[Charlotte] Bennett said she had disclosed the interaction with Mr. Cuomo to his chief of staff, Jill DesRosiers, less than a week later and was transferred to another job, as a health policy adviser, with an office on the opposite side of the Capitol, soon after that. Ms. Bennett said she had also given a lengthy statement to a special counsel to the governor, Judith Mogul, toward the end of June. Ms. Bennett said she ultimately decided not to insist on an investigation because she was happy in her new job and “wanted to move on.” No action was taken against the governor....
The governor did not deny that he asked Ms. Bennett personal questions; he said in the statement that he would have no further comment until the review concluded....
After seeing Ms. Boylan detail her accusations against Mr. Cuomo, Ms. Bennett shared Ms. Boylan’s account on Twitter, suggesting that people read it if they wanted a true picture of “what it’s like to work for the Cuomo” administration. The Times contacted Ms. Bennett, and she agreed to relate her own account of harassment. She said she felt an obligation to other victims of sexual harassment and wanted to counter the way Mr. Cuomo “wields his power.”
Good work by the NYT.
१०० टिप्पण्या:
“Schadenfreude”, Thy name is “Cuomo”
It's good to be reminded occasionally how things should work in a free country with a free press. I'd like to be able to get used to this. Still not hopeful, though.
Let's see if the pendulum changes momentum.
There was a time last year when some were encouraging the Democratic Party to replace Joe Biden as the presumptive nominee with Andrew Cuomo. If Cuomo was President now, the media would be reporting that Ms. Bennett's allegations had been debunked, and Twitter and Facebook would have deleted posts repeating them.
The fate of the Cuomos. As with most fate, entirely earned.
However, kudos to Cuomo for an suavely insidious non-apology: “The last thing I would have wanted was to make her feel any of the things that are being reported.”
He wanted her to feel his dong, not feel the right to destroy his political career. A reasonable desire. Maybe the most honest thing he’s ever said, though you can almost smell the ashes of his soul as he utters it.
Think of women as bitches, not workers.
Who's the person the NYT is trying to help politically with this sudden new interest in Cuomo's long known, well documented and previously ignored toxicity? The NYT didn't just get woke today; so, why the course change now? And don't tell me it's because they are genuinely concerned about Cuomo's actions. The NYT doesn't report anything without a political objective in mind, and particularly so about a Dem.
I've been thinking about this in terms of who is out to get Cuomo and is it an organized attack. I think there's reason to pay attention to that. It was with that idea that I read this article.
I don't know what motivated Lindsey Boylan to write her long piece, but after that was published, Charlotte Bennett passed it along, with a short comment that caused the NYT to contact her and get her story, which Bennett had previously allowed to be squelched. Bennett has a contemporaneous record of her story and her employment changed in a way that confirms the deliberate suppression of this damaging accusation. I think it was sharp of the NYT to see Bennett's reaction to Boylan and to follow up, and I don't know what lit a fire under Boylan.
I'm willing to assume that there are those in the Democratic Party who want to cut Cuomo off from running for President.
Are they trying to open the door for AOC?
In the background are women voters, audience of the organized campaign. Easily manipulated, not very thoughtful.
Isn’t the Latin phrase “Cuomo Bono”?
Cheney not meeting with women alone is not out of respect for women.
The NY times is obviously on board with the plan to "get Cuomo." Whatever Cuomo has done to sexually harass women, it is no worse than what other politicians have done, including Bill Clinton.
@rhhardin: I think you meant Pence, not Cheney, correct?
I think this reporting on Cuomo may reflect the current sensibilities of the woke culture at the NYT as much as being evidence of someone's plan to get Cuomo. Cuomo is just another creepy old white man and while the woke culture warriors in the newsroom might have been willing to stay quiet during the presidential election to assist in getting one creepy old white man into power by forcing another one out, that doesn't mean it's going to go along with that sort of thing all the time.
Good work by the NYT.
Sure, now that Trump is defeated and Cuomo is no longer useful to them.
"Gov. Andrew Cuomo asked if she 'had ever been with an older man'"
I bet the foul temptress tempted him foully by allowing him to get a glimpse of her ankle.
LOL at our woke-style Victorian society.
Cheney not meeting with women alone is not out of respect for women.
I think you meant Pence, not Cheney, correct?
Get it right. You know the rules:
Republican man interacting with women: Sick, twisted pervert.
Republican man not interacting with women: Sick, twisted pervert.
Democrat man interacting with women: You're a racist.
Democrat man not interacting with women: You're a racist.
May be too early to say it, but it looks like Cuomo is done. He enjoyed the klieg lights when he was being compared to Trump. Trump's gone now. No longer on the stage. Now Cuomo looks dumber'n his brother Fredo.
Over at Power Line, someone commented that the NYT is taking Andrew out fishing on Lake Tahoe.
