Larry McMurtry RIP at 84. He wrote a plethora of western novels. It seems that he intended Lonesome Dove to skewer the legend of the American West, and was somewhat disappointed to find that the story, in fact, invigorated the legend.
The Virtue Of Gun Ownership And The Decline Of Manliness
"...The reader here will conjure up images of frontiersmen and homesteaders protecting one’s remote home with a flintlock musket—and there is a lot of accuracy to the early- to mid-republic authenticity of those images. But when is the last time anyone, even a conservative, has made an affirmative argument in favor of gun ownership based not on constitutional meaning or contextual prudence, but on the inherent virtue of gun ownership itself?
The long, steady decline of this once-prevalent school of thought is certainly due, in part, to the hollowing out of America’s religiosity and overall temperance. But it is also due to the fact that manliness itself is increasingly viewed not as a virtue to be nourished and cherished, but as a “toxic” vestige of a bygone barbarism that must be tamed and ultimately excised.
A society that loses its belief in the importance of manliness qua manliness will necessarily fail to appreciate the virtue of a home- and hearth-protecting paterfamilias. There is a direct, unmistakable connection between the decline of the former and a lessened respect for the latter...."
Finally, there is a judge or two that are willing to question the DOJ and their relentless pursuit to throw everyone that was that the Jan.6 protest in prison for the rest of their lives.
Oh, I may have overstated that-
That want to deny them bail because they still think the election was stolen, destroy their families, deny them access to defense, all before trial--for a misdemeanor--exceeding the maximum sentence for what they are charged.
That's not even touching the so called "felony" charges- weapons, conspiracy, 'interference with an official act during the day a.k.a. "sedition".
I think I see in those photos why the shooter is being shielded by the DOJ and the Press. The initial report I saw described him as a black Brazilian immigrant who hated Trump. We'll see how that plays out.
Obviously as American conservative White Males have wallowed in the fast food obesity epidemic, they have naturally become less manly physically, mentally and hormonally. The fixation with stockpiling firearms and ammo by these grotesque vestages of men is a pathetic surrogate for manliness without the need for discipline, self restraint and vigorous action. There model of manhood is a grossly obese, effeminate, New York City slicker, TV star and serial con man.
The only one I have is Instagram, to post my photos. I don't have a blog like the host here. Dunno, I will be a suspect soon I guess.
Bumped up against 60 degrees F today - that's downright sweltering in these parts, Maine, this time of year. Did a round of golf, it was glorious. No masks. Everyone was happy. Why wouldn't you be?
Man Biden is bad, a boob, and incompetent. He is clearly not "leading" anything.
"Reading about a medieval siege where the attackers ran out of ammunition, so they loaded a trebuchet with a severed peasant’s head and fired it. By sheer luck, it hit the Duke’s son and knocked him off the battlements."
"It was the first ever serf face to heir missile."
Howard said... Obviously as American conservative White Males have wallowed in the fast food obesity epidemic, they have naturally become less manly physically, mentally and hormonally.
Howard, more and more I think you must be gay. It's OK. Your party has it as a sacrament, next to abortion. Just acknowledge it and move on. Nobody is shaming you.
Titus is not that far from you and so is Barney Frank. I'm sure it is almost normal in your state.
Hes lot a fat creepy shock jock we had in dade, even though he spent a fair amount of time in amsterdam before certain things were haram there, neil rogers
Elizabeth Warren is upset. Amazon dared to respond to one of her diatribes by pointing out that the “loopholes” they “exploit” when they pay taxes were written into the tax laws by ... senators like her! Whereupon Warren lost it big time and responded to Amazon by threatening to break up Big Tech so that they cannot heckle senators anymore.
Leaving aside the notion that senators should be above criticism, and moreover that honest criticism is not “heckling,” one would imagine that a former law professor who wrote a book about bankruptcy would understand the phrase “fiduciary duty,” as in the corporate officers have a fiduciary duty to the shareholders, and part of that is paying no more in taxes than the minimum the corporation owes.
But if Liz Warren wants to break up Big Tech, well I think she really needs to have at it.
Women do, too. Some women, a large minority, perhaps, have a chauvinistic fetish. Most (i.e. normal distribution) men and women reconcile. Then there's the transgender spectrum where biology and sociology diverge, often, but not always, monotonically, over diverse bands,
Amazon dared to respond to one of her diatribes by pointing out that the “loopholes” they “exploit” when they pay taxes were written into the tax laws by ... senators like her!
Finding out who doesn't bring this matter to a close.
Exactly. An unarmed woman, caught in a precarious position, with multiple security personnel in close vicinity. The choice was not motivated by self-defense.
Looks like our record cold has killed our only gardenia bush--which used to thrive and was incredibly fragrant in the spring. Two of our crepe myrtles are starting to worry me, but the dogwoods, cammillia (sp?), azaleas white and red, and forsythia all look fine. Right now the city is at its fluffiest pinks and purples.
Narr More work up top today, another test from Ma Nature tomorrow.
Don't Trust Kamala! Nikki Haley says VP's comparison of ICE to the KKK means she is the wrong person to fix Biden's border crisis
...Josh Hawley, a hardline Republican senator from Missouri, tweeted Wednesday: 'This is the person Joe Biden is putting in charge of the border - an advocate for decriminalizing illegal border crossing.'
He was referencing how Harris raised her hand during a Democratic primary debate in June 2019 when candidates were asked if they were in favor of decriminalizing border crossings."
I feel worse for Ashli Babbitt of course, but I also feel bad for the lieutenant who made the worst decision of his life, or who didn't maintain control of his weapon, and has to live with the consequences forever. I hope he ends up being honest about it. There was a lot of bad judgement and overexcitement among a lot of people in that hall that day.
Sprezz The NYT is shit in the opinion of most NYT staffers too. You have to think the paper is shit to support firing the good reporters over complaints by 17 year old trust fund kids.
I feel worse for Ashli Babbitt of course, but I also feel bad for the lieutenant who made the worst decision of his life, or who didn't maintain control of his weapon, and has to live with the consequences forever. I hope he ends up being honest about it. There was a lot of bad judgement and overexcitement among a lot of people in that hall that day.
Fuck that-
That was the best day of his life. He couldn't wait to ambush a MAGA maggot and sent them to hell where they belong; which is why he volunteered to go down there. He's proud of what he did.
The Red Neck Punching Bag mark 2 is almost finished. All the primary functionality is installed. Some additional bracing to be added and the top 2 tires need to be mounted. Absorbs shock and moves much less when struck than a normal heavy bag.
I can now strip sound our of mkv videos and effectively cut and paste streams into new videos. At some point soon I will unveil a new morning show/podcast. I will air live at 7AM Central weekdays and there will be extended taping sessions on weekends 8-10.
One of the primary topics of the show will be the 5 and 25. It has done wonders for my productivity.
1. Write down the 25 most valuable uses of your time.
2. Sort them in order of value.
3. Circle the top 5. Do those things.
4. Circle the bottom 20 things. Don't do those things.
Still improving on all of these things of course. I slip every now and then. Like this blog. But I do need to find a way to reach out and stay connected. TBD. This is my one vice at this point.
The Gateway Pundit is known as a source of viral falsehoods and hoaxes.[9][36][37] It has been described by the Harvard Journal of Law & “Technology as one of the websites that "primarily propagate fake news",[11] by Newsweek as a fake news website,[38] and by CNN as a website "prone to peddling conspiracy theories".[39] In August 2019, journalism professors Erik P. Bucy and John E. Newhagen observed that "The most aggressive fake news sites and associated YouTube channels, such as InfoWars, The Gateway Pundit, and Daily Stormer, are routinely sued by victims of these published reports for libel and defamation."[10] As a result of a number of lawsuits against The Gateway Pundit over its false stories, it was reported in March 2018 that Jim Hoft had told his writers to be more careful: "I don't want any more lawsuits so we have to be really careful with what we put up."[40] Hoft stated that he believes the lawsuits "are part of a multi-pronged effort to attack media outlets on the right."[40]
In late 2019, the English Wikipedia community deprecated The Gateway Pundit as a source for reporting "falsehoods, conspiracy theories, and intentionally misleading stories".[41]’
While sgt kuehnes wife miscarried, that piece of scum alissa was allowed to roam free and kill 10 people, heck he could hace been flagged by the ncic, but he hates jews amd trump supporters as much as ilhan omar.
NYT, WAPO, this site or that; why oh why does Prof post such dreadful things?
At the least, it works; personally I seldom even follow her links or anyone else's for that matter unless it's likely to involve a quick laugh.
Eisenhower was supposed to have said that he never wondered why a person wanted to do something, only whether it was a good thing to do or not--parsing out motivations is less important than getting things done, and the Prof excels at that despite the ankle-biters and poseurs that can't stay away.
Gateway known as a huge conspiracy theory shit site.
No, Gateway has been around a long, long time--pre-Obama.
Yes, they sensationalize the headlines for clicks, yes they actually miss too often on the versatility and truthfulness of what they report--which is 1/10th of what NYT/WaPo reports-
Yet, they break more news, accurately, than any other blog. We all feel the need to verify what Gateway reports. assholes won't verify anything. You're not interested in the truth. If you were, you wouldn't be a lib.
“The NYT is shit in the opinion of most NYT staffers too. You have to think the paper is shit to support firing the good reporters over complaints by 17 year old trust fund kids.”
Your non sequitur style here is mega aggressive. It makes me embarrassed for you. And SAD! for you.
Am I supposed to agree that NYT staff think that their biz is shit? You want me to believe that journo’s don’t see that place as the top dog? After Ben Smith, Kara Swisher and Ezra Klein (and much lower: Jane Coaston) jumped over recently? Not to mention the smaller folks who dream to be there.
Reality = NYT/WaPo are important for news and and reporting (though far from perfect), and Gateway/Althouse is, by comparison, a sewer that attracts delusional brains that thrive on shit.
