Simon Balto is ready for spring @SimonBalto "As my father’s health continues to deteriorate and as I still can’t visit him because he’s not yet fully vaccinated, I can’t sufficiently express my fury w/ this stupid country’s utter failure of pandemic-related leadership for all of 2020 & w/ every anti-masker/vaxxer in the US."
You can do what you want, visit who you will, but only those that you and they agree aren't at risk, which is most of us. Same as it ever was.
At the risk of jinxing us: sure looks and feels like early spring lately.
I now predict Biden will fulfill his term. His handlers and puppet masters, aka Barack Obama, are getting what they want. So long as that continues Slo' Joe is safe.
The following week (ending March 15 2020) - my God, I'm guessing (because I didn't do a count) that 75% of the posts were Rona related. Especially the tragedy unfolding in Italy.
Althouse - please consider doing a retrospective on how Corona unfolded on your blog a year ago and whether a particular article or highlighted tweet was prescient. . .or worthless in hindsight.
Ohio just dropped eligibility to age 60 last week and are going to 50 Thursday because the large number of appointments going unused. This is before 16 mass vaccination sites are set up statewide. The first in Cleveland will open the 17th and will vaccinate 6000/day, 7 days a week. At this rate I suspect anybody who wants a vaccination will be able to get theirs by mid-April. At that time they will be trying to convince all the antivaxxers to get their shot.
“And I want to thank the sec – the, the, ah former general. I keep calling him general, but my, my – the guy who runs that outfit over there,” Biden said.
Further sucking up to the far left, Biden finally levitates the Pentagon after 54 years of trying.
As previously stated there is not an adult vaccine in the world that gets more than 70% of the eligible population
The top mark is Pneumovax in the elderly with about 70%. Pneumovax has been around for years and pneumonia is consistently a top 8 or so cause of death in the elderly but still only 70%.
I will be surprised if we hit 70% of adults getting the ronavax.
The question will be can the vaccinated (slim) majority force reopening.
My father passed away last month. We visited nearly every week during the lockdown. The trade off was the slight risk of giving him the virus and thereby possibly shortening his life by a few months versus letting him spend the last months of his life without seeing his kids and grandkids. The decision was easy, though it was made easier by the fact that he was at home instead of a nursing home.
Sorry for your loss Jaime; it's a blessing to pour out love on an older family member during their final days. Good choice to keep it person to person.
Sorry for your loss Jaime. If you’d like tell us something about your Dad. Mine lived to be 88.5 and had all his wits up til his last couple days. My nephew was studying for his Latin test in the year before My father/ his grandfather died. He was stumped on a word and I suggested he call his grandfather. Nephew said later he was the only one in his class to get the word right. It was agricola and my father told him without hesitation it meant farmer.
Got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine today. I was surprised, as I am not yet eligible according to Washington state guidelines (as far as I can tell).
However, my oncologist's office called, and they had one for me if I wanted it. Who am I to argue? Didn't even have to wait in line.
The funny thing is I'm not even allowed to start getting my childhood immunizations for another two weeks, due to the stem cell transplant I had back in September
Your cadaverous gov, along with gruesome gretchen and the wolf that cried boy were among the worst handlers naturally they are rewarded by this ransom bill,
Ignorance is Bliss said... Got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine today. I was surprised, as I am not yet eligible according to Washington state guidelines (as far as I can tell).
Washington State is shit.
Hubby and I got our 1st dose in a mega site 4 weeks ago (Moderna). Were due for 2nd dose today - lots of other folks got their special email, but. . . not us. Guess we will wait until next week.
Meanwhile, my teacher DIL (under 30 years old) got her 1st dose and my son - who went along with her - also got his (nice surprise). Happy for them both although they are both working from home. Meanwhile, daughter who has worked for last year in an essential "big box" store - isn't even close.
I’ve just been sitting and thinking tonight about how for the past YEAR - our government has literally enslaved most of the population to fear, while it knowingly killed the elderly, stripped us of our ability to worship and bury said elderly, while they had 7 funerals for George Floyd and Elijah Cummings. Yea. I’m pissed. 975 likes 56 comments
Meanwhile, the new Biden CDC guidelines for what vaccinated people can do are actually MORE RESTRICTIVE than what most people have been doing without the vaccine.
As previously stated there is not an adult vaccine in the world that gets more than 70% of the eligible population
The top mark is Pneumovax in the elderly with about 70%. Pneumovax has been around for years and pneumonia is consistently a top 8 or so cause of death in the elderly but still only 70%.
It's not as easy to get as it should be IMHO. I'm "only" 60, but managed to get pneumonia twice in my 50s, and I'm like: Hey, give me the dang shot! But my PA just says: "Having had pneumonia is not an indication for getting the vaccine".
"Jersey Fled said... The question will be can the vaccinated (slim) majority force reopening.
Many of the anti-vaxers here don't particularly see themselves as high risk for a serious case of the virus. They will also push for a reopening."
Let the sun shine in. Many of anti-vaxers have had covid - there have been 28.8 million identified covid cases. And 60 million Americans have had at least one dose of vaccine - 59% of those over 65 have had one dose. So 88 million Americans have reason to feel safe reopening the country. And it's getting warm. .gov says July 4th or maybe next year to unlock. And .gov, President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden, they all know what's best. But ... it's getting warm and sunny in Wisconsin. Sunny - you know what that does to people in Wisconsin?
