"... at much younger ages than their White counterparts. Studies have also found that the average Black American, compared with their White peers, has a much higher 'allostatic load,' which is a measurement for lifelong cumulative stress on the body. Using data from a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey collected from 1999 to 2002, Geronimus found that when measuring the allostatic load of Americans, the score 'for Black Americans was roughly comparable to that for Whites who were 10 years older.'... Removing or lowering age cutoffs for Black Americans could go a long way toward increasing access to one of the most impacted communities and accounting for structural racism’s toll on Black lives."
From "Opinion: Black Americans should face lower age cutoffs to qualify for a vaccine" (WaPo).
The authors, Oni Blackstock and Uché Blackstock, are physicians. They define "weathering" as the "physiologic effect of these persistent social and environmental stressors" and relate it to the term "John Henryism."
The comments at WaPo are calling the column "racist" and "insane."
१९७ टिप्पण्या:
I'd imagine, inevitably, the argument would follow that they should draw Social Security sooner, qualify for a lower age requirement for catch up provisions of IRAs, etc.
Separate, but equal!
It's hilarious how everything today is seen through the eyes of the color of your skin. MLK is rolling over and over and over again in his grave. His lesson was NOT learned.
I'm sure a plausible argument could be made that the cutoff should be lowered for White Americans (something along the line of this cohort contributes proportionally more to the tax base and thus their quick return to normal productivity would be a boon to social programs which proportionally aid members of different cohorts) but such an argument, no matter how cogent or persuasive, would be considered racist and would, in fact, support an immoral policy.
I read the article, checked the oh-so-helpful links provided by the Washington Post and discovered that there are no facts. The article does include information from APM research labs, which basically a front for NPR. The article does mention “John Henryism” a long discredited theory from the 70’s. Nowhere in the article, does it mention risk factors such as smoking, obesity, excessive drinking and other poor life choices. Furthermore, there is no mention of high blood pressure, breast cancer or prostate cancer which does disproportionately affect Americans of African descent. However, based on replicated cross-sectional studies that the COVID-19 virus does disproportionately affect Americans of African descent.
That is the one verifiable fact that is correct in this article. Frankly, this should have been a three paragraph article.
And let's just disregard their bad health habits, or is that racist?
When even the left considers your idea insane, it must be pretty out there. Just means the Dems won't consider implementing it for another week or so.
Why do Democrats insist on treating people by the color of their skin?
As for myself, I experienced a lot of weathering while working blue-collar repetitive jobs at GE.
I think back in my day this was call immorality
I seem to have commented on the wrong thread
Should be easy to research data on non-African Americans whose work history and economic level are simliar to that of the stereo-typical AA's who are the subject of this piece, and see how they compare. I suspect they would correlate quite well. Check out the coal miners, longshoreman, roofers, highway builders and so on, see how their longevity stacks up compared to professors, anesthesiologists, accountants and other well paid indoor working types.
I'd bet the results would not be too surprising.
"Why do Democrats insist on treating people by the color of their skin?"
Because the wonderful liberal Democrats never miss an opportunity to show the world how truly wonderful they really are. Look at me, aren't I wonderful!
If someone is not inclined to 'believe' in the vaccine, or take it seriously, or simply does not want it, dropping the age requirement 25 years won't make a difference.
My allostatic load ratchets up every time I read this kind of rat shit.
- Krumhorn
A month or two ago, Scott Adams discussed what sounded like a definitive study on the effects of Covid by race. The conclusion was that there is no difference in the severity of the disease on the body, regardless of race. IOW, if a white person and a black person catch Covid at the same time and they are the same age and same overall health status and get the same treatment, they are equally likely to have a good or a bad outcome.
There were still statistical difference because of two factors: black people were more likely to catch Covid because their live circumstances cause them to have more exposure to the virus (more communal living, less likely to be able to work from home), and secondly, black Americans are as a whole more likely to have co-morbidity health problems.
"Studies have also found that the average Black American, compared with their White peers, has a much higher 'allostatic load'"
So blacks finally score bigtime on the Achievement Gap and what do lefties do?
Complain, complain, complaint.
All of this mumbo-jumbo about “weathering” and “allostatic load” is just a long way of saying “Where my check at?”
Well, besides the weathering problem it is not reported that because of the slave years American blacks are in a constant sleep deficit and must be allowed extra sleep time and nap time. No I am not making this up, follow th link.
"Sosa insisted that generations of slavery have made it imperative for Black people and people of color to rest as much as they can in the following generations."
Now reported sorry
Phony science in service to the cause.
Stalin would be proud.
Written by highly credentialled assholes tryin to pay off student loans?
Perhaps the next thing they'll discover is that FICA taxes paid by African-American men, who tend not to live long enough to collect much in Social Security or Medicare, are mostly used to subsidize white and Asian women, who do.
It isn't about liverty or freedom or rights, just power and privilege and perks and pork. All of it.
"Perhaps the next thing they'll discover is that FICA taxes paid by African-American men, who tend not to live long enough to collect much in Social Security or Medicare, are mostly used to subsidize white and Asian women, who do."
I think they've already been there, kind of, sort of...
Because conditions in Africa differed from those on other continents African-Americans are more sensitive to salt and more apt to have high blood pressure. That accounts for much of the health gap. Admittedly there are other factors, but biology plays a bigger role than it often gets credited with by the media and public advocacy groups.
>>Studies have also found that the average Black American...has a much higher 'allostatic load,' which is a measurement for lifelong cumulative stress on the body.<<
"Lifelong cumulative stress on the body" sounds more like an attribute of lifelong hard-working folks to me.
Given that when you get the vaccine isn't really that important, who cares?
My suggestion: allow old liberal white ladies to transfer their vaccine priority to a young black person. Let them put their money where their mouth is.
Sounds an awful lot like Professor Irwin Cory, a regular comedy gag on Johnny Carson. You take your allostatic and your Hypermatic and analyze it in your Blendomatic to determine the Crabkiatic level of your Idiomatic. If it’s high you’re perflunkt.
Black people are more obese, and use cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol at a much higher rate than white people. With East Asians its the same (except for the cigarette part). So, I guess Asians have much less stress due to their not being discriminated against. Even less than whites.
Blogger Caligula said...
Perhaps the next thing they'll discover is that FICA taxes paid by African-American men, who tend not to live long enough to collect much in Social Security or Medicare, are mostly used to subsidize white and Asian women, who do.
