Something that made my life better (to my surprise). I had been getting 10-15 calls a day from a place called "800 Service". And there was never anyone replying to my answered calls. So I'd answer and hang up. Ultimately I was so annoyed I wen to "Do not Call Registry" at FTC. You need to be registered 30 days before you can submit ac complaint. But (since I'd been registered for more than 30 days) I began to submit complaints. These calls came from various (similar) numbers, and I submitted 4 or 5 complaints on Friday. Then (REMARKABLY!!) on Saturday I received zero calls.
Mr. Pants now has his ham radio license (the extra level which is extra cool and took a lot of study, as I gather) so I now have a big HAM sticker on our (actually my) truck and also a huge antenna which bangs around in drive throughs. He literally just said to me “is it ok if I string some speaker wire in the trees in the backyard?” sigh. I’m glad he’s found a fun hobby and everyone wants the radio guy during the squirrel eating times but I’ve enabled the creating of a monster.
Mutaman said... Got my 2nd vaccination -Thank you President Biden.
Why are you thanking Biden? The only thing Trump's done that he hasn't cancelled, and you think he deserves credit? Why not thank Biden for keeping kids in cages, too, while you're at it.
Recall Robert Mueller's testimony before the House Intelligence Committee in July 2019. Mueller was befuddled when describing the contents of his report. He looked lost, vacant, and otherwise confused. It was as though someone else was in charge. *cough*
Pants, you should expect him to gradually become sarcastic about women and feelings until it becomes the reason for all our ills. We have another ham on here that has gotten that way.
"Mutaman said... Got my 2nd vaccination -Thank you President Biden.”
For finally allowing you to have it, when his people held up the approval process, paused it and restarted it the day after the election, when lo and behold, it was discovered that they had had the data to approve it all along? That President Biden.
I have to wonder if you are a right wing plant just to make your side look worse.
Because the COVID Tracking Project decided the pandemic was over, or the data was too politically inconvenient, they stopped collecting the data in useable formats on the 7th of this month, so I had to change data sources on the 6th to the WorldoMeters site. Because the cumulative data doesn't completely match, I spliced the data on the 6th where the increments for that day are the last data I took from the COVID Tracking Project, but the cells with cumulative data are switched over to the new source. The trends won't be affected very much by the switch over- the biggest differences were for New York state, California, Texas, Iowa, and Hawaii, so those states have data splices, too- all the other states data was almost identical in the two sites, so discontinuities don't really exist.
Overall, cases are declining slowly. As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, the base is going to be the false positive rate. Right now the daily positive rate is around 3-4%, and the false positives are probably not a whole lot lower than that, though it is possible that with Biden now safely installed in the White House closet, the testing companies have started using more realistic cycle counts for the RT-PCR tests to eliminate nearly all false positives.
As always, you are free to copy my sheets and do with them what you want. The states are updated on a 3 day cycle, so the next update is tomorrow night. I will probably keep these updated until WorldoMeters stops collecting the data, and I don't how long they will continue to do that with Trump gone.
You know that base rate fallacy only comes into play when they are randomly testing without looking at symptoms. Oh, I forgot, examining your own assumptions isn’t something that you do.
Stuffed turkey, 3 bean casserole, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, rolls, white cake with chocolate icing and ice cream today for my birthday. Had the kids and grandchildren over for the event. Decided not to wait until July 4th to have a gathering. Stick it in your ear pResident Biden.
The giant pile (like 4 inches high!) of dogshit that a neighbor's dog left on our lawn finally dissolved away in the rain yesterday. Thank you, President Biden!
Tim, they don't look at symptoms for everyone, you jackass. If you are a contact trace and test positive, you are asked to quarantine and are counted as a case. Did you not know this?
You go into a hospital for any procedure, you are tested, and if you test positive, you are treated like a COVID infectee and are counted as a case. Did you not know this?
“Got my 2nd vaccination -Thank you President Biden.”
Getting mine on the 28th, thank you President Biden! I can’t wait for the rest of my family to be vaccinated, should happen by May if not before. Looking forward to the entire family gathering for Memorial Day at the lake.
In fact, it is probable that a person who gets a positive test with no symptoms is a false positive. What is the percentage of people with positive tests who didn't have symptoms? You tell me. I read about such people all the time, and have done so since last Spring.
Visualize being a public school principal on the southern border. What class size do you plan for? How many teachers will you need to hire? Thank you pResident Biden!!
Inga: “I love the way the USMC came down on the wimpy F/Tucker Carlson.”
I am sure you do. As a non American I see it as a childish response and a worrying one from an organization that is supposed to be neutral. The marines just pissed away some respect for no reason. Ignoring things is allowed and often best.
Inga: Yes, that was Yancey. But even worse was when he said, when the discussion was two weeks lockdown, that it wasn’t worth even two weeks lockdown to protect old people who would likely die of flu anyway.
My fiancee and I have decided to forgo the vaccine for now. This isn't an antivax position, it's a decision based on risk. More importantly, I'd like to think that by paying my vaccine forward, I am able to improve the life of some poor soul that is cowering in their basement right now. I'm just that kind of guy.
Ken, the Marines stand by their women members. A red cheeked chubby faced Fox News commentator who never spent one day in the military gets blow back from the military who he insulted. So damn what and good for the USMC.
"We now have committed Lefties praising the US Military"
Lots of "committed Lefties " actually served in the military -JFK, McGovern , Beau Biden, Duckworth, Gore, Kerry. ect,ect Unlike Mr Bonespurs and his kids.
"Director Mueller, thank you for your long and distinguished service to our country in peace and in war. Now, can you show the panel, using the dolls, how the bad man obstructed your justice?"
One of my better efforts, and thanks for the opportunity.
Have you noticed that the Hunter Biden laptop stories are remarkably similar to the stories in the Steele Dossier?
Yes, a second round of self-incriminating impeachments, but the Democrats and Republican sympathizers are still [politically] viable. I guess you can abort the baby, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester her carbon pollutants, and have her, too.
The same tactics the Democrats used for three years, the Russia collusion hoax, are now off limits to Republicans.
Democrats claimed the 2016 election was stolen, that Trump was an agent of a foreign government, that he took bribes from foreign governments and that he used and abused prostitutes.
Now, any mention of that in respect to Democrats and Hunter Biden is treason and wild conspiracy theorizing.
Inga, in fact, committed this same treason against the Trump administration for 3-1/2 years.
“Lots of "committed Lefties " actually served in the military -JFK, McGovern , Beau Biden, Duckworth, Gore, Kerry. ect,ect Unlike Mr Bonespurs and his kids.”
Yes, and those committed lefties are often deliberately undermining the institution that employs them.
The same thing is happening in the churches, particularly the Protestant and Episcopal churches.
Committed leftist clergy seize control of churches and then destroy the fundamental principles and rituals of the churches.
In the churches, the congregation simply walks out leaving the clergy to milk an endowment and use their salary for political activism, while preaching to an empty room.
I have the feeling something very similar is happening in the military.
If not for committed Lefties in the military, who will rat out the non-committed non-Lefties, after all?
It has been strange seeing my ex-hippie antiwar anti-establishment old friends (many of them) turn into slobbering admirers of the Organs of State Security, from the arrogant and incompetent FBI and CIA to the wasteful and barely competent armed services, who are being turned into another weapon against the people when they're not being hired out like Hessians to Muslim thugs.
Narr As principled Lefties used to say, "Come Home, America"
For Greg the class traitor, and anyone else interested-- what's up with Islam? Is it a great faith going through a tough patch or just a ragbag of shitty ideas cooked up by a loon and maintained by force and fraud.
For my money it's clearly the latter, and the sooner it disappears the better; at least the A/atheist Chinee seem to value some of Western elite and high culture, which is more than can be said for the followers of the Prophet.
Narr Not that I'd be so crass as to suggest that Western elite and high culture has any value.
The right wing’s dystopian world is crumbling, making room for progress, so be it. They are the one’s responsible for the wreckage, they overplayed their hand and lost big time. Just think a senile old fart like Biden could get 81 million people to vote for him... thanks to Trump. You reaped the whirlwind.
Once again - the bogus vote totals for Biden. That CA popular vote really helps - the stolen precincts You support a crook - and that is vile. Like you - Inag.
Just think a senile old fart like Biden could get 81 million people to vote for him... thanks to Trump.
At least senile old fart, Inga, is finally admitting that Biden is senile.
However, she spent all day trying to distract from Glenn Greenwald's testimony about how that senility was hidden from the American people by turning the discussion to Greenwald's political affiliation.
How did the Democrats hide Biden's senility, old senile fart, Inga?
Blogger Ingerburg said... Ken, the Marines stand by their women members. A red cheeked chubby faced Fox News commentator who never spent one day in the military gets blow back from the military who he insulted. So damn what and good for the USMC.
Hey Crone, looks like the Marine keyboard warriors are retreating. MEF Information Group @iimigofficial 5h Our intentions were misinterpreted and we are working to move forward from this mistake
II MEF Information Group @iimigofficial 5h
We’ve strayed away from our brand and realize that. Our standard practices will be in effect and you can count on us to correct our mistake going forward.
II MEF Information Group @iimigofficial We are human and that tweet was intended to support our female warfighters. We can do better and we will collectively take a knee, review our procedures, and get back in the fight. Our focus is to train, fight, and win
II MEF Information Group @iimigofficial We are here to train, fight and win. That tweet was intended to defend our women in uniform. We understand it was aggressive and we will reflect and do better
The democrats are using the old corrupt crook - because they can. Joe does not write those EO's. He doesn't even know what he is signing. The bigger crooks are running old crook Joe - and that is why he is there. Joe didn't ever really win the primary.
Shouting Thomas: "Inga is obviously a traitor by her own definition.
She participated in the Russia collusion hoax."
She still actually believes Putin changed votes in 2016 and Trump colludedwith Putin.
She generally keeps her yap shut about it these days since she knows its indefensible but every now again she cant help herself abd its right back into lunatic collusion hoax-land she goes!
Blogger Ingrabird said...$3,600 Child Tax Credit, helping out parents, thank you you President Biden!
Maybe $1400 will be enough help for an old lady to finally satisfy a 15 year old $382 Judgment for Replevin? I am sure the Plaintiff will thank President Biden!
Inga It's childish and petty and it looks like whoever has control of the Twitter account is using the prestige of the Marines for a private purpose. That's a form of corruption. Your defense of it is unthinking.
I'm not as concerned about Cuomo as I am about the physical safety of my family here in NY.
The state AG and the mayor of NYC are moving toward banning prosecution of black on white (and Asian) crime, while simultaneously making it illegal to defend your home with a gun.
It won't be long until home invasions become a serious issue.
Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga: "Ken, the Marines stand by their women members. A red cheeked chubby faced Fox News commentator who never spent one day in the military gets blow back from the military who he insulted."
Except not a single word of that is what happened.
Inga cant help but lie again.
Carlson noted that while the ChiComs have accelerated their weapons systems readiness and modernization programs and are becoming even more aggressive in the Pacific/China Sea theatres, the ChiCom Joe Biden military leadership team is emphasizing woke policies and flight suits for pregnant military members and a big program to pay for gender reassignment surgery and racialist training programs and saying our pregnant members will be valuable combat assets.
Which is moronic beyond words...but serves the left's goals of rotting the military from the inside out.
The most amusing feature of Inga's lie about Carlson?
Inga never served a day in uniform and the say after Trump was elected she called every Trump voter a treasonous traitor..and Trump carried the active abd retired military member vote.
Inga also called 33-year decorated combat veteran Gen Flynn a russian spy.
Inga also attacked the service of Navy SEAL warfare qualified MO Gov Greitens.
You would think a qualified nurse would instinctively understand that pregnant women in front line combat roles is not a combat advantage, but when the democratical Politburo issues a pronouncement, the Inga's all fall into line.
