... you can talk all night.
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blogging every day since January 14, 2004
... you can talk all night.
And please think of supporting this blog by doing your shopping through the Althouse portal to Amazon, which is always right there in the sidebar. Thanks!
१२१ टिप्पण्या:
this juxtaposition bothers me
Sad to say, it looks like the Democratic Party that supported Jim Crow all those years - to their eternal shame, no matter what the current Democratic congress critters and their senile selected "president" say - is set to vote again and again, in their sad little way, in one state after another, to make African-Americans, who rightfully distrust the vaccine companies that refuse to allow anyone to sue them, once again become second class citizens in a disproportionate way, with the racist "vaccine passports" that privilege rich people with access to good doctors who they trust.
Did Joe Biden say that he would be against vaccine passports if they disproportionately harmed black people who rightfully do not trust big companies who refuse to allow anyone to sue them, and who like to experiment on people for profit?
Of course he did not, he was a big pal of KKK Senator Byrd, and he is so far in dementia that he does not understand his own polices --- but he knows he likes himself.
You can't expect Dylan to talk about the evil of vaccine passports - he is too old and comfortable - so I am gonna do it.
Anyone who entertains the idea of a vaccine passport in the USA of today is racist.
Racism is bad, in case you hadn't heard.
Since my azaleas are budding, we're supposed to go down to 28 Thursday and Friday nights. Then highs in the 80's next week.
@stephen cooper:
Sad to say, it looks like the Democratic Party that supported Jim Crow all those years - to their eternal shame...
What is the analogy between Jim Crow laws and a "vaccine passport"?
Saw Sen. Ben Sasse speak tonight in Omaha., Exceptionally smart. Very impressive. Deep thinker. I feel good about him being in the Senate.
1. I said Biden is not capable to do the job. Sasse sits on the Intelligence Committee and sees intelligence about our enemies. How much trouble are we in?
Sasse said he has confidence in Biden’s foreign policy team and thinks they appreciate the threat China is. He made a point that was made to me by the only Chinese resident I have ever meet. We met at the bar at the Casa Del Mar in Santa Monica where I was trying to sell Frankenstein, Part II. The middle class in China (450 million people) don’t care about human rights or democracy as long as they are making money.
On domestic policy, Biden’s chief of staff Ron Klain is very radical and dangerous.
Implicit in Sasse’s answer is that Biden is very weak. The Deep State is running America.
2. Sasse knows he is in trouble about his second vote to convict Trump. Sasse thought it was an insurrection and that Trump should have been barred from holding federal office.
There were protestors outside the hotel and two Omaha cops outside our meeting room.
Sasse says he has no intent being a Senator forever. I could see him going back to being a college president at Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth or Carleton.
3. Much discussion about the filibuster and why it is needed. He said the central political fact about our country is that we are a democratic republic and anti-majoritarian. We can’t have mob rule in this country.
He said there about 6 to 11 Dems who secretly want to keep the filibuster. But there is a 30-60% chance that the Dems will get rid of it.
HR 1 on voting will probably be the test to get rid of the filibuster.
4. He lamented the state of American civics education, but that ship has sailed. My view is that Dems don’t want an educated citizenry. For them, it is bread, circuses and dope.
5. He’s a Cornhusker basketball fan and that is really weird.
6. His 8 year old son was with him. Cute kid. He was wearing shorts and about 45 degrees.
Can anyone translate:
Si se pwodway.
It is not an analogy, it is the same thing.
Jim Crow laws kept people who did not conform away from the water fountains of people who conformed.
FOr the good of everybody, the Democrats of the day liked to think.
We all know that African-Americans have good reason not to trust health authorities, and as such, we all know that lots fewer African-Americans are gonna submit to Bill Gates and Joe Biden when those two creepy old white guys demand that everyone gets vaccinated.
Lots of creepy old black guys in the Democratic party are gonna go along with the new Jim Crow, but it is the same Jim Crow as the old Jim Crow, and they ought to be ashamed of themselves, they don't even care about their own race enough to protect their old men and women from being discriminated against by creepy guys like Gates and Biden.
8:45 was for J Farmer, who I hope thinks about it before reacting ---- we might be on the same side on this subject.
Ben Sasse should retire right now.
Everyone knows he is a dishonest man.
stephen cooper - champion of helpless hapless hopeless POC!
White nights, everywhere you look.
I stopped at Trader Joe's yesterday. Checkout clerk was one of those cool old guys, tough-looking, good-humored, over 70. From his manner I'd guess he was retired from something else.
As he beckoned me to his line he remarked to his manager as she passed by, "I think I just had my winner for today." Maybe I looked puzzled, because he elaborated to me: "Guy pays in cash. And he doesn't want to touch the bills I give him back. Asks me to just drop 'em into his bag instead."
"Oh," I said.