2/20/21, 9:39 AM
This is, as of course you know, true. And it is a drawback of a government system. If private insurers were allowed to price annuities based on real actuarial life expectancies, which would include sex and race, blacks would get much better deals than they do now.
Democrats will accept anything their leaders tell them. All they have to do is attach "Science" at the end. And "This hurts white people". Then they all agree, and go baa, baa, baa.
I made two confident predictions for the Biden presidency
1 Racial quotas, in everything: jobs, schools, medicine.
2 He will ignore court rulings
Prediction 1 is on its way to fruition.
Cement workers should go to front of the line.
How do we decide who is Black and who is not? Are we back to the One Drop Rule?
jake +1
If sounds racist and if WaPo commenters say it's racist, who am I to disagree?
That's how Teachers' Unions can argue that teachers should go to the front of the line, speed-walking past all the elderly using walkers: Because Teachers' allostatic loads are higher because of reasons.
Yes, white people, on average, have more wealth than black people.
Therefore the cause of justice is advanced when very poor white people must give money to very rich black people.
"physiologic effect of these persistent social and environmental stressors"
Any studies controlling for cognitive skill in dealing with such "stressors"?
Anyway, I am fine with race-neutral criteria that in fact favor blacks--i.e., vaccinate the old first, the very sick (including the very obese) second.
But if we are counting everything by race, how about we then vaccinate racial groups according to their contribution, financial and scientific, to the actual vaccination effort?
I've bee the John Henry for 73 years now. First I'd heard of "JohnHenryism"
I thought npr was just making shit up again but now I find out it is a thing with its own Wikipedia entry.
Has anyone else here ever heard of it before? Other than the stuff I post here.
The real John Henry
alfromchgo said..."Sosa insisted that generations of slavery have made it imperative for Black people and people of color to rest as much as they can in the following generations."
Blacks today need to sleep more because their ancestors were sleep-deprived? When people talk about Lysankoism, this is literally the argument he made that got him in the history books for bad, politically motivated science.
So are there or are there not differences between blacks and whites? What if the blacks just self-identify as white? Won't that fix the issue?
I trust nothing in the WaPoo, but the comments seem legit...
It's wind chilling I'm worried about. Cumulative exposure to hype.
Progs: "Race doesn't exist!"
Also progs: We must have separate and unequal standards determined by your race!
I read the article, checked the oh-so-helpful links provided by the Washington Post and discovered that there are no facts.
Thank you for doing the dirty work.
To the above, if republicans were smart (stop laughing), they could simply state the fact that social security is a bad deal for blacks and privatizing it (and making it a heritable private account) would help black families build wealth.
"JohnHenryism" per Wikipedia seems to be about working one's ass off to improve one's life. Pretty much my "ism" too. Though I also preach that one needs to be lazy about it.
"JohnHenryism" as described by Wikipedia seems contrary to the stereotype of blacks not being able to succeed.
Btw: How many people know that the richest man in the United States is an African-American?
H/t Kim du Toit. Who is a African American himself
John Henry
What you need to know about those authors.
GatorNavy said.
. However, based on replicated cross-sectional studies that the COVID-19 virus does disproportionately affect Americans of African descent.
Where can we find these studies and their stats?
That statement doesn't reflect the data in Mass,:
"According to the most recent American Community Survey, the Black population in massachusetts is 473,181 - at 6.9% of the total population of massachusetts."
In Mass. the covid death rate for blacks is 8.9% of the total.
The slightly larger incidence of black deaths vs. population certainly doesn't rise to being
I think back in my day this was call immorality
2/20/21, 9:20 AM
Blogger farmgirl said...
I seem to have commented on the wrong thread
No, think you nailed it!😜
It is beginning to appear that a lot of the areas of the country should have just done a first come, first served policy. All this naval gazing and attempts to design "equitable" vaccine policies have actually slowed down the vaccination process in many, many places.
Now, I would be perfectly fine with a policy that, let's say, distributed vaccine by a completely statified age policy, or health policy, but we don't seem to be able to do that very well at all. Even worse, we see the vaccine being distributed with too many political middlemen who seem to want both the control over subsequent distribution and the credit for that distribution.
Hmm. Maybe there's something to this. Greg Oden looked like a pretty "weathered" 20 year old in 2007.
Got injured like one too.
Here's the covid data for NYC and NY state:
Overall the percentage black deaths are higher than their percentage in the overall population.
But using the NYC figures to demonstrate "disproportionality" is a cheap shot, since it makes it look like that 28% is much higher than the 13% black population nationally.
Further, check out the much higher proportion of males dying from the disease.
Looks to me like a whole lotta John Henry-ism has been going on among males of all races.
Females? Not so much.
It is beginning to appear that a lot of the areas of the country should have just done a first come, first served policy. All this naval gazing and attempts to design "equitable" vaccine policies have actually slowed down the vaccination process in many, many places.
That was obvious from the beginning and it's how I got vaccinated (I'm 45 and healthy) from a "leftover" batch because people in the first group weren't getting vaccinated to the numbers the "experts" thought.
Thanks, experts!
"Sosa insisted that generations of slavery have made it imperative for Black people and people of color to rest as much as they can in the following generations."
You want me to believe people of teh Color need more rest because Sosa said so? You bought that line?
Now Fraudci says that vaccines reduce transmission.
Waiting for idiot inga to flip flop too and say she always thought that.
Lots of people stepping to the front of line.
I know our host has gotten her vaccination pushed back several weeks. Mostly because politicians/bureaucrats have used social justice metrics, instead of raw, save the most lives metric.
A quick anecdote from this morning.
Our weekly call from the daughter related that her inlaws were bummed out. They cancelled there trip to Jamaica. Because, the wife is still scared. Even though all numbers used to scare us are down almost 80% in 6 weeks. Even though they are both retired teachers, AND both have received two shots. Even though they are 61 and 63.
They have gotten to the front of the line in front of 70 year olds. Iowa is near the bottom of efficiency of delivering the vaccine, despite being one of the oldest populations in the nation.
From last nights posting on covid and if the vaccine will prevent transmission.
Fauci came out late yesterday, reversing his earlier warning. Now he says studies do show transmissions is not a problem...but...more studies are needed.My guess the push back quoting the existing science has exposed his political posturing, displacing science.
None of the experts have been transparent about covid. Experts have been dismal in making sound decisions.
15 days to bend the curve was just a talking point. Not science. They guessed, and guessed wrong.
Weathering of the body? That's a good one. If that's a fact, then I know some people that should have received the vaccine 20 years ago.