Ken B: "Inga It's childish and petty and it looks like whoever has control of the Twitter account is using the prestige of the Marines for a private purpose. That's a form of corruption. Your defense of it is unthinking."
The use of that public official Marines twitter account to engage in domestic politics and attack political opponents and/or American citizens is literally a courts martial level offense.
But this is the line up to which the New American Soviet Party has brought us.
Dont think the lesson of the entire coup crew being rewarded has been lost on some military members.
“Blogger Ingrabird said...$3,600 Child Tax Credit, helping out parents, thank you you President Biden!
Maybe $1400 will be enough help for an old lady to finally satisfy a 15 year old $382 Judgment for Replevin? I am sure the Plaintiff will thank President Biden!”
Huh? Who is Replevin? If you think you are doxxing me, you’re not, LOL! I don’t know who you think you are addressing, but that you think you are intimidating me is laugh in your face funny.
So far, no comment from Althouse on the $27 million showered on George Floyd's family, before the issue of Officer Chauvin's case was determined and fault established.
I had a hard time understanding that one. Why not at least wait for the civil suit?
Powerline set me straight. The $27 voted by the Minneapolis City Counsel amounts to jury tampering. They've declared Chauvin guilty and dared the criminal jury to say otherwise.
Theres an interesting hard scifi seeries by the makers of fringe, debris, its enigmatic in a similar way, at some point in the past an alien space ship, perhaps that submarine like one that crossed our aolar system, the title refers to residur from said vessel crashing on earth
There is nothing more Inga 2021 than her praising military members who, while in uniform and using official military communications channels, attack journalists and freedom of speech all the while Inga calls out others for not serving in the military when she never served in the military.
II MEF Information Group @iimigofficial Replying to @BerryCrunch24 and @TuckerCarlson Come back when you’ve served and been pregnant
It’s not just the person tweeting who needs to be disciplined. The real problem is a command structure that has not instilled an understanding that control of that account is a position of trust and power, and that no abuse of that will ever be tolerated. The commanding officer of the Information Group should resign or be fired. I think actually the Commandant should resign.
Drago I don’t know the military code but it should be a court martial offense because it’s an abuse of a power. See my earlier comment. The Commandant should resign. Truman would have fired him by now.
Drago Inga isn’t the issue. Much of the marine corps, including generals, feel justified and safe in making overt political attacks on a critic of the president.
Inga really represents all that is evil and dangerous about the Democratic Party.
Laws only count when they hold power.
She actually knew all day that the reality that Biden was senile was deliberately censored and repressed, but she claimed that Glen Greenwald was just a partisan hack for testifying to that before Congress.
Ken, it’s disrespectful in the US to write marines with a lower case m. It should be Marines, not marines. I’m not sure if that is the case in Canada, so you can be excused.
You know why I don't watch things like "Lost" and "Fringe" and "Debris"?
Review the comments made by those who did watch, and realize that those stories have nowhere to go. I can't find that sort of show compelling, aware that it will fizzle out after several seasons of mysterious meanderings.
They kind of remind me of that old computer game MYST: figure out the puzzle and get another one, and on and on. Was there some big reveal at the end? Did it have an end? I got through maybe two or three of the challenges and got bored.
"Inga: Yes, that was Yancey. But even worse was when he said, when the discussion was two weeks lockdown, that it wasn’t worth even two weeks lockdown to protect old people who would likely die of flu anyway."
Karen B lying again. I wrote explicitly that the two week lockdown would, (1) not work, and (2) wouldn't be two weeks but would morphed into months or even a year in a lot of places. Right on both counts, wasn't I?
Show me where lockdowns worked....anywhere? Tennessee hasn't been locked down since the first week of last May, but did better virus wise than states that have been mostly locked down for over a year now.
Get over it, Karens- the lockdowns don't help the situation, nor do the mask mandates- the evidence on this couldn't possibly be more conclusive. We used to be smart enough to know that you don't fucking quarantine the uninfected and that shitty ass cloth masks are worse than nothing at all, but we have gone completely stupid.
All you idiots have done with the lockdowns is to destroy the local economy in half the country- the half that voted for Biden, and damage it in the rest of the country. All for nothing. Worse, due to the idiocy, millions of people have been forced to delay ordinary medical care- the sorts of care that catch life-threatening illnesses early enough to save people. They will be paying for Ken and Inga's stupidity for the next 5 years as they die much earlier than they would have otherwise. You guys really do have blood on your hands.
Thanks, President Biden, for paying back NYC for the damage caused by the campaign of economic sabotage and violence orchestrated by the Democratic Party.
All you idiots have done with the lockdowns is to destroy the local economy in half the country- the half that voted for Biden, and damage it in the rest of the country.
See above.
The Democratic Party is paying back NYC and NYS for this campaign of lockdowns, sabotage and riots.
Yancey Ward We have never debated whether lockdowns of any sort would work, only if it’s better on balance to let grandma fend for herself. You were for the yay, although not anticipating as many deaths as we have seen, I for the nay. It’s harsh to characterize your position as “let grandma die” but it’s not inaccurate.
Yancey Ward didn’t just oppose draconian lockdowns. He opposed testing, he opposed masks, he opposed limits on large events, he opposed believing covid was a mass killer. His model leader is Bolsonaro. Well, look at Brazil.
Get off it, the lockdown not only killed the most vulnerable in a mount kilimanjaro heap, crushed main streets, set back education for a generation, based on fergusons phony numbers
Inga calls Gen Flynn, a 33 year distinguished military combat veteran a treasonous traitor and russian spy for over 4 years straight and when that lie is completely exposed she simply moves on to the next smear campaign...all the while lecturing others about respecting military members.
In Inga's defense, she literally cant remember anything she wrote more than 15 minutes ago.
If you want to have some fun with the doltish supposed nurse from Wisconsin, ask her why she claimed Kavanaugh was a rape gang leader and why she spent over a year on Team Avenatti before pretending she did no such thing?
I guarantee she will claim she never even heard of Avenatti and has no idea about any such gang rape charges against Kavanaugh!
She's like a wind up toy.
Then, after that, ask her about the hoax dossier and collusion and watch her scurry away.
By the way, Putin and his cronies are already counting the billions of extra dollars in revenue coming their way thanks to are the mullahs in Iran and Biden's buddies in Beijing.
"Yancey Ward didn’t just oppose draconian lockdowns. He opposed testing, he opposed masks, he opposed limits on large events, he opposed believing covid was a mass killer. His model leader is Bolsonaro. Well, look at Brazil."
Lying again, Karen B. Do you really have no shame? I never opposed testing and mask wearing- I opposed mask mandates, and I pointed out the contact tracing using the RT-PCR test also wouldn't be effective once you got beyond the intial first 1000-10,000 cases, and I was right on both counts- masks don't work as anything other than a pacifier, and contact tracing is a joke as demonstrated here, in Europe, and in South America.
I did oppose limits on gatherings for very good reasons- I knew banning them wouldn't work just like lockdowns don't work. Gatherings should have been left open to the discretion of the individual. I favored the initial British plan of allowing the virus to rip through the large part of the population which wasn't in danger of serious illness, while protecting the vulnerable for the 2-3 months this would take, but the British chickened out. I then favored the Swedish approach as the next best approach- don't destroy your economy, don't quarantine people who are not sick. Their approach was right because it recognized the most fundamental fact about the virus- that you couldn't stop its spread, and that it was only dangerous to a pretty small minority of the population.
You keep harping on Brazil- what makes Brazil worse than the US, the UK, France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, etc.? What exactly is your point about Brazil being worse? Their results are indistinguishable from that list of countries I just gave you. If Bolsonaro had followed, for example, the draconian policies of the UK- guess what- nothing different would have happened in the virus stats. How do I know this? Because these idiotic policies, all of which you supported, were implemented fully in the UK, and guess what- the UK looks just like Brazil virus-wise.
You are just a fucking idiot, Ken. I didn't realize how stupid you were last year, but your continuing lying about what I believed tells me that the outcomes not turning out the way you wanted has embarrassed you- you were told the interventions would fail, and they did. Just admit that lockdowns didn't work- that masks didn't work. You have no credibility at all, Ken- you were literally wrong about everything to do with the virus- you were wrong about the mortality (so was I, just in the other direction), but worse, you were wrong about the NPIs employed, and you regularly lambasted me for writing that the interventions were pointless and worse. And here we are a year later, and I was right about pretty much everything other than the death toll, and even there I was correct in pointing out that the virus wouldn't kill 2-11 million Americans, and I will probably turn out to be right that the economic damage caused by idiocy like yours will end up killing more people than the virus itself, but that is still to be determined.
You are just a fucking idiot, Ken. I didn't realize how stupid you were last year, but your continuing lying about what I believed tells me that the outcomes not turning out the way you wanted has embarrassed you.
Not necessarily. Misrepresenting people's views is pretty much standard M.O. for Ken. It's what he does.
It is almost like you don't actually look at the data available, Ken. A wide range of government mandated policies were followed by neighboring countries, states, and cities, and yet they all end up in the exact same place in about the same amount of time regardless of what they did. That should tell anyone with an IQ above body temperature that the policies themselves are irrelevant to the virus' spread and mortality.
You keep writing that I wanted old people to fend for themselves. Find a direct quote or shut the fuck up. That is the challenge. I wrote multiple times about how to protect nursing homes, hospitals, and old people in their homes- I wrote all of this even before the end of last March. I wrote these suggestions in these very comment threads, and I posted links to them a couple of weeks ago in an overnight thread. I never wrote in any of them that "grandma should fend for herself". This is the sort of blood libel that should embarrass a person if they can't actually support it with a quote and a link. Good luck, if you even dare to try.
I though the very ending of "Fringe" was satisfactory. However, I thought the last two seasons were much weaker than the first three.
Initially, I liked the mythology built in "The X-Files", but I just reach the conclusion around the time Duchovny left the series that the writers didn't really have a plan, and didn't have a way to conclude it. I stopped watching about half way through the first season with Duchovny. I have planned to binge the entire series at some point, but the desire isn't very strong any more. I did watch the first revival season a few years back, but I didn't watch the second one from 2019.
I loved "Counterpart", and was terribly disappointed it was cancelled. Starz has a habit of doing that to me- it cancels the series I like- it did it with "The Rook" and with "Magic City". Syfy does the same thing, and it pisses me off so much I no longer bother watching anything new on either channel.
I wish I had started the analytics earlier than I did. I started with the state of Tennessee last May for obvious reasons, and it got easier as my spreadsheet skills got a little better, so I kept adding states. I also regret not doing the entire world, but there are no csv databases where that data is all in one place and accessible via an API, so didn't do it. WorldoMeters had the data on the country level almost all along, but the historic data available only goes back 2 days, and I haven't found anywhere that stored it.
I just remember how excited I was after the first X-Files movie in 1998. The anticipation for the new television series was so high, and then the season itself just never went anywhere. I kind of lost interest right then and there, but stayed until Duchovny left.
Yes, the reboot was pretty bad- all over the place. It was mainly why I didn't have the energy to watch the subsequent season even though I had all the episodes recorded on the DVR.
Like I wrote, I will eventually get around to binging the entire collection, but not anytime soon.
You guys need to STFU. It has been suggested by our unifying POTUS that if we do what we're told, and we're vaccinated and masked, we might be able to grill hot dogs in our back yard as early as July 4.
The Army is reviewing a probe from the Department of Defense’s (DOD) internal watchdog into former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s international dealings, a spokesperson for the Army confirmed to The Hill.
In a statement obtained via email, Army spokesperson Col. Cathy Wilkinson said “the Acting Secretary of the Army has received the case from the DoD Inspector General for review."
The review could bring tens of thousands of dollars in penalties against Flynn, according to The Washington Post.