The lives sacrificed in the holomodor, castros prison camps maybe even the bulk of the casualties in vietnam are due i. Pary to the times (duranty. Matthews and halberstam respectfully)
Warning: 'Backpedal in Progress!' Apparently, Kamala Harris Is NOT 'Doing the Border'
Full quote from Harris spokesperson Symone Sanders:
"I will just reiterate that the @VP is not doing the border. The president asked the vice president to take on the diplomatic efforts with Mexico and countries of the North Triangle to address the root causes of migration."
Determining “the root causes of migration from Northern Triangle countries,” versus “work[ing] first on the goal of stemming the flow of irregular migrants to the U.S.”
So who’s lying, confused, backpedaling like a madman, or all three?
But, hey — it’s not like Cackles isn’t taking her new assignment seriously.
'...As Charlie Spiering tweeted, shortly after she was put in charge of the Biden Border Crisis, Harris traveled to Connecticut to visit a Boys Girls club to shill for the Pelosi Payback (COVID “stimulus package.”'
Far-Right Extremists Move From ‘Stop the Steal’ to Stop the Vaccine Extremist organizations are now bashing the safety and efficacy of coronavirus vaccines in an effort to try to undermine the government.
Although negative reactions have been relatively rare, the numbers are used by many extremist groups to try to bolster a rash of false and alarmist disinformation in articles and videos with titles like “Covid-19 Vaccines Are Weapons of Mass Destruction — and Could Wipe out the Human Race” or “Doctors and Nurses Giving the Covid-19 Vaccine Will be Tried as War Criminals.”
If the so-called Stop the Steal movement appeared to be chasing a lost cause once President Biden was inaugurated, its supporters among extremist organizations are now adopting a new agenda from the anti-vaccination campaign to try to undermine the government.
On Jan. 6, while rioters advanced on the Capitol, numerous leading figures in the anti-vaccination movement were onstage nearby, holding their own rally to attack both the election results and Covid-19 vaccinations.
Events overshadowed their protest, but at least one outspoken activist, Dr. Simone Gold of Beverly Hills, Calif., was charged with breaching the Capitol.
In April, a conference with the tagline “Learn How to Fight Back for Your Health and Freedom,” is set to bring together Trump allies like Michael Flynn and Sidney Powell along with high-profile members of the anti-vaccination effort.
On Telegram, channels frequented by tens of thousands of QAnon followers are full of videos warning of the dire consequences of taking the vaccine. For example, David Icke, a British serial conspiracy theorist, posted a video called “Murder by Vaccine” saying that it transformed the nature of the human body. (The claims that the vaccines change human DNA are false.)
Telegram is the locus of much of the disinformation and fear mongering. On one channel, there are claims that the vaccine is an instrument of depopulation. “A massive death wave will be witnessed later this year among those who took the vaccine,” read one posting.
In Idaho, the far-right activist Ammon Bundy helped to push for a proposed state law to ban any mandatory vaccines, although work stalled after the legislature suspended its work on March 19 for more than two weeks because too many lawmakers contracted the coronavirus.”
"We now have several COVID vaccines. All work, all have passed safety testing, and all are in wide distribution.
This is a huge accomplishment, but there’s one problem: A lot of people aren’t taking the shot.
Are they just ignorant anti-vaxxers?
No. As a recent focus group by Frank Luntz, reported in The Washington Post, demonstrates, a lot of people who won’t take the vaccine aren’t skeptical about vaccines in general. Just about this batch.
So maybe they’re just Red State Luddites?
No. In fact, it’s a worldwide phenomenon. Yes, there’s resistance in the United States: Gallup reported in February that 34 percent of front-line health workers said they wouldn’t get the vaccine, with another 18 percent unsure; fewer than half said they would definitely get jabbed. Only 65 percent of Americans as a whole said they would get the vaccine.
But there’s also resistance abroad. Reuters reported that only about half of French care-home workers are willing to get the vaccine; the rest prefer to wait and see if it’s safe. Reuters quotes a union official who says “there’s a complete lack of trust.” "
My great grandmother escaped Holomodor. Teenage girl, sent by her parents to find her way to Moscow to get on a ship. Found a lad of legal age to marry (she was 16, he 18), got a passport, off to Ellis Island.
I never knew I was part Russian/Ukrainian until my Ma died in 2001, when I found the papers/books/diaries.
Did you browndog, that was a terrible fate of those sacrificed to famine and death while duranty looked away, not to mention the cancelling with a bullet that followed kirov, who was killed by stalin amyways.
“In Idaho, the far-right activist Ammon Bundy.....”
I was in Idaho a week ago (to pickup a dual rear wheel, diesel Denali truck). To make the trip easy we stayed in Coeur d’Alene. It was crazy shocking to see how few people gave any Fs about the masks. The so-called resort had staff that followed the guidelines, but plenty of folks staying there were free. But really notable was being in restaurants and businesses were nobody had a hint of masking.
I’m mostly in rural WA were masks are used when folks are near each other, but in a sorta lose way. OTOH, I’m sometimes in Seattle were mask wearing is extreme. Kids playing in backyards or anywhere, full masking. Folks walking and bicycling and running and so on w/ nobody near them, but fully masked, always.
Anywho, It shouldn’t be too hard to have some entity collect data re all these different social distancing responses for different communities and sussing out causation stuff v how this virus is spreading or not spreading re the distancing/masking. OTOH, it may not be possible to be granular enough. E.g., a biz that I deal with re construction stuff is in the middle of a big-time masking area, and none of the staff or customers I’ve seen have had masks. They did have a sign on the door that said masks were required. Ha ha.
The lying mega-corporate left-wing mob/ antifa-supporting press must stop the little interdependent bloggers. Terrified of indies. They must be crushed.
Anywho, It shouldn’t be too hard to have some entity collect data re all these different social distancing responses for different communities and sussing out causation stuff v how this virus is spreading or not spreading re the distancing/masking.
"E.g., a biz that I deal with re construction stuff is in the middle of a big-time masking area, and none of the staff or customers I’ve seen have had masks. They did have a sign on the door that said masks were required."
So Inga, you are OK with taking an unapproved medication?
It doesn't even go into trials until July.
I may take it once it's approved or if a client requires it for a big enough project. Otherwise I I think my (very small) risk from the vaccine is greater than my (even smaller) risk from kung flu.
I've always avoided doctors, hospitals and medication as far as possible. It's gotten me this far. I figure it will get me through the next 40-50 years
A large minority has crossreactive (i.e. preexisting) immunity.
A large minority developed natural immunity through exposure.
There are, and have been, effective, low-risk, inexpensive treatments (e.g. HCQ cocktail, Ivermectin protocol) to mitigate disease progression and transmission.
Vaccines are part of a risk management protocol, with efficacy and safety established over years.
The goal is to mitigate disease progression and normalize community immunity to minimize transmission paths.
So when FB and Gulag and Twatter get called by the government to send them all their data. Do you think the government will stop with just what data are given to them by their outsourced investigative arms who can gather up all the information about you without a search warrant?
They will look at who is NOT on FB, tracked by Gulag, or posting on Twatter.
You will be deemed anti social. Definitely conservative, wrong thinker who is not in love with Big Brother.
You will be hunted down by your absence. You are a suspect.
"Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Who Claimed For 4 Years The Ability To Read Minds And Still Believes The Hoax Dossier Was Verified" Inga: "The Gateway Pundit is known as a source of viral falsehoods and hoaxes."
Anywho, It shouldn’t be too hard to have some entity collect data re all these different social distancing responses for different communities and sussing out causation stuff v how this virus is spreading or not spreading re the distancing/masking. >> We've already seen the data. It doesn't work.
I’m not sure that the data is being recorded. Twenty years or a million, if we don’t have the data it won’t matter.
The big reports that I see (cause I’m too lazy to look deeper) are re state v state. But I’ve personally seen big differences re masking/distancing protocol following w/in a single county/city. There is no way that virus transmissions are being documented back to wee little communities w/in a larger population where the wee groups are outliers re what most folks are doing re masking/distancing.
And, I’m not coming to this biased. I’d like to know if the threat of the spread has been overhyped. That’s good info re the future. But, to have good data we need a lot of demo info for each person. And, info re how many folks they are in contact w/.
Countries w/ the most aggressive contact tracing systems will be able to figure this out the best. I don’t think that includes US. We’ll just go into our corners and repeat whatever makes us feel good. But, we’ll do it w/ metaphysical certitude, cause data and reality are for suckers.....the Gateway way.
New kid on the block, walking along in his nice new clothes. Six weeks from now he'll be gone, after sniffling and saying he hates us - or he'll look sort of dirty and worn like the rest. This ain't the NYT comments section. Kicking it off, I'll mention that there's no way to lightly and gracefully discount all the work that went into saying the NYT is a famous paper because there is no work involved in leadenly stating the obvious. Sprezzatura? Shadwell, I think.
"Mature in dullness from his tender years. Shadwell alone, of all my sons, is he Who stands confirm'd in full stupidity. The rest to some faint meaning make pretence, But Shadwell never deviates into sense. Some beams of wit on other souls may fall, Strike through and make a lucid interval; But Shadwell's genuine night admits no ray, His rising fogs prevail upon the day:" etc. from: Mac Flecknoe. John Dryden.
Some demented individual thinks right wingers are anti-vax.
I'll repeat.
The only way I got vaccinated was thanks to the 30+% of UC-SAN FRANCISCO HEALTH CARE WORKERS who didn't get vaccinated back in the day, and so I got a leftover shot.
SAN FRANCISCO. 12% of the vote went for trump, and I'd bet that half, at least, was a mistake on the part of the voter.
not getting vaccinated is a bipartisan desire of 30-40% of the population.
If you want to seem like a person that is providing real information......don’t claim you’ve repeated something a billion times.
