May I request moderation if it would help prevent his blackness the crack mc from crapping all over these posts? I doubt there is a single commenter on this blog who gives a flying fuck what he has to puke out of his bigoted mouth.
May I request moderation if it would help prevent his blackness the crack mc from crapping all over these posts? I doubt there is a single commenter on this blog who gives a flying fuck what he has to puke out of his bigoted mouth.
He's just like Chuck. He comes to the blog to provoke abuse and then complains about it.
The lawyer for her family and estate was on Tucker Carlson to discuss the matter.
But, of course, he had very little news to tell because two months later, we STILL DON'T KNOW who killed the unarmed Ashli Babbitt. The government refuses to say or even acknowledge her as a person or that she even existed.
Presidential installations have consequences. Beiden has shown a talent for economic destruction. The Chinese Ministry of Plastic Shit Production is going to be mad when their top market craters. Actually, the economy will boom in areas that defy Beidens eternal Covid restrictions, Disney World is sold out. Big blue cities won't participate so much because no one is going to work in an office downtown and spend $40 per day on lunch, the gym membership, and a train ticket. These people will work from home living in low cost towns.
Beiden's policies are just there to make sure wages don't rise too much for his masters as the economy heats up. The only minorities that will like it are Latin Americans and Indians with H1B visas, as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft planned.
The government refuses to say or even acknowledge her as a person or that she even existed. Exactly, Mark! We're beginning to learn how things are done, now, aren't we? Just as in Orwell.
Bought a copy of The Lost Tools of Learning from — which I recommend as an alternative to Amazon for your new book needs — and it came with an extra book printed in the same binding. Which book, you ask? The Book of the Law, a shitpile of occult nonsense by one Aleister Crowley, the founder of modern Wicca. It’s silly garbage, but still spooky that it showed up in my house unbidden. Wondering if someone is trying to disseminate this deliberately or if it was a weird error. I am traveling so haven’t had a chance to contact the company yet.
The puke that Crack is spitting out is, indeed insane, but I’m going to remind you of this:
Double double toil and trouble Fire burn and cauldron bubble
The crazies in Shakespeare appear as prophets because they are in touch with the underworld and they feel what we can only try to perceive through our intellects.
I listened to Scott Adams today as he described how the CCP is manufacturing fentanyl and shipping it into the U.S. over the Mexican border. The CCP is softening the U.S. in every way that it can, reaching into every institution, including our military. Combat gear for pregnant soldiers? The Dem/CCP axis stole an election and seized the White House. The wild bailout is meant to further cripple the U.S. Open borders is a CCP dream.
Crack can feel the demons rising up from the underworld and he’s trying to sound the alarm. He can feel the cataclysm coming. His method is scattershot and wild, but he’s trying. Don’t pay so much attention to the specifics of his raving. Just listen to the alarm.
Escaped from all the bad news and unplugged today with some family on a deep sea fishing trip. We caught more than a dozen nice red snappers and a couple odd fish in addition to hooking 2 lemon sharks, one of which we brought alongside and looked to be 7’ long. Some of our group got sick on the way out and had a miserable time despite the Dramamine and wrist bands.
Please stop naming other commenters to attack them. It’s creating clutter. If you don’t like what someone says, address the substance. I object to seeing the same people named over and over. You are causing them to respond in defense and counterattack and the overall effect is to make the threads unpleasant to read. Concentrate on bringing value, not having personal fights.
They are paying back the colonial powers with the same coin, fentanyl for indian opium
By George, another Floyd confession., and people ingest it voluntarily with hopes and dreams of a mellow future. One flew over the Rainbow of inclusive exclusion.
Minutes away from important events. Hawkeyes vs. Badgers. Featuring National player of the year, Luka Garza. Tune in to see the one of the best big men for a long time. Long time before you see another of this caliber.
I'm sure he does, but I don't get him. He was profoundly unhappy with Trump and did his level best to bring him down; now he's grumbling about O'Biden which I can appreciate. But what exactly is Matt Taibbi for? Or does he consider his job to be "eloquent malcontent? "
A very high number, all of them really, of election issue lawsuits dismissed and not a single one addressed the merits. It makes one wonder: if the objective was to legitimize the so-called election of Joe Biden, this is not the way to do so.
In other news, the stevew workshop in the new house is nearly complete. Power is installed, the primary workbench is built, the secondary bench will be complete tomorrow. Cutting and shaping wood into useful objects will resume, in earnest, this weekend. First up, a Lego table for one of the granddaughters. Following will be an entertainment console for the family room.
Meanwhile, mid to upper 60s the last couple of days, back into the 40s tomorrow, 20s on Monday. I love this time of year.
He was aware enough like greenwald to call out the fraud like another lefty at the nation, one thinks him a little like dos passos, in the early 20th century, but incapable of making the big leap.
Crack's OK. I may not understand what the hell he is talking about, but I have no problems with him expressing whatever it is. I'm actually glad to see him back.
More than a couple of others, however, mostly on the left, are too invested in their animus and irrationality and utterly hijacking discussions to take.
I never understood Taibbi’s or Althouse’s response to Trump.
I’ll try not to pat myself on the back too much, but I could see a couple of years ago that Trump was the only politician capable of holding back this madness we’re now suffering.
Althouse sort of liked Trump personally, but she wanted a standard lawyer/bureaucrat in the office. Taibbi just thought Trump was a fool.
The forces allied against Trump were far more powerful than people like Althouse or Taibbi. I call it the CCP/Dem axis. Nothing Althouse or Taibbi said was ultimately going to be much use against that axis.
Not to call attention to myself, but did no one really get my reference last night to increasing the chocolate ration in relation to Joe Biden saying that maybe we can have a properly-distanced and vaxed neighbor over for a hot dog on July 4?
Yes because its a global network, the one durham tried to pierce, andrew marr described a similar apparatus in his dark brexit roman a clef, chris blackburn who is a Liberal Democrat has also perceived it
In a household you want rule by feelings. In a large system you want rule by structure.
Women feel their feelings ought to rule at every level. It doesn't work. Starting with they're not happy in their new important jobs, and organize a women's workplace issues committee.
These will complain about inappropriate shirt designs.
My Bidden cash was electronically deposited in my bank this afternoon. Now I can file my taxes for 2020. I qualified under my 2019 return but because of some IRA withdraws I took in 2020 I wouldn't have qualified if I had filed before now. Hell of a way of system they devised.
When Oceania reduced the weekly chocolate ration to the masses from 30 grams to 20, it announced the change as an increase to 20 grams, and everyone cheered Big Brother (Nineteen Eighty-Four).
Just like Joe Biden promoting his July 4 as something more than what people are doing now, rather than the step backward that it really would be.
“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday […] it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it. [...] The eyeless creature at the other table swallowed it fanatically. passionately, with a furious desire to track down, denounce, and vaporize anyone who should suggest that last week the ration had been thirty grams. Syme (the Ministry of Truth employee working on a new Newspeak dictionary) - in some more double complex way, involving doublethink - Syme too swallowed it. Was he, then, alone in the possession of a memory?”
Just like these WTF/BFD new guidelines from Biden's hack/partisan CDC about what fully vaccinated people can do -- with cheers from the usual crowd -- things that unvaccinated people were doing six months ago (and more).
That is classic minitruth, now sometimes thr brotherhood the anti ingsoc opposition is actually controlled by big brother (see yakosheva trust, cubela, the polish win
I gave the Almighty Joe Biden, Savior of All, a big middle finger today.
Driving down the streets of D.C. in the direction of the militarized zone, I had my windows down because of the nice weather, and I DID NOT HAVE A MASK ON.
We had an all-staff meeting at work today (remote) where one of the presenters essentially implied that if we chose not to get even the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, even though we might have issues of conscience because of its development involving the intentional killing of innocent human beings, that we would be no better than murderers of other vulnerable people.
Why such a BIG and HARD push? Especially since nearly everyone is clamoring to shove those vulnerable people out of the way to get the vaccine, and it is only a relative handful of cranks who refuse to immediately go along.
Having already attempted to stop it, to no avail, do we keep on pounding our heads into the wall trying to get it through the thick heads of others what is plainly obvious, or do we simply let it all crash and burn?
If we were to ask what this country really "deserves," what would it be?
Who killed more people? Matt Dillon, a U.S. Marshall with legal authority who killed only when someone else drew on him or someone else? Or Lucas McCain, a civilian who got his kicks with a rifle?
"Having already attempted to stop it, to no avail, do we keep on pounding our heads into the wall trying to get it through the thick heads of others what is plainly obvious, or do we simply let it all crash and burn?"
"Others" like this?
“Of course, I want people to have health care,” Vinson said. “I just didn’t realize I would be the one who was going to pay for it personally.”
Had an uncomfortable moment today. Went into the convenience store/gas station for some refreshment. They have a very nice POC religious lady who works as cashier. We know each other. We were bantering a little as she was leaving her shift. Closing out the bantor she calls me Sir. Whoa!!!!! I have always had a problem being addressed as Sir. How should I handle this now a days? (Me: 23andme verified 98% northern European with a large component of neanderthal)
Head of state, published in 95, before beexit came to me, was about an independence movement but most interesting ly a multifaceted movement corporate government media to suppress it.
We do what we think is right, choose to live in truth and let God handle the details. And die on our feet, if necessary. This country and this world are not our forever home, and it doesn’t do to get overly attached to them.
[thank you for the kind words, by the way, fun people]
Here is what I have read so far this year - I’m really trying to do more books and less internet:
12 Rules, Jordan Peterson Stasiland, Anna Funder Lonesome Dove, Larry McMurtry Roads, Larry McMurtry The Searcher, Tana French Who Does He Say You Are, Colleen Mitchell Country Stories of Ghosts and Bad Men, Todd Narron Digital Minimalism, Cal Newport Station Eleven, Emily Mandel
Next up is The Lost Tools of Learning by Dorothy Sayers if I can get a non-Satanic copy, and after that, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting by Milan Kundera.