It could- if he's called back to active duty and court martialed AND found guilty. Otherwise, there isn't a damn thing the DoD can do. The chance of a court martial finding him guilty of anything? Essentially zero. If the perfumed princes find a court martial board that will convict him- the verdict will be overturned on appeal. The process is the punishment. For non-crimes not committed.
Cisco is defending implementing the caste system among Indians it imports via the H1B visa program to replace American workers. Well, officially not to replace them but to do the work they can't find Americans to do. But everyone knows that's a lie. The Hindu American Foundation has weighed in on the matter, apparently because not allowing them to establish a caste system “blatantly violates the rights of Hindu Americans.”. Although the organization vehemently opposes “all forms of prejudice and discrimination, Yeah, right.
When you import large numbers of people from another culture, rather than absorbing your own they bring theirs with them, no matter how repugnant it is.
“Daylight Savings Time starts tonight! More sunlight in the evening for the next 8 months. Thank you, President Biden!”
Which means that my two watches will be synchronized again - except that we are in AZ right now, which doesn’t do that nonsense known as Daylight Savings Time. Going to be another month or so before they sync up again, when we head north to MT, which does practice that nonsense.
Two decades ago, when my partner still had her own money, she bought me a nice dress watch. One that an attorney could wear. Have worn it since, except for a short period of time after I got an Apple Watch a year or two ago. The Apple Watch replaced the dress watch, but had to go on the charger every other night. During those periods of time, I was without a watch, and sometimes it would have been nice to be able to see the time. Then inspiration struck - why not wear the dress watch on my non dominant wrist? Sure, every once in awhile I get a comment about it. But as a septuagenarian now, I am allowed to do silly things like that. The remaining problem is that the Apple Watch, hooked to the AT&T cellular system, changes time zones automatically (though it takes about 20 miles going east from Sandpoint going home in MT), while the dress watch has to be manually reset. I didn’t reset it from MDT to MST last fall, and so it has been an hour fast since then. My thoughts are to standardize on MST, which means resetting it next fall, for hopefully the last time.
I do love the Apple Watch. At first, I questioned whether it was worth the price. But now, I am lost without it. After using it to tell time, the next most useful app for me on it is the phone. I can answer or reject calls without digging out my phone, which is handier than I expected. I can do it while driving, or even the shower. That is really only for the three women in my life (daughter, partner, and daughter of partner). With my partner, it works better than not answering when I am in either situation, and then explaining why I didn’t answer her phone call - which I should never do, because something might have happened to her (turnabout is not fair play for her - she routinely loses hers (we have two for her for that reason) or just forgets to plug it in, etc). But that isn’t all. I also, on occasion use it to read text and email messages, look at and search maps, and even set the thermostats through our security system. Should even be able to answer the front door. It also makes finding my iPhone easy. It can do most of what my iPhone does, and almost everything that I actually use the iPhone for (the stuff that the watch can’t do that the iPhone can, I mostly do on an iPad anyway, like reading and writing blog comments). I may hate Apple, but would have a hard time surviving without their well integrated IOS devices.
“You guys need to STFU. It has been suggested by our unifying POTUS that if we do what we're told, and we're vaccinated and masked, we might be able to grill hot dogs in our back yard as early as July 4.”
Reminds me. As many of you know, I bought our subdivision last year, consisting of 20 finished (all utilities) lots, acreage for another 20 lots, and maybe another 5 acres too rocky and up and down to build on. There is a big flag on the east end of town, at the ConocoPhillips tank farm, that you see driving in and out of town. Nothing on the west end. Much of that 5 acres is cliffs, including a big one over the highway on the edge of town. Perfect place for a large American flag. With the size of the conifer trees there, the flag is going to have to be pretty big to be visible. My thoughts are to put a flagpole there. My goal, I think, is to get it up by July 4 this year. Was going to get a small mixer for the concrete, but have gotten to know the concrete guy for my garage (who is currently in the process of actually also framing it). Hopefully, if I make it a community flag pole, I can do a deal with him to help. Ran out of time last fall, but did see some 20 foot Trump signs that would wrap around that cliff, and be noticeable by anyone leaving town. Probably put some anchors in at te same time we put in the flagpole.
Bruce, The "concrete guy" may have occasional loads that don't get used/are only partially used that he needs to get rid of, so if the site is ready he may be able to give it to you for free (likely on short notice), and you would be doing him a favor. I have a diary farmer friend who does that with local construction companies.
Heading upstairs for the night, I went through my routine of turning out the lights and making sure all the doors were locked. Noticed that two TV remotes were out. Whoops. Big problem. About every other day I get a call to come fix the TV. It inevitably turns out to be a problem with the remote. Last week the batteries in the AT&T remote were flaking out. But usually, it is because she is using the wrong one. She will be desperately stabbing buttons, and nothing is happening. We are down to only 3 remotes for the downstairs TV: LG for the big TV, Cox for cable, and AT&T for streaming. Tried to cut the cord this year from Cox, because they are thieves, incompetent, and refused to come into the house last April because of COVID-19. CentryLink did come in, so we got Internet, but no cable TV. Finally got Cox in this last November, so now have Internet and cable TV from them, but by then, I had her using AT&T TV streaming over the Internet. So, on the way upstairs tonight, I found the LG remote sitting next to the AT&T remote, and since it is new and shiny, it is likely that I would find her madly punching it’s buttons, if I hadn’t discovered the problem, and solved it effectively hiding that remote over by the TV.
To me, a guy, the whole thing is silly. For me, it is easy. The three remotes look different, and are all marked for what they control: LG for the TV, Cox for the cable box, and AT&T for their streaming box. Different shapes, and different colors too. The problem is that I am a technophile, while she is a technophobe. I have been doing “tech” for better than a half century now. For me, it is straight forward. But it probably isn’t for many. That big TV downstairs has three inputs (Cox cable, A&T streaming, and over-the-air), plus another couple hundred built in LG channels, plus their various applications.
Our Internet is worse: two fiber inputs (CenturyLink and Cox), five WiFi routers, and a 2x3 Ethernet router. The 2x3 Ethernet router load balances and failover of the two Internet fiber links. Each fiber link also has its own WiFi router. Then, there is a free modem that I use for the security system. And finally, two AC2400 dual band routers that I had lying around that I am running as access points (which means that they share SSIDs, and let the 2x3 Ethernet modem do the IP address assignments). Five different WiFi SSIDs visible most of the time - the three WiFi modems, the pair of access points, and a guest account. Plus someone’s Cox modem (hopefully not mine - need to check sometime). None of this means anything to her, at all. She doesn’t even understand that you select an SSID to connect to, then supply a password to get access to the Internet. As I said, 50 years in “tech”, and this all is obvious to me.
What is weird to me is that esp for a lot of women, all this technology makes no sense whatsoever. Not all women - my mother did fine, and my ex has two degrees in CS and one in data communications. Or our daughter - fourth generation with a math degree (plus physics), and a PhD in engineering. It isn’t like my partner is stupid. Far from it. She has maybe the fasted mind I have ever encountered. Photographic memory. Straight As all the way through school. Her expertise though is artistic, and not numerical. She has an uncanny spatial sense when it comes to space planning - accurate to maybe an inch or so, merely by glancing at a room and various things to place there. She can do better by sight than I can with a measuring tape. She sees thousands more colors than I do, and can see how they fit together. Several of her interior designs have been in Architectural Digest. Master cook too. Amazing woman. But still can’t figure out the remotes. And never will. So, I have to make sure that she only ever has one of them.
Good guy. Originally, he was only going to pour the foundation. But we got talking, and he offered to put up what I really wanted, instead of what I could buy prebuilt - which means 14’ center door and 16’ ceiling in the middle, and two stories on either side. Finally with good weather, it’s going up fast. Told him I needed to have it done by mid April, so that it will be done before we get back up there, and my partner freaks out with the construction. It’s in the side lot, and she rarely looks out the windows on that side, so will ultimately adapt to it. Out of sight out of mind. But construction noises would remind her.
Being rural MT, we initially bonded by showing off our pocket guns, then our truck guns. That is what people in deep blue cities don’t understand - that gun ownership is a part of life in rural America. I had him beat on truck guns. He just had an ordinary handgun. Large caliber revolver, with bear loads. I had a 10 mm G20, loaded for bear, plus a .300 Blackout AR-15 pistol with a 7.5” barrel.
Amazing woman. But still can’t figure out the remotes. And never will. So, I have to make sure that she only ever has one of them.
I laughed reading your description. My father has always been a gadget-obsessed guy, and we always had complicated home entertainment setups that required navigating multiple remotes to function correctly. I was constantly being called into the den by my mother to troubleshoot some minor issue. The "Input" button tended to cause a lot of confusion for some reason. I can't remember how many times I had to reassure her that the VCR could record a channel we weren't watching. She could put an endotracheal tube in someone's throat, a chest tube in their pleural cavity, and perform an emergency C-section but couldn't had trouble tuning into Murphy Brown if someone left the VCR on. Of course, it wasn't that she couldn't learn it; she wouldn't learn it. My father has every streaming service imaginable, but my mother still pays for a cable service, on which she watches only Turner Classic Movies or Investigation Discovery (aka "Murder TV").
p.s. Multiple remotes in 2021 is inexcusable. The Logitech Harmony universal remotes are a little pricey but work very well.
Why isn't the first day of the year June 21 or December 21? That makes as more sense to me than the seemingly arbitrary January 1. We could even shift the alignment of the months. As for DST, it is annoying AF but only because it is useless and disruptive.
I've had a Harmony universal remote for many years, works flawlessly.
stevew said... Why isn't the first day of the year June 21 or December 21?
Jan 1st is (just about) the latest sunrise of the year (technically, it's Jan 2nd or 3rd that's latest).
So, After Jan 1st (there about) mornings start getting earlier The earliest sun SET is (just about) Dec 7th.
Of course, the sun's Farthest South on Dec 21 (or so). and HOW the heck ancient folk would be able to tell that the latest sunrise of the year was Jan 2nd, is beyond me but, that's the way sunrise and sunset work
You can say the military is engaging in an illegal war. You can say soldiers are engaging in war crimes. You can protest the wars we are in. You can have nightly news reports talking about how awful the wars are. You can impeach the commander in chief, you can call him a war criminal. You can threaten the funding of the war we're in. But don't question whether women should be in combat. You will be left behind.
My father has every streaming service imaginable, but my mother still pays for a cable service, on which she watches only Turner Classic Movies or Investigation Discovery (aka "Murder TV").
my folks pay a hundred dollars a month for cable. The ONLY two channels they watch are The Weather Channel, and PBS
stevew, You know that just a few months ago they were anticipating riding his coattails into presidential admin positions. Now they are wondering whether they will be able to get another job.
Headline of the day: "Biden’s National Park Service Denies South Dakota Request for July 4th Fireworks At Mount Rushmore"
“Potential risks to the park itself and to the health and safety of employees and visitors associated with the fireworks demonstration continue to be a concern" (National Park Service director Herbie Frost)
"I wonder what the conversations among Cuomo and his inner circle are these days."
His NewAge sister-in-law (Chris Cuomo's wife) is completely off-the-radar, except to rich and powerful NewAgers, so she's mobilizing their forces, like they did for Obama "The Lightworker" - hooking up with Oprah and Netflix the other powerful cultists, in California and New York, because no one on the right is intelligent enough to watch the NewAge Movement everyone knows is running things.
They can do whatever they like - make rapists into innocent men, for instance - and y'all will do nothing about it, because you're such racists, you don't know how to fight the charge but by acting like bigger racists.
He may slide, like Bill Clinton, because of you guys..
I updated the internal clock on the Drake R8B clock radio. It has to correspond to the local Rush affiliate's clock, though automatically recording Rush so far has lost its use. I'm just hanging on in case Steyn comes back, otherwise don't actually listen. It records without actually going to speakers after I check.
