It's a beautiful scene. There are times when I miss harsh winters. We had one bad week, really four days, here in the Portland area. That was oddly satisfying.
Who, yes. And why did they shoot to kill. Why did Congress refuse a federal offer to carry out crowd control for several hundred thousand people peacefully assembled, and the hundreds who were at the Capitol, and the dozens of protesters who were and were not "Trump supporters".
Love that poem. I only recently discovered it while I was binging all the episodes of "Inspector Morse" last year- it is quoted in a dialogue near the end of one of the early episodes.
Love that poem. I only recently discovered it while I was binging all the episodes of "Inspector Morse" last year- it is quoted in a dialogue near the end of one of the early episodes.
I discovered it, or a snippet of it, written on the mensroom wall of a dive called Glen and Ann's, later to become the Nitty Gritty, in one of the less fashionable neighborhoods of Madison.
Just because the areas of Syria where Biden is sending our troops and planes contains 90% of Syria’s oil doesn’t mean that Biden is fighting a war for oil that Trump tried to stop.
Biden is sending our troops to fight over other people’s oil while shutting down our own production and driving up the price. But don’t you worry your pretty little head over who is getting richer off of these events. I am sure it’s isn’t the people who “fortified” the election, I mean, what are the odds?
I've been thinking about this - what you said. To think, it takes me half a year and it's exhausting. Don't make me think!. But this was about TRex and you in your skinnies - did you say that or did I imagine it? - somewhere, somehow. I'm a prevert but I remember this:
I remember what it is to be innocent and gracious and good.
@Lem, That was fantastic. I laughed the whole time.
But honestly, I felt a little sad after it was over. Trump made politics more entertaining than anyone in recent history. I miss the daily creativity (memes, videos, etc.) that flowed out of his presidency. Biden is a return to the boring and humorless status quo in the worst possible way.
How do you 'look' at yourself, I mean 'objectively' ( why does that need quote marks! ) you are yourself disgusting. You know that. I know that. Obviuos, like a bump in the road. To learn to anticipate each bump you have to anticipate the future - but who can do that? Not me.
First thing on TV this morning was Biden at the CDC saying "Science is back ... You spoke truth and science to power." No indication that the CDC was as confused and self-contradictory as anybody else when the virus hit. No indication that in dealing with new and unprecedented events, science doesn't speak with one voice or even know just what to say. Then he went on to take credit for the vaccination program.
Second thing on TV this morning was Pelosi saying that we had a plan for what's going on at the border and the plan values-based, humanitarian, and pragmatic. Nancy, at this point saying you had a plan for what happened makes you and Joe look even worse. Claim it was all unintentional and you made a colossal mistake and you may end up looking better than you really should.
Malcolm Gladwell has some tweets about about the Alexi McCammond firing at Teen Vogue. He wants to know when the cut-off age for youthful indiscretions and actionable tweets is. 17? 15? 13?
Gladwell, who is Black-ish, wants to know if the tweets and facebook postings of white editors are scrutinized as closely as McCammond's were (I want to know if Teen Vogue actually has any white editors after having been for some years perhaps the most woke fashion magazine in the world).
He also wants to know if when he got hired at The New Yorker he should have disclosed the essay on Joe McCarthy he wrote as a teenager (I remember him saying that he was a great fan of William F. Buckley as a teenager).
Gladwell is doing commercials for Chevy now? Weird, but another indication of the strange connection between corporate America and New Yorker style progressivism. Also, a rare example nowadays of somebody from the (sort of) literary world making it big in the larger media world.
"The Biden administration has awarded an $86 million contract for hotel rooms near the border to hold around 1,200 migrant family members who cross the U.S.-Mexico border, DHS officials confirmed to Axios. …The contract through Endeavors, a Texas-based nonprofit, is for six months but could be extended and expanded. The hotels will be near border areas, including in Arizona and Texas."
86,000,000/ 1,200= $ 71,666.66 per family for six months
71,666.66 /6(months)= $11,944.44 a family per month.
You can rent cheap house near Phoenix for less than $1,000.00
Connected people are getting rich from this. MSM reporters gonna dig deep and get to the bottom of this.
We're getting our second vaccine shots next Saturday. I'm going to start wearing "I've been vaccinated"-type masks afterwards where required. I hope to see many of those masks in the future.
As more culturally liberal and outsider constituencies increased their influence on the left, working class concerns became ever less central to the left’s program. Working class voters across the western world started to see established center-left parties as more for “them” than “us,” a cultural alienation that was enhanced by the tendency of professionals and activists in these parties to treat the traditional working class as foes of modernity and progress who were unaccountably standing in the way of better and more open societies. This had a toxic interaction with a very strong sense among many of these voters that their communities and indeed entire way of life was being shunted aside by globalization and galloping economic change that appeared to benefit mostly those in higher class positions.
The message received by wide swathes of working class voters was, to put it bluntly “we don’t care”. If you’re not progressive and with the program and adhering to the new values embraced by the left, we don’t need you. Go somewhere else. So they did.
Riding along the dark rivers Of my soul we came to a sea Of gold and green, of yellow and Rugged brown. We sat, dreamily, In the ship of my eye, which, With beauty, reflected in your pools. We sat and I told you, clumsily, With the shyness of youth, of The darkness, the sweet succulents Of your limbs that opened to me As dates. And you asked, knowing My crimson heart, what I saw In the future? What wholesome visions My dark eyes had rested on?
“My love, you are perfect As the sweet succulents Of dark Mediterranean fruit.”
Thus I dived into you And crashed on the grey rocks Of your stunned indifference.
Leaving pressured prints, They shall be friendly to no one: Rolled in the mud of dark conscience He has travelled far, he has sung Sweetly, importunately sometimes, Others with the eye, hot and dark, Handling love lost debauch: He shall be friendly to no one.
Limbs taken, torn by crimson hands Daintily varnished, The Lone-Ranger is he: Having followed his wandering path Through the red sea, having seen The colours of the bright eye That is ceaseless in its path And having seen the bright night, One of his deaths in a sense: The Lone-Ranger is he.
I have searched myself and have seen him coming Across the biting, unnourished desert With his steal weapon over consciously handled And his eye that knows too much Having pierced me in sharp sparks: I have seen him coming But he was faster than I, Laid me down and went off, hollowly, Across the biting, unnourished desert.
You know what it is, Anne, when you walk down that road and, suddenly, out of your head comes Athena. Yuou ignore it, you want it away.
Stepping On Winter.
I have not stepped Into that river twice Nor once, my love. I have But drunk of its liquid, here, Sunken in its darkened bed, Sand lining my mouth, Lovers creaking, The picture of you Rippling within The waves of autumn Stepping on winter.
I have not stepped twice Nor have I seen the gods. My love, things ripple But they do not reflect, Diamond cut, the crystal Shape of your bones. I have lived and I have waited to live Stepping on winter.
Perhaps they shall say His face is unredeemable From the past of many, A shade but for the knotted Bent of hoary vision.
To wither in the raging storm Was a perverse delight of his: Out there upon that hill he stood A monument of obstinacy Till the craggy tree had rooted In an ageless rock.
Heat up frying pan, throw butter it melts throw salmon on top skin down. While the pan gets sizzling put salt, pepper and garlic salt on top.
Soon as it is hot flip it for 30 seconds or so then flip it back.
Cap it for a few minutes and heat the oven broil.
Pull it out and dump .6 to 1 ounce of parmigiana cheese on it. This will seem like a lot of cheese. It is.
