If you wanted some major ammo to bring down Biden, you didn't get it in tonight's speech.
Boiler plate stuff. But, he made it through without any major flubs.
Tucker Carlson really couldn't get his teeth into it. About the best he could do is complain that Biden should have given a speech on different subjects important to Carlson.
"It was March 11, 2020, that I said that, but I did not in my mind think that ‘much worse’ was going to be 525,000 deaths,” he said.
Asked what went wrong, Fauci pointed to the “divisiveness in our country.”
“Even simple, commonsense public health measures took on a political connotation,” he said. “If you wanted to wear a mask, you were on this side. If you wanted to stay in and avoid congregate settings, you were on this side. It wasn't a pure public health approach. It was really very much influenced by the divisiveness that we had in this country."
“Even simple, commonsense public health measures took on a political connotation,” Fauci said.mixed message? Just two weeks to flatten the curve. That's all we need. (365 days later, exactly what message got mixed?)
Biden babbles, promises everything, and commits to nothing. The 'small 4th of July gatherings if you behave yourselves and listen to Uncle Fauci' bit was beyond bizarre.
Fauci has done a remarkable job of being on both sides of every issue for the last year.
If you really want to know what the science is, follow the studies that are being done in Israel. They are doing a remarkable job. Data is primarily about the Pfizer vaccine because that's what they used there, but it translates well to Moderna and probably the others.
I have come to the conclusion that teachers and education administrators at all levels in this country are really 5th Columnists put in place to indoctrinate our country’s youth and destroy our country from within in order to put in a far left government bordering on a dictatorship. The George Floyd incident was a switch that flipped to on this internal threat to our country, like what was depicted in Star Wars III when the emperor gave the code word to the clone troopers to turn on the people they were protecting and their allies.
H.R. 1 would help to nail down the Left’s dominance of the country, especially once enough judges are put in place by a Democrat president to put down challenges to the laws that liberal politicians pass that are in reality unconstitutional to a clear minded unbiased judge/justice. The “canaries in the coal mine” are those immigrants who moved here from Communist countries who clearly recognize the threat as to what is going on.
The teachers at the local HS are getting their shots- apparently there are a lot of absences so a need for subs- our schools all devised schedules that take 1/2 the students/day. It’s been quite the year
That hands moving and flapping constantly thing Biden did has become a video cliche. Scott Adams does it too. I’m thinking about making a satirical video about this.
People want to see a constantly changing image in video. A standing or seated single speaker is video death, so everybody’s waving their hands around to try to overcome this.
People want to see a constantly changing image in video. A standing or seated single speaker is video death, so everybody’s waving their hands around to try to overcome this.
I don't do video calls so doesn't apply to me.
Back in the 80s when I last had a job, my secretary once told me she could tell by looking through the window whether I was speaking English or Spanish on the phone.
English mostly taking notes, doodling or fidgeting with something on my desk.
Spanish, lots of hand waving. Sometimes both at once.
I still do it. Just self-conscious about it since then.
Local joke: How do you get a Puerto Rican to shut up?
Whenever I watch Biden speak I think how he would have loved this 30 years ago, but now that he's finally president it's sad he's not there to enjoy it.
Biden gave a speech? Was it on tv? Must have missed it. I am sure it was important. Guess if I want change I need to wait for the next election. Or something.
Haven’t been able to schedule 2nd vaccine shot. Will be out of country 21 days from now. Interested to see response when I answer the “have you travelled” questions.
Jersey Fled said... Now 12 hours since my 2nd Moderna poke.
Minor soreness in my shoulder. No fever or chills. Slight headache for about an hour but that's gone now.
All in all a big nothing. I spent most of the afternoon working in my garden.
Good to know. Hubby and I get our second dose tomorrow (drive-thru - can't wait).
However, I know several friends who had bad reaction to their second dose of Pfizer or Moderna. I figure it's a crap shoot - who knows what sort of T-cells or immunity we have.
My lovely DIL (teacher) got an appt and my son went with her. Late in the day, they had extra, so son got his shot as well. He was VERY, VERY sick for several days. Both are millenials. DIL is fine.
I watched Joe Biden walk down this empty hallway wearing a mask in approaching the podium. An empty hallway. He spoke about two words before I clicked over to something else.
I heard later that our nation FINALLY received the HOPE we have been longing for when our great president said that by July 4, we might be able to have a couple over in our backyard for a distanced and masked hamburger on the grill. Finally, some glimmer of light and something to look forward to -- IF we are good boys and girls.
At the recommendation of some here, I saw The Queen's Gambit. It's very good. Anya Taylor-Joy who plays the chess champion is terrific. She's been good in some other movies, but she's really stunning here. She's not blessed with Lily Collins' eyebrows, but she got some killer cheekbones and a bewitching and intense stare. It's not that easy to make a chess match look as visually exciting as a prize fight, but she pulls it off.....There's lots of ambiguities and loose ends as the story unfolds, but it's not sloppy story telling. That's the way life unfolds. When we're born, we're born in media res of our parents' drama and we never quite understand their plot.....The political correctness is not laid on with too heavy a hand, but it's there. It's based on a forty year old novel that is more sympathetic to Brehznev's Russia than to Christian orphanages or State Department (?CIA) functionaries. Anyway, it's not too heavy handed as Netflix goes.
"I heard later that our nation FINALLY received the HOPE we have been longing for when our great president said that by July 4, we might be able to have a couple over in our backyard for a distanced and masked hamburger on the grill."
Two years to get used to the idea that "flattening the curve" was a load of crap. And... oh, yeah- you'll need to wear a face diaper from now on. Even in your own backyard. Because SCIENCE!
The FOX crawl has the Astrazeneca shot being halted in Denmark, Norway, Iceland, and Italy.
My wife got her fair looks from her dad's side, and from her mom (the daughter of Italian immigrants, would have been 101 today RIP) a bad case of hand-talking. We've been married so long I do it a lot too, now.
“Because here’s the point, if we do all this, if we do our part, if we do this together, by July the fourth, there’s a good chance you, your families and friends, will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout or a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day. That doesn’t mean large events with lots of people together, but it does mean small groups will be able to get together,” Biden said.
“If we don’t stay vigilant, and the conditions change, then we may have to reinstate restrictions to get back on track,” threatened the leader of the Biden Police State with military troops and razor wire nearby to bring his point home.
Maybe it's just me, but when I see a lifelong crapweasel like Joe blabber about American unity and greatness and pulling together, I throw up a little in my mouth.
And when he goes on about the absolute, sure-thing, no-problem at-all vaccines and the importance of community and patriotism and doing as told . . .
I wonder if the first deepfake Biden will be animatronic or holographic?
I saw Joe's speech. About what you'd expect in terms of delivery and substance. Oh, you thought he'd be drooling all over the podium? Grow up. JFK was close to the walking dead without his meds, and even in the '60's they could cover that up. Joe doubled down on the claim that he inherited nothing from the Trump Administration (not even the vaccines, apparently), but claimed credit (even for his own vaccinations, which were during the Trump Administration). But he did his job. Most people will have a favorable reaction to his speech.
The 'small 4th of July gatherings if you behave yourselves and listen to Uncle Fauci' bit was beyond bizarre. >> My 4th of July gathering will be on a small Caribbean island.
Checks in accounts possibly this weekend!Who here sending theirs back? Didn't think so, talk about fast work.Show me the $$ Sleepy Joe. You da ma ! 51 day wonder. Let them eat cake!
he did his job. Most people will have a favorable reaction to his speech.