The buttons on the R8B have long stopped working but it has a serial interface that a laptop can use to make settings changes, so the radio persists in its decades-long role.
Shouting Thomas said... So, Crack, what are your favorite weed songs?
No, fuck that: I offered to play music with you a little while ago and you decided to chuck that idea for racial animosity instead - just like Michael K:
I said a few kind words to him recently and what did it get me? A backstabbing. He called a liar just a few days ago.
You guys are ethical nightmares and you can keep it.
I Got Five On It by Luniz Smokin' Budda by Krayzie Bone Mary Jane by Rick James You Don't Know How It Feels by Tom Petty Day 'n' Night by Kid Cuddi Space Cadet by Metro Boomin
Why isn't the first day of the year June 21 or December 21? That makes as more sense to me than the seemingly arbitrary January 1.
"If there is discord among the wisest men, can it astonish us that the civil years, which were established by less accomplished persons, differed one from the other and corresponded but badly with the natural years?" -Censorinus, de Die Natali
I'm trying to be good, trying to help, reaching out - and I'm constantly being betrayed by assholes insisting on their RIGHT to BE ASSHOLES - and then blaming me for it, amongst people who are either watching silently or, somehow, helping to make the false accusation stick. It's been like this since 1995.
This is why I've been in lockdown for over two years now - which you all have been sure is my fault, of course, because - those false accusations MUST BE MADE TO STICK. Cancel culture, what's that? It's something that';s only real FOR YOU.
“Of course, it wasn't that she couldn't learn it; she wouldn't learn it. My father has every streaming service imaginable, but my mother still pays for a cable service, on which she watches only Turner Classic Movies or Investigation Discovery (aka "Murder TV").”
Of course, the problem is that she won’t learn, another that she can’t learn. I gave up years ago, trying to explain it to her. That is what guys are for, in her mind - to fix technical or mechanical problems.
She discovered TCM this last year, and it is now her favorite. Watched the Maltese Falcon Friday night, when CBS preempted their usual lineup for some ridiculous reason (Friday nights are sacred TV nights - she lovesTom Selleck (when she first met him, he asked her ex how such an ugly guy got such a hot wife) but the new Magnum is not Selleck, the black sidekick is too fat, and Higgins is now a very cute girl). Weekends have cra cra movies on Lifetime, where most often three or so people are killed during the the first 1.75 hours, he or she is finally revealed, there is a violent confrontation, that is violently resolved in the last couple of minutes. Unless Julia Roberts’ brother is the antagonist, as the obsessed doctor, and escapes, to come back in a later Lifetime movie, stalking another woman. And every once in awhile, another dead body or two is snuck in.
“p.s. Multiple remotes in 2021 is inexcusable. The Logitech Harmony universal remotes are a little pricey but work very well”
Looks promising. There appears to be a range of those Logitech remotes, ranging from $53 to $473. The low end ones, at least, apparently have numeric keys. She needs to be able to key in the channel numbers - and that can be a problem when the wrong Input is active. The other day, she could get to CBS, but not NBC. She had the right remote, for once, but NBC had moved from 12-to 13, between ATT and Cox. She is hell on those remotes - apparently figuring that if she keys something in enough times, she will get the program she wants. This means that I don’t get called until she has failed a bunch of times, and is completely frustrated. It doesn’t quite connect with her, that after keying in the same number maybe twice, and not getting the desired response, the problem is probably the number that she is keying in. Doing it 20 more times isn’t going to change the result. Computers don’t work that way. And clearly doesn’t want to hear about them being deterministic.
Love the woman, but amazed sometimes that I still have most of my hair.
“my folks pay a hundred dollars a month for cable. The ONLY two channels they watch are The Weather Channel, and PBS”
Worse here. We have $100 Cox cable and $50 a month ATT streaming (at the time, the only streaming service with numbers on their remotes). Plus another $150 for Internet to support the streaming. My big goal with ATT streaming was to have the same set of channels in both MT (Dish) and AZ (Cox). Currently, she has to relearn channel numbers every six months, which is painful for both of us. Yes, using “Guide” would solve the problem. That is what I do. But she is used to keying in channel numbers, so Guide is out. Voice control would work too. That is even more a non starter.
I should add that channels on Dish can be changed from their iPad App. So, yes, I do, on rare occasion antagonize her a bit when we are in MT, on Dish, by switching the TV she is watching to a different channel. Maybe to a liberal propaganda station like CNN or pMSNBC, or to some “reality” show. She esp hates ones featuring fat people. Or maybe 16 year old mothers. Or marrying felons.
"How about, learn to blame yourself individually for your fuck-ups, white and black people."
We can't do that - white people created these groups and categories - we're stuck with them, now. The entire "black community" is nothing but the slaves making a culture from the fragments allowed. You're not gonna break that up now. I can travel this entire nation and, based on my cultural upbringing, I'm welcome by blacks as quasi-family. (You hear "Cousins" a lot) It's special. Or, it was until liberals took over. Now it's getting creepy.
"America is an insane asylum to me now."
I'm with you on that one, Crack. I often thought of you as a bit of a voice of sanity. You stand out more, now.
In 1995, my wife said she could walk through walls, and got pissed at me when I asked for a demonstration. Whatever she got, has now spread around the world.
Cat now has a new trick - crawling under the covers and going to sleep. It is dark, warm, and cozy. He’s hard to see under there. Luckily, I am trained not to lay on the comforter (to keep from crushing the fill). So, I averted tragedy just now. Almost just went through another of his 9 lives. Partner did save him Friday, giving him the feline version of the Heimlich maneuver. He definitely ate something that he shouldn’t have. Possibly one of those paper covered wires that cables come in. He loves to stalk and attack them.
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1 – 200 of 213 Newer› Newest»I always come too late to be first, but maybe this time--
A+ (no curve)
Got my 2nd vaccination -Thank you President Biden.
Something that made my life better (to my surprise). I had been getting 10-15 calls a day from a place called "800 Service". And there was never anyone replying to my answered calls. So I'd answer and hang up. Ultimately I was so annoyed I wen to "Do not Call Registry" at FTC. You need to be registered 30 days before you can submit ac complaint. But (since I'd been registered for more than 30 days) I began to submit complaints. These calls came from various (similar) numbers, and I submitted 4 or 5 complaints on Friday. Then (REMARKABLY!!) on Saturday I received zero calls.
Mr. Pants now has his ham radio license (the extra level which is extra cool and took a lot of study, as I gather) so I now have a big HAM sticker on our (actually my) truck and also a huge antenna which bangs around in drive throughs. He literally just said to me “is it ok if I string some speaker wire in the trees in the backyard?” sigh. I’m glad he’s found a fun hobby and everyone wants the radio guy during the squirrel eating times but I’ve enabled the creating of a monster.
Of the three, which two vaccinations did you get?
Mutaman at 7:07: You mis-spelled TRUMP. I'm sure it was just a typo.
"Mutaman at 7:07: You mis-spelled TRUMP. I'm sure it was just a typo."
"I don't take responsibility at all".
Good one from the newspaper of record today.
Troll fest I see.
"I don't take responsibility at all".
Not to worry, Biden will.
Mutaman said...
Got my 2nd vaccination -Thank you President Biden.
Why are you thanking Biden? The only thing Trump's done that he hasn't cancelled, and you think he deserves credit? Why not thank Biden for keeping kids in cages, too, while you're at it.
Recall Robert Mueller's testimony before the House Intelligence Committee in July 2019. Mueller was befuddled when describing the contents of his report. He looked lost, vacant, and otherwise confused. It was as though someone else was in charge. *cough*
Of course we should thank Biden for the vaccine. What do you think he was doing in the basement all that time?
A friend who has been in a nursing home for several years was able to visit his granddaughter for the first time in over a year yesterday.
Thank you President Trump.
Pants, you should expect him to gradually become sarcastic about women and feelings until it becomes the reason for all our ills. We have another ham on here that has gotten that way.
Say something mean about us, we'll twitter you into a bloody pulp
semper she/xi/xer
"Mutaman said...
Got my 2nd vaccination -Thank you President Biden.”
For finally allowing you to have it, when his people held up the approval process, paused it and restarted it the day after the election, when lo and behold, it was discovered that they had had the data to approve it all along? That President Biden.
I have to wonder if you are a right wing plant just to make your side look worse.
"Say something mean about us, we'll twitter you into a bloody pulp"
I don't care if they are generals, those cocksuckers work for us...we pay their goddamn salaries.
The entire federal government needs to be cut by 80%.
We had ham for dinner tonight. On biscuits.
My spreadsheets for those that are still following the COVID data:
US Data
Individual State Data
Because the COVID Tracking Project decided the pandemic was over, or the data was too politically inconvenient, they stopped collecting the data in useable formats on the 7th of this month, so I had to change data sources on the 6th to the WorldoMeters site. Because the cumulative data doesn't completely match, I spliced the data on the 6th where the increments for that day are the last data I took from the COVID Tracking Project, but the cells with cumulative data are switched over to the new source. The trends won't be affected very much by the switch over- the biggest differences were for New York state, California, Texas, Iowa, and Hawaii, so those states have data splices, too- all the other states data was almost identical in the two sites, so discontinuities don't really exist.
Overall, cases are declining slowly. As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, the base is going to be the false positive rate. Right now the daily positive rate is around 3-4%, and the false positives are probably not a whole lot lower than that, though it is possible that with Biden now safely installed in the White House closet, the testing companies have started using more realistic cycle counts for the RT-PCR tests to eliminate nearly all false positives.
As always, you are free to copy my sheets and do with them what you want. The states are updated on a 3 day cycle, so the next update is tomorrow night. I will probably keep these updated until WorldoMeters stops collecting the data, and I don't how long they will continue to do that with Trump gone.
Your purported side.
Mutaman said...
Got my 2nd vaccination -Thank you President Biden.
You're an asshole.
Daylight Savings Time starts tonight! More sunlight in the evening for the next 8 months. Thank you, President Biden!
You know that base rate fallacy only comes into play when they are randomly testing without looking at symptoms. Oh, I forgot, examining your own assumptions isn’t something that you do.
Stuffed turkey, 3 bean casserole, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, rolls, white cake with chocolate icing and ice cream today for my birthday. Had the kids and grandchildren over for the event. Decided not to wait until July 4th to have a gathering. Stick it in your ear pResident Biden.
The giant pile (like 4 inches high!) of dogshit that a neighbor's dog left on our lawn finally dissolved away in the rain yesterday. Thank you, President Biden!
Tim, they don't look at symptoms for everyone, you jackass. If you are a contact trace and test positive, you are asked to quarantine and are counted as a case. Did you not know this?
The colleges test everyone on campus randomly, and all positives are asked to quarantine and are counted as cases. Did you not know this?
Gasoline prices going through the roof. Thank you pResident Biden!!
You go into a hospital for any procedure, you are tested, and if you test positive, you are treated like a COVID infectee and are counted as a case. Did you not know this?
In short, if you take the test for any reason and test positive, you are treated as a case and counted as one.
Mr. Bass, oh don't think I didn't think of that.
“Got my 2nd vaccination -Thank you President Biden.”
Getting mine on the 28th, thank you President Biden! I can’t wait for the rest of my family to be vaccinated, should happen by May if not before. Looking forward to the entire family gathering for Memorial Day at the lake.
In fact, it is probable that a person who gets a positive test with no symptoms is a false positive. What is the percentage of people with positive tests who didn't have symptoms? You tell me. I read about such people all the time, and have done so since last Spring.
Visualize being a public school principal on the southern border. What class size do you plan for? How many teachers will you need to hire? Thank you pResident Biden!!
Inga's herpes is flaring up! Thank you, President Biden!
Kids in cages is no longer a news story worth covering! Thank you, President Biden!
I love the way the USMC came down on the wimpy F/Tucker Carlson.
