There was only one Limbaugh. The conservatives had 30 years to find someone like him, and failed. Beck looked like he would be it, 15 years ago, but he quickly turned into a crackpot and a bore. I like Mark Levin, but his appeal is limited - not funny. And definitely not "a harmless little fuzzball".
I got upset at Limbaugh for not attacking people who deserved it. And always supporting the Republican nominee, no matter who it was. But that's how he stayed on the air for 30 years. People don't want an "attack dog" for 3 hours a day, 50 weeks a year. Being funny/likable and smart, is a tough combination.
So, you know how youtube leads you into this and that? Saw American Bandstand 1967, the host had returned from a trip to England where girls were wearing mini skirts. Pans across girls skirts, all knee length.
Just want to say thanks to many of the commenters here who have offered up book recommendations over the past year. Unfortunately I can’t recall specific names, but I’ve been introduced to some great biographies and other historical works by the Althouse community. While generally steering clear of fiction, someone suggested Tai-Pan and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Grow up ocean, he did this for 32 years almost five days a week with all this carp this threw at him, with the ad boycots wirh the palm beach lawfare with vim and vigor. You have a better formula like michael savage he shot as many of our good guys as the bums
My wife has been tireless in trying to get me registered for the COVID vaccine. The website process is fucked up, but understandably so. The irony is that she was initially skeptical because Trump "rushed it". Now that he is gone, she is very eager for the rushed vaccine.
She had the teacher exception and has had both Pfizer shots. I am scheduled to get my first Pfizer shot at the U of Arizona on Friday evening. They seem to have a pretty efficient process.
I am amazed at the progress that Joe Biden has made in his few hours of lucidity.
I hit the jackpot - a local allergy clinic got an allocation of Covid vaccine, emailed me to ask if I wanted one. I was there at 7AM, super efficient, enter-jab-sit-leave. The whole thing took 12 minutes, including 10 minutes of sitting afterward. These guys should do the whole country!
The Maine governor has capitulated to the "Educators" lobby and added the teachers to the prioritized vaccination list. Now they are bitching about the fact they cannot get an appointment due the the elevated demand. FFS, they are pathetic whiners.
Watched the movie, "The Drop" again tonight. Features Tom Hardy and James Gandolfino. Based on a Dennis Lehane short story. Really great if you like that sort of thing; which I do.
Having a hard time dealing with the death of a good and close friend. He was just 55 years old. Genuinely a great guy who positively touched every person he came in contact with. Coached, cajoled, and goaded me into playing with his band - something I always wanted to do but was terrified of actually doing. RIP buddy.
Big question: can I and should I ride out my big company corporate job for another 18 months (when I turn 65)? I like the paycheck and the work is not super demanding. Plus my medical insurance is cheap. Thoughts?
"...Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine, which was authorized Saturday for use in the U.S., is at the vanguard of a class of shots designed to mobilize a person’s immune defenses against the disease. It will be the first Covid-19 vaccine administered in the U.S. that uses viral-vector technology, which employs an engineered cold virus to ferry coronavirus-fighting genetic code to the body’s cells..."
Some good comments, like:
Gregory Weinman 2 days ago The article missed an important platform, sub-unit protein. Novavax is in final trials with that platform today. It is second in efficacy after RNA vaccines. Its advantage is cost of production.
Gregory Weinman 2 days ago You did note that I said 2nd, right? The J&J vaccine would be 3rd and the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine 4th and the 2 Chinese vaccines last. The Russian vaccine reported efficacy close to that of Oxford.
Funny about the Covid vaccine abundance/shortages/waiting lists. Visited an Air Force Hospital this AM for an appointment. At every step of the way I was approached by hospital personnel offering a covid shot. Not interested. No shortage there.
Big question: can I and should I ride out my big company corporate job for another 18 months (when I turn 65)? I like the paycheck and the work is not super demanding. Plus my medical insurance is cheap. Thoughts?
My younger son, who is 51 and a type I diabetic, is thinking about retiring and getting out of California (not your problem), but his health insurance is an issue. He's a fireman and big and in good shape but he does worry about the insurance. Employer insurance has escaped the Obamacare destruction of the American medical system.
She had the teacher exception and has had both Pfizer shots. I am scheduled to get my first Pfizer shot at the U of Arizona on Friday evening. They seem to have a pretty efficient process.
My wife had hers at TMC yesterday. I am scheduled for next week. She said it was pretty efficient. Hurts though.
@SteveW - Do you have a clear plan of what to do with your time? If not, keep the job until you do. Plus, it remains to be seen whether it was better to be a grasshopper or an ant. The economy may sort itself out a bit more in 18 months M
I sense the very beginnings of a swell in demand that Biden do a live press conference. (43 days and counting.) What's the over-under on number of days until a press conference? I've seen commenters here predict that Pres* Biden's resignation will come the day after his first press conference.
Howie Carr could be good, but he is kind of really married to Boston, and New England, it seems like. Plus he doesn’t really try all that hard to be politically correct.
Docs contacted my wife offering vaccine-- she's scheduled for Friday for her first dose, but I'm still in no rush, despite the new social conformist message massaging. I haven't checked my email since this morning but I bet I have the same email offers.
