March 16, 2021

At the Ice Mesa Café...


... you can talk about anything you want.


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Inga said...

Oh! Very cool, er cold. Looks like ice below is reflecting itself on the sky above.

mandrewa said...

Tim Pool: Democrats Reverse Trump Policy Banning Racial Segregation In Schools, Biden Admin ALLOWS Segregation

mockturtle said...

Recently I had pondered the question of which side our military would be on in the event of Civil War. Unhappily, the answer has become increasingly apparent. In other words, we are totally screwed.

gilbar said...

isn't it weird, how someone will do something wrong and we'll let him go without consequences;
And THEN, for some reason, somehow, they get the idea that they can do it again?
WHY didn't they learn the 1st time, when we let them go?

A man accused of fatally shooting four people – including a 7-year-old girl – before abducting his baby daughter over the weekend in Indianapolis allegedly flew off the handle following an argument over the coronavirus relief check, according to a local report.
Malik Halfacre, 25, allegedly killed the three adults and one child and wounded the mother of his 6-month-old daughter.

Halfacre was previously jailed until 2018 for a shooting the year prior, according to the report. He was being held Monday on preliminary murder, attempted murder and other charges, according to Marion County Jail records.

I just don't get it

Michael K said...

Blogger mockturtle said...
Recently I had pondered the question of which side our military would be on in the event of Civil War. Unhappily, the answer has become increasingly apparent. In other words, we are totally screwed.

The rule for years has been "Trust no one above O-6. They are all politicians." Now, it may extend to E-6 as well.

Inga said...

“Recently I had pondered the question of which side our military would be on in the event of Civil War. Unhappily, the answer has become increasingly apparent. In other words, we are totally screwed.”

Well, then you folks should stop your daydreams about civil war.

I'm Full of Soup said...

What, at this point, does it matter to quote our lying Hildebeast? I am so f-ing sick of race hustlers and race as a topic.

narciso said...


Mike of Snoqualmie said...

King County finally finished all of the reviews for our building permit yesterday. They did the final three approvals yesterday after I emailed one of the reviewers about the status of her review. Then magically, the approvals popped up within an hour. Squeaky wheel gets the grease I guess. They are putting together the issuance packages. Our permit has moved into their Quality Assurance review, which takes about a month.

The permit should be ready just in time for the start of prime building season.

narciso said...

An explanation for the latest

Narr said...

Mike of S-- soon it'll be "the squeaky wheel gets greased."

Doc K mentions senior enlisted--they didn't get those rockers because they rocked the boat.

And stars don't fall from heaven

h said...

quote from George Leef in the National Review.

"A professor who praised communism in the McCarthy era had less to worry about than one who criticizes affirmative action today."

Yancey Ward said...


I have written it more than once in these threads- Republican riots like last Summer's would be met by the blue cities and states, and today's federal government with actual shooting of the protestors. That is the thing about left wing governments- they don't hesitate to shoot you if you put up a fight. If Republicans burn and loot a city, they should come prepared to be shot on sight.

Owen said...

That picture is...INSANE.


Thanks. Must go and stare into space for a while now.

Owen said...

Mike of Snoqualmie @ 6:48: I have enjoyed your posts on your journey through the permitting process and I hope you can continue to impart details of the construction. It's a great spectator sport to watch somebody else --somebody knowledgeable-- work through all that and bring a new home into being. Best luck.

narciso said...

Why would they burn a city, its about resisting these ukases. You see actual cities under siege dont matter.

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

Nobel winning scientist. Invented PCR test. Drops a few hints about COVID

Just thought I would drop this here for the people who like to think about things.

The rest of you all can wear your masks and feel sciency.

mockturtle said...

Yancey, I didn't have riots in mind but rather passive resistance, like MLK in the segregated South.

Achilles said...

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

King County finally finished all of the reviews for our building permit yesterday. They did the final three approvals yesterday after I emailed one of the reviewers about the status of her review. Then magically, the approvals popped up within an hour. Squeaky wheel gets the grease I guess. They are putting together the issuance packages. Our permit has moved into their Quality Assurance review, which takes about a month.

The permit should be ready just in time for the start of prime building season.

New construction? Add-on? Custom plan?

I still can't get over the price of OSB.

Soon I will measure the price of things in Satoshies though.

narciso said...

Flick of the wrist.

Lawrence Person said...

Texas legislature considers cleaning up Austin's homeless mess.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I did an Althouse blog search, "digital blackface", because i though maybe Althouse covered it and i missed it.

Look what came up... LINK LOL

Achilles said...

mockturtle said...

Yancey, I didn't have riots in mind but rather passive resistance, like MLK in the segregated South.

That worked because the American People were overwhelmingly decent and good.

What you have to ask yourself is if the American People will be willing to give up their comfyness to fight for things.

The Regime in DC is throwing people in jail right now for a peaceful protest on January 6th.

Yancey Ward said...

To be clear, Mullis died a couple of years ago, so he isn't talking about COVID in that clip, he is talking about Fauci's scientific incompetence.

narciso said...

And letting the ravagers rampage for a spell,

Achilles said...

mockturtle said...

Recently I had pondered the question of which side our military would be on in the event of Civil War. Unhappily, the answer has become increasingly apparent. In other words, we are totally screwed.

I wouldn't worry about that.

There are some apparatchiks in DC.

They are hated on every other base in the country.

Yancey Ward said...


I wrote a comment a couple of days ago- we will learn a lot about the honor this country has left in its governmental institutions by watching what happens in the federal courts and the January 6th "insurrectionists" who are being arrested and many held without bail for charges that are almost all misdemeanors. If the federal judges do their jobs, pretty much all these men and women should get release with no bail, and no jail time even with a plea. I suspect, though, that isn't going to happen and you will see people sentenced to federal prison for "being in Capitol without authorization". The way the prosecutors are piling up the charges by the hundreds tells me they are going for prison sentences that last 5 years or more. This would be a major injustice and would be conclusive proof this government is no longer worthy of respect.

mandrewa said...

About the three billion years ago the oceans were so deep that they covered all the continents and there were no islands. Wadsleyite and Ringwoodite are two minerals that absorb water. They are also common in a certain part of the upper mantle. The degree to which they absorb water depends on their temperature. The cooler they get the more water they absorb.

As the earth's mantle has cooled wadsleyite and ringwoodite have absorbed most of that original ocean.

As the percentage of water in wadsleyite and ringwoodite increases they become more plastic. It may be that the movement of the continents is possible because they are riding on this plastic layer of wadsleyite and ringwoodite.

The mantle is continuing to cool and the wadsleyite and ringwoodite are continuing to absorb water and when the earth gets cool enough, 2 to 3 billion years from now, the oceans will have disappeared.

Anton Petrov: Surprise Evidence: Ancient Earth Was Entirely Covered in Water

Joe Smith said...

Just picked up a sandwich for dinner.

I last ordered about 2 months ago.

