violations. Yeah, that's just what the military needs, an infusion of new young officers with a hearty distrust of each other because of official training policies.

And they're not dying even though a number of studies show soldiers, sailors, and Marines are often Vitamin D deficient. Especially submarine sailors like I was. And the military brass isn't even doing the basics of seeing to it the young men and women under them have adequate levels, they're punishing them harshly for violating dreaded covid restrictions of social distancing and masking when it has been overwhelmingly shown that those actions MAKE NO DIFFERENCE.

But go ahead, call them cowards. Feel good about it.

Inga বলেছেন...

“That's your defense? Military members are cowards?”

No. They are misinformed. The military is having to deal with extremism in it’s ranks, it’s a true threat to the National Security.

Michael K বলেছেন...

So anti-elitist cons will probably want to STFU re pissing and moaning that costal elites and elite schools aren’t real America enough.

What an asshole ! Stay away from Major. He bites assholes like you.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

It turns out that Biden didn't actually put Harris in charge of the border crisis. He put her in charge of dealing with the Mexican and Central American governments. That basically means a few state visits and chats with foreign leaders while diplomats do all the work behind the scenes. So she wasn't set up to fail. It was just intended to be a little resume enhancer and chance to make people think she was doing something.

But with the widespread idea that she is responsible for clearing up the mess at the border, she will look like a failure if things aren't fixed and the caravans don't stop coming. We could take this to the next level and argue that it was intentional and Team Biden expected their words to be misinterpreted so that Harris would indeed be set up to fail, but are they really that clever?

narciso বলেছেন...

Major hasan murdered 14 servicemen, the military didnt stop and take a breather nor with hasan akbar or the one that shot the recruiter in little rock

Michael K বলেছেন...

The military is having to deal with extremism in it’s ranks, it’s a true threat to the National Security.

Yeah, all those white men who won WWII.

320Busdriver বলেছেন...

20% of health care workers are not interested in getting the vaccine.

Gospace বলেছেন...

Inga said...
More troops are taking the COVID-19 vaccine, including those who rejected it before

Well, gee, when they're threatened with punishment, supported by fascists like you, most people knuckle under.

Even those that have had the dreaded covid are being told to get the vaccine. Why? Science does NOT in any way support that. My soon to be commissioned son has had it- isolated in my home with me during last years 1 week, turned into 2, then the rest of the semester break from physical presence at college. His college went to full time in person instruction partially due to the ROTC commander telling them their ROTC tuition payments might not be coming if they didn't. At least, so I've heard. Something like that will never ever be confirmed by anyone.

Inga বলেছেন...

“Yeah, all those white men who won WWII.”

Those guys wouldn’t have said no to a Covid shot.

Gospace বলেছেন...

Inga said...
“That's your defense? Military members are cowards?”

No. They are misinformed. The military is having to deal with extremism in it’s ranks, it’s a true threat to the National Security.

You called them cowards, and I quote: It’s pretty embarrassing that there are military members afraid of getting a Covid vaccine. People in their 90’s have been getting them and do just fine.

I suspect they're better informed then you of the risk-reward ratio of getting the shot vs getting the dreaded covid for their age group.

320Busdriver বলেছেন...

I was open to getting a covid shot.

Now that I see the coming coercion and talk of passports and the like I am going to pass. Even some extended family is warning of “consequences”. Too bad.

I’ll take my vitamins and hold IVM in my pocket thank you!

narciso বলেছেন...

Along those lines


le Douanier বলেছেন...

“Something like that will never ever be confirmed by anyone.”

When I was a wee engineering student, the Navy paid for me to be flown to San Diego where I stayed in a nice hotel, went to good restaurants and rolled around the city doing and looking at fun stuff. We also went to TJ to go to a strip club. I got a handie paid for w/ tax dollars.

I’ve always wondered how that sorta thing can go on w/o a big fuss in the media. I couldn’t have been the only one. OTOH, I am sorta exceptional.

I dunno.

I Have Misplaced My Pants বলেছেন...

Coasties don't know where Wisconsin is.

When we went to Missouri for spring break and told our NY/NJ friends they said in all seriousness they weren't sure they could find it on a map.

Gospace বলেছেন...

narciso said...
Along those lines

Just posted that link to my Facebook account. I've asked before and you didn't answer- DO you ever sleep?

Inga বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Gahrie বলেছেন...

“Yeah, all those white men who won WWII.”

Those guys wouldn’t have said no to a Covid shot.

They wouldn't have worn masks and cowered in their homes for a year either.

Inga বলেছেন...

“You called them cowards, and I quote: It’s pretty embarrassing that there are military members afraid of getting a Covid vaccine. People in their 90’s have been getting them and do just fine.”