Broil it for 8ish minutes.
I used to find salmon repulsive. But you really do have to eat it. It makes getting Omega 3/6 levels in balance reasonably possible. I am trying to eat ~1.5lbs a week. Probably close to 25% of my calories/protein.
Back in the day, 365+ days ago, I went to (through) Newark several times a month, often weekly. I rarely stayed there, usually holed up in a nice hotel well outside the city confines. Based on my observation leaving, once arrived, and departing after concluding my business, I would say that Newark is a shithole country. Though I'm sure there are some very nice people there.
Culinary news from casa stevew: rubbed some olive oil (evoo) on a ~2 inch tuna steak and added a spice rub consisting of paprika, cayenne, ginger, salt, black pepper, oregano, fennel seed, and a small touch of ground clove. Seared the tuna in a ~300 degree F stainless pan on the gas cooktop; 2-3 minutes per side. Quite lovely. I'll ditch the clove next time; nice flavor but not on tuna.
I can use as much butter, parmigiana/cheddar cheese as you want. I am going to look up other no carb cheeses at some point. Any no carb cheese. Eggs are good. Salt.
Culinary news from casa stevew: rubbed some olive oil (evoo) on a ~2 inch tuna steak and added a spice rub consisting of paprika, cayenne, ginger, salt, black pepper, oregano, fennel seed, and a small touch of ground clove. Seared the tuna in a ~300 degree F stainless pan on the gas cooktop; 2-3 minutes per side. Quite lovely. I'll ditch the clove next time; nice flavor but not on tuna.
I haven't added tuna yet. It has no fat. But otherwise it is good and affordable.
Achilles: don't get me wrong, love salmon. Swordfish too. Great protein source, fat not so much. Tuna is sort of the filet mignon of fish, as far as fat goes.
I was eating fish almost every meal for a while. I developed a tremor in my jaw which my daughter pointed out. It turns out that that is one of the signs of too much mercury, so I cut out fish completely for a while, and it went away. Now I limit fish to three times a week.
Trump's financial success is on full display on a tarmac at the Newburgh-Stewart International Airport in Orange County, New York. His 1991, $100 million, Boeing 757-200 "Trump Force One," that he warmly calls his "T-Bird," complete with gold-trimmed seat belts, has sat out-of-commission directly exposed to cruel Northeast weather since May 2019 which could be causing catastrophic metal corrosion of the airframe. The port engine is missing parts. The starboard jet is shrink-wrapped in plastic. The cost to fix and get it flyable could get close to a million dollars including finding and installing a used Rolls Royce engine to permit a flight to Louisiana for a major overhaul. Also, the cost to fly the aging 757 is between $15,000 and $18,000 per hour. That’s why most commercial airlines are eliminating them from their fleets.
No available cash or credit perhaps? Or more likely, spending a million dollars to sell an airplane through a major auction house at a discount price would embarrass our former president and subtract from his "high business acumen" reputation. Timing is everything , Donald! The airplane should have been repaired and sold in 2020. And Trump's bad timing brings about the the time for loyal Trumpsters to dust off their hidden hoards of cash, since keeping Donald and his failsons/daughters (with a son-in-law and a daughter-in-law thrown in for good measure) out of bankruptcy and out of jail will continue to get more and more expensive "as the days dwindle down to a precious few."
Walked about 5 and a half miles today. This after last year I was routinely walking 10-15 miles. I topped out at about 21 miles going across the river and down the Mall, around the then free and open Capitol, and then back again. I was low carbing it too, so my intestinal issues subsided.
But then the cold and gray came, as well as the early sunsets, and I spent the last couple of months on my butt on the couch. Eating too many crackers and cheese and more carbs. Consequently, today my body hurt with every step.
Going to Fredericksburg tomorrow. I'd like to walk the assault on Prospect Hill, which was the far right and southern end of the Confederate line. I walked the assault on the other end, the far left, on Marye's Heights last summer, but my friend will probably want to stay by there since she wants to meet at the Visitor's Center which is just below the hill.
Yes, there is not much of a battlefield left since they later built a bunch of houses on top of where men were shot and killed. But you can imagine an empty field as you walk through the residential streets.
tim in vermont said... What is a bigger tax on the poor than driving up the price of gas by nearly 50% in just a couple short months?
How about 10 fold increases in electric rates in Texas by ERCOTS "market-based" electric distributors during the longhorn cold-spell which also shut gas and oil wells and refineries. Supply and demand, not presidents, turn commodity prices up or down. But you knew that already.
Amazing what you people spend your time and precious thoughts on.
Perhaps you should spend more time considering my fact-based comment insteaad of making this about me.
If you are somehow required to like the comments you read, then you certainly know by now that you might not like mine. If you have something to contribute to help flush out the subject, please respond accordingly.
Perhaps you should spend more time considering my fact-based comment insteaad of making this about me.
If you are somehow required to like the comments you read, then you certainly know by now that you might not like mine. If you have something to contribute to help flush out the subject, please respond accordingly.
No, gafney, I should not spend more time considering the things you consider, in great lengths, consuming your time.
Kinda the point I made.
And no, I'm not going to help flush out your toilet of a mind. Stew in it.
tim in vermont said... What is a bigger tax on the poor than driving up the price of gas by nearly 50% in just a couple short months?
keep in mind, about 50% of people Pay NO income tax, so there's NO WAY that their income taxes could go up (150% of Zero is Still zero; three times zero is STILL zero)
SO... The ONLY way to stick it to the poorer half; is to raise energy costs... Which is EXACTLY what banning production and halting pipelines does. Now; WHY are the democrats sticking to the poorer half? GOOD QUESTION!!
Best recipe ever for salmon guaranteed: 1. Catch at the mouth of the river. 2. Filet, add a pat of butter, wrap in tin foil. 3. Put it on the BBQ within *10 minutes* of catch. *Critical step.
You've never tasted salmon like it should be unless it's fresh out of the cold ocean! Night and day difference. It starts degrading immediately even on ice. Halibut is best fresh also, but is still good after freezing. Ummm, halibut.
Yes, raising the price of energy hurts the poor more than the rich, because the poor spend more of their income on necessities than do the rich, and energy is a necessity -- in fact it's an important part of the cost of many necessities. Importing cheap foreign labor also hurts the poor, because the poor are workers, whereas it helps the rich, because they are employers. That's why Caesar Chavez opposed schemes to import foreign agricultural workers. Name the political party that favors policies to raise the price of energy and increase the number of low-wage immigrants. Why do so many low-wage/low-income voters support that party? Why do so many "liberal" politicians get away with supporting policies that hurt the poor while claiming to help the poor?
Commie regimes always explain when things go wrong that they are actually fixing things which makes things worse for awhile but tomorrow will be better. And Biden at the border has plans to fix it all tomorrow. Biden at the gas pump as prices rise, will fix it all tomorrow. Biden, when wind power fails and people are cold, will fix it tomorrow. Biden, who has deprived First Nation tribes of their income by cancelling pipelines without regard for the impact on First Nation budgets, will fix it tomorrow. Of course, Biden is a normalcy guy, not a lefty commie. C'mon. But someone unfortunately keeps sounding like a lefty making the usual excuse, not a normalcy-type talking. Biden will fix that tomorrow.
'Bad Verse', me being ironic, was 1993, when I gained my voice and stopped reading Lawrence and the Bible - the others 10 years earlier and don't they make slightly nauseas!