Someone will fill the Limbaugh void. He just won't be as good. I don't know why, but writers with a sharp sense of humor nearly always trend left. Rush Limbaugh, P.J. O'Rourke and....maybe someone will come along. The establishment comedians are having a go at Cuomo, but Rush would have provided the definitive put down. When canonized Dem pols hit the wall, that's when you really miss Rush.....I notice that Imus left the scene but didn't leave behind that same sense of void...
I keep getting these email invites, and some hard mail, from places like The Shakespeare Theater, Wolf Trap, the Kennedy Center, etc. hoping I'll join them for some remote, online event. Come watch us through your computer, they say! They are advertising the Cherry Blossom Festival the same way. Stay home, stay away, watch through your computer.
I think cruiser might work, but its really more of a bulk freighter they address the big vanguard blow ups late in neuvel, of course if they had given von braun the go ahead they might have beat spurnik to the punch.
The late ben bova (he passed last year) has an american elon type daniel hamilton randoph who would run a private space project out of venezuela (this was back in the 80s) it followed the esa model.
h said... I sense the very beginnings of a swell in demand that Biden do a live press conference. (43 days and counting.) What's the over-under on number of days until a press conference? I've seen commenters here predict that Pres* Biden's resignation will come the day after his first press conference.
Biden resign the day after his first press conference? Haven't seen that prediction. Maybe I was paying attention.
But I'll make my own prediction. His first press conference will be to announce his resignation, whether it's effective immediately or a short time in the future.
The conservative comic strip “Mallard Fillmore” has been plucked. Bruce Tinsley, creator of the 27-year-old cartoon, said he was told this week by his syndication company that Gannett newspapers across the country simultaneously dropped the comic over two strips critical of President Biden and transgender participation in women’s sports. - Washington Times
Those in power seem pretty confident that they can just stamp out the voices of anybody who disagrees with them.
My wife has been tireless in trying to get me registered for the COVID vaccine. The website process is fucked up, but understandably so. The irony is that she was initially skeptical because Trump "rushed it". Now that he is gone, she is very eager for the rushed vaccine.
Same here. Mrs. NorthOfTheOneOhOne hated Trump. But as she is an asthmatic she loves the idea of that vaccine.
That cpac stage shape is identical to the Odal rune which means kinship or family or blood unity. I don’t think the designers just stumbled upon it. R’s got punked.
I've started reading Don McNeil's account on Medium of his defenestration from the NYT. Started in at Part 4.
Maybe we've discussed this one enough here, but I just have to say I wish I'd read him on this subject earlier. He comes off as an arrogant prick but an oddly likable and very smart one, a curmudgeon who compulsively calls bullshit on lazy thinking.
I feel sure if I could have a drink with him we'd have points of emphatic agreement and points of shouting disagreement. And I'd be sharper for having tried to hold my own against him.
So maybe he is complicit in the formation of the very culture that has disposed of him so rudely, but I still prefer him to the snakes who've got the better of him.
An argument with Don McNeil:
– "You're wrong, because ___" – "No, YOU'RE wrong, because ___ !"
An argument with his inquisitors:
– "Have you ever considered this?" – [Silence] [indefinitely later, from a pusillanimous "authority" figure:] "Sorry, we have to let you go. It's not my call."
rhhardin said... I don't know what EIB is thinking with the Limbaugh show. It's unlistenable. It's a move on deal now or die.
The only talent they've found is Mark Steyn and he's not really the guy for every day.
The humorless right-wingers aren't numerous enough to support the show. ***************
You've said this again and again here. We get it. You don't like the show when Rush isn't on it.
He won't be on it again. It's not the job of Rush's former show to make rhardin happy, or to think of rhardin as they try to figure out what to do next.
Don't like it? Don't listen. The Sun does not shine from your fundament.
Rush was a rare find, he was a happy warrior he grabbed the absurdity of this world (this is partially what steyn does in his more formal way) the others matthews herman, take it straight up.
tim in vermont said... Howie Carr could be good, but he is kind of really married to Boston, and New England, it seems like. Plus he doesn’t really try all that hard to be politically correct. ************
Whaddayadoo---listen to him once a year? Howie is the **sworn enemy** of Political Correctness.
He was/is a great Trump supporter, and he hates the utterly corrupt Mass. political establishment. And they've hated him back, having tried for years to get him taken off the air.
But I agree: he's essentially a regional guy.
Myself, I don't think anyone can replace Rush. I predict the producers will fold the show, once the possible replacements consider how likely they will quickly and permanently lose large segments of his audience.
Some of rushs riffs may have come off as mean, but he understood all these demands were not about the ostensible cause, but the power or authority they could demand
The leaders of these causes mean to dismantle every institution, 'you cannot be uninvolved' there is no penance even if they burn the last great hope of humanity to the ground.
320Busdriver said... That cpac stage shape is identical to the Odal rune which means kinship or family or blood unity. I don’t think the designers just stumbled upon it. R’s got punked *************
Yes. reminds me of the design for the 9/11 Flight 93 memorial outside Shanksville, PA. From the air it was clearly a crescent, a symbol of Islam.
Apparently the well-reamed assholes who got the contract thought it would be "cute" to punk the 9/11 victims and their families.