Thousands of pipeline jobs lost in the first two months of the new administration. Thank you Bewildered Biden!!
Yancey Ward, the guy who said there would only be 7,500 Covid deaths tops in the US.
Credibility lost and will never be rehabilitated.
Unions on the rise, thank you President Biden!
Inga: “I love the way the USMC came down on the wimpy F/Tucker Carlson.”
I am sure you do. As a non American I see it as a childish response and a worrying one from an organization that is supposed to be neutral. The marines just pissed away some respect for no reason. Ignoring things is allowed and often best.
I love the way the USMC came down on the wimpy F/Tucker Carlson.
We have reached near total insanity. We now have committed Lefties praising the US Military for going after a member of the media.
Jerry Rubin is spinning in his grave.
$3,600 Child Tax Credit, helping out parents, thank you you President Biden!
Unions on the rise, thank you President Biden!
Unemployment on the rise, thank you President Biden.
Inga: Yes, that was Yancey. But even worse was when he said, when the discussion was two weeks lockdown, that it wasn’t worth even two weeks lockdown to protect old people who would likely die of flu anyway.
"You're an asshole. "
Eloquently put Robespierre.
My fiancee and I have decided to forgo the vaccine for now. This isn't an antivax position, it's a decision based on risk. More importantly, I'd like to think that by paying my vaccine forward, I am able to improve the life of some poor soul that is cowering in their basement right now. I'm just that kind of guy.
Ken, the Marines stand by their women members. A red cheeked chubby faced Fox News commentator who never spent one day in the military gets blow back from the military who he insulted. So damn what and good for the USMC.
Did you know that New Year's Day used to be in the middle of March?
It was only a few hundred years ago that they changed it to January 1 in the English-speaking world.
Well, it has been announced that it is being changed again to January 20. And they are also resetting the year. It is now Year Zero.
History begins anew.
Marvin Hagler RIP at 66.
"Unemployment on the rise, thank you President Biden."
Wrong again !
12/20: 6.7 %
2/21: 6.3%
Inga, is the question whether the USMC can stand up to a TV personality? Is that the key question for the USMC?
Any gain I might have received from the stimulus has already been wiped out by gas and food inflation.
Have you noticed that the Hunter Biden laptop stories are remarkably similar to the stories in the Steele Dossier?
And there's actual photographic evidence of Hunter using and abusing prostitutes.
Mutaman said...
Got my 2nd vaccination -Thank you President Biden.
Wow... in my state, third-graders can't get the vaccine yet.
"We now have committed Lefties praising the US Military"
Lots of "committed Lefties " actually served in the military -JFK, McGovern , Beau Biden, Duckworth, Gore, Kerry. ect,ect
Unlike Mr Bonespurs and his kids.
Trump Supporters fighting ANTIFA at the Capitol Doors
Nice touch abusing the American flag.
"Director Mueller, thank you for your long and distinguished service to our country in peace and in war. Now, can you show the panel, using the dolls, how the bad man obstructed your justice?"
One of my better efforts, and thanks for the opportunity.
I need it for my scrapbook anyway
Have you noticed that the Hunter Biden laptop stories are remarkably similar to the stories in the Steele Dossier?
Yes, a second round of self-incriminating impeachments, but the Democrats and Republican sympathizers are still [politically] viable. I guess you can abort the baby, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester her carbon pollutants, and have her, too.
There's something remarkable going on here.
The same tactics the Democrats used for three years, the Russia collusion hoax, are now off limits to Republicans.
Democrats claimed the 2016 election was stolen, that Trump was an agent of a foreign government, that he took bribes from foreign governments and that he used and abused prostitutes.
Now, any mention of that in respect to Democrats and Hunter Biden is treason and wild conspiracy theorizing.
Inga, in fact, committed this same treason against the Trump administration for 3-1/2 years.
“Lots of "committed Lefties " actually served in the military -JFK, McGovern , Beau Biden, Duckworth, Gore, Kerry. ect,ect
Unlike Mr Bonespurs and his kids.”
Indeed they did and they still do.
Yes, and those committed lefties are often deliberately undermining the institution that employs them.
The same thing is happening in the churches, particularly the Protestant and Episcopal churches.
Committed leftist clergy seize control of churches and then destroy the fundamental principles and rituals of the churches.
In the churches, the congregation simply walks out leaving the clergy to milk an endowment and use their salary for political activism, while preaching to an empty room.
I have the feeling something very similar is happening in the military.
Inga is obviously a traitor by her own definition.
She participated in the Russia collusion hoax.
If not for committed Lefties in the military, who will rat out the non-committed non-Lefties, after all?
It has been strange seeing my ex-hippie antiwar anti-establishment old friends (many of them) turn into slobbering admirers of the Organs of State Security, from the arrogant and incompetent FBI and CIA to the wasteful and barely competent armed services, who are being turned into another weapon against the people when they're not being hired out like Hessians to Muslim thugs.
As principled Lefties used to say, "Come Home, America"
Those committed lefties (at least a sizeable number of them) are members of the Long March, sabotaging the institution from within.
Inga is right. The lefties love the military. How else would FDR, Truman, JFK, LBJ have been able to start their big wars?
Soaring gas prices - Thanks Biden!
Putin thanks you too, Biden.
Crime, covid, drugs, and illegal entrants pouring in... Thanks crook Biden!
Union jobs destroy honest industry and stuff democrat coffers! Thanks crook Biden!
Antifa(D) continue to rampage and destroy property... Thanks Crook Biden.
Antifa continue to Doxx and cancel. Thanks crook Biden!
Private businesses were decimated the world over so you could be our Potemkin president.
Thanks chi com virus!
This is much truth in what you say, ST.
For Greg the class traitor, and anyone else interested-- what's up with Islam? Is it a great faith going through a tough patch or just a ragbag of shitty ideas cooked up by a loon and maintained by force and fraud.
For my money it's clearly the latter, and the sooner it disappears the better; at least the A/atheist Chinee seem to value some of Western elite and high culture, which is more than can be said for the followers of the Prophet.
Not that I'd be so crass as to suggest that Western elite and high culture has any value.
"There" is much truth, u.s.w.
Look at the time!
"Unemployment on the rise, thank you President Biden."
Wrong again !
12/20: 6.7 %
2/21: 6.3%
Feb 2020 - 3.5%
The right wing’s dystopian world is crumbling, making room for progress, so be it. They are the one’s responsible for the wreckage, they overplayed their hand and lost big time. Just think a senile old fart like Biden could get 81 million people to vote for him... thanks to Trump. You reaped the whirlwind.
We are only required to respect elections and our institutions when Democrats own them.
We are only required to obey the laws that Democrats like.
Violence is terrible except when it's commited by the Democrat's paramilitary forces, BLM and Antifa.
Insurrection is just a matter of conscience when committed by Democrats... a horrifying crime when committed by Republicans.
We see Rachel Maddow and the on air talent at MSNBC shied you from reality, Inag.
Most restaurants are gone and boarded up in my blue corner of the world. ah - it must be a figment of the imaginations.
Once again - the bogus vote totals for Biden. That CA popular vote really helps - the stolen precincts
You support a crook - and that is vile. Like you - Inag.
Just think a senile old fart like Biden could get 81 million people to vote for him... thanks to Trump.
At least senile old fart, Inga, is finally admitting that Biden is senile.
However, she spent all day trying to distract from Glenn Greenwald's testimony about how that senility was hidden from the American people by turning the discussion to Greenwald's political affiliation.
How did the Democrats hide Biden's senility, old senile fart, Inga?
How many people would have voted for Biden had the media, Twitter and Facebook (among others) not hidden his senility?
Blogger Ingerburg said...
Ken, the Marines stand by their women members. A red cheeked chubby faced Fox News commentator who never spent one day in the military gets blow back from the military who he insulted. So damn what and good for the USMC.
Hey Crone, looks like the Marine keyboard warriors are retreating.
MEF Information Group
Our intentions were misinterpreted and we are working to move forward from this mistake
II MEF Information Group
We’ve strayed away from our brand and realize that. Our standard practices will be in effect and you can count on us to correct our mistake going forward.
II MEF Information Group
We are human and that tweet was intended to support our female warfighters. We can do better and we will collectively take a knee, review our procedures, and get back in the fight. Our focus is to train, fight, and win
II MEF Information Group
We are here to train, fight and win. That tweet was intended to defend our women in uniform. We understand it was aggressive and we will reflect and do better
The democrats are using the old corrupt crook - because they can. Joe does not write those EO's. He doesn't even know what he is signing. The bigger crooks are running old crook Joe - and that is why he is there. Joe didn't ever really win the primary.
You notice how the Democrats are gradually morphing from ridiculing the notion that they rigged the election...
To bragging about it?
forget his senility - they hid his criminality.
Tell us about Cuomo - dear leftists.
You won't discuss Biden or Hunter honestly. Do ya got a word about the Gold Standard in governors?
I can't put my pants on by myself.
Thank you president Biden.
Oh, wait, that's me.
Jill, where is my pudding!!?
Shouting Thomas: "Inga is obviously a traitor by her own definition.
She participated in the Russia collusion hoax."
She still actually believes Putin changed votes in 2016 and Trump colludedwith Putin.
She generally keeps her yap shut about it these days since she knows its indefensible but every now again she cant help herself abd its right back into lunatic collusion hoax-land she goes!
The Obama generals that run the Pentagon are showing their objective. Instead of war plans they are fighting the media.
Somebody should ask Carter Ham about Obama.
< I would not blame him for staying silent. Obama is well known for being vindictive.
Inga's treason was the good kind of treason.
Putting the finishing touches on the Florida business being run from Puerto Rico via my Nevis LLC.
Thanks Biden!
Turn up the volume
Blogger Ingrabird said...$3,600 Child Tax Credit, helping out parents, thank you you President Biden!
Maybe $1400 will be enough help for an old lady to finally satisfy a 15 year old $382 Judgment for Replevin? I am sure the Plaintiff will thank President Biden!
It's childish and petty and it looks like whoever has control of the Twitter account is using the prestige of the Marines for a private purpose. That's a form of corruption. Your defense of it is unthinking.
Every time a “talking head” comes on the news, watch this video instead. Slam dunk way to improve your life
I'm not as concerned about Cuomo as I am about the physical safety of my family here in NY.
The state AG and the mayor of NYC are moving toward banning prosecution of black on white (and Asian) crime, while simultaneously making it illegal to defend your home with a gun.
It won't be long until home invasions become a serious issue.
Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga:
"Ken, the Marines stand by their women members. A red cheeked chubby faced Fox News commentator who never spent one day in the military gets blow back from the military who he insulted."
Except not a single word of that is what happened.
Inga cant help but lie again.
Carlson noted that while the ChiComs have accelerated their weapons systems readiness and modernization programs and are becoming even more aggressive in the Pacific/China Sea theatres, the ChiCom Joe Biden military leadership team is emphasizing woke policies and flight suits for pregnant military members and a big program to pay for gender reassignment surgery and racialist training programs and saying our pregnant members will be valuable combat assets.
Which is moronic beyond words...but serves the left's goals of rotting the military from the inside out.
The most amusing feature of Inga's lie about Carlson?
Inga never served a day in uniform and the say after Trump was elected she called every Trump voter a treasonous traitor..and Trump carried the active abd retired military member vote.
Inga also called 33-year decorated combat veteran Gen Flynn a russian spy.
Inga also attacked the service of Navy SEAL warfare qualified MO Gov Greitens.
You would think a qualified nurse would instinctively understand that pregnant women in front line combat roles is not a combat advantage, but when the democratical Politburo issues a pronouncement, the Inga's all fall into line.
Ken B: "Inga
It's childish and petty and it looks like whoever has control of the Twitter account is using the prestige of the Marines for a private purpose. That's a form of corruption. Your defense of it is unthinking."