It went up 25% since then.

Don't know if it's inflation from all of the Monopoly® money or anticipation of %15/hour and they're making their profits now.

That's a big jump.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

WHOOOP There it is...Direct Deposit in my wife and I's account, also my 4 married children and their spouses,11 grandkids and 4 great grandkids, in Tejas ,NY, and Florida. Joe said, let them eat cake, so we are gonna get some cake. I'll be booking weekend overnite at a nice hotel near one of our favorite Casinos and Racetracks and enjoy the crumbs that they throw to the serfs .Its definitely immediate gratification and at my age its about our enjoyment and zest for life and some extra playing $$$ to add to our SS we been getting for what 10-15 years now? C'mon LUCKY BOY in the 5TH and its definitely 7 come 11 on the green felt. Politics is wonderful, why whine about it or be afraid of everything that moves,(there coming for us ,hide)you cant take it with you(of course unless your King Tut!) WHoop there it is! trickle way down! :)

Rt41Rebel said...

Biden's earpiece made a tactical error in not holding his much awaited press conference during the first week of the administration, before he actually had a chance to start fucking everything up. Now the longer it waits, the tougher it will be.

Michael K said...

I suspect, though, that isn't going to happen and you will see people sentenced to federal prison for "being in Capitol without authorization". The way the prosecutors are piling up the charges by the hundreds tells me they are going for prison sentences that last 5 years or more. This would be a major injustice and would be conclusive proof this government is no longer worthy of respect.

I agree and have been having some email exchanges with my FBI daughter who is a hard lefty now. The guy arrested with the SWAT team in Naples FL was charged with using pepper spray, and she is fine with his arrest. No video. No evidence. He denies it. A FL judge started to release him but the Biden DOJ intervened. I expect lots of double jeopardy from the Biden DOJ, just like Clinton with the Rodney King cops.

Original Mike said...

"About the three billion years ago the oceans were so deep that they covered all the continents and there were no islands."

Huh. There are several locations on Earth that have > 3.5 billion year old continental crust.

Joe Smith said...

"WHOOOP There it is...Direct Deposit..."

Enjoy it...we're not getting any.

We won't miss it, but it would make a nice rebate on all the fucking taxes we pay...

wildswan said...

"Recently I had pondered the question of which side our military would be on in the event of Civil War. "

Take good look at the pictures of the Guam National Guard following the politician. Guys are not armed, embarrassed. Which side are they on? I think they want the charade to end and to go home. That side.

Rory said...

"That worked because the American People were overwhelmingly decent and good."

Civil disobedience theory depends on the ultimate decency of the governing authority, or the existence of some outside power that the governing authority fears.

walter said...

Government should stay out of the bedroom. Maybe you could do it under the table.

Inga said...

LOL, good for you Guam NG!

“On Monday, more than 20 National Guard troops from Guam accompanied Rep. Michael San Nicolas, D-Guam, on an unannounced visit to the Washington, D.C., office of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga.

The impetus for the visit stemmed from last month, when Greene appeared to refer to Guam as a foreign country during an address at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

“We believe our hard-earned tax dollars should just go for America, not for what? China, Russia, the Middle East, Guam, whatever, wherever,” she said at the event.”

320Busdriver said...

The Waypoo probably wants to avoid covering real presidential election fraud like the kind coming to light here in WI now. Green Bay specifically. Now we see how Zuckerbergs large grant dollars were spent to usurp local election laws and officials. It seems as if the GB mayor was able to replace the clerk responsible for running elections with an out of state Dem operative who gained complete access to the absentee votes in the city.

If you care about free, fair, and lawful elections read about it here and take appropriate action as you are able.

Green Bay’s Handling of Presidential Election Violated At Least Five Laws
By MacIver Institute - March 12, 2021

Inga said...

That was mighty nice of the Maj.General.

“In a statement Tuesday, Maj. Gen. Esther J.C. Aguigui, adjutant general of the Guam National Guard, said the force remains a “non-partisan entity” despite the event.

“We appreciate Congressman San Nicolas’ efforts to represent our culture of Inafa’ Maolek, or bringing harmony, practiced here in Guam,” she said in a statement. “We also thank Congresswoman Greene for ultimately helping raise awareness of Guamanians as citizens of the United States, and our rich tradition of service and sacrifice to our nation.””

Military Times

walter said...

Yes, Inga.
It's the 57th state.

Mark said...

I didn't have riots in mind but rather passive resistance, like MLK in the segregated South.

The nonviolent resistance of the King-wing of the movement was met with burned houses and churches and beatings and attack dogs and "actual shooting of the protestors. That is the thing about left wing governments- they don't hesitate to shoot you if you [dissent]. If Republicans [passively refuse to go along -- or even fail to denounce others around them], they should come prepared to be shot on sight."

mandrewa said...

"Huh. There are several locations on Earth that have > 3.5 billion year old continental crust."

Yes. Exactly. And that's part of the evidence for this. Because there are rocks in that really old continental crust, like the Slave Craton in Canada, that formed as magma emerged underwater. The continents were there but they were under an ocean when the original cratons formed.

320Busdriver said...

I hope you folks are at least calling and emailing your Senators and Reps.

Just voting is not enough.

mockturtle said...

Well, Mark, I won't cooperate, nor will I turn in my family or neighbors. They'll just have to shoot me. On sight.

Mark said...

Meanwhile, the MLK nonviolent direct action was also met by attacks by moderates who, instead of demanding that the segregationist Jim Crowers change, they insisted that the protesters change and back down.

Same thing happened with the Rescue movement in the late 80s, early 90s.

Inga said...

“The Waypoo probably wants to avoid covering real presidential election fraud like the kind coming to light here in WI now. Green Bay specifically. Now we see how Zuckerbergs large grant dollars were spent to usurp local election laws and officials. It seems as if the GB mayor was able to replace the clerk responsible for running elections with an out of state Dem operative who gained complete access to the absentee votes in the city.”

Ha, and Trump had his lawyers go after Milwaukee and Madison, you know those liberal cities. Conservative Green Bay was not even on their horizon.

Mark said...

Even here you have the usual malicious suspects cheering the use of the military to destroy the peace of the halls of government to intimidate members of Congress.

Inga said...

“If Republicans [passively refuse to go along -- or even fail to denounce others around them], they should come prepared to be shot on sight."


walter said...

No one has done more to raise awareness of Guam than Hank Johnson.

Inga said...

“Even here you have the usual malicious suspects cheering the use of the military to destroy the peace of the halls of government to intimidate members of Congress.”

More drama, you folks sure have turned into drama queens.

Original Mike said...

"Because there are rocks in that really old continental crust, like the Slave Craton in Canada, that formed as magma emerged underwater."

That doesn't mean there was no land above sea level.

Included in old crust is sedimentary rock, some of which I believe is thought to have formed from the detritus eroded off of terrestrial land forms.