"Was it possible that they could swallow that. . . Yes, they swallowed it. . . . The eyeless creature at the other table swallowed it fanatically, passionately, with a furious desire to track down, denounce, and vaporize anyone who should suggest that last week the ration had been thirty grams. Syme, the specialist working on a new edition of the Newspeak dictionary at the Ministry of Truth, he too -- in some more double complex way, involving doublethink -- Syme, swallowed it. Was Winston, then, alone in the possession of a memory?”
What the Ministry of Truth propagandist Mut left out of those remarks:
““To unleash the full power of the federal government in this effort, today I am officially declaring a national emergency. Two very big words,” Trump said March 13, 2020, as he was flanked by Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar, and other health officials. “No resource will be spared, nothing whatsoever.”
It was when someone tried to pin blame on him for supposed deficiencies in testing, it was then that Trump rightly said that he didn't take responsibility. After all, the tests were only first being developed.
“Our overriding goal is to stop the spread of the virus,” Trump emphasized.
However, I know several friends who had bad reaction to their second dose of Pfizer or Moderna. I figure it's a crap shoot - who knows what sort of T-cells or immunity we have.
I had the Pfizer this time last week. Wasn't too bad. Got a bit sniffly and felt lethargic for a couple of days. Weird thing was I had almost zero soreness in my arm, normally when I get flu shots my arm is sore for a week.
It hit Mrs. NorthOfTheOneOhOne like a ton of bricks; sniffly, achy, lethargic, low grade fever, swollen glands in her neck for a day or two. But she's always been like that. If there's a possible side effect will show up in her no matter how rare it is.
In furtherance of the order, I’m urging every state to set up emergency operation centers effective immediately. . . I’m also asking every hospital in this country to activate its emergency preparedness plan so that they can meet the needs of Americans everywhere. . .
The urgency orders I’m issuing today will also confer broad new authority to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The Secretary of HHS will be able to immediately wave revisions of applicable laws and regulations to give doctors, hospital all hospitals and healthcare providers, maximum flexibility to respond to the virus and care for patients. This includes the following critical authorities, the ability to waive laws to enable telehealth . . . the ability to waive requirements that critical access hospitals limit the number of beds to 25 and the length of stay to 96 hours. . . The authority to waive rules to hinder hospital’s ability to bring additional physicians on board or obtain needed office space. . . Ensuring that the emergency capacity can be quickly established. We’ll remove or eliminate every obstacle necessary to deliver our people the care that they need and that they’re entitled to. No resource will be spared. Nothing whatsoever. . . .
Today we are announcing a new partnership with private sector to vastly increase and accelerate our capacity to test for the Coronavirus. We want to make sure that those who need a test can get a test very safely, quickly and conveniently . . . Using federal emergency authorities, the FDA approved a new test for the virus. We did this within hours after receiving the application from Roche, a process that would normally take weeks. . . It’ll go very quickly. It’s going very quickly. Which will bring additionally 1.4 million tests on board next week and five million within a month. . . . At the same time, we’ve been in discussions with pharmacies and retailers to make drive-through tests available in the critical locations identified by public health professionals.
All Americans have a role to play in defeating this virus. Our most effective weapon right now is to limit the damage to our people and our country and slow the spread of the virus itself. The choice we make spread of the virus itself. The choice we make, the precautions we put into place, are critical to overcoming the virus, reducing its spread and shortening the duration of the pandemic which is what it is. The CDC has published guidelines on the coronavirus.gov to enable… It’s coronavirus.gov. It’s very heavily used right now, I will say, to enable every American to respond to this epidemic and to protect themselves, their families and their communities. . . .
Anyone can be a carrier for the virus and risk transmission to older Americans and those with underlying health conditions. And those who are most at risk, they have not done very well. Older Americans, especially if they have a health problem, they have not done well. We must take all precautions and be responsible for the actions that we take, and that we see other people take. We want to prevent the spread and transmission of the disease. . .
We should all be working off the same playbook when it comes to protecting Americans. We have to. We need to be consistent in adopting measures to limit the spread of the virus. The virus is the same whether it’s spreading in cities, towns, or rural communities. The tools and tactics for attacking it are similar, no matter where you go. . . .
Key among these efforts, are breaking chains of transmission between people. These measures have been adopted by many companies, universities and schools. We want to protect the safety and the health of their employees and their students. I encourage everyone to follow the guidelines we’ve issued by CDC, and these common sense measures. . . .
I want you to know that your federal government will unleash every authority, resource and tool at its disposal, to safeguard the lives and health of our people.
Here is the part that some dishonest people would seek to smear President Trump as dithering and refusing to take action --
Reporter: Thank you so much, Mr. President. Dr. Fauci said earlier this week that the lag in testing was in fact, failing. Do you take responsibility for that? And when can you guarantee that every single American who needs a test will be able to have a test? What’s the date of that?
Donald Trump: Yeah. No, I don’t take responsibility at all because we were given a set of circumstances, and we were given rules, regulations and specifications from a different time. It wasn’t meant for this kind of an event with the kind of numbers that we’re talking about. And what we’ve done is, redesigned it very quickly with the help of the people behind me. We’re now in very, very strong shape. I think we’ll be announcing, as I said, Sunday night. This will start very quickly. We’ll have the ability to do in the millions over a very, very quick period of time. So, no. . . .
Tony Fauci: So just to reiterate what I said to many of you multiple times, it’s a dissent of a system. The system was not designed… For what it was designed for, it worked very well. The CDC designed a good system. If you want to get the kind of blanket testing and availability that anybody can get it, or you could even do surveillance to find out what the penetrance is, you have to embrace the private sector. And this is exactly what you’re seeing, because you can’t do it without it. So when I said that, I meant the system was not designed for what we need. Now looking forward, the system will take care of it.
Got the Johnson and Johnson vaccine 4 hours ago at the Kroger grocery’s pharmacy. No negative feelings yet. The Doctor was a Phd in Physics who had degrees from Mercer and Clemson. He was a nice guy. He said Moderna and Pfizer had bad reactions 1 out of 4 times, but J&J just 1 out of 10 times. They gave a card with details to prove my status. Papers are Papers.
Then there is this, in the interests of a complete record --
Reporter: Dr. Fauci, based on what you currently know, what is the trajectory for when this outbreak will peak? How long will the American people have to remain on this emergency footing?
Tony Fauci: When you have an outbreak like this, particularly if you’re trying to interfere with it, it’s really impossible to predict the time element of when it’s going to peak and when it’s naturally going to go down. . . . You continue some sort of containment, but you also do mitigation. And you try to proportionate to the areas where there are the most infections.
The success of that and how much you make this turn into this, is going to give you the amount of time. If we’re successful, it’ll be less. If we’re not successful, it’s going to be more. But these kind of things generally run out in a few months. Hopefully, we’ll make it several weeks. Eight, nine, whatever weeks. But I can’t give you a number, because it depends on how successful we are.
Let me repeat what THE EXPERT Dr. Fauci said on March 13, 2020, in predicting how long the emergency would last -- "These kind of things generally run out in a few months. Hopefully, we’ll make it several weeks. Eight, nine, whatever weeks."
Not very favorably impressed by the Chauvin trial so far. No change if venue; partisan AG brought in to prosecute, with a huge staff; pro Bono prosecutors (!); jurors who admitted bias not being removed for cause but by peremptory objections; pertinent evidence disallowed.
I don’t expect most Americans will care if the trial is fair, but the rest of us are watching, and judging. You are increasingly becoming a country no one can trust.
My apologies for the long and extended excerpts of President Trump's remarks. All made at one briefing. Then again, Trump is no Joe Biden. He didn't tire out after 10-20 minutes. And he didn't refuse to take questions from a hostile press that hated/hates his guts. So, his remarks tended to go long.