The use of that public official Marines twitter account to engage in domestic politics and attack political opponents and/or American citizens is literally a courts martial level offense.
But this is the line up to which the New American Soviet Party has brought us.
Dont think the lesson of the entire coup crew being rewarded has been lost on some military members.
“Blogger Ingrabird said...$3,600 Child Tax Credit, helping out parents, thank you you President Biden!
Maybe $1400 will be enough help for an old lady to finally satisfy a 15 year old $382 Judgment for Replevin? I am sure the Plaintiff will thank President Biden!”
Huh? Who is Replevin? If you think you are doxxing me, you’re not, LOL! I don’t know who you think you are addressing, but that you think you are intimidating me is laugh in your face funny.
So far, no comment from Althouse on the $27 million showered on George Floyd's family, before the issue of Officer Chauvin's case was determined and fault established.
I had a hard time understanding that one. Why not at least wait for the civil suit?
Powerline set me straight. The $27 voted by the Minneapolis City Counsel amounts to jury tampering. They've declared Chauvin guilty and dared the criminal jury to say otherwise.
We've made it through the darkness.
Now if it will just stay warm enough to be able to sit outside.
Snake plissken to the white courtesy phone
Theres an interesting hard scifi seeries by the makers of fringe, debris, its enigmatic in a similar way, at some point in the past an alien space ship, perhaps that submarine like one that crossed our aolar system, the title refers to residur from said vessel crashing on earth
There is nothing more Inga 2021 than her praising military members who, while in uniform and using official military communications channels, attack journalists and freedom of speech all the while Inga calls out others for not serving in the military when she never served in the military.
Inga actually is not out of line here. It's entirely possible that a pregnant Marine engaged in a twitter battle against a chubby older white guy.
Speaking of Flynn...
The Army is reviewing a probe from the Department of Defense’s (DOD) internal watchdog into former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s international dealings, a spokesperson for the Army confirmed to The Hill.
In a statement obtained via email, Army spokesperson Col. Cathy Wilkinson said “the Acting Secretary of the Army has received the case from the DoD Inspector General for review."
The review could bring tens of thousands of dollars in penalties against Flynn, according to The Washington Post.
A tweet from an official marine account:
II MEF Information Group
Replying to @BerryCrunch24 and @TuckerCarlson
Come back when you’ve served and been pregnant
It’s not just the person tweeting who needs to be disciplined. The real problem is a command structure that has not instilled an understanding that control of that account is a position of trust and power, and that no abuse of that will ever be tolerated. The commanding officer of the Information Group should resign or be fired. I think actually the Commandant should resign.
I don’t know the military code but it should be a court martial offense because it’s an abuse of a power. See my earlier comment. The Commandant should resign. Truman would have fired him by now.
I guess arrival had similar elements, what would an interaction with extraterrestials have on a micro level.
My God, Inga is still proud of the campaign of harassment against Gen. Flynn.
You're not just stupid, Inga, you're consummately evil.
Shorter Inga: Those Trump tweets were impeachable. Those marine tweets are wonderful.
The same people calling Trump a fascist applaud generals in uniform making political attacks.
Inga isn’t the issue. Much of the marine corps, including generals, feel justified and safe in making overt political attacks on a critic of the president.
Inga really represents all that is evil and dangerous about the Democratic Party.
Laws only count when they hold power.
She actually knew all day that the reality that Biden was senile was deliberately censored and repressed, but she claimed that Glen Greenwald was just a partisan hack for testifying to that before Congress.
Ken, it’s disrespectful in the US to write marines with a lower case m. It should be Marines, not marines. I’m not sure if that is the case in Canada, so you can be excused.
In all fairness, I do have to give Trump some credit for his indefatigable support of hydroxychloroquine. He got that right, whatever his other flaws.
African-American unemployment rate change for the March report:
Jan 2021 9.2% February 2021 9.9%
Thanks, President Biden!
You know why I don't watch things like "Lost" and "Fringe" and "Debris"?
Review the comments made by those who did watch, and realize that those stories have nowhere to go. I can't find that sort of show compelling, aware that it will fizzle out after several seasons of mysterious meanderings.
They kind of remind me of that old computer game MYST: figure out the puzzle and get another one, and on and on. Was there some big reveal at the end? Did it have an end? I got through maybe two or three of the challenges and got bored.
I see ST's point about the Floyd payout.
Will Chauvin live longer than Biden?
Is that so?
So, Inga, you have no respect for the law or elections unless you win.
You do know, don't you, that the other side will ultimately conclude that they must respond in kind?
What then?
"Inga: Yes, that was Yancey. But even worse was when he said, when the discussion was two weeks lockdown, that it wasn’t worth even two weeks lockdown to protect old people who would likely die of flu anyway."
Karen B lying again. I wrote explicitly that the two week lockdown would, (1) not work, and (2) wouldn't be two weeks but would morphed into months or even a year in a lot of places. Right on both counts, wasn't I?
Show me where lockdowns worked....anywhere? Tennessee hasn't been locked down since the first week of last May, but did better virus wise than states that have been mostly locked down for over a year now.
Get over it, Karens- the lockdowns don't help the situation, nor do the mask mandates- the evidence on this couldn't possibly be more conclusive. We used to be smart enough to know that you don't fucking quarantine the uninfected and that shitty ass cloth masks are worse than nothing at all, but we have gone completely stupid.
All you idiots have done with the lockdowns is to destroy the local economy in half the country- the half that voted for Biden, and damage it in the rest of the country. All for nothing. Worse, due to the idiocy, millions of people have been forced to delay ordinary medical care- the sorts of care that catch life-threatening illnesses early enough to save people. They will be paying for Ken and Inga's stupidity for the next 5 years as they die much earlier than they would have otherwise. You guys really do have blood on your hands.
Thanks, President Biden, for paying back NYC for the damage caused by the campaign of economic sabotage and violence orchestrated by the Democratic Party.
All you idiots have done with the lockdowns is to destroy the local economy in half the country- the half that voted for Biden, and damage it in the rest of the country.
See above.
The Democratic Party is paying back NYC and NYS for this campaign of lockdowns, sabotage and riots.
Well i was a fan of the x files mythology over the monster of the week, lost didnt hold my attention, fringe developed it slowly.
Fringe shares some element with counterpart in the world building department
Yancey Ward
We have never debated whether lockdowns of any sort would work, only if it’s better on balance to let grandma fend for herself. You were for the yay, although not anticipating as many deaths as we have seen, I for the nay.
It’s harsh to characterize your position as “let grandma die” but it’s not inaccurate.
The payout is why there was the indictment as predicate minneapolis is flat broke, they cant afford to pay the jizda like that
Yancey Ward didn’t just oppose draconian lockdowns. He opposed testing, he opposed masks, he opposed limits on large events, he opposed believing covid was a mass killer. His model leader is Bolsonaro. Well, look at Brazil.
Get off it, the lockdown not only killed the most vulnerable in a mount kilimanjaro heap, crushed main streets, set back education for a generation, based on fergusons phony numbers
This is why i would rather discuss acifi than any notion under than these procrustean measures did anything more than inflict pain.
"Fringe shares some element with counterpart in the world building department"
Finished 'Counterpart' last night.
There were some pretty big holes but overall very good.
Much better than average production values.
They can afford to pay actors more, improveve suits and they arent constrained as much by idiot programmers like at fox
Improved sets better special effects than were available in the 00s.
Inga calls Gen Flynn, a 33 year distinguished military combat veteran a treasonous traitor and russian spy for over 4 years straight and when that lie is completely exposed she simply moves on to the next smear campaign...all the while lecturing others about respecting military members.
In Inga's defense, she literally cant remember anything she wrote more than 15 minutes ago.
If you want to have some fun with the doltish supposed nurse from Wisconsin, ask her why she claimed Kavanaugh was a rape gang leader and why she spent over a year on Team Avenatti before pretending she did no such thing?
I guarantee she will claim she never even heard of Avenatti and has no idea about any such gang rape charges against Kavanaugh!
She's like a wind up toy.
Then, after that, ask her about the hoax dossier and collusion and watch her scurry away.
By the way, Putin and his cronies are already counting the billions of extra dollars in revenue coming their way thanks to are the mullahs in Iran and Biden's buddies in Beijing.
The world resembles that other long arc show alias where the supposed intelligence agencies were really a front for a multinational criminal syndicate
"Yancey Ward didn’t just oppose draconian lockdowns. He opposed testing, he opposed masks, he opposed limits on large events, he opposed believing covid was a mass killer. His model leader is Bolsonaro. Well, look at Brazil."
Lying again, Karen B. Do you really have no shame? I never opposed testing and mask wearing- I opposed mask mandates, and I pointed out the contact tracing using the RT-PCR test also wouldn't be effective once you got beyond the intial first 1000-10,000 cases, and I was right on both counts- masks don't work as anything other than a pacifier, and contact tracing is a joke as demonstrated here, in Europe, and in South America.
I did oppose limits on gatherings for very good reasons- I knew banning them wouldn't work just like lockdowns don't work. Gatherings should have been left open to the discretion of the individual. I favored the initial British plan of allowing the virus to rip through the large part of the population which wasn't in danger of serious illness, while protecting the vulnerable for the 2-3 months this would take, but the British chickened out. I then favored the Swedish approach as the next best approach- don't destroy your economy, don't quarantine people who are not sick. Their approach was right because it recognized the most fundamental fact about the virus- that you couldn't stop its spread, and that it was only dangerous to a pretty small minority of the population.
You keep harping on Brazil- what makes Brazil worse than the US, the UK, France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, etc.? What exactly is your point about Brazil being worse? Their results are indistinguishable from that list of countries I just gave you. If Bolsonaro had followed, for example, the draconian policies of the UK- guess what- nothing different would have happened in the virus stats. How do I know this? Because these idiotic policies, all of which you supported, were implemented fully in the UK, and guess what- the UK looks just like Brazil virus-wise.
You are just a fucking idiot, Ken. I didn't realize how stupid you were last year, but your continuing lying about what I believed tells me that the outcomes not turning out the way you wanted has embarrassed you- you were told the interventions would fail, and they did. Just admit that lockdowns didn't work- that masks didn't work. You have no credibility at all, Ken- you were literally wrong about everything to do with the virus- you were wrong about the mortality (so was I, just in the other direction), but worse, you were wrong about the NPIs employed, and you regularly lambasted me for writing that the interventions were pointless and worse. And here we are a year later, and I was right about pretty much everything other than the death toll, and even there I was correct in pointing out that the virus wouldn't kill 2-11 million Americans, and I will probably turn out to be right that the economic damage caused by idiocy like yours will end up killing more people than the virus itself, but that is still to be determined.
You are just a fucking idiot, Ken. I didn't realize how stupid you were last year, but your continuing lying about what I believed tells me that the outcomes not turning out the way you wanted has embarrassed you.
Not necessarily. Misrepresenting people's views is pretty much standard M.O. for Ken. It's what he does.
It is almost like you don't actually look at the data available, Ken. A wide range of government mandated policies were followed by neighboring countries, states, and cities, and yet they all end up in the exact same place in about the same amount of time regardless of what they did. That should tell anyone with an IQ above body temperature that the policies themselves are irrelevant to the virus' spread and mortality.
You keep writing that I wanted old people to fend for themselves. Find a direct quote or shut the fuck up. That is the challenge. I wrote multiple times about how to protect nursing homes, hospitals, and old people in their homes- I wrote all of this even before the end of last March. I wrote these suggestions in these very comment threads, and I posted links to them a couple of weeks ago in an overnight thread. I never wrote in any of them that "grandma should fend for herself". This is the sort of blood libel that should embarrass a person if they can't actually support it with a quote and a link. Good luck, if you even dare to try.
Indeed countries that have been in eternal lockdown have been terrible, take peru or bolivia.