My daughter is a Navy Chief, she and her fellow Navy personnel who have voluntarily received the Covid shot are not cowards and it’s not cowardice that keeps the other military members from getting the Covid shot. As I said they are made to feel afraid of the Covid vaccine because of misinformation.

J. Farmer বলেছেন...


Let’s show some F-ing respect to the Elites that can deal w/ the problems and needs re this century.

Yur welcome.

Probably has something to do with the fact that they create the problems and needs of this century.

Inga বলেছেন...

“They wouldn't have worn masks and cowered in their homes for a year either.”

Military members have not cowered in their homes and they HAVE been wearing masks.

le Douanier বলেছেন...

Farm: you are a dumb dumb.

Economic growth and innovation are not problems. Your kind of thinking is like Germany throwing out brilliant Jews. But, w/o the genocide. Just economic murder.

Lem Vibe Banditory বলেছেন...

Picked up a young Walgreen's employee (rideshare) and in the course of conversation she told me her mother was forced to take vaccine with a possible loss of job if she decline. Her mom works in one of those mail meal kits, like Weightwatchers. She's not handling anything going out the door, she said.

le Douanier বলেছেন...

“....she told me her mother was forced to take vaccine”

Between this and Inga stating that the military has plenty of vaccine, does it no longer look like you jumped the line if you and your young family have been double jabbed?

Obviously, ya don’t need to mention how long it’s been since that happened. But, can folks now openly jabber about being jabbed w/o seeming like a creep that probably made old and unhealthy people suffer?

Theoretically asking.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Thanks for the drum link, Tim. Very interesting. I don't really pay all that much attention to the drum part of a song, at least not focused on it, but I actually went and listened to parts of the songs themselves- "She Loves You", "Help", "Something", and "Come Together" etc.- and he was spot on what he describing.

I have also always preferred to listen to Starr talk about the Beatles and that time rather than the other three, though I preferred the post Beatles music of the other three more. I always got the sense that Starr understood just how lucky he had been life, and didn't resent- embraced that luck.

J. Farmer বলেছেন...


A central component of communism is not total rule by the government, but rule by the Party. Everything is controlled by the Party.

What do we see in the U.S. of A.? The Party runs the government -- not the elected Democrats, and certainly not elected Republicans, but the Party, which infests every corner of the government, known as the Deep State.

That is a component of Leninism, but what you're describing is the bureaucratization of the state. It has occurred in every industrialized, developed nation. It's why Andrew Jackson preferred patronage and the spoils system.

"The general spirit of the bureaucracy is the secret, the mystery, preserved inwardly by means of the hierarchy and externally as a closed corporation. To make public -the mind and the disposition of the state appears therefore to the bureaucracy as a betrayal of its mystery. Accordingly authority is the principle of its knowledge and being, and the deification of authority is its mentality. But at the very heart of the bureaucracy this spiritualism turns into a crass materialism, the materialism of passive obedience, of trust in authority, the mechanism of an ossified and formalistic behaviour, of fixed principles, conceptions, and traditions. As far as the individual bureaucrat is concerned, the end of the state becomes his private end: a pursuit of higher posts, the building of a career."
-Karl Marx, Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right

effinayright বলেছেন...


Can we PLEASE stop reporting on reactions to your covid shots!!!???

99.99% of the millions who have had them have not died, let alone got seriously sick, least of all got sick at all.


Your personal reactions are not news, let alone statistics THEY ARE DOO-DOO..

If you continue, you are offering no less **useless** information than the people who inform us stuff like: "Bill Maher? Never heard of him."

(In other world-historical news I got a shingles shot the other day , and-----nothing happened! STOP THE PRESSES!!)

narciso বলেছেন...

Yes because people naturally gravitate to marxism, sarc, you dont know anything about educational templates since 1980.

narciso বলেছেন...

Resonate some understanding


J. Farmer বলেছেন...


Farm: you are a dumb dumb.

Sweet of you to say. Thanks.

Economic growth and innovation are not problems. Your kind of thinking is like Germany throwing out brilliant Jews. But, w/o the genocide. Just economic murder.

Yes they very much are problems. Human beings are not economic maximizers, and for some segments of our society "growth and innovation" has meant displacement, disruption, destruction, volatility, insecurity, uncertainty, and decline. Pushing down working-class wages by moving jobs to Bangladesh and flooding your domestic labor market with low-skilled migrant workers is not akin to "throwing out brilliant Jews."