Most NCOs in the military would respond: "Don't call me sir, I work for a living".
Joking aside, among certain people, in certain part of the country, they're trained young and well to address men as sir and women as ma'am. Try to understand it's meant as a sign of respect.
Bought a copy of The Lost Tools of Learning from — which I recommend as an alternative to Amazon for your new book needs — and it came with an extra book printed in the same binding. Which book, you ask? The Book of the Law, a shitpile of occult nonsense by one Aleister Crowley, the founder of modern Wicca. It’s silly garbage, but still spooky that it showed up in my house unbidden. Wondering if someone is trying to disseminate this deliberately or if it was a weird error. I am traveling so haven’t had a chance to contact the company yet.
Crowley founded Thelema, not Wicca. It mostly deals with the practice of sex magic, so having misplaced your pants would make you a likely candidate for initiation into the Ordo Templi Orentis! ;)
If Pants improved her posts she might rise as high as being a troll. In that sense, I agree she is not actually a troll. Telling people covid is harmless is sub-troll behavior.
I was amused to read some time ago that Ian Fleming started writing basically to support the high maintenance trophy wife he had stolen away from another man.
Waved at Freeman today as I traversed, for the first time top to bottom, the great state of Arkansas. We took the back roads and it was very beautiful and seemed to be achingly poor.
Robert, I address anyone of any ethnicity Sir or Ma'am unless they are considerably younger than I. Note: In the South this is standard practice. In the rest of the country, it is merely polite.
Over at Coyne's blog commenters were once complaining about pamphlets included in their orders. These being religious pamphlets the folks there were apoplectic. Several boasted about complaining to Amazon. One boasted she got a vendor warned by Amazon. Virtually everyone there — it’s a complete groupthink because Coyne bans dissenters — applauded.
They also preen about their objections to cancel culture.
Anyone who posts about “confronting” believers — which must be more intrusive than a pamphlet — gets high fives.
I am glad the reactions to the Crowley stuff is more sensible here. People who include things like that are usually well meaning. They think thus stuff will make your life better. Even if you think it won’t, bile is the wrong reaction.
Yes she was the wife of a press baron, the bbc docudrama had an interesting (ahem) spin on her, she was more like famke jansens character if you get my drift.
Robert, where you at? I assume it must be a locale where 'sirs' and 'ma'ams' are rare!
This city may be a shithole, but we have a very polite populace for the most part. In my multi-ethnic, multi-class, multi-cultural neighborhood, young B/black guys hold doors even for W/white geezers, and vice-versa, and almost everyone says 'Sir' and 'Ma'am' and Please and Thank You.
Narr It probably won't bear up under extended hardship or crisis, but it's nice while it lasts.
Trivia re “sir”. In modern American parlance it’s not deferential, that is, it’s not about social standing. It’s just politeness. Go back far enough in time, and it was deferential, and one would not say “sir” to a social inferior. There was though a polite term for use addressing a (male) social inferior, “sirrah”. You can find it in literature still in the 19th century, and then it fades.
So don’t worry about sir, but watch out for sirrah.
The lawyer for her family and estate was on Tucker Carlson to discuss the matter.
But, of course, he had very little news to tell because two months later, we STILL DON'T KNOW who killed the unarmed Ashli Babbitt. The government refuses to say or even acknowledge her as a person or that she even existed."
Bet her family won't get a $27 million dollar settlement.
John Henry Albion's Seed is good, A lot of libraries have OverDrive, which lends Kindle books. I like my Kindle Oasis, a glorified paperwhite, because of the e ink rather than backlit screen, which tablet apps are, but the newer non Kindle devices from kobo are pretty good.
A book service worth looking at is Scribd. It’s about ten bucks a month. The good part is higher end stuff than Kindle Unlimited, including technical books. I use it once in a while and usually to read grossly expensive books. The selection is very broad.
The downside is that the “unlimited” borrowing is actually limited and the limits are hard to get info on. So if you use the service, do not borrow a book just for the fun of browsing it, or you will hit a limit because it counts against your (secret) quota.
one of the presenters essentially implied that if we chose not to get even the Johnson & Johnson vaccine,
The J&J, as well as all the other vaccines are NOT FDA approved. They are, officially, still in the testing and review stage to make sure they are safe and effective.
They are "authorized" for emergency use. The law on this is pretty clear. I looked it up and read it myself last year. Legally only a single drug can be authorized under the emergency use provision.
Anyway, My understanding is that nobody can pressure you to take an unapproved drug.
Just tell HR that you will take the vaccine when it is approved for use.
The other thing is that, according to the legal definition of "vaccine", the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are not. I don't know about J&J.
Vaccines are exempt from product liability. If you get a side effect you can request compensation from a govt fund but cannot sue the company. The govt fund is funded by the vaccine companies.
It will be interesting when someone sues Pfizer on the grounds that it was a "drug", not a "vaccine"
True story. About five years ago, I stopped for coffee at a Hispanic-owned corner convenience store a few blocks away. I had been doing yardwork or something, was dirty and smelly, and as I waited in the line to pay I listened to the cashier and a B/black customer banter.
The cashier was explaining that he had moved here from SoCal, which the B/black guy seemed to be familiar with as they talked about different towns.
As I got up to pay the cashier behind his multiple panes of protective glass--which was quite reflective at my angle--he was saying that Memphis was OK but he missed California, and the B/black guy said, over my shoulder to the cashier, "You know what's wrong with Memphis? I'll tell you what's wrong with Memphis" . . . as I saw him clearly as in a mirror, nodding vigorously at me behind my back.
Humblest apologies! I think north of the 101 and I think the Musical Instrument Museum, the Mayo Clinic (although those are of course just south of the 101) and those neighborhoods up by Pinnacle Peak and toward Cave Creek. Most of Scottsdale is south of 101, I know, but I think mo money, mo north. I hate that I love Scottsdale but man is it pretty. If I had megabucks it’d be tempting to live with all the famous people in Paradise Valley.
"A very high number, all of them really, of election issue lawsuits dismissed and not a single one addressed the merits. It makes one wonder: if the objective was to legitimize the so-called election of Joe Biden, this is not the way to do so."
The universal blocking of any examination of the ballots is, for me, the truest and surest tell that the election was stolen. Really, if Joe Biden had 81 million legitimate ballots cast in his name and Trump was claiming enough of them were illegitimate to change the outcome of the election, wouldn't the Democrats and Trump's Republican enemies along with the media be tripping over themselves to prove Trump and all of his supporters wrong in a conclusive fashion? Seriously- all of us have been on that end of an argument, haven't we- an argument that we know we can win by just showing the evidence itself that is conclusive, and I don't remember meeting anyone that declined to use such evidence.
It doesn't bother me at all now. I used to work in Baltimore at a large chemical plant with legacy union employees, and I was called Sir and Mr ***** regularly by a handful of older employees that I supervised. I took it more as a term of traditional respect than politeness. That bothered me at the time, but as I type this, I'm reminded of some great times with some great folks. Small problems, right?
Here in the South, Sir is basically a respect-to-age thing. When I started going grey and started getting Sir-ed, it was quite a shock. At least I haven't started getting Do you need any help with that, Sir? yet. Hopefully that will hold off for another ten years or so.
"Where [an] officer has probable cause to believe that [a] suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm, either to the officer or to others, it is not constitutionally unreasonable to [use] deadly force." Where such imminent threat is not present, the use of deadly force is unlawful (Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S. 1, 11–12 (1985)).
The United Nations Basic Principles for the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials, which are widely adopted by police throughout the world, provide in Article 9 that: "Law enforcement officials shall not use firearms against persons except in self-defense or defense of others against the imminent threat of death or serious injury, to prevent the perpetration of a particularly serious crime involving grave threat to life, to arrest a person presenting such a danger and resisting their authority, or to prevent his or her escape, and only when less extreme means are insufficient to achieve these objectives. In any event, intentional lethal use of firearms may only be made when strictly unavoidable in order to protect life."
"Not to call attention to myself, but did no one really get my reference last night to increasing the chocolate ration in relation to Joe Biden saying that maybe we can have a properly-distanced and vaxed neighbor over for a hot dog on July 4?"
Well, I got it, Mark, but we talk about 1984 all the time, so I just assumed it was old hat to everyone who isn't a drugged out Van Halen fan. However, I have also made multiple allusions to Animal Farm over the past several months, and no one seems to get them, but maybe they also think it is old hat here.
Yancey Ward I think it might be an example of the 100% mind at work. It’s not enough to that kind of mind to have the preponderance of evidence, or clear evidence, or beyond reasonable doubt. The other side must be completely wrong!! in every way. A good example of that is the number of “new atheists” who deny that Jesus ever existed. A stupid position, but very widespread amongst them.
wouldn't the Democrats and Trump's Republican enemies along with the media be tripping over themselves to prove Trump and all of his supporters wrong in a conclusive fashion?
As an unperson, the one you refer to is not entitled to such considerations.
A site I like that dismantles new atheist pseudo history is HistoryForAtheists. The blogger is an atheist,but he has no patience for the historical illiteracy of many of the prominent New Atheists.
Eherman's book Did Jesus Exist is really good too. He cannot quite believe he needs to dismantle the mythicists, but he does so anyway.
Today, everyone has their own truth, carefully worked out for them and established as proven fact by the think tank of their choice, and everyone dismisses other people's truths as lies and fabrications put together by the paid hacks and flacks of the other side.
Now there is some query why is the contemporary documentation sparse, well jerusalem was still on the outer rim of the empire, if the events had happened in greece or rome or probably even north africa there would be more of a record. But the subsequent accounts by josephus (can you believe theres a school of thought paul was josephus) pliny and tacitus are compelling.