"And that wasn't all. He paid out of a special bag of money. He'd bleached it."
"That's a technique, I guess."
"Yeah. You stay safe," he said with a touch of humor.
wild chicken, shut up.
unless you have something kind or human to say.
White nights, everywhere you look.
And all of them in satin.
Family and I tested negative for COVID today. Needed to be negative to get back into the US. Apparently not everyone does however.
What is the analogy between Jim Crow laws and a "vaccine passport"?
Not a bad analogy. Telling you where you are permitted to go. Potentially much worse but I don't expect you to see it.
What is the analogy between Jim Crow laws and a "vaccine passport"?
Many Jim Crow laws were overturned because they interfered with the right to travel.
"Family and I tested negative for COVID today. Needed to be negative to get back into the US."
You want to get back in?
Chauvin trial.
The narrative has shifted. First Chauvin choked Floyd to death. Then it was a blood choke. Now it is failure to give aid. This is real Rashomon stuff.
My wife got her $1,400 from Congress. She got upset because she is japanese and not used to getting things she has not earned. It caused a fight. F* Biden. Giving peope unearned cash is stupid and undermines our integrity.
Stephen Cooper: "he was a big pal of KKK Senator Byrd, and he is so far in dementia that he does not understand his own polices --- but he knows he likes himself."
Stephen Cooper: "shut up. unless you have something kind or human to say."
NYC JournoList: Since your wife is japanese she should be able to explain deficit spending to you.
Sasse really doesnt have a clue, none of it, he saw that banana split in anchorage and he thinks there is any logic to this
Eastland in particular was a biden co sponsor i know inconvenient facts
readering - and your point is?
It was kind-hearted of me to point this out:
Biden is a cruel old man who is a prisoner of his own dementia, and it will take a miracle for him to find again whatever was good in him.
In his young days, he palled around with KKK wizards, because it was good for his career.
It is kind to point out the ways that people delude themselves, perhaps someone reading this - perhaps an arrogant Biden voter who thinks of herself or himself as morally superior - will read my words and, understanding the kindness in my heart, repent of the hatred she or he felt for people who did not vote for Biden.
And trust me, I spend a lot of time praying for old people like Biden.
Also, readering, you can use a real name here. The FBI is not gonna round up ALthouse commenters. My guess is you are a Jim or a John or a Hank, in real life.
Drop the sarcasm shtick.
Chauvin trial.
The narrative has shifted. First Chauvin choked Floyd to death. Then it was a blood choke. Now it is failure to give aid.
Court TV, at least, advertises it as, not homicide, not man slaughter, but a "murder" trial. Given the available evidence, it may be, at worst, negligence that contributed to death. The prosecution's firefighter witness does not help their argument.
Unfortunately, stoking diversity for profit is politically congruent.
The funny thing is that there is ZERO chance that any commenter here on ALthouse ever used to hang out with a KKK wizard.
But you point out that biden used to do that, and you get jumped on.
Hey Readering. That just don’t helicoptor cash in Japan. They pretended to spend it and still it destroyed their growth. That’s why she left. Now we are making the same mistakes, which is twice as dumb as we could have learned from Tokyo’s example.
Blogger AZ Bob said...
Can anyone translate:
Si se pwodway.
Yes I’m a doctor.
readering, i like and respect you, so let's just agree to disagree .
that being said , you have to feel sorry for Biden, right?
I mean, I felt bad for Bush.
Government has a hard time buying innovation and it is innovation and win-win change that leads to growth and increasing wealth. Gov’t spending to keep the status quo and pay the comfortable folks leads to economic enervation as those in the economy age and die and the youth lose faith in their future. Better off spending money on prizes like the Brits did in their golden age than censusing and replacing lead pipes at $50,000 a pop.
Vaccine passports are Jim Eagle.
@stephen cooper:
It is not an analogy, it is the same thing.
Jim Crow laws kept people who did not conform away from the water fountains of people who conformed.
FOr the good of everybody, the Democrats of the day liked to think.
As you said, Jim Crow were a set of "laws" that enforced racial segregation. What laws are being proposed at the federal level regarding the "vaccine passport"? My own governor, Ron De Santis, said the other day, "It’s completely unacceptable for either the government or the private sector to impose upon you the requirement that you show proof of vaccine to just simply be able to participate in normal society."
Or the private sector? If a business opts to require proof of vaccination as a condition of entry and/or service, what right has been violated?
Now it is failure to give aid.
I thought it was established that cops don't have to do s* to help anyone.
So he's going to be acquitted then?
I haven't watched anything of it, because I don't care enough, but that's interesting.
Cities will burn no matter the outcome.
Brian J. Karem
BREAKING NEWS: Per pool reports either Champ or Major took a dump in the White House!
Big deal. Trump did that every day for four years.