What our "brilliant" elite have given us is financialization, which is indeed brilliant from their point-of-view. They've privatized the profits and socialized the losses. It causes huge problems in the real economy, but for them the last 40 years has been a story of "economic growth and innovation." In fact, they can't understand what all the complaining is about.

GingerBeer বলেছেন...

Light a candle. G.Gordon Liddy has died.

Inga বলেছেন...

“But, can folks now openly jabber about being jabbed w/o seeming like a creep that probably made old and unhealthy people suffer?”

On Monday, Wisconsin (the cheese and beer state, not the pillow guy state) will open up Covid vaccines to anyone over age 16.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

I think a lot of lefties on the coast just hear "Wisconsin" or "Missouri" and think about Deliverance.

le Douanier বলেছেন...

Yes Farm,

I did already read your words when you first stated that you were against the Americans associated w/ innovation and economic growth. Presumably you think yur newest comment re yur digging in and repeating such is worth your effort re retyping.

How can I assure you that your message is clear? No need to keep digging in.

I understand you perfectly.

Gospace বলেছেন...

.0007692307692307692% active duty dreaded covid death rate (1/1.3 million)
.007777777777777778% total military death rate including NG and reserve (14/1.8 million)
.02166666666666667% reserve/NG rate (13/600000)
.15105740181269% US death rate approx (half million/331 million)

We're looking at orders of magnitude difference between these groups. And Inga, stop trying to say you didn't call military personnel cowards for not getting the dreaded covid vaccine- you did. And your daughter is a Navy Chief. Whoopty do. So am I, retired. And no one here called her a coward for getting the shot. IMHO, she's a fool, unless she's obese and/or has other other comorbidities. Because if she's healthy, which she should be, has an adequate Vitamin D level, and as a Navy Corpsman according to you she should know the value of that and be supplementing, getting the dreaded covid would be pretty much a nothingburger for her. At age 65 with 60 ng/ml of Vitamin D, taking D supplements, vitamin K, and my multi has enough zing, adding quercetin, it should be a nothingburger for me. Without D supplements in CNY, I would be Vitamin D deficient. That and TWO, count them TWO of my sons isolated in my house when they had it, and neither my wife nor I got it. Now, after the fact, they're finally following my advice and taking D daily. Oh, we think my wife had in February 2020 when she had ALL the dreaded covid symptoms, including loss of taste and smell, back when EXPERTS were telling us it wasn't yet in the US. It was referred to by her and others who had it as "The Crud That Won't Go Away". Her symptoms finally subsided with 100,000 IU D, 50 mg zinc, and a quercetin, 3 doses, 8 hours apart. (As did the symptoms of my two sons after diagnosis.) Subsequently, it's been discovered through saved biological samples, it's been here since at least November 2019.

Why would I say I think she's a fool? The history of animal vaccines that are similar to the mRNA, the 2 part shot, which BTW, is not actually a vaccine, is dismal. And the powers that be have now admitted it doesn't keep you from getting the dreaded covid, but lessens the chance you'll end up in ICU. Which an adequate blood level of Vitamin D will do.... proven by science and statistics. What the animal applications have shown is that yes, the animals won't get the specific pathogen they've received the vaccine for. But something similar comes along, well, they won't get that either. Because they're body goes into overdrive trying to stop it- and kills the animal in the process. I wander over to Voxday daily because I like to keep track of what the crazies (politically so) are saying. But their links often have useful information. I recommend this post and this other post and the links therein. If you peruse the comments at Voxday, you'll note quite a bit of racism and antisemitism. Doesn't mean you can't mine useful information from them. Oh, you know where I learned about the Vitamin D/Zinc/Quercetin for dealing with viral infections? From the comment sections. Googled it, seems to be other studies that backed it up. And now some anecdotal evidence- it seems to work. Take that every day- you will end up with Vitamin D intoxication, not a good thing.

J. Farmer বলেছেন...


Resonate some understanding


From your link: "In July 1999 American Psychologist published an important article entitled 'The Unbearable Automaticity of Being' that recognized a crucial aspect used by learning standards and the conceptual frameworks they mandate. School curriculum can be created to manipulate 'mental processes that are put into motion by features of the environment and that operate outside of conscious awareness and guidance.' See how useful controlling Myths, Maps, and Models can be once they become embodied in the neural architecture of the brain as Habits of Mind that can be activated without any conscious thought, but still actively guiding both perception and behavior?"

Of course, Bargh & Chartrand's 1999 article "recognized" no such thing. Their quote is taken from this sentence of the article: "Our thesis here–that most of a person's everyday life is determined not by their conscious intentions and deliberate choices but by mental processes that are put into motion by features of the environment and that operate outside of conscious awareness and guidance–is a difficult one for people to accept."

narciso বলেছেন...