Tim in vermont - I like that! My mom used to say to me the original all the time - perhaps it was the only poem she knew! Who wrote the original - stevie smith? Waving not drowning.
n.n - "Why did Congress refuse a federal offer to carry out crowd control."
It began in 2015. People gathered to hear a Presidential Candidate speak. Democrats decided that could not be allowed.
In the Democrat governed city of Chicago, the Candidate's speech had to be cancelled, because of the threat of Democrat violence. In the Democrat governed city of San Jose, CA, the speech was allowed, but the Democrats had thugs waiting for the attendees after the speech. The San Jose Police funneled the exiting attendees into a gauntlet of Democrat thugs, cursing them, throwing eggs at them, attacking them.
For 4 years, everyone knew that attending a Trump speech meant that you would have to go through the gauntlet of horror that Robert Creamer had organized. They attended anyway.
Trump didn't recommend the National Guard at the Capitol on Jan 6, because he thought Americans would be violent. He knew that Democrats would attack the protesters.
Nancy Pelosi refused the request because she was counting on her minions to attack the protesters.
When I look back at that early 'verse' - which I keep as examples how not to write - I see them more as symptoms of patholygy, neuroses, than attempts at art - they were the latter - but they full of so much adolescence, so much desire, lust, they are quite disgusting - like four days old kebabs!
Like the wanderer and his shadow, As tall as failure, you sit In this mythical age of functional living, Equality and race, god and his double, Exhaling words a match may allow Between cigarette and pen, Writing ‘arse’ for a cheap bit of realism.
Lend me, you say, a message to hand over: So much is about yet you cannot see it – The heavy statues worked for others glory Will always fall, noticed only When the crowd is permitted a sacrifice, Exhibited, appendages missing.
If all the flowers, herbs, trees of alien nature Had that smile as their misjudgement Could you still laugh at the folly of it all? The rabbits, the foxes, the salivating wolves Slapped as one slaps stone with the metal brightness Of a crowds disillusionment, spat upon, Could you be then still quite so curt With your honesty and as if the failure Was merely ordinary like a broken home?
Why do I tell you this, Anne? Well, I'm quite lonely and you seem quite intelligent - that's rare! One is always looking for that. I must irritate you but I've done that with all women - at school they called me 'desperate' - I found that the most cutting insult because true.
I remember - I was hiding behind our nissan hut and I heared them saying how 'dirty' I was, how 'desperate', how 'irratating' - did I hear that or was is my paranoia projecting on them and they were merely talking about the weather? 12 year old girls dont talk about the weather but someone else? My narsism compelling them to talk about me? I wished.
Or - they knew knew I was listening? Melody and Sue, Mary - O God I loved them! They knew that - it was pathology, not real - they knew that also! They were flattered but bemused.They saw me as what could happen in the future but not now.
Who's trippin' on the steps of Air Force One? Smilin' at everybody he sees? Who's reachin' out to grab for that handrail?? Everyone knows it's Windy
And Windy has beady eyes That flare with the sound of lies And Windy has thoughts that fly Above the clouds (Above the clouds) Above the clouds (Above the clouds)
Who's trippin' on the steps of Air Force One? Smilin' at everybody he sees? Who's reachin' out to grab for that handrail?? Everyone knows it's Windy
I'm desperately waiting for that now! How is this 'relevant', how am I 'relevant'? I don't know, I don't know. When one has those brief moments of 'happiness' then one thinks it 'relevant', related to 'now'. that is the narsism of 'Yes'. One can 'Freudinise' (ugly neologism) (that's ugly, too!) ones pathologies, universalise them, say they are 'relevant' but in the end, you're just a sad lonely boy crying out in the dark.
On the moment, they say, here and now: All your expectations flattened to a bed Not much smaller than the room, drifting In and out of windows, bounced between The rattle of cans, the dance of feet, The bodiless discourse of being. ‘To be is to be present’: where once Two might have seen there is the mirror, Where once light the sound of this silly hour Reflected stale betwixt failure and failure.
Mark, I like to walk the ghostly trails where the unofficial cavalry raids on small villages along small roads are now overgrown by forests in Prince William National Park, 20 miles north of Fredrix-burg, as a benefit you can always cross the road - literally - and visit the gravesites of any of your military friends who have been buried at Quantico. I once saw the biggest wild turkey I have ever seen wandering around the graves there.
No good restaurants in that neighborhood, though, unlike Fredericksburg. A Waffle House, a few fast food places, and one of those gas stations that sells vacuum packed sandwiches.
walter - I like it! A bit like Carter? History repeats itself. He that shall remain unwritten in the books and shall ever be nameless disturbed that. He was a an existantial threat - hence, they had to eliminate him! He wasn't the perfect corrective but he was what you deserve - a stupidity. And, there he is, the King in exile, like Elvis, always a failure.
In the book section, i was reading up on a new series by dana haynes who is admittedly a lefty newspaper columnist, i read some of his earlier work thaf featured ex mossad operative dara gibron which went free lance this character seem to be have become an ex cni spanish operative and her partner in a ex nypd officer both have sent up a bounty hunting firm, in the guise of a salvaging company in cyprus.
If he'd got the second term - well, what? He never broke the law - forget his rhetoric - his actions were lawfull and you could appose them in the courts - forget his rhetoric, look at what he did - nothing much, he tinkered, he adjusted. His instincts were not to mess with this machine because its been working so long.
That was my mistake - I tried to respect my wife as 'rational', 'reasonable' - she wasn't - not that she was worse than that - she was better - but I was a bully. How to talk to me? Well, this way, this English (she was Czech!)So I kind of went knuts because I thought she wanted nuts. But no, she wanted me. Hateful me.I couldn't be honest with her because I loved her and was worried she would reject me. Expelled to hell. Where I am.
narciso, we are all drunk - let's admit it - and what we say, now, is,often, regretable - we want to say '"Yes" to life but we fail at that. Our big Yes becomes a big No. Recognise it for what it is - a failure. Of course there is no God. Of course there is no Heaven. Of course there is no Hell. Just you alone.
But not ' Just you alone' - what's that song - 'we are family' - community, a democracy, the rule of the people - that ideal still exists, surely? Not Robespire, not Stalin, but ...... How do you wish? You wish for death? We are going towards x, ie nothing, the end.
Everything happens because you don't expect it - everything is a miracle - how do you know what is going to happen? You drum your little drum and then an Angel happens! What the hell! God in your room. You think it will burst into flames. But no, cold, cold is all you feel. He wanted me to be better. I told him to get lost.
Dissapear - you want to hide, the berried beneath your mother, but (eh but me no buts), they are going to kill you, dehumanise your kids, emasculate them (litteraly), both girls and boys - you watch them, they have there shears, they have there hatred.
And Windy has beady eyes That flare with the sound of lies And Windy has thoughts that fly Above the clouds (Above the clouds) Above the clouds (Above the clouds)
I stopped all of the crazy diets, and just kept in mind that carbs come mostly in the form of food that doesn’t carry much other nutrition, so I limited them somewhat. Two slices of bread a day, baked potato (not too big of one) stuff like that, and never once counted a fat gram, but I did weigh my food religiously. For instance I would weigh the toast before and after spreading peanut butter on it in the morning (really I ate a lot of peanut butter on this diet) and I ate on a strict schedule to train my pancreas when to produce insulin. Well at this morning’s weigh in, I have now lost over 30 lbs. I didn’t think of myself as fat, but wow. I really was.