I look forward to reading your link (after the Big Ten Hockey Championship game is over).

stevew said...

@Mike of S... Great news, happy for you and your progress (and reward for your persistence)!

So, I've been awake since 3am. Awoke to the sound of a motor running. Mrs. stevew deduced that it was the generator. Laid awake wondering if the power was really out or the unit was running a weekly test. After thirty minutes decided it was the former. Then we discussed getting fire extinguishers. Finally decided to get up as the clock chimed four.

Got Pfizer dose #1 today; as did mrs. stevew. DIL, hearing this news, invited us up for a visit Sunday. Mission accomplished. St. Patrick's Day dinner with daughter and family tomorrow. New England Boiled Dinner on the menu. Year 64 for that.

iowan2 said...

“In a statement Tuesday, Maj. Gen. Esther J.C. Aguigui, adjutant general of the Guam National Guard, said the force remains a “non-partisan entity” despite the event.

Dan Crenshaw is assembling a group of active duty special forces men, in full uniform, attend all of his rallies, handing out cookies. Crenshaw said he is nothing if not inclusive of others traditions. Crenshaw thanks Maj. Gen. Esther J.C. Aguigui for expanding his awareness! Crenshaw also assures all, that the forces are 100% "non-partisan entity", despite their actions "looking" political.

J. Farmer said...


Recently I had pondered the question of which side our military would be on in the event of Civil War. Unhappily, the answer has become increasingly apparent. In other words, we are totally screwed...Yancey, I didn't have riots in mind but rather passive resistance, like MLK in the segregated South.

Martin Luther King, Jr. did not advocate "passive resistance." He advocated nonviolent resistance in the form of protests, boycotts, and other grassroots activism. The battle for civil rights was a battle against state laws that enforced segregation and disfranchisement. Starting with desegregation in the late 1950s, there was a campaign of "massive resistance" in the south that required the intervention of federal troops.

MLK's activism inspired violent resistance because it was challenging very fundamental ideas about people and society in the south. I am not sure what the equivalent issue would be for the deplorables or what would occur that would necessitate the use of US military forces as opposed to the local sheriff or state police.

walter said...

I'm negotiating with the Migrants to Michigan folks to shuttle some off and over to Lake Country WI. The "Inga, let us in" shirts should be ready tomorrow.

narciso said...

Indeed that admiral who flew the inverted gmig in top gun, just facepalmed

narciso said...

This crew doesnt seem keen on any of the bill of rights, even the third amendment even safe.

narciso said...

Isnt yes the 6th amendment but only for those destroy store fronts and murder cops

Shouting Thomas said...

The story is slowly leaking out about the rigging of the presidential election.

Yesterday, the story about Trump’s phone call to the Secretary of State of Georgia as reported by the Democratic Press was revealed to be a complete fabrication. WaPo issued a blanket retraction.

I’ll bet within six months we’ll know with certainty that the election was a fraud as the various elements of the story come to the surface.

What do we do then?

stephen cooper said...

Rats, I just found out Kary Mullis died. His video explaining the Fuaci phenomenon should be watched by ANYONE who wants to understand what Trump did wrong by hiring the Fauci/Birx duo of incompetence.

Police Academy was on tonight, the director was a Perry Como fan, played one Como song in Police Academy as background, later on, richer, the director (HUgh WIlson) used a Perry Como song as a major plot point in Blast from the Past, the Fraser character points out to the Silverstone character that songs about love and enjoying love are REAL - IT WAS ONE OF THE BEST SCENES IN ANY MOVIE OF THAT ERA ....
anyway, this last year has been one long version of the Police Academy movie, with incompetents rushing to take on responsibility, but it WAS NOT FUNNY, CUOMO for money sent COVID patients into homes full of people who DIED and WOULD NOT HAVE DIED if CUOMO had not cared about the money from the owners of all those convalescent homes ..... HARRISS ACCEPTED A VP SPOT FROM BIDENN WHO SHE HAS STATED IS A CREEPY OLD MAN WHO SHE THINKS SEXUALLY ASSAULTED POOR TARA READE ..... and here we are,
well, I remember Brezhnev ....

mockturtle said...

Farmer, you are correct in that 'nonviolent' resistance was what I was looking for. And for the same reason: To overturn laws that are repressive and unconstitutional, like some laws the Dems are in the process of implementing. The forced inclusion of biological males in women sports is one of many examples. Schools required to use 'Critical Race Theory' in their curricula for another. Teachers refusing to go to work so children can return to school still another. Some of these are federal and some state issues but they all violate our constitutional rights. So, yeah, another Civil Rights movement will be necessary. Maybe we'll find another MLK.

Shouting Thomas said...

The Democratic Governors obviously conspired to sabotage the economies of their states to get Trump.

Such things cannot be suppressed for long.

That story, I predict, will be coming out within the next year.

mockturtle said...

And, yeah, we need to protest the opening of the border to unlimited immigration.

walter said...

And Black Eyed Joementia says Cuomo should step down..

mockturtle said...

ST predicts:

I’ll bet within six months we’ll know with certainty that the election was a fraud as the various elements of the story come to the surface.

I'll take that bet and raise you a bitcoin.

What do we do then?

Not a damned thing. As usual.

Shouting Thomas said...

Speaking of teachers, my daughter is one, as are almost all of her girlfriends.

At a party at our house, one of them (a young woman with a serious case of TDS) said: “We have to get corporations and big money out of elections!”

I told her that the teacher’s union and its financial subsidiaries are among the top 10 financial contributors to elections and that they are corporations.

Haven’t seen that young woman since. She left in a huff.

narciso said...

We already know this, this is why they are acting against the will of the people.

Inga said...

“Maybe we'll find another MLK.”

Maybe he’ll be a rosy cheeked chubby guy from Fox News, who has some interesting theories about the Covid vaccine.

mockturtle said...

ST predicts:

I’ll bet within six months we’ll know with certainty that the election was a fraud as the various elements of the story come to the surface.

I'll take that bet and raise you a bitcoin.

What do we do then?

Not a damned thing. As usual. :-(

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...

Inga, you should be readying your guest rooms. Might need bunk beds.

stephen cooper said...

someday an AI - maybe run by someone I know - is gonna be able to tell from a few thousand words of text who is telling the truth about the will of the people, who is a good person (in principle) pretending to be a bad person (in principle), or who aligned with that which was best for others and who basically got the guns, gold and girls of Sinatra kitsch-era legend.

Face it, if the Zuck had gone to State U in a hick town in Mass. instead of Harvard, and had not been "really good" with computers, he would not have the power and the Benjamins and the relatively hot wife he now has. Ditto Warren Buffett and Joe Biden (Syracuse was a good law school back in the day)

Michael K said...

More drama, you folks sure have turned into drama queens.

The drama queen who said Trump was Hitler just a year ago, speaks out.

Inga said...