And there is precious little respite, the pontiff is an other idiot or worse the media is uniformly insane or evil, to point this out is to risk professional extinction or even physical harm they wont even allow you to be silent. You must cheer the insanity, drink it in let it consume you.
"While generally steering clear of fiction, someone suggested Tai-Pan and I thoroughly enjoyed it."
It could have been, but probably wasn't, me that recommended it (I think I recommended Noble House more than once, though), but I love James Clavell's novels, and I recommend all of them.
Michael Savage, for some reason, did not like Rush much ---- but Michael Savage was brutally unfair to lots of his radio rivals. There was something weird about all the famous radio guys in the 90s ---- Glenn Beck melted down to omega male levels a few times, Savage was a nasty little cheerleader squad girl a few times, and ....
Well, nobody is irreplaceable ---- and EVERYTHING THAT IS NOT THE BEST IT CAN BE is subject to oblivion ------ and I heard "Rush" say lots of stupid things, over the years ----- but he was Rush, he did something nobody else did, and deserves credit for that.
Yes beck went around the bend for a bit, he burns at a higher flame, savage was this close to an aneurism quite often, you tangle with ideas instead of bodily contortions its not easy.
beck had a better excuse than Savage NO CAFFEINE OR BEER FOR MORMONS
It still cracks me up that Savage's son was a WASTREL back in the early days of the show back on WAMU 630 and a BILLIONAIRE NOW
what a crazy bunch of famous radio hosts in their glory days, the 20 years starting round about 91 or 92---- and meanwhile the Republocrat dynasties were running the executive branch of the federal government, totally unconcerned about EVERY RADIO TALK SHOW. But what does it matter, FREEDOM and TRUTH always win (MAGNA EST VERITAS ET PRAEVALEBIT), or as Popeye used to say, DON'T DISAPAPOINT MY HOPES COZ YOU CAN'T !!!!
Bova was the editor when I first started reading Analog in the mid 70s. I didn't read many of his novels- I read the Exile trilogy sometime in the 7th or 8th grade, and I read "City of Darkness" which was a stand alone novel, I think, but am not sure- he could have followed it up at some point.
It is weird- Bova is not a name I have thought of in over 30 years- so, in one sense, it would have surprised me to find he was still alive in 2020, but still surprised that he had died and I never heard about it.
James corey had a decidedly sjw orientationand that shows in the expanse. There is the writer of the incorporated man who tried to sketch what a libertarian republic would look like.
I think Larry Elder would be a good pick for Rush’s show. He’s already used to doing a daily program. Unfortunately, he’s already 68. Mark Steyn is 61, and is wonderfully witty. None of the current big names are going to be 20 to 30 year possibilities. They might need to pick someone as a transition host until some of the younger talent get more experience.
H: Do you see yonder cloud that’s almost in shape of a camel? P: By th’ mass, and ’tis like a camel indeed. H: Methinks it is like a weasel. P: It is backed like a weasel. H: Or like a Nazi rune. P: Very like a Nazi rune.
My wife has been tireless in trying to get me registered for the COVID vaccine. The website process is fucked up, but understandably so. The irony is that she was initially skeptical because Trump "rushed it". Now that he is gone, she is very eager for the rushed vaccine.
Same here. Mrs. NorthOfTheOneOhOne hated Trump. But as she is an asthmatic she loves the idea of that vaccine.
My wife had ten browser tabs open trying to schedule the vaccine. Then, one morning while we were still in bed, a neighbor called and told her the vaccines were available for schedule at several pharmacies, which I won't call local because we would have to drive 20 miles either north or south.
Tim in Vermont said, "I don’t think they should call it a “starship” if it can’t at least make it to the nearest star, It’s like calling a johnboat an ocean liner."
The name seems a bit overblown, but if you think about it's significance, it's absolutely huge. This is not just another rocket. This is the rocket that will finally really get us into the space between the Earth and the Moon and on to Mars in an affordable way.
I'm sure people in the future will miss that point. What with our tendency to look back with hindsight and assume any achievement was inevitable. But speaking from the perspective of someone who has been waiting for this for most of his life, the achievement implicit in the Starship is simply profound.
But, of course, another reason people may be missing the significance of the Starship is that we are used to watching movies where fictional devices do things that Starship could never match.
"Being funny/likable and smart, is a tough combination." And yet I manage to pull it off every day. Just my nature, I guess. In my opinine the best solution for now for the EIB host slot would be several different hosts in rotation. Maybe Styne and Levine and some others yet to be named. Most of the fill in hosts are dull. Not national material.
"Stevew Big question: can I and should I ride out my big company corporate job for another 18 months (when I turn 65)? I like the paycheck and the work is not super demanding. Plus my medical insurance is cheap. Thoughts?"
Stay in. Save money or buy big ticket items new. What can't go on, won't and that's this country printing money. Fixed incomes are going to be in trouble under Biden
But, of course, another reason people may be missing the significance of the Starship is that we are used to watching movies where fictional devices do things that Starship could never match.
Profound insight when applied to a world viewed from an iPhone.
narciso said... ... of course if they had given von braun the go ahead they might have beat spurnik to the punch.