I had plateaued for a while, but I had hurt my back right when the pandemic started, hanging a flat screen on the wall, and spent the first six months mostly laying on the couch with my legs up over the couch back to ease the discomfort of my back, and after that, I kind of just stayed sedentary, and I think I may have dieted away significant muscle mass, but I thought, “Hey, I am losing weight without exercising, this is easy!” Well, three weeks ago, after being vaccinated, I started going back to the gym, and not just do I feel better, and my muscles are starting to feel toned again, but the weight is starting to drop again, without changing my diet, and even with me not being so anal about it.
My advice to anybody trying to lose significant weight is to keep up your muscle mass, walking, for example is important, but not enough. I don’t work out very hard at the gym, I only lift girly weights, pretty much, but I have an aneurism in my aorta, so I can’t lift heavy weights without risking sudden death, but girly weights were enough, and if you just diet without exercising, the loss of muscle mass will leave you with a resting metabolism so low that it will be extremely difficult to keep the weight off, and even if you manage that, it will be hard then to get proper nutrition on such a low calorie diet that that would require.
All of the above learned by experience, as nobody could tell me anything.
"Congratulations to the UW Badgers Womens Hockey Team winning their 6th National Championship last night!"
They won everything there was to win this year. WCHA regularly season, WCHA tournament champions, and NCAA tournament champions. Congratulations indeed!
Six NCAA titles ties for the most by any team. Coach Mark Johnson has built a dynasty in Madison.
I bought, from you know were, all Beathovens symphony's - I wanted them, I couldn't live without them - Schubert, as well - Ma vlast, too- so vynal, I thought it would sound better but I ended up playing the 6'th on youtube.
tim in vermont, your probably not fat, you probably think you are. Everything is about 'perception', the seeing yourself as.. what? I can't tell how to love yourself but just like yourself?
You deal only with the hard present, Something I envy: your record’s written By another, no one cares at the time To stop you, drink doesn’t kill you or, If it does, it’s at the end, a full stop To who you are. We die, some of us, Still incomplete and some whose life is nothing But the presence of failure. I write this Like a man who sits in the comfort Of possibilities, the cobalt Of a gun eyeing his talk of sophistries, Entertained passion, solitude, A neat cushion to back me up, stinking fear. I don’t register what’s there.
Unlike you: you have the gun, I think. As an aspect of that script I haven’t grasped You turn this B movie into something more: Like Marriott in ‘Farewell, My Lovely’ I’m the patsy, the limbo of certain guilts Whose weaknesses ditch me in the end; A clobbered beauty, corrupted by such Expectation my body is forced beyond What feeble reach I had into those other lives, A sub plot that’s their harder climb.
Offended by the wrong words and never Catching your welcome I retell mostly A monologue of what could be done Given conditions, appropriate sun, Five mile wind, compliant interlocutors, The usual list, verbatim anaesthesia Of the irrepressible ego. Can’t be done.
Everyone expects, seconds before The end, some kind of recognition: Just the usual mechanics of the gun. Except: I knew you before, before The days of ‘hard drinking’ and searching out Other people’s lives: a time when you were Merely possible, not always there, Treated as a friend of what was future.
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१२६ टिप्पण्या:
A down Titanic, glooms of chasméd fears....
There is still some very good shadow detail in this one...tough to do with the sun behind like that.
A tradition worth tossing, an empty concession, as part of the narrative lesbians are going to become extin, a fur coat into the fire.
Who killed the unarmed Ashli Babbitt?
It's a beautiful scene. There are times when I miss harsh winters. We had one bad week, really four days, here in the Portland area. That was oddly satisfying.
Trump is back baby.
Nice out today. Gonna get warm, mid-50's.
Went to the store, people out doing yard work, burning, etc. What fools, jumping the gun. We still have snow banks and frozen ground.
Came home, grabbed a rake.
Who killed the unarmed Ashli Babbitt?
Who, yes. And why did they shoot to kill. Why did Congress refuse a federal offer to carry out crowd control for several hundred thousand people peacefully assembled, and the hundreds who were at the Capitol, and the dozens of protesters who were and were not "Trump supporters".
Good vibrations. Love the translucency along the jagged edge. It's a spring day here in Center Mass.
Have you ever gone to Abilene without wanting too?
I just published an article on the Abilene Paradox
John Henry
Love that poem. I only recently discovered it while I was binging all the episodes of "Inspector Morse" last year- it is quoted in a dialogue near the end of one of the early episodes.
Love that poem. I only recently discovered it while I was binging all the episodes of "Inspector Morse" last year- it is quoted in a dialogue near the end of one of the early episodes.
I discovered it, or a snippet of it, written on the mensroom wall of a dive called Glen and Ann's, later to become the Nitty Gritty, in one of the less fashionable neighborhoods of Madison.
"Have you ever gone to Abilene without wanting too?"
As a matter of fact, I have! Air travel was involved.
I went to Newark once without wanting to.
Just because the areas of Syria where Biden is sending our troops and planes contains 90% of Syria’s oil doesn’t mean that Biden is fighting a war for oil that Trump tried to stop.
Biden is sending our troops to fight over other people’s oil while shutting down our own production and driving up the price. But don’t you worry your pretty little head over who is getting richer off of these events. I am sure it’s isn’t the people who “fortified” the election, I mean, what are the odds?
What is a bigger tax on the poor than driving up the price of gas by nearly 50% in just a couple short months?
I've been thinking about this - what you said. To think, it takes me half a year and it's exhausting. Don't make me think!. But this was about TRex and you in your skinnies - did you say that or did I imagine it? - somewhere, somehow. I'm a prevert but I remember this:
I remember what it is to be innocent and gracious and good.
I'm so wicked, so wicked:
That was fantastic. I laughed the whole time.
But honestly, I felt a little sad after it was over. Trump made politics more entertaining than anyone in recent history. I miss the daily creativity (memes, videos, etc.) that flowed out of his presidency. Biden is a return to the boring and humorless status quo in the worst possible way.
How you category error
How do you 'look' at yourself, I mean 'objectively' ( why does that need quote marks! ) you are yourself disgusting. You know that. I know that. Obviuos, like a bump in the road. To learn to anticipate each bump you have to anticipate the future - but who can do that? Not me.
Not 'you' me
"You can talk about whatever you want."
Riiiiiight. What color is the sky on your planet?
First thing on TV this morning was Biden at the CDC saying "Science is back ... You spoke truth and science to power." No indication that the CDC was as confused and self-contradictory as anybody else when the virus hit. No indication that in dealing with new and unprecedented events, science doesn't speak with one voice or even know just what to say. Then he went on to take credit for the vaccination program.
Second thing on TV this morning was Pelosi saying that we had a plan for what's going on at the border and the plan values-based, humanitarian, and pragmatic. Nancy, at this point saying you had a plan for what happened makes you and Joe look even worse. Claim it was all unintentional and you made a colossal mistake and you may end up looking better than you really should.
@Lem. That was awesome. Cracked me up. Trump made politics fun.
Malcolm Gladwell has some tweets about about the Alexi McCammond firing at Teen Vogue. He wants to know when the cut-off age for youthful indiscretions and actionable tweets is. 17? 15? 13?
Gladwell, who is Black-ish, wants to know if the tweets and facebook postings of white editors are scrutinized as closely as McCammond's were (I want to know if Teen Vogue actually has any white editors after having been for some years perhaps the most woke fashion magazine in the world).
He also wants to know if when he got hired at The New Yorker he should have disclosed the essay on Joe McCarthy he wrote as a teenager (I remember him saying that he was a great fan of William F. Buckley as a teenager).