“Trump Tells Fox News He ‘Would Recommend’ Getting COVID Jab: ‘It’s a Safe Vaccine’ Trump’s public recommendation comes as recent polls have found that close to half of the ex-president’s supporters are hesitant about receiving the vaccine.“

Good work Trump!

Shouting Thomas said...

An illegitimate government cannot stand.

The Democrats know this. That’s why they’ve been fabricating the insurrection story.

Of course, in time they will foment the very insurrection they fear.

narciso said...

In case you had any doubts

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

They finally begin to extricate themselves from the stupid Maquis storyline, which was uninteresting in both TNG and ST-V, and enter the Female Changeling, the most evil character in all of Trek.

mockturtle said...

Inga, I have no idea what Mr. Carlson has said but you might be interested in this article from the NIH. Gain of Function Research Unless, of course, your are still buying the 'wet market' theory of the origin of COVID.

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shouting Thomas said...

Inga has trouble getting her story straight.

She just admitted knowing that Biden is senile a couple of days ago.

The day before she called Glen Greenwald a partisan hack and liar for testifying before Congress that the Democratic controlled media and Big Tech had deliberately suppressed Biden’s senility.

If fact, she gloated over the Dems putting one over on the electorate.

Mark said...

I am not sure what the equivalent issue would be for the deplorables or what would occur that would necessitate the use of US military forces as opposed to the local sheriff or state police

One thing that it would take is merely making a misstatement about Guam.

Mark said...

So, yeah, another Civil Rights movement will be necessary. Maybe we'll find another MLK.

We tried it with the Rescue movement. Result was that the pro-life Establishment turned their backs and the government went nuclear with RICO actions. All against old ladies peacefully sitting on the ground.

narciso said...

Why the maquis were betrayed by the federation, left to the clutches of the cardassians if memory served, now the female changeling i agree about.

Alexander siddig whose uncle was prime minister of sudan before the coup, great great grandson of the mahdi, mohammed abdallah admits the bajorans was a palestinian metaphor

narciso said...

Which seems odd as they focus so much on the prophets (so they could be jews, with a holocaust template, there was at least one war criminal gul dar hil.

Mark said...

A old woman walking out of a bank the other day got physically taken down to the floor because she dared to question wearing a mask and did not snap-to fast enough for the cop.

Don't expect nonviolent direct action to be responded to peacefully.

Shouting Thomas said...


I think we’ll reach the point where U.S. troops have to decide whether they will fire on civilian protesters.

narciso said...

He seems more egyptian then sudanese, but itt depends what side of the nile youre on.

Mark said...

I am not going to get into some stupid back-and-forth, but I will point out that whatever Donald Trump did or said (beside clearing all the regulatory hurdles for developing the vaccine), President Kamala Harris repeatedly and loudly encouraged people to distrust the vaccine and question whether people should take it.

narciso said...

His other uncle (on his mothers side) was malcolm mcdowell

Mark said...

The military leadership itself is turning on its own troops, questioning their loyalty and integrity.

narciso said...

Since then he played in varying degrees a future saudi king, an ex algerian islamist and another similar figure on 24, also in syriana he was another prince.

Mark said...

Meanwhile, on the other channel, Daniel Jackson has returned (again), but seems to have gotten his memories back quicker.

narciso said...

We're still doing that stupid purge i mean atand down. While iranian militia lob missiles into northern iraq.

Oh cliff simon, the guy who played baal, died at age 58.

Mark said...

Just last week, I see.

And Yaphet Kotto today. Homicide, Alien, Running Man and more.

narciso said...

One of the more entertaining goauld leaders, if they had taken over what would they do different.

Mark said...

Kotto played Idi Amin, too. Made his bones on TV westerns, I see.

iowan2 said...

“Trump Tells Fox News He ‘Would Recommend’ Getting COVID Jab: ‘It’s a Safe Vaccine’

Inga says "good work Trump!"

Gosh who advised against the vaccine? Democrats, that who. Vice President Harris,Democrat. Gov Cummo, Democrat. Black leaders, Democrats.

Democrats advised against getting vaccinated.

narciso said...

First wave had a similar premise, except nostradamus predicted the gua invasion

The antagonist was played by roger cross, you see him in some parts 25 years later.

William said...

The distinguishing fact of a civil war is that both sides lose. One side loses more than the other, but both sides lose. There are no winners.....The Dylan song about the loser now will be later to win is bullshit. Yeats is more prophetic when he writes..." a beggar upon horseback lashes a beggar on foot/ Hurrah for the revolution come again!/ The beggars have changed places but the lash goes on."...The right talks of a civil war and the left of a revolution. Such talk is stupid, and God help us if such wishes ever came true.

The Godfather said...

@Yancey Ward: Thanks for noticing my comment on the 1963 eclipse in yesterday's cafe. I guess I won't be around for the next one -- but that's what a once-in-a-lifetime experience means, isn't it? And in this case, once really is enough.

narciso said...

As thanos would say 'run from it, dread it' (different context) however when one regime chooses to impose unconstitutional diktats on the people.

Francos regime lasted nearly forty years, cromwell around 30,

Mark said...

That is an anomaly.

Some Jem'Hadar just boarded the Defiant and fought . . . Odo.

Major continuity and canon error.

mockturtle said...

So, William, you believe we should have stayed a British colony?

William said...

There's the Glorious Revolution and the American Revolution. Then there's the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution. If you play the probabilities, revolutions don't work out.

Original Mike said...

"but that's what a once-in-a-lifetime experience means, isn't it? And in this case, once really is enough."

Twice in a lifetime is even better. 1979 and 2017 for me. A total solar eclipse is awesome, in the truest sense of the word.

I'm Not Sure said...

"A total solar eclipse is awesome, in the truest sense of the word."

Without a doubt. I nearly passed up the 2017 eclipse, thinking 99.5% would be good enough. I had nagging doubts that morning and finally decided to ditch work for a couple of hours to drive to where the eclipse would be total.

Worth it.

Gahrie said...

There's the Glorious Revolution and the American Revolution. Then there's the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution. If you play the probabilities, revolutions don't work out.

The American revolution really didn't work either. We had to replace our revolutionary government with one that worked. But our results were much better.

I think the essential difference was the fact that our revolution and the Glorious Revolution were led by the nation's elite, instead of launched against it.

Yancey Ward said...


Your story, though, has made me alter my plans for the eclipse in 2024- I intend to try to find an elevated point from which to watch like you did. This probably means NY, VT, NH, or ME. Arkansas is the only other real alternative, but hills aren't that tall there. I will study the problem and pick a location.

Original Mike said...

Yep, all the good stuff requires totality.

I'm planning for 2024 (US) and 2028 (Australia, New Zealand).

Yancey Ward said...

I may have to scout out the locations beforehand to be sure I choose correctly.

Original Mike said...

The problem is the weather. We were planning on Wyoming for 2017, but were willing to go anywhere we had to. We ended up in Idaho.