Is there an analogy between “white skin passports” and Jim Crow?
This isn’t just rhetorical. In the Jim Crow south people might be required to provide documentary proof of their claim to be white, or rejected as being despite their skin tone.
Is there an analogy between two different kinds of passports or permission slips?
If A is analogous to B which is analogous to C, what can we say about A and C?
Couple of good ones, Meade.
J. Farmer - there are several distinct but intertwining lines of Supreme Court precendent on the conflict between "the right to assemble", on the one hand,(generally called "Freedom of Association" at the circuit court level - but Hugo Black's majority opinions, one step above the fairly mediocre circuit courts of his day, show that he and the rest of his mediocre pals wavered on what to call it) - and on the other hand, the constitutionally disfavored "discrimination in public accommodations".
Professor Althouse probably spent hundreds of hours leading her law school classes through the paces on the conflict between these concepts.
As for me ----- trust me, I know what I am talking about, but that does not matter.
WHAT MATTERS IS THE TRUTH and the truth is what it is, no matter what you or me say about it.
The vaccine passport thing is kind of hilarious, when you think about it.
Meade, 9:37:
"Yes I’m a doctor."
EdD by any chance? You might make a good Surgeon General if so.
I understand the vaccine passports are likely to be a QR code. Haven’t decided if I will get it tattooed on my middle finger or left ass cheek. Maybe both to allow for different circumstances.
To be fair, I never had a problem with "Ladie's Nights" at the Long Island bars of my youth.
I would bring a couple of girlfriends and they would get their free drinks and give them to me. The bartender would give me a dirty look but I am the sort of guy who could never care about a dirty look from a bartender in such situations. That was long ago, of course.
I would let the women drive when we left, I am a strong believer that NOBODY SHOULD EVER DRIVE EVEN AFTER drinking halfway to the legal limit. And most people should not drive until an hour or so after even a single drink.
Or the private sector? If a business opts to require proof of vaccination as a condition of entry and/or service, what right has been violated?
Just seems odd that we have never had to show proof of polio, measles, whooping cough, annual flu, etc as a condition of entry but COVID is something more, significantly different? I guess local businesses can impose any restrictions they want. I still have Amazon as an option As bad as that sounds.
RIP G Gordan Libby. Watergate passes into the history books as the last participants pass on.
Mountain hiking in north suburban Tucson the last few days.
The percentage of people wearing (and often clutching) masks on the trails is diminishing. A month ago it was 35%. My guess is that the number is 10% and entirely all middle aged women.
Maybe there is a good reason my wife chided me. Maybe they are all Democrat virtue signalers, I responded.
@Ken B:
Is there an analogy between “white skin passports” and Jim Crow?
This isn’t just rhetorical. In the Jim Crow south people might be required to provide documentary proof of their claim to be white, or rejected as being despite their skin tone.
"Jim Crow" refers to a set of state and local laws that enforced racial segregation. What laws regarding vaccination status are equivalent? If United Airlines opts to require proof of vaccination as a condition of flying, how is that analogous to Jim Crow?
Or the private sector? If a business opts to require proof of vaccination as a condition of entry and/or service, what right has been violated?
You have to bake the cake.
I am thankful Black Eyed Boldfinger Joementia demonstrated how to wash hands in his recent plea.
That certainly moved the needle/SAVED LIVES!
analogous to Jim Crow?
two words. Disparate outcome.
Did you see Ted Cruz respond to the reporter who asks him to put on his mask before speaking to the group?
Pitch perfect I say.
Yesterday had a winter storm warning for my area, up to 7 inches of snow predicted, starting just about now. Now, we may have some rain, possibly mixed with snow, during the overnight and into daylight tomorrow.
But 50 years from now the planet will be uninhabitable due to global warming. To go along with right now, snowfalls are a thing of the past, 10 year olds today have never seen them. And the ice caps and glaciers are long gone, and NYC is under 50 feet of water due to the ice caps melting.
And covid is going to kill us all if we don't bow down and scrupulously obey every edict from Dictator Cuomo and his advisors like Fraudci.
Apparently, experts aren't.
Deace's book doing pretty well on Amazon.
If United Airlines opts to require proof of vaccination as a condition of flying, how is that analogous to Jim Crow?
It is not as their regulations are not law. But where does it stop? Or who stops it?
Francisco D,
Hike in the Saguaro National Park. Maybe:
Then have lunch nearby:
Deace's book doing pretty well on Amazon.
I am going to buy it. I think it’s #1
Yes, Sasse is correct- HR1 will the test of whether or not the Democrats get rid of the filibuster. The lure of never losing another national election is so strong, I think it 50-50 whether or not the filibuster survives.
Sasse is finished politically, though. He won't run next time.
That’s some impressive goal post moving, from *passports* to airline seating rules.