"Greg Oden looked like a pretty "weathered" 20 year old in 2007."
It took me a minute to remember who he was! And, yes, you were right! I remember having exactly that thought watching him as he played.
Wait, body weathering and deterioration varies by social class? Who knew?
Men are much more likely to die of Covid than women. Does anything about vaccination priorities follow from that observation?
I suppose that one benefit of white privilege is that white folks for the most part do not obsess about race all the time. Rather, they go about and live their lives never even considering themselves "white" or otherwise thinking in racial terms. No drama, no stress, no constant self-victimization or self-guilt or active racial thinking or acting. Just living without giving all of this another thought.
It is beginning to appear that a lot of the areas of the country should have just done a first come, first served policy
From February, the science was in plain sight. Those at risk of death are identified by comorbidities Just add the values.
60 years old= 1 65=1.5, 70=2, and so on. put a weight on respiratory issues, diabetes and the like. Total, and adjust protocol according to the score.
This score should have been used to prioritize vaccine administration.
This is not complicated.
Only experts make it complicated
If we vaccinate those that might die, the rest of us can live our life, contract the virus, build immunity and move on.
Actually, there is an interesting claim in one of the links;
"Unlike non-Hispanic white infants, African-American infants with teen mothers experience a survival advantage relative to infants whose mothers are older. The black-white infant mortality differential is larger at older maternal ages than at younger ages. While African Americans and non-Hispanic whites differ on which maternal ages are associated with the lowest risk of neonatal mortality, within each population, first births are most frequent at its lowest-risk maternal ages."
Fauci came out late yesterday, reversing his earlier warning. Now he says studies do show transmissions is not a problem...but...more studies are needed.My guess the push back quoting the existing science has exposed his political posturing, displacing science.
You think idiot Inga will rise to the challenge and now kiss my ass as she utterly lost her idiot 'argument' when even the fucking fraudci dago dwarf can't deny science anymore
Blogger iowan2 said.
This is not complicated.
Only experts make it complicated
Correction: only politicians make it complicated.
And race hustlers.
I wonder how far I would get if I went to the covid vaccination center and declared that I identify as a 48-year-old obese black woman weathered to the point of exhaustion from too much John Henry-ism.
We live in an Age of Bullshit.
It sounds like a bad idea to have the government figuring out which race is superior.
Let's review:
1) Literally 60M person years of data from California and Florida demonstrate conclusively that masks and lockdowns do not stop, slow or make a damn bit of difference, and if, anything, they make it worse as CA has a HIGHER cumulative case rate than FL.
2) The data show that EVERY school should be open. Even a "controlled experiment" in the slave state of California shows no outbreaks in OPEN private schools compared to closed public schools.
3) The data show that vaccines effectively ELIMINATE TRANSMISSION. blah blah 5% blah blah.
This is what the SCIENCE and DATA show.
Anyone who states otherwise is a liar and a fraud.
If that person is in a position of power, that person is a liar, fraud AND a tyrant.
“Now Fraudci says that vaccines reduce transmission.
Waiting for idiot inga to flip flop too and say she always thought that.”
As I said yesterday, the vaccine DOES seem to reduce transmission by virus in the nose by an unknown amount in vaccinated people. The Yeller, DavidUW claimed the vaccine reduced transmission by 100%. I disagreed and said that what’s been found is that the vaccine does reduce transmission by a lesser amount, currently still unknown as research is still ongoing. As a larger amount of people get vaccinated the more we will know about just how much or how little the vaccine reduces transmission of Covid in the nose and upper airways.
Blogger Inga said...
There IS some evidence that the vaccines reduce transmissibility.
“6. What have they found?
Results so far are preliminary. The most extensive data released concern the vaccine made by AstraZeneca Plc. In a study in the U.K., volunteers are checked for SARS-CoV-2 infections using weekly self-administered nose and throat swabs. According to results as of Dec. 7, after a single dose, the group that received the vaccine had 67% fewer positive swabs than the placebo group, suggesting the vaccine cuts down on infections as well as disease. Earlier, Moderna Inc. reported similar results from people who had received a single dose of its vaccine as of November. 7.
What other evidence do we have?
Data from Israel, which has inoculated a higher percentage of its population than any other country, provide clues that the vaccine in use there, from Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE, may reduce transmission even if it doesn’t protect against infection. After more than 75% of people age 60 or older had received one vaccine dose and only 25% of those between the ages of 40 and 60 had, researchers from Israel’s biggest coronavirus testing lab looked at their data. For those who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, there was a notable difference between the two age groups in the average amount of virus found in test swabs. The researchers estimated that vaccination reduces the viral load by 1.6 to 20 times in individuals who become infected despite the shot. Another study in Israel, following people who became infected after inoculation, found the vaccine reduced their viral load fourfold. Also, a study of Moderna’s Covid vaccine in monkeys suggested that it will reduce, if not completely prevent, onward transmission of the virus.“
2/19/21, 1:40 PM
This thread is about the “weathering” phenomenon in the Black community. To that I say, who knows? Maybe David UW can enlighten everyone with his non existent “studies”.
Someone I know fairly closely just got a very BIG promotion to a VERY prominent and influential position. Internationally prominent.
And his biggest pride about it is not his skills or personal merits or past accomplishments that might commend him to the position, but the fact that he is Black. Period. The "first" in this particular position in this country (but not the first in other countries where no one cares about the race or color of skin).
What a sad and pathetic way to view one's life -- by focusing on an attribute that you have nothing to do with in having.
Meanwhile, he talks about the problems of racism all the time these days. The examples he gives is about him growing up back in the 1950s and 60s, and about how someone made an insensitive remark to him 15 years ago when he was at some elite country club. All the while utterly blind to the privileged life he lives.
Yes, race obsession will age you prematurely.
Lying, Idiot inga:
The Yeller, DavidUW claimed the vaccine reduced transmission by 100%.
I disagreed and said that
“Blogger DavidUW said...
Just going to repeat the earlier comment
This is the standard Rona test, you know the q tip to the back of your nose/throat.
If there's no virus in your nose/throat after vaccination and exposure (and these people were exposed in the clinical trials, as demonstrated by the control group) then you are not transmitting virus. Because the virus is not present.
Any idiot asshole evil "scientist" who says that vaccinated people are capable to infecting others is lying or is opining about two massive, double blind controlled studies that he clearly read nothing of the primary literature. (outside of the 5% who aren't successfully vaccinated).