Thanks for the condolences, but I'm not looking for sympathy. In fact, I consider myself lucky. I chose my parents well, and I'm glad we didn't let this last year change our activities much. We still took my dad hunting, went on a road trip to say goodbye to a hunting buddy, had my mom's 90th birthday party in a restaurant, went to a pig roast hosted by his Polynesian caregiver and more. If conditions permit, visit your parents. They'll be glad to see you.
In fact, I consider myself lucky. I chose my parents well, and I'm glad we didn't let this last year change our activities much
Good for you, for him. My grandfather passed at the end of 2020, a month short of his centennial. His last memory was of him surrounded by his daughters, grandchildren, great grandchildren, friends, and well-wishers. He passed peacefully at home, in his bed.
Well lookee here, that controversy from 2018 — when Papa John’s CEO John Schnatter was forced to resign for using a certain word during a phone call — was a sting set up by a marketing firm Schnatter had hired.
He was getting ready to fire them so they conspired to destroy him. Of course. What is wrong with these people?
Read more
Schnatter is going after them in federal court, full complaint just unsealed here
The trade off was the slight risk of giving him the virus and thereby possibly shortening his life by a few months versus letting him spend the last months of his life without seeing his kids and grandkids.
I've had one family member who has died with COVID. Note I said "with," not "of." It probably was due to the virus, but then again, he was 96 years old and already declining.
He had refused to stay home, so he was out and about. I'm sure that if perchance the virus did shorten his life, he was happy to make the trade off. The freedom to actually HAVE a life was more important than a potential few extra months in home confinement before he would have succumbed to something else anyway.
As I just said, the Vax Nazis are pushing for continued lockdowns for the vaxed.
The vaxxers, I suppose, are in denial of preexisting immunity, and naturally acquired immunity, which was in part due to treatments that mitigate disease progression and complemented immune system function. Vaccines, similarly, prime the immune system and are part of a risk management protocol, which was subverted through intuitive science, political maneuvering, and spreading social contagion through the press, social platforms, and steering engines. That and collateral damage, not only at Planned Parent/hood where at least in the early part of the pandemic, there were recorded excess deaths on year over year basis that isolate attribution.
That said, there is preliminary reporting of all causes mortality, and other than Planned Parent/hood venues in Democrat districts, social contagion driving herd stampedes and cross-contamination, asymptomatic fecal transmission in unsanitary environments, and restrictive mandates justified through intuitive science prolonging/expanding exposure and forcing collateral damage, the number of dead would have been counted in the thousands with early treatment (e.g. HCQ cocktail), and less given treatments with greater efficacy discovered in Spring and established by Summer (e.g. Ivermectin protocol).
Blogger wildswan said... Amazon is advertising a movie called Coming 2 America as the header on its movie Prime page. The trailer leaves me speechless.
Schnatter is going after them in federal court, full complaint just unsealed here
Ah, a witch hunt, warlock judgment, and cancellation. Good for Schnatter for standing up to the hunters, judges, and protestors. The sociopolitical complex (e.g. diversity racket) is not a viable complement and cannot coexisting in a civilized society.
"1.2 percent chance of death 50-64. 0.3 percent chance for 40-49. 0.1 percent chance for 30-39. 0.03 percent chance for 18-29."
The chance of death by automobile is about 1 percent. I would expect that the lockdowns saved many more lives from auto accident than from the Covid, but I've read that auto accident deaths are actually up because the lack of traffic provides for much faster driving.
He was getting ready to fire them so they conspired to destroy him. Of course. What is wrong with these people?
It goes back at least to the infamous "Fuhrman tapes" during the OJ trial. Off the top of my head, I can think of Donald Sterling, Paula Deen, and Hulk Hogan who suffered major career consequences for either having used or admitted to have using in the past the "n-word." Never mind the routine rummaging through social media accounts looking for years-old "problematic" statements that can be used against people.
It's always important to remember that anti-racism is not about helping blacks. It's about controlling whites. It is the epitome of white liberal self-centeredness, making the advancement of blacks dependent on the enlightenment of whites. From their perches in elite universities, wealthy gentrified neighborhoods, and corporate boardrooms, the Deplorables are perceived as little different than neo-Nazi KKK Grand Wizards whose racism is to blame for black underperformance. African-Americans and Deplorables have more in common and more convergent interests than either does with white urban liberals.
I would expect that the lockdowns saved many more lives
The lockdowns had/have ZERO effect on the risk of death if one gets COVID. It is a simple equation of number of deaths divided by number of confirmed cases.
You may have missed part of my point, which is that for a vast majority of people, it's much more likely that they die in an auto accident than of Covid.
While the anger is completely understandable, what I'd like to ask this person (and anybody else) is why haven't they been pissed for the last 30 years? We've been on the same trajectory over that timeframe. It's a good example of the futility of excessive partisanship. Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama are all neoliberals. It is the dominant economic ideology globally.
It is not a left/right, Democrat/Republican, liberal/conservative, socialist/capitalist divide. But that dichotomy is very useful to the establishment because it allows each party to scapegoat the other. Neoliberalism has been a bipartisan affair from the start. It begins in the Carter administration, it accelerates in the Reagan administration, and it produced the DLC/New Democrat/Third Way realignment. There's a reason the two candidates the establishment hated most were Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.