No "might" about it. They finally let the Army use the von Braun rocket they had on hand since before Sputnik went up and that's the one that worked. This was after all the Vanguard rockets blew up. They wouldn't use von Braun's rocket because he worked for the Nazis before the Army captured him.
"iowan2 said... Not a single fire arm has been recovered from the non-surrection, insurrection. ... Who ever heard of an attempted insurrection without arms?"
Just more American exceptionalism. We'll also hold our own in a tough world led by a tired old man.
"March 4 has arrived, some of most influential figures in the QAnon conspiracy movement have turned their back on its significance, declaring the day they believed Donald Trump would be inaugurated as a "false flag" operation created by the media, antifa and Black Lives Matter."
As my whimsy leads me.. said... I think Larry Elder would be a good pick for Rush’s show. He’s already used to doing a daily program. Unfortunately, he’s already 68.
I used to listen to Larry in LA when I lived in CA. He was libertarian but seems top have gotten more standard conservative/Trump supporter in recent years. For years leftist black groups tried to boycott him. He would be a good choice but I agree about his age.
The surge in other States is cause by Iowa. >> Clearly. /s/
I mean, even I forgot about it, and then of course I spot checked the news on the free states of TX, MS etc, and lo and behold not a single mentioned that Iowa got rid of the mandate with no discernible increase, indeed, only a decrease in infections.
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१२८ टिप्पण्या:
SpaceX launched and landed the starship. Unfortunately, it exploded a few minutes after landing.
Who killed the unarmed Ashli Babbitt?
In the history of history the book burners have never been the good guys...
How will Gavin and company justify the “science” when cases keep dropping in Florida and Texas and Mississippi next couple of weeks?
"In the history of history the book burners have never been the good guys..."
That is because they never before were the ones writing the history. Now they are.
Mark said...
Who killed the unarmed Ashli Babbitt?
And what was the true cause of Brian Sicknick's death?
I don't know what EIB is thinking with the Limbaugh show. It's unlistenable. It's a move on deal now or die.
The only talent they've found is Mark Steyn and he's not really the guy for every day.
The humorless right-wingers aren't numerous enough to support the show.
Part of the EIB problem will be the president of Cumulus who will tolerate no hate speech, as defined by the left. That's a lot of affiliates.
"Part of the EIB problem will be the president of Cumulus who will tolerate no hate speech, as defined by the left. That's a lot of affiliates."
Then its dead.
There was only one Limbaugh. The conservatives had 30 years to find someone like him, and failed. Beck looked like he would be it, 15 years ago, but he quickly turned into a crackpot and a bore. I like Mark Levin, but his appeal is limited - not funny. And definitely not "a harmless little fuzzball".
I got upset at Limbaugh for not attacking people who deserved it. And always supporting the Republican nominee, no matter who it was. But that's how he stayed on the air for 30 years. People don't want an "attack dog" for 3 hours a day, 50 weeks a year. Being funny/likable and smart, is a tough combination.
So, you know how youtube leads you into this and that? Saw American Bandstand 1967, the host had returned from a trip to England where girls were wearing mini skirts. Pans across girls skirts, all knee length.
Go to AB 1968, every one wearing a mini skirt.
That is a fashion that deserves resurrection.
Just want to say thanks to many of the commenters here who have offered up book recommendations over the past year. Unfortunately I can’t recall specific names, but I’ve been introduced to some great biographies and other historical works by the Althouse community. While generally steering clear of fiction, someone suggested Tai-Pan and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Grow up ocean, he did this for 32 years almost five days a week with all this carp this threw at him, with the ad boycots wirh the palm beach lawfare with vim and vigor. You have a better formula like michael savage he shot as many of our good guys as the bums
Texas Governor Greg Abbott finally lifts Wuhan coronavirus restrictions.
"The First
BIDEN: "I'm happy to take questions if that's what I'm supposed to do..."
*White House feed cut*"(no questions)
Biden has half a mind to be president.
My wife has been tireless in trying to get me registered for the COVID vaccine. The website process is fucked up, but understandably so. The irony is that she was initially skeptical because Trump "rushed it". Now that he is gone, she is very eager for the rushed vaccine.
She had the teacher exception and has had both Pfizer shots. I am scheduled to get my first Pfizer shot at the U of Arizona on Friday evening. They seem to have a pretty efficient process.
I am amazed at the progress that Joe Biden has made in his few hours of lucidity.
Remember when presidents used to meet with foreign leaders and then hold a joint press conference.
Carried over
Francisco D., maybe your wife should have been given the air embolism injection. Unlike a vaccine, air is inert and always plentiful.
It's decided: Pennsylvania teachers will pig up all the J&J vaccine in the pipeline.
Thats a terrible thing to say.
Median age for teachers in Pennsylvania: 41
I hit the jackpot - a local allergy clinic got an allocation of Covid vaccine, emailed me to ask if I wanted one. I was there at 7AM, super efficient, enter-jab-sit-leave. The whole thing took 12 minutes, including 10 minutes of sitting afterward. These guys should do the whole country!
The Maine governor has capitulated to the "Educators" lobby and added the teachers to the prioritized vaccination list. Now they are bitching about the fact they cannot get an appointment due the the elevated demand. FFS, they are pathetic whiners.