Gladwell is doing commercials for Chevy now? Weird, but another indication of the strange connection between corporate America and New Yorker style progressivism. Also, a rare example nowadays of somebody from the (sort of) literary world making it big in the larger media world.
Biden Shares His Secret To Keeping Calm In A Crisis: Senility
You cant be sufficiently prog for these outfits
"The Biden administration has awarded an $86 million contract for hotel rooms near the border to hold around 1,200 migrant family members who cross the U.S.-Mexico border, DHS officials confirmed to Axios.
…The contract through Endeavors, a Texas-based nonprofit, is for six months but could be extended and expanded. The hotels will be near border areas, including in Arizona and Texas."
86,000,000/ 1,200= $ 71,666.66 per family for six months
71,666.66 /6(months)= $11,944.44 a family per month.
You can rent cheap house near Phoenix for less than $1,000.00
Connected people are getting rich from this. MSM reporters gonna dig deep and get to the bottom of this.
I've not wanted to go to Newark every time, but it's on the way elsewhere, so there's that.
Almost bought a bumper sticker today--
Can we just admit now that all the
stickers really haven't worked?
Classic. But I don't want my car vandalized.
Or my wife attacked
We're getting our second vaccine shots next Saturday. I'm going to start wearing "I've been vaccinated"-type masks afterwards where required. I hope to see many of those masks in the future.
Is the Left in Trouble?
As more culturally liberal and outsider constituencies increased their influence on the left, working class concerns became ever less central to the left’s program. Working class voters across the western world started to see established center-left parties as more for “them” than “us,” a cultural alienation that was enhanced by the tendency of professionals and activists in these parties to treat the traditional working class as foes of modernity and progress who were unaccountably standing in the way of better and more open societies. This had a toxic interaction with a very strong sense among many of these voters that their communities and indeed entire way of life was being shunted aside by globalization and galloping economic change that appeared to benefit mostly those in higher class positions.
The message received by wide swathes of working class voters was, to put it bluntly “we don’t care”. If you’re not progressive and with the program and adhering to the new values embraced by the left, we don’t need you. Go somewhere else. So they did.
Melody, Poetry is what you're good at - try it, like your paintings, do it, love it.
Riding along the dark rivers
Of my soul we came to a sea
Of gold and green, of yellow and
Rugged brown. We sat, dreamily,
In the ship of my eye, which,
With beauty, reflected in your pools.
We sat and I told you, clumsily,
With the shyness of youth, of
The darkness, the sweet succulents
Of your limbs that opened to me
As dates. And you asked, knowing
My crimson heart, what I saw
In the future? What wholesome visions
My dark eyes had rested on?
“My love, you are perfect
As the sweet succulents
Of dark Mediterranean fruit.”
Thus I dived into you
And crashed on the grey rocks
Of your stunned indifference.
When I was 15
I'd been reading to much D.H.Lawrence
Baybe boomarang!
The Lone-Ranger.
Leaving pressured prints,
They shall be friendly to no one:
Rolled in the mud of dark conscience
He has travelled far, he has sung
Sweetly, importunately sometimes,
Others with the eye, hot and dark,
Handling love lost debauch:
He shall be friendly to no one.
Limbs taken, torn by crimson hands
Daintily varnished,
The Lone-Ranger is he:
Having followed his wandering path
Through the red sea, having seen
The colours of the bright eye
That is ceaseless in its path
And having seen the bright night,
One of his deaths in a sense:
The Lone-Ranger is he.
I have searched myself and have seen him coming
Across the biting, unnourished desert
With his steal weapon over consciously handled
And his eye that knows too much
Having pierced me in sharp sparks:
I have seen him coming
But he was faster than I,
Laid me down and went off, hollowly,
Across the biting, unnourished desert.
You know what it is, Anne, when you walk down that road and, suddenly, out of your head comes Athena. Yuou ignore it, you want it away.
Stepping On Winter.
I have not stepped
Into that river twice
Nor once, my love. I have
But drunk of its liquid, here,
Sunken in its darkened bed,
Sand lining my mouth,
Lovers creaking,
The picture of you
Rippling within
The waves of autumn
Stepping on winter.
I have not stepped twice
Nor have I seen the gods.
My love, things ripple
But they do not reflect,
Diamond cut, the crystal
Shape of your bones.
I have lived and
I have waited to live
Stepping on winter.
Perhaps they shall say
His face is unredeemable
From the past of many,
A shade but for the knotted
Bent of hoary vision.
To wither in the raging storm
Was a perverse delight of his:
Out there upon that hill he stood
A monument of obstinacy
Till the craggy tree had rooted
In an ageless rock.
Bad Verse.
Half a line of bad verse
Are the days of this house
Or if you try to hear
Your own or an others voice
Listen carefully for the cars
In the nights silence
Or in the roads
Whose feet may search
Stone and drain
For absence as certainty
Forgotten with last year’s ghost.
We, I, love Mark Bolan
last year's ghost
As I was walking up the stair
I tripped on a skate that wasn’t there
It wasn’t there again soon after
It’s getting time to outlaw laughter.
Heat up frying pan, throw butter it melts throw salmon on top skin down. While the pan gets sizzling put salt, pepper and garlic salt on top.
Soon as it is hot flip it for 30 seconds or so then flip it back.
Cap it for a few minutes and heat the oven broil.
Pull it out and dump .6 to 1 ounce of parmigiana cheese on it. This will seem like a lot of cheese. It is.
Broil it for 8ish minutes.
I used to find salmon repulsive. But you really do have to eat it. It makes getting Omega 3/6 levels in balance reasonably possible. I am trying to eat ~1.5lbs a week. Probably close to 25% of my calories/protein.
Switching to this diet has massively reduced the amount of food I need to eat and cut my food bill to 20% of what it was.
You can't get fat eating salmon.
You can't die from eating too much salmon.
Back in the day, 365+ days ago, I went to (through) Newark several times a month, often weekly. I rarely stayed there, usually holed up in a nice hotel well outside the city confines. Based on my observation leaving, once arrived, and departing after concluding my business, I would say that Newark is a shithole country. Though I'm sure there are some very nice people there.
Culinary news from casa stevew: rubbed some olive oil (evoo) on a ~2 inch tuna steak and added a spice rub consisting of paprika, cayenne, ginger, salt, black pepper, oregano, fennel seed, and a small touch of ground clove. Seared the tuna in a ~300 degree F stainless pan on the gas cooktop; 2-3 minutes per side. Quite lovely. I'll ditch the clove next time; nice flavor but not on tuna.
Ummmm, salmon.
You don't have to ask me twice
More salmon recipes are welcome.
I have to eat it. It might as well taste good.
I can use as much butter, parmigiana/cheddar cheese as you want. I am going to look up other no carb cheeses at some point. Any no carb cheese. Eggs are good. Salt.
stevew said...
Culinary news from casa stevew: rubbed some olive oil (evoo) on a ~2 inch tuna steak and added a spice rub consisting of paprika, cayenne, ginger, salt, black pepper, oregano, fennel seed, and a small touch of ground clove. Seared the tuna in a ~300 degree F stainless pan on the gas cooktop; 2-3 minutes per side. Quite lovely. I'll ditch the clove next time; nice flavor but not on tuna.
I haven't added tuna yet. It has no fat. But otherwise it is good and affordable.
Achilles: don't get me wrong, love salmon. Swordfish too. Great protein source, fat not so much. Tuna is sort of the filet mignon of fish, as far as fat goes.
Achilles said...
More salmon recipes are welcome.