Yancey Ward said...

Yeah, I was also looking at the 2028 eclipse. A long way to go, but it would also be a chance to visit Australia once in my life. A long eclipse, too, over 5 minutes if you see it near the northwest coast, but the interior locations may be better overall.

Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lurker21 said...

Write your representatives and tell them to ban kiteboarding or kitesurfing or whatever it is before any more people die.

We need to keep them busy with stuff like that so they don't have as much time to fuck everything else up.

Yancey Ward said...

And, there is also the eclipse in Europe in August 2027- that one is the preceding eclipse to the US eclipse in 2045- it will be 6 1/2 minutes long at its longest duration, but that might be more people than I want to deal with.

mockturtle said...

William, what we really need now isn't a revolution but a counter-revolution. IMO, what has happened to our country is contrary to the principles of our Republic. And who can argue that our Constitution has not been eroded?

Original Mike said...

"but that might be more people than I want to deal with."

Yeah, might be a zoo.

In 2018 I stayed in a rental house in Otago, NZ that is in the 2028 totality path. Made sure I was the perfect guest. Otago has the advantage of a dry climate.

Narr said...

Wow, a lot to catch up with. Going back up--

Double wow! Trump thinks all the vaccines are great . . . but WTF else would he say?

Actors, cowboys . . . who was the first B/black TV cowboy?

Villainesses -- it looks like the actioner SAS: Red Notice features a girl (Ruby Rose) who, when she is bad, is very very very bad, as well as much gunfire and big explosions.

Nonviolent resistance and protest aren't panaceas, and in the case of the movement in the South, there was a whole other movement going on that gets little press--not the flashy Panthers, but African-American men who were increasingly willing to fight, and even shoot, back without any particular ideological baggage.

It also helped that King and the others appealed directly to traditional, you might even say conservative American and religious values. Gandhian tactics had worked against clapped-out empires also, because those empires' populations largely recognized national liberation and decolonization as legitimate goals for subaltern peoples.

Well, that's enough for now.

We've left separate but equal behind, only to embrace equal but separate

Original Mike said...

{"over 5 minutes if you see it near the northwest coast, but the interior locations may be better overall."

Yes, I would recommend the interior.

Mark said...

April 8, 2024

Yancey Ward said...

Yaphet Kotto was great in pretty much all of the roles I saw him in. For me, the most memorable was his role in "Homicide- Life on the Street", but then the entire cast was great.


Yancey Ward said...

During the 2017 eclipse, I spent the week before watching the weather forecasts for the east TN. I was prepared to travel the day before to ensure a clear viewing, but my entire family showed up to see it since the path of totality included my youngest sister's house- it was convenient to hold the gathering there, so it would have meant moving a lot of people. We got lucky though- it was blazing hot that day, but the sky was almost completely clear but for a stray cloud or two. My brothers-in-law even set up sophisticated video captures of the event, but in the end, the best video of all was taken by my nephew and his i-Phone.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Our home is new construction on a 6.56-ac lot with a small stream running diagonally from NE to SW. The home is being built by Adair Homes, a Northwest custom home constructor. It's the Oswego plan, a 3Br/2Ba, 1952sq ft with a shop/garage. We're installing a generator/propane tank in case of power outages. We're clearing about 3 ac in two sites, in the NW and SE corners of the lot. The SE clearing will have an telescope observatory that will hold a 14" scope.

The bridge across the stream is 8-ft x 8-ft, 5 railroad ties with decayed 2x12s. All of that is going to be replaced with 6 4x6 beams 8-ft long and 2x12 decking. The logs from the SE site will be moved over the bridge to the NW site and the cedar logs turned into lumber. The maple and douglas firs will be sold to a sawmill. This bridge will be replaced with the permanent bridge, 12-ft long by 6-ft wide resting on concrete pillars.

Build time is estimated at 9 months, two months to clear the site and get the power/water in and seven to actually build the house. Then a couple more months to do finishing touches, like putting the fence up. So, we should be moving in around December of this year.

narciso said...

The villains in that one, are apparently south ossetian (which is a pretty obscure conflict about 12 years ago) heughan is the helmsworth standin

Original Mike said...

"over 5 minutes if you see it near the northwest coast, but the interior locations may be better overall."

I attend a star party in Coonabarabran, NSW every couple of years. We take a train for 300 miles NW of Sydney to a town called Dubbo. We rent a car in Dubbo and travel a couple of hours more hours to Coona. The whole area is pretty dry.

The center of the totality path for the 2028 eclipse goes right through Dubbo. You could watch it from the pub.

narciso said...

Yes the alternative to ghandi at the time would turn out be subhanda bhose the indian fascist, so this could have turned out worse

Original Mike said...

"My brothers-in-law even set up sophisticated video captures of the event, but in the end, the best video of all was taken by my nephew and his i-Phone."

I thought about trying to photograph it, but decided I did not want the distraction. I did get a halfway decent photo of the 1979 eclipse.

Yancey Ward said...

The only problem with Australia or New Zealand in 2028 might be they are still locked down due to COVID.

Not joking, well only a little bit.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Take good look at the pictures of the Guam National Guard following the politician. Guys are not armed, embarrassed. Which side are they on? I think they want the charade to end and to go home. That side.

I called the Guam delegate this morning to complain about the NG intimidating MTG. He actually answered the phone, he must not have any budget for staff. His explanation was he and the NG were doing a meet and greet, showing the troops the Capitol. He said that he'd coordinated the visit with MTG's office a couple of days in advance and that the visit was not meant to intimidate MTG.

That's his explanation. He seemed like a nice guy over the phone. Believe it if you want, or not.

narciso said...

So this debris has this mysterious band called influx who are using the segments for their own nefarious ways.

narciso said...

Does that make sense a unit from about 5,000 miles away decides to pester a representative from georgia.

Mark said...

I say not.

Michael F.Q. San Nicolas is under scrutiny with the House Ethics committee for allegations of an improper sexual relationship with staffer and campaign finance violations.

What does that say for his credibility?

Original Mike said...

We were in New Zealand on an observing trip when the shit hit the fan last March. It's my goto destination for southern stars. I am quite concerned about New Zealand. I don't know how they're going to open again, since there is no immunity. I guess once everyone's vaccinated…

Want to go back next spring, but planning has to start a long ways out and I don't think they'll be open. So we're planning for Australia. Qantas recently said they were planning on international flights this October.

J. Farmer said...


So, yeah, another Civil Rights movement will be necessary. Maybe we'll find another MLK.

I tend to agree with this point-of-view. I think an underappreciated part of the problem is demographic and cultural. The white working-class has gone from 70% of the US population in 1980 to about 40% today and is still declining.

Opponents of ethnic nationalism like to claim that the US is a creedal nation with a civically, rather than ethnically, defined nationalism. In this view, membership in the nation only requires accepting the principles of the Declaration and Constitution.