I knew about the war but only to the extent that the Danes had lost Holstein and Schleswig and that 50 years later (According to Childer's Riddle of the Sands) were still pissed off about it.
It kind of helps the reading. Since I have no idea what the war is about or what happened, I have know idea what is true and what is bullshit. Vanner sounds like he knows what he is talking about and I don't have anything to compare him to.
Rule Britannia is the name of the book I am on at present. They are just about to get to Heligoland and there are some Austrian cruisers on the way to meet them there.
"I thought in Baltimore theywere supposed to call you "Hon" as in Honey.
Is that no longer a thing?"
No, it's still a thing. But strictly in a conversation between sexes. Baltimore, as far as I know, is still the only place in the country where a man can call a woman he doesn't know "Hon" and not be in some kind of trouble.
When I was an officer in the AF, I was called, Sir all the time. I also called quite a few other officers, Sir....
When I was a civilian DOD employee, I was talking to a Chief Master Sargent about something and when I left, I said, "Thank you, Sir." When I was walking back downstairs to may desk, I realized what I said, and when I got to my cube, I called him. When he picked up the phone I told him, "Chief, I'm sorry I called you Sir!" He got a big kick out of it.
Not to call attention to myself, but did no one really get my reference last night to increasing the chocolate ration in relation to Joe Biden saying that maybe we can have a properly-distanced and vaxed neighbor over for a hot dog on July 4?
We got it Mark. In fact, you repeated yourself for emphasis. It was just too obvious to be worth commenting on, much less giving a special shout out to recognize it.
Narcisco The stupidest argument I heard was about Papias. He was an early Christian writer whose book is referenced in other later sources. But his book itself does not survive. One of the prominent mythicists said “but if you think about it it’s the sort of book that should have survived” so it probably never existed! Unreal.
I find almost all atheists boring when they are writing about atheism, and I am someone who is agnostic as you can possibly be without being an outright atheist. I always live by the old adage, absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. Now, when I was younger (54 right now), I was probably more strident in the atheistic direction, but as I got older I realized the reality of our existence is well beyond my ken and will always be until I die. At my death, I may learn something deeper, and I hope I do, but I will be able share it with none of the living.
To defend Mark here, the allusion was as apt as one usually gets in a blog comments section, and I probably would have acknowledged it most nights- I wasn't much in the mood to comment last night, and I think only wrote one and went to bed. Mark is right- the promise of "small gatherings" by July 4th really was discordant given what is actually going on in most of the country today. For me, Joe Biden can take his all his orders and stick them up us withered ass. I don't need his permission for anything.
There was almost certainly someone named Jesus who lived sometime in 30 A.D. Was he the son of God? I don't know and won't pretend to know one way or the other. I just acknowledge the value of the religion that bears the name his followers used- we wouldn't be here today without it as our entire culture is built using it as support beams and foundation, and as we lose it, I fear we will lose that civilization along with it.
I was raised a devote Catholic, mass every Sunday, all the sacraments, etc. Since young adulthood, I'm agnostic, but there should be a different term for someone like me that believes in a higher order, but considers it an individual reflection, and not anything that can be defined by any religion. That said, it's not my place to question another's beliefs, and it's a better world when people try to live by an honorable code.
I watched Cosmos when it first aired in 1980. While the entire series was brilliant and memorable, the thing that sticks with me most today is the argument Sagan made against there being a God who created the universe- it was basically the "Well, who created God" argument. At the time, it resonated with me, or at least in the way I understood Sagan's argument at the time. Of course, I also later read Russell's "Why I Am Not a Christian". I now recognize these arguments as fallacies internally even if I can't explain why. Like I wrote above, beyond my realm of understanding and it will always be so during my life in the here and now.
there should be a different term for someone like me that believes in a higher order, but considers it an individual reflection, and not anything that can be defined by any religion
Those oh-so-smart people are often quite ignorant, unable to grasp what those backward peoples easily understand -- and have extensively expounded upon.
Well jesus spoke on this point, from another angle 'who is worthy, no not one' that is the paradox of faith, we can never do enough to merit the gift he bestows upon us.
The argument itself is a fallacy, but I can't explain to you why it is a fallacy, at least not in a way that would convince an atheist. I guess I would call it a category error if pressed. I think the point I would try to make is that God as the creator doesn't need to be explained because it couldn't ever be explained any more than we will ever prove the universe arose by some other non-God explanation.
In short, I am content to have the universe created by some superior being. To me, there is more hope in that than the converse even though the converse will have no ultimate meaning to me after I die and am in oblivion.
Yeah, but from Little Bill's point of view, Ned and Will had murdered someone who clearly didn't "deserve" being murdered either- the young cowboy who Will shot when Ned was unable to pull the trigger a second time. In fact, had Hackman been able to arrest both men, they would have hanged under the law rather than outside of it.
See, deserve really might have nothing to do with any of it. You get what's coming to you, what you can't prevent coming to you whether you deserve any of it or not.
His teaching was both exacting and simple, whereas the precursor faith was exasperatingly intricate it was likd the tax code, no one can observe all the laws perfectly
"I am who I am" is actually good enough for me, as I explained above. There are unknowable things, and the beginning of the universe is certainly going to be one us mortals never solve. Sagan's and Russell's argument work against them, too, which I think is why I finally recognized the fallacy at the core of it.
The wild west was too a degree, a state of mature, force ruled over law, this is somewhat of the sense you get with belters in the expanse. I mean who is the honest authority figure in spaghetti westerns van kleef wallach who?
Imagine living within a belief system that says you're a condemned "sinner" - a broken man - but everyone who thinks they're the shit for holding g that belief system calls you a financial failure, whenever they feel like it, KNOWING you're a sinner, because that's what a great person that belief system makes you.
Tell us a better system than what He ordained, you disdain 'new age' which is very old probably pre civilization, but its for those who find his Word too much to stomach.
Why do you need a system? That's the first wrong move, in my book. I'm a foster child - never needed a system to cope with being alone, or broke, or anything. People who do are delusional. They're making shit up. I can't make sit up.
"you disdain 'new age' which is very old probably pre civilization"
I always thought it was ironic that the dissident right attacked Antonio Gramsci so much. His notion of cultural hegemony was broadly correct. The ruling class does dominate the culture, and thus its worldview becomes the dominant ideology and the norm. This was less noticeable to the white working-class in the past when they shared more cultural similarity with the ruling-class. As the white working-class became a minority, the dominant culture became more alien and even hostile to them. That's cultural hegemony asserting itself. The counterculture may have marched through the institutions, but they became yuppies along the way.
Rt41Rebel said... ... That said, it's not my place to question another's beliefs, and it's a better world when people try to live by an honorable code.
That said, it's amazing how many atheists and skeptics have come to the realization that the best societies to live in are ones based on Christian beliefs- that don't FORCE those beliefs on citizens, or in Britain's case, subjects. IIRC, John Cleese had something to say about his role in tearing down British middle class society and mores- and how doing so was a bad thing. What replaced it is not better.
All of our laws, including the ones against murder, are based on religious beliefs. But- Christians also believe in the separation of Church and state, if they follow the teachings of Jesus- "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, render unto God what is God's." As long as that government is fair and just and keeps some lid on human behavior, Christians are fine with it. Discussions I have had with my children as they grow included lessons in that- there are some crimes that are sins, some sins that are crimes, some crimes that aren't sins, and some sins that aren't crimes. For an example, I don't particularly think hunting down the man who raped your wife or daughter and killing him is a sin. It is, however, a crime- unless you can somehow arrange the encounter to be self-defense... tricky to do. We gave agreed to let the state handle such hunting down and punishment. Gambling is a sin, but depending on how you do it- it is not a crime. Which kind of makes me wonder how so many things in early America were funded by lottery.... Drinking alcohol- depending on your denomination, may or may not be a sin, but drinking enough to be out of control is almost always a sin. And sometimes, a crime, sometimes not. Get stupid drunk and stumble around drunkenly in your house bouncing off the walls? A sin, not a crime. On 5th Avenue? Both, but depending on where you are on 5th Avenue, the cops may ignore it. In that inebriated state and slip into the driver's seat and start the car? A serious crime. And still a sin.
Laws based on ethics would be much harder to write. Is killing someone wrong? Well, that depends.... how much did he wrong you? Pretty much- self defense or defense of others is the valid Christian defense to justify killing. And the basic defense in the U.S. Although for quite some time in Texas according to lore "He needed killing" was a valid defense.... If it wasn't self defense, and it wasn't accidental, it's murder of some sort, sometimes called manslaughter.
Like I said, Crack's an OK guy. I don't know where he is coming from with some of his stuff, or where he gets some of his ideas exactly (although personal experience clearly plays a part. What he says is sometimes all jumbled up and I can't follow it, but he is earnest.
I actually think there is a probably a lot of agreement on things, but things are skewed and jumbled, as if speaking different languages, so there appears to be more differences than there really are.
But even if people cannot agree on the existence of God, much less have an understanding of the genuine article, rather than our own confused invention of a god, much less our think that we ourselves are gods, most of us can agree on what the ABSENCE of God is like.
I would hope too that whatever one thinks about the existence of God, that we can agree on the personal and social desirability for things like good, truth, love, freedom, justice, life.
I agree that it is some sick shit that the Democratic Party did to B/blacks for as long as the party has existed. So much so that we still have at least a few that believe that the only chance for hope is reparations. And as that has gone on, Dems have perfected the art of winning every election from here on out by insisting that B/blacks are too stupid to legally vote. or know who to vote for That's some circle of life shit right there.
Who is God? What is God? Does God really exist? What is existence? What is reality?
What are human beings? Why are you here? Why are you on this earth? Why do you exist? Does God need humanity? Is God so egotistical that He needs us to bow down and worship Him?