Theyve been working on this for 40 years, this is where tenured radicals like ayers doehrn et al dug deep into the educational bureaucracy.

Gospace বলেছেন...

Inga said...
“They wouldn't have worn masks and cowered in their homes for a year either.”

Military members have not cowered in their homes and they HAVE been wearing masks.

Yes, they have been wearing masks. I've seen pictures of them doing so. And so have our enemies. And they're now cowering in fear knowing that our warriors are afraid of a virus. Oh, wait, that's wrong... Hmmm, I wonder what message that is sending....

There is an element of war other than brute force and firepower. Showing your weakness empowers the enemy.

narciso বলেছেন...


Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

So, I have been following Andrew Branca's coverage of the Chauvin trial. Based on how the prosecution is prosecuting the case the first two days, I think even they know they can't surmount the reasonable doubt that Chauvin did anything wrong. All they are doing, it seems to me, is trying to emotionally blackmail the jury. They put a nine year old girl on the stand today as an eyewitness, and the girl broke down emotionally on the stand, and what she could relate through the tears was irrelevant to the case itself. I think the prosecutors only put her on the stand so that she could cry in front of the jury.

The major witness today had cheat sheet notes for his testimony- notes that the defense was unaware of- this is a big no-no for a criminal trial witness. Two other witnesses seemed to be lying in their testimony today because they had already been interviewed by the prosecution, and was contradicting what they had said in those interviews. Additionally, one of them was chastised by the judge for being hostile to the defense attorney, and then tried to upbraid the judge himself.

Of course, the jury is not me, so I don't know how all of that would play to those 15 people on the jury, but it would basically have me discounting every bit of testimony they gave on direct.

Inga বলেছেন...

Gospace, I know you are trying to prove a point, but at your age you should know the difference of being afraid and that of cowardice. You accuse me of saying they are cowards, I didn't say that, but that is apparently what you think bolsters your weak argument.

Misinformation on social media fueled doubt about its safety and efficacy, and endorsements from experts were not getting through. By the end of February, fewer than half of the soldiers at Fort Bragg, N.C., said they would get the vaccine, an Army official said. The vaccine is voluntary for troops at the moment.

“Hesitancy among service members — who have said they fear the vaccine was rushed, believe it has been politicized and worry about long-term effects — in many ways mirrors doubts in the civilian population. About a third of U.S. troops opted out of the vaccine, defense officials testified last month, using preliminary data.
But the approach at Fort Bragg — including a recent podcast that hosted three skeptical soldiers discussing how they went from no to yes on vaccination — could help commanders throughout the Army tailor a plan to meet soldiers where they are as they try to vaccinate more of the force.

There is a sense of invincibility” among younger troops, he said, and a belief that even if they get infected, they may only have minor symptoms. A toxic stew of misinformation, particularly on Facebook, has spread distortions further. Some soldiers also believe there is little known about how the vaccine actually works.
“Putting it all together, it’s a perfect storm of people saying, ‘No, I don’t want to do it,’ ” Choi said.
Choi joined the 18th Airborne Corps Podcast in an episode focused on the coronavirus and the vaccines. The segment has been downloaded more than 92,000 times since March 8, Buccino said, about 10 times the number of downloads for other episodes.
The podcast featured two other soldiers who said they waited to see if other soldiers developed side effects. Both agreed to get vaccinated, they said.”

le Douanier বলেছেন...

Today is the day to standup for Liddy and Gaetz and Chauvin.

Human brains are interesting.


le Douanier বলেছেন...

And, getting rid of innovation and economic growth.

narciso বলেছেন...

Ike turner ellison, is really dialing up to eleven

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Military members have not cowered in their homes and they HAVE been wearing masks.

Not the ones who fought WW II.

narciso বলেছেন...

This kangaroo trial isnothing but gasolind thrown atop the mountain of kindling

n.n বলেছেন...

Postoperative wound infections and surgical face masks: a controlled study

Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers

Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses

Flip a coin, at best, spread the virus, at worst.

n.n বলেছেন...

And they're now cowering in fear knowing that our warriors are afraid of a virus

There is a credible threat. However, following intuitive science and sociopolitical mandates will not help them, and will likely exacerbate the problem(s), not limited to Covid-19.

n.n বলেছেন...

Yes because people naturally gravitate to marxism, sarc

They do, it has an em-pathetic appeal. And the democratic/dictatorial duality of left-wing regimes exploits human frailty to progressive effect in order to consolidate capital and control. China leaped from great to one-child to selective-child following the faith, religion, and ideological bent of their Western peers. What does it take for voluntary participation in open genocide? In diversity schemes (e.g. racism)? Take a knee.