Brother West abandons effort to have Harvard give him tenure, takes his bullshit to Union Theological Seminary.
From a 1969 review in AA's vaunted New York Times --
Granting the fact that it is quite bad, "Once Upon the Time in the West" is almost always interesting, wobbling, as it does, between being an epic lampoon and a serious hommage to the men who created the dreams of Leone's childhood.
Since the very beginning of the covidiocy we've known that low Vitamin blood levels correlated with poor outcomes in the dreaded covid. In fact, if you do an internet search on Vitamin D and URIs of all kinds, including TB, low Vitamin D levels are correlated with poor outcomes in every URI known to man- or woman for the PC in the crowd.
Now, it's verified, not by anonymous internet commenters- but by actual science. At the end of the link, from real life doctors and medical researchers:
Conclusion Vitamin D deficiency markedly increases the chance of having severe disease after infection with SARS Cov-2. The intensity of inflammatory response is also higher in vitamin D deficient COVID-19 patients. This all translates to increase morbidity and mortality in COVID-19 patients who are deficient in vitamin D. Keeping the current COVID-19 pandemic in view authors recommend administration of vitamin D supplements to population at risk for COVID-19
My last checked Vitamin D level is 60 ng/ml. I've had close contact with 2 people with the dreaded covid- and haven't gotten it. I also do other things to reduce my risk- useless mask wearing gestures not being among them.
Dr. Fauci didn't recommend D, the CDC didn't recommend D, other health authorities didn't recommend D, but not that Trump is out of office and being persecuted (not a typo) by NY persecutors, here comes a study that says- "Hey! Your risks go down if your vitamin D goes up! Take Vitamin D!" Something that anyone and everyone with any understanding of numbers knew over a year ago.
You're responsible for your health and the risks you take. Not me, not your doctor, not Dictator Cuomo nor Puppet Biden, not Dr. Fauci. YOU! If you believe the lie that mask wearing helps, go ahead, wear one. Forcing me to wear one, especially as the weather warms, is increasingly irritating me- and people like me- to no end.
As mentioned in comments the other day, sole responsibility for all dreaded covid deaths belongs to the Communist Chinese government. But it is more and more apparent that the medical establishment has failed in every way possible to reduce the number of those deaths. Assisted by such experts as Dictator Cuomo, who apparently desired to maximize the death rate amongst the elderly.
"If you're deficient in vitamin D, that does have an impact on your susceptibility to infection,” said Dr. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. “I would not mind recommending, and I do it myself, taking vitamin D supplements.”
Althouse - please consider doing a retrospective on how Corona unfolded on your blog a year ago and whether a particular article or highlighted tweet was prescient. . .or worthless in hindsight.
Why put the burden on Ann? Go to On the "site or domain" line put On the first 5 lines- enter the terms you want, or don't want. Line 1 "all these words" gospace covid Line 2 "this exact word or phrase: vitamine D I left the rest black.
16 Jun 2020 I'm not worried about dying if I catch it. I'm also not worried about catching it. If I do I do, if I don't I don't. Why aren't I worried? My Vitamin D last checked is 40 ng/ml. I've slightly increased my D intake since then.
15 Jul 2020 So- Vitamin D. I live in CNY. So, if I weren't taking Vitamin D supplements, I'd be D deficient. You're in Wisconsin- same problem. DO you take Vitamin D supplements? Do you know your Vitamin D blood level? Low Vitamin D is directly associated with worse outcomes in virtually all serious URIs- including TB. (Among things I learned during the covidiocy.)
20 Jul 2020 Take your vitamin D daily, along with vitamin K, and go about your life.
11 Dec 2020 I know my vitamin D level, I take supplements, added extra zinc once a week, my multi has the MDR. Added quercetin. That’s the only extra precaution I've taken.
On 19 Dec 2020 I didn't mention it, but Mary Beth said "I will still wear a mask and try to keep distance between myself and others when I'm out. I'll still keep taking Vitamin D and zinc." and mockturtle said " There are variables that make us more or less susceptible, like blood type, Vitamin D levels and strength of immune system."
23 Jun 2020 4. Having a healthy Vitamin D blood level (Note- not from this post- that was right after giving blood, and my dreaded covid antibody test was negative. 26Feb was my 2nd donation this year- still negative)
6 Mar 2021 Maybe it's my Vitamin D blood level of 60 ng/ml protecting me, along with the fact my multi has the MDR of zinc.
20 Dec 2020: Low vitamin D blood levels seem to be a great indicator of adverse outcomes if you get the dreaded covid. I’ll bet if body zinc levels were checked the same correlation would exist.
So I've been very consistent over the covidiocy about what you can do to protect yourself. Not just on the Althouse blog, but on facebook and disqus and other places. And now as per my post above, doctors and medical experts are finally saying- "Hey, everyone should be supplementing with Vitamin D!" All you have to do is understand numbers to have drawn that conclusion a year ago.
I can sum up what I've said about masks. Not only are they virtually useless against viruses. Not only that, but if you're a mask wearer and exposed to virus or bacteria then wear a mask, you increase your own personal virus load ultimately making you sicker, or even sick to begin with, since with a lower viral load your body may shake whatever you were exposed to off. That's how filters work- flow one way traps things, reverse the flow, it released them. Breathe out, the breath initially hits the mask, some air goes through, the rest escapes through the edges. Breathe in- the mask is sucked against your face, most air comes in through the mask, less through the edges, and everything that just stuck to the mask comes rushing back in. Well, not everything, but a substantial portion.