One of the top-rated comments at the NYT:
It’s stunning to read comments from people who:
1) Don’t believe the women “because of the timing.”
2) Don’t believe the women because they didn’t immediately slap the governor, tell him to mind his own business, and storm out of his office and slam the door.
3) Don’t believe the woman because they didn’t march right into HR and report him.
4) Don’t believe the women because they waited so long to tell their stories.
5) Don’t believe the women because it’s obvious they’re trying to leverage telling their story to the NYT as a way of getting ahead.
6) Don’t believe the women because they think it’s only sour grapes after they didn’t rise to the position they were seeking in government.
7) Don’t believe the women because they suspect they’re only interested in seeing a powerful man go down.
8) Don’t think their predicament outweighs all the good Cuomo has done for the state during the pandemic.
9) Don’t think it’s that big a deal because Republicans let Trump get away with the same behavior.
10) Don’t want to deal with this right now because there are more important things to address — and besides, we need Cuomo to defeat Covid-19.
Folks, I’ve worked in Fortune 500 companies for decades, so I know first hand how “some” men wield their power to take advantage of women — especially subordinates and younger women trying to get ahead in a man’s world.
Will the day ever come when we start believing the women, or does it always have to rise to the Weinstein level?
Will the day ever come when we start believing the women, or does it always have to rise to the Weinstein level?
I don’t believe the woman accusing Cuomo, and I despise Cuomo.
In general, I think a woman who can’t handle a guy flirting with her should get married to a nice guy, go home, and forget about having a career.
It’s not like the government of the State of New York is doing anything useful. It stood by and let BLM sack NYC twice in 2020.
My first thought was, "For what politial reason is the NYT going after Cuomo." I see that echoed in the comments. Isn't that such a shame? I stopped taking the NYTimes in 2008. Although I enjoyed the arts stuff and hated to lose my daily morning staple, I felt like I could no longer subsidize the politcal corruption.
I’ve experienced female and gay co-workers and superiors hassling me for romantic attention at work.
Most of the time, I thought this was a nice compliment, although most of the time I was uninterested.
I handled these things personally, didn’t troop to HR and didn’t raise a stink.
Why do that to people who have a crush on you? There’s no reason to do it.
I’ve been out of offices for 8 years... retired.
The worst offenders at this “sexual harassment” BS were always gay men and fag hag women.
The gay men were our substitute blacks, since HR couldn’t find any qualified blacks. So gay men had a total exemption from any standard of decent conduct in the office. The fag hags in HR sang their praises in meetings.
Gay men and fag hag women bragged about their sexual exploits in the office, regaling us with tales of their attendance at sex clubs and plays that featured sex and nudity.
Since NY State is awash with gay worship and the Democratic Party is full of fag hags Gaga over gay men, I’m assuming that the NY State government is exponentially worse than the business work places I inhabited.
Yes, Cuomo could have gotten off with arranging death by incompetence when it came to his citizens during this Wuhan crisis. But hitting on some of his staff? That's a bridge too far for the NYT.
You seem to give the Times credit for waking up and, for a short moment in time, doing their job. The Times was missing in action when it came to doing their reporting on Cuomo's handling of the Wuhan infection in his state and NYC. His policies directly caused the deaths of thousands. The Times was far too busy dumping on Trump and later, Ron DeSantis. Trump- who was rearranging US manufacturing to crank out the '40,000 ventilators' Cuomo was screaming he needed (and didn't), arranging the hospital ship to get to New York in half the time the media said it would take (again, because Cuomo and the Times were screaming that they'd run out of beds, and didn't come close), and getting the vaccine production done, approved, and out the door in 8-9 months (which the Times derided). For this, the NY Times was merciless on Trump while they held up the Emmy awarded, leadership-book writing Cuomo as the man of the hour.
And DeSantis- he just managed the 3rd most populous state to keep moving and living while the rest of the country is still shut down.
Bravo NY Times. You managed to cover one story correctly.
Will the day ever come when we start believing the women, or does it always have to rise to the Weinstein level?
What Weinstein level? Trading sex for something is pretty ancient.
What's the saying? Something like "once is chance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.
1) Newsom
2) Cuomo
Who is John Galt?
John Henry
Stay current. It doesn't have to rise to the Kamala Harris level.
It's to take attention away from how many people he (and other Blue Governors) died in his nursing homes. A sex scandal stays with Cuomo. Putting old people with COVID in nursing homes instead of the COVID hospitals the Feds built for them is a wider spread problem (see Whitmer)
Sonny Cuomo has a constant need to go to the mattresses?
Interestingly, the NYT closed the comments section soon after the lengthy comment (quoted above) was posted...
Look at all the president's for the past 150 years or so. Some have had executive experience, often as governors. Others have not, being mostly legislators and of them mostly senators.