Watched the movie, "The Drop" again tonight. Features Tom Hardy and James Gandolfino. Based on a Dennis Lehane short story. Really great if you like that sort of thing; which I do.
Having a hard time dealing with the death of a good and close friend. He was just 55 years old. Genuinely a great guy who positively touched every person he came in contact with. Coached, cajoled, and goaded me into playing with his band - something I always wanted to do but was terrified of actually doing. RIP buddy.
Big question: can I and should I ride out my big company corporate job for another 18 months (when I turn 65)? I like the paycheck and the work is not super demanding. Plus my medical insurance is cheap. Thoughts?
WSJ Feb. 28, 2021
"...Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine, which was authorized Saturday for use in the U.S., is at the vanguard of a class of shots designed to mobilize a person’s immune defenses against the disease. It will be the first Covid-19 vaccine administered in the U.S. that uses viral-vector technology, which employs an engineered cold virus to ferry coronavirus-fighting genetic code to the body’s cells..."
Some good comments, like:
Gregory Weinman
2 days ago
The article missed an important platform, sub-unit protein. Novavax is in final trials with that platform today. It is second in efficacy after RNA vaccines. Its advantage is cost of production.
Gregory Weinman
2 days ago
You did note that I said 2nd, right? The J&J vaccine would be 3rd and the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine 4th and the 2 Chinese vaccines last. The Russian vaccine reported efficacy close to that of Oxford.
RNA vaccines 94+% efficacy,
Sub-unit protein vaccines 88+% efficacy.
Viral vector vaccines 70+% efficacy.
Attenuated virus vaccines 60+% efficacy.
Rory said...
It's decided: Pennsylvania teachers will pig up all the J&J vaccine in the pipeline
Wisconsin too. Despite the fact that districts like Madison have no plan or timeline for getting older kids back in classrooms.
Funny about the Covid vaccine abundance/shortages/waiting lists. Visited an Air Force Hospital this AM for an appointment. At every step of the way I was approached by hospital personnel offering a covid shot. Not interested. No shortage there.
Big question: can I and should I ride out my big company corporate job for another 18 months (when I turn 65)? I like the paycheck and the work is not super demanding. Plus my medical insurance is cheap. Thoughts?
My younger son, who is 51 and a type I diabetic, is thinking about retiring and getting out of California (not your problem), but his health insurance is an issue. He's a fireman and big and in good shape but he does worry about the insurance. Employer insurance has escaped the Obamacare destruction of the American medical system.
She had the teacher exception and has had both Pfizer shots. I am scheduled to get my first Pfizer shot at the U of Arizona on Friday evening. They seem to have a pretty efficient process.
My wife had hers at TMC yesterday. I am scheduled for next week. She said it was pretty efficient. Hurts though.
@SteveW - Do you have a clear plan of what to do with your time? If not, keep the job until you do. Plus, it remains to be seen whether it was better to be a grasshopper or an ant. The economy may sort itself out a bit more in 18 months
The humorless right-wingers aren't numerous enough to support the show.
There is a pretty good local guy in Tucson named Garrett but the 5 day a week thing would be tough.
Some series just dont know the environment
I sense the very beginnings of a swell in demand that Biden do a live press conference. (43 days and counting.) What's the over-under on number of days until a press conference? I've seen commenters here predict that Pres* Biden's resignation will come the day after his first press conference.
I don’t think they should call it a “starship” if it can’t at least make it to the nearest star, It’s like calling a johnboat an ocean liner.
Michael K said...My wife had hers at TMC yesterday...She said it was pretty efficient. Hurts though.
My wife's arm was really sore for several days and she felt like crap for a day.
I'm a tough guy. I'll be fine ...
...after a few days in bed.
Howie Carr could be good, but he is kind of really married to Boston, and New England, it seems like. Plus he doesn’t really try all that hard to be politically correct.
swell in demand that Biden do a live press conference. (43 days and counting.) What's the over-under on number of days until a press conference?
Well, he has outlasted William Henry Harrison. That's an accomplishment.
Docs contacted my wife offering vaccine-- she's scheduled for Friday for her first dose, but I'm still in no rush, despite the new social conformist message massaging. I haven't checked my email since this morning but I bet I have the same email offers.
I'm waiting for a vaccine I can't refuse
Think where we would be if the FDA and Big Pharma hadn’t paused the approval process for the vaccine until the day after the election.
Someone will fill the Limbaugh void. He just won't be as good. I don't know why, but writers with a sharp sense of humor nearly always trend left. Rush Limbaugh, P.J. O'Rourke and....maybe someone will come along. The establishment comedians are having a go at Cuomo, but Rush would have provided the definitive put down. When canonized Dem pols hit the wall, that's when you really miss Rush.....I notice that Imus left the scene but didn't leave behind that same sense of void...
I keep getting these email invites, and some hard mail, from places like The Shakespeare Theater, Wolf Trap, the Kennedy Center, etc. hoping I'll join them for some remote, online event. Come watch us through your computer, they say! They are advertising the Cherry Blossom Festival the same way. Stay home, stay away, watch through your computer.
Response? Delete.