Do you see the problem when you type out one sentence that is obviously a lie, but in that same sentence you want to claim that you are telling the truth?
Masks don't work. They never have (for a virus) and they never will.
Yes, aside from anecdotal evidence, modeled predictions, and intuitive science, inside a greenhouse environment (e.g. indoors), anything short of an N95 following strict protocol will, at best, be comparable to flipping a coin, and, at worst, increase the infection rate.
How often does the post the times or the journal, proffer a narrative rather than the facts, kavanaugh sandman, even most recently minneapolis and kenosha not to mention portland and seattle
“But she sometimes has some sorta disclaimer where she tries to justify linking to them, or she warns her readers (e.g. the Gateway-types) that she’s getting something from them, as if she is Tipper Gore warning of naughty words in rap. But, here it’s snowflake cons who don’t like reality.”
She is very careful about the way she links to them.
We know the following about the Capitol Police executioner of Ashli Babbitt.: the Capitol Police know who he is.
We also know that the Capitol Police refuse to identify him and have stated, officially, that the shooting was justified.
In every other police shooting in the USA the officer or officers involved have been identified. Their reason for not identifying him is a lie. We can assume that because of their official statements the killing of the unarmed Ashli Babbitt was justified.
Other things we know. The Gateway Pundit, which has been wrong at times, did not disclose the name of the officer who killed Ashli Babbitt in that link. For reasons, this leaves no course of action for the Capitol Police. However, other websites have identified a particular officer by name. The officer has not sued them. Further, these other sites have said he posted on social media that he wanted to kill a Trump supporter. The officer has not sued them. Further, without identifying them by name, the other websites have said other Capitol Police including superior officers liked his post. The union representing the Capitol Police have not filed suit against them, nor has the Capitol Police Force done so. This is the problem. If the officer is the named person- he’s guilty of first degree murder and every officer who liked it is guilty of conspiracy to commit same. Believe what you want, but failure to file a lawsuit in this case speaks volumes.
In the words of the worthless CDC regarding pandemic planning in October 2019 (odd that): “There is no evidence that facemasks are effective is reducing transmission”
We see now how the times through reporters like enghart (sic) cover the murderous iranian regime presided by the revolutionary guard, we saw how freidman got a good chunk of the shatila story wrong and failed upwards to columnisr and married a general realty heir.
We get the same carp with the ap, gannett, reuters varies a little bloomberg does nc 17 things to china, but like the buchanans they destroy lives and reputations and walk way to cause more damage.
I discovered Lonesome Dove this winter. We do regular 5 hour+ roundtrip weekend jaunts, and got the audible version. I really enjoyed it. Laugh out loud funny. 35 hours worth of road trips. Moved on to the prequels. Deadmans Walk, Gus and Call as teenagers joining the Rangers and meeting Buffalo Hump. We are into Comanche Moon now.
Good stuff. Lonesome Dove by far the best, The prequels are very good, but its hard to measure up to Lonesome Dove.
Has the Resident Idiot has ever read The Gateway Pundit? It is far more likely that her lefty sources told her what to think. That way she doesn't have to tax her pitiful little brain.
I check out the Gateway Pundit almost every day. They often put an unwarranted spin on news. That spin is biased to the right in the same manner the the NYT and WaPo are biased to the left. Breitbart is a much better source of news in my opinion.
It is interesting that many of the lefties on this site quote or copy other opinions rather than forming their own thoughtful opinions. Is that laziness, stupidity, slavish obedience or just the way they operate in the world?
All of the above I suspect. That is the true pandemic.
“I check out the Gateway Pundit almost every day.”
Of course he does.
It is interesting that many of the Trumplicans on this site read opinions on Gateway Pundit rather than forming their own thoughtful opinions. Is that laziness, stupidity, slavish obedience or just the way they operate in the world?
"I read Lonesome Dove twice and don't understand how he figured it skewered legends of the American west."
I read not long after it was published, I think- sometime in 1986. I also saw the miniseries twice over the years (the first one).
I don't know what the author was thinking when he wrote about wanting skewer the legends of the American West. The book and the miniseries definitely are grittier than the movies Hollywood produced during the 1940s-1960s, but not dramatically so. I have often thought Eastwood was inspired by the novel and the miniseries when he took up "Unforgiven", but Eastwood had already done similar projects that were just as gritty and unsparing in their dipictions of the old west. Perhaps McMurtry was inspired by Eastwood.
I loved "Lonesome Dove", both the book and the series. I like the sequel less, and I never bothered reading the prequels, there were two, I think. RIP.
I would apply the same ridiculous standards they applied to hcq protocold as they do with the vaccine, they twisted the results this way and that to prevent an effective and inexpensive therapeutic.
The story of the cowboy is the great ericqn epic, longform attempts like tombstone and wyatt earp have some impact. Modern versions like phillip meyers the son are probably too revisionist.
So in a modern western, the indian can only be noble and the white man evil, thats not a very satisfying story, so they focus on sand creek (which iron man 3 of all things references) and wounded knee
Even fantasy as typified by game of thrones or joe abercrombie, everyones always nasty brutish and short. A new british crime drama gangs of london, has that similar feel to it.
I have often thought Eastwood was inspired by the novel and the miniseries when he took up "Unforgiven"
The screenplay for Unforgiven, written by David Webb Peoples, dates back to 1984. And we can expect that he started on it many months or years before then.
It seems that he intended Lonesome Dove to skewer the legend of the American West, and was somewhat disappointed to find that the story, in fact, invigorated the legend.
The modern analog to the western is probably the cop drama like dirty harry, was callaghan the hero or just someone who could negotiate the urban jungle better than most.
IIRC, the rock hating jazz group The Diamonds made a rock parody with every early rock cliche they could think of, "Little Darlin'" and suddenly found themselves the most popuplar rock group in the country..
"Lonesome Dove" and the "The Streets of Laredo" are the only modern westerns I have read. I read a couple of Zane Grey novels as a pre-teen in the late 70s, but wasn't all that enthused with either of them.
There haven't been that many movie Westerns made in the last 40 years. The only ones I can think of are the Lonesome Dove miniseries (4), "Unforgiven", "Wyatt Earp", "Tombstone", "Silverado", "Pale Rider", "Young Guns", and "The Quick and the Dead". I am sure there are others, but these are the only ones that reached my notice. I don't consider "Dancing With Wolves" a true western, though I like the movie overall.
Of those, I thought "Unforgiven" and the first "Lonesome Dove" stand well above the others in sheer story telling and film-making. "Silverado" is a movie I like very, very much, but I don't know that I would call it a great movie- it is great entertainment and fun to watch, and you get the sense that it was fun to make as well; and the same applies to "Tombstone". I never liked "Pale Rider" very much- it is a bit too slow for me, and I didn't like the plot device where the panners were so helpless against the villain- it didn't quite ring true to me. "Young Guns" and "The Quick and the Dead" are entertaining, but I wouldn't ever watch either of them again.
This leaves "Wyatt Earp"- the movie Costner made after "Dancing With Wolves". There are some truly great set pieces in this movie, but it is hard to sit through it a second time (I have watched it twice). It is a near great movie.
Yes, "Django Unchained" is a western, and I have seen it, and also "The Hateful Eight". They just slipped my mind when writing the comment. I don't think either one is really the best of Tarantino's work. Also, the most recent movie is very western influenced "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood", just set in 1969 L.A.
The thing about the "True Grit" remake I have is that there didnt' seem to be a point to remaking it. The remake was fine, and I loved Jeff Bridges in the role, but I can't quite see what was very different in the two versions that required a remake. I have seen the one time the theater, but I wouldn't watch it again.
True Grit remake Open Range Broken Trail Magnificent Seven remake 3:10 to Yuma remake The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (also something of a remake) several Tom Selleck movies several Sam Elliot movies Seraphim Falls Tom Horn
Of those Mark, the only ones I have seen are "Open Range", the "True Grit" remake, and "Quigley Down Under". I just looked up the rest of Selleck's westerns- haven't heard of any of them.
I've read that Tarantino was heavily influenced by The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. I agree that Tarantino's true westerns aren't his best work, but you can see the influence of TGTBATU in just about every one of his films, western or not.
Yeah, that is a great shootout. I just love how the guy just assumes Costner won't put a bullet in his head in that situation. Talk about a big miscalculation.
I just watched the Gunsmoke episode about Chief Joseph.
You know, the rap about Westerns being jingoistic and anti-Indian is just wrong.
In the big Westerns I've seen, there is great respect for the indigenous peoples. The Chief Joseph episode was quite extensive in relating mistreatment of them.
By the way, on my trip down to Fredericksburg last week, while we were walking down the main street, we passed a tobacco shop with a wooden Indian outside.
Yes, couldn't have said it better. The first viewing of the Bride taking on like 300 assassins at once and killing them all left me scratching my head. I realized what Tarantino was doing the second time I watched it.
EPOCHTIMES Communist Party USA Affirms Loyalty to Beijing MARCH 26, 2021
It’s the 1930s all over again. American communists are now treating the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with the same slavish reverence once reserved for Stalin and the mighty Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU).
The Communist Party USA (CPUSA), once shamelessly subservient to the CPSU, has now completely transferred its loyalties to the CCP.
I second the reference to Broken Trail. Robert Duvall and Thomas Haden Church, stellar writing, brilliant cinematography... it's the real deal. Caught it on hotel TV when I was getting ready to go somewhere, and ended up staying to watch the whole thing instead.
Latest at Gateway Pundit: Democrats call filibuster racist-but they used it over 300 times last year Border Patrol Union President: Trump saw 45 year low in human smuggling at the border-now it's all back Migrant caravan members..."Biden wants us here," "He is opening the gates." The Gateway Pundit report from October before election on Hunter Biden's gun scandal
And that's just tonight. Attack the messenger because those stories aren't going to help.