2/19/21, 1:27 PM”
Lying, idiot Inga;
"If one has had natural Covid one DOES 100% get nasopharyngeal immunity as well as serum immunity. BUT that is not the case with the vaccine."
Lying, Idiot Inga:
"you don’t know for sure about transmission after vaccination, you just THINK you do."
Lying idiot Inga consistently downplayed the quality of the data demonstrating there will be effectively no transmission from vaccinated people.
Lying Idiot Inga googled her new favorite term "mucosal immunity" and quotes:
A recent report suggests that, while patients may be asymptomatic after COVID-19 vaccination, they can still harbor the SARS-2-CoV coronavirus in the upper airways and be able to transmit infection to others(2).
Lying idiot inga believes vaccines don't give mucosal immunity:
"We need mucosal immunity. A shot in the arm isn’t giving a significant amount of mucosal immunity."
Lying Idiot inga quotes snake oil salesman:
"Existing intramuscular COVID-19 vaccines are not known to elicit this kind of immunity,.”
Inga is a lying idiot.
Now bow down before me, bitch and admit you're fucking wrong.
Lying idiot inga ignores my quote:
(outside of the 5% who aren't successfully vaccinated).
Right there, you fucking bitch.
So we should make sure all the 'black people' in the US get the vaccine first? So when/if any issues arise from getting the vaccine we can be yelled at soem more about how 'racist' we are as a society?
Sounds like a real good policy to me. I like getting constantly yelled at about how everything I do or do not do is racist, but only to 'black people'.
At some point, white people are going to start identifying as white and acting politically as white, and then everything will be great, because identity politics will have taken over every aspect of US life and all the racial activists will have gotten their fondest wish - we all get judged by the color of our skin and nothing else - but white people are only 3/5's of a person, while 'black people' are 3 or 4 people. Asians and Hispanics need not apply.
Yeah - it will be just great.
First I'd heard of "JohnHenryism"
ngram shows that "John Henryism" became a fad around 1981.
Hopefully the Black community won’t rely on non existent unlinkable studies to decide to get the vaccine.
There is a huge effort out in the Black community to try to allay fears and suspicion about the vaccine and get Black people immunized. This weatherizing idea may or may not be right, but raising the age requirement by 10 years won’t make much difference if the Black community won’t get the vaccine in large numbers in any age bracket.
Affirmative action medicine...everyone should have seen this coming.
Lying idiot inga is so stupid she cannot search for primary literature on the PUBLICLY available Phase 3 studies for the vaccines and claims to be unable to find the New England Journal of Medicine (nejm.org) but can google "mucosal immunity"
And therefore doesn't believe that the Moderna study was actually published on Feb. 4, 2021 in that journal.
Inga is a lying idiot.
I wonder how they measure lifelong cumulative stress on the body for those of us with 5 SSBN deterrent patrols, 3 spec-ops, and a few other years at sea. I suspect it's pretty high.
Or the lifelong cumulative stress on the body for soldiers like my son with 3 combat tours in the sandbox.
Or doesn't that count?
Having a different genetic heritage based on having to find responses to malaria and other tropical diseases is sufficient explanation. No need to leap to any social conclusions. Similarly, infant mortality rates are higher for blacks, but not hispanics, not only in America but everywhere else. It does seem to be an automatic conclusion that if anything is worse for blacks, systemic racism must be the cause.
"I'm sure a plausible argument could be made that the cutoff should be lowered for White Americans (something along the line of this cohort contributes proportionally more to the tax base..."
Your argument has nothing to do with race...Barack Obama pays a lot of taxes so he would (under your reasoning) be afforded move up in the line...
I could also argue that I should have more votes than the crack addict living under a bridge who has never paid a dime it taxes and is a burden on the system.
I could also argue that if you pay zero taxes, you should receive zero votes. Otherwise, as it is now, people who drain the system can keep voting to take my tax dollars to support their drug habits...
'It's not the years, it's the mileage.'
-- Indiana Jones
Lying idiot inga
Lying idiot inga believes that there are no publications for a Phase 3 study of a FDA approved vaccine.
You are truly, fucking stupid.
How do you remember to breathe?
Hopefully no one relies on your ability to look for primary literature.
"It took me a minute to remember who he was! And, yes, you were right! I remember having exactly that thought watching him as he played."
Sounds like Fernando Valenzuela : )
so far - there isn't enough vaccine in general. I blame Biden and his puppets.
Regarding DavidUW...
Oh my lord, finally a link that is searchable! Hallelujah, but no cut and paste of the exact paragraph that discusses and proves what DavidUW asserts, why am I not surprised? Because it doesn’t exist in his linked article. I wonder how many more times he will post comments regarding his assertion and failure to prove it in this thread which is about the weathering phenomenon in the Black community?
so far - there isn't enough vaccine in general. I blame Biden and his puppets.
Plenty for Biden and his cronies. To paraphrase someone, "after that, what does it really matter?"
so far we note the left want blacks vaccinated first.
fine. do it.
we are waiting. or is this just more virtue signaling without a spine?
Regarding DavidUW...
Oh my lord, finally a link that is searchable! Hallelujah, but no cut and paste of the exact paragraph that discusses and proves what DavidUW asserts, why am I not surprised? Because it doesn’t exist in his linked article. I wonder how many more times he will post comments regarding his assertion and failure to prove it in this thread which is about the weathering phenomenon in the Black community?
Inga. You are still claiming you cannot find the NEJM, the most prestigious medical journal in America.
You are a lying idiot.
You have, AS I PREVIOUSLY POSTED, go to page 44 of the supplemental data section.
But you are a lying idiot.
To be precise, it's page 44 in the supplementary appendix.
Table S18
Total infection line - symptomatic OR RT-PCR.
Thanks rhhardin.
‘Wind-chilling’ is what happens to Americans who live in Northern Climates. ‘Snow-load’ can be measured in the lower back by age 60.
‘Leathering’ happens particularly in Florida and AZ.
‘Hey Tad, what about Bryley?
‘She’s that chick from Hollywood Exclusive back in the 90’s right.’
‘Hot piece of ass’
‘Nah, bro, she’s just a piece of L.A. Leather now’
“AS I PREVIOUSLY POSTED, go to page 44 of the supplemental data section.”
Dear boy, why don’t YOU go and cut and paste the quote that proves you aren’t just full of shit? What is your major malfunction? Now STFU and stop hijacking this thread.
Were in the hands of top people
That’s where ‘‘Skinnovation’ comes in.