“Even simple, commonsense public health measures took on a political connotation”
Yes, the Democrats and the Media, but I repeat myself, took everything DJT said and said, "no that's a lie." They took his statement about HCQ and said HCQ was a dangerous drug, that if everyone used it, it would be in short supply. What they should have said is that we look forward to more test results and hope the HCQ treatment proves to be successful. They are evil people and deserve a new coat of tar and feathers.
President Donald Trump at the State of the Union Address, February 4, 2020: "Protecting Americans' health also means fighting infectious diseases. We are coordinating with the Chinese government and working closely together on the Coronavirus outbreak in China. My Administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this threat."
Nancy Pelosi rips up Trump's speech and demands that Trump be removed from office.
The FOX crawl has the Astrazeneca shot being halted in Denmark, Norway, Iceland, and Italy.
Me and three other family members are in an AstraZenica trial - 66% chance of getting the dose, so at east one or two of us should have got it. Of course, you never know, all four of us could have received the placebo. At any rate, the most a few of us had was a sore arm and maybe a feeling of trying to catch a cold for a day or two. This was several weeks ago.
I haven't taken a dime of stimulus money, and I won't take this check.
Do you really not understand that it is your money to begin with? The checks are only returning to you what the government took from you?
Granted, it does have the appearance and gives off the stench of government handout/dependency, an extra allowance given to the children by paternalistic government, but ultimately it really is our money that is being returned to us.
"Move those goalposts Sparky. We were talking about the meaning of "back to normal"."
I'm not talking about the meaning of "back to normal." I'm providing examples of large population states that have much worse Covid numbers despite being under severe lockdown and comparing them to a state that has been opening up since June of last year, has had schools open since August, has hosted the Super Bowl, and is hosting a great big spring break superspreader even as we speak.
BTW, I know you didn't bother to check, because MI isn't as bad as FL. I just threw that one in there.
I have news for Biden and his lickspittle cocksuckers on this thread- a great deal of the country is already back to normal and has been since last Summer. It really is only in the blue states and the blue cities of the red states that still have their masked heads stuck firmly up their asses in the panic.
Granted, it does have the appearance and gives off the stench of government handout/dependency, an extra allowance given to the children by paternalistic government, but ultimately it really is our money that is being returned to us.
Nope. It's our children's and our grandchildren's that we're stealing.
Yancy the trolls are just gettin a paycheck. You know, today's Kapos. It is important to reprint Trump's words on this vaccine issue. Masks only keep the ambulance chasers at bay. Potentially toxic litter with no hazmat disposal requirement.
"a great deal of the country is already back to normal and has been since last Summer."
Its because of geniuses like this that the rest of us haven't been able to go to a movie or a ball game in the past year. Or why 1/2 a million people are dead. Their stupidity is just over whelming.
Recall during Trump's presidency it was one hit after another. One of those hits was a parade of psychologists on all the cable shows questioning Trump's mental health. As I recall, that was a 2-weeker.
Now we a president who shuffles on and off the stage with a dazed look on his face .... crickets.
Just leaving Florida after two weeks of normal life where people are actually living instead of pretending everyone is gonna die if they don’t wear a face diaper. Sad to be going back to lockdown world.
Biden: Let's aim to get back to normal by July 4. <= That is not taking responsibility.
The Texas Rangers on Wednesday announced that they will allow 100% capacity at Globe Life Field for their home opener in Arlington. The announcement comes a week after Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced he was rescinding the state's mask mandate and opening Texas "100%."
C'mon Joe, try to catch up!
Maine governor Mills has relaxed restrictions on those people traveling to the state, or returning from travel out of state. This is to help the businesses that depend on tourism (B&Bs, hotels, restaurants, etc.) to recover from last year's restricted season. This despite the recent case and death numbers being worse that those that precipitated the restrictions last spring.
mrs. stevew and I are scheduled for our first vaccine shot early next week. The only reason I'm getting it is so that certain friends and family will then feel comfortable hanging with me in person, and some customers will allow me to visit. The only reason.
Yesterday, March 11, was the one year anniversary of my last business trip. Who would have thought I would look back on a visit to Camden NJ fondly. :-)
Is Biden going to close the border? How does he think we’ll meet that stupid metric of July 4 if he’s allowing COVID positive people in and wandering around the country? He makes no sense.
Btw I agree people are already well beyond what he’s stating for July 4. We went out to eat last night. Full house, inside and out. Tables spaced as that’s the rule, but it was packed on a Thursday night. We ate with people from another household. We are managing the risk to ourselves.
"How does he think we’ll meet that stupid metric of July 4 if he’s allowing COVID positive people in and wandering around the country?"
Because he knows, but will not admit publicly, what we all know: allowing Covid positive people to wander around, or not, makes no difference in the infection arc of the virus.
"End result : 1/2 million American souls dead." Now let's find out how many of those deaths are actually covid deaths. They hospitals have been reporting all deaths as covid deaths is suspect. For example. If you had covid or covid antibodies and died in a car crash the hospital would rate this as a covid death. Or you contracted covid and were sent off to a nursing home to die without any remedial action. So we have people erroneously labeled as having died from covid and people who were allowed to die from covid who may well have not if treated. It's too bad the left has so politically charged the situation we may never know.
I have news for Biden and his lickspittle cocksuckers on this thread- a great deal of the country is already back to normal and has been since last Summer.
This is the great disconnect. The propaganda centers (blue cities) give the impression their experience is the national experience. Its not. Not even close. I was with a friend all day yesterday. We were working together putting on a portion of the program for a large gathering of farmers. 50-70 people. He presented in the morning, I had an afternoon slot. Coffee and pastry in morning..self serve. Buffet of ham and roast beef (very nice for buffet food).No sign of masks, room for social distancing, but not always observed. My guess would be about a third of the crowd were over 65. Conversations at breaks did talk about where people were at with vaccination. So in the real world, people are making decisions on how best to live their own lives. The people putting on the meeting said attendance was down, some declined, and tuned in on facebook, as the information was live streamed. The friend I was working with told me to save the date in June for his second annual hog roast. Bigger and better than last years, that saw over 100 people attend. Enjoying food, conversation, karaoke and dancing.
Self declared elites are incapable of understanding how adults live their lives.
"Andy Richter @AndyRichter Doctor: “You’ve had a heart attack, your cholesterol is through the roof, so maybe don’t eat steak and fries 3 meals a day”
-- You do realize there's a difference between a doctor giving medical advice that is consistent with what we know and based in a rather objective way, and Fauci's inability to ever get anything consistently correct -- and a doctor with an unknown level of having lied to us in the past compared to Fauci, who has straight up said he'd lie to us if he thought it was for our own good? I know that trading in strawmen is how the Internet works, but could you at least get interesting strawmen?
Checks in accounts possibly this weekend!Who here sending theirs back? Didn't think so, talk about fast work.Show me the $$ Sleepy Joe. You da ma ! 51 day wonder. Let them eat cake! Banking mine for when the $10,000 bill comes due.
For people complaining about 500,000+ deaths... what was the alternative? Trump could barely get enough people to agree to work on slowing or shutting down border crossings! He spent a giant chunk of political capital getting an "impossible" funded and completed.
What else was he supposed to do when Fauci was out there telling people obvious lies ("Unmask! Don't buy masks. They won't help -- wait, no, they help. I was just lying to you because more important people needed masks. Please mask now?") Pelosi and Biden told people to go to super spreader events roughly this time last year!