If you know that you had the virus, the vaccine provides limited additional, if any, immunity. If you don't know for a fact that you had the virus, there's a good chance that you actually have had it. 40% of those who have the virus are asymptomatic, 40% have very mild symptoms. Estimates of 4-8x as many have had it as have tested positive - that would mean that the total who have had it is in the 160-275M range. If you haven't had the virus yet, you may have natural immunity to it. This is apparently relatively common, although I don't recall seeing estimates of the number of people who are naturally immune. 40% of the U.S population has had a least one dose - and thus have a high level of immunity. We are way past the early range for "herd immunity" - meaning that even if you are susceptible, you are much less likely to be exposed to it at this point.
Considering all the above, and the fact that these vaccines did arrive via a very accelerated process, it's not unreasonable for people to want to wait on the vaccine until there. Note that my wife and I are in the process of getting the shots - just got our first one on Thursday - but it's asinine to assume that those who are skeptical lack intelligence.
"Baltimore will no longer prosecute drug possession, prostitution, low-level crimes"
That's one way to lower the crime rate.
With all the evidence collected and analyzed over the 14 days to slow the spread, aka: the last year, it surprises and annoys me that policy makers are still mandating mask wearing.
Not getting the vaccine is a bipartisan thing. Undermining the value of getting vaccinated are the past and present statements of Biden, Harris, and Fauci.
Sprezzatura said...Many folks commenting here seem to like the the sorta jabber that comes from Gateway.
Isn’t that special! Althouse and Gateway jabber attracts the same audience.
The NYT and WaPo are considered shit by many (most?) Althouse/Gateway folks.
I’ve heard of gateway pundit, but I don’t read it so I can’t comment on your first claim. I am a Times subscriber and follow them on Twitter. The New York Times is a hate-click bucket shop that is more interested in manipulating the public debate than informing its readers. It has been caught in major lies and has been condemned by many of its own staff for ignoring basic journalistic practices.
I read the Times because it is influential, but if you think they are in the business of informing people about current events, then you aren’t paying attention.
Browndog; Anoither McMurtry novel you might like is "Buffalo Gals" Movies; Monte Walsh, both versions. Will Penny Ride the High Country And , of course, Shane.
"They will look at who is NOT on FB, tracked by Gulag, or posting on Twatter. You will be deemed anti social. Definitely conservative, wrong thinker who is not in love with Big Brother."
Actually only the first half-millennium of the middle ages is typically called “dark”: dark because of a lack of history — that is: writing, documentation — during that period (which extended roughly between 500–1000 A.D.).
Yeah, I got that it was a remake of "Shane", but only at the end when Sidney Penny is calling out to Eastwood after he has ridden away- only then did it hit me.
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२०१ टिप्पण्या:
201 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Larry McMurtry RIP at 84. He wrote a plethora of western novels. It seems that he intended Lonesome Dove to skewer the legend of the American West, and was somewhat disappointed to find that the story, in fact, invigorated the legend.
Who killed the unarmed Ashli Babbitt?
How long until not having a social media profile makes you a suspect?
Part of Mark Steyn deposition-linked by Mike K.
· ·
A.· ·YES.·5· · · ·
A.· ·THAT'S CORRECT.·8· · · ·
"How long until not having a social media profile makes you a suspect?"
The Killer
Josh Hammer
The Virtue Of Gun Ownership And The Decline Of Manliness
"...The reader here will conjure up images of frontiersmen and homesteaders protecting one’s remote home with a flintlock musket—and there is a lot of accuracy to the early- to mid-republic authenticity of those images. But when is the last time anyone, even a conservative, has made an affirmative argument in favor of gun ownership based not on constitutional meaning or contextual prudence, but on the inherent virtue of gun ownership itself?
The long, steady decline of this once-prevalent school of thought is certainly due, in part, to the hollowing out of America’s religiosity and overall temperance. But it is also due to the fact that manliness itself is increasingly viewed not as a virtue to be nourished and cherished, but as a “toxic” vestige of a bygone barbarism that must be tamed and ultimately excised.
A society that loses its belief in the importance of manliness qua manliness will necessarily fail to appreciate the virtue of a home- and hearth-protecting paterfamilias. There is a direct, unmistakable connection between the decline of the former and a lessened respect for the latter...."
Finally, there is a judge or two that are willing to question the DOJ and their relentless pursuit to throw everyone that was that the Jan.6 protest in prison for the rest of their lives.
Oh, I may have overstated that-
That want to deny them bail because they still think the election was stolen, destroy their families, deny them access to defense, all before trial--for a misdemeanor--exceeding the maximum sentence for what they are charged.
That's not even touching the so called "felony" charges- weapons, conspiracy, 'interference with an official act during the day a.k.a. "sedition".
How long until not having a social media profile makes you a suspect?
Hide here and at instapundit anonymously.
I think I see in those photos why the shooter is being shielded by the DOJ and the Press. The initial report I saw described him as a black Brazilian immigrant who hated Trump. We'll see how that plays out.
Obviously as American conservative White Males have wallowed in the fast food obesity epidemic, they have naturally become less manly physically, mentally and hormonally. The fixation with stockpiling firearms and ammo by these grotesque vestages of men is a pathetic surrogate for manliness without the need for discipline, self restraint and vigorous action. There model of manhood is a grossly obese, effeminate, New York City slicker, TV star and serial con man.
Howard "Semper Fud" Cloward wants a push-up contest.
How about it Achilles?
The only one I have is Instagram, to post my photos. I don't have a blog like the host here. Dunno, I will be a suspect soon I guess.
Bumped up against 60 degrees F today - that's downright sweltering in these parts, Maine, this time of year. Did a round of golf, it was glorious. No masks. Everyone was happy. Why wouldn't you be?
Man Biden is bad, a boob, and incompetent. He is clearly not "leading" anything.
"He is clearly not "leading" anything."
And yet, he has followers. Curious, no?
"Man Biden is bad..."
Gutfeld referred to the kids in space blankets as "Biden Potatoes" today. I laughed, but felt bad for doing so.
Check out Joementia as he reads from his list/script and calls on Yamiche. His jaw goes slack and sideways simultaneously.
These bottle necks are weird
Parler apparently supplied a lot of info to the fbi, for their efforts they got cancelled first.
"Reading about a medieval siege where the attackers ran out of ammunition, so they loaded a trebuchet with a severed peasant’s head and fired it. By sheer luck, it hit the Duke’s son and knocked him off the battlements."
"It was the first ever serf face to heir missile."
An incomplete exercise in world building
Americans, individually, need to find their sense of humor. Look up old comedy from the ancient days, B.O. (Before Obama)
Have a laugh, fulfill your spirit, replenish your soul.
I read Lonesome Dove twice and don't understand how he figured it skewered legends of the American west.
The early men here were hard-nosed tough old bastards. That is all.
Howard said...
Obviously as American conservative White Males have wallowed in the fast food obesity epidemic, they have naturally become less manly physically, mentally and hormonally.
Howard, more and more I think you must be gay. It's OK. Your party has it as a sacrament, next to abortion. Just acknowledge it and move on. Nobody is shaming you.
Titus is not that far from you and so is Barney Frank. I'm sure it is almost normal in your state.
Hes lot a fat creepy shock jock we had in dade, even though he spent a fair amount of time in amsterdam before certain things were haram there, neil rogers
The early men here were hard-nosed tough old bastards. That is all.
Men are the same today as they always were.
Kind, cruel, stupid, brilliant, sissies, fearless, cowards, leaders, evil, saintly. They never were was confused what a man is.
All men know what a man is.
"Baltimore will no longer prosecute drug possession, prostitution, low-level crimes"
They are calling it a "pandemic experiment".
Who killed the unarmed Ashli Babbitt?
Nearly a trimester latter and we still don't know who was the carrier and why the elective shoot to abort.
Elizabeth Warren is upset. Amazon dared to respond to one of her diatribes by pointing out that the “loopholes” they “exploit” when they pay taxes were written into the tax laws by ... senators like her! Whereupon Warren lost it big time and responded to Amazon by threatening to break up Big Tech so that they cannot heckle senators anymore.
Leaving aside the notion that senators should be above criticism, and moreover that honest criticism is not “heckling,” one would imagine that a former law professor who wrote a book about bankruptcy would understand the phrase “fiduciary duty,” as in the corporate officers have a fiduciary duty to the shareholders, and part of that is paying no more in taxes than the minimum the corporation owes.
But if Liz Warren wants to break up Big Tech, well I think she really needs to have at it.
All men know what a man is.
Women do, too. Some women, a large minority, perhaps, have a chauvinistic fetish. Most (i.e. normal distribution) men and women reconcile. Then there's the transgender spectrum where biology and sociology diverge, often, but not always, monotonically, over diverse bands,
Amazon dared to respond to one of her diatribes by pointing out that the “loopholes” they “exploit” when they pay taxes were written into the tax laws by ... senators like her!
#MeToo #HerToo #SheProgressed An own goal.
Nearly a trimester latter and we still don't know who was the carrier and why the elective shoot to abort.
This is the key-
Finding out who doesn't bring this matter to a close.
So I took the bait and went to FullMoon's link.
After reading what was there, my question is: Who killed the unarmed Ashli Babbitt?
"Baltimore will no longer prosecute drug possession, prostitution, low-level crimes"
CCP chases DNC chases CCP.
Finding out who doesn't bring this matter to a close.
Exactly. An unarmed woman, caught in a precarious position, with multiple security personnel in close vicinity. The choice was not motivated by self-defense.
Many folks commenting here seem to like the the sorta jabber that comes from Gateway.
Isn’t that special! Althouse and Gateway jabber attracts the same audience.
The NYT and WaPo are considered shit by many (most?) Althouse/Gateway folks.
walter said...
Howard "Semper Fud" Cloward wants a push-up contest.
How about it Achilles?
Rangers don't punch down.
Lem, how could you? Brilliant.