"Jim Crow" refers to a set of state and local laws that enforced racial segregation.
So lunch counters had nothing to do with it ? Hmmm.
If United Airlines opts to require proof of vaccination as a condition of flying, how is that analogous to Jim Crow?
Think Motel 6 banning Black people. Or United Airlines banning Black people for that matter.
Yeah..seating preference is a luxury compared to being able to board the plane.
You have to bake the cake.
That had to do with Colorado's law regarding anti-discrimination in public accommodations, but vaccine status is not a protected class.
I told you guys just the other day- the very first time a black person is denied anything because he or she is unvaccinated and complains to the press about it will be the last time such an unvaccinated person is denied entry to anything. It will most likely lead to the abandonment of vaccine passports, but it is also possible that you will still have to have them, but only if you are white. Democrats are becoming deeply committed to these things, just like masks. It will take some serious civil disobedience to stop this.
Airlines don’t plan on requiring vaccines for domestic travel. Foreign authorities may, or might require a test. My employer has told us they don’t plan on requiring it for employment and have stated they have no plans to require vaccines for pax.
You left out the Britain's Schrodinger Climate: It's going to simultaneously have snow as a thing of the past while also having a Siberian climate. All that happened in 2020.
If you blinked, you missed it.
"Jim Crow" refers to a set of state and local laws that enforced racial segregation.
Perhaps in the precise historical sense, but I would question even that. The mainstream, cultural meaning of the term refers to all forms of segregation and discrimination that transpired in the South from the 1880's until the late 1960's. This includes racial codes governing personal interactions and discrimination from private businesses. The free association argument you are attempting to make concerning masks is exactly the same one the racists used to defend racial discrimination then.
Now it must be said, intellectually I agree with the free association argument. Most people who oppose free association when it discriminates against people of color, endorse it when it discriminates against White people. Every college in the United States has a student union and a Black student union. How many colleges have White student unions?
but vaccine status is not a protected class.
The fact that it isn't automatically assumed to be sickens me, but I'm starting to get used to things like that.
@Ken B:
That’s some impressive goal post moving, from *passports* to airline seating rules.
There has been no movement of any goal posts. Travel is the area in which they're most anticipated to be used, hence the term "passport."
I will post this chart from time to time as Snider updates it. I have been watching this particular chart now for over 8 years. I predict that once we get about a year away from the trough from last Spring, the slope of the growth declines even further leading to a more rapidly growing gap from the long term growth rate that was finally broken in 2009.
The latest chart comes from the essay Snider posted this afternoon on the success chances of Biden's "Build Back Better" plan. We are turning Japanese, and have been for over 12 years now.
Thread music, and one of my favorite novelty type songs.
Just now learning of Canada's interment camps.
Washington Examiner
March 31
'A New York woman came down with a case of COVID-19 more than a month after receiving both doses of the Moderna vaccine.
"You can still get it. You can probably still spread it," said Melanie Rosen, who contracted the virus after being fully vaccinated. "I want people to know it’s not over."
Rosen started feeling symptoms of the virus shortly after attending a wake for a friend’s father. She went to the wake unmasked, reasoning that she believed it was OK to resume normal activities after receiving both doses of the vaccine.
"There was probably at least 10 family members there," Rosen said. "I hung out for about an hour and a half without wearing a mask. I hugged each one."
Rosen began experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, including a stuffy nose and body aches, a few days after the wake, and she later learned that three family members who were in attendance had since tested positive for COVID-19...'
'...Rosen said she was still thankful for having received the vaccine when she did, noting that she only had a mild case of COVID-19 and that the vaccine likely helped prevent a more severe illness.'
I received my 2nd shot of Moderna today at a Duane Reed/Walgreens close to where I live in NYC. Certainly convenient but their online sign-up app has to be gamed. You enter your zip code and usually get told there are no openings anywhere within 25 miles for 4 or 5 days. But that's not necessarily true...because (for me) around 3AM hundreds suddenly became available. By the afternoon, they were all gone.
Saw Sen. Ben Sasse speak tonight in Omaha., Exceptionally smart. Very impressive. Deep thinker. I feel good about him being in the Senate.
I'm missing the sarcasm here. Although it is true that Beto Sassy does like to promote himself as totally awesome. I remember how breathless everyone was when we were awaiting his first address in the Senate.
What a crock. A passport is issued by a government, and implies central tracking and registry. Airlines today only require a note from the doctor etc who vaccinated you.
I had to take a drug test for a job. I got a note from a clinic. No central registry.
A passport implies a surveillance structure.
"If a business opts to require proof of vaccination as a condition of entry and/or service, what right has been violated?"
Segregation ended when it was established that businesses such as restaurants could not decide on which customers to serve on the basis of race though the business considered the exclusion a health and safety regulation. Similarly, if vaccinations are required to enter or to work in restaurants for health and safety reasons this will disproportionately impact members of the black community and so we return to Jim Crow.