I think cruiser might work, but its really more of a bulk freighter they address the big vanguard blow ups late in neuvel, of course if they had given von braun the go ahead they might have beat spurnik to the punch.
A reusable reliable transport is harder than a disposable heavy booster
The late ben bova (he passed last year) has an american elon type daniel hamilton randoph who would run a private space project out of venezuela (this was back in the 80s) it followed the esa model.
Tim Allen might be a good pick for Rush’s show.
I think that the Dirty Jobs. guy is too earnest.
Son of the peenemunde group regrouped in the 70s with an outfit called otrag that tried to operate out of zaire and then libya.
h said...
I sense the very beginnings of a swell in demand that Biden do a live press conference. (43 days and counting.) What's the over-under on number of days until a press conference? I've seen commenters here predict that Pres* Biden's resignation will come the day after his first press conference.
Biden resign the day after his first press conference? Haven't seen that prediction. Maybe I was paying attention.
But I'll make my own prediction. His first press conference will be to announce his resignation, whether it's effective immediately or a short time in the future.
It doesnt matter, the cake is baked in and its chocolate rhubarb,
The conservative comic strip “Mallard Fillmore” has been plucked. Bruce Tinsley, creator of the 27-year-old cartoon, said he was told this week by his syndication company that Gannett newspapers across the country simultaneously dropped the comic over two strips critical of President Biden and transgender participation in women’s sports. - Washington Times
Those in power seem pretty confident that they can just stamp out the voices of anybody who disagrees with them.
Heres a flavor of the project
Maybe it inspired the film version of moonraker, the book version was basically repurposed in the man from uncle film
Not a single fire arm has been recovered from the non-surrection, insurrection.
According to the FBI (although they will lie about literally, everything)
Who ever heard of an attempted insurrection without arms?
What was the caliber gun used on Gaga dognap?
Francisco D said...
My wife has been tireless in trying to get me registered for the COVID vaccine. The website process is fucked up, but understandably so. The irony is that she was initially skeptical because Trump "rushed it". Now that he is gone, she is very eager for the rushed vaccine.
Same here. Mrs. NorthOfTheOneOhOne hated Trump. But as she is an asthmatic she loves the idea of that vaccine.
That cpac stage shape is identical to the Odal rune which means kinship or family or blood unity. I don’t think the designers just stumbled upon it. R’s got punked.
I've started reading Don McNeil's account on Medium of his defenestration from the NYT. Started in at Part 4.
Maybe we've discussed this one enough here, but I just have to say I wish I'd read him on this subject earlier. He comes off as an arrogant prick but an oddly likable and very smart one, a curmudgeon who compulsively calls bullshit on lazy thinking.
I feel sure if I could have a drink with him we'd have points of emphatic agreement and points of shouting disagreement. And I'd be sharper for having tried to hold my own against him.
So maybe he is complicit in the formation of the very culture that has disposed of him so rudely, but I still prefer him to the snakes who've got the better of him.
An argument with Don McNeil:
– "You're wrong, because ___"
– "No, YOU'RE wrong, because ___ !"
An argument with his inquisitors:
– "Have you ever considered this?"
– [Silence] [indefinitely later, from a pusillanimous "authority" figure:] "Sorry, we have to let you go. It's not my call."
rhhardin said...
I don't know what EIB is thinking with the Limbaugh show. It's unlistenable. It's a move on deal now or die.
The only talent they've found is Mark Steyn and he's not really the guy for every day.
The humorless right-wingers aren't numerous enough to support the show.
You've said this again and again here. We get it. You don't like the show when Rush isn't on it.
He won't be on it again. It's not the job of Rush's former show to make rhardin happy, or to think of rhardin as they try to figure out what to do next.
Don't like it? Don't listen. The Sun does not shine from your fundament.
Apparently they are trying to cancel jeremy renner for reasons.
Rush was a rare find, he was a happy warrior he grabbed the absurdity of this world (this is partially what steyn does in his more formal way) the others matthews herman, take it straight up.
Interesting. I wonder what he did. Or failed to do. Or didn't do enough.
The late walter williams was another in this line. Its as important how you tell ths story as the content.
Renner, hes had some rough bits in his life. His sour mien isnt entirely an act.
tim in vermont said...
Howie Carr could be good, but he is kind of really married to Boston, and New England, it seems like. Plus he doesn’t really try all that hard to be politically correct.
Whaddayadoo---listen to him once a year? Howie is the **sworn enemy** of Political Correctness.
He was/is a great Trump supporter, and he hates the utterly corrupt Mass. political establishment. And they've hated him back, having tried for years to get him taken off the air.
But I agree: he's essentially a regional guy.
Myself, I don't think anyone can replace Rush. I predict the producers will fold the show, once the possible replacements consider how likely they will quickly and permanently lose large segments of his audience.
"Hard act to follow" comes to mind.
People have been mass challenged for a long time
Some of rushs riffs may have come off as mean, but he understood all these demands were not about the ostensible cause, but the power or authority they could demand
As we have seen, the demands on ones money on the language on the culture never stop from these groups there is no perfect state no endpoint.
I nominate James Woods to replace rush.
The leaders of these causes mean to dismantle every institution, 'you cannot be uninvolved' there is no penance even if they burn the last great hope of humanity to the ground.