Looks like our record cold has killed our only gardenia bush--which used to thrive and was incredibly fragrant in the spring. Two of our crepe myrtles are starting to worry me, but the dogwoods, cammillia (sp?), azaleas white and red, and forsythia all look fine. Right now the city is at its fluffiest pinks and purples.
More work up top today, another test from Ma Nature tomorrow.
Great pick, Joe...
Don't Trust Kamala! Nikki Haley says VP's comparison of ICE to the KKK means she is the wrong person to fix Biden's border crisis
...Josh Hawley, a hardline Republican senator from Missouri, tweeted Wednesday: 'This is the person Joe Biden is putting in charge of the border - an advocate for decriminalizing illegal border crossing.'
He was referencing how Harris raised her hand during a Democratic primary debate in June 2019 when candidates were asked if they were in favor of decriminalizing border crossings."
Perhaps a reporter may ask when she will walk that back.
I feel worse for Ashli Babbitt of course, but I also feel bad for the lieutenant who made the worst decision of his life, or who didn't maintain control of his weapon, and has to live with the consequences forever. I hope he ends up being honest about it. There was a lot of bad judgement and overexcitement among a lot of people in that hall that day.
Isn’t that special! Althouse and Gateway jabber attracts the same audience.
The NYT and WaPo are considered shit by many (most?) Althouse/Gateway folks.
Why are you here ? To troll?
The NYT is shit in the opinion of most NYT staffers too. You have to think the paper is shit to support firing the good reporters over complaints by 17 year old trust fund kids.
As taranto put it, no one on theirowm staff reads the paper, much less try to edit it.
Tinderbox said...
I feel worse for Ashli Babbitt of course, but I also feel bad for the lieutenant who made the worst decision of his life, or who didn't maintain control of his weapon, and has to live with the consequences forever. I hope he ends up being honest about it. There was a lot of bad judgement and overexcitement among a lot of people in that hall that day.
Fuck that-
That was the best day of his life. He couldn't wait to ambush a MAGA maggot and sent them to hell where they belong; which is why he volunteered to go down there. He's proud of what he did.
What do you think about that take?
Gateway known as a huge conspiracy theory shit site.
Beautiful day today.
The Red Neck Punching Bag mark 2 is almost finished. All the primary functionality is installed. Some additional bracing to be added and the top 2 tires need to be mounted. Absorbs shock and moves much less when struck than a normal heavy bag.
I can now strip sound our of mkv videos and effectively cut and paste streams into new videos. At some point soon I will unveil a new morning show/podcast. I will air live at 7AM Central weekdays and there will be extended taping sessions on weekends 8-10.
One of the primary topics of the show will be the 5 and 25. It has done wonders for my productivity.
1. Write down the 25 most valuable uses of your time.
2. Sort them in order of value.
3. Circle the top 5. Do those things.
4. Circle the bottom 20 things. Don't do those things.
Still improving on all of these things of course. I slip every now and then. Like this blog. But I do need to find a way to reach out and stay connected. TBD. This is my one vice at this point.
Inga said...
Gateway known as a huge conspiracy theory shit site.
Far more accurate than the WAPO or the NYT's though.
Depends on the sourcing, if there is q forsr hand source,
How about the one who killed 48 cops andbillions of dollars of damages, kind ofablind spot there.
Sprezzatura said...
Many folks commenting here seem to like the the sorta jabber that comes from Gateway.
Isn’t that special! Althouse and Gateway jabber attracts the same audience.
The NYT and WaPo are considered shit by many (most?) Althouse/Gateway folks.
Well the NYT's and WAPO have been dishonest on a daily basis and caught in hundred's of lies so there is that.
But idiots and stupid people still find it news worthy.
Intelligent people monitor these outlets to see what the 10 wealthy people that own the MSM want their drones and pawns to do.
Has Althouse ever linked to the Gateway Pundit?
The Gateway Pundit is known as a source of viral falsehoods and hoaxes.[9][36][37] It has been described by the Harvard Journal of Law & “Technology as one of the websites that "primarily propagate fake news",[11] by Newsweek as a fake news website,[38] and by CNN as a website "prone to peddling conspiracy theories".[39] In August 2019, journalism professors Erik P. Bucy and John E. Newhagen observed that "The most aggressive fake news sites and associated YouTube channels, such as InfoWars, The Gateway Pundit, and Daily Stormer, are routinely sued by victims of these published reports for libel and defamation."[10] As a result of a number of lawsuits against The Gateway Pundit over its false stories, it was reported in March 2018 that Jim Hoft had told his writers to be more careful: "I don't want any more lawsuits so we have to be really careful with what we put up."[40] Hoft stated that he believes the lawsuits "are part of a multi-pronged effort to attack media outlets on the right."[40]
In late 2019, the English Wikipedia community deprecated The Gateway Pundit as a source for reporting "falsehoods, conspiracy theories, and intentionally misleading stories".[41]’
While sgt kuehnes wife miscarried, that piece of scum alissa was allowed to roam free and kill 10 people, heck he could hace been flagged by the ncic, but he hates jews amd trump supporters as much as ilhan omar.
So they are going to try “Hamsterdam” in Baltimore again?
Anyone have links to the NGOs distributing the "Biden , let us in" shirts?
Might be a nice memento.
That den of scum and villainy where pelosi emerged from, likely
NYT, WAPO, this site or that; why oh why does Prof post such dreadful things?
At the least, it works; personally I seldom even follow her links or anyone else's for that matter unless it's likely to involve a quick laugh.
Eisenhower was supposed to have said that he never wondered why a person wanted to do something, only whether it was a good thing to do or not--parsing out motivations is less important than getting things done, and the Prof excels at that despite the ankle-biters and poseurs that can't stay away.
Like moths to her flame
Inga's quoting WIKI re source credibility.
Cool. Anywho..
Inga said...
Gateway known as a huge conspiracy theory shit site.
No, Gateway has been around a long, long time--pre-Obama.
Yes, they sensationalize the headlines for clicks, yes they actually miss too often on the versatility and truthfulness of what they report--which is 1/10th of what NYT/WaPo reports-
Yet, they break more news, accurately, than any other blog. We all feel the need to verify what Gateway reports. assholes won't verify anything. You're not interested in the truth. If you were, you wouldn't be a lib.
“The NYT is shit in the opinion of most NYT staffers too. You have to think the paper is shit to support firing the good reporters over complaints by 17 year old trust fund kids.”
Your non sequitur style here is mega aggressive. It makes me embarrassed for you. And SAD! for you.
Am I supposed to agree that NYT staff think that their biz is shit? You want me to believe that journo’s don’t see that place as the top dog? After Ben Smith, Kara Swisher and Ezra Klein (and much lower: Jane Coaston) jumped over recently? Not to mention the smaller folks who dream to be there.
Reality = NYT/WaPo are important for news and and reporting (though far from perfect), and Gateway/Althouse is, by comparison, a sewer that attracts delusional brains that thrive on shit.
Those arethe breaks
I hope the Harris/Biden Migrant Distribution Network delivers some to Inga's Lake Country domain for the prime spring/summer season.
It stands to reason that Inga would supply the garbage site Wikipedia with its leftist bent for its take on Gateway Pundit. Why not NPR?
If it's politically based on WikiP, it's bound to be biased.
The lives sacrificed in the holomodor, castros prison camps maybe even the bulk of the casualties in vietnam are due i. Pary to the times (duranty. Matthews and halberstam respectfully)
RedState 8:30 PM ET
Warning: 'Backpedal in Progress!' Apparently, Kamala Harris Is NOT 'Doing the Border'
Full quote from Harris spokesperson Symone Sanders:
"I will just reiterate that the @VP is not doing the border. The president asked the vice president to take on the diplomatic efforts with Mexico and countries of the North Triangle to address the root causes of migration."
Determining “the root causes of migration from Northern Triangle countries,” versus “work[ing] first on the goal of stemming the flow of irregular migrants to the U.S.”
So who’s lying, confused, backpedaling like a madman, or all three?
But, hey — it’s not like Cackles isn’t taking her new assignment seriously.
'...As Charlie Spiering tweeted, shortly after she was put in charge of the Biden Border Crisis, Harris traveled to Connecticut to visit a Boys Girls club to shill for the Pelosi Payback (COVID “stimulus package.”'
Kamala Harris once stated that Immigration and Customs were the KKK.
Far-Right Extremists Move From ‘Stop the Steal’ to Stop the Vaccine
Extremist organizations are now bashing the safety and efficacy of coronavirus vaccines in an effort to try to undermine the government.
Although negative reactions have been relatively rare, the numbers are used by many extremist groups to try to bolster a rash of false and alarmist disinformation in articles and videos with titles like “Covid-19 Vaccines Are Weapons of Mass Destruction — and Could Wipe out the Human Race” or “Doctors and Nurses Giving the Covid-19 Vaccine Will be Tried as War Criminals.”
If the so-called Stop the Steal movement appeared to be chasing a lost cause once President Biden was inaugurated, its supporters among extremist organizations are now adopting a new agenda from the anti-vaccination campaign to try to undermine the government.
On Jan. 6, while rioters advanced on the Capitol, numerous leading figures in the anti-vaccination movement were onstage nearby, holding their own rally to attack both the election results and Covid-19 vaccinations.
Events overshadowed their protest, but at least one outspoken activist, Dr. Simone Gold of Beverly Hills, Calif., was charged with breaching the Capitol.
In April, a conference with the tagline “Learn How to Fight Back for Your Health and Freedom,” is set to bring together Trump allies like Michael Flynn and Sidney Powell along with high-profile members of the anti-vaccination effort.
On Telegram, channels frequented by tens of thousands of QAnon followers are full of videos warning of the dire consequences of taking the vaccine. For example, David Icke, a British serial conspiracy theorist, posted a video called “Murder by Vaccine” saying that it transformed the nature of the human body. (The claims that the vaccines change human DNA are false.)