Look up Sarah Palin's recipe-
Maple syrup, soy sauce, garlic.
I used to use the lazy man's recipe-
Pour a jar of Pace picante sauce over the salmon, bake at 350 for 40 minutes. Perfect every time.
If you're doing low carb, leftover salmon is good turned into almond flour salmon cakes. (Like crab cakes, but salmon.)
I was eating fish almost every meal for a while. I developed a tremor in my jaw which my daughter pointed out. It turns out that that is one of the signs of too much mercury, so I cut out fish completely for a while, and it went away. Now I limit fish to three times a week.
You liver can handle some mercury. I think the mercury comes from 200 years of burning coal, I am not sure. Swordfish is especially high in mercury.
Trump's financial success is on full display on a tarmac at the Newburgh-Stewart International Airport in Orange County, New York. His 1991, $100 million, Boeing 757-200 "Trump Force One," that he warmly calls his "T-Bird," complete with gold-trimmed seat belts, has sat out-of-commission directly exposed to cruel Northeast weather since May 2019 which could be causing catastrophic metal corrosion of the airframe. The port engine is missing parts. The starboard jet is shrink-wrapped in plastic. The cost to fix and get it flyable could get close to a million dollars including finding and installing a used Rolls Royce engine to permit a flight to Louisiana for a major overhaul. Also, the cost to fly the aging 757 is between $15,000 and $18,000 per hour. That’s why most commercial airlines are eliminating them from their fleets.
No available cash or credit perhaps? Or more likely, spending a million dollars to sell an airplane through a major auction house at a discount price would embarrass our former president and subtract from his "high business acumen" reputation. Timing is everything , Donald! The airplane should have been repaired and sold in 2020. And Trump's bad timing brings about the the time for loyal Trumpsters to dust off their hidden hoards of cash, since keeping Donald and his failsons/daughters (with a son-in-law and a daughter-in-law thrown in for good measure) out of bankruptcy and out of jail will continue to get more and more expensive "as the days dwindle down to a precious few."
gadfly said...
Amazing what you people spend your time and precious thoughts on.
Walked about 5 and a half miles today. This after last year I was routinely walking 10-15 miles. I topped out at about 21 miles going across the river and down the Mall, around the then free and open Capitol, and then back again. I was low carbing it too, so my intestinal issues subsided.
But then the cold and gray came, as well as the early sunsets, and I spent the last couple of months on my butt on the couch. Eating too many crackers and cheese and more carbs. Consequently, today my body hurt with every step.
Going to Fredericksburg tomorrow. I'd like to walk the assault on Prospect Hill, which was the far right and southern end of the Confederate line. I walked the assault on the other end, the far left, on Marye's Heights last summer, but my friend will probably want to stay by there since she wants to meet at the Visitor's Center which is just below the hill.
Yes, there is not much of a battlefield left since they later built a bunch of houses on top of where men were shot and killed. But you can imagine an empty field as you walk through the residential streets.
Had to laugh last week, Achilles, when you declared salmon "edible". Salmon is not only healthy (as you know), it is delicious.
tim in vermont said...
What is a bigger tax on the poor than driving up the price of gas by nearly 50% in just a couple short months?
How about 10 fold increases in electric rates in Texas by ERCOTS "market-based" electric distributors during the longhorn cold-spell which also shut gas and oil wells and refineries. Supply and demand, not presidents, turn commodity prices up or down. But you knew that already.
"Trump's financial success is on full display on a tarmac at the Newburgh-Stewart International Airport in Orange County, New York."
Why do you care? It's his fucking plane.
You are a nosy bastard.
Browndog said...
gadfly said...
Amazing what you people spend your time and precious thoughts on.
Perhaps you should spend more time considering my fact-based comment insteaad of making this about me.
If you are somehow required to like the comments you read, then you certainly know by now that you might not like mine. If you have something to contribute to help flush out the subject, please respond accordingly.
gadfly said...
Browndog said...
gadfly said...
Perhaps you should spend more time considering my fact-based comment insteaad of making this about me.
If you are somehow required to like the comments you read, then you certainly know by now that you might not like mine. If you have something to contribute to help flush out the subject, please respond accordingly.
No, gafney, I should not spend more time considering the things you consider, in great lengths, consuming your time.
Kinda the point I made.
And no, I'm not going to help flush out your toilet of a mind. Stew in it.
Any idea when Europe will open up to U.S. travel?
"Supply and demand, not presidents, turn commodity prices up or down. But you knew that already."
You know what else I bet he knows? Supply is reduced by bans on production and pipelines.
tim in vermont said...
What is a bigger tax on the poor than driving up the price of gas by nearly 50% in just a couple short months?
keep in mind, about 50% of people Pay NO income tax, so there's NO WAY that their income taxes could go up (150% of Zero is Still zero; three times zero is STILL zero)
SO... The ONLY way to stick it to the poorer half; is to raise energy costs...
Which is EXACTLY what banning production and halting pipelines does.
Now; WHY are the democrats sticking to the poorer half? GOOD QUESTION!!
Best recipe ever for salmon guaranteed:
1. Catch at the mouth of the river.
2. Filet, add a pat of butter, wrap in tin foil.
3. Put it on the BBQ within *10 minutes* of catch.
*Critical step.
You've never tasted salmon like it should be unless it's fresh out of the cold ocean! Night and day difference. It starts degrading immediately even on ice. Halibut is best fresh also, but is still good after freezing. Ummm, halibut.
You can’t get fat eating salmon? Bears beg to differ
Yes, raising the price of energy hurts the poor more than the rich, because the poor spend more of their income on necessities than do the rich, and energy is a necessity -- in fact it's an important part of the cost of many necessities. Importing cheap foreign labor also hurts the poor, because the poor are workers, whereas it helps the rich, because they are employers. That's why Caesar Chavez opposed schemes to import foreign agricultural workers.
Name the political party that favors policies to raise the price of energy and increase the number of low-wage immigrants. Why do so many low-wage/low-income voters support that party? Why do so many "liberal" politicians get away with supporting policies that hurt the poor while claiming to help the poor?
Trump: Dammit. I should have sold that jet last year instead of fighting the swamp.
Biden: Mommy, I need to change my pants. President Harris said I'm stinky.
"PacWest said:
Ummm, halibut."
As for me, I just fish for the halibut.
Commie regimes always explain when things go wrong that they are actually fixing things which makes things worse for awhile but tomorrow will be better. And Biden at the border has plans to fix it all tomorrow. Biden at the gas pump as prices rise, will fix it all tomorrow. Biden, when wind power fails and people are cold, will fix it tomorrow. Biden, who has deprived First Nation tribes of their income by cancelling pipelines without regard for the impact on First Nation budgets, will fix it tomorrow. Of course, Biden is a normalcy guy, not a lefty commie. C'mon. But someone unfortunately keeps sounding like a lefty making the usual excuse, not a normalcy-type talking. Biden will fix that tomorrow.
Mark - "Who killed the unarmed Ashli Babbitt?"
Needs to be asked. Over and over. Who killed an unarmed girl who believed in the Bill of Rights, to her detriment?
Who is rounding up Americans who protested the massive fraud that installed an occupant in the White House?
This ain't going away.
'Bad Verse', me being ironic, was 1993, when I gained my voice and stopped reading Lawrence and the Bible - the others 10 years earlier and don't they make slightly nauseas!
Tim in vermont - I like that! My mom used to say to me the original all the time - perhaps it was the only poem she knew! Who wrote the original - stevie smith? Waving not drowning.
n.n - "Why did Congress refuse a federal offer to carry out crowd control."