320Busdriver said...
That cpac stage shape is identical to the Odal rune which means kinship or family or blood unity. I don’t think the designers just stumbled upon it. R’s got punked
Yes. reminds me of the design for the 9/11 Flight 93 memorial outside Shanksville, PA. From the air it was clearly a crescent, a symbol of Islam.
Apparently the well-reamed assholes who got the contract thought it would be "cute" to punk the 9/11 victims and their families.
giggle giggle
And there is precious little respite, the pontiff is an other idiot or worse the media is uniformly insane or evil, to point this out is to risk professional extinction or even physical harm they wont even allow you to be silent. You must cheer the insanity, drink it in let it consume you.
The opposition faction is a bunch of basenghi pups who let most everything go on, even if they have the power to stop it.
"The late walter williams was another in this line."
Williams was a great fill-in host back-in-the-day.
He could break down very complicated economics and make it easy to understand.
And he always seemed like a nice, easygoing guy.
"While generally steering clear of fiction, someone suggested Tai-Pan and I thoroughly enjoyed it."
It could have been, but probably wasn't, me that recommended it (I think I recommended Noble House more than once, though), but I love James Clavell's novels, and I recommend all of them.
Michael Savage, for some reason, did not like Rush much ---- but Michael Savage was brutally unfair to lots of his radio rivals. There was something weird about all the famous radio guys in the 90s ---- Glenn Beck melted down to omega male levels a few times, Savage was a nasty little cheerleader squad girl a few times, and ....
Well, nobody is irreplaceable ---- and EVERYTHING THAT IS NOT THE BEST IT CAN BE is subject to oblivion ------ and I heard "Rush" say lots of stupid things, over the years ----- but he was Rush, he did something nobody else did, and deserves credit for that.
Yes beck went around the bend for a bit, he burns at a higher flame, savage was this close to an aneurism quite often, you tangle with ideas instead of bodily contortions its not easy.
Wow, I didn't know Ben Bova had died. I have lost touch with my literary roots from growing up.
beck had a better excuse than Savage NO CAFFEINE OR BEER FOR MORMONS
It still cracks me up that Savage's son was a WASTREL back in the early days of the show back on WAMU 630 and a BILLIONAIRE NOW
what a crazy bunch of famous radio hosts in their glory days, the 20 years starting round about 91 or 92---- and meanwhile the Republocrat dynasties were running the executive branch of the federal government, totally unconcerned about EVERY RADIO TALK SHOW. But what does it matter, FREEDOM and TRUTH always win (MAGNA EST VERITAS ET PRAEVALEBIT), or as Popeye used to say, DON'T DISAPAPOINT MY HOPES COZ YOU CAN'T !!!!
Bova was the editor when I first started reading Analog in the mid 70s. I didn't read many of his novels- I read the Exile trilogy sometime in the 7th or 8th grade, and I read "City of Darkness" which was a stand alone novel, I think, but am not sure- he could have followed it up at some point.
I liked his early stuff best, including the YAs, in the universe where there were weather machines on Titan, and Neanterthals made it to the stars.
He rejected all the stories I sent to Analog. Oh well.
It is weird- Bova is not a name I have thought of in over 30 years- so, in one sense, it would have surprised me to find he was still alive in 2020, but still surprised that he had died and I never heard about it.
IIRC, it was COVID.
I remember Bova being a proponent of SDI before Reagan.
I think he was 88 at the time, he sort of retconned the randolph story with power sat, he was more hard scifi, but with adve ture elements
Some highlights here
One would say his orientation was libertarian he was not a fan of authoritarian regimes.
Who nowadays has anywhere near that posture in sci fi correia ringo (but they are more fantasy)
James corey had a decidedly sjw orientationand that shows in the expanse.
There is the writer of the incorporated man who tried to sketch what a libertarian republic would look like.
Too many of this other class of writer just want to make a world a bleaker extebtuon of this one.
I think Larry Elder would be a good pick for Rush’s show. He’s already used to doing a daily program. Unfortunately, he’s already 68.
Mark Steyn is 61, and is wonderfully witty. None of the current big names are going to be 20 to 30 year possibilities. They might need to pick someone as a transition host until some of the younger talent get more experience.
You might call it the extension of the first heresy. You shall be as gods except for those who are serfs.
Steyn needs to get through that stupid lawsuit (still ongoing right?) and get back to a full-time writing gig.
Im sure rush never thought the gig would last for 30 some years, he also thought he might have been able to make more leeway.
The world has become aggressively more ignorant of the institutions that sustain it, e pleb nista.
This is even true in fiction, take picard please and bury it in peat moss.
Even something as harmless as dr. Seuss must be crushed because dreams cannot be allowed to exist, except those that serve the State.
The same is true of dr who across the pond even the comic book antics of bond must be grim and lifeless.
Its the vision howard beale thought horrifying nearly 50 years in network.
H: Do you see yonder cloud that’s almost in shape of a camel?
P: By th’ mass, and ’tis like a camel indeed.
H: Methinks it is like a weasel.
P: It is backed like a weasel.
H: Or like a Nazi rune.
P: Very like a Nazi rune.
I believe Charles Dickens wrote about the Steyn case.