I think this is naïve for a variety of reasons. The documents did not emerge from a blackhole but were created within a cultural context with a particular worldview and set of values. Even in the late 18th century, there were significant disagreement over values as reflected in the views of the antifederalists versus the federalists, liberalism versus classical republicanism, and agrarians versus merchants. The US Constitution is the outcome of a set of compromises between these opposing forces.

That constitutional order was destroyed in the Civil War and replaced by a constitutional order grounded in thee Declaration via the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. The national government was now tasked with defending the liberty of individual citizens against actions by the state. With the failure of Reconstruction, the South quickly rolled back the political freedoms granted ex-slaves and instituted segregation and voter suppression. This actually slightly inflated the power of southern states, since blacks were counted for apportionment even though they were systemically deterred from voting.

Roosevelt's New Deal coalition managed to include white, rural southerners and racial and ethnic minorities, but as Democratic support for civil rights grew in the 1950s and 1960s, it started falling apart. With the Voting Rights Act and the mass enfranchisement of blacks in the south and the creation of majority-minority voting districts have had a huge impact on American society. Conservative southern Democrats began moving to the Republican Party, and black southerners began voting for liberal Democratic politicians. These are the trends that helped push ideological polarization as Democrats moved to the left and Republicans to the right.

It took until the 1990s for the GOP to seriously challenge southern Democrats at the state and local level. This helped give Newt Gingrich and Republicans their "revolution" in 1994. the most symbolic depiction of this was Senator Richard Shelby switching parties from Democrat to Republican the day after the 1994 elections.
I se
And yet the question remains: what is the nation? I see very little chance of a a coherent nation forking that can encompass a highly polarized, unequal, multiethnic society such as ours.

Yancey Ward said...

So, when people asked that Biden address the Andrew Cuomo situation, Biden is reported to have regaled the staff with tales about watching Como on television when Biden was a kid.

Yancey Ward said...

The 1979 eclipse is the first eclipse of any kind I remember seeing. I was in the 7th grade at the time, and my friend and I were working the school cafeteria cleaning the dishes and silverware. It was a mostly cloudy day with snow flurries, but we did manage to see glimpses of the Sun through the clouds. Where we lived at the time, the partial eclipse was only about 33% or so, so not impressive at all. The 2017 eclipse was my first total eclipse witnessed in person.

Chris N said...

Okay, Althouse. I see you.

effinayright said...

Shouting Thomas said...
Inga has trouble getting her story straight.

She just admitted knowing that Biden is senile a couple of days ago.

The day before she called Glen Greenwald a partisan hack and liar for testifying before Congress that the Democratic controlled media and Big Tech had deliberately suppressed Biden’s senility.

If fact, she gloated over the Dems putting one over on the electorate.


Meh. By now, we all know it's "just Inga".

The "Mad Hatter" in "Alice in Wonderland" was dotty because people who made felt hats back then used bags of liquid mercury to pound the felt to a desired softness. The mercury they ingested by being around it all the time eventually drove them nuts.

In Inga's case, she's a crazy lady made crazier from ingesting years of bedpan fumes.

Original Mike said...

We drove to Minot North Dakota in a very cold February in an old, unreliable car to see it. Drove straight through from Madison WI, watched the eclipse for a couple of hours, then got in the car and drove straight home. I had to be talked into the trip. I am so thankful my friend pushed me.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

We were smack dab in the middle of the best viewing for the 2017 eclipse, and the weather was great. It was spectacular.

But my first brush with eclipses came from Peanuts. Linus was all over the 1963 eclipse, starting here and ending (very typically) here.

effinayright said...

DINKY DAU 45 said...
WHOOOP There it is...Direct Deposit in my wife and I's account, also my 4 married children and their spouses, in Tejas ,NY, and Florida. Joe said, let them eat cake, so we are gonna get some cake. I'll be booking weekend overnite at a nice hotel near one of our favorite Casinos and Racetracks and enjoy the crumbs that they throw to the serfs

You don't realize, do you, that those "serfs" you speak of are your 11 grandkids and 4 great grandkids, who will suffer from horrendous inflation, huge tax increases, and a staggering depression long after you have pissed away THEIR MONEY at the Casinos, Racetracks and your your other low-life pursuits....

But I'm sure they will look back fondly at you while they contemplate their immiseration...

("Jeez, I hope Great Grandpa enjoyed that heart-shaped bed and those hookers...")

Or maybe, just maybe, you'll instead take your "stimulus" and put it into a trustee account with them as beneficiaries, where the money will keep up with the horrible inflation that is sure to come.

Naaaahhhh........that tranny hooker looks unusually interesting...

readering said...

Interesting column by NYT Ross Douthat, who has been of the view that the arguments on voting access laws are overblown on both sides. He looks at two recently published academic studies that indicate that the Supreme Court ruling and last year's law/rules changes did not really affect voter turnout much. In the former case, perhaps because parties work harder to get out the vote in response to law/rules changes, in the latter perhaps because folks switched their voting from in-person to absentee, but did not vote in greater numbers.

Original Mike said...

"Do you see that kid in the avatar somewhere above playing in the snow? He's paying for it."

I don't think anybody will pay for it. Well, not directly, anyway. There's no way our debt gets paid back.

Narr said...

Oh hell, now it's revolutions. Define "work out."

Stipulate two Enlightenments, the Scottish and the French. To simplify that simplification, the FF's clearly stood more in the former than the latter school, while on the Continent the reverse was true.

The revolutionary USA grew rapidly against relatively weak opponents (once the loyalists, who were larger as a % than French emigres and exiles were of the French population, left) --the native Americans were never numerous or united enough to do more than harass and delay the steamroller of modernity, and even our tie against the Brits during the last few years of Napoleon's exertions proved a win-win in the end.

The success of the AmRev spawned copycat revs in South America--which depended on the same dynamic of imperial decline or distraction to succeed.

Millions poured into the newly opened and accessible continent, cushioned by the oceans and to a place that had already dropped the worst aspects of the Old World (at least up here).

OTOH, in Europe the Great but very broke and mismanaged Nation was the site of civil and religious strife with atrocity on both sides, which should surprise no one. Whatever else can be said, what emerged was modern, sleek, and effective to a degree and extent that it took a mere general to knock down structures that had endured for centuries-- mini-tyrannies, priest-ridden toy kingdoms, trade barriers, tolls, exploitation of workers, Jews still confined to ghettos and lacking most rights, serfdom that wasn't much better than slavery in some places . . .

How long would the good ideas of the Enlightenment have taken to bear fruit in a century of spectacular, unprecedented economic. social, and cultural progress if Bonaparte and his armies had not kicked all that rubbish down? Even as they hated the French, the populations of Europe knew that there was no going back, even if their rulers, crowned ruffians all, did their best to make it so.

By 1830 there were more liberal revolutions and in 1848 the abortive Big One, which in turn generated a lot of liberal and radical migration to this country--the famous Forty-Eighters, explicitly abolitionist and a major component of the Union effort in 1861-1864.