It began in 2015. People gathered to hear a Presidential Candidate speak. Democrats decided that could not be allowed.
In the Democrat governed city of Chicago, the Candidate's speech had to be cancelled, because of the threat of Democrat violence. In the Democrat governed city of San Jose, CA, the speech was allowed, but the Democrats had thugs waiting for the attendees after the speech. The San Jose Police funneled the exiting attendees into a gauntlet of Democrat thugs, cursing them, throwing eggs at them, attacking them.
For 4 years, everyone knew that attending a Trump speech meant that you would have to go through the gauntlet of horror that Robert Creamer had organized. They attended anyway.
Trump didn't recommend the National Guard at the Capitol on Jan 6, because he thought Americans would be violent. He knew that Democrats would attack the protesters.
Nancy Pelosi refused the request because she was counting on her minions to attack the protesters.
When I look back at that early 'verse' - which I keep as examples how not to write - I see them more as symptoms of patholygy, neuroses, than attempts at art - they were the latter - but they full of so much adolescence, so much desire, lust, they are quite disgusting - like four days old kebabs!
Like the wanderer and his shadow,
As tall as failure, you sit
In this mythical age of functional living,
Equality and race, god and his double,
Exhaling words a match may allow
Between cigarette and pen,
Writing ‘arse’ for a cheap bit of realism.
Lend me, you say, a message to hand over:
So much is about yet you cannot see it –
The heavy statues worked for others glory
Will always fall, noticed only
When the crowd is permitted a sacrifice,
Exhibited, appendages missing.
If all the flowers, herbs, trees of alien nature
Had that smile as their misjudgement
Could you still laugh at the folly of it all?
The rabbits, the foxes, the salivating wolves
Slapped as one slaps stone with the metal brightness
Of a crowds disillusionment, spat upon,
Could you be then still quite so curt
With your honesty and as if the failure
Was merely ordinary like a broken home?
Why do I tell you this, Anne? Well, I'm quite lonely and you seem quite intelligent - that's rare! One is always looking for that. I must irritate you but I've done that with all women - at school they called me 'desperate' - I found that the most cutting insult because true.
I remember - I was hiding behind our nissan hut and I heared them saying how 'dirty' I was, how 'desperate', how 'irratating' - did I hear that or was is my paranoia projecting on them and they were merely talking about the weather? 12 year old girls dont talk about the weather but someone else? My narsism compelling them to talk about me? I wished.
Or - they knew knew I was listening? Melody and Sue, Mary - O God I loved them! They knew that - it was pathology, not real - they knew that also! They were flattered but bemused.They saw me as what could happen in the future but not now.
Who's trippin' on the steps of Air Force One?
Smilin' at everybody he sees?
Who's reachin' out to grab for that handrail??
Everyone knows it's Windy
And Windy has beady eyes
That flare with the sound of lies
And Windy has thoughts that fly
Above the clouds (Above the clouds)
Above the clouds (Above the clouds)
Who's trippin' on the steps of Air Force One?
Smilin' at everybody he sees?
Who's reachin' out to grab for that handrail??
Everyone knows it's Windy
I'm desperately waiting for that now! How is this 'relevant', how am I 'relevant'? I don't know, I don't know. When one has those brief moments of 'happiness' then one thinks it 'relevant', related to 'now'. that is the narsism of 'Yes'. One can 'Freudinise' (ugly neologism) (that's ugly, too!) ones pathologies, universalise them, say they are 'relevant' but in the end, you're just a sad lonely boy crying out in the dark.
On the moment, they say, here and now:
All your expectations flattened to a bed
Not much smaller than the room, drifting
In and out of windows, bounced between
The rattle of cans, the dance of feet,
The bodiless discourse of being.
‘To be is to be present’: where once
Two might have seen there is the mirror,
Where once light the sound of this silly hour
Reflected stale betwixt failure and failure.
Mark, I like to walk the ghostly trails where the unofficial cavalry raids on small villages along small roads are now overgrown by forests in Prince William National Park, 20 miles north of Fredrix-burg, as a benefit you can always cross the road - literally - and visit the gravesites of any of your military friends who have been buried at Quantico. I once saw the biggest wild turkey I have ever seen wandering around the graves there.
No good restaurants in that neighborhood, though, unlike Fredericksburg. A Waffle House, a few fast food places, and one of those gas stations that sells vacuum packed sandwiches.
Lewis, you should start reading the Bible again, I think you would like lots of the poetry in the Old Testament.
Cheer up
walter - I like it! A bit like Carter? History repeats itself. He that shall remain unwritten in the books and shall ever be nameless disturbed that. He was a an existantial threat - hence, they had to eliminate him! He wasn't the perfect corrective but he was what you deserve - a stupidity. And, there he is, the King in exile, like Elvis, always a failure.
In the book section, i was reading up on a new series by dana haynes who is admittedly a lefty newspaper columnist, i read some of his earlier work thaf featured ex mossad operative dara gibron which went free lance this character seem to be have become an ex cni spanish operative and her partner in a ex nypd officer both have sent up a bounty hunting firm, in the guise of a salvaging company in cyprus.
In this case they are investigating a seies of bombings in europe by a new group called sword of the storm. All is not what it seems
If he'd got the second term - well, what? He never broke the law - forget his rhetoric - his actions were lawfull and you could appose them in the courts - forget his rhetoric, look at what he did - nothing much, he tinkered, he adjusted. His instincts were not to mess with this machine because its been working so long.
narciso, stop being paranoid - the 'jews' are not after you.
In one shes ziva david in the other more like a half arab/half spaniard, in both she handily outwits all her rivals
The obligatory reference
narciso- "sword of the storm"
If we were to abandon the strictures of this physical life and just let go, we would become the sword of the storm.
That was my mistake - I tried to respect my wife as 'rational', 'reasonable' - she wasn't - not that she was worse than that - she was better - but I was a bully. How to talk to me? Well, this way, this English (she was Czech!)So I kind of went knuts because I thought she wanted nuts. But no, she wanted me. Hateful me.I couldn't be honest with her because I loved her and was worried she would reject me. Expelled to hell. Where I am.
Khamseen sayaf, it has a much more evocative name, why are they targeting ceettain persons.
narciso, we are all drunk - let's admit it - and what we say, now, is,often, regretable - we want to say '"Yes" to life but we fail at that. Our big Yes becomes a big No. Recognise it for what it is - a failure. Of course there is no God. Of course there is no Heaven. Of course there is no Hell. Just you alone.
But not ' Just you alone' - what's that song - 'we are family' - community, a democracy, the rule of the people - that ideal still exists, surely? Not Robespire, not Stalin, but ...... How do you wish? You wish for death? We are going towards x, ie nothing, the end.
Everything happens because you don't expect it - everything is a miracle - how do you know what is going to happen? You drum your little drum and then an Angel happens! What the hell! God in your room. You think it will burst into flames. But no, cold, cold is all you feel. He wanted me to be better. I told him to get lost.
I'm sorry, I'm drunk
Gadfly, where do you park your private plane?
Precise terms, correctly said
Might point a moral to be had:
The eviscerate beast will be fed
With the inane, the hapless or the sad,
The little joke become universal
Till cosmic gizzards grin,
A gods fading, pathetic appal
Irking some tummy ache of sin,
But we, who ‘know’ exactly when
The anti-Christ and Christ shall meet,
Bitterly say ‘I love’, again,
Hanker for the canker of defeat,
Leathery, inept, miss hued,
Burnt, blathered but staring at the sun
Our being brave merely crude,
Our families broken before they’ve begun:
A wino whine like Ovid-On-The-Sea,
We must be exiles, perpetually.