Telegram is the locus of much of the disinformation and fear mongering. On one channel, there are claims that the vaccine is an instrument of depopulation. “A massive death wave will be witnessed later this year among those who took the vaccine,” read one posting.
In Idaho, the far-right activist Ammon Bundy helped to push for a proposed state law to ban any mandatory vaccines, although work stalled after the legislature suspended its work on March 19 for more than two weeks because too many lawmakers contracted the coronavirus.”
Take that how you will, btw the line to the mexican border starts somewhere west of the chinese pakistani border.
Simone should get a medal, for her treatment protocols and fauci should be in prison, along with levine zucker and palm
Odd that Cankles and Cackles so often laugh inappropriately/excessively.
Would be a good mashup.
Officials like Fauci have undermined trust in government institutions
"We now have several COVID vaccines. All work, all have passed safety testing, and all are in wide distribution.
This is a huge accomplishment, but there’s one problem: A lot of people aren’t taking the shot.
Are they just ignorant anti-vaxxers?
No. As a recent focus group by Frank Luntz, reported in The Washington Post, demonstrates, a lot of people who won’t take the vaccine aren’t skeptical about vaccines in general. Just about this batch.
So maybe they’re just Red State Luddites?
No. In fact, it’s a worldwide phenomenon. Yes, there’s resistance in the United States: Gallup reported in February that 34 percent of front-line health workers said they wouldn’t get the vaccine, with another 18 percent unsure; fewer than half said they would definitely get jabbed. Only 65 percent of Americans as a whole said they would get the vaccine.
But there’s also resistance abroad. Reuters reported that only about half of French care-home workers are willing to get the vaccine; the rest prefer to wait and see if it’s safe. Reuters quotes a union official who says “there’s a complete lack of trust.” "
East German assholes who manned the walls around east Berlin called themselves "Anti-Fascists"
narciso said...
The lives sacrificed in the holomodor
My great grandmother escaped Holomodor. Teenage girl, sent by her parents to find her way to Moscow to get on a ship. Found a lad of legal age to marry (she was 16, he 18), got a passport, off to Ellis Island.
I never knew I was part Russian/Ukrainian until my Ma died in 2001, when I found the papers/books/diaries.
Thats who david bailey models himself on, fron all indications.
Did you browndog, that was a terrible fate of those sacrificed to famine and death while duranty looked away, not to mention the cancelling with a bullet that followed kirov, who was killed by stalin amyways.
The Gateway Pundit”
The Gateway Pundit
Halberstam as mark moyar pointed out, got the whole story on diem wrong, and this untimately led to his assasination
Matthews who had left over unrequited feelings from the spanish civil war, thought the same 12 men fidel paraded in from of him were a great army
Go Inga, go!
Turns out leftists hate Gateway Pundit.
Then you add the sanford ferguson and baltimore frauds that roiled recent events.
You could fill the hudson river with the blood the times has enabled or excused.
While Rachel B-Annon Maddow and Joy Liar Reid get a total pass for their lies and mass spared of conspiracy theories via the corporate press.
Hillary Clinton's water carriers. Everyone is a Russian asset.
narciso said...
At that time, you had to be smuggled out of Ukraine.
"If you can make it to Moscow and marry, you can get papers. You can get a ship to America."
I'll never forge reading these words.
“In Idaho, the far-right activist Ammon Bundy.....”
I was in Idaho a week ago (to pickup a dual rear wheel, diesel Denali truck). To make the trip easy we stayed in Coeur d’Alene. It was crazy shocking to see how few people gave any Fs about the masks. The so-called resort had staff that followed the guidelines, but plenty of folks staying there were free. But really notable was being in restaurants and businesses were nobody had a hint of masking.
I’m mostly in rural WA were masks are used when folks are near each other, but in a sorta lose way. OTOH, I’m sometimes in Seattle were mask wearing is extreme. Kids playing in backyards or anywhere, full masking. Folks walking and bicycling and running and so on w/ nobody near them, but fully masked, always.
Anywho, It shouldn’t be too hard to have some entity collect data re all these different social distancing responses for different communities and sussing out causation stuff v how this virus is spreading or not spreading re the distancing/masking. OTOH, it may not be possible to be granular enough. E.g., a biz that I deal with re construction stuff is in the middle of a big-time masking area, and none of the staff or customers I’ve seen have had masks. They did have a sign on the door that said masks were required. Ha ha.
I dunno.
A federal appeals court on Friday unanimously ruled in favor of a professor who refused to use a transgender student's preferred pronouns.
Another consequence of this was it likely fed the ukrainian nationalists anger, amd mnd the ustachi or the vichy allied with hitler because of this.
Its not an accident that corridor is called the bloodlands.
The lying mega-corporate left-wing mob/ antifa-supporting press must stop the little interdependent bloggers. Terrified of indies. They must be crushed.
Anywho, It shouldn’t be too hard to have some entity collect data re all these different social distancing responses for different communities and sussing out causation stuff v how this virus is spreading or not spreading re the distancing/masking.
No chance of honest data. Maybe in 20 years.
"E.g., a biz that I deal with re construction stuff is in the middle of a big-time masking area, and none of the staff or customers I’ve seen have had masks. They did have a sign on the door that said masks were required."
The sign was probably required.
“The sign was probably required.”
You are 100% correct.
Lessons from 1942
nga said...
The Gateway Pundit”
The Gateway Pundit
Althouse libs never expect you to actually read the links they post--like all libs in media.
Yea, you'd think she linked to Gateway Pundit-
This is the first time I've ever bothered to click a link from Inga--wanted to see what got her hot and bothered-
-I can't stop laughing!!!!!!
So Inga, you are OK with taking an unapproved medication?
It doesn't even go into trials until July.
I may take it once it's approved or if a client requires it for a big enough project. Otherwise I I think my (very small) risk from the vaccine is greater than my (even smaller) risk from kung flu.
I've always avoided doctors, hospitals and medication as far as possible. It's gotten me this far. I figure it will get me through the next 40-50 years
John Henry
Are they just ignorant anti-vaxxers?
Three reasons:
A large minority has crossreactive (i.e. preexisting) immunity.
A large minority developed natural immunity through exposure.
There are, and have been, effective, low-risk, inexpensive treatments (e.g. HCQ cocktail, Ivermectin protocol) to mitigate disease progression and transmission.
Vaccines are part of a risk management protocol, with efficacy and safety established over years.
The goal is to mitigate disease progression and normalize community immunity to minimize transmission paths.
So when FB and Gulag and Twatter get called by the government to send them all their data.
Do you think the government will stop with just what data are given to them by their outsourced investigative arms who can gather up all the information about you without a search warrant?
They will look at who is NOT on FB, tracked by Gulag, or posting on Twatter.
You will be deemed anti social. Definitely conservative, wrong thinker who is not in love with Big Brother.
You will be hunted down by your absence. You are a suspect.
Have a great weekend.
"-I can't stop laughing!!!!!!"
Lemme guess, it's a Rick Astley video. Inga can be so clever.
"Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Who Claimed For 4 Years The Ability To Read Minds And Still Believes The Hoax Dossier Was Verified" Inga: "The Gateway Pundit is known as a source of viral falsehoods and hoaxes."
Max Boot thinks this guy has a nice pant crease. freaking embarrassing.
Listen to the pin drop, as the media sit in adoration of their new porn pop king.
I've read several of mcmurtry's novels. I found them ok but never got real excited about them.
I've watched the Lonesome Dove miniseries 3 or 4 times. I'd watch it again if I could.
Also the Lonesome dove prequel.
John Henry
Anywho, It shouldn’t be too hard to have some entity collect data re all these different social distancing responses for different communities and sussing out causation stuff v how this virus is spreading or not spreading re the distancing/masking.
We've already seen the data.
It doesn't work.
Doc Mike,
I’m not sure that the data is being recorded. Twenty years or a million, if we don’t have the data it won’t matter.
The big reports that I see (cause I’m too lazy to look deeper) are re state v state. But I’ve personally seen big differences re masking/distancing protocol following w/in a single county/city. There is no way that virus transmissions are being documented back to wee little communities w/in a larger population where the wee groups are outliers re what most folks are doing re masking/distancing.
And, I’m not coming to this biased. I’d like to know if the threat of the spread has been overhyped. That’s good info re the future. But, to have good data we need a lot of demo info for each person. And, info re how many folks they are in contact w/.
Countries w/ the most aggressive contact tracing systems will be able to figure this out the best. I don’t think that includes US. We’ll just go into our corners and repeat whatever makes us feel good. But, we’ll do it w/ metaphysical certitude, cause data and reality are for suckers.....the Gateway way.
I wonder why Althouse doesn’t link to Gateway Pundit. Has she ever?
East German assholes who manned the walls around east Berlin called themselves "Anti-Fascists"
Leftists will be leftists. There can be only one.
Far-Right Extremists Move From ‘Stop the Steal’ to Stop the Vaccine
The far-right/far-left nexus is leftist.
Browndog said...
"If you can make it to Moscow and marry, you can get papers. You can get a ship to America
Why go to Moscow to get a ship to America?
Moscow seems like the wrong direction if looking for a ship
John Henry
For the billionth time.
Masks don't work. They never have (for a virus) and they never will.
Added:not saying you are wrong bd, just wondering how it worked.
John Henry
"Sprezzatura said..."
New kid on the block, walking along in his nice new clothes. Six weeks from now he'll be gone, after sniffling and saying he hates us - or he'll look sort of dirty and worn like the rest. This ain't the NYT comments section. Kicking it off, I'll mention that there's no way to lightly and gracefully discount all the work that went into saying the NYT is a famous paper because there is no work involved in leadenly stating the obvious. Sprezzatura? Shadwell, I think.
"Mature in dullness from his tender years.
Shadwell alone, of all my sons, is he
Who stands confirm'd in full stupidity.