Rt41Rebel বলেছেন...

"Human brains are interesting."

Don'tcha wish you had one?

Gospace বলেছেন...

There is a sense of invincibility” among younger troops, he said, and a belief that even if they get infected, they may only have minor symptoms

Statistics, Inga, statistics. One whole entire military active duty death among 1.3 million servicemembers. One.

You are saying that making a RATIONAL decision based on everything we know about the dreaded covid is because "they're afraid". That means- you're saying they're cowards. No way to get around that. Irrational fear is cowardice.

Young healthy people don't die of the dreaded covid. That's fact. Period. Again- we have a control group- one death among 1.3 million active duty members, and he was 41- OLD for the military, less than 10% are over 40.

And those that have already had the dreaded covid- like my soon to be commissioned son. What is the science behind forcing him to receive a vaccine for a disease he has already had and is therefor immune to? (Unless you are going to make the idiotic argument that Quack Fauci expounds that covid is completely unlike any other virus that has ever existed and can infect you again and again and again.)

And, back to an original point you haven't addressed. MGEN Chris Donahue, USA, should be prosecuted for violating UCMJ (mislabeled above as USMJ) Article 93—Cruelty and maltreatment and Article 127—Extortion. (Among other things, as my other older son, retired Captain, USA thinks) Or do you think that his actions are totally and completely appropriate military actions? FYI- if you do, not one single retired military member I know agrees.

And at this point, the dreaded covid had virtually burned itself out- as a seasonal virus does. It would be over with were it not for people like you. If everyone who wants to be vaccinated gets vaccinated- which is soon going to be the case- again- what's the point of forcing healthy young people who aren't going to die from the dreaded covid and unlikely even to get very sick- PROVEN BY SCIENCE AND STATISTICS- what's the point of forcing vaccination upon them? BTW- I don't believe the Navy statistics on the number who have had the disease. Based on my own shipboard experience with viral disease spread, it's way too low. Everyone has not been tested.

I would truly be interested in getting an accurate number of how many have actually had the dreaded covid. I don't think that's going to be possible. I am truly fascinated by this map with statistics released by the American Red Cross on donors and dreaded covid antibodies. There is absolutely no rational reason whatsoever for the differences shown- and they're huge. I'm in NY, where the percentage of donors with covid antibodies is low. That includes me with 4 negative donations since the covidiocy began, and one son with one positive donation. If the map showed a regional difference based on climate, well, that would be understandable. It doesn't. The distribution makes no logical sense. But the ARC is the only organization U know with "who has the antibodies" statistics, and they come from self selected healthy volunteers.

Rt41Rebel বলেছেন...


You can't have a discussion with Inganorant about anything, although I do thank her grandchildren for my early retirement and rather lavish lifestyle. I'm sure she is in favor of the next $3-5 Trillion bill to make investors like me even more wealthy at the expense of her own progeny.

I actually do agree with Ken B on many issues, but he's a real Karen B on covid. I think it's because as a Canadian, he has to stuff vitamin D suppositories up his bum.

J. Farmer বলেছেন...


Theyve been working on this for 40 years, this is where tenured radicals like ayers doehrn et al dug deep into the educational bureaucracy.

That explanation ignores the global nature of the phenomenon. The push towards "bourgeois bohemian" values occurred in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Western Europe, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. These are the countries most integrated into the liberal capitalist economy. It used to be synonymous with "modernization," and given that the US has followed the same broad course as every other developed nation in the world, it is not likely that the explanation is a group of mostly nameless, faceless amorphous saboteurs secretly infiltrating "institutions" over a multi-decade process.

J. Farmer বলেছেন...


How can I assure you that your message is clear? No need to keep digging in.

I understand you perfectly.

Congratulations. What did I say that was wrong or that you disagreed with?

Balfegor বলেছেন...

Re: J. Farmer:

That explanation ignores the global nature of the phenomenon. The push towards "bourgeois bohemian" values occurred in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Western Europe, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

Wait, what? I mean, I guess there are people in Japan and Korea that could be described as "bobos," but as a cultural phenomenon, it's a lot less prevalent in their megacities and among their professional/white collar class than it is in the US. Japan even less so than Korea. It's one of the things I find refreshing about Tokyo, in fact. Or perhaps it's that the "push" was just way less successful in East Asia than in the Western democracies?

Quaestor বলেছেন...

They don't do anything but you are supposed to tip them 20.00 after you fill your boat with gas.

Yesterday I tipped a kid $5 to put a bushel of oysters in my truck.

I hope Titus got something for his $20, at least a blown kiss. Sheesh.

gadfly বলেছেন...