Does truth exist? What is truth? Is truth absolute or changeable? What is Ultimate Truth and what is Ultimate Reason? Who or what determines whether something is true or not? What is reason? Are science and faith necessarily separate and distinct?
Is truth merely a philosophical proposition, or is it a reality? Are truth and reason such realities that they can be a person? Is love merely a philosophical proposition, or is it a reality? Is it such a reality that it can be a person? Can truth and love even be a conscious person?
What is freedom? Does morality exist in an objective sense? Is there an objective and transcendent good and evil? Is there an objective and transcendent right and wrong? What is “good”? Who or what determines what is “good” and not “good”? Does evil exist? What is evil? Does evil have a nature or substance?
What is space? What is time? Can there be an existence beyond the known space-time continuum, an existence or reality that “transcends” space and time?
What is sentience? What is the intellect? What is the will? Do human beings have the ability to make choices? Do they have freedom of the will? What is free will?
What is love? Is love merely an emotion, or merely an electro-chemical process in the brain, or merely a want or desire for physical, spiritual, and/or sexual closeness and intimacy with the other? Are there different kinds of love, or is there only one love which is exhibited/experienced in different ways or varying degrees?
Why do we love? How does love (or being “in love”) happen? What causes love? What is the source of love? Where does it come from? Is the cause or source of love something that is external to us, or is it internal? Is love an act of reason? a rational decision? a conscious choice or act of the will? Is love something beyond our control? Is love the result of an uncontrollable force of attraction or affinity?
Can you love someone even though you do not like them? Can love co-exist with hate? with anger? What is the cause of the loss of love? Is the cause of the loss of love something external to us; is it something beyond our control?
Are good and evil, right and wrong merely a matter of opinion? What is the source of moral right and wrong? Can morality exist if God does not exist? Do good and evil, right and wrong depend upon the situation? How can we determine right and wrong, good and evil? What or who is the cause or source of evil? Can good ever come out of evil? Is it good to do some evil so that a greater good might result?
What is sin and what is the cause of sin? Are human beings intrinsically good, or intrinsically evil?
What is “suffering”? Does it have more than one definition? Is there meaning in suffering, or is it always and everywhere pointless and without value?
Can pain and suffering ever be transformed from an evil to a good?
Where are heaven and/or hell? How or why does one go to hell or to heaven? Who chooses whether we go to hell or to heaven? Who or what sends an individual to hell?
What is “justice”? Which is and/or should be greater – mercy or justice?
Is it unfair or unjust if some people may go to hell, while others go to heaven? If God is a loving God, shouldn’t everyone go to heaven, would it not be contrary to love for people to suffer in hell?
If you lead a “good” life, do you have a right to go to heaven? Can you demand to be let into heaven if you have done good things in your life? Does God owe you salvation?
At the end of the day, do you want God to be just with you, or merciful, or both?
Because, Lem, we live in a world of lies. So in that state of error, every step that is taken goes off in the wrong direction into the wilderness. And because this is no longer "the land of the free."
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२२४ टिप्पण्या:
224 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Gas in my area is up to $4.05/gallon now for regular.
Thanks, Joe!
It was $2.04 here at the corner station in January, it's $2.99 now.
May I request moderation if it would help prevent his blackness the crack mc from crapping all over these posts? I doubt there is a single commenter on this blog who gives a flying fuck what he has to puke out of his bigoted mouth.
Sure why not
May I request moderation if it would help prevent his blackness the crack mc from crapping all over these posts? I doubt there is a single commenter on this blog who gives a flying fuck what he has to puke out of his bigoted mouth.
He's just like Chuck. He comes to the blog to provoke abuse and then complains about it.
Who killed the unarmed Ashli Babbitt?
The lawyer for her family and estate was on Tucker Carlson to discuss the matter.
But, of course, he had very little news to tell because two months later, we STILL DON'T KNOW who killed the unarmed Ashli Babbitt. The government refuses to say or even acknowledge her as a person or that she even existed.
Maybe he's never watched Monty Python Abuse
Presidential installations have consequences. Beiden has shown a talent for economic destruction. The Chinese Ministry of Plastic Shit Production is going to be mad when their top market craters. Actually, the economy will boom in areas that defy Beidens eternal Covid restrictions, Disney World is sold out. Big blue cities won't participate so much because no one is going to work in an office downtown and spend $40 per day on lunch, the gym membership, and a train ticket. These people will work from home living in low cost towns.
Beiden's policies are just there to make sure wages don't rise too much for his masters as the economy heats up. The only minorities that will like it are Latin Americans and Indians with H1B visas, as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft planned.
Hubble Space Telescope went down for a few days but she's back up: Hubble Twitter.
You go, girl!
The government refuses to say or even acknowledge her as a person or that she even existed.
Exactly, Mark! We're beginning to learn how things are done, now, aren't we? Just as in Orwell.
Bought a copy of The Lost Tools of Learning from — which I recommend as an alternative to Amazon for your new book needs — and it came with an extra book printed in the same binding. Which book, you ask? The Book of the Law, a shitpile of occult nonsense by one Aleister Crowley, the founder of modern Wicca. It’s silly garbage, but still spooky that it showed up in my house unbidden. Wondering if someone is trying to disseminate this deliberately or if it was a weird error. I am traveling so haven’t had a chance to contact the company yet.
The puke that Crack is spitting out is, indeed insane, but I’m going to remind you of this:
Double double toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
The crazies in Shakespeare appear as prophets because they are in touch with the underworld and they feel what we can only try to perceive through our intellects.
I listened to Scott Adams today as he described how the CCP is manufacturing fentanyl and shipping it into the U.S. over the Mexican border. The CCP is softening the U.S. in every way that it can, reaching into every institution, including our military. Combat gear for pregnant soldiers? The Dem/CCP axis stole an election and seized the White House. The wild bailout is meant to further cripple the U.S. Open borders is a CCP dream.
Crack can feel the demons rising up from the underworld and he’s trying to sound the alarm. He can feel the cataclysm coming. His method is scattershot and wild, but he’s trying. Don’t pay so much attention to the specifics of his raving. Just listen to the alarm.
I hear you, Crack.
California is so stupid, while high school football is having full contact practice and games, they can't find a way to have an outdoor track meet.
That is so stupid I'm at a loss for words.
Crack used to be interesting, mostly. Something changed.
But then Pants wasn’t always a troll either.
Pants: That IS creepy! Not long ago I ordered some cosmetics and received with my order an LBGTQ pin to 'proudly wear'. :-(
Escaped from all the bad news and unplugged today with some family on a deep sea fishing trip. We caught more than a dozen nice red snappers and a couple odd fish in addition to hooking 2 lemon sharks, one of which we brought alongside and looked to be 7’ long.
Some of our group got sick on the way out and had a miserable time despite the Dramamine and wrist bands.
They are paying back the colonial powers with the same coin, fentanyl for indian opium
pin to 'proudly wear'
That's thoughtful. Celebrate lions, lionesses, and their cubs playing in gay abandon. Roar!
Please stop naming other commenters to attack them. It’s creating clutter. If you don’t like what someone says, address the substance. I object to seeing the same people named over and over. You are causing them to respond in defense and counterattack and the overall effect is to make the threads unpleasant to read. Concentrate on bringing value, not having personal fights.
They are paying back the colonial powers with the same coin, fentanyl for indian opium
By George, another Floyd confession., and people ingest it voluntarily with hopes and dreams of a mellow future. One flew over the Rainbow of inclusive exclusion.
Taibbi gets it:
What he doesn’t get, and what Althouse didn’t get, was that Trump was holding this back.
Well you cant let the medicine go down if you include that statement
Minutes away from important events. Hawkeyes vs. Badgers. Featuring National player of the year, Luka Garza. Tune in to see the one of the best big men for a long time. Long time before you see another of this caliber.
Will the chinese actually have to deploy an expedition to hawaii, or is that beside the point
Regarding gas prices: Some of you should be old enough to remember when three Nobel laureates mused on how to raise gasoline prices ON PURPOSE
Shouting Thomas said...
Taibbi gets it:
I'm sure he does, but I don't get him. He was profoundly unhappy with Trump and did his level best to bring him down; now he's grumbling about O'Biden which I can appreciate. But what exactly is Matt Taibbi for? Or does he consider his job to be "eloquent malcontent? "
A very high number, all of them really, of election issue lawsuits dismissed and not a single one addressed the merits. It makes one wonder: if the objective was to legitimize the so-called election of Joe Biden, this is not the way to do so.
In other news, the stevew workshop in the new house is nearly complete. Power is installed, the primary workbench is built, the secondary bench will be complete tomorrow. Cutting and shaping wood into useful objects will resume, in earnest, this weekend. First up, a Lego table for one of the granddaughters. Following will be an entertainment console for the family room.
Meanwhile, mid to upper 60s the last couple of days, back into the 40s tomorrow, 20s on Monday. I love this time of year.
He was aware enough like greenwald to call out the fraud like another lefty at the nation, one thinks him a little like dos passos, in the early 20th century, but incapable of making the big leap.
"Will the chinese actually have to deploy an expedition to hawaii, or is that beside the point"
I'm sure we'll end up handing them the keys.
You know we're on-track when they take Taiwan and we yawn.
Start practicing your Mandarin...
Crack's OK. I may not understand what the hell he is talking about, but I have no problems with him expressing whatever it is. I'm actually glad to see him back.
More than a couple of others, however, mostly on the left, are too invested in their animus and irrationality and utterly hijacking discussions to take.
With this crew, magic eightball points that way.
See, you people have made the Prof come down here.
I'm going for a walk, and when I get back I expect all of you to behave as the Prof requests.
It's rude to her, if nothing else
I think taiwanese will put a strong resistence though,
I never understood Taibbi’s or Althouse’s response to Trump.