The rest to some faint meaning make pretence,
But Shadwell never deviates into sense.
Some beams of wit on other souls may fall,
Strike through and make a lucid interval;
But Shadwell's genuine night admits no ray,
His rising fogs prevail upon the day:"
from: Mac Flecknoe. John Dryden.
Why go to Moscow to get a ship to America?
Moscow seems like the wrong direction if looking for a ship
It was the only place in Russia to get a passport.
Well the other path would be through the bloodland to danzig, obviously it would be hard to get out through odessA across the black sea.
Some demented individual thinks right wingers are anti-vax.
I'll repeat.
The only way I got vaccinated was thanks to the 30+% of UC-SAN FRANCISCO HEALTH CARE WORKERS who didn't get vaccinated back in the day, and so I got a leftover shot.
SAN FRANCISCO. 12% of the vote went for trump, and I'd bet that half, at least, was a mistake on the part of the voter.
not getting vaccinated is a bipartisan desire of 30-40% of the population.
From 1965 to say around 1970, there was an air corridor that left the island, after that year it closed
If you want to seem like a person that is providing real information......don’t claim you’ve repeated something a billion times.
Do you see the problem when you type out one sentence that is obviously a lie, but in that same sentence you want to claim that you are telling the truth?
Althouse has linked to Gateway Pundit 10 times since 2004. How many times has Althouse linked to NYT and WaPo since 2004?
Masks don't work. They never have (for a virus) and they never will.
Yes, aside from anecdotal evidence, modeled predictions, and intuitive science, inside a greenhouse environment (e.g. indoors), anything short of an N95 following strict protocol will, at best, be comparable to flipping a coin, and, at worst, increase the infection rate.
How often does the post the times or the journal, proffer a narrative rather than the facts, kavanaugh sandman, even most recently minneapolis and kenosha not to mention portland and seattle
Moscow seems like the wrong direction if looking for a ship
It was the only place in Russia to get a passport.
Socialists are traditionally jealous guards. They are known to arrange military islands in their capital cities.
The foster family being kicked out for illegals just needs to invoke King County's new ordinance about renter evictions. Should be lit.
Its captain oveurs kryptonite
In recent memory china killed 40-60 million people, that doesnt include whar thet are doing now.
narciso said...
Well the other path would be through the bloodland to danzig, obviously it would be hard to get out through odessA across the black sea.
Oddly enough, great grandfather hails from Odessa. I'm an actual Caucasian.
But, like I said, if you wanted to leave Russia in 1933, you had to travel to Moscow first.
“But she sometimes has some sorta disclaimer where she tries to justify linking to them, or she warns her readers (e.g. the Gateway-types) that she’s getting something from them, as if she is Tipper Gore warning of naughty words in rap. But, here it’s snowflake cons who don’t like reality.”
She is very careful about the way she links to them.
In October We First Reported that Hallie Biden Took Hunter Biden’s Gun and Threw It In the Trash – Now It’s Finally Making National News
We know the following about the Capitol Police executioner of Ashli Babbitt.: the Capitol Police know who he is.
We also know that the Capitol Police refuse to identify him and have stated, officially, that the shooting was justified.
In every other police shooting in the USA the officer or officers involved have been identified. Their reason for not identifying him is a lie. We can assume that because of their official statements the killing of the unarmed Ashli Babbitt was justified.
Other things we know. The Gateway Pundit, which has been wrong at times, did not disclose the name of the officer who killed Ashli Babbitt in that link. For reasons, this leaves no course of action for the Capitol Police. However, other websites have identified a particular officer by name. The officer has not sued them. Further, these other sites have said he posted on social media that he wanted to kill a Trump supporter. The officer has not sued them. Further, without identifying them by name, the other websites have said other Capitol Police including superior officers liked his post. The union representing the Capitol Police have not filed suit against them, nor has the Capitol Police Force done so. This is the problem. If the officer is the named person- he’s guilty of first degree murder and every officer who liked it is guilty of conspiracy to commit same. Believe what you want, but failure to file a lawsuit in this case speaks volumes.
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg Says Taxing Drivers by the Mile “Shows a Lot of Promise” and Could be a Way to Fund Infrastructure Overhaul (VIDEO)
They called the middle ages the dark ages but this last century from 1914-1991 has been savage without equal,
What makes a man? IMO, Kipling's If captures it very well.
Far Right Conspiracy!
Peter Doocy Asks Psaki If Joe Biden Was Supporting a “Relic of Jim Crow Era” When he Defended the Filibuster in 2005 as a Senator (VIDEO)
Those 1400 checks are going to end up very expensive in deed with mileage taxes on top of gas taxes and a diminishing supply.
This was his reward for letting him steal iowa in the primaries.
In the words of the worthless CDC regarding pandemic planning in October 2019 (odd that):
“There is no evidence that facemasks are effective is reducing transmission”
New FBI Notes Re-Debunk Major NYT Story, Highlight Media Collusion To Produce Russia Hoax
There was no collussion, except when they published the jaundiced fever dreams of igor danchenko
I'll say it again-
Althouse links propaganda from NYT/Wapa, pushing it to her readers while pretending analyze it.
Often she pretends to get caught in a word wormhole-- so I looked at this, then saw t his, what do you think about that?
All the while being conditioned to the utter bullshit you'd never read otherwise.
We see now how the times through reporters like enghart (sic) cover the murderous iranian regime presided by the revolutionary guard, we saw how freidman got a good chunk of the shatila story wrong and failed upwards to columnisr and married a general realty heir.
We get the same carp with the ap, gannett, reuters varies a little bloomberg does nc 17 things to china, but like the buchanans they destroy lives and reputations and walk way to cause more damage.
We can trust you mr daszak
RIP Larry McMurty
I discovered Lonesome Dove this winter. We do regular 5 hour+ roundtrip weekend jaunts, and got the audible version. I really enjoyed it. Laugh out loud funny. 35 hours worth of road trips. Moved on to the prequels. Deadmans Walk, Gus and Call as teenagers joining the Rangers and meeting Buffalo Hump. We are into Comanche Moon now.
Good stuff. Lonesome Dove by far the best, The prequels are very good, but its hard to measure up to Lonesome Dove.
Has the Resident Idiot has ever read The Gateway Pundit? It is far more likely that her lefty sources told her what to think. That way she doesn't have to tax her pitiful little brain.
I check out the Gateway Pundit almost every day. They often put an unwarranted spin on news. That spin is biased to the right in the same manner the the NYT and WaPo are biased to the left. Breitbart is a much better source of news in my opinion.
It is interesting that many of the lefties on this site quote or copy other opinions rather than forming their own thoughtful opinions. Is that laziness, stupidity, slavish obedience or just the way they operate in the world?
All of the above I suspect. That is the true pandemic.
Speaking of pandemics, I just received my second Pfizer WuFlu vaccine.
It was easy. I ...
am feeling ...
fi ....
Mind arson is how id call it, its like brushfire that burns down to the root.
“I check out the Gateway Pundit almost every day.”
Of course he does.
It is interesting that many of the Trumplicans on this site read opinions on Gateway Pundit rather than forming their own thoughtful opinions. Is that laziness, stupidity, slavish obedience or just the way they operate in the world?
“I'll say it again-
Althouse links propaganda from NYT/Wapa, pushing it to her readers while pretending analyze it.
Often she pretends to get caught in a word wormhole-- so I looked at this, then saw t his, what do you think about that?”
Oh my. If that were true, it would be awfully underhanded of her!
"I read Lonesome Dove twice and don't understand how he figured it skewered legends of the American west."
I read not long after it was published, I think- sometime in 1986. I also saw the miniseries twice over the years (the first one).
I don't know what the author was thinking when he wrote about wanting skewer the legends of the American West. The book and the miniseries definitely are grittier than the movies Hollywood produced during the 1940s-1960s, but not dramatically so. I have often thought Eastwood was inspired by the novel and the miniseries when he took up "Unforgiven", but Eastwood had already done similar projects that were just as gritty and unsparing in their dipictions of the old west. Perhaps McMurtry was inspired by Eastwood.
I loved "Lonesome Dove", both the book and the series. I like the sequel less, and I never bothered reading the prequels, there were two, I think. RIP.
Lonesome Dove-
The movie serious did the books justice.
American treasure.
I would apply the same ridiculous standards they applied to hcq protocold as they do with the vaccine, they twisted the results this way and that to prevent an effective and inexpensive therapeutic.
Someone tell attention whore Inga I have no desire to respond to this bitch.
Going to bed-adios.
Going to say a prayer for attention whore bitches to get right with God.
The story of the cowboy is the great ericqn epic, longform attempts like tombstone and wyatt earp have some impact. Modern versions like phillip meyers the son are probably too revisionist.
Like the gauchos in argentina or cossack tales like lermontov in pre revolutionary russia.
American epic, as we lose the identity of america it becomes harder to make one.
“Someone tell attention whore Inga I have no desire to respond to this bitch.”
Hahaha, someone flatters themselves. It’s a rhetorical statement, no response needed or wanted.
So in a modern western, the indian can only be noble and the white man evil, thats not a very satisfying story, so they focus on sand creek (which iron man 3 of all things references) and wounded knee
Kind of like modern noir, there are no shades there is just pitch black in la or other environs.
Even fantasy as typified by game of thrones or joe abercrombie, everyones always nasty brutish and short. A new british crime drama gangs of london, has that similar feel to it.
Oast present and future (say altered carbon) are equally bleak, contact with aliens didnt improve things.
Some fantasy settings lend themselves to Western treatment. In a way Ilona Andrews Kate Daniels series is a Western.
I have often thought Eastwood was inspired by the novel and the miniseries when he took up "Unforgiven"
The screenplay for Unforgiven, written by David Webb Peoples, dates back to 1984. And we can expect that he started on it many months or years before then.
Hardboiled noir PI stories are also a good when dropped in a fantasy or SF setting.