Joe Smith said...
Gas for my little compact car is $4.10/gal. for 87 octane regular. $4.35 for 91 super.

Regular gas with 10% corn alcohol is $3.489/gal (less 5%) at Sam's Club near me. Have you considered moving to Ecuador? Gas is only $2.00 per gallon every day of the year there. And all the Quito shopping centers are protected by machine-gun nests. Yeah, Covid is causing an economic downturn and funds are being sought to get vaccines through WHO's COVAX program, but gasoline remaining at two bucks is the law in a country that uses the US Dollar as its currency. Happily, I am told that the Cordillera de los Andes are quite beautiful - complete with 32 volcanos.

The rest of the world is affected by the likes of frozen Texas wind turbines, oil wells and refineries and the grounded monster container ship, Ever Given is blocking crude movement from the Middle East. Even Sleepy Joe knows what commodity pricing based upon supply and demand is all about. Sorry to read here that Common Joe Smith is flat-out unaware of what happens when TP demand exceeds TP offered for sale at the Super Market.

gadfly বলেছেন...

Gahrie said...
Military members have not cowered in their homes and they HAVE been wearing masks.

Not the ones who fought WW II.

Yielding to the inalterable process of aging, the men and women who fought and won the great conflict are now in their late 80s and 90s. They are dying quickly and according to US Department of Veterans Affairs statistics, of the 16 million Americans who served in World War II, only 225,000 will be alive in after September 2020. That is down by 100,000 from 12 months earlier. BTW, we are obviously talking military veterans here, (not active members in the services) who may dutifully be wearing masks because they did and they can.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Who bites the dust first? Andrew Cuomo or Major the Dog?

Largo বলেছেন...

Those guys wouldn’t have said no to a Covid shot.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Largo বলেছেন...

they are made to feel afraid of the Covid vaccine because of misinformation

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

"Enterprising vendors on Etsy ETSY, +1.30% and Amazon AMZN, -0.66% are already selling vaccine card holders and sleeves, some of which are looped to decorative lanyards. And retailers including OfficeMax and Office Depot, as well as Staples, are offering free lamination services .." (Market Watch).

Largo বলেছেন...

99.99% of the millions who have had them have not died, let alone got seriously sick,

Cite? I look askance at statistics wherein all significant digits are the same digit.

Largo বলেছেন...

Radical novelty in tinkering with biological systems make for rather large uncertainty intervals when assessing long term risk.

Is the information that is being injected liable to no make its way, epigenitically, to the dna of cells of those receiving the shots?

If yes, do these cells include gamete cells?


J. Farmer বলেছেন...


Wait, what? I mean, I guess there are people in Japan and Korea that could be described as "bobos," but as a cultural phenomenon, it's a lot less prevalent in their megacities and among their professional/white collar class than it is in the US. Japan even less so than Korea. It's one of the things I find refreshing about Tokyo, in fact. Or perhaps it's that the "push" was just way less successful in East Asia than in the Western democracies?

Consider the Social Progress Index, which is defined as "distinct from other wellbeing indexes in its measurement of social progress directly, independent of economic development, in a way that is both holistic and rigorous...[and] Unlike many other quality of life measures, the Social Progress Index also captures whether societies are free, inclusive and protect the rights of individuals and minority groups."

You can see their rankings here. Japan is ranked #13 globally, and South Korea #17.

I would also point to Japan's scores on the World Values Survey, particularly towards so-called "secular-rational" and "self-expression" values.

From Japanese Secularities and the Decline of Temple Buddhism: "Finally, the discussion surveys forces that are domestic and familiar as well as global and invasive—new information technologies, greater personal agency, hyper-consumerism, corporate and bureaucratic restructuring, and a growing tolerance for diversity—impacting traditional temple Buddhism. Each one of these factors is significant in understanding Japan’s secularities."

In 2017, Japan woke up to the issue of discrimination

Face the reality of racism in Japan

Rusty বলেছেন...

"Regular gas with 10% corn alcohol is $3.489/gal (less 5%) at Sam's Club near me. Have you considered moving to Ecuador?"
Have you considered not voting democrat? There was a healthy solution to our oil and gas supply. You guys fucked that up.

iowan2 বলেছেন...

"Regular gas with 10% corn alcohol is $3.489/gal (less 5%) at Sam's Club near me. Have you considered moving to Ecuador?

This such a great example of the leftist mind.

I should move to Ecuador.

Or maybe the United States could do what Ecuador does? Produce its own energy. But Biden's earpiece is shutting down the United States energy independence.

Leftist are incapable of using reasoning to understand the world.

320Busdriver বলেছেন...