It might be argued that the black community is choosing not to vax but the Dems in Congress and the President are claiming that the black community cannot handle registration or ID requirements in order to vote. How then does anyone suppose they can handle the requirements to register and show ID and insurance cards to get vaccinated? Knowing that this group generally will not be vaccinated, restaurant owners require vaccination to eat in their restaurant. The consequence is that many blacks will be excluded and this consequence critical race theory teaches is evidence of racism. The VaxPass is white supremacy in this theory. Under any understanding it will disproportionately impact and harm the black community just as that community is being harmed by the closed schools in their areas in the big Dem cities. Ironically, the illegals at the border face no restrictions on air travel and their children are receiving in-person instruction in special schools.
Stephen Cooper: I said for a long time I would not vote for either party's nominee; they were both too old. I changed my mind when Trump came down with covid, and from the immediate deterioration in his already sorry performance it appeared that covid had had severe neurological effects in his case. I have said before that I think Trump will be criminally prosecuted, but in the end will be adjudged not competent to stand trial. His behavior since leaving office seems to support that view.
Biden is too old, but he is far from being in a state of dementia, besides which you do not even write about him charitably, which would be the way someone who unabashedly wears Christian precepts on his sleeve might be expected to write. Robert Byrd was not a KKK Senator, and he was treated warmly on both sides of the aisle throughout his six decade legislative career that spanned the civil rights struggle. Biden has been a very successful politician for five decades, so he is hardly likely to be a paragon of virtue, but as politicians go he's been pretty good over a long span. He has also been treated warmly on both sides of the aisle, and when he goes I expect the tributes to be heartfelt on both sides of the aisle. Whereas Trump has been a reptilian businessman since before the days I personally encountered him in litigation nearly four decades ago. I never felt bad for either Bush, except that they had to watch Trump succeed over Jeb to become their next GOP President, so I don't know what that's all about.
And the way folks here cynically misuse the history of Jim Crow is shameful. The Southern Strategy is older than most Americans, and it has never been repudiated.
J. Farmer said...
@stephen cooper:
Sad to say, it looks like the Democratic Party that supported Jim Crow all those years - to their eternal shame...
What is the analogy between Jim Crow laws and a "vaccine passport"?
Why don't you fucking TELL US *why* there's no analogy???????????????
In ordinary discourse that's how people address contentious issues.
So, StephenFearby, it appears that ensuring you have an adequate Vitamin D blood level will do more for you than the 2 part vaccine. Not only will it prime your immune system against the dreaded covid, it works against all viral URIs, which the vaccine doesn’t. Another data point to support my decision to not get the experimental vaccine approved for emergency use, and to continue taking daily Vitamin D in addition to a multi with a mdr of zinc, and a quercetin. And once a week an extra 50 mg zinc. Never overload on metals.
readering said:
"Biden is too old, but he is far from being in a state of dementia, "
Well, ALL RIGHT then! Gerontologist "reading" has spoken!!
Biden isn’t senile but he is senescent. That’s entirely bad enough.
@Ken B:
What a crock. A passport is issued by a government, and implies central tracking and registry. Airlines today only require a note from the doctor etc who vaccinated you.
I had to take a drug test for a job. I got a note from a clinic. No central registry.
A passport implies a surveillance structure.
See the second definition of passport: (a) a permission or authorization to go somewhere
(b) something that secures admission, acceptance, or attainment.
For example, How vaccine passports may be used by private businesses in Las Vegas.
Why don't you fucking TELL US *why* there's no analogy???????????????
In ordinary discourse that's how people address contentious issues.
Thanks for the tip. I prefer the dialectical.
@NYC JournoList:
My wife got her $1,400 from Congress. She got upset because she is japanese and not used to getting things she has not earned. It caused a fight. F* Biden. Giving peope unearned cash is stupid and undermines our integrity.
"The roots of Japan's modern public assistance program can be traced back to the Relief Regulation (Jutsukyū Kisoku) of 1875, which was effectively an integration of social assistance programs already in existence during the Tokugawa period (1603-1868)." -Poverty and Politics: Evaluating Public Assistance in Japan
"All people shall have the right to maintain the minimum standards of wholesome and cultured living.
In all spheres of life, the State shall use its endeavors for the promotion and extension of social welfare and security, and of public health." -Article 25, Constitution of Japan
"The purpose of this Act is for the State to guarantee a minimum standard of living as well as to promote self-support for all citizens who are living in poverty by providing the necessary public assistance according to the level of poverty, based on the principles prescribed in Article 25 of the Constitution of Japan." -Public Assistance Act (Act No. 144 of May 4, 1950)
AZ Bob said...
Can anyone translate: Si se pwodway.