I just did myself. I'm sure there are some here who would do this to Inga or Chuck and quote them over the year.
Mutaman- that was in September, well after the covidiocy began. And read the weasel wording- HE DID NOT RECOMMEND TAKING VITAMIN D! And I quote: “I would not mind recommending, and I do it myself, taking vitamin D supplements.” Does he say how much? Does he say YOU SHOULD TAKE IT? No, he does nothing of the sort. and I'm sure next you'll point out the extremely wide audience instagram live with Jennifer Garner has.
Has he held a national press conference where he's recommended taking supplements? No. Published a paper on taking supplements? No. Sent out a press release to all the MSM saying "We officially recommend the general public start supplementing with Vitamin D in the following dosages and doctors should monitor their patient's vitamin D levels on a routine basis? No. He offhandedly said, I would not mind recommending and then utterly failed to do so or give any information on how much or how often to take. Defending Dr Fauci and his covidiocy handling and recommendations is an exercise in futility.
Should I Take a Dietary Supplement? Eating a variety of healthy foods is the best way to get the nutrients you need. However, some people don’t get enough vitamins and minerals from their daily diet, and their doctors may recommend a supplement. Dietary supplements may provide nutrients that might be missing from your daily diet.
Talk with your doctor before taking any supplements. Some supplements can change how medicines you may already be taking will work. If your doctor recommends a dietary supplement for you, make sure you’re getting the brand recommended by the doctor and that you take it as directed.
Do you wonder if you need a dietary supplement? Maybe you do, but usually not.
That's our government- you probably don't need supplements! In the northern tier of states everyone who doesn't take Vitamin D supplements during the winter will be deficient in Vitamin D. Period. Unless perhaps you drink a crapload of milk which is Vitamin D fortified. Oh, wait! They also recommend you not drink a crapload of milk! Even tasteless skim, which is what they recommend you drink. I drink a pint each day. Of good wholesome whole milk.
Yancey Ward said..."President Joe Biden's two German Shepherds were returned to the family home in Delaware after aggressive behavior at the White House."
Schäferhunde are politically inappropriate dogs for DC these days. The only worse breed would be a Doberman. Those German breeds frighten a certain cohort, much like the pit bull frightens the opposing cohort. Better to get a mutt that "looks like America."
"Mutaman- that was in September, well after the covidiocy began. And read the weasel wording- HE DID NOT RECOMMEND TAKING VITAMIN D! And I quote: “I would not mind recommending, and I do it myself, taking vitamin D supplements.” Does he say how much? Does he say YOU SHOULD TAKE IT? No, he does nothing of the sort..."
Can we conclude that Dr. Fauci withheld information that probably would have mitigated the mortality rate from the virus? Not to mention the CDC's recommendations for HCQ, no masks/masks/ double masks?
The number of unaccompanied migrant children detained along the southern border has tripled in the last two weeks to more than 3,250, filling facilities akin to jails as the Biden administration struggles to find room for them in shelters, according to documents obtained by The New York Times…
Never underestimate Joe's ability to f*ck things up.
It's always important to remember that anti-racism is not about helping blacks. It's about controlling whites. It is the epitome of white liberal self-centeredness, making the advancement of blacks dependent on the enlightenment of whites.
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७७ टिप्पण्या:
Simon Balto is ready for spring
"As my father’s health continues to deteriorate and as I still can’t visit him because he’s not yet fully vaccinated, I can’t sufficiently express my fury w/ this stupid country’s utter failure of pandemic-related leadership for all of 2020 & w/ every anti-masker/vaxxer in the US."
You can do what you want, visit who you will, but only those that you and they agree aren't at risk, which is most of us. Same as it ever was.
At the risk of jinxing us: sure looks and feels like early spring lately.
I now predict Biden will fulfill his term. His handlers and puppet masters, aka Barack Obama, are getting what they want. So long as that continues Slo' Joe is safe.
"I need the best astrophysicist in the free world," President Ryan said. "And if he or she happens to be on the East Coast, so much the better."
- Tom Clancy attacks a problem
Althouse, I compared photos of Lake Mendota from last year on this date - ice melt taking longer, I guess?
Also looked at all of the posts from the week ending March 7 2020 - Very little mention of
But. . . .on March 7th Democrats are about twice as likely as Republicans to say coronavirus poses imminent threat
429 Comments by Althousethians.
The following week (ending March 15 2020) - my God, I'm guessing (because I didn't do a count) that 75% of the posts were Rona related. Especially the tragedy unfolding in Italy.
Althouse - please consider doing a retrospective on how Corona unfolded on your blog a year ago and whether a particular article or highlighted tweet was prescient. . .or worthless in hindsight.
Ohio just dropped eligibility to age 60 last week and are going to 50 Thursday because the large number of appointments going unused. This is before 16 mass vaccination sites are set up statewide. The first in Cleveland will open the 17th and will vaccinate 6000/day, 7 days a week. At this rate I suspect anybody who wants a vaccination will be able to get theirs by mid-April. At that time they will be trying to convince all the antivaxxers to get their shot.