Come see us next to ‘Sub-Zero Yoga’ near Tent City Camp 5.
AS I PREVIOUSLY POSTED, go to page 44 of the supplemental data section.”
Dear boy, why don’t YOU go and cut and paste the quote that proves you aren’t just full of shit? What is your major malfunction? Now STFU and stop hijacking this thread.
You lying illerate idiot bitch Inga,
I posted the direct copy and paste link to the pdf that you lied and stated somehow you couldn't find it while you were busy trying to google your new favorite term, "mucosal immunity."
It's in a table. I posted the line from the table. You refuse and continue to refuse to believe it exists because you claim to be unable to find THE MOST PRESTIGIOUS medical journal in AMERICA. Now you'll claim you can't find the link in the paper to the supplementary appendix and can't find page 44.
You are not only a liar, you are a stupid liar.
Ain't no fool like an old stupid white bitch of a fool and that's what you are.
I think I saw Inga in a bad remake of The Scarlet Letter. Zealots and busybodies always need a set of lower-resolution ideas to contextualize reality.
If they all go with Inga’s radical ideas, we end up with a tyranny.
‘Sometimes you have to let people be right because they can’t be anything else.’
Other times you have to make sure they don’t win.
It’s tricky, buts it’s probably best to identity the same impulses within yourself and make sure they don’t guide you.
The way to hustle is to create a problem and then get paid to fix it. If you can convince a group that a new medicine is dangerous and then persuade the public health authorities that you can improve outreach and uptake to that group, by doing community organizing and paying doctors in that group to recruit patients to accept the medicine? That’s money to you!
The WaPo is a paper of racism, misogyny, sexism and sexual orientationalism (just made up that word). If there was really any difference in the death rate due to the China Virus, they could show that with a graph of death rate vs. age. But that would use math, which my betters inform me, is racist.
Who's going to be the first to drive over a bridge designed by a non-racist engineer? Said engineer ignored the requirement that all forces and moments at bridge joints must balance out to zero because said balance is racist.
Who's going to be the first to fly on Anti-Racist Air where the passenger load doesn't have to be less than the payload capability of the airplane and everyone can sit in the back of the plane since it would be racist to require that the passenger load be balanced around the center of lift? The center of lift is a racist concept because it would require that the distributed load balance out.
If you can convince a group that a new medicine is dangerous and then persuade the public health authorities that you can improve outreach and uptake to that group, by doing community organizing and paying doctors in that group to recruit patients to accept the medicine? That’s money to you!
Perfected to an art form in the "nonprofits" that leech off of taxpayers in California.
Homelessness, race baiting, "community outreach" etc is a huge industry.
Hey, I played college rugby. That kind of allostatic weathering should put me ahead of everybody.
btw -
CA lockdowns = high death count AND bad economy. Severe increase in poverty... with small businesses forced to shutter at alarming rates.
Florida stayed open - deaths are not a bad as CA - and the economy wasn't killed off by the leftwing bureaucrats.
Media(D) doing their best to cover that all up.
Irwin Corey Indeed!
"dreams said...
As for myself, I experienced a lot of weathering while working blue-collar repetitive jobs at GE.
Gospace said...
I wonder how they measure lifelong cumulative stress on the body for those of us with 5 SSBN deterrent patrols, 3 spec-ops, and a few other years at sea. I suspect it's pretty high.
Or the lifelong cumulative stress on the body for soldiers like my son with 3 combat tours in the sandbox.
Or doesn't that count?"
I would argue that older Americans who have engaged in heavy physical labor should collect Social Security years sooner than desk workers. This would be acceptable as a proposal since the benefit is not race-based though it would benefit the black community more since more do heavy physical labor all their lives. "Weathering" isn't quite the same as "heavy physical labor all their lives" and is a rather pernicious concept much utilized in the neo-social biology community, the new eugenics. See below for more
All you need to get priority access to the vaccine between ages 16 and 64 is to peg one or more of the pre-existing medical conditions. If your body really has been "weathering" badly, surely that won't be hard. BMI alone will do it.
Chase Weller-Wells
Climate Writer, Science Lover, Friend Of Dogs
He’s not real but he could be more real than I am.
Many new ideas are making hustlers into fixtures within the academy and politics. I’d argue it’s the price of Liberal Idealism. Technocratic Bureaucracy is part of the output. Boomer hippies have helped beget the less boring politics of endlessly negotiating and apologizing for radicals. Like any cohort full of individuals, a lot of the guiding group ideas are mostly true and full of falsehoods.
If Secular Humanists gather in a church (Unitarian Universalists), then groups like Antifa are either part of the congregation or burning down the building.
Reality is harsh and time waits for no man. Real innovation is always required. Human Nature being what it is, individual Liberal Idealists should be put to the test like all others, especially while in asecendancy or in positions of authority
They define "weathering" as the "physiologic effect of these persistent social and environmental stressors"
That's a shit-ton of words just to say self-inflicted.
Earnest Prole said...
Wait, body weathering and deterioration varies by social class? Who knew?
Race is being used here as a proxy for class, which itself is a kind of proxy (in this instance) for a life of manual labor. It's at least conceivable that a life of hard manual labor might have some impact on ones priority need for the COVID vaccine. Leaving the accuracy of that assumption to the side for the moment, one would then try to assess who had detrimental effects from such lifetime labor. Instead, we go up the proxy chain to less and less accurate descriptions of who would have priority based on the original assumption. Don't look at someone's actual work history, or even better, physical condition! Just ask if they are in the 'working class'. Or easier (i.e., less accurate) yet, just ask what race they are!
Races differ on all sorts of health measures, including infant mortality, life expectancy, age of puberty onset, incidents of twin births, testosterone levels, etc. When people need bone marrow transplants, they first check their family members and then other members of their racial group. A racial group is just a very large extended family.
The biological reality of race is fanatically denied because of its connection to the scientific racism of the late 19th and early 20th century. Because biological race was used to justify eugenics and "racial hygiene" policies, it is considered responsible for the Holocaust. Hannah Arendt discusses this thoroughly in the The Origins of Totalitarianism.
I'm not sure why we need to deny biological reality to criticize Nazism. It's not as is getting the biology wrong was the biggest problem with extermination camps.
What's the allostatic load going to be in South Chicago this weekend?
Oh hey..
From when comics could comic: Sugar
The Catholic Church has a lavender problem, and way high up they tried to make it go away. Often neurotics and the unstable go into the calling of God. Especially when the prestige is low and the incentives are bad.