Yes we can! Sì se puede!
(And we don't need no stinking badges!)
NYC JournoList said...
My wife got her $1,400 from Congress. She got upset because she is japanese and not used to getting things she has not earned. It caused a fight. F* Biden. Giving peope unearned cash is stupid and undermines our integrity.
Japan gave its citizens and foreign residents $930 [¥100,000/each up to ¥300,000 per household] of free money in April 2020, joining the Trump administration's handing out stimulus payments (on two occasions with checks signed "Donald J. Trump") during the first year of the coronavirus pandemic. Fuck Biden indeed!
Gospace said...
"So, StephenFearby, it appears that ensuring you have an adequate Vitamin D blood level will do more for you than the 2 part vaccine..."
I've been taking both Vitamin D and K (they work synergistically) for several years now, along with the functional forms of certain B Vitamins (which decline with age) that enhance immune system competence in various ways. Since levels of the body's principal antioxidant glutathione also decline with age, IMO taking pharmaceutical-grade N-acetylcysteine is also a must, along with certain anti-inflammatory essential fatty acids, minerals, and flavonoids.
Of the latter, the probably the most interesting one is luteolin:
Biofactors. 2020 Apr 27
COVID‐19, pulmonary mast cells, cytokine storms, and beneficial actions of luteolin
"...Inhibition of mast cell‐associated inflammation could be accomplished with natural molecules, especially the polyphenolic flavonoids. 23 The flavone luteolin (not lutein, which is a carotenoid) has been shown to have broad antiviral properties.24, 25, 26 Luteolin specifically binds to the surface spike protein of SARS‐Cov‐2 and inhibits entry of the virus into host cells. 27 Furthermore, luteolin inhibits serine proteases, 28 including the SARS‐CoV 3CL protease 29 required for viral infectivity."
However, since vendors hawk various types of luteolin, it may be wise to consult:
Biofactors 2020 Nov 7.
Luteolin supplements: All that glitters is not gold
Which, unfortunately, is behind a paywall without even an abstract. However, it can be accessed (as I did) through interlibrary loan.
The author, Theoharis Theoharides MD Ph.D., is a professor at Tufts. He is quite the expert in this area, but he's also making money by selling it through companies he has started. (In this particular journal article, without any disclosure of his conflict that I can find.)
Still, he's a very interesting guy with many published articles and youtube interviews. Here's a 2021 one on luteolin and autism:
Japan gave its citizens and foreign residents $930 [¥100,000/each up to ¥300,000 per household] of free money in April 2020, joining the Trump administration's handing out stimulus payments (on two occasions with checks signed "Donald J. Trump") during the first year of the coronavirus pandemic. Fuck Biden indeed!
"I am asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000, or $4,000 for a couple." -Donald J. Trump, 12/22/20
Farmer is so effing ignorant he thinks the Democrats he thinks he electronic vaccine passport will not be hacked despite the Democrats’ sorry history of poor attitude towards information security. He also apparently thinks the information collected will not be abused by a rogue Deep State, despite abundant evidence to the contrary,
G. Gordon Liddy died. Served 4 1/2 years of a 20 year prison for attempting to spy on the democrats.
Barack H. Obama lives. Served 8 years president. His administration led the spying effort on the political opposition. Guilty as heck, free as a bird.
@Big Mike:
Farmer is so effing ignorant he thinks the Democrats he thinks he electronic vaccine passport will not be hacked despite the Democrats’ sorry history of poor attitude towards information security. He also apparently thinks the information collected will not be abused by a rogue Deep State, despite abundant evidence to the contrary,
Democrats? The International Air Transport Association is developing "Travel Pass." IBM has "Digital Health Pass," Clear has "Health Pass," the Commons Project has "CommonPass" and "AOKPass" and "Corona Pass" are in the works.
Every local school system in the country has immunization records for every student that was enrolled there. We've already had a system akin to vaccine passports sine the 1930s. It's called the International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis.
Resident Biden's $2.1 trillion plan (via Zero Hedge):
> Modernizing 20,000 miles of highways, roads and streets that “are in difficult, difficult shape right now.”
> Expanding access to high speed Internet in rural areas.
> Replacing the nation's lead pipes (Biden cited the crisis in Flint. Mich.)
> Ramping up IRS enforcement of corporations, which he said could raise hundreds of billions
of dollars.
> Establishing a minimum tax of 21% on corporations' global earnings, which could bring in
$1 trillion over a decade.
> Biden says some on Wall Street have estimated his plan could create 18 million jobs.
> While Biden's plan earlier didn't include any details beyond $80 billion for Amtrak, Biden
said that money would be used to create high-speed rails.
> Contracts will go to American companies, and products purchased will be made in America.
> Creating 500k electric charging stations.
On the bright side, scrap lead is selling for $0.50/#.