I’ll try not to pat myself on the back too much, but I could see a couple of years ago that Trump was the only politician capable of holding back this madness we’re now suffering.
Althouse sort of liked Trump personally, but she wanted a standard lawyer/bureaucrat in the office. Taibbi just thought Trump was a fool.
The forces allied against Trump were far more powerful than people like Althouse or Taibbi. I call it the CCP/Dem axis. Nothing Althouse or Taibbi said was ultimately going to be much use against that axis.
Not to call attention to myself, but did no one really get my reference last night to increasing the chocolate ration in relation to Joe Biden saying that maybe we can have a properly-distanced and vaxed neighbor over for a hot dog on July 4?
RE: The trolls. Why do so many of you take the bait? You know it when you see it, why can't you just ignore it? Turn the other cheek, as it were?
Have to say Mark that that zoomed over my head. It's me, not you, could I trouble you to explain?
Yes because its a global network, the one durham tried to pierce, andrew marr described a similar apparatus in his dark brexit roman a clef, chris blackburn who is a Liberal Democrat has also perceived it
Yes orwell was more aware than even he knew
Ken B said...But then Pants wasn’t always a troll either.
I'm not seeing that--Pants is not a troll.
Orwell relies on women having the vote.
"Pants is not a troll."
I agree.
In a household you want rule by feelings. In a large system you want rule by structure.
Women feel their feelings ought to rule at every level. It doesn't work. Starting with they're not happy in their new important jobs, and organize a women's workplace issues committee.
These will complain about inappropriate shirt designs.
"See, you people have made the Prof come down here.
Don't make me turn this blog around!
: )
I dont think its exclusively women, there re lots of credentialed male idiots
You’re sort of right, but consider my often repeated maxim:
Any organization or political movement created for the betterment of women will ultimately be hijacked and run by man hating dykes.
This is the inevitable result of the politics of nice.
My Bidden cash was electronically deposited in my bank this afternoon. Now I can file my taxes for 2020. I qualified under my 2019 return but because of some IRA withdraws I took in 2020 I wouldn't have qualified if I had filed before now. Hell of a way of system they devised.
steverino -
When Oceania reduced the weekly chocolate ration to the masses from 30 grams to 20, it announced the change as an increase to 20 grams, and everyone cheered Big Brother (Nineteen Eighty-Four).
Just like Joe Biden promoting his July 4 as something more than what people are doing now, rather than the step backward that it really would be.
“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday […] it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it. [...] The eyeless creature at the other table swallowed it fanatically. passionately, with a furious desire to track down, denounce, and vaporize anyone who should suggest that last week the ration had been thirty grams. Syme (the Ministry of Truth employee working on a new Newspeak dictionary) - in some more double complex way, involving doublethink - Syme too swallowed it. Was he, then, alone in the possession of a memory?”
"My Bidden cash was electronically deposited in my bank this afternoon."
We won't be getting our own money back.
Mark, I got it, even before the gloss later.
All is allusion
But of course
Just like these WTF/BFD new guidelines from Biden's hack/partisan CDC about what fully vaccinated people can do -- with cheers from the usual crowd -- things that unvaccinated people were doing six months ago (and more).
That is classic minitruth, now sometimes thr brotherhood the anti ingsoc opposition is actually controlled by big brother (see yakosheva trust, cubela, the polish win
Of course Pants is no troll. Ken B is just trolling, as usual.
"My Bidden cash was electronically deposited in my bank this afternoon."
I got something in the mail last month telling me I'd be getting my BidenBucks in the next week. They never came.
I gave the Almighty Joe Biden, Savior of All, a big middle finger today.
Driving down the streets of D.C. in the direction of the militarized zone, I had my windows down because of the nice weather, and I DID NOT HAVE A MASK ON.
Of course Pants is no troll. Ken B is just trolling, as usual.
Pants is cool too. And you too, mock.
The last might have been more genuine
@Mark: I see it now, had forgotten that reference. Brilliant. Joe is a dipshit.
We had an all-staff meeting at work today (remote) where one of the presenters essentially implied that if we chose not to get even the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, even though we might have issues of conscience because of its development involving the intentional killing of innocent human beings, that we would be no better than murderers of other vulnerable people.
Why such a BIG and HARD push? Especially since nearly everyone is clamoring to shove those vulnerable people out of the way to get the vaccine, and it is only a relative handful of cranks who refuse to immediately go along.
Where are our flying cars
Cops can be the technocratic elite
They are soul less creatures
Having already attempted to stop it, to no avail, do we keep on pounding our heads into the wall trying to get it through the thick heads of others what is plainly obvious, or do we simply let it all crash and burn?
If we were to ask what this country really "deserves," what would it be?
The bell will eventually toll for them, that is the inevitable logic of these things
Who killed more people? Matt Dillon, a U.S. Marshall with legal authority who killed only when someone else drew on him or someone else? Or Lucas McCain, a civilian who got his kicks with a rifle?
"Having already attempted to stop it, to no avail, do we keep on pounding our heads into the wall trying to get it through the thick heads of others what is plainly obvious, or do we simply let it all crash and burn?"
"Others" like this?
“Of course, I want people to have health care,” Vinson said. “I just didn’t realize I would be the one who was going to pay for it personally.”
Had an uncomfortable moment today. Went into the convenience store/gas station for some refreshment. They have a very nice POC religious lady who works as cashier. We know each other. We were bantering a little as she was leaving her shift. Closing out the bantor she calls me Sir. Whoa!!!!! I have always had a problem being addressed as Sir. How should I handle this now a days? (Me: 23andme verified 98% northern European with a large component of neanderthal)
Head of state, published in 95, before beexit came to me, was about an independence movement but most interesting ly a multifaceted movement corporate government media to suppress it.
"How should I handle this now a days?"
Northern European vs. POC? Hand her your wallet and thank her.
We do what we think is right, choose to live in truth and let God handle the details. And die on our feet, if necessary. This country and this world are not our forever home, and it doesn’t do to get overly attached to them.
[thank you for the kind words, by the way, fun people]
Here is what I have read so far this year - I’m really trying to do more books and less internet:
12 Rules, Jordan Peterson
Stasiland, Anna Funder
Lonesome Dove, Larry McMurtry
Roads, Larry McMurtry
The Searcher, Tana French
Who Does He Say You Are, Colleen Mitchell
Country Stories of Ghosts and Bad Men, Todd Narron
Digital Minimalism, Cal Newport
Station Eleven, Emily Mandel
Next up is The Lost Tools of Learning by Dorothy Sayers if I can get a non-Satanic copy, and after that, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting by Milan Kundera.
"How should I handle this now a days?"
Handle what? Did you do something wrong?
How should I handle this now a days?
As any man should always do. Like a gentleman, with politeness. Please, thank you, ma'am, hold the door, etc.
How should I handle this now a days?
Most NCOs in the military would respond: "Don't call me sir, I work for a living".
Joking aside, among certain people, in certain part of the country, they're trained young and well to address men as sir and women as ma'am. Try to understand it's meant as a sign of respect.
I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
Bought a copy of The Lost Tools of Learning from — which I recommend as an alternative to Amazon for your new book needs — and it came with an extra book printed in the same binding. Which book, you ask? The Book of the Law, a shitpile of occult nonsense by one Aleister Crowley, the founder of modern Wicca. It’s silly garbage, but still spooky that it showed up in my house unbidden. Wondering if someone is trying to disseminate this deliberately or if it was a weird error. I am traveling so haven’t had a chance to contact the company yet.
Crowley founded Thelema, not Wicca. It mostly deals with the practice of sex magic, so having misplaced your pants would make you a likely candidate for initiation into the Ordo Templi Orentis! ;)
The world is even stranger than you can imagine
If Pants improved her posts she might rise as high as being a troll. In that sense, I agree she is not actually a troll. Telling people covid is harmless is sub-troll behavior.
lol, yes, you are of course correct, Lord Scottsdale. Was simplifying somewhat to get the point across. Different branches of the same
hooey tree.
Being very happily married and the mother of six, I gots the sex magic all figured out without goofy Mr. Crowley!
"How should I handle this now a days?"
You look like a sir to me, if that's your portrait in your avatar. Just saying.
I am apparently looking like a sir lately myself.
I was amused to read some time ago that Ian Fleming started writing basically to support the high maintenance trophy wife he had stolen away from another man.
Waved at Freeman today as I traversed, for the first time top to bottom, the great state of Arkansas. We took the back roads and it was very beautiful and seemed to be achingly poor.
Robert, I address anyone of any ethnicity Sir or Ma'am unless they are considerably younger than I. Note: In the South this is standard practice. In the rest of the country, it is merely polite.
Over at Coyne's blog commenters were once complaining about pamphlets included in their orders. These being religious pamphlets the folks there were apoplectic. Several boasted about complaining to Amazon. One boasted she got a vendor warned by Amazon. Virtually everyone there — it’s a complete groupthink because Coyne bans dissenters — applauded.
They also preen about their objections to cancel culture.
Anyone who posts about “confronting” believers — which must be more intrusive than a pamphlet — gets high fives.
I am glad the reactions to the Crowley stuff is more sensible here. People who include things like that are usually well meaning. They think thus stuff will make your life better. Even if you think it won’t, bile is the wrong reaction.
Yes she was the wife of a press baron, the bbc docudrama had an interesting (ahem) spin on her, she was more like famke jansens character if you get my drift.
"I am apparently looking like a sir lately myself."
Me too. It's disquieting, I don't feel like a 'sir' but I certainly don't think there's any motive except politeness.
If bezos were an archvillain, what would he do different?
“Sir” is better than “Geezer”. Or, if you live under Cuomo, “the nursing home is over there.”
I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
lol, yes, you are of course correct, Lord Scottsdale.
Hey! I'm a West Sider! I don't have anything to do with Snotsdale!