What political action could Trump have taken that would have brought that death count down -- and to what point would it have to be before you stopped pretending COVID deaths were his fault instead of just what happens in a pandemic? My God, a good chunk of these deaths were from New York where the governor was too incompetent about how many ventilators they needed or were using (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2020/04/28/coronavirus-hospitals-avoid-ventilator-shortage-curve-new-york-flattens/3036008001/) and who actively caused more deaths by refusing to use resources Trump sent like a hospital ship, while shoving the elderly infected into close contact with the uninfected.
So, what could Trump have done to reduce these deaths -- that Democrats would have agreed with at the time, and that would not have been undermined by the Resistance and Dr. Fauci? Do you basically mean by taking it more seriously to have said "wear a mask" and worn a mask? Do you think that would have changed 500,000+ deaths to whatever magic metric you would have accepted as normal in a pandemic?
Remember: The online left were warning us of MILLIONS dead around May/June. It never happened, and we may not have even be near 500,000+ if Democrat governors hadn't killed senior citizens through their gross incompetence.
Half a million covid deaths will always be the often repeated lie from leftists propagandists. We will need to look at total deaths over a seven year continuum. 2017 through 2023 will be analyzed and the excess death stats will be quite a bit less. 300k?
"Fauci was spotted in stands of a baseball stadium, sans mask of course."
-- I've always worn my mask when going shopping, using public transit, etc. during the pandemic. But, I sure found it hard to take seriously when people went from "We risk Americans dying in the street" to "scheduling a maskless hair appointment" and "we must shutdown everything" to "except for fancy birthday parties for my high class, rich friends."
Do you want people to believe this is an all-hands on deck crisis? Then *act like it.*
Move those goalposts Sparky. We were talking about the meaning of "back to normal"." >> Dipshit.
Governors' choices: 1) Understand that your facemasklockdown religion does about as much as your "thoughts and prayers" to quote Chuckie Shumer, and therefore, might as well avoid shutting down the economy and ADDING TO THE MISERY, or 2) SHUT EVERY THING DOWN, bankrupt thousands/millions, fuck over kids' schools and do it ALL FOR FUCK ALL as it makes absolutely no significant difference in transmission or deaths.
Cumulative case rate of infections over the past year? FL=CA. Period. I don't even think there's more than a 1% difference last time I checked. FL, one of the oldest states in the country has a slightly higher cumulative death rate that California, one of the youngest states in the country.
"Guess if I want change I need to wait for the next election."
Matters what sort of change. Some elections are still being fought: https://news.yahoo.com/nancy-pelosi-opens-door-house-003727886.html
It is entirely possible that Pelosi, who only provisionally seated the Republican, may still decide to reject that election and seat someone else. But it is pants on head crazy to question any OTHER election.
I am not sure that we watched the same speech. I have no doubt President Biden thought it was inspirational, but I thought it meandered. I also thought I might be LESS inclined to get the vaccine if I was basing my decision on what he said.
Matters what sort of change. Some elections are still being fought: https://news.yahoo.com/nancy-pelosi-opens-door-house-003727886.html
It is entirely possible that Pelosi, who only provisionally seated the Republican, may still decide to reject that election and seat someone else. But it is pants on head crazy to question any OTHER election.
Yes. This is Iowa. Republican won by 6 votes. The democrat used available legal challenges as spelled out in election law. The Democrat is challenging some votes that were not counted because they were rejected following the law that governed the election. Pelosi can, by a simple vote of the House, declare the Republican be replaced by the Democrat. Exactly what President Trump was advocating. Rush has been saying for at least two years, Democrats wont be happy until they are free from standing for election.
Now we know what it takes to buy Dinky's vote. And no, Dink, mine won't be going back. One. Because I wouldn't know where to send it. And two. I can put it to much better use than you or any government agency can. But rest assured it will be going to a charity. All of it.
Its because of geniuses like this that the rest of us haven't been able to go to a movie or a ball game in the past year. Or why 1/2 a million people are dead. Their stupidity is just over whelming.
No. It's because of fuckheads like you and the government you choose to make your decisions for you.
You deserve the prison you live in. The rest of us don't.
"No. It's because of fuckheads like you and the government you choose to make your decisions for you."
The government i didn't choose (Trump and his Know Nothing minions) were the ones who overtly politicized basic preventive measures. This more than anything is the cause of 1/2 million dead. This is where a lack of education gets you.
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११७ टिप्पण्या:
If you wanted some major ammo to bring down Biden, you didn't get it in tonight's speech.
Boiler plate stuff. But, he made it through without any major flubs.
Tucker Carlson really couldn't get his teeth into it. About the best he could do is complain that Biden should have given a speech on different subjects important to Carlson.
Fauci lectures us on 'mixed messages.'
Fauci blames 'mixed messages' for Covid death toll
"It was March 11, 2020, that I said that, but I did not in my mind think that ‘much worse’ was going to be 525,000 deaths,” he said.
Asked what went wrong, Fauci pointed to the “divisiveness in our country.”
“Even simple, commonsense public health measures took on a political connotation,” he said. “If you wanted to wear a mask, you were on this side. If you wanted to stay in and avoid congregate settings, you were on this side. It wasn't a pure public health approach. It was really very much influenced by the divisiveness that we had in this country."
“Even simple, commonsense public health measures took on a political connotation,” Fauci said.mixed message? Just two weeks to flatten the curve. That's all we need. (365 days later, exactly what message got mixed?)
Biden babbles, promises everything, and commits to nothing. The 'small 4th of July gatherings if you behave yourselves and listen to Uncle Fauci' bit was beyond bizarre.
What a hopeless, hapless, hack.
We are SO doomed
no you're not being gaslighted, why do you ask
French 79: Hometown
Today's sunset heading west. (Ohio)
Now 12 hours since my 2nd Moderna poke.
Minor soreness in my shoulder. No fever or chills. Slight headache for about an hour but that's gone now.
All in all a big nothing. I spent most of the afternoon working in my garden.
That made me laugh. Thanks!
“Even simple, commonsense public health measures took on a political connotation,” Fauci said.
This time last year Fauci was telling us that we don’t need masks. Five weeks ago he was saying we need to double mask. Where’s the common sense?
Fauci has done a remarkable job of being on both sides of every issue for the last year.
If you really want to know what the science is, follow the studies that are being done in Israel. They are doing a remarkable job. Data is primarily about the Pfizer vaccine because that's what they used there, but it translates well to Moderna and probably the others.
Bari Weiss’ latest column is scary as to where our country is headed.
I have come to the conclusion that teachers and education administrators at all levels in this country are really 5th Columnists put in place to indoctrinate our country’s youth and destroy our country from within in order to put in a far left government bordering on a dictatorship. The George Floyd incident was a switch that flipped to on this internal threat to our country, like what was depicted in Star Wars III when the emperor gave the code word to the clone troopers to turn on the people they were protecting and their allies.
H.R. 1 would help to nail down the Left’s dominance of the country, especially once enough judges are put in place by a Democrat president to put down challenges to the laws that liberal politicians pass that are in reality unconstitutional to a clear minded unbiased judge/justice. The “canaries in the coal mine” are those immigrants who moved here from Communist countries who clearly recognize the threat as to what is going on.
The teachers at the local HS are getting their shots- apparently there are a lot of absences so a need for subs- our schools all devised schedules that take 1/2 the students/day. It’s been quite the year
That hands moving and flapping constantly thing Biden did has become a video cliche. Scott Adams does it too. I’m thinking about making a satirical video about this.
People want to see a constantly changing image in video. A standing or seated single speaker is video death, so everybody’s waving their hands around to try to overcome this.
Remember when all of the experts told us we couldn't get a vaccine in less than two or three years?
Turns out they were right.
We got three.
did y'all watch "President" Biden's speech? pretty moving
it moved me right into a rem sleep
81 million votes. Totally believable. No wonder the one worlders put up the fence.