Stolen elections have consequences.

Today we learn how much they will raise our taxes to pay for their so called ideas.

It’s going to be a great day.

Inga বলেছেন...

“Is the information that is being injected liable to no make its way, epigenitically, to the dna of cells of those receiving the shots?

If yes, do these cells include gamete cells?”
“Can COVID-19 vaccines cause infertility?
Despite alarming rumors spreading on social media, there is no data suggesting that COVID-19 vaccination impacts fertility. The approved COVID-19 vaccines do not contain live virus. They do not interact with or alter your DNA. According to fertility specialists, there is no evidence that vaccines increase the risk of infertility, first or second trimester miscarriages, stillbirth, or any birth defects.”


DavidUW বলেছেন...

Shockingly the CDC appears to admit that those who cannot be infected with the 'Rona, cannot transmit it either.

Inga and proponents of the "vaccinated but MUCUS VIRUS RESERVOIRS" hardest hit.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Why do people attempt to defend the Democrats when the price of energy goes up when they are in power? The Democrats PROMISE to raise the price of energy when they run for office, and immediately do so after being elected. This has been true since at least 1976.

narciso বলেছেন...

Its good for the planet sarc

Michael K বলেছেন...

Military members have not cowered in their homes and they HAVE been wearing masks.

Inga is a good example of what has been happening to the military the past 30 years since Clinton. Bureaucracy has taken over. Most women join to have clerical jobs with benefits. The women in combat thing is all about female officers wanting to get tickets punched for promotion. A lot of this is just what happens to a peacetime military. The REMFs of Vietnam, are the Obama generals. In WWII Marshal had to weed out thousands of peacetime officers to fight the war. After Pearl Harbor, King was called out of retirement and said "When the going gets tough, they call on the sons of bitches." I don't know if we have any SOBs left and I sure hope we don't get into a war. Inga's military would lose that one fast.

walter বলেছেন...

Original Mike said...
"Coasties don't know where Wisconsin is."

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

"Original Mike said...
"Coasties don't know where Wisconsin is."

But Antifa and BLM Coasties do, so your cities are still going to burn.

walter বলেছেন...

They know where Madison is, and erroneously extrapolate.
Like the NGO bound Sg Econ major Eurogal who tried to prove to me that there was a bus line from Mt. Vernon WI to Madison. It apparently escaped me in the 16 prior years I lived there.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"What our 'brilliant' elite have given us is financialization, which is indeed brilliant from their point-of-view. They've privatized the profits and socialized the losses. It causes huge problems in the real economy, but for them the last 40 years has been a story of "economic growth and innovation." In fact, they can't understand what all the complaining is about."

An admirably clear and succinct description of our modern world.

Inga বলেছেন...

“Inga and proponents of the "vaccinated but MUCUS VIRUS RESERVOIRS" hardest hit.”

Hardly. I agreed that those who are vaccinated cannot spread Covid. Maybe because you are an asshole, you didn’t notice I agreed with you.

n.n বলেছেন...

proponents of the "vaccinated but MUCUS VIRUS RESERVOIRS" hardest hit.

Also, whether it is Planned Parent/hood, anti-Trump impeachments, advocacy and activism, or "fat is beautiful" is a first-order forcing of disease progression and excess deaths, and restrictive mandates (e.g. intuitive science) for excess infections and collateral damage. All elective. All Choices (pun intended).

Rusty বলেছেন...

Sprezzatura said...
"Today is the day to standup for Liddy and Gaetz and Chauvin.

Human brains are interesting."
Don't you wish you had one?

Michael K বলেছেন...

"What our 'brilliant' elite have given us is financialization, which is indeed brilliant from their point-of-view.

It did not work for Ford in the early 60s and Boeing seems to be suffering the "benefits" now. The movie "Ford vs Ferrari" was actually about the effort by Iacocca to get Ford back to engineering and out of the hands of the accountants.

Our biggest, richest corporations seem to be those like Alphabet/Google and Facebook that don't produce anything of value. At least Amazon does something useful.

Rusty বলেছেন...

" Venezuela is going to trade vaccine for heating oil. Win-win"
Venezuela has forgotten how to make heating oil. The government sent away all the people who knew how to run a refinery. Now if you need roofing tar I'm sure they can help you out.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“So, I have been following Andrew Branca's coverage of the Chauvin trial. Based on how the prosecution is prosecuting the case the first two days, I think even they know they can't surmount the reasonable doubt that Chauvin did anything wrong. All they are doing, it seems to me, is trying to emotionally blackmail the jury. They put a nine year old girl on the stand today as an eyewitness, and the girl broke down emotionally on the stand, and what she could relate through the tears was irrelevant to the case itself. I think the prosecutors only put her on the stand so that she could cry in front of the jury.”