You really have done yeoman work with the analytics despite the fluctuating rules yancey.
I though the very ending of "Fringe" was satisfactory. However, I thought the last two seasons were much weaker than the first three.
Initially, I liked the mythology built in "The X-Files", but I just reach the conclusion around the time Duchovny left the series that the writers didn't really have a plan, and didn't have a way to conclude it. I stopped watching about half way through the first season with Duchovny. I have planned to binge the entire series at some point, but the desire isn't very strong any more. I did watch the first revival season a few years back, but I didn't watch the second one from 2019.
I loved "Counterpart", and was terribly disappointed it was cancelled. Starz has a habit of doing that to me- it cancels the series I like- it did it with "The Rook" and with "Magic City". Syfy does the same thing, and it pisses me off so much I no longer bother watching anything new on either channel.
That should have been "first season without Duchovny".
Yes that season was week they were trying more of an ensemble feel, the reboot was surprisingly weak considering the circumstances. Largely hamhanded.
I wish I had started the analytics earlier than I did. I started with the state of Tennessee last May for obvious reasons, and it got easier as my spreadsheet skills got a little better, so I kept adding states. I also regret not doing the entire world, but there are no csv databases where that data is all in one place and accessible via an API, so didn't do it. WorldoMeters had the data on the country level almost all along, but the historic data available only goes back 2 days, and I haven't found anywhere that stored it.
I just remember how excited I was after the first X-Files movie in 1998. The anticipation for the new television series was so high, and then the season itself just never went anywhere. I kind of lost interest right then and there, but stayed until Duchovny left.
Yes, the reboot was pretty bad- all over the place. It was mainly why I didn't have the energy to watch the subsequent season even though I had all the episodes recorded on the DVR.
Like I wrote, I will eventually get around to binging the entire collection, but not anytime soon.
You guys need to STFU. It has been suggested by our unifying POTUS that if we do what we're told, and we're vaccinated and masked, we might be able to grill hot dogs in our back yard as early as July 4.
You need to add "Thanks, President Biden!" for effect.
Inga said...
Speaking of Flynn...
The Army is reviewing a probe from the Department of Defense’s (DOD) internal watchdog into former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s international dealings, a spokesperson for the Army confirmed to The Hill.
In a statement obtained via email, Army spokesperson Col. Cathy Wilkinson said “the Acting Secretary of the Army has received the case from the DoD Inspector General for review."
The review could bring tens of thousands of dollars in penalties against Flynn, according to The Washington Post.
It could- if he's called back to active duty and court martialed AND found guilty. Otherwise, there isn't a damn thing the DoD can do. The chance of a court martial finding him guilty of anything? Essentially zero. If the perfumed princes find a court martial board that will convict him- the verdict will be overturned on appeal. The process is the punishment. For non-crimes not committed.
Cisco is defending implementing the caste system among Indians it imports via the H1B visa program to replace American workers. Well, officially not to replace them but to do the work they can't find Americans to do. But everyone knows that's a lie. The Hindu American Foundation has weighed in on the matter, apparently because not allowing them to establish a caste system “blatantly violates the rights of Hindu Americans.”. Although the organization vehemently opposes “all forms of prejudice and discrimination, Yeah, right.
When you import large numbers of people from another culture, rather than absorbing your own they bring theirs with them, no matter how repugnant it is.
“Daylight Savings Time starts tonight! More sunlight in the evening for the next 8 months. Thank you, President Biden!”
Which means that my two watches will be synchronized again - except that we are in AZ right now, which doesn’t do that nonsense known as Daylight Savings Time. Going to be another month or so before they sync up again, when we head north to MT, which does practice that nonsense.
Two decades ago, when my partner still had her own money, she bought me a nice dress watch. One that an attorney could wear. Have worn it since, except for a short period of time after I got an Apple Watch a year or two ago. The Apple Watch replaced the dress watch, but had to go on the charger every other night. During those periods of time, I was without a watch, and sometimes it would have been nice to be able to see the time. Then inspiration struck - why not wear the dress watch on my non dominant wrist? Sure, every once in awhile I get a comment about it. But as a septuagenarian now, I am allowed to do silly things like that. The remaining problem is that the Apple Watch, hooked to the AT&T cellular system, changes time zones automatically (though it takes about 20 miles going east from Sandpoint going home in MT), while the dress watch has to be manually reset. I didn’t reset it from MDT to MST last fall, and so it has been an hour fast since then. My thoughts are to standardize on MST, which means resetting it next fall, for hopefully the last time.
I do love the Apple Watch. At first, I questioned whether it was worth the price. But now, I am lost without it. After using it to tell time, the next most useful app for me on it is the phone. I can answer or reject calls without digging out my phone, which is handier than I expected. I can do it while driving, or even the shower. That is really only for the three women in my life (daughter, partner, and daughter of partner). With my partner, it works better than not answering when I am in either situation, and then explaining why I didn’t answer her phone call - which I should never do, because something might have happened to her (turnabout is not fair play for her - she routinely loses hers (we have two for her for that reason) or just forgets to plug it in, etc). But that isn’t all. I also, on occasion use it to read text and email messages, look at and search maps, and even set the thermostats through our security system. Should even be able to answer the front door. It also makes finding my iPhone easy. It can do most of what my iPhone does, and almost everything that I actually use the iPhone for (the stuff that the watch can’t do that the iPhone can, I mostly do on an iPad anyway, like reading and writing blog comments). I may hate Apple, but would have a hard time surviving without their well integrated IOS devices.
“You guys need to STFU. It has been suggested by our unifying POTUS that if we do what we're told, and we're vaccinated and masked, we might be able to grill hot dogs in our back yard as early as July 4.”
Reminds me. As many of you know, I bought our subdivision last year, consisting of 20 finished (all utilities) lots, acreage for another 20 lots, and maybe another 5 acres too rocky and up and down to build on. There is a big flag on the east end of town, at the ConocoPhillips tank farm, that you see driving in and out of town. Nothing on the west end. Much of that 5 acres is cliffs, including a big one over the highway on the edge of town. Perfect place for a large American flag. With the size of the conifer trees there, the flag is going to have to be pretty big to be visible. My thoughts are to put a flagpole there. My goal, I think, is to get it up by July 4 this year. Was going to get a small mixer for the concrete, but have gotten to know the concrete guy for my garage (who is currently in the process of actually also framing it). Hopefully, if I make it a community flag pole, I can do a deal with him to help. Ran out of time last fall, but did see some 20 foot Trump signs that would wrap around that cliff, and be noticeable by anyone leaving town. Probably put some anchors in at te same time we put in the flagpole.
ow. Hagler died after taking the vaccine. Just like Hank AAron. Not sure which vax they got.
Thanks President Biden!
Inga's military daughter has plenty of free toilet paper . Inga can stop worrying.
Thanks, President Biden!
Warp Speed Joe invented Vaccines. There. Happy now? Icky little propagandists.
Shouting Thomas said...
"How many people would have voted for Biden had the media, Twitter and Facebook (among others) not hidden his senility?"
When they could side with you instead?
Portland Kettling. Taking names and kicking ass. Taking names anyway. Bout damn time.
The "concrete guy" may have occasional loads that don't get used/are only partially used that he needs to get rid of, so if the site is ready he may be able to give it to you for free (likely on short notice), and you would be doing him a favor. I have a diary farmer friend who does that with local construction companies.
Heading upstairs for the night, I went through my routine of turning out the lights and making sure all the doors were locked. Noticed that two TV remotes were out. Whoops. Big problem. About every other day I get a call to come fix the TV. It inevitably turns out to be a problem with the remote. Last week the batteries in the AT&T remote were flaking out. But usually, it is because she is using the wrong one. She will be desperately stabbing buttons, and nothing is happening. We are down to only 3 remotes for the downstairs TV: LG for the big TV, Cox for cable, and AT&T for streaming. Tried to cut the cord this year from Cox, because they are thieves, incompetent, and refused to come into the house last April because of COVID-19. CentryLink did come in, so we got Internet, but no cable TV. Finally got Cox in this last November, so now have Internet and cable TV from them, but by then, I had her using AT&T TV streaming over the Internet. So, on the way upstairs tonight, I found the LG remote sitting next to the AT&T remote, and since it is new and shiny, it is likely that I would find her madly punching it’s buttons, if I hadn’t discovered the problem, and solved it effectively hiding that remote over by the TV.
To me, a guy, the whole thing is silly. For me, it is easy. The three remotes look different, and are all marked for what they control: LG for the TV, Cox for the cable box, and AT&T for their streaming box. Different shapes, and different colors too. The problem is that I am a technophile, while she is a technophobe. I have been doing “tech” for better than a half century now. For me, it is straight forward. But it probably isn’t for many. That big TV downstairs has three inputs (Cox cable, A&T streaming, and over-the-air), plus another couple hundred built in LG channels, plus their various applications.
Our Internet is worse: two fiber inputs (CenturyLink and Cox), five WiFi routers, and a 2x3 Ethernet router. The 2x3 Ethernet router load balances and failover of the two Internet fiber links. Each fiber link also has its own WiFi router. Then, there is a free modem that I use for the security system. And finally, two AC2400 dual band routers that I had lying around that I am running as access points (which means that they share SSIDs, and let the 2x3 Ethernet modem do the IP address assignments). Five different WiFi SSIDs visible most of the time - the three WiFi modems, the pair of access points, and a guest account. Plus someone’s Cox modem (hopefully not mine - need to check sometime). None of this means anything to her, at all. She doesn’t even understand that you select an SSID to connect to, then supply a password to get access to the Internet. As I said, 50 years in “tech”, and this all is obvious to me.
What is weird to me is that esp for a lot of women, all this technology makes no sense whatsoever. Not all women - my mother did fine, and my ex has two degrees in CS and one in data communications. Or our daughter - fourth generation with a math degree (plus physics), and a PhD in engineering. It isn’t like my partner is stupid. Far from it. She has maybe the fasted mind I have ever encountered. Photographic memory. Straight As all the way through school. Her expertise though is artistic, and not numerical. She has an uncanny spatial sense when it comes to space planning - accurate to maybe an inch or so, merely by glancing at a room and various things to place there. She can do better by sight than I can with a measuring tape. She sees thousands more colors than I do, and can see how they fit together. Several of her interior designs have been in Architectural Digest. Master cook too. Amazing woman. But still can’t figure out the remotes. And never will. So, I have to make sure that she only ever has one of them.
Like a lot of us Bruce, you need a wife remote. I lost mine a long time ago but I’m still pushing her buttons.
Thanks for the suggestion. Will follow up on it.
Good guy. Originally, he was only going to pour the foundation. But we got talking, and he offered to put up what I really wanted, instead of what I could buy prebuilt - which means 14’ center door and 16’ ceiling in the middle, and two stories on either side. Finally with good weather, it’s going up fast. Told him I needed to have it done by mid April, so that it will be done before we get back up there, and my partner freaks out with the construction. It’s in the side lot, and she rarely looks out the windows on that side, so will ultimately adapt to it. Out of sight out of mind. But construction noises would remind her.
Being rural MT, we initially bonded by showing off our pocket guns, then our truck guns. That is what people in deep blue cities don’t understand - that gun ownership is a part of life in rural America. I had him beat on truck guns. He just had an ordinary handgun. Large caliber revolver, with bear loads. I had a 10 mm G20, loaded for bear, plus a .300 Blackout AR-15 pistol with a 7.5” barrel.
“ Like a lot of us Bruce, you need a wife remote. I lost mine a long time ago but I’m still pushing her buttons.”
I push hers, but she pushes mine back. I think that a lot of people think that we are a comedy team when we perform in public.
@Bruce Hayden:
Amazing woman. But still can’t figure out the remotes. And never will. So, I have to make sure that she only ever has one of them.