Shouting Thomas said...
People want to see a constantly changing image in video. A standing or seated single speaker is video death, so everybody’s waving their hands around to try to overcome this.
I don't do video calls so doesn't apply to me.
Back in the 80s when I last had a job, my secretary once told me she could tell by looking through the window whether I was speaking English or Spanish on the phone.
English mostly taking notes, doodling or fidgeting with something on my desk.
Spanish, lots of hand waving. Sometimes both at once.
I still do it. Just self-conscious about it since then.
Local joke: How do you get a Puerto Rican to shut up?
Make them put their hands in their pockets.
John Henry
A drinking game would have been toxic
Whenever I watch Biden speak I think how he would have loved this 30 years ago, but now that he's finally president it's sad he's not there to enjoy it.
If that makes sense.
Biden gave a speech? Was it on tv? Must have missed it. I am sure it was important. Guess if I want change I need to wait for the next election. Or something.
Haven’t been able to schedule 2nd vaccine shot. Will be out of country 21 days from now. Interested to see response when I answer the “have you travelled” questions.
"Local joke: How do you get a Puerto Rican to shut up?
Make them put their hands in their pockets."
Works with Italians, too : )
Jersey Fled said...
Now 12 hours since my 2nd Moderna poke.
Minor soreness in my shoulder. No fever or chills. Slight headache for about an hour but that's gone now.
All in all a big nothing. I spent most of the afternoon working in my garden.
Good to know. Hubby and I get our second dose tomorrow (drive-thru - can't wait).
However, I know several friends who had bad reaction to their second dose of Pfizer or Moderna. I figure it's a crap shoot - who knows what sort of T-cells or immunity we have.
My lovely DIL (teacher) got an appt and my son went with her. Late in the day, they had extra, so son got his shot as well. He was VERY, VERY sick for several days. Both are millenials. DIL is fine.
Crap Shoot.
I watched Joe Biden walk down this empty hallway wearing a mask in approaching the podium. An empty hallway. He spoke about two words before I clicked over to something else.
I heard later that our nation FINALLY received the HOPE we have been longing for when our great president said that by July 4, we might be able to have a couple over in our backyard for a distanced and masked hamburger on the grill. Finally, some glimmer of light and something to look forward to -- IF we are good boys and girls.
At the recommendation of some here, I saw The Queen's Gambit. It's very good. Anya Taylor-Joy who plays the chess champion is terrific. She's been good in some other movies, but she's really stunning here. She's not blessed with Lily Collins' eyebrows, but she got some killer cheekbones and a bewitching and intense stare. It's not that easy to make a chess match look as visually exciting as a prize fight, but she pulls it off.....There's lots of ambiguities and loose ends as the story unfolds, but it's not sloppy story telling. That's the way life unfolds. When we're born, we're born in media res of our parents' drama and we never quite understand their plot.....The political correctness is not laid on with too heavy a hand, but it's there. It's based on a forty year old novel that is more sympathetic to Brehznev's Russia than to Christian orphanages or State Department (?CIA) functionaries. Anyway, it's not too heavy handed as Netflix goes.
"I heard later that our nation FINALLY received the HOPE we have been longing for when our great president said that by July 4, we might be able to have a couple over in our backyard for a distanced and masked hamburger on the grill."
Two years to get used to the idea that "flattening the curve" was a load of crap. And... oh, yeah- you'll need to wear a face diaper from now on. Even in your own backyard. Because SCIENCE!
The FOX crawl has the Astrazeneca shot being halted in Denmark, Norway, Iceland, and Italy.
My wife got her fair looks from her dad's side, and from her mom (the daughter of Italian immigrants, would have been 101 today RIP) a bad case of hand-talking. We've been married so long I do it a lot too, now.
(Only better)
Biden the Jackass offers HOPE to people --
“Because here’s the point, if we do all this, if we do our part, if we do this together, by July the fourth, there’s a good chance you, your families and friends, will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout or a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day. That doesn’t mean large events with lots of people together, but it does mean small groups will be able to get together,” Biden said.
Jackass. People are doing that NOW.
“If we don’t stay vigilant, and the conditions change, then we may have to reinstate restrictions to get back on track,” threatened the leader of the Biden Police State with military troops and razor wire nearby to bring his point home.
Hoorah, Hoorah for our great leader! Thank you. Thank you President Joe Biden for raising the chocolate ration to 20 grams a week!
Um . . . isn't the chocolate ration now actually 30 grams a week?? Isn't 20 grams a reduction??
Maybe it's just me, but when I see a lifelong crapweasel like Joe blabber about American unity and greatness and pulling together, I throw up a little in my mouth.
And when he goes on about the absolute, sure-thing, no-problem at-all vaccines and the importance of community and patriotism and doing as told . . .
I wonder if the first deepfake Biden will be animatronic or holographic?
Biden is a case of walking entropy
I saw Joe's speech. About what you'd expect in terms of delivery and substance. Oh, you thought he'd be drooling all over the podium? Grow up. JFK was close to the walking dead without his meds, and even in the '60's they could cover that up. Joe doubled down on the claim that he inherited nothing from the Trump Administration (not even the vaccines, apparently), but claimed credit (even for his own vaccinations, which were during the Trump Administration). But he did his job. Most people will have a favorable reaction to his speech.
The 'small 4th of July gatherings if you behave yourselves and listen to Uncle Fauci' bit was beyond bizarre.
My 4th of July gathering will be on a small Caribbean island.
Fuck this shit.
Local joke: How do you get a Puerto Rican to shut up?
Make them put their hands in their pockets.
John Henry
I use a variant of the joke for the PR girlfriend.
Checks in accounts possibly this weekend!Who here sending theirs back? Didn't think so, talk about fast work.Show me the $$ Sleepy Joe. You da ma ! 51 day wonder.
Let them eat cake!
he did his job. Most people will have a favorable reaction to his speech.
"Was it possible that they could swallow that. . . Yes, they swallowed it. . . . The eyeless creature at the other table swallowed it fanatically, passionately, with a furious desire to track down, denounce, and vaporize anyone who should suggest that last week the ration had been thirty grams. Syme, the specialist working on a new edition of the Newspeak dictionary at the Ministry of Truth, he too -- in some more double complex way, involving doublethink -- Syme, swallowed it. Was Winston, then, alone in the possession of a memory?”
Biden: Let's aim to get back to normal by July 4.
Trump: "I don't take any responsibility at all"
Checks in accounts possibly this weekend!Who here sending theirs back?
I haven't taken a dime of stimulus money, and I won't take this check.
Biden: Let's aim to get back to normal by July 4.
DeSantis: We were back to normal LAST July 4, you fuckhead.
What the Ministry of Truth propagandist Mut left out of those remarks:
““To unleash the full power of the federal government in this effort, today I am officially declaring a national emergency. Two very big words,” Trump said March 13, 2020, as he was flanked by Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar, and other health officials. “No resource will be spared, nothing whatsoever.”
It was when someone tried to pin blame on him for supposed deficiencies in testing, it was then that Trump rightly said that he didn't take responsibility. After all, the tests were only first being developed.
“Our overriding goal is to stop the spread of the virus,” Trump emphasized.
Donald Trump, March 13, 2020 --
“To unleash the full power of the federal government in this effort . . ."
“No resource will be spared, nothing whatsoever.”
“Our overriding goal is to stop the spread of the virus.”
“Biden: Let's aim to get back to normal by July 4.
Trump: "I don't take any responsibility at all"”
Yes, there’s the difference.
Kathryn51 said...
However, I know several friends who had bad reaction to their second dose of Pfizer or Moderna. I figure it's a crap shoot - who knows what sort of T-cells or immunity we have.