"The International Air Transport Association is developing "Travel Pass." IBM has "Digital Health Pass," Clear has "Health Pass," the Commons Project has "CommonPass" and "AOKPass" and "Corona Pass" are in the works."
And let's not forget the previously developed and perfected tattoo.
David Begley said...Saw Sen. Ben Sasse speak tonight in Omaha., Exceptionally smart. Very impressive. Deep thinker. I feel good about him being in the Senate.
2. Sasse knows he is in trouble about his second vote to convict Trump. Sasse thought it was an insurrection and that Trump should have been barred from holding federal office.
I know he said a lot more than this, but this point really undermines your view that Sasse is an impressive deep thinker who belongs in the senate. It was always obvious that the Jan 6 event was 10% riot, 90% media bullshit, and 0% Trump’s fault. In America, we’re very careful about blaming a person for another person’s actions. Sasse failed that basic test and betrayed his own party. He lacks the intelligence and character to be in any position of authority. So, yeah, he would fit in quite well at Harvard or Yale.
Kind of timely... https://www.danielgreenfield.org/2021/03/when-black-mass-shooters-kill-asians.html
Anybody add up the CO2 generated by this "Green Nude Eel"? I guess the gubmint forgot that we only have 12 years left. Why bother?
Kind of timely... https://www.danielgreenfield.org/2021/03/when-black-mass-shooters-kill-asians.html
Indeed. Steve Sailer recently published The Racial Reckoning’s New Normal: 50 Murders Per Day
It's always important to remember that Wokeness has very little to do with "people of color." It's not about being pro black or Asian or even anti-racist. It's about hating straight white Christian males.
When Bernard Knox gave the Jefferson Lecture in 1992, he said: "The species known as DWEM, which has only recently been isolated and identified, is already the focus of intense controversy. As usually happens to newly discovered species, it is even being broken down into subspecies; I am informed that a professor at a local university has recently offered a course in DWAM, that is, in Dead White American Males, with readings presumably in such writers as Thoreau, Emerson, and Mark Twain. I propose to discuss only the European type, and, in particular, its first appearance on the face of the planet."
I guess the gubmint forgot that we only have 12 years left.
We've had 12 years left for the last 50 years.
little to do with "people of color." It's not about being pro black or Asian or even anti-racist. It's about hating straight white Christian males.
That's why I have been trying to formulate a posture for talking to my white grandsons. They are locked out of leadership roles, and they are not yet 12. The need to get their head on straight now and learn to see opportunities and act. I just haven't got that to take form in my head yet. Still working on it.
I just flew JetBlue, and there was no vaccine question, and they didn’t even enforce the mask rules. I don’t care, I’m vaccinated, but if I were unvaccinated, I would think twice about flying. How many times have I gotten the flu or a cold on a flight? Too many to count, we used to joke that we had the “flew.” Still, if somebody wants to jam themselves into a sardine can and risk COVID, it’s no skin off of my nose.
Jersey Fled... Remember the "ACID RAID" gonna kill us off? Brackish Aquifers? All I can say is
Since almost all elderly people, the ones most at risk from COVID have been vaccinated if they wanted it, which has been reflected in the drop in death rates, it’s hard to get worked up if people are over the restrictions which were imposed to protect a class of people who have now been largely protected in other ways. If infections are going up, it’s because younger people have stopped worrying so much about the old people in their lives and gone back to living.
Pity the Z list white actors who no longer can find work in commercials.
How lame is she Johnny?... https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/03/31/gretchen-whitmer-complains-michigan-capitol-rife-with-sexism-as-scandals-linger/
Acid rain really sucked, and wiped out the salmon run in a lot of rivers. Recovery is still ongoing. Pelicans, osprey, bald eagles, fish eating birds of all kinds are just coming back from the DDT era. Bald eagles are now common where I grew up, sitting on my brother’s patio I saw two of them in an hour. I never saw one as a kid and I spent every free day outdoors fishing in bald eagle habitat.
Don’t confuse this anti-capitalist global warming scare with honest to goodness concern about the environment.
Some years ago, when I was in the farming business, many farmers in our area were discovering sulfur deficiencies in their soil tests, thanks to the reduction in acid rain.
fish eating birds of all kinds are just coming back from the DDT era. Bald eagles are now common where I grew up, sitting on my brother’s patio I saw two of them in an hour. I never saw one as a kid and I spent every free day outdoors fishing in bald eagle habitat.
DDT is one of those persistent lies that has gotten into the narrative, and refuses to die.
I know in Iowa, according to the Iowa Dept of Natural Resources, the last nesting pair of Bald Eagles left in 1917.
This link of DDT to the decline of birds, rests on a single study of Pelicans that claimed a correlation, NOT causation, of DDT and declining bird populations.