Andrew Branca at has great Chauvin trial coverage
“And I want to thank the sec – the, the, ah former general. I keep calling him general, but my, my – the guy who runs that outfit over there,” Biden said.
Further sucking up to the far left, Biden finally levitates the Pentagon after 54 years of trying.
As previously stated there is not an adult vaccine in the world that gets more than 70% of the eligible population
The top mark is Pneumovax in the elderly with about 70%. Pneumovax has been around for years and pneumonia is consistently a top 8 or so cause of death in the elderly but still only 70%.
I will be surprised if we hit 70% of adults getting the ronavax.
The question will be can the vaccinated (slim) majority force reopening.
My father passed away last month. We visited nearly every week during the lockdown. The trade off was the slight risk of giving him the virus and thereby possibly shortening his life by a few months versus letting him spend the last months of his life without seeing his kids and grandkids. The decision was easy, though it was made easier by the fact that he was at home instead of a nursing home.
The question will be can the vaccinated (slim) majority force reopening.
Many of the anti-vaxers here don't particularly see themselves as high risk for a serious case of the virus. They will also push for a reopening.
It's all over but the shouting people.
Condolences on your loss JaimeRoberto.
Ice melt!
But that doesn't mean I dealt!
Condolences on your loss
An intriguing example of what a different choice may have yielded.
Sorry for your loss Jaime; it's a blessing to pour out love on an older family member during their final days. Good choice to keep it person to person.
Sorry for your loss Jaime. If you’d like tell us something about your Dad. Mine lived to be 88.5 and had all his wits up til his last couple days. My nephew was studying for his Latin test in the year before My father/ his grandfather died. He was stumped on a word and I suggested he call his grandfather. Nephew said later he was the only one in his class to get the word right. It was agricola and my father told him without hesitation it meant farmer.
Carrying over from the other thread
Russians are quite aware of the time of troubles and recent history rhymes for them
Got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine today. I was surprised, as I am not yet eligible according to Washington state guidelines (as far as I can tell).
However, my oncologist's office called, and they had one for me if I wanted it. Who am I to argue? Didn't even have to wait in line.
The funny thing is I'm not even allowed to start getting my childhood immunizations for another two weeks, due to the stem cell transplant I had back in September
Your cadaverous gov, along with gruesome gretchen and the wolf that cried boy were among the worst handlers naturally they are rewarded by this ransom bill,
Kakistocracy rule by the worst, thats what has been instituted not just palm and levine but slavitt, murthy klain et al
The conductor is fulsome fauci and his bag of tricks
>>It was agricola
Galba est agricola . . .
And let us not forget Tacitus: They make a desert and call it peace.
I meant some more Tacitus.
Did that start with carthage or perhaps the melians
Ignorance is Bliss said...
Got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine today. I was surprised, as I am not yet eligible according to Washington state guidelines (as far as I can tell).
Washington State is shit.
Hubby and I got our 1st dose in a mega site 4 weeks ago (Moderna). Were due for 2nd dose today - lots of other folks got their special email, but. . . not us. Guess we will wait until next week.
Meanwhile, my teacher DIL (under 30 years old) got her 1st dose and my son - who went along with her - also got his (nice surprise). Happy for them both although they are both working from home. Meanwhile, daughter who has worked for last year in an essential "big box" store - isn't even close.
@JaimeRoberto, allow me, please, to add my condolences.
Prince rupert i mean insley what can you expect, part of the den of thieves
E por se move
I’ve just been sitting and thinking tonight about how for the past YEAR - our government has literally enslaved most of the population to fear, while it knowingly killed the elderly, stripped us of our ability to worship and bury said elderly, while they had 7 funerals for George Floyd and Elijah Cummings. Yea. I’m pissed.
I am not yet eligible according to Washington
I slipped-in under the multi-generational household. My 95-year-old mother lives 8 blocks away.
Not my words, but close to my sentiment,
Weve gone back to the time before fleming with hcq, before pasteur salk and jenner.
Say what you will about Donald Trump, at least he never forgot the name of his Secretary of Defense.
If you're under 60, you're NOT an especially high risk of death if you get the virus.
JaimeRoberto: condolences.
BlM @ 9:28: “solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant.”
1.2 percent chance of death 50-64.
0.3 percent chance for 40-49.
0.1 percent chance for 30-39.
0.03 percent chance for 18-29.
That's with test confirmed cases. Figure at least half that for actual cases.
No, those "anti-vaxers" aren't the genocidal maniacs that some propagandists want you to believe.
BIM —> gpm. Apologies.
Meanwhile, the new Biden CDC guidelines for what vaccinated people can do are actually MORE RESTRICTIVE than what most people have been doing without the vaccine.
As previously stated there is not an adult vaccine in the world that gets more than 70% of the eligible population
The top mark is Pneumovax in the elderly with about 70%. Pneumovax has been around for years and pneumonia is consistently a top 8 or so cause of death in the elderly but still only 70%.
It's not as easy to get as it should be IMHO. I'm "only" 60, but managed to get pneumonia twice in my 50s, and I'm like: Hey, give me the dang shot! But my PA just says: "Having had pneumonia is not an indication for getting the vaccine".
"Jersey Fled said...
The question will be can the vaccinated (slim) majority force reopening.