I had the Pfizer this time last week. Wasn't too bad. Got a bit sniffly and felt lethargic for a couple of days. Weird thing was I had almost zero soreness in my arm, normally when I get flu shots my arm is sore for a week.
It hit Mrs. NorthOfTheOneOhOne like a ton of bricks; sniffly, achy, lethargic, low grade fever, swollen glands in her neck for a day or two. But she's always been like that. If there's a possible side effect will show up in her no matter how rare it is.
Donald Trump, March 13, 2020 --
In furtherance of the order, I’m urging every state to set up emergency operation centers effective immediately. . . I’m also asking every hospital in this country to activate its emergency preparedness plan so that they can meet the needs of Americans everywhere. . .
The urgency orders I’m issuing today will also confer broad new authority to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The Secretary of HHS will be able to immediately wave revisions of applicable laws and regulations to give doctors, hospital all hospitals and healthcare providers, maximum flexibility to respond to the virus and care for patients. This includes the following critical authorities, the ability to waive laws to enable telehealth . . . the ability to waive requirements that critical access hospitals limit the number of beds to 25 and the length of stay to 96 hours. . . The authority to waive rules to hinder hospital’s ability to bring additional physicians on board or obtain needed office space. . . Ensuring that the emergency capacity can be quickly established. We’ll remove or eliminate every obstacle necessary to deliver our people the care that they need and that they’re entitled to. No resource will be spared. Nothing whatsoever. . . .
Today we are announcing a new partnership with private sector to vastly increase and accelerate our capacity to test for the Coronavirus. We want to make sure that those who need a test can get a test very safely, quickly and conveniently . . . Using federal emergency authorities, the FDA approved a new test for the virus. We did this within hours after receiving the application from Roche, a process that would normally take weeks. . . It’ll go very quickly. It’s going very quickly. Which will bring additionally 1.4 million tests on board next week and five million within a month. . . . At the same time, we’ve been in discussions with pharmacies and retailers to make drive-through tests available in the critical locations identified by public health professionals.
All Americans have a role to play in defeating this virus. Our most effective weapon right now is to limit the damage to our people and our country and slow the spread of the virus itself. The choice we make spread of the virus itself. The choice we make, the precautions we put into place, are critical to overcoming the virus, reducing its spread and shortening the duration of the pandemic which is what it is. The CDC has published guidelines on the coronavirus.gov to enable… It’s coronavirus.gov. It’s very heavily used right now, I will say, to enable every American to respond to this epidemic and to protect themselves, their families and their communities. . . .
Anyone can be a carrier for the virus and risk transmission to older Americans and those with underlying health conditions. And those who are most at risk, they have not done very well. Older Americans, especially if they have a health problem, they have not done well. We must take all precautions and be responsible for the actions that we take, and that we see other people take. We want to prevent the spread and transmission of the disease. . .
We should all be working off the same playbook when it comes to protecting Americans. We have to. We need to be consistent in adopting measures to limit the spread of the virus. The virus is the same whether it’s spreading in cities, towns, or rural communities. The tools and tactics for attacking it are similar, no matter where you go. . . .
Key among these efforts, are breaking chains of transmission between people. These measures have been adopted by many companies, universities and schools. We want to protect the safety and the health of their employees and their students. I encourage everyone to follow the guidelines we’ve issued by CDC, and these common sense measures. . . .
I want you to know that your federal government will unleash every authority, resource and tool at its disposal, to safeguard the lives and health of our people.
-- Donald Trump, March 13, 2020
Here is the part that some dishonest people would seek to smear President Trump as dithering and refusing to take action --
Reporter: Thank you so much, Mr. President. Dr. Fauci said earlier this week that the lag in testing was in fact, failing. Do you take responsibility for that? And when can you guarantee that every single American who needs a test will be able to have a test? What’s the date of that?
Donald Trump: Yeah. No, I don’t take responsibility at all because we were given a set of circumstances, and we were given rules, regulations and specifications from a different time. It wasn’t meant for this kind of an event with the kind of numbers that we’re talking about. And what we’ve done is, redesigned it very quickly with the help of the people behind me. We’re now in very, very strong shape. I think we’ll be announcing, as I said, Sunday night. This will start very quickly. We’ll have the ability to do in the millions over a very, very quick period of time. So, no. . . .
Tony Fauci: So just to reiterate what I said to many of you multiple times, it’s a dissent of a system. The system was not designed… For what it was designed for, it worked very well. The CDC designed a good system. If you want to get the kind of blanket testing and availability that anybody can get it, or you could even do surveillance to find out what the penetrance is, you have to embrace the private sector. And this is exactly what you’re seeing, because you can’t do it without it. So when I said that, I meant the system was not designed for what we need. Now looking forward, the system will take care of it.
Got the Johnson and Johnson vaccine 4 hours ago at the Kroger grocery’s pharmacy. No negative feelings yet. The Doctor was a Phd in Physics who had degrees from Mercer and Clemson. He was a nice guy. He said Moderna and Pfizer had bad reactions 1 out of 4 times, but J&J just 1 out of 10 times. They gave a card with details to prove my status. Papers are Papers.
Then there is this, in the interests of a complete record --
Reporter: Dr. Fauci, based on what you currently know, what is the trajectory for when this outbreak will peak? How long will the American people have to remain on this emergency footing?
Tony Fauci: When you have an outbreak like this, particularly if you’re trying to interfere with it, it’s really impossible to predict the time element of when it’s going to peak and when it’s naturally going to go down. . . . You continue some sort of containment, but you also do mitigation. And you try to proportionate to the areas where there are the most infections.
The success of that and how much you make this turn into this, is going to give you the amount of time. If we’re successful, it’ll be less. If we’re not successful, it’s going to be more. But these kind of things generally run out in a few months. Hopefully, we’ll make it several weeks. Eight, nine, whatever weeks. But I can’t give you a number, because it depends on how successful we are.
Let me repeat what THE EXPERT Dr. Fauci said on March 13, 2020, in predicting how long the emergency would last -- "These kind of things generally run out in a few months. Hopefully, we’ll make it several weeks. Eight, nine, whatever weeks."
Not very favorably impressed by the Chauvin trial so far. No change if venue; partisan AG brought in to prosecute, with a huge staff; pro Bono prosecutors (!); jurors who admitted bias not being removed for cause but by peremptory objections; pertinent evidence disallowed.
I don’t expect most Americans will care if the trial is fair, but the rest of us are watching, and judging. You are increasingly becoming a country no one can trust.
My apologies for the long and extended excerpts of President Trump's remarks. All made at one briefing. Then again, Trump is no Joe Biden. He didn't tire out after 10-20 minutes. And he didn't refuse to take questions from a hostile press that hated/hates his guts. So, his remarks tended to go long.
“Even simple, commonsense public health measures took on a political connotation”
Yes, the Democrats and the Media, but I repeat myself, took everything DJT said and said, "no that's a lie." They took his statement about HCQ and said HCQ was a dangerous drug, that if everyone used it, it would be in short supply. What they should have said is that we look forward to more test results and hope the HCQ treatment proves to be successful. They are evil people and deserve a new coat of tar and feathers.
I left a comment on the White House web site about Dementia Joe's speech:
1 - Joe's not the boss of me and can't tell me what to do or not do.
2 - He's a small man for stealing the credit of the vaccine.
Its good perspective
Good Job, Boys. We really took it to the libtards on Ann's blog today.
President Donald Trump at the State of the Union Address, February 4, 2020: "Protecting Americans' health also means fighting infectious diseases. We are coordinating with the Chinese government and working closely together on the Coronavirus outbreak in China. My Administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this threat."