Ditto here. As usual, Branca has the go-to coverage of this sort of case.

“The major witness today had cheat sheet notes for his testimony- notes that the defense was unaware of- this is a big no-no for a criminal trial witness.”

For the non attorneys here, testifying from notes illicitly brings into evidence inadmissible hearsay evidence. You are testifying from the notes, which makes it second hand testimony. Witnesses, in most cases, are supposed to testify from their memory, which is first hand knowledge, and therefore not Hearsay.

The same rules apply to cops and you can often catch them essentially testifying from their notes. What they are allowed to do is look at their notes, get rid of them, testify based on their memory, that was just refreshed by the notes, and then maybe look at the notes some more, get rid of them again, and testify some more. Cops are mostly not going to make that mistake in major felony cases like this one - they will have studied their notes extensively beforehand. But the reality is that they may do hundreds of misdemeanor and petty crime arrests a year, and only really remember a fraction of them. You can catch them at this, because they are so infrequently caught doing it, since few non attorneys have any facility or knowledge of the rules of evidence (which prevents most Hearsay evidence). They are lazy, as are most of us. If a defendant is not represented by counsel, it is unlikely that the police will be caught testifying from their notes. I have mostly caught them when I had a fool for a client (when I was defending myself). Oh, and you can usually get to see their notes, if they use them to refresh their memories with them. One time that challenging them for this worked was when I was ticketed for exiting a freeway not at an official freeway exit, and I wanted to nail down exactly where my vehicle was in relation to the freeway boundaries. He didn’t know, asked to see his notes, and had to admit that it wasn’t in there either. The key was that “exiting” the freeway wasn’t actually a traffic offense. Having so exited would have been. But he couldn’t credibly testify that I had.

Michael K বলেছেন...

I think civil trials have different rules. I was often using the patient's chart when testifying in med-mal cases. I can't recall using a chart in criminal cases, which I did a fair amount of.

Most criminal cases I testified in, the issue was a simple one. Several were cases in which one perp got wounded and the others then tried to finish him off. If he/she survived, they could testify against the others. I would sometimes be asked if the witness had been seriously attacked. Simple issues, not complicated like med-mal.

DavidUW বলেছেন...

Hardly. I agreed that those who are vaccinated cannot spread Covid.
You're demented.

Sorry about the dementia. You should probably find a home before your kids put you in one

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“I think civil trials have different rules. I was often using the patient's chart when testifying in med-mal cases. I can't recall using a chart in criminal cases, which I did a fair amount of.”

“Most criminal cases I testified in, the issue was a simple one. Several were cases in which one perp got wounded and the others then tried to finish him off. If he/she survived, they could testify against the others. I would sometimes be asked if the witness had been seriously attacked. Simple issues, not complicated like med-mal.”

The major distinction is mostly between fact and expert witnesses. As a doctor, you could testify as to what a medical chart says, as long as it has already been admitted into evidence, even as a fact witness. Expert witnesses get to utilize anything other experts would reasonably use to form their expert opinions, and that most often includes patient charts for doctors.

The important thing here is that the “use of force” “expert” we are talking about here was not called as an expert witness, but rather as a fact witness. Different rules. He should have been limited in his testimony to what he actually saw, and not his (very inaccurate) interpretation of such. The prosecution no doubt did it this way because he probably wouldn’t have been allowed to testify as an expert witness, because he wasn’t. You, as a retired surgeon, could probably testify as an expert witness here as to whether the cop could have knocked out Floyd with the “chokehold” utilized (probably not, because only one carotid artery was maybe compressed). This former security expert (I.e. bouncer) shouldn’t have been allowed that testimony (bouncers are rarely experts on human physiology). And, yes, just likke viewing charts, you could have watched the video to see what happened - because that is what experts typically do in these situations.

Michael K বলেছেন...

My most dramatic criminal case was one where the Black Panthers had an executioner who got so enthusiastic he was killing people they didn't even want killed. They sent another killer to take him out but he got the newbie first. There were witnesses, some of whom may have been associates of the loser.

My patient and the reason for my testimony, had a circle of about 13 stab wounds over her heart, more in her neck and several in her abdomen. She had been stabbed with a sort of stiletto so the wounds were only about a centimeter in size each. Five or six got her heart but they were small enough she did not exsanguinate. I made an incision from her left ear to her pubis. All fixed and, except for a small wound infection, she did fine.

When I was testifying the defendant was staring at me the whole time. One bad looking dude. Fortunately it was before the era of Soros DAs and he got sent away for life.

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