Robert, where you at? I assume it must be a locale where 'sirs' and 'ma'ams' are rare!
This city may be a shithole, but we have a very polite populace for the most part. In my multi-ethnic, multi-class, multi-cultural neighborhood, young B/black guys hold doors even for W/white geezers, and vice-versa, and almost everyone says 'Sir' and 'Ma'am' and Please and Thank You.
It probably won't bear up under extended hardship or crisis, but it's nice while it lasts.
Blogger I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
Bought a copy of The Lost Tools of Learning from — which I recommend as an alternative to Amazon for your new book needs
I am addicted to Kindle but the other night downloaded the Barnes and Noble Nook app to my phone and tablet.
I downloaded a couple of free Conrad books just to see how Nook worked.
Still futzing around with the settings a bit but I like it and it seems just as good as Kindle.
Albion's Seed, which I have on my reading list, is about $4 more on Nook but I looked at about 10 other books and all were the same price.
I think I am going to start using both. Maybe even migrate to Nook over time.
But, I have the Kindle unlimited and like the "free" books that I get ($10/month for all I can read but a limited selection)
I have also purchased, or at least paid for, 5-600 Kindle books and don't want to lose them.
So, we'll see.
John Henry
Trivia re “sir”. In modern American parlance it’s not deferential, that is, it’s not about social standing. It’s just politeness. Go back far enough in time, and it was deferential, and one would not say “sir” to a social inferior. There was though a polite term for use addressing a (male) social inferior, “sirrah”. You can find it in literature still in the 19th century, and then it fades.
So don’t worry about sir, but watch out for sirrah.
"Who killed the unarmed Ashli Babbitt?
The lawyer for her family and estate was on Tucker Carlson to discuss the matter.
But, of course, he had very little news to tell because two months later, we STILL DON'T KNOW who killed the unarmed Ashli Babbitt. The government refuses to say or even acknowledge her as a person or that she even existed."
Bet her family won't get a $27 million dollar settlement.
John Henry
Albion's Seed is good,
A lot of libraries have OverDrive, which lends Kindle books.
I like my Kindle Oasis, a glorified paperwhite, because of the e ink rather than backlit screen, which tablet apps are, but the newer non Kindle devices from kobo are pretty good.
A book service worth looking at is Scribd. It’s about ten bucks a month. The good part is higher end stuff than Kindle Unlimited, including technical books. I use it once in a while and usually to read grossly expensive books. The selection is very broad.
The downside is that the “unlimited” borrowing is actually limited and the limits are hard to get info on. So if you use the service, do not borrow a book just for the fun of browsing it, or you will hit a limit because it counts against your (secret) quota.
Blogger Mark said...
one of the presenters essentially implied that if we chose not to get even the Johnson & Johnson vaccine,
The J&J, as well as all the other vaccines are NOT FDA approved. They are, officially, still in the testing and review stage to make sure they are safe and effective.
They are "authorized" for emergency use. The law on this is pretty clear. I looked it up and read it myself last year. Legally only a single drug can be authorized under the emergency use provision.
Anyway, My understanding is that nobody can pressure you to take an unapproved drug.
Just tell HR that you will take the vaccine when it is approved for use.
The other thing is that, according to the legal definition of "vaccine", the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are not. I don't know about J&J.
Vaccines are exempt from product liability. If you get a side effect you can request compensation from a govt fund but cannot sue the company. The govt fund is funded by the vaccine companies.
It will be interesting when someone sues Pfizer on the grounds that it was a "drug", not a "vaccine"
John Henry
True story. About five years ago, I stopped for coffee at a Hispanic-owned corner convenience store a few blocks away. I had been doing yardwork or something, was dirty and smelly, and as I waited in the line to pay I listened to the cashier and a B/black customer banter.
The cashier was explaining that he had moved here from SoCal, which the B/black guy seemed to be familiar with as they talked about different towns.
As I got up to pay the cashier behind his multiple panes of protective glass--which was quite reflective at my angle--he was saying that Memphis was OK but he missed California, and the B/black guy said, over my shoulder to the cashier, "You know what's wrong with Memphis? I'll tell you what's wrong with Memphis" . . . as I saw him clearly as in a mirror, nodding vigorously at me behind my back.
I thought it was funny.
Humblest apologies! I think north of the 101 and I think the Musical Instrument Museum, the Mayo Clinic (although those are of course just south of the 101) and those neighborhoods up by Pinnacle Peak and toward Cave Creek. Most of Scottsdale is south of 101, I know, but I think mo money, mo north. I hate that I love Scottsdale but man is it pretty. If I had megabucks it’d be tempting to live with all the famous people in Paradise Valley.
"A very high number, all of them really, of election issue lawsuits dismissed and not a single one addressed the merits. It makes one wonder: if the objective was to legitimize the so-called election of Joe Biden, this is not the way to do so."
The universal blocking of any examination of the ballots is, for me, the truest and surest tell that the election was stolen. Really, if Joe Biden had 81 million legitimate ballots cast in his name and Trump was claiming enough of them were illegitimate to change the outcome of the election, wouldn't the Democrats and Trump's Republican enemies along with the media be tripping over themselves to prove Trump and all of his supporters wrong in a conclusive fashion? Seriously- all of us have been on that end of an argument, haven't we- an argument that we know we can win by just showing the evidence itself that is conclusive, and I don't remember meeting anyone that declined to use such evidence.
" It's disquieting"
It doesn't bother me at all now. I used to work in Baltimore at a large chemical plant with legacy union employees, and I was called Sir and Mr ***** regularly by a handful of older employees that I supervised. I took it more as a term of traditional respect than politeness. That bothered me at the time, but as I type this, I'm reminded of some great times with some great folks. Small problems, right?
I never called coworkers or bosses “sir”. In that context it would be subservient. Only strangers.
Here in the South, Sir is basically a respect-to-age thing. When I started going grey and started getting Sir-ed, it was quite a shock. At least I haven't started getting Do you need any help with that, Sir? yet. Hopefully that will hold off for another ten years or so.
"Where [an] officer has probable cause to believe that [a] suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm, either to the officer or to others, it is not constitutionally unreasonable to [use] deadly force." Where such imminent threat is not present, the use of deadly force is unlawful (Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S. 1, 11–12 (1985)).
The United Nations Basic Principles for the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials, which are widely adopted by police throughout the world, provide in Article 9 that: "Law enforcement officials shall not use firearms against persons except in self-defense or defense of others against the imminent threat of death or serious injury, to prevent the perpetration of a particularly serious crime involving grave threat to life, to arrest a person presenting such a danger and resisting their authority, or to prevent his or her escape, and only when less extreme means are insufficient to achieve these objectives. In any event, intentional lethal use of firearms may only be made when strictly unavoidable in order to protect life."
Blogger Ken B said...
Albion's Seed is good,
I read the sample which is a huge chunk of the section on the puritans and massachussetts.
I forget now why I did not buy the whole thing then but I did keep the sample in my library reading pile.
Then the other day Newmarks Door blog linked to an extended review/discussion of the book. I read it and now want to read the whole book.
Just as soon as I find out how Dawlish does out of the 2nd Danish War. First in a series of about 10 books, all Kindle unlimited. They look very good.
Newmarks Door is a favorite blog of mine for 10-15 years now at
The Albion's Seed review is at
John Henry
I just don't think of myself as having reached the 'sir' age.
"Not to call attention to myself, but did no one really get my reference last night to increasing the chocolate ration in relation to Joe Biden saying that maybe we can have a properly-distanced and vaxed neighbor over for a hot dog on July 4?"
Well, I got it, Mark, but we talk about 1984 all the time, so I just assumed it was old hat to everyone who isn't a drugged out Van Halen fan. However, I have also made multiple allusions to Animal Farm over the past several months, and no one seems to get them, but maybe they also think it is old hat here.
Yancey Ward
I think it might be an example of the 100% mind at work. It’s not enough to that kind of mind to have the preponderance of evidence, or clear evidence, or beyond reasonable doubt. The other side must be completely wrong!! in every way. A good example of that is the number of “new atheists” who deny that Jesus ever existed. A stupid position, but very widespread amongst them.
wouldn't the Democrats and Trump's Republican enemies along with the media be tripping over themselves to prove Trump and all of his supporters wrong in a conclusive fashion?
As an unperson, the one you refer to is not entitled to such considerations.
I was called Sir and Mr ***** regularly by a handful of older employees that I supervised
Mr. Last Name or Mr. First Name?
Hmm i didnt know about this war
"If we were to ask what this country really "deserves," what would it be?"
As from one of my top ten favorite films, deserve's got nothing to do with it.
A site I like that dismantles new atheist pseudo history is HistoryForAtheists. The blogger is an atheist,but he has no patience for the historical illiteracy of many of the prominent New Atheists.
Eherman's book Did Jesus Exist is really good too. He cannot quite believe he needs to dismantle the mythicists, but he does so anyway.
RT 41,
I thought in Baltimore theywere supposed to call you "Hon" as in Honey.
Is that no longer a thing?
I went to a ship's reunion a couple years back.
It was REALLY depressing. All those guys are so old. I felt really out of place. (The ship was broken up in 72)
And there was one wise-ass who showed up in his original crackerjack uniform from back in the day. He still looked pretty sharp in it.
Mine had already shrunk some by the time I got out of the Navy 45 years and 100 pounds ago.
John Henry
Dave cullen pointed out that detail re the emerald isle, a fact they strove to bury
Question an antibiotic is biological a vaccine would be neither chemical nor biological
"If bezos were an archvillain, what would he do different?"
Well, he could have hired Verne Troyer as a minion, or is that henchman?
Today, everyone has their own truth, carefully worked out for them and established as proven fact by the think tank of their choice, and everyone dismisses other people's truths as lies and fabrications put together by the paid hacks and flacks of the other side.