But even the failed revs moved the ratchet of expectation.

So, did those work out?

Good night and I mean it this time

Inga said...

He sounds like your kind of people Wholelotta...

“ATLANTA—A Georgia man who professed a passion for guns and God was in custody on Tuesday night after a string of shootings that police said appeared to target Asian women at massage parlors and left eight people dead.”

Rt41Rebel said...

"There's no way our debt gets paid back."

If China owns it, we will pay it back. Somehow. I can't remember who it was that asked here why we even bother to collect taxes any more. Just print the damn money. Makes sense in the respect that the IRS could be completely be eliminated, and that would probably be a net positive. Accountants and such would have to learn to code. Or mine coal. For the Chinese.

effinayright said...

Gahrie said...
There's the Glorious Revolution and the American Revolution. Then there's the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution. If you play the probabilities, revolutions don't work out.

The American revolution really didn't work either. We had to replace our revolutionary government with one that worked. But our results were much better.

I think the essential difference was the fact that our revolution and the Glorious Revolution were led by the nation's elite, instead of launched against it.

If you are equating the pseudo-elites attempting to overthrow our country today with the genuine American social, political and intellectual elites of the 18th century, you are making a big mistake.

Today's "elites" are shit-birds and poseurs.

Rt41Rebel said...

Poor kid playing in the snow. Not only has he given my household in excess of $50,000 (so far) he has to have his image associated with absurd stupidity on the internet.

Original Mike said...

"I can't remember who it was that asked here why we even bother to collect taxes any more."

To keep up appearances.

Inga said...

Get off your lazy ass Rt.41 Rebel, get a damn job, quit stealing my grandson’s money and living off your girlfriend.

You should stop bragging about how much money you are suckling off the teat the Nation, have you no shame?

Inga said...

Route 41 Rebel,

Do you need the money for teeth maybe? “You sure do have a purdy mouth” says Rebel eyeing the rich man’s teeth with envy.

mockturtle said...

Today's "elites" are shit-birds and poseurs.


Inga said...

Route 41 Rebel said the other day that his girlfriend, who is supporting him works full time and has cancer, while he sits on his ass at home. What a louse, he is making that poor woman work to keep a roof over their heads.

Rt41Rebel said...

"You should stop bragging about how much money you are suckling off the teat the Nation, have you no shame?"

I never voted for that. You did.

Inga said...

“I never voted for that. You did.”

Feel free to send the money to my grandson you lazy piece of shit. When you accept the money you are “voting” for it.

Maybe the IRS should know you are scamming the Treasury.

Rt41Rebel said...

"Route 41 Rebel said..."

You're confusing me for someone else. I remember reading that post myself, but I don't remember who posted it either. I can assure you that my fiancee is in full health and hasn't worked for several years.

wildswan said...

The Brits have got rid of the EU, Meghan Markle and one of their extra princes while we can't stop the wokies and Meghan has circled back on us, dragging the prince behind. This shows that there's a time to revolt from the Brits and a time to learn from them.

walter said...

Fashion up some "Welcome to Wisconsin" masks, won't ya.
If they know any English, they'll love ya.

Mark said...

So, a US Capitol Police officer has been suspended after some reading material (not porn) was found near his work area.

Does it matter what the content of the reading material was?

Inga said...

“You're confusing me for someone else. I remember reading that post myself, but I don't remember who posted it either. I can assure you that my fiancee is in full health and hasn't worked for several years.”

No, that was YOU. I’m not surprised you’re ashamed to admit it now.

Rt41Rebel said...

"Feel free to send the money to my grandson you lazy piece of shit. When you accept the money you are “voting” for it.

Maybe the IRS should know you are scamming the Treasury."

Feel free to vote in your grandson's best interest.

I think you have the wrong agency. And I'm not "scamming" any agency. I was RIFed due to Covid, the unemployment agency verified that with my previous employer.

Rt41Rebel said...

"No, that was YOU. "

You're wrong. Go find it and repost it here.

Inga said...

You’ve BRAGGED many times in the recent past how you were retired and getting unemployment checks. It’s all here and can be found easily enough by the IRS Fraud division.

narciso said...

Yes the seed pods are everywhere,

Inga said...

The Department of Labor isn’t too hard to contact...

narciso said...

She really does wear those sdba uniforms with pride.

Rt41Rebel said...

"The Department of Labor isn’t too hard to contact..."

You should try it sometime. Govt is always the solution to problems created by the govt, eh?

Inga said...

You’re a scammer, a cheat, lazy and you use your girlfriend to support you and collect unemployment money you don’t qualify for. You’ve bragged enough times in the past about actually BEING retired and collecting unemployment and you have admitted to it right here in these comments sections. It’s all here in black and white. The internet is forever. Your big braggy mouth, invoking my grandchildren... you really are a piece of shit.

Inga said...

“This gateway provides the public with a one-stop resource for connecting with state websites and tip hotlines to report potential Unemployment Insurance claimant and employer fraud. Each of the phone numbers and web addresses listed below provide a direct contact to the state to report potential fraud. This information will help states to act quickly to stop the improper payment of unemployment benefits.”

Narayanan said...

Mike of Snoqualmie said...
Take good look at the pictures of the Guam National Guard following the politician. Guys are not armed, embarrassed. Which side are they on? I think they want the charade to end and to go home. That side.

I called the Guam delegate this morning to complain about the NG intimidating MTG. He actually answered the phone, he must not have any budget for staff. His explanation was he and the NG were doing a meet and greet, showing the troops the Capitol. He said that he'd coordinated the visit with MTG's office a couple of days in advance and that the visit was not meant to intimidate MTG.

That's his explanation. He seemed like a nice guy over the phone. Believe it if you want, or not.
you may want to call and ask again - Q ; did they also "meet and greet" with any other Congress members who were interested and coordinated?

Inga said...


Claimant Fraud
Phone: 1-800-342-9909
Employer Fraud
Phone: 1-800-352-9273

Rt41Rebel said...

Waste your time any way you want. I have a separation agreement signed by my employer that states that my employment was terminated due to Covid. Good night.

Inga said...

“I have a separation agreement signed by my employer that states that my employment was terminated due to Covid.”

Funny, that’s not what you’ve been saying in these comments sections for months now. You’ve BRAGGED how you are so young and already RETIRED, how much money you are getting because Unemployment doesn’t know you are retired. You even said my grandchildren were buying your expensive booze for you. As I said, you’re a piece of shit.

Drago said...

13,000+ unaccompanied minors at the border, of whom the girls will have endured a 70% rate of sexual assault and rape.

Or as Inga would say, "spark of divinity" encounters.

Rt41Rebel said...

I drink cheap booze like you. I didn't realize that 'retired' was legally defined. I did not submit the required documents if they do exist. Think before you vote.

Ken B said...