It seems that he intended Lonesome Dove to skewer the legend of the American West, and was somewhat disappointed to find that the story, in fact, invigorated the legend.
Kinda like Norman Lear and "All In The Family".
Everybody loved Archie.
The modern analog to the western is probably the cop drama like dirty harry, was callaghan the hero or just someone who could negotiate the urban jungle better than most.
Another movie that missed what is was aiming for: "Patton"
It was supposed to come across as anti-war and we were suppose to hate the soldier-slapping General.
But people loved Patton...just the way he was. George C. Scott was too good an actor.
"Rommel you magnificent bastard...I read your book!"
I might be painting with too dark a brush my self, for that i apologize.
IIRC, the rock hating jazz group The Diamonds made a rock parody with every early rock cliche they could think of, "Little Darlin'" and suddenly found themselves the most popuplar rock group in the country..
"Lonesome Dove" and the "The Streets of Laredo" are the only modern westerns I have read. I read a couple of Zane Grey novels as a pre-teen in the late 70s, but wasn't all that enthused with either of them.
There haven't been that many movie Westerns made in the last 40 years. The only ones I can think of are the Lonesome Dove miniseries (4), "Unforgiven", "Wyatt Earp", "Tombstone", "Silverado", "Pale Rider", "Young Guns", and "The Quick and the Dead". I am sure there are others, but these are the only ones that reached my notice. I don't consider "Dancing With Wolves" a true western, though I like the movie overall.
Of those, I thought "Unforgiven" and the first "Lonesome Dove" stand well above the others in sheer story telling and film-making. "Silverado" is a movie I like very, very much, but I don't know that I would call it a great movie- it is great entertainment and fun to watch, and you get the sense that it was fun to make as well; and the same applies to "Tombstone". I never liked "Pale Rider" very much- it is a bit too slow for me, and I didn't like the plot device where the panners were so helpless against the villain- it didn't quite ring true to me. "Young Guns" and "The Quick and the Dead" are entertaining, but I wouldn't ever watch either of them again.
This leaves "Wyatt Earp"- the movie Costner made after "Dancing With Wolves". There are some truly great set pieces in this movie, but it is hard to sit through it a second time (I have watched it twice). It is a near great movie.
"Hardboiled noir PI stories are also a good when dropped in a fantasy or SF setting."
"Blade Runner" is the perfect example.
I haven't see it, but isn't Tarantino's "Django Unchained" a Western?
Come to think of it "True Grit" made another outing recently.
Yes, "Django Unchained" is a western, and I have seen it, and also "The Hateful Eight". They just slipped my mind when writing the comment. I don't think either one is really the best of Tarantino's work. Also, the most recent movie is very western influenced "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood", just set in 1969 L.A.
The thing about the "True Grit" remake I have is that there didnt' seem to be a point to remaking it. The remake was fine, and I loved Jeff Bridges in the role, but I can't quite see what was very different in the two versions that required a remake. I have seen the one time the theater, but I wouldn't watch it again.
True Grit remake
Open Range
Broken Trail
Magnificent Seven remake
3:10 to Yuma remake
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (also something of a remake)
several Tom Selleck movies
several Sam Elliot movies
Seraphim Falls
Tom Horn
I think that Open Range has the best shoot-out ever.
Of those Mark, the only ones I have seen are "Open Range", the "True Grit" remake, and "Quigley Down Under". I just looked up the rest of Selleck's westerns- haven't heard of any of them.
Best western shoot-out.
Heat has a great contemporary shoot-out.
I've read that Tarantino was heavily influenced by The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. I agree that Tarantino's true westerns aren't his best work, but you can see the influence of TGTBATU in just about every one of his films, western or not.
Well, that makes sense to me. I think it isn't just that one film, though- it is all of Leone's Spaghetti Westerns.
Yeah, that is a great shootout. I just love how the guy just assumes Costner won't put a bullet in his head in that situation. Talk about a big miscalculation.
The "Kill Bill" films are basically westerns that pay homage to the Asian themed films that were, themselves, homages to the great American Westerns.
I just watched the Gunsmoke episode about Chief Joseph.
You know, the rap about Westerns being jingoistic and anti-Indian is just wrong.
In the big Westerns I've seen, there is great respect for the indigenous peoples. The Chief Joseph episode was quite extensive in relating mistreatment of them.
By the way, on my trip down to Fredericksburg last week, while we were walking down the main street, we passed a tobacco shop with a wooden Indian outside.
"The "Kill Bill" films are basically westerns..."
Yes, couldn't have said it better. The first viewing of the Bride taking on like 300 assassins at once and killing them all left me scratching my head. I realized what Tarantino was doing the second time I watched it.
"Hardboiled noir PI stories are also a good when dropped in a fantasy or SF setting."
I've only read one chapter of 'Neuromancer' (maybe from a link here?) but that seemed straight-up Chandleresque noir to me.
I love Chandler so will look to read the rest of the book...
"The first viewing of the Bride taking on like 300 assassins at once and killing them all left me scratching my head."
The scene that takes place in the restaurant was filmed in a real restaurant in Tokyo a few hundred yards from our apartment.
We only ate there once with a bunch of Japanese was good but not great.
There are much better places to visit and eat in Tokyo.
Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files started that way, though they started scoping-up around book three. Great series.
Ari Marmel's Mick Oberon books put an exiled Fairie Prince in 30s gangland Chicago.
In other momentous news of the day...
Communist Party USA Affirms Loyalty to Beijing
MARCH 26, 2021
It’s the 1930s all over again. American communists are now treating the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with the same slavish reverence once reserved for Stalin and the mighty Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU).
The Communist Party USA (CPUSA), once shamelessly subservient to the CPSU, has now completely transferred its loyalties to the CCP.
Charles Portis, “True Grit”. You’ve seen the movie and the remake. Now you got to hear the tale.
I second the reference to Broken Trail. Robert Duvall and Thomas Haden Church, stellar writing, brilliant cinematography... it's the real deal. Caught it on hotel TV when I was getting ready to go somewhere, and ended up staying to watch the whole thing instead.
Latest at Gateway Pundit:
Democrats call filibuster racist-but they used it over 300 times last year
Border Patrol Union President: Trump saw 45 year low in human smuggling at the border-now it's all back
Migrant caravan members..."Biden wants us here," "He is opening the gates."
The Gateway Pundit report from October before election on Hunter Biden's gun scandal
And that's just tonight. Attack the messenger because those stories aren't going to help.
If you know that you had the virus, the vaccine provides limited additional, if any, immunity.
If you don't know for a fact that you had the virus, there's a good chance that you actually have had it. 40% of those who have the virus are asymptomatic, 40% have very mild symptoms. Estimates of 4-8x as many have had it as have tested positive - that would mean that the total who have had it is in the 160-275M range.
If you haven't had the virus yet, you may have natural immunity to it. This is apparently relatively common, although I don't recall seeing estimates of the number of people who are naturally immune.
40% of the U.S population has had a least one dose - and thus have a high level of immunity.
We are way past the early range for "herd immunity" - meaning that even if you are susceptible, you are much less likely to be exposed to it at this point.
Considering all the above, and the fact that these vaccines did arrive via a very accelerated process, it's not unreasonable for people to want to wait on the vaccine until there. Note that my wife and I are in the process of getting the shots - just got our first one on Thursday - but it's asinine to assume that those who are skeptical lack intelligence.
"Baltimore will no longer prosecute drug possession, prostitution, low-level crimes"
That's one way to lower the crime rate.
With all the evidence collected and analyzed over the 14 days to slow the spread, aka: the last year, it surprises and annoys me that policy makers are still mandating mask wearing.
Not getting the vaccine is a bipartisan thing. Undermining the value of getting vaccinated are the past and present statements of Biden, Harris, and Fauci.
Sprezzatura said...Many folks commenting here seem to like the the sorta jabber that comes from Gateway.
Isn’t that special! Althouse and Gateway jabber attracts the same audience.
The NYT and WaPo are considered shit by many (most?) Althouse/Gateway folks.
I’ve heard of gateway pundit, but I don’t read it so I can’t comment on your first claim. I am a Times subscriber and follow them on Twitter. The New York Times is a hate-click bucket shop that is more interested in manipulating the public debate than informing its readers. It has been caught in major lies and has been condemned by many of its own staff for ignoring basic journalistic practices.
I read the Times because it is influential, but if you think they are in the business of informing people about current events, then you aren’t paying attention.
For all the Voter ID is racist dupes
Buncha chuckleheads you are!
Yeah, exactly. Who's the racist, right?
Interesting that every one of the black people in that video was reluctant to call the attitudes of the (mostly) white anti-voter id folks racist.
Anoither McMurtry novel you might like is "Buffalo Gals"
Monte Walsh, both versions.
Will Penny
Ride the High Country
And , of course, Shane.
"They will look at who is NOT on FB, tracked by Gulag, or posting on Twatter.
You will be deemed anti social. Definitely conservative, wrong thinker who is not in love with Big Brother."
It's a fair cop.
They called the middle ages the dark ages
Actually only the first half-millennium of the middle ages is typically called “dark”: dark because of a lack of history — that is: writing, documentation — during that period (which extended roughly between 500–1000 A.D.).
Blogger MadTownGuy said...
I second the reference to Broken Trail. Robert Duvall and Thomas Haden Church,
I'll third that. The principle criticism is the geography but that is not so important to the story. The Whaleback is in Alberta.
I never liked "Pale Rider" very much- it is a bit too slow for me, and I didn't like the plot device
"Pale Rider" is a remake of "Shane" and not as good.
Yeah, I got that it was a remake of "Shane", but only at the end when Sidney Penny is calling out to Eastwood after he has ridden away- only then did it hit me.
Not much of a Western fan--but speaking of debunking, what about "Little Big Man"?
The novel is from 1964.
Berger fan
So..Harris/Biden admin hiring Manchin's wife...
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