Many of the anti-vaxers here don't particularly see themselves as high risk for a serious case of the virus. They will also push for a reopening."
Let the sun shine in.
Many of anti-vaxers have had covid - there have been 28.8 million identified covid cases. And 60 million Americans have had at least one dose of vaccine - 59% of those over 65 have had one dose. So 88 million Americans have reason to feel safe reopening the country. And it's getting warm. .gov says July 4th or maybe next year to unlock. And .gov, President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden, they all know what's best. But ... it's getting warm and sunny in Wisconsin. Sunny - you know what that does to people in Wisconsin?
Thanks for the condolences, but I'm not looking for sympathy. In fact, I consider myself lucky. I chose my parents well, and I'm glad we didn't let this last year change our activities much. We still took my dad hunting, went on a road trip to say goodbye to a hunting buddy, had my mom's 90th birthday party in a restaurant, went to a pig roast hosted by his Polynesian caregiver and more. If conditions permit, visit your parents. They'll be glad to see you.
Many of the anti-vaxers here don't particularly see themselves as high risk for a serious case of the virus. They will also push for a reopening."
As I just said, the Vax Nazis are pushing for continued lockdowns for the vaxed.
Meanwhile star wars high republic plumbz the depths and finds a rock as navigator.
In fact, I consider myself lucky. I chose my parents well, and I'm glad we didn't let this last year change our activities much
Good for you, for him. My grandfather passed at the end of 2020, a month short of his centennial. His last memory was of him surrounded by his daughters, grandchildren, great grandchildren, friends, and well-wishers. He passed peacefully at home, in his bed.
Well lookee here, that controversy from 2018 — when Papa John’s CEO John Schnatter was forced to resign for using a certain word during a phone call — was a sting set up by a marketing firm Schnatter had hired.
He was getting ready to fire them so they conspired to destroy him. Of course. What is wrong with these people?
Read more
Schnatter is going after them in federal court, full complaint just unsealed here
The trade off was the slight risk of giving him the virus and thereby possibly shortening his life by a few months versus letting him spend the last months of his life without seeing his kids and grandkids.
I've had one family member who has died with COVID. Note I said "with," not "of." It probably was due to the virus, but then again, he was 96 years old and already declining.
He had refused to stay home, so he was out and about. I'm sure that if perchance the virus did shorten his life, he was happy to make the trade off. The freedom to actually HAVE a life was more important than a potential few extra months in home confinement before he would have succumbed to something else anyway.
Haven't had a Papa John's pizza since.
Kind of likd what happened with paula dean and her sister, she got symed.
As I just said, the Vax Nazis are pushing for continued lockdowns for the vaxed.
The vaxxers, I suppose, are in denial of preexisting immunity, and naturally acquired immunity, which was in part due to treatments that mitigate disease progression and complemented immune system function. Vaccines, similarly, prime the immune system and are part of a risk management protocol, which was subverted through intuitive science, political maneuvering, and spreading social contagion through the press, social platforms, and steering engines. That and collateral damage, not only at Planned Parent/hood where at least in the early part of the pandemic, there were recorded excess deaths on year over year basis that isolate attribution.
That said, there is preliminary reporting of all causes mortality, and other than Planned Parent/hood venues in Democrat districts, social contagion driving herd stampedes and cross-contamination, asymptomatic fecal transmission in unsanitary environments, and restrictive mandates justified through intuitive science prolonging/expanding exposure and forcing collateral damage, the number of dead would have been counted in the thousands with early treatment (e.g. HCQ cocktail), and less given treatments with greater efficacy discovered in Spring and established by Summer (e.g. Ivermectin protocol).
Blogger wildswan said...
Amazon is advertising a movie called Coming 2 America as the header on its movie Prime page. The trailer leaves me speechless.
Schnatter is going after them in federal court, full complaint just unsealed here
Ah, a witch hunt, warlock judgment, and cancellation. Good for Schnatter for standing up to the hunters, judges, and protestors. The sociopolitical complex (e.g. diversity racket) is not a viable complement and cannot coexisting in a civilized society.
Ho hum
"1.2 percent chance of death 50-64.
0.3 percent chance for 40-49.
0.1 percent chance for 30-39.
0.03 percent chance for 18-29."
The chance of death by automobile is about 1 percent. I would expect that the lockdowns saved many more lives from auto accident than from the Covid, but I've read that auto accident deaths are actually up because the lack of traffic provides for much faster driving.
Its a tax
Was he ready to get a clue
@Jeff Brokaw:
He was getting ready to fire them so they conspired to destroy him. Of course. What is wrong with these people?
It goes back at least to the infamous "Fuhrman tapes" during the OJ trial. Off the top of my head, I can think of Donald Sterling, Paula Deen, and Hulk Hogan who suffered major career consequences for either having used or admitted to have using in the past the "n-word." Never mind the routine rummaging through social media accounts looking for years-old "problematic" statements that can be used against people.
It's always important to remember that anti-racism is not about helping blacks. It's about controlling whites. It is the epitome of white liberal self-centeredness, making the advancement of blacks dependent on the enlightenment of whites. From their perches in elite universities, wealthy gentrified neighborhoods, and corporate boardrooms, the Deplorables are perceived as little different than neo-Nazi KKK Grand Wizards whose racism is to blame for black underperformance. African-Americans and Deplorables have more in common and more convergent interests than either does with white urban liberals.