I laughed reading your description. My father has always been a gadget-obsessed guy, and we always had complicated home entertainment setups that required navigating multiple remotes to function correctly. I was constantly being called into the den by my mother to troubleshoot some minor issue. The "Input" button tended to cause a lot of confusion for some reason. I can't remember how many times I had to reassure her that the VCR could record a channel we weren't watching. She could put an endotracheal tube in someone's throat, a chest tube in their pleural cavity, and perform an emergency C-section but couldn't had trouble tuning into Murphy Brown if someone left the VCR on. Of course, it wasn't that she couldn't learn it; she wouldn't learn it. My father has every streaming service imaginable, but my mother still pays for a cable service, on which she watches only Turner Classic Movies or Investigation Discovery (aka "Murder TV").
p.s. Multiple remotes in 2021 is inexcusable. The Logitech Harmony universal remotes are a little pricey but work very well.
Why isn't the first day of the year June 21 or December 21? That makes as more sense to me than the seemingly arbitrary January 1. We could even shift the alignment of the months. As for DST, it is annoying AF but only because it is useless and disruptive.
I've had a Harmony universal remote for many years, works flawlessly.
This is the military tweet bothering me:
What it looks like in today’s armed forces
Get right before you get left, boomer
Basically saying if you don't agree with this, the armed forces will leave you behind. Nice. They'll protect the woke Americans only.
stevew said...
Why isn't the first day of the year June 21 or December 21?
Jan 1st is (just about) the latest sunrise of the year
(technically, it's Jan 2nd or 3rd that's latest).
So, After Jan 1st (there about) mornings start getting earlier
The earliest sun SET is (just about) Dec 7th.
Of course, the sun's Farthest South on Dec 21 (or so). and HOW the heck ancient folk would be able to tell that the latest sunrise of the year was Jan 2nd, is beyond me
but, that's the way sunrise and sunset work
You can say the military is engaging in an illegal war. You can say soldiers are engaging in war crimes. You can protest the wars we are in. You can have nightly news reports talking about how awful the wars are. You can impeach the commander in chief, you can call him a war criminal. You can threaten the funding of the war we're in.
But don't question whether women should be in combat. You will be left behind.
My father has every streaming service imaginable, but my mother still pays for a cable service, on which she watches only Turner Classic Movies or Investigation Discovery (aka "Murder TV").
my folks pay a hundred dollars a month for cable. The ONLY two channels they watch are The Weather Channel, and PBS
This year I think I'll just put CDT stickers on the clocks.
I wonder what the conversations among Cuomo and his inner circle are these days.
You know that just a few months ago they were anticipating riding his coattails into presidential admin positions. Now they are wondering whether they will be able to get another job.
Headline of the day: "Biden’s National Park Service Denies South Dakota Request for July 4th Fireworks At Mount Rushmore"
“Potential risks to the park itself and to the health and safety of employees and visitors associated with the fireworks demonstration continue to be a concern" (National Park Service director Herbie Frost)
MayBee said...
This is the military tweet bothering me:
What it looks like in today’s armed forces
Get right before you get left, boomer
"We're in the hospitals - we're getting legit - you'd better 'get it' before it's too late."
My NewAge wife's warning, in 2005, before walking out the door.
I'm telling you guys, you're looking at the world through the wrong end of the telescope.
MayBee said...
"Don't question [the NewAge Movement's agenda] You will be left behind."
stevew said...
"I wonder what the conversations among Cuomo and his inner circle are these days."
His NewAge sister-in-law (Chris Cuomo's wife) is completely off-the-radar, except to rich and powerful NewAgers, so she's mobilizing their forces, like they did for Obama "The Lightworker" - hooking up with Oprah and Netflix the other powerful cultists, in California and New York, because no one on the right is intelligent enough to watch the NewAge Movement everyone knows is running things.
They can do whatever they like - make rapists into innocent men, for instance - and y'all will do nothing about it, because you're such racists, you don't know how to fight the charge but by acting like bigger racists.
He may slide, like Bill Clinton, because of you guys..
exhelodrvr1 said...
"Now they are wondering whether they will be able to get another job."
Bullshit - that's how it would work for ME.
They're NewAgers, so just wondering what OTHER job is available. Some other NewAgers will hire them, for sure.
Like Camille Paglia said, to NewAgers, death is sexy.
My wife had her affair while burying her mother in France. - with the NewAger who killed her.
This year I think I'll just put CDT stickers on the clocks.
I love this idea. I wonder if I can make them into those clingy Colorforms thingies so there's less work peeling them off in the fall!
So, Crack, what are your favorite weed songs?
I updated the internal clock on the Drake R8B clock radio. It has to correspond to the local Rush affiliate's clock, though automatically recording Rush so far has lost its use. I'm just hanging on in case Steyn comes back, otherwise don't actually listen. It records without actually going to speakers after I check.
The buttons on the R8B have long stopped working but it has a serial interface that a laptop can use to make settings changes, so the radio persists in its decades-long role.
Crack’s favorite weed songs are likely to be in one specific genre, so I’ll ask the rest of you.
What are your favorite weed songs?
I’m gonna guess that Althouse’s is Dylan’s Rainy Day Woman.
Per stevew:I wonder what the conversations among Cuomo and his inner circle are these days.
Probably something like, "We need a wartime consigliere".
Mine might be “Because I Got High.”
Shouting Thomas said...
So, Crack, what are your favorite weed songs?
No, fuck that: I offered to play music with you a little while ago and you decided to chuck that idea for racial animosity instead - just like Michael K:
I said a few kind words to him recently and what did it get me? A backstabbing. He called a liar just a few days ago.
You guys are ethical nightmares and you can keep it.
What are your favorite weed songs?
Dandelion by Rolling Stones. Prince or pauper...
OK, Crack, have it your way.
No big deal.
@Shouting Thomas:
What are your favorite weed songs?
I Got Five On It by Luniz
Smokin' Budda by Krayzie Bone
Mary Jane by Rick James
You Don't Know How It Feels by Tom Petty
Day 'n' Night by Kid Cuddi
Space Cadet by Metro Boomin
Thanks Farmer, there are a few in there I don't know.
Why isn't the first day of the year June 21 or December 21? That makes as more sense to me than the seemingly arbitrary January 1.
"If there is discord among the wisest men, can it astonish us that the civil years, which were established by less accomplished persons, differed one from the other and corresponded but badly with the natural years?" -Censorinus, de Die Natali
Shouting Thomas said...
OK, Crack, have it your way.
No - this is your way - including you constantly blaming me for it. I repeat:
I offered to play music with you.
You threw that away, Asshole.
THAT'S why race is so fucked up.
Learn to blame yourselves for your fuck-ups, white people.
This is such a perfect illustration of my life:
I'm trying to be good, trying to help, reaching out - and I'm constantly being betrayed by assholes insisting on their RIGHT to BE ASSHOLES - and then blaming me for it, amongst people who are either watching silently or, somehow, helping to make the false accusation stick. It's been like this since 1995.
This is why I've been in lockdown for over two years now - which you all have been sure is my fault, of course, because - those false accusations MUST BE MADE TO STICK. Cancel culture, what's that? It's something that';s only real FOR YOU.
America is an insane asylum to me now.
The Resident Idiot has not gotten this much attention since she flashed her sagging tits at the Bingo parlor.
And I suspect that Crack is jealous.
"I have to wonder if you are a right wing plant just to make your side look worse."
No. They really are that dumb.
“Of course, it wasn't that she couldn't learn it; she wouldn't learn it. My father has every streaming service imaginable, but my mother still pays for a cable service, on which she watches only Turner Classic Movies or Investigation Discovery (aka "Murder TV").”
Of course, the problem is that she won’t learn, another that she can’t learn. I gave up years ago, trying to explain it to her. That is what guys are for, in her mind - to fix technical or mechanical problems.
She discovered TCM this last year, and it is now her favorite. Watched the Maltese Falcon Friday night, when CBS preempted their usual lineup for some ridiculous reason (Friday nights are sacred TV nights - she lovesTom Selleck (when she first met him, he asked her ex how such an ugly guy got such a hot wife) but the new Magnum is not Selleck, the black sidekick is too fat, and Higgins is now a very cute girl). Weekends have cra cra movies on Lifetime, where most often three or so people are killed during the the first 1.75 hours, he or she is finally revealed, there is a violent confrontation, that is violently resolved in the last couple of minutes. Unless Julia Roberts’ brother is the antagonist, as the obsessed doctor, and escapes, to come back in a later Lifetime movie, stalking another woman. And every once in awhile, another dead body or two is snuck in.
“p.s. Multiple remotes in 2021 is inexcusable. The Logitech Harmony universal remotes are a little pricey but work very well”
Looks promising. There appears to be a range of those Logitech remotes, ranging from $53 to $473. The low end ones, at least, apparently have numeric keys. She needs to be able to key in the channel numbers - and that can be a problem when the wrong Input is active. The other day, she could get to CBS, but not NBC. She had the right remote, for once, but NBC had moved from 12-to 13, between ATT and Cox. She is hell on those remotes - apparently figuring that if she keys something in enough times, she will get the program she wants. This means that I don’t get called until she has failed a bunch of times, and is completely frustrated. It doesn’t quite connect with her, that after keying in the same number maybe twice, and not getting the desired response, the problem is probably the number that she is keying in. Doing it 20 more times isn’t going to change the result. Computers don’t work that way. And clearly doesn’t want to hear about them being deterministic.
Love the woman, but amazed sometimes that I still have most of my hair.
The Crack Emcee said...
"Learn to blame yourselves for your fuck-ups, white people."
How about, learn to blame yourself individually for your fuck-ups, white and black people.
"America is an insane asylum to me now."
I'm with you on that one, Crack. I often thought of you as a bit of a voice of sanity. You stand out more, now.
“my folks pay a hundred dollars a month for cable. The ONLY two channels they watch are The Weather Channel, and PBS”
Worse here. We have $100 Cox cable and $50 a month ATT streaming (at the time, the only streaming service with numbers on their remotes). Plus another $150 for Internet to support the streaming. My big goal with ATT streaming was to have the same set of channels in both MT (Dish) and AZ (Cox). Currently, she has to relearn channel numbers every six months, which is painful for both of us. Yes, using “Guide” would solve the problem. That is what I do. But she is used to keying in channel numbers, so Guide is out. Voice control would work too. That is even more a non starter.
I should add that channels on Dish can be changed from their iPad App. So, yes, I do, on rare occasion antagonize her a bit when we are in MT, on Dish, by switching the TV she is watching to a different channel. Maybe to a liberal propaganda station like CNN or pMSNBC, or to some “reality” show. She esp hates ones featuring fat people. Or maybe 16 year old mothers. Or marrying felons.
hawkeyedjb said...
"How about, learn to blame yourself individually for your fuck-ups, white and black people."
We can't do that - white people created these groups and categories - we're stuck with them, now. The entire "black community" is nothing but the slaves making a culture from the fragments allowed. You're not gonna break that up now. I can travel this entire nation and, based on my cultural upbringing, I'm welcome by blacks as quasi-family. (You hear "Cousins" a lot) It's special. Or, it was until liberals took over. Now it's getting creepy.
"America is an insane asylum to me now."
I'm with you on that one, Crack. I often thought of you as a bit of a voice of sanity. You stand out more, now.
In 1995, my wife said she could walk through walls, and got pissed at me when I asked for a demonstration. Whatever she got, has now spread around the world.
Cat now has a new trick - crawling under the covers and going to sleep. It is dark, warm, and cozy. He’s hard to see under there. Luckily, I am trained not to lay on the comforter (to keep from crushing the fill). So, I averted tragedy just now. Almost just went through another of his 9 lives. Partner did save him Friday, giving him the feline version of the Heimlich maneuver. He definitely ate something that he shouldn’t have. Possibly one of those paper covered wires that cables come in. He loves to stalk and attack them.
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