If you think taxes are a thing of the past and you live in a red state ... boy are you in for a surprise.

Even more than ever before the federal budget and taxes are going to be used to reward and punish and bribe. All failing blue states get bailouts and handouts and red states get killed. Purple states make out like bandits.

Inga said...


My Photo

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On Blogger since March 2016
Profile views - 282
About me

Gender MALE
Industry Manufacturing
Occupation Retired
Location Naples, FL, United States
Interests Politics, French Bulldogs
Favorite Books Anything by Christopher Moore, Tom Robbins

Ken B said...

“We are a clown country with no virtue” - Browndog

Ken B said...

Tamiami Trail Rebel

My parents had a condo in Naples on Surfside Drive. You ever get Pickled at the Pickle Barrel Pub?

gadfly said...

According to a declassified Joint Intelligence Report entitled "Foreign Threats to the 2020 US Federal Elections:"

Moscow used Rudy Giuliani's prime source, Andriy Derkach, a pro-Russian member of Ukraine’s Parliament, to undermine Mr. Biden, the report confirmed. Mr. Derkach released leaked phone calls four times to undermine Mr. Biden and link him to Ukrainian corruption. The report said Mr. Putin “had purview” over the actions of Mr. Derkach, who had ties to Russian intelligence.

Citing in one instance a meeting between Mr. Derkach and Mr. Giuliani, intelligence officials warned Mr. Trump in 2019 that Russian intelligence officers were using his personal lawyer as a conduit for misinformation.

The report also named Konstantin V. Kilimnik, a former colleague of Mr. Trump’s onetime campaign manager Paul Manafort, as a Russian influence agent. Mr. Kilimnik took steps throughout the 2020 election cycle to hurt Mr. Biden and his candidacy, the report said, helping pushed a false narrative that Ukraine, not Russia, was responsible for interfering in American politics.

Collecting intelligence to feed to Mr. Trump’s allies and use against Mr. Biden was a priority for Russian intelligence. Moscow’s military intelligence unit, the G.R.U., conducted a hacking campaign against a Ukrainian energy firm, Burisma, in what was most likely an attempt to gather information about Mr. Biden’s family and their work for the company, the report confirmed.

Ken B said...

Mock believes the USA was once one single British colony?

Gospace said...

Inga said...
He sounds like your kind of people Wholelotta...

Robert Aaron Long is a troubled person. What his troubles are, I'm certain will never be revealed to us- but we do know it's all going to be blamed on easy availability to guns. And, from the quick reads I made, doesn't resemble any commenter here, not even you.

He exhibits what Thomas Wictor refers to as the "flat look", which Wictor sees in most if not all mass killers. It's enough that I can see it.

First glance- targeting Asians- at massage parlors. Or massage parlors, that happened to be Asian. One or the other. Was he denied a Happy Ending at one? From the pics available, we could very well be looking at a frustrated incel. All the victims appear to be female. Lots of attacks by blacks recently of Asians, all blamed on Trump, though it would be extremely hard to find a connection between previous attackers and Trump. Now a white dude kills Asian females- tailor made for the anti-Trump media. Already blaming him for a crazy person's delusional shootings.

Be interesting to see if they release anything from his already locked up social media accounts.

Readering said...

Several male victims. Several non-Asian. But mostly Asian female.

Owen said...

Regarding eclipses I wrote this on the one in 1999:

August 11, 1999

Mid-morning on the sand
Of Utah Beach the air went dark
Falling from the wings of birds
Confounded by totality

They called and settled
As into the next world
Like souls surprised
To be woken from our dream

But we who had been warned
Were careful not to look at heaven
Where the moon devoured the sun
Until only a flickering ring was left

Instead we kept our sight on shadows
That slipped through one another
In only such time it later seemed
As it might take the sea to breathe

Humperdink said...

Ken B blathered: "Mock believes the USA was once one single British colony?"

On the whole, we were. Ken B, I thought you might have moved on from the town of Jerkdom, but alas you remain the mayor.

The Crack Emcee said...

I'm saying "Bye" again: you guys are still a pack of white liars and hypocrites, and (once again) it hasn't paid to engage with white hypocrites who will lie, so I've done my duty to MLK (and learned my lesson from Malcolm once more) and will now go back to reporting this fact to the others I meet, offline:

Many white people are dirty, unethical, backstabbing demons, who will eat your soul if you let them.


rhhardin said...

Dan Bongino, Westwood in Talks in Air 12-3 pm Live Radio Show Post-Rush Limbaugh

Rush sucks now. It would have to be Steyn or nothing, and they're not trying Steyn.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Last night we finished watching "Mank." It had something to do with with the making of "Citizen Kane" and puking on some rich guy's carpet. The puking would have made a bigger political statement had it been shot in color instead of black and white. I take it on faith that it wasn't the rich guy who had to clean it up.

It was too early for bed so we started watching "Rolling Thunder Review." I thought maybe I'd learn to appreciate Bob Dylan which is something I'd really like to do since he's a Nobel Laureate and all.

Instead, I learned that Patti Smith knows how to do a lot of coke.

And then it was time for bed.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Perhaps I should add that our cat pukes on our carpet on a regular basis and I don't think he's really saying anything at all.

Rosa Marie Yoder said...

"Now I know what it was you were trying to tell me, Ma. What you fall in love with as a girl in't always what you want as a women," says Laura.
"You can still have sweetness and giddy joys. Just so long as that's not all there is," replies Ma.
As heard on "Lark Rise to Candleford," my latest favorite show on TV...

(Why are people so willing to demonstrate their lunacy on this blogspot?)

stevew said...

Man, who could have predicted this (NYT over night):

Top News
Surge in Migrants Defies Easy or Quick Solutions for Biden
By Michael D. Shear and Zolan Kanno-Youngs

The administration expects more apprehensions at the border this year than at any point in the past two decades. Enacting policy to deal with the problems faces deep-rooted political and logistical challenges.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Just Like New York:
George Soros bought and paid?

exhelodrvr1 said...

The real question is how many are getting across without being apprehended.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Yeah, our next "surge" of Rona thanks to dumbocrat voters. What's with these microphones? Crummy dubbing?

Rusty said...

Blogger Ken B said...
"If you think taxes are a thing of the past and you live in a red state ... boy are you in for a surprise.

Even more than ever before the federal budget and taxes are going to be used to reward and punish and bribe. All failing blue states get bailouts and handouts and red states get killed. Purple states make out like bandits."
Thank you capt obvious. We'll look right into it.

stevew said...

A high level scan of the overnight news stories indicates that Cuomo is likely to ride out the recent political storm and fulfill his term as governor.

chickelit said...

Robert Aaron Long provides the perfect trifecta for Libs to go after guns, hunting, and religion. Oh and he is white, male, and Southern. We're not going to hear the end of this for a very long time.

For you chemists out there, think about catalysts and thermodynamics. Many of the physical laws hold surprisingly well for social milieu.

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