Nancy Pelosi rips up Trump's speech and demands that Trump be removed from office.
"I haven't taken a dime of stimulus money, and I won't take this check."
Who is eligible for the cash...po folk only or rich folk too?
The FOX crawl has the Astrazeneca shot being halted in Denmark, Norway, Iceland, and Italy.
Me and three other family members are in an AstraZenica trial - 66% chance of getting the dose, so at east one or two of us should have got it. Of course, you never know, all four of us could have received the placebo. At any rate, the most a few of us had was a sore arm and maybe a feeling of trying to catch a cold for a day or two. This was several weeks ago.
I haven't taken a dime of stimulus money, and I won't take this check.
Do you really not understand that it is your money to begin with? The checks are only returning to you what the government took from you?
Granted, it does have the appearance and gives off the stench of government handout/dependency, an extra allowance given to the children by paternalistic government, but ultimately it really is our money that is being returned to us.
Never mind...we're not getting any cash.
But to those of you who are; you're welcome...
"DeSantis: We were back to normal LAST July 4, you fuckhead."
What planet do you live on?
Where were you educated?
Cases 1.9 million 5,065 –24%
Deaths 32,039
"Joe's not the boss of me and can't tell me what to do or not do."
Politics for 5 year olds-"You're not the boss of me."
"Cases 1.9 million 5,065 –24%
Deaths 32,039 "
Now do NY, MI, and CA.
I haven't taken a dime of stimulus money, and I won't take this check.
The Devil has had this money long enough!
"We have it totally under control"
"We have it very well under control"
"Its going to disappear one day, its like a miracle"
"I'm not concerned at all"
"Just stay calm, it will go away"
"I don't take responsibility at all"
End result : 1/2 million American souls dead.
"Now do NY, MI, and CA."
Move those goalposts Sparky. We were talking about the meaning of "back to normal".
Virginia to maine. Washington to california.
Virginia to maine. Washington to california.
Coast to coast, LA to Chicago, western male
Across the north and south, to Key Largo, love for sale
"Move those goalposts Sparky. We were talking about the meaning of "back to normal"."
I'm not talking about the meaning of "back to normal." I'm providing examples of large population states that have much worse Covid numbers despite being under severe lockdown and comparing them to a state that has been opening up since June of last year, has had schools open since August, has hosted the Super Bowl, and is hosting a great big spring break superspreader even as we speak.
BTW, I know you didn't bother to check, because MI isn't as bad as FL. I just threw that one in there.
Politics for 5 year olds-"You're not the boss of me."
Also said by John Adams, Ben Franklin, George Washington etc.
I have news for Biden and his lickspittle cocksuckers on this thread- a great deal of the country is already back to normal and has been since last Summer. It really is only in the blue states and the blue cities of the red states that still have their masked heads stuck firmly up their asses in the panic.
Granted, it does have the appearance and gives off the stench of government handout/dependency, an extra allowance given to the children by paternalistic government, but ultimately it really is our money that is being returned to us.
Nope. It's our children's and our grandchildren's that we're stealing.
"I haven't taken a dime of stimulus money, and I won't take this check."
Who is eligible for the cash...po folk only or rich folk too?
I'm single and earn less than $80,000 a year. I think I've been eligible for all of it.
"Also said by John Adams, Ben Franklin, George Washington etc."
Andy Richter
Doctor: “You’ve had a heart attack, your cholesterol is through the roof, so maybe don’t eat steak and fries 3 meals a day”
Yancy the trolls are just gettin a paycheck. You know, today's Kapos. It is important to reprint Trump's words on this vaccine issue. Masks only keep the ambulance chasers at bay. Potentially toxic litter with no hazmat disposal requirement.
"a great deal of the country is already back to normal and has been since last Summer."
Its because of geniuses like this that the rest of us haven't been able to go to a movie or a ball game in the past year. Or why 1/2 a million people are dead. Their stupidity is just over whelming.
Mutaman said: "Their stupidity is just over whelming."
I assume you were not referring to Governors Cuomo, Wolf, Murphy and Whitmer who stuffed the nursing homes full of Covid patients. Amirite?
Recall during Trump's presidency it was one hit after another. One of those hits was a parade of psychologists on all the cable shows questioning Trump's mental health. As I recall, that was a 2-weeker.
Now we a president who shuffles on and off the stage with a dazed look on his face .... crickets.
Humperdink said...
"Recall during Trump's presidency it was one hit after another."
Recall during Trump's presidency there was no "honeymoon" period whatsoever.
Just leaving Florida after two weeks of normal life where people are actually living instead of pretending everyone is gonna die if they don’t wear a face diaper. Sad to be going back to lockdown world.
Joe Biden is making sure the Drug Cartels are bringing in tons of cash by transporting illegals to America!! Make the Cartels Great again!!!
Biden: Let's aim to get back to normal by July 4. <= That is not taking responsibility.
The Texas Rangers on Wednesday announced that they will allow 100% capacity at Globe Life Field for their home opener in Arlington. The announcement comes a week after Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced he was rescinding the state's mask mandate and opening Texas "100%."
C'mon Joe, try to catch up!
Maine governor Mills has relaxed restrictions on those people traveling to the state, or returning from travel out of state. This is to help the businesses that depend on tourism (B&Bs, hotels, restaurants, etc.) to recover from last year's restricted season. This despite the recent case and death numbers being worse that those that precipitated the restrictions last spring.
mrs. stevew and I are scheduled for our first vaccine shot early next week. The only reason I'm getting it is so that certain friends and family will then feel comfortable hanging with me in person, and some customers will allow me to visit. The only reason.
Yesterday, March 11, was the one year anniversary of my last business trip. Who would have thought I would look back on a visit to Camden NJ fondly. :-)
lb said...
"Sad to be going back to lockdown world."
I'll still be locked-down after this - because y'all will still be crazy - and, BOY, would I like THAT to end.
Is Biden going to close the border? How does he think we’ll meet that stupid metric of July 4 if he’s allowing COVID positive people in and wandering around the country? He makes no sense.
Btw I agree people are already well beyond what he’s stating for July 4. We went out to eat last night. Full house, inside and out. Tables spaced as that’s the rule, but it was packed on a Thursday night. We ate with people from another household. We are managing the risk to ourselves.
"How does he think we’ll meet that stupid metric of July 4 if he’s allowing COVID positive people in and wandering around the country?"
Because he knows, but will not admit publicly, what we all know: allowing Covid positive people to wander around, or not, makes no difference in the infection arc of the virus.
Here's an example of systemic racism:
[White] Adjunct Law Professor Fired for Saying to Colleague, "A Lot of My Lower [Graded Students] Are Blacks"
And the "colleague" is put on leave for not arguing against her factual statement.
"End result : 1/2 million American souls dead."
Now let's find out how many of those deaths are actually covid deaths. They hospitals have been reporting all deaths as covid deaths is suspect. For example. If you had covid or covid antibodies and died in a car crash the hospital would rate this as a covid death. Or you contracted covid and were sent off to a nursing home to die without any remedial action. So we have people erroneously labeled as having died from covid and people who were allowed to die from covid who may well have not if treated.
It's too bad the left has so politically charged the situation we may never know.
I have news for Biden and his lickspittle cocksuckers on this thread- a great deal of the country is already back to normal and has been since last Summer.
This is the great disconnect. The propaganda centers (blue cities) give the impression their experience is the national experience. Its not. Not even close.
I was with a friend all day yesterday. We were working together putting on a portion of the program for a large gathering of farmers. 50-70 people. He presented in the morning, I had an afternoon slot. Coffee and pastry in morning..self serve. Buffet of ham and roast beef (very nice for buffet food).No sign of masks, room for social distancing, but not always observed. My guess would be about a third of the crowd were over 65. Conversations at breaks did talk about where people were at with vaccination. So in the real world, people are making decisions on how best to live their own lives. The people putting on the meeting said attendance was down, some declined, and tuned in on facebook, as the information was live streamed.