Sometimes great lawyers and good people don’t want to be judges. Some lawyers are just fucking crooks. Most law professors have a lot of ego. Sometimes it works against them.
There’s always some rot in every institution. Corruption is always present, as greed, envy, and pride are never far from the human heart. None of us can bear too much truth at once.
A lot of neurotics, mediocrities, and half-wits end up as teachers. Many shitheads end up in politics and middle-management. Sometimes high management and as President. Unions typically recreate the oppression/victim narrative within companies, and when people are used and abused by mgmt, unions end up even more abusive to their members while also bringing down the companies once the getting is gone.
Many things still work. Love is where you left it. Anything worth doing is hard. Where have you put your hopes?
If Trump were still president I suspect the comments would be far more sympathetic to the argument. But now that he is out the conversation has shifted dramatically to the right. The Trump effect? I dunno.
Joe Smith: “ Affirmative action medicine...everyone should have seen this coming.”
I did. I predicted it.
You really should pay more attention Joe.
Levi Starks said...
Why do Democrats insist on treating people by the color of their skin?
Because it works.
First, you are not 'everyone.'
And my statement says nothing about me not foreseeing it.
Reading comprehension is your friend.
Then there is the debilitating condition of "Wuthering" which particularly affects young women and teens who read too many romantic novels or listen to their Kate Bush albums too many times ...
Blackstock's proposal would contravene Article 14 of the European Convention of Human Rights, so it's a no-go.
"Article 14: Prohibition of discrimination
The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in the European Convention on Human Rights and the Human Rights Act shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status."
‘Blathering’ strikes many blowhards after a few too many drinks.
"I would argue that older Americans who have engaged in heavy physical labor should collect Social Security years sooner than desk workers."
My 92-year-old (and in great shape) father argues that heavy, physical labor is responsible for him being in the shape he's in...
There is no point in getting into a debate with the Resident Idiot. She doesn't grasp what she doesn't understand, but she is sure it is your fault.
It's like the folly of teaching pigs to sing. It hurts your ears and frustrates the pig.
wildswan said...
I would argue that older Americans who have engaged in heavy physical labor should collect Social Security years sooner than desk workers.
The problem with this argument is that, if adopted, you'd better be prepared to pay in a bunch more FICA from your paycheck than you do today. SS benefits are calculated using actuarial data for men and women across the whole US population. The idea behind it is that the government would have the $ to pay out benefits without going in the red (which is obviously false for all sorts of reasons, but that's a different discussion). In order to make this work, some are going to collect a lot less due to early death that those who hit the 'life lottery' and live longer. If you give people who, statistically, are in a cohort who will live a shorter life, then you have to compensate on contributing more into FICA in order to maintain the payout balance. Changing this equation means something other than Social Security as it exists today.
Blogger Joe Smith said...
First, you are not 'everyone.'
And my statement says nothing about me not foreseeing it.
Reading comprehension is your friend.
Perhaps the only one he has.
I suppose that one benefit of white privilege is that white folks for the most part do not obsess about race all the time. Rather, they go about and live their lives never even considering themselves "white" or otherwise thinking in racial terms. No drama, no stress, no constant self-victimization or self-guilt or active racial thinking or acting. Just living without giving all of this another thought.
This is the very definition of White Privilege.
We live in an Age of Bullshit.
When ones day isn't spent trying to kill a mammoth in order to survive, there's a lot more time for it.
This thread is about the “weathering” phenomenon in the Black community.
Though I am not black, I do find you to be quite weathering.
This is the very definition of White Privilege.
That's part of it.
And yet there are a lot of Black folks, and Brown people and Asians, etc. who also do not spend their time obsessing or even thinking about what race or color they are. They just go about living their lives. These are the ones who invariably are more successful. They just go to school, work hard, raise a family, etc. And succeed.
I want to hear how Joementia deftly/daftly frames this important issue.
Changing this equation means something other than Social Security as it exists today.
If anyone truly cared about "equity" social security would be privatized and made heritable.
Right now:
It's the worst deal for black men.
It's the best deal for white women.
And we all know white women are the worst.
There could be tinkering around the edges, like lower wage people generally get a supplement or "government match for their retirement accounts" and higher wage people don't, and other ideas, but as it stands now, social security screws over black people.
Michael K said...
What you need to know about those authors.
In the Mother Jones article (paraphrased):
HIV = pandemic of inequality
COVID-19 = pandemic of inequality.
The radical Left is going to try to milk this for all they can get out of it.
Skippy Tisdale said...
This is the very definition of White Privilege.
I would qualify this statement by saying: This is the very Woke definition of White Privilege.
Definition - Privilege: a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit...
I don't see going on with your life without obsessing about your race as a 'privilege', because no one has granted you that serenity. A better term for this state of mind might be 'White Confidence', or how about we just say 'Confidence' and not worry about any connection to race?
(Note: I do realize that the original statement was likely sarcasm, so this is not a specific critique of that comment, but actually agreement with that sarcasm, and a general observation about the use of the term 'privilege')
Wouldn't the same be true of over-achieving upper middle class folks? Read some bios of BigLaw interns - top of their private HS class, top of the class in their BS, top LSAT scores, trying to cure cancer while biking across Africa (I am not making that up), top in their law school, law review, then 70+ hour weeks. Aren't most Americans sleep deprived?
"Weathering" usually refers to the physical consequences of "high-effort coping with chronic stressors on the health of marginalized populations." Just as John Henry died of trying to keep up with a machine so the effort to keep ahead of racism is wearing out members of the black community early. In this worn state they are dying earlier of Covid and so for them, all of them, desk workers or physical laborers, 55 should be the same as 65 in terms of eligibility for vaccines. So the Wapo article.
But there is evidence that the city one lives in influences "weathering" and the death rate from covid differently in different races. This local effect has been noticed by Arline Geronimus, the same Arline Geronimus whose research is the basis for the Wapo article. In 2020 December Geronimus wrote:
"Weathering in Detroit: Place, Race, Ethnicity, and Poverty as Conceptually Fluctuating Social Constructs Shaping Variation in Allostatic Load."
This essentially said that living in Detroit caused members of the white and Hispanic communities to be more "weathered" than members of their groups who lived elsewhere, whereas members of the black community in Detroit had the same "weathering" as members of other black communities elsewhere. Here "weathered" means worn out from stress, not necessarily racial stress as we commonly think of it. People are sick of Detroit, all of them, and therefore dying of covid at high rates.