Its impossible to live in this stup world. Run. Hide. Die.
'stupid world' - I'm watching battle galactica, the original - because its stupid and I like stupid.
Dissapear - you want to hide, the berried beneath your mother, but (eh but me no buts), they are going to kill you, dehumanise your kids, emasculate them (litteraly), both girls and boys - you watch them, they have there shears, they have there hatred.
And Windy has beady eyes
That flare with the sound of lies
And Windy has thoughts that fly
Above the clouds (Above the clouds)
Above the clouds (Above the clouds)
I have to give you that one.
I stopped all of the crazy diets, and just kept in mind that carbs come mostly in the form of food that doesn’t carry much other nutrition, so I limited them somewhat. Two slices of bread a day, baked potato (not too big of one) stuff like that, and never once counted a fat gram, but I did weigh my food religiously. For instance I would weigh the toast before and after spreading peanut butter on it in the morning (really I ate a lot of peanut butter on this diet) and I ate on a strict schedule to train my pancreas when to produce insulin. Well at this morning’s weigh in, I have now lost over 30 lbs. I didn’t think of myself as fat, but wow. I really was.
I had plateaued for a while, but I had hurt my back right when the pandemic started, hanging a flat screen on the wall, and spent the first six months mostly laying on the couch with my legs up over the couch back to ease the discomfort of my back, and after that, I kind of just stayed sedentary, and I think I may have dieted away significant muscle mass, but I thought, “Hey, I am losing weight without exercising, this is easy!” Well, three weeks ago, after being vaccinated, I started going back to the gym, and not just do I feel better, and my muscles are starting to feel toned again, but the weight is starting to drop again, without changing my diet, and even with me not being so anal about it.
My advice to anybody trying to lose significant weight is to keep up your muscle mass, walking, for example is important, but not enough. I don’t work out very hard at the gym, I only lift girly weights, pretty much, but I have an aneurism in my aorta, so I can’t lift heavy weights without risking sudden death, but girly weights were enough, and if you just diet without exercising, the loss of muscle mass will leave you with a resting metabolism so low that it will be extremely difficult to keep the weight off, and even if you manage that, it will be hard then to get proper nutrition on such a low calorie diet that that would require.
All of the above learned by experience, as nobody could tell me anything.
Anyway, road trip! Back to Vermont with me! I like to get back there before ice out. Later y’all.
Congratulations to the UW Badgers Womens Hockey Team winning their 6th National Championship last night!
"Congratulations to the UW Badgers Womens Hockey Team winning their 6th National Championship last night!"
They won everything there was to win this year. WCHA regularly season, WCHA tournament champions, and NCAA tournament champions.
Congratulations indeed!
Six NCAA titles ties for the most by any team. Coach Mark Johnson has built a dynasty in Madison.
Yeah, but are they trans-inclusive? That's the mark of a real champion.
Poetry is like asking a question - I can't answer it.
Billericay Dickie
Ian Dury, The Blockheads
Good evening, I'm from Essex
In case you couldn't tell
My given name is Dickie
I come from Billericay
And I'm doing very well
Had a love affair with Nina
In the back of my cortina
A seasoned-up hyena
Could not have been more obscener
She took me to the cleaners
And other misdemeanours
But I got right up between her
Rum and her Ribena
Well, you ask Joyce and Vicky
If candy-floss is sticky
I'm not a blinking thicky
I'm Billericay Dickie
And I'm doing very well
I bought a lot of Brandy
When I was courting Sandy
Took eight to make her randy
And all I had was shandy
Another thing with Sandy
What often came in handy
Was passing her a mandy
She didn't half go bandy
So, you ask Joyce and Vicky
If I ever took the mickey
I'm not a flipping thicky
I'm Billericay Dickie
And I'm doing very well
I'd rendez-vous with Janet
Quite near the Isle of Thanet
She looked more like a gannet
She wasn't half a prannet
Her mother tried to ban it
Her father helped me plan it
And when I captured Janet
She bruised her pomegranate
Oh, you ask Joyce and Vicky
If I ever shaped up tricky
I'm not a blooming thicky
I'm Billericay Dickie
And I'm doing very well
You should never hold a candle
If you don't know where it's been
The jackpot is in the handle
On a normal fruit machine
So, you ask Joyce and Vicky
Who's their favourite brickie
I'm not a common thicky
I'm Billericay Dickie
And I'm doing very well
I know a lovely old toe-rag
Obliging and noblesse
Kindly, charming shag from Shoeburyness
My given name is Dickie
I come from Billericay
I thought you'd never guess
So, you ask Joyce and Vicky
A pair of squeaky chickies
I'm not a flaming thicky
I'm Billericay Dicky
And I'm doing very well
Oh golly, oh gosh
Come and lie on the couch
With a nice bit of posh
From Burnham-on-Crouch
My given name is Dickie
I come from Billericay
And I ain't a slouch
So, you ask Joyce and Vicky
About Billericay Dickie
I ain't an effing thicky
You ask Joyce and Vicky
I'm doing very well
Source: Musixmatch
Billericay Dickie lyrics © Templemill Music Ltd
I ain't a thicky, you ask Joyce and Wickie
I bought, from you know were, all Beathovens symphony's - I wanted them, I couldn't live without them - Schubert, as well - Ma vlast, too- so vynal, I thought it would sound better but I ended up playing the 6'th on youtube.
tim in vermont, your probably not fat, you probably think you are. Everything is about 'perception', the seeing yourself as.. what? I can't tell how to love yourself but just like yourself?
You deal only with the hard present,
Something I envy: your record’s written
By another, no one cares at the time
To stop you, drink doesn’t kill you or,
If it does, it’s at the end, a full stop
To who you are. We die, some of us,
Still incomplete and some whose life is nothing
But the presence of failure. I write this
Like a man who sits in the comfort
Of possibilities, the cobalt
Of a gun eyeing his talk of sophistries,
Entertained passion, solitude,
A neat cushion to back me up, stinking fear.
I don’t register what’s there.
Unlike you: you have the gun, I think.
As an aspect of that script I haven’t grasped
You turn this B movie into something more:
Like Marriott in ‘Farewell, My Lovely’
I’m the patsy, the limbo of certain guilts
Whose weaknesses ditch me in the end;
A clobbered beauty, corrupted by such
Expectation my body is forced beyond
What feeble reach I had into those other lives,
A sub plot that’s their harder climb.
Offended by the wrong words and never
Catching your welcome I retell mostly
A monologue of what could be done
Given conditions, appropriate sun,
Five mile wind, compliant interlocutors,
The usual list, verbatim anaesthesia
Of the irrepressible ego. Can’t be done.
Everyone expects, seconds before
The end, some kind of recognition:
Just the usual mechanics of the gun.
Except: I knew you before, before
The days of ‘hard drinking’ and searching out
Other people’s lives: a time when you were
Merely possible, not always there,
Treated as a friend of what was future.
I’ve tested it then,
The hollow sound of a world
Like the end of a journey
Whose expectations proved true.
Or, discovered, the enormous futility
Of the scheme, workers slouch
In a grubby tavern,
Take their pay.
It is the night, ponderous echo
Swelled in a worlds dizzy stream,
Large and warm,
Makes Jonah’s burning cry
Or charred the soul
A twitch of wings
Pinned by your image
A great black butterfly.
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