The build up of Eagle population in Iowa, charts an increase, mirroring the increase of per acre use of organophosphate insecticides. Corn production alone accounted for, in excess of .7 lb active ingredient per acre. Soybeans and alfalfa also used OP insecticides.
Surprisingly, the disappearance of OP insecticides over the last 2 decades, due to evil GMO traits being incorporated into hybrids, has not caused a further increase in bird populations.
I'm not sure what caused the decline in Bald Eagle populations, I do know it started decades before DDT was synthesised. Populations were already near their bottom when the use was most wide spread, and increases started before DDT was banned.
(Before you claim it makes sense that peak use, and bottom of population, proves the point, you have to explain away bio-magnification)
A good overview of how the Sun's solar output has caused societies to flourish then decline. The black plague started in ca. 1346 during a climate minimum.
The so called climate crisis will not be due to too much CO2 and too high temperatures. Prepare for the coming cold times.
Today's April 1st story on a new type of solar panels. Soon to show up in a climate change store near you!
and they didn’t even enforce the mask rules
I find it hard to believe. Maybe the particular FA’s on your flight are freedom lovers. The mandate is still a federal rule, one that I fear will be VERY difficult to get them to reverse.
On most of the majors, including mine, the FA’s will correct you if they see the tip of your bare nose, or if you don’t remask quickly enough after eating or drinking. For some it’s just plain fun. As sick as it is.
On most of the majors, including mine, the FA’s will correct you if they see the tip of your bare nose, or if you don’t remask quickly enough after eating or drinking. For some it’s just plain fun. As sick as it is.
“Resident Biden's $2.1 trillion plan (via Zero Hedge):”
> Modernizing 20,000 miles of highways, roads and streets that “are in difficult, difficult shape right now.”
Bailing out horribly run Blue states that don’t keep their roads up because of their high levels of graft.
> Expanding access to high speed Internet in rural areas.
Too late. Always fighting the last war.
> Replacing the nation's lead pipes (Biden cited the crisis in Flint. Mich.)
Federalizing a local problem because thecmney that should have been used to fix this problem, was squandered through the usual Dem party graft and corruption.
> Ramping up IRS enforcement of corporations, which he said could raise hundreds of billions
of dollars.
Wishful thinking, but unlikely. Corporations are extremely hard to audit because the IRS doesn’t have a good handle on their expenses.
> Establishing a minimum tax of 21% on corporations' global earnings, which could bring in
$1 trillion over a decade.
Or the corporations this is aimed at just reorganize elsewhere.
> Biden says some on Wall Street have estimated his plan could create 18 million jobs.
More likely, lose them.
> While Biden's plan earlier didn't include any details beyond $80 billion for Amtrak, Biden
said that money would be used to create high-speed rails.
Oh, goody. Feinstein’s and Pelosi’s BulletTrain From Nowhere to Nowhere, gets more money.
> Contracts will go to American companies, and products purchased will be made in America.
> Creating 500k electric charging stations.
“On the bright side, scrap lead is selling for $0.50/#.”
On the flip side, there is a shortage of primers.
There has been plenty of people flying since the summer. And zero to negligible cases of confirmed evidence of community spread on airplanes.
“Resident Biden's $2.1 trillion plan (via Zero Hedge):”
Democrats: Looting America for fun and profit.
Recovery is still ongoing. Pelicans, osprey, bald eagles, fish eating birds of all kinds are just coming back from the DDT era.
Somebody else pointed out the fallacy in this. However, 500,000 children in Africa cannot be reached for comment since the DDT ban.
Blogger tim in vermont said...
Since almost all elderly people, the ones most at risk from COVID have been vaccinated if they wanted it,
Still waiting for second shot in AZ.
Readering, Biden has shit for his brains, and all your pleading won't change that.
tim in vermont said...
"Acid rain really sucked, and wiped out the salmon run in a lot of rivers."
I'm in favor of other forms of pollution.
At about the same time as the acid rain narrative the native trout population in the great lakes took a dive through over harvesting. As a result the accidental release of Alewife herring exploded. Who knew a salt water species could survive in fresh water. The explosion was so bad that front end loaders and semi dump truck were used to remove their carcases from Illinois beaches. Hundreds of dump trucks. Using every legal dump site they could find. Even suburban ones. Billions and billions of Alewives. In order to combat this environmental emergency two species of west coast salmon were introduced. King salmon and Coho salmon. Despite acid rain the salmon thrived and in a couple of years the Great lakes saw a new industry evolve. Sports fishing. Now nearlt ever species of salmonid and char exist in the Great Lakes.
After being in relationship with Wilson for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that don’t believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I meant a spell caster called Dr Zuma zuk and I email him, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: spiritualherbalisthealing@gmail.com or WhatsApp him +15068001647
you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. CONTACT HIM NOW FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS
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