And so this article would suggest that people of all races from Detroit, a city that weathers everyone, should get the vaccine early, contradicting Geronimus' other article used by Wapo. And that's one issue.
(see December 2020 article "Findings: White and Mexican Detroit participants with Poverty to Income Ratio < 1 have higher Allostatic Loads (weathering) than counterparts nationally; black participants in Detroit and nationwide had comparable Allostatic Loads. Within Detroit, disparities by Poverty Income Ratio were higher in whites than blacks, with no significant difference by Poverty Income Ratio in Mexicans. The size of estimated effects of having Poverty Income Ratio < 1 for whites is 58 percentage points greater than that of Mexicans and twice that of blacks. ... Conclusions: ... One-size-fits-all analytic or policy models developed from the perspective of the dominant social group insufficiently address the experiences of diverse populations in specific settings and historical moments..." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33135829/)
But where's the eugenics? Geronimus has recently written for the eugenics journal Biodemography and Social Biology with her colleagues. 2015 Arline T. Geronimus, Ro, Annie Eun Young Ro, John Bound, Derek Griffith, Gilbert Gee. "Cohort and Duration Patterns Among Asian Immigrants: Comparing Trends in Obesity and Self-Rated Health." Biodemography and Social Biology, 61(1): 65-80. Now she is altering the concept of weathering from that of a social effect on a race to a race-based effect of one-size social policies. Equity requires diversity in policy, i.e., separate but equal. They never give up.
DavidUW said...
...If anyone truly cared about "equity" social security would be privatized and made heritable.
Right now:
It's the worst deal for black men.
It's the best deal for white women...
There could be tinkering around the edges, ...but as it stands now, social security screws over black people.
First, I think you and I are likely in general agreement on the fairness, etc. of Social Security. The point I'm making is, given that this is the system we have today, one cannot 'tinker around the edges' of it without impacting the increased FICA payments that you and your progeny will pay. Making any real, substantial changes to it means abandoning SS and adopting something else. Maybe that's good or bad, but either way, it is unrealistic that a major change will occur short of the equivalence of bankruptcy. Just look at the historic rejection of proposed small but beneficial changes to keep SS solvent.
"...social security screws over black people.
Restating this more accurately to avoid the proxy of race:
Social Security screws over people who die at an early age (independent of their race).
With this restatement, I say "Welcome to Social Security", where there are actuarial winners and losers.
I have to think that if I were Black I would be insulted by this kind of stuff.
par for the course,
kippy Tisdale said...
We live in an Age of Bullshit.
When ones day isn't spent trying to kill a mammoth in order to survive, there's a lot more time for it.
Reading "Last Stands"
Highly recommended but not for retired female law professors.
Is it Weathering or is it Climate?
probably both
Due to incredibly successful management of the "entitlement", it's very important to to broaden the application...in the name of equity, if not for any other reason.
"physiologic effect of these persistent social and environmental stressors"
The biofeelz.
Logically speaking, don't we need to vaccinate against the biofeelz? How does vaccinating against COVID get rid of the biofeelz? This one fails the sharktank.
"I have to think that if I were Black I would be insulted by this kind of stuff."
This is exactly how a privileged white guy would think, you racist!
Brown, yellow, red, perhaps? How about orange?
Ted Cruz's cut off age should be increased because he has a history of dodging the weather.
Why do all these "strong, confident, black people", as we are constantly reminded, need all these f'ng crutches in every aspect of life? Completely unable to do anything for themselves?
Should the drinking age for black Americans should be 11?
Is this considered "following the science" or is it bullshit?
Is this considered "following the science" or is it bullshit?
The two are not mutually exclusive.
This should/could fix the nagging problem:
Washington Examiner
Coca-Cola has employees take training on how to 'be less white' to combat racism
'...“Be less oppressive, be less arrogant, be less certain, be less defensive, be less ignorant, be more humble, listen, believe, break with apathy, break with white solidarity” are listed as ways to become less white.
The training then claims that this effort to be less white has to start early, as children as young as three are already taught that their white race makes them inherently superior.
“In the U.S. and other Western nations, white people are socialized to feel that they are inherently superior because they are white,” the slide reads. “Research shows that by age 3 to 4, children understand that it is better to be white.”
“Try to be less white,” the training concludes.'
I can't help but notice that BLM has succeeded in getting all black faces removed from products on grocery shelves and now has created a demand that black people be the first to test these new vaccines. Will they start at Tuskegee?
Sometimes I believe a true white supremist is the actual head of BLM.
I wonder the allostatic load of working a decade of 7 day swing shift.
Look Oni and Uché Blackstock, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over. So to speak.
Saw the Coke woke news. How about trying to be less black. Would that work?
Sometimes I believe a true white supremist is the actual head of BLM.
In blackface... lost in a black hole... whore h/t NAACP. Some, Select Black Lives Matter, a non-profit corporation of the diversity racket, a subsidiary of the sociopolitical complex. #BabyLivesMatter(BLM)
Restating this more accurately to avoid the proxy of race:
Social Security screws over people who die at an early age (independent of their race).
With this restatement, I say "Welcome to Social Security", where there are actuarial winners and losers.
Correct. And privatization (with heritability) would reduce that divide.
Furthermore, it would allow more black people(who tend to die younger) the opportunity to BUILD wealth.
Yes it would be hard, and likely impossible given current politics so feel free to ignore it, but anytime anyone mentions things like black people don't build wealth and such, this is one of my, "did you ever consider" questions.
Sometimes I believe a true white supremist is the actual head of BLM.
Or not blackface, but simply black a la LA to Chicago to NYC, Hutu/Tutsi cycles of redistributive and retributive change, or lynching/cancellation/abortion of ideological deplorables in post-apartheid Progressive South Africa.
@eddie willers:
Sometimes I believe a true white supremist is the actual head of BLM.
Even worse. Gender nonconforming interracial lesbians. They're the kind of academic activists who have no connection to the actual lives of working class black Americans. They are not concerned about cancel culture at the NYT, they have never read a Bari Weiss column, and they have no idea who Nikole Hannah-Jones is.
Critical race theory and the like has zero to offer working class blacks. It's a corporate-friendly, elite-approved mega pander. It's the perfect way to seem to care about inequality without having to do anything about it. Corporate America is more than happy to endorse woke absurdities so long as they can keep wages down and their tax burden low.
Bob Boyd said above... brilliantly:
"Should the drinking age for black Americans should be 11?"