Comedy Gold...
NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...
Francisco D said...
My wife has been tireless in trying to get me registered for the COVID vaccine. The website process is fucked up, but understandably so. The irony is that she was initially skeptical because Trump "rushed it". Now that he is gone, she is very eager for the rushed vaccine.
Same here. Mrs. NorthOfTheOneOhOne hated Trump. But as she is an asthmatic she loves the idea of that vaccine.
My wife had ten browser tabs open trying to schedule the vaccine. Then, one morning while we were still in bed, a neighbor called and told her the vaccines were available for schedule at several pharmacies, which I won't call local because we would have to drive 20 miles either north or south.
We're scheduled later this morning.
Tim in Vermont said, "I don’t think they should call it a “starship” if it can’t at least make it to the nearest star, It’s like calling a johnboat an ocean liner."
The name seems a bit overblown, but if you think about it's significance, it's absolutely huge. This is not just another rocket. This is the rocket that will finally really get us into the space between the Earth and the Moon and on to Mars in an affordable way.
I'm sure people in the future will miss that point. What with our tendency to look back with hindsight and assume any achievement was inevitable. But speaking from the perspective of someone who has been waiting for this for most of his life, the achievement implicit in the Starship is simply profound.
But, of course, another reason people may be missing the significance of the Starship is that we are used to watching movies where fictional devices do things that Starship could never match.
"Being funny/likable and smart, is a tough combination."
And yet I manage to pull it off every day. Just my nature, I guess.
In my opinine the best solution for now for the EIB host slot would be several different hosts in rotation. Maybe Styne and Levine and some others yet to be named. Most of the fill in hosts are dull. Not national material.
Big question: can I and should I ride out my big company corporate job for another 18 months (when I turn 65)? I like the paycheck and the work is not super demanding. Plus my medical insurance is cheap. Thoughts?"
Stay in. Save money or buy big ticket items new. What can't go on, won't and that's this country printing money. Fixed incomes are going to be in trouble under Biden
Well said, Mandrewa.
But, of course, another reason people may be missing the significance of the Starship is that we are used to watching movies where fictional devices do things that Starship could never match.
Profound insight when applied to a world viewed from an iPhone.
Maybe one of our resident liberals can tell us what time today Trump is supposed to re-assume the White House.
narciso said...
... of course if they had given von braun the go ahead they might have beat spurnik to the punch.
No "might" about it. They finally let the Army use the von Braun rocket they had on hand since before Sputnik went up and that's the one that worked. This was after all the Vanguard rockets blew up. They wouldn't use von Braun's rocket because he worked for the Nazis before the Army captured him.
"iowan2 said...
Not a single fire arm has been recovered from the non-surrection, insurrection. ... Who ever heard of an attempted insurrection without arms?"
Just more American exceptionalism. We'll also hold our own in a tough world led by a tired old man.
Blogger tcrosse said...
Maybe one of our resident liberals can tell us what time today Trump is supposed to re-assume the White House.
They'll probably bring back the color coded terrorist threat levels from the Bush years-
Today's insurrection threat level in orange.
Rush lives on in all the local talk hosts he inspired. That's the true EIB network. Not that I don't miss him but.
The statewide mask mandate in Iowa ended on Feb. 9th.
Where's the surge?
It's even still winter.
"March 4 has arrived, some of most influential figures in the QAnon conspiracy movement have turned their back on its significance, declaring the day they believed Donald Trump would be inaugurated as a "false flag" operation created by the media, antifa and Black Lives Matter."
Hahahaha. The all powerful left is at it again.
What if Qanon gave a civil war and nobody came?
What if Qanon gave a civil war and nobody came?
So when does the National Guard go home and the razor wire come down?
Meanwhile seattle is still on fire.
A composite image of Starship SN10 launching and landing.
The pictures were taken one second apart and overlapping images were removed. (Jack Beyer,, created the composite image.)
DavidUW said...
The statewide mask mandate in Iowa ended on Feb. 9th.
Where's the surge?
It's even still winter.
Masks don't protect you-they protect others.
The surge in other States is cause by Iowa.
As my whimsy leads me.. said...
I think Larry Elder would be a good pick for Rush’s show. He’s already used to doing a daily program. Unfortunately, he’s already 68.
I used to listen to Larry in LA when I lived in CA. He was libertarian but seems top have gotten more standard conservative/Trump supporter in recent years. For years leftist black groups tried to boycott him. He would be a good choice but I agree about his age.
Masks don't protect you-they protect others.
The surge in other States is cause by Iowa.
Clearly. /s/
I mean, even I forgot about it, and then of course I spot checked the news on the free states of TX, MS etc, and lo and behold not a single mentioned that Iowa got rid of the mandate with no discernible increase, indeed, only a decrease in infections.
I think Larry Elder would be a good pick for Rush’s show. He’s already used to doing a daily program. Unfortunately, he’s already 68.
All these guys have their own shows, own style, own brand.
If it were me, I'd follow the Rush model-
Find local talent and give them a shot behind the golden microphone.
The Swampies' anti-Q, re-nonsurrection (genius!) measures have paid off handsomely!
Just like when I sprinkle fairy dust to keep the elephants out of my garden.
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