The friend I was working with told me to save the date in June for his second annual hog roast. Bigger and better than last years, that saw over 100 people attend. Enjoying food, conversation, karaoke and dancing.
Self declared elites are incapable of understanding how adults live their lives.
"Andy Richter
Doctor: “You’ve had a heart attack, your cholesterol is through the roof, so maybe don’t eat steak and fries 3 meals a day”
-- You do realize there's a difference between a doctor giving medical advice that is consistent with what we know and based in a rather objective way, and Fauci's inability to ever get anything consistently correct -- and a doctor with an unknown level of having lied to us in the past compared to Fauci, who has straight up said he'd lie to us if he thought it was for our own good? I know that trading in strawmen is how the Internet works, but could you at least get interesting strawmen?
Checks in accounts possibly this weekend!Who here sending theirs back? Didn't think so, talk about fast work.Show me the $$ Sleepy Joe. You da ma ! 51 day wonder.
Let them eat cake!
Banking mine for when the $10,000 bill comes due.
For people complaining about 500,000+ deaths... what was the alternative? Trump could barely get enough people to agree to work on slowing or shutting down border crossings! He spent a giant chunk of political capital getting an "impossible" funded and completed.
What else was he supposed to do when Fauci was out there telling people obvious lies ("Unmask! Don't buy masks. They won't help -- wait, no, they help. I was just lying to you because more important people needed masks. Please mask now?") Pelosi and Biden told people to go to super spreader events roughly this time last year!
What political action could Trump have taken that would have brought that death count down -- and to what point would it have to be before you stopped pretending COVID deaths were his fault instead of just what happens in a pandemic? My God, a good chunk of these deaths were from New York where the governor was too incompetent about how many ventilators they needed or were using (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2020/04/28/coronavirus-hospitals-avoid-ventilator-shortage-curve-new-york-flattens/3036008001/) and who actively caused more deaths by refusing to use resources Trump sent like a hospital ship, while shoving the elderly infected into close contact with the uninfected.
So, what could Trump have done to reduce these deaths -- that Democrats would have agreed with at the time, and that would not have been undermined by the Resistance and Dr. Fauci? Do you basically mean by taking it more seriously to have said "wear a mask" and worn a mask? Do you think that would have changed 500,000+ deaths to whatever magic metric you would have accepted as normal in a pandemic?
Remember: The online left were warning us of MILLIONS dead around May/June. It never happened, and we may not have even be near 500,000+ if Democrat governors hadn't killed senior citizens through their gross incompetence.
Half a million covid deaths will always be the often repeated lie from leftists propagandists.
We will need to look at total deaths over a seven year continuum. 2017 through 2023 will be analyzed and the excess death stats will be quite a bit less. 300k?
Who would have thought I would look back on a visit to Camden NJ fondly. :-)
Subaru or Campbell Soup?
Ha, the former!
Fauci .... mask, no mask, mask, double mask. Somewhere in the middle of that, Fauci was spotted in stands of a baseball stadium, sans mask of course.
"Fauci was spotted in stands of a baseball stadium, sans mask of course."
-- I've always worn my mask when going shopping, using public transit, etc. during the pandemic. But, I sure found it hard to take seriously when people went from "We risk Americans dying in the street" to "scheduling a maskless hair appointment" and "we must shutdown everything" to "except for fancy birthday parties for my high class, rich friends."
Do you want people to believe this is an all-hands on deck crisis? Then *act like it.*
Fernandinande said...
Here's an example of systemic racism:
Because, if there's systematic racism for white people, it exists, but, if it's for blacks, it does not.
I am so sorry to oppress you guys.
Move those goalposts Sparky. We were talking about the meaning of "back to normal"."
Governors' choices:
1) Understand that your facemasklockdown religion does about as much as your "thoughts and prayers" to quote Chuckie Shumer, and therefore, might as well avoid shutting down the economy and ADDING TO THE MISERY, or
2) SHUT EVERY THING DOWN, bankrupt thousands/millions, fuck over kids' schools and do it ALL FOR FUCK ALL as it makes absolutely no significant difference in transmission or deaths.
Cumulative case rate of infections over the past year? FL=CA. Period. I don't even think there's more than a 1% difference last time I checked. FL, one of the oldest states in the country has a slightly higher cumulative death rate that California, one of the youngest states in the country.
"Guess if I want change I need to wait for the next election."
Matters what sort of change. Some elections are still being fought: https://news.yahoo.com/nancy-pelosi-opens-door-house-003727886.html
It is entirely possible that Pelosi, who only provisionally seated the Republican, may still decide to reject that election and seat someone else. But it is pants on head crazy to question any OTHER election.
Just in from my morning walk. What a beautiful beautiful day.
Snow predicted for Monday.
I am not sure that we watched the same speech. I have no doubt President Biden thought it was inspirational, but I thought it meandered. I also thought I might be LESS inclined to get the vaccine if I was basing my decision on what he said.
Matters what sort of change. Some elections are still being fought: https://news.yahoo.com/nancy-pelosi-opens-door-house-003727886.html
It is entirely possible that Pelosi, who only provisionally seated the Republican, may still decide to reject that election and seat someone else. But it is pants on head crazy to question any OTHER election.
Yes. This is Iowa. Republican won by 6 votes. The democrat used available legal challenges as spelled out in election law. The Democrat is challenging some votes that were not counted because they were rejected following the law that governed the election.
Pelosi can, by a simple vote of the House, declare the Republican be replaced by the Democrat.
Exactly what President Trump was advocating.
Rush has been saying for at least two years, Democrats wont be happy until they are free from standing for election.
"Recall during Trump's presidency there was no "honeymoon" period whatsoever."
Trump didn't even get an awkward hand job.
For Biden it's been a non-stop Roman orgy, Caligula-style : )
Quit bitching at people on this board over what your mom and dad did to you.
Now we know what it takes to buy Dinky's vote. And no, Dink, mine won't be going back. One. Because I wouldn't know where to send it. And two. I can put it to much better use than you or any government agency can. But rest assured it will be going to a charity. All of it.
Look at ST - screaming about the evil of Cancel Culture one day - blaming my folks the next.
But he's not racist as he tries HIS BEST to say ANYTHING THAT WILL HURT a black man each day.
Didn't he say he LOVES trying to make me jealous? But he's not racist - he just IGNORES I'M BLACK AND ACTS LIKE A KLANSMAN.
Conservatism: deciding you can ignore people are black to be racist - in the name of MLK.
Then you suck dick, and go play organ in the church - just like he did.
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen,
Nobody knows my sorrow..
Trump: "I don't take any responsibility at all"”
Yes, there’s the difference. - Idiot
If you have to deliberately take his comments out of context in order to prove a point, you don't have a point.
Its because of geniuses like this that the rest of us haven't been able to go to a movie or a ball game in the past year. Or why 1/2 a million people are dead. Their stupidity is just over whelming.
No. It's because of fuckheads like you and the government you choose to make your decisions for you.
You deserve the prison you live in. The rest of us don't.
"if you have to deliberately take his comments out of context in order to prove a point, you don't have a point.'
The words speak for themselves, I note that you don't provide any context.
"No. It's because of fuckheads like you and the government you choose to make your decisions for you."
The government i didn't choose (Trump and his Know Nothing minions) were the ones who
overtly politicized basic preventive measures. This more than anything is the cause of 1/2 million dead. This is where a lack of education gets you.
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