I would expect that the lockdowns saved many more lives
The lockdowns had/have ZERO effect on the risk of death if one gets COVID. It is a simple equation of number of deaths divided by number of confirmed cases.
Like roman law
News headline -
President Joe Biden's two German Shepherds were returned to the family home in Delaware after aggressive behavior at the White House.
The news is not merely dead its gone zombie.
Biden's German shepherds sent back to Delaware after reportedly biting security guard
You may have missed part of my point, which is that for a vast majority of people, it's much more likely that they die in an auto accident than of Covid.
Yea. I’m pissed.
While the anger is completely understandable, what I'd like to ask this person (and anybody else) is why haven't they been pissed for the last 30 years? We've been on the same trajectory over that timeframe. It's a good example of the futility of excessive partisanship. Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama are all neoliberals. It is the dominant economic ideology globally.
It is not a left/right, Democrat/Republican, liberal/conservative, socialist/capitalist divide. But that dichotomy is very useful to the establishment because it allows each party to scapegoat the other. Neoliberalism has been a bipartisan affair from the start. It begins in the Carter administration, it accelerates in the Reagan administration, and it produced the DLC/New Democrat/Third Way realignment. There's a reason the two candidates the establishment hated most were Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.
I see Chester Goode is wearing both suspenders and a belt.
Don't let Henry Fonda see him.
Brother West abandons effort to have Harvard give him tenure, takes his bullshit to Union Theological Seminary.
From a 1969 review in AA's vaunted New York Times --
Granting the fact that it is quite bad, "Once Upon the Time in the West" is almost always interesting, wobbling, as it does, between being an epic lampoon and a serious hommage to the men who created the dreams of Leone's childhood.
Was there ever a time when NYT wasn't crap?
Since the very beginning of the covidiocy we've known that low Vitamin blood levels correlated with poor outcomes in the dreaded covid. In fact, if you do an internet search on Vitamin D and URIs of all kinds, including TB, low Vitamin D levels are correlated with poor outcomes in every URI known to man- or woman for the PC in the crowd.
Now, it's verified, not by anonymous internet commenters- but by actual science. At the end of the link, from real life doctors and medical researchers:
Vitamin D deficiency markedly increases the chance of having severe disease after infection with SARS Cov-2. The intensity of inflammatory response is also higher in vitamin D deficient COVID-19 patients. This all translates to increase morbidity and mortality in COVID-19 patients who are deficient in vitamin D. Keeping the current COVID-19 pandemic in view authors recommend administration of vitamin D supplements to population at risk for COVID-19
My last checked Vitamin D level is 60 ng/ml. I've had close contact with 2 people with the dreaded covid- and haven't gotten it. I also do other things to reduce my risk- useless mask wearing gestures not being among them.
Dr. Fauci didn't recommend D, the CDC didn't recommend D, other health authorities didn't recommend D, but not that Trump is out of office and being persecuted (not a typo) by NY persecutors, here comes a study that says- "Hey! Your risks go down if your vitamin D goes up! Take Vitamin D!" Something that anyone and everyone with any understanding of numbers knew over a year ago.
You're responsible for your health and the risks you take. Not me, not your doctor, not Dictator Cuomo nor Puppet Biden, not Dr. Fauci. YOU! If you believe the lie that mask wearing helps, go ahead, wear one. Forcing me to wear one, especially as the weather warms, is increasingly irritating me- and people like me- to no end.
As mentioned in comments the other day, sole responsibility for all dreaded covid deaths belongs to the Communist Chinese government. But it is more and more apparent that the medical establishment has failed in every way possible to reduce the number of those deaths. Assisted by such experts as Dictator Cuomo, who apparently desired to maximize the death rate amongst the elderly.
"Dr. Fauci didn't recommend D,"
Wrong again!
"If you're deficient in vitamin D, that does have an impact on your susceptibility to infection,” said Dr. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. “I would not mind recommending, and I do it myself, taking vitamin D supplements.”
Kathryn51 said...
Althouse - please consider doing a retrospective on how Corona unfolded on your blog a year ago and whether a particular article or highlighted tweet was prescient. . .or worthless in hindsight.
Why put the burden on Ann? Go to
On the "site or domain" line put
On the first 5 lines- enter the terms you want, or don't want.
Line 1 "all these words" gospace covid
Line 2 "this exact word or phrase: vitamine D
I left the rest black.
16 Jun 2020 I'm not worried about dying if I catch it. I'm also not worried about catching it. If I do I do, if I don't I don't. Why aren't I worried? My Vitamin D last checked is 40 ng/ml. I've slightly increased my D intake since then.
15 Jul 2020 So- Vitamin D. I live in CNY. So, if I weren't taking Vitamin D supplements, I'd be D deficient. You're in Wisconsin- same problem. DO you take Vitamin D supplements? Do you know your Vitamin D blood level? Low Vitamin D is directly associated with worse outcomes in virtually all serious URIs- including TB. (Among things I learned during the covidiocy.)
20 Jul 2020 Take your vitamin D daily, along with vitamin K, and go about your life.
11 Dec 2020 I know my vitamin D level, I take supplements, added extra zinc once a week, my multi has the MDR. Added quercetin. That’s the only extra precaution I've taken.