Now there is some query why is the contemporary documentation sparse, well jerusalem was still on the outer rim of the empire, if the events had happened in greece or rome or probably even north africa there would be more of a record. But the subsequent accounts by josephus (can you believe theres a school of thought paul was josephus) pliny and tacitus are compelling.
Blogger narciso said...
Hmm i didnt know about this war
I knew about the war but only to the extent that the Danes had lost Holstein and Schleswig and that 50 years later (According to Childer's Riddle of the Sands) were still pissed off about it.
It kind of helps the reading. Since I have no idea what the war is about or what happened, I have know idea what is true and what is bullshit. Vanner sounds like he knows what he is talking about and I don't have anything to compare him to.
Rule Britannia is the name of the book I am on at present. They are just about to get to Heligoland and there are some Austrian cruisers on the way to meet them there.
Excellent book I stumbled on by accident.
John Henry
"I thought in Baltimore theywere supposed to call you "Hon" as in Honey.
Is that no longer a thing?"
No, it's still a thing. But strictly in a conversation between sexes. Baltimore, as far as I know, is still the only place in the country where a man can call a woman he doesn't know "Hon" and not be in some kind of trouble.
When I was an officer in the AF, I was called, Sir all the time. I also called quite a few other officers, Sir....
When I was a civilian DOD employee, I was talking to a Chief Master Sargent about something and when I left, I said, "Thank you, Sir." When I was walking back downstairs to may desk, I realized what I said, and when I got to my cube, I called him. When he picked up the phone I told him, "Chief, I'm sorry I called you Sir!" He got a big kick out of it.
Blogger Mark said...
Not to call attention to myself, but did no one really get my reference last night to increasing the chocolate ration in relation to Joe Biden saying that maybe we can have a properly-distanced and vaxed neighbor over for a hot dog on July 4?
We got it Mark. In fact, you repeated yourself for emphasis. It was just too obvious to be worth commenting on, much less giving a special shout out to recognize it.
The stupidest argument I heard was about Papias. He was an early Christian writer whose book is referenced in other later sources. But his book itself does not survive. One of the prominent mythicists said “but if you think about it it’s the sort of book that should have survived” so it probably never existed! Unreal.
Yes they wouldnt be citing a writing thR diesnt exist, thats what bellesiles does.
I find almost all atheists boring when they are writing about atheism, and I am someone who is agnostic as you can possibly be without being an outright atheist. I always live by the old adage, absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. Now, when I was younger (54 right now), I was probably more strident in the atheistic direction, but as I got older I realized the reality of our existence is well beyond my ken and will always be until I die. At my death, I may learn something deeper, and I hope I do, but I will be able share it with none of the living.
To defend Mark here, the allusion was as apt as one usually gets in a blog comments section, and I probably would have acknowledged it most nights- I wasn't much in the mood to comment last night, and I think only wrote one and went to bed. Mark is right- the promise of "small gatherings" by July 4th really was discordant given what is actually going on in most of the country today. For me, Joe Biden can take his all his orders and stick them up us withered ass. I don't need his permission for anything.
Atheism sounds a little arrogant to me, to be confident that man is the be all and wns all, when weve been around for a short time
There was almost certainly someone named Jesus who lived sometime in 30 A.D. Was he the son of God? I don't know and won't pretend to know one way or the other. I just acknowledge the value of the religion that bears the name his followers used- we wouldn't be here today without it as our entire culture is built using it as support beams and foundation, and as we lose it, I fear we will lose that civilization along with it.
I was raised a devote Catholic, mass every Sunday, all the sacraments, etc. Since young adulthood, I'm agnostic, but there should be a different term for someone like me that believes in a higher order, but considers it an individual reflection, and not anything that can be defined by any religion. That said, it's not my place to question another's beliefs, and it's a better world when people try to live by an honorable code.
I watched Cosmos when it first aired in 1980. While the entire series was brilliant and memorable, the thing that sticks with me most today is the argument Sagan made against there being a God who created the universe- it was basically the "Well, who created God" argument. At the time, it resonated with me, or at least in the way I understood Sagan's argument at the time. Of course, I also later read Russell's "Why I Am Not a Christian". I now recognize these arguments as fallacies internally even if I can't explain why. Like I wrote above, beyond my realm of understanding and it will always be so during my life in the here and now.
As from one of my top ten favorite films, deserve's got nothing to do with it.
So, a rifle shot to the face for the country.
A really cool line. But in retrospect, doesn't make much sense. Gene Hackman sure as hell deserved it.
there should be a different term for someone like me that believes in a higher order, but considers it an individual reflection, and not anything that can be defined by any religion
There is. It's - spiritual, but not religious.
narciso said...
Atheism sounds a little arrogant to me, to be confident that man is the be all and wns all, when weve been around for a short time
Doesn't evidence, or the lack thereof, matter?
"Atheism sounds a little arrogant to me"
As proselytized by its adherents (yes, I am poking fun at them), it is arrogant. It can't fail to be.
From the tyson series you get a notion where sagan was coming from, but he was clearly speaking excathedra On this poinf.
the argument Sagan made
Those oh-so-smart people are often quite ignorant, unable to grasp what those backward peoples easily understand -- and have extensively expounded upon.
The architecture of the universe is too intricate to arise randomly.
"A really cool line. But in retrospect, doesn't make much sense. Gene Hackman sure as hell deserved it."
Did he, Mark?
the "Well, who created God" argument
Until you understand, you cannot really believe. That includes having a proper conception of what/who "God" is.
I'll pose a question back to Sagan -
Who created reality? (And, no, God did not create reality.)
I would have acknowledged Mark's reference but he told me not to talk to him. Just honoring his request.
Torturing Morgan Freeman to death? Yes.
But as Eastwood said earlier -- we all have it coming.
THE key to understanding who/what God is is set out in Exodus 3:13-14.
Well jesus spoke on this point, from another angle 'who is worthy, no not one' that is the paradox of faith, we can never do enough to merit the gift he bestows upon us.
The argument itself is a fallacy, but I can't explain to you why it is a fallacy, at least not in a way that would convince an atheist. I guess I would call it a category error if pressed. I think the point I would try to make is that God as the creator doesn't need to be explained because it couldn't ever be explained any more than we will ever prove the universe arose by some other non-God explanation.
See, beyond me.
In short, I am content to have the universe created by some superior being. To me, there is more hope in that than the converse even though the converse will have no ultimate meaning to me after I die and am in oblivion.
Mark said...
THE key to understanding who/what God is is set out in Exodus 3:13-14.
Bible texts clear up everything for me [rolls eyes]
Yeah, but from Little Bill's point of view, Ned and Will had murdered someone who clearly didn't "deserve" being murdered either- the young cowboy who Will shot when Ned was unable to pull the trigger a second time. In fact, had Hackman been able to arrest both men, they would have hanged under the law rather than outside of it.
See, deserve really might have nothing to do with any of it. You get what's coming to you, what you can't prevent coming to you whether you deserve any of it or not.
It's not going to one long before slavery comes up if you guys keep pushing a belief in God.
Get in reality or suffer the consequences.
narciso said...
Well jesus spoke on this point,...
He did not. This is the source of most delusion.
Mark said...
Torturing Morgan Freeman to death? Yes.
But as Eastwood said earlier -- we all have it coming.
Born broken - commanded to heal (ourselves) - and whites screaming you're a mess if you're poor when they KNOW you're born broken.
What a belief system.
His teaching was both exacting and simple, whereas the precursor faith was exasperatingly intricate it was likd the tax code, no one can observe all the laws perfectly
"I am who I am" is actually good enough for me, as I explained above. There are unknowable things, and the beginning of the universe is certainly going to be one us mortals never solve. Sagan's and Russell's argument work against them, too, which I think is why I finally recognized the fallacy at the core of it.
The wild west was too a degree, a state of mature, force ruled over law, this is somewhat of the sense you get with belters in the expanse. I mean who is the honest authority figure in spaghetti westerns van kleef wallach who?
Imagine living within a belief system that says you're a condemned "sinner" - a broken man - but everyone who thinks they're the shit for holding g that belief system calls you a financial failure, whenever they feel like it, KNOWING you're a sinner, because that's what a great person that belief system makes you.
Just imagine it.
It's sure to lead to everybody getting along.
Y'all discuss the Bible but not ethics - maybe that's why you treat people so badly.
Too much God and Jesus and not enough common sense and reason.
That would do it.
Who have we treated so badly, Crack? What are our crimes?
Are you guys sure you want to still be associated with this nonsense?
Yancey Ward said...
Who have we treated so badly, Crack? What are our crimes?
I'm not going to justify that with an answer after all these years.
Tell us a better system than what He ordained, you disdain 'new age' which is very old probably pre civilization, but its for those who find his Word too much to stomach.
Patrick swayze in road house, really doesnt cut it.
New age is babylon phoenician druid and every other pagan artefact you can imagine.
Well, then, I am done.
narciso said...
Tell us a better system than what He ordained,
Why do you need a system? That's the first wrong move, in my book. I'm a foster child - never needed a system to cope with being alone, or broke, or anything. People who do are delusional. They're making shit up. I can't make sit up.
"you disdain 'new age' which is very old probably pre civilization"
It's also harmful - did you catch the Panda Express story?
"its for those who find his Word too much to stomach."
It's for those of you willing to make life Hell for others by selfishly lying about it.
Yancey Ward said...
Well, then, I am done.
That's a smart man.
What is my sentence, Crack?
I think having parents to run to when things go wrong leads to this idea there's a "cosmic parent" when no such thing exists.
And then you call atheists "arrogant" - for merely accepting the universe as it is - but you need to believe someone's watching over YOU and I don't.
Not to mention the Christian "faith" demands you be a constant pest - to "spread the Gospel".
It's just a nightmare.
Yancey Ward said...
What is my sentence, Crack?