Exactly. What the hell are they doing... counting 'B'lack lives in dog-years? Biological differences? Pointing that out is racist racist racist... unless of course the outcome is favorable to the counted.
"I have to think that if I were Black I would be insulted by this kind of stuff."
This is exactly how a privileged white guy would think, you racist!
Some privilege.
I was born in Camden, NJ to parents who were both high school dropouts.
Corporate America is more than happy to endorse woke absurdities so long as they can keep wages down and their tax burden low.
Yee-haw! Line up now for name-changin'! You thar! Yeah, you! From now on your name is Peggy Fleming.
I am Bopshoowop, Mandingo warrior.
No, you're Peggy Flemming.
Peggy Flemming.
Peggy Flemming.
Peggy Flemming.
Peggy Flemming.
Dat's bettah. Now line up for ice skatin' lessons.
When I first saw the word "weathering", my immediate reaction was "sunstemic racism".
Drat! Typos aplenty.
According to Wikipedia,
Three themes that were deemed important in measuring John Henryism include:
-efficacious mental and physical vigor
-a strong commitment to hard work
-a single-minded determination to succeed.
So, I guess “John Henryism” just means “acting white”?
Actually a white maoist terrorist, susan rosenberg, garza and co are just the front people.
A few years ago a lefty told me he thought wokeness *flowed from* big business. I didn’t believe him. Now I wonder. It might not have started there, but it certainly has been embraced and promulgated from there. As, as you say, an incredibly effective deflection. Geoffrey Miller calls what we have seen this past year a consolidation of power. Hard to deny.
Weathering. How drole.
I daresay this "weathering" is insignificant compared to 9mm weathering, Chicago style.
Dems are effing smart. Appeal to the 'disenfranchised' and simultaneously get rid of paper ballots, proper IDs and polling places. Welcome anyone into the country who can get into the country and lower the voting age. Then constantly remind these folks who hates them. Good plan.
"Should the drinking age for black Americans should be 11?"
Well, from the progressive view, as demonstrated here in the New Virginia, certainly marijuana must be legalized.
Why? Because Black people.
Because Blacks like to smoke pot is their reason. And if it is illegal, then Black people will be arrested and convicted. So it needs to be legalized, to undo the racist effects of marijuana laws, say the progressives.
@Ken B:
A few years ago a lefty told me he thought wokeness *flowed from* big business. I didn’t believe him. Now I wonder. It might not have started there, but it certainly has been embraced and promulgated from there. As, as you say, an incredibly effective deflection
I wouldn't exactly say it flows from big business, but I do think there is crossbreeding between big business and elite universities. In our credentialed, technocratic world, degrees from elite universities are one of the primary means of gaining access to elite institutions. They go to the same kinds of schools, work in the same kinds of places, and live in the same kinds of neighborhoods. "Anti-racism" (i.e. anti-whiteness) is just part of the air they breathe.
People are working on it: from WGN9 Chicago now:
"Officials increasing COVID-19 vaccine efforts in communities of color" damn the cold weather full jab ahead.
Idem Vetus Longe Relinquit Amentia is my new reply to crap like this.
Woke works? I think not. Only 3% of the black community has been vaccinated. Thought experiment: what will happen if most members of the black community are not vaccinated and most members of other communities are. Will schools open everywhere except in the black community? Or will not schools everywhere not re-open because the black community is not vaccinated? The best answer would be to declare herd immunity in April and reopen everything, regardless. But you could ask the question in your critical race struggle sessions, I mean seminars: What is the correct, the white traitor position on reopening schools in the big Dem run cities regardless of vaccination levels?
Cuomo barred nursing homes from turning down patients even if they were carrying Covid 19. This left nursing homes, especially majority-black nursing homes, defenseless as the virus spread among patients and staff. The rationale behind the rule was anti-racist -- Cuomo wanted to protect homeless Black patients with Covid. These people had nowhere to go. So Cuomo turned New York's nursing homes into homeless shelters for relatively young men with Covid 19. He meant well...
Let's get Cuomo! Make accountability a keystone of racial equity! Cuomo absolutely slaughtered tens of thousands of elderly Blacks. Who cares if Cuomo wanted to protected a couple dozen homeless Black men in their forties and fifties. Cuomo sucks. Lock him up!
Blogger I'm Full of Soup said...
Idem Vetus Longe Relinquit Amentia is my new reply to crap like this.
C'mon boys.We don't want any trouble in here. Not in any language.
I don't know how much it figures into things, but..
I heard a presentation suggesting around 8 times the daily Federal support to LTC facilities for covid positive patients.
Just need conversion charts. What is your age in white years?
Race based age conversions:
Blacks - Social security at 55. Good. But drafted at 12. Bad. Can Drive at 12. Good. Overage for youth sports - 14. Bad.
Reading the comments.
Yes, BLM are the Real racists. Just like Obama.
Since America is a racist hellhole run by genocidal whites, shouldn't we repatriate all blacks to Africa, where there is no racism?
Sounds like Fernando Valenzuela
True. I had that thought too, but Oden's birth certificate would have been harder to forge since he wasn't from the DR.
"Catch Up" by Ludacris sums it up...
"persistent social... stressors"
Diversity [dogma] breeds adversity and progressive [health] conditions.
"Some privilege.
I was born in Camden, NJ to parents who were both high school dropouts."
That is the very essence of white privilege right there- who could succeed being born in Camden, NJ with two parents who were dropouts??? Only a white guy! If you had been polkadot, your life would have been fucked.
Yeah I weathered quite a bit working in all weather as a land surveyor. In California the climate is mild enough you can work all year. The only exception was rain days. Don’t want your expensive surveying instruments out in the rain.
Rt41Rebel said...I wonder the allostatic load of working a decade of 7 day swing shift.
I managed a six month consulting project where I worked 10-12 hours per day, Monday through Saturday and a few hours on Sunday. That does not include my travel between Chicago-Indianapolis-Lousiville and Columbus. I was exhausted at the end. But it was a good kind of tired because I accomplished something monumental for my consulting firm.
Th allostatic load is the temporary price you pay for success.
"True. I had that thought too, but Oden's birth certificate would have been harder to forge since he wasn't from the DR."
Fernando = Mexico...
The soccer phenom Freddy Adu had similar 'issues.'
But I've been reliably informed there's no such thing as race.
All this is really doing, is MAKING more racists.
I distrust everything in the WaPoo.
Ha ha...our diabolical White Supremacist plan has succeeded once more. Ha ha.
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