On 19 Dec 2020 I didn't mention it, but Mary Beth said "I will still wear a mask and try to keep distance between myself and others when I'm out. I'll still keep taking Vitamin D and zinc." and mockturtle said " There are variables that make us more or less susceptible, like blood type, Vitamin D levels and strength of immune system."
23 Jun 2020 4. Having a healthy Vitamin D blood level (Note- not from this post- that was right after giving blood, and my dreaded covid antibody test was negative. 26Feb was my 2nd donation this year- still negative)
6 Mar 2021 Maybe it's my Vitamin D blood level of 60 ng/ml protecting me, along with the fact my multi has the MDR of zinc.
20 Dec 2020: Low vitamin D blood levels seem to be a great indicator of adverse outcomes if you get the dreaded covid. I’ll bet if body zinc levels were checked the same correlation would exist.
So I've been very consistent over the covidiocy about what you can do to protect yourself. Not just on the Althouse blog, but on facebook and disqus and other places. And now as per my post above, doctors and medical experts are finally saying- "Hey, everyone should be supplementing with Vitamin D!" All you have to do is understand numbers to have drawn that conclusion a year ago.
I can sum up what I've said about masks. Not only are they virtually useless against viruses. Not only that, but if you're a mask wearer and exposed to virus or bacteria then wear a mask, you increase your own personal virus load ultimately making you sicker, or even sick to begin with, since with a lower viral load your body may shake whatever you were exposed to off. That's how filters work- flow one way traps things, reverse the flow, it released them. Breathe out, the breath initially hits the mask, some air goes through, the rest escapes through the edges. Breathe in- the mask is sucked against your face, most air comes in through the mask, less through the edges, and everything that just stuck to the mask comes rushing back in. Well, not everything, but a substantial portion.
I just did myself. I'm sure there are some here who would do this to Inga or Chuck and quote them over the year.
"President Joe Biden's two German Shepherds were returned to the family home in Delaware after aggressive behavior at the White House."
They had a right to be aggressive- Biden was constantly humping them.
Mutaman- that was in September, well after the covidiocy began. And read the weasel wording- HE DID NOT RECOMMEND TAKING VITAMIN D! And I quote: “I would not mind recommending, and I do it myself, taking vitamin D supplements.” Does he say how much? Does he say YOU SHOULD TAKE IT? No, he does nothing of the sort. and I'm sure next you'll point out the extremely wide audience instagram live with Jennifer Garner has.
Has he held a national press conference where he's recommended taking supplements? No. Published a paper on taking supplements? No. Sent out a press release to all the MSM saying "We officially recommend the general public start supplementing with Vitamin D in the following dosages and doctors should monitor their patient's vitamin D levels on a routine basis? No. He offhandedly said, I would not mind recommending and then utterly failed to do so or give any information on how much or how often to take. Defending Dr Fauci and his covidiocy handling and recommendations is an exercise in futility.
From the National Institute for Health on vitamin recommendations:
Should I Take a Dietary Supplement?
Eating a variety of healthy foods is the best way to get the nutrients you need. However, some people don’t get enough vitamins and minerals from their daily diet, and their doctors may recommend a supplement. Dietary supplements may provide nutrients that might be missing from your daily diet.
Talk with your doctor before taking any supplements. Some supplements can change how medicines you may already be taking will work. If your doctor recommends a dietary supplement for you, make sure you’re getting the brand recommended by the doctor and that you take it as directed.
Do you wonder if you need a dietary supplement? Maybe you do, but usually not.
That's our government- you probably don't need supplements! In the northern tier of states everyone who doesn't take Vitamin D supplements during the winter will be deficient in Vitamin D. Period. Unless perhaps you drink a crapload of milk which is Vitamin D fortified. Oh, wait! They also recommend you not drink a crapload of milk! Even tasteless skim, which is what they recommend you drink. I drink a pint each day. Of good wholesome whole milk.
Yancey Ward said..."President Joe Biden's two German Shepherds were returned to the family home in Delaware after aggressive behavior at the White House."
Schäferhunde are politically inappropriate dogs for DC these days. The only worse breed would be a Doberman. Those German breeds frighten a certain cohort, much like the pit bull frightens the opposing cohort. Better to get a mutt that "looks like America."
Gospace said...
"Mutaman- that was in September, well after the covidiocy began. And read the weasel wording- HE DID NOT RECOMMEND TAKING VITAMIN D! And I quote: “I would not mind recommending, and I do it myself, taking vitamin D supplements.” Does he say how much? Does he say YOU SHOULD TAKE IT? No, he does nothing of the sort..."
Can we conclude that Dr. Fauci withheld information that probably would have mitigated the mortality rate from the virus? Not to mention the CDC's recommendations for HCQ, no masks/masks/ double masks?
My condolences as well.
There is a huge hole in the world which you now must struggle to fill.
The number of unaccompanied migrant children detained along the southern border has tripled in the last two weeks to more than 3,250, filling facilities akin to jails as the Biden administration struggles to find room for them in shelters, according to documents obtained by The New York Times…
Never underestimate Joe's ability to f*ck things up.
It's always important to remember that anti-racism is not about helping blacks. It's about controlling whites. It is the epitome of white liberal self-centeredness, making the advancement of blacks dependent on the enlightenment of whites.
Well stated.
Still have snow on the north-facing roof. I hope the rain tonight washes it all away.
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