Now it's being judged as "Stupid" and a hypocrite - you said you were done.
Why do you need a system - if you want to be free people?
How can you be free people - within a system?
narciso said...
Patrick swayze in road house, really doesnt cut it.
New age is babylon phoenician druid and every other pagan artefact you can imagine.
His wife pimped him HARD.
You need help, Crack, or a bigger forum than this comments section. I don't know what to make of you any longer and won't bother trying again.
Yancey Ward said...
You need help, Crack,
All the hypocrites seem to think so.
You said you were done - but you're still talking.
That equals you being a hypocrite. Another version of Harry & Meghan.
There. I helped you figure me out.
Now go away.
This is why we cant have nice things like a philosophical discussion or one of faith .
John adams this land was made for a moral people we have lost a great deal of ground on that score. Just like our money has no intrinsic value
Can anybody here hold a conversation with a black person without being a racist or a hypocrite or mean? Is that possible?
Louis CK probably could. I've seen Daniel Tosh manage it. Bill Burr. There ARE white guys who pull it off.
What's the matter with you guys?
And awaaaaay we go!
I'm out : )
narciso said...
This is why we cant have nice things like a philosophical discussion or one of faith .
John adams this land was made for a moral people we have lost a great deal of ground on that score. Just like our money has no intrinsic value
I keep asking for common sense and reason, but I'm also always alone in that.
Joe Smith said...
And awaaaaay we go!
I'm out : )
Yancy take note: this should not mean Joe Smith is going to start jawboning.
Black Eyed Joe will approve 4th of July "snakes"..over Zoom.
Is the curfew in Ottawa still on?
A decent conversation usually means your words actually have meaning - life works the same way.
As a matter of fact, if your words have meaning, life itself WILL HAVE MEANING.
Funny how that works.
No religion required.
But, if you're just bullshitting, God can be any ol' thang.
Sucking dick can be God. Smoking weed. Whatever.
I'm TIRED of living with dumb people.
I always thought it was ironic that the dissident right attacked Antonio Gramsci so much. His notion of cultural hegemony was broadly correct. The ruling class does dominate the culture, and thus its worldview becomes the dominant ideology and the norm. This was less noticeable to the white working-class in the past when they shared more cultural similarity with the ruling-class. As the white working-class became a minority, the dominant culture became more alien and even hostile to them. That's cultural hegemony asserting itself. The counterculture may have marched through the institutions, but they became yuppies along the way.
Rt41Rebel said...
... That said, it's not my place to question another's beliefs, and it's a better world when people try to live by an honorable code.
That said, it's amazing how many atheists and skeptics have come to the realization that the best societies to live in are ones based on Christian beliefs- that don't FORCE those beliefs on citizens, or in Britain's case, subjects. IIRC, John Cleese had something to say about his role in tearing down British middle class society and mores- and how doing so was a bad thing. What replaced it is not better.
All of our laws, including the ones against murder, are based on religious beliefs. But- Christians also believe in the separation of Church and state, if they follow the teachings of Jesus- "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, render unto God what is God's." As long as that government is fair and just and keeps some lid on human behavior, Christians are fine with it. Discussions I have had with my children as they grow included lessons in that- there are some crimes that are sins, some sins that are crimes, some crimes that aren't sins, and some sins that aren't crimes. For an example, I don't particularly think hunting down the man who raped your wife or daughter and killing him is a sin. It is, however, a crime- unless you can somehow arrange the encounter to be self-defense... tricky to do. We gave agreed to let the state handle such hunting down and punishment. Gambling is a sin, but depending on how you do it- it is not a crime. Which kind of makes me wonder how so many things in early America were funded by lottery.... Drinking alcohol- depending on your denomination, may or may not be a sin, but drinking enough to be out of control is almost always a sin. And sometimes, a crime, sometimes not. Get stupid drunk and stumble around drunkenly in your house bouncing off the walls? A sin, not a crime. On 5th Avenue? Both, but depending on where you are on 5th Avenue, the cops may ignore it. In that inebriated state and slip into the driver's seat and start the car? A serious crime. And still a sin.
Laws based on ethics would be much harder to write. Is killing someone wrong? Well, that depends.... how much did he wrong you? Pretty much- self defense or defense of others is the valid Christian defense to justify killing. And the basic defense in the U.S. Although for quite some time in Texas according to lore "He needed killing" was a valid defense.... If it wasn't self defense, and it wasn't accidental, it's murder of some sort, sometimes called manslaughter.
We credit gramsci for understanding what it takes to fundamentally transform, lenin lnew that the social revolutionaries didnt
Knew so did alinsky, we pretend that isnt the answer.
Question: Why do you need a system - if you want to be free people?
Answer: As a matter of fact, if your words have meaning, life itself WILL HAVE MEANING.
That's why you need a system. You already got it -- meaning. And the point of the system is to be free.
Like I said, Crack's an OK guy. I don't know where he is coming from with some of his stuff, or where he gets some of his ideas exactly (although personal experience clearly plays a part. What he says is sometimes all jumbled up and I can't follow it, but he is earnest.
I actually think there is a probably a lot of agreement on things, but things are skewed and jumbled, as if speaking different languages, so there appears to be more differences than there really are.
But even if people cannot agree on the existence of God, much less have an understanding of the genuine article, rather than our own confused invention of a god, much less our think that we ourselves are gods, most of us can agree on what the ABSENCE of God is like.
I would hope too that whatever one thinks about the existence of God, that we can agree on the personal and social desirability for things like good, truth, love, freedom, justice, life.
Man, Postmodern Jukebox is good!
Video Killed The Radio Star
Don't Stop Believing
Dancin' With Myself
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
I agree that it is some sick shit that the Democratic Party did to B/blacks for as long as the party has existed. So much so that we still have at least a few that believe that the only chance for hope is reparations. And as that has gone on, Dems have perfected the art of winning every election from here on out by insisting that B/blacks are too stupid to legally vote. or know who to vote for That's some circle of life shit right there.
Questions for Thought
Who is God? What is God? Does God really exist?
What is existence? What is reality?
What are human beings? Why are you here? Why are you on this earth? Why do you exist?
Does God need humanity? Is God so egotistical that He needs us to bow down and worship Him?
Does truth exist? What is truth? Is truth absolute or changeable?
What is Ultimate Truth and what is Ultimate Reason?
Who or what determines whether something is true or not?
What is reason? Are science and faith necessarily separate and distinct?
Is truth merely a philosophical proposition, or is it a reality? Are truth and reason such realities that they can be a person?
Is love merely a philosophical proposition, or is it a reality? Is it such a reality that it can be a person? Can truth and love even be a conscious person?
What is freedom?
Does morality exist in an objective sense?
Is there an objective and transcendent good and evil?
Is there an objective and transcendent right and wrong?
What is “good”?
Who or what determines what is “good” and not “good”?
Does evil exist? What is evil?
Does evil have a nature or substance?
What is space? What is time?
Can there be an existence beyond the known space-time continuum, an existence or reality that “transcends” space and time?
What is sentience? What is the intellect? What is the will?
Do human beings have the ability to make choices? Do they have freedom of the will? What is free will?
More questions --
What is love? Is love merely an emotion, or merely an electro-chemical process in the brain, or merely a want or desire for physical, spiritual, and/or sexual closeness and intimacy with the other?
Are there different kinds of love, or is there only one love which is exhibited/experienced in different ways or varying degrees?
Why do we love? How does love (or being “in love”) happen? What causes love? What is the source of love? Where does it come from? Is the cause or source of love something that is external to us, or is it internal?
Is love an act of reason? a rational decision? a conscious choice or act of the will?
Is love something beyond our control? Is love the result of an uncontrollable force of attraction or affinity?
Can you love someone even though you do not like them? Can love co-exist with hate? with anger?
What is the cause of the loss of love? Is the cause of the loss of love something external to us; is it something beyond our control?
Are good and evil, right and wrong merely a matter of opinion?
What is the source of moral right and wrong?
Can morality exist if God does not exist?
Do good and evil, right and wrong depend upon the situation?
How can we determine right and wrong, good and evil?
What or who is the cause or source of evil?
Can good ever come out of evil? Is it good to do some evil so that a greater good might result?
What is sin and what is the cause of sin?
Are human beings intrinsically good, or intrinsically evil?
What is “suffering”? Does it have more than one definition?
Is there meaning in suffering, or is it always and everywhere pointless and without value?
Can pain and suffering ever be transformed from an evil to a good?
Where are heaven and/or hell?
How or why does one go to hell or to heaven?
Who chooses whether we go to hell or to heaven? Who or what sends an individual to hell?
What is “justice”?
Which is and/or should be greater – mercy or justice?
Is it unfair or unjust if some people may go to hell, while others go to heaven? If God is a loving God, shouldn’t everyone go to heaven, would it not be contrary to love for people to suffer in hell?
If you lead a “good” life, do you have a right to go to heaven? Can you demand to be let into heaven if you have done good things in your life? Does God owe you salvation?
At the end of the day, do you want God to be just with you, or merciful, or both?
Moses asks this mysterious entity speaking to him, "Who are you?"
The entity responds: "I am."
"You are? You are what?"
"Just that. I am. Period. I simply am. I am being itself."
Fast forward -- the authorities ask Jesus, "Who are you?"
He responds: "I am."
What is this?
None of the COVID-19 “vaccines” Americans are getting have been approved by the FDA.
Do people know this?
God is an utterly crazy idea. Absolutely absurd.
In fact, the only thing more nonsensical is the non-existence of God.
Utterly fantastical.
But what if it's true?
I don’t understand why am i going to be forced to take an unproven drug to fight off something that my body has already succeeded in fighting off.
Because, Lem, we live in a world of lies. So in that state of error, every step that is taken goes off in the wrong direction into the wilderness. And because this is no longer "the land of the free."
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