Which group has given us better presidents? I think executive experience counts for a lot in the chief executive office.
And the demmies just don't have anyone on the bench.
Look at the lightweights who ran in 2020. Now with Cuomo and Newsom (probably) mortally wounded, who else do they have?
John Henry
Don't, don't, don't let's start
This is the worst part
Albany’s the place in the world
We sent our precious little girl
Carter had executive experience in military, private and public sectors.
Which proves that it doesn't necessarily make for a good president.
It's probably the way to bet, though.
John Henry
I'm still thinking president emeritus Trump will be back in the oval office for Christmas.
John Henry
It was the request for but bunghole bleaching that sent these girls to the NYT.
Mike Pence is right again.
Never be alone with a woman, not your wife.
Cuomo's non-apology. "I'm sorry if you misunderstand what I really meant." (translated, 'you are so beneath my intelligence and moral position, it is impossible for you to understand my erudite ways)
So this is two?
I suppose Cuomo will get the message & resign.
If he does not, the next step will be to have Christine Blasey Ford claim that Cuomo got her drunk and then gang raped her all by himself.
Bravo ST! The gay managers are the worst I've seen in my lifetime WRT hitting on people in the workplace. From what I've read, it looks like the NYT is covering for the nursing home massacre. That said, I've grown weary of hearing complaints of Trump's 'arrogance'. Lefties and righties both. Virtually no mention of any other politicians being arrogant. It is as if Donald is the sole possessor of the "Arrogance Bone". Cuomo isn't arrogant, or is the term used to distance Rs from the audience?
"The last thing I would ever have wanted was for her to report any of the things I was making her feel."
For once?? The NYT's lied and lied and lied about the fake Russian Collusion...and I have YET to see any apologies from any of the Propaganda Media out there.
They can go after him now because he isn't needed. When he was a foil to Trump, they needed him. When Cindy Sheehan could rail again Bush, she was a hero. As soon as she wasn't needed anymore, poof, gone. That's why they still have a Klan hood wearing Gov in VA. They needed him so a Rep wouldn't take over. If they need you, you get a pass until they don't.
I don't think it would ever have been considered proper where I worked for a man to ask a woman about her sex life. Or vice versa. One volunteers that information or one doesn't. Of course when you work with psych nurses, you just wait until Friday afternoon when they are scrambling to batten down for the weekend, and they'll just tell everyone in the team room amazing stuff anyway.
JayDub at 4:57 - This, exactly.
There was a time last year when some were encouraging the Democratic Party to replace Joe Biden as the presumptive nominee with Andrew Cuomo.
After the Porn Star Lawyer crashed and burned.
Captain Oveur:
You ever been in a cockpit before?
No sir, I've never been up in a plane before.
Captain Oveur:
You ever seen a grown man naked?
Clarence Oveur : Well, my goodness, Scraps is a boy dog, isn't he?
Jimmy : Yeah.
Clarence Oveur : Jimmy, do you like it when Scraps holds onto your leg and rubs up and down?
Just on a human level apart from any of the politics, when I hear a story like this, I think about the mid-management career-minded young woman sitting there with her mind on work-related issues, the way it feels to all of a sudden hear something like "have you ever been with an older man". Your mind in rapid succession does something like "oh my God get me out of here, beam me up Scotty, what a creep, oh man ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh, get me out of here, why is this happening to me i only hope to god he stays on his side of the desk how fast can I leave."
She didn't even make it to the field. Dropped before the iowa caucus.
I think Joe is reminding us how terrible it is to nominate a vp or former vp. A point I've made many times over the years.
Nope, kamala resigns, pedjt fills the slot the joe resigns or gets 25'd
Voila! Peace and prosperity rule the land again and all is well with the world.
John Henry
If Cuomo had an R after his name - he'd be gone.
Irony. In the Nineties New York state came up with a public service announcement that was shown over and over again, even outside New York state.
The man, maybe the boss, comes close to the woman and says something like, "You ought to sexy yourself up a bit," use what you got.
And the woman -- in a line I don't have to paraphrase -- memorably says, "That's sexual harassment, and I DON'T have to take it."
One would have thought the guy who runs that state would have the line seared into his brain by now.
Somebody who knew the Kennedys said thirty years ago Cuomo was like a thug or a mafioso, but I suspect the guy wanted to marry into the family himself.
It turned out he was right, but Kerry Kennedy was no prize either and the word is that working for her is far from a picnic, though for other reasons.
About the PSA, I wasn't sure if it was from the Seventies or the Eighties. It turns out it was from the Nineties. Decades blur like that, especially the more recent ones.
Andrew Cuomo is every bit the lauded heroic democratical that Harvey Weinstein was.
Seems they no longer need Cuomo as the one who's doing a really good job handling the crisis. They can now admit that he did a horrible job and get rid of him.
Joe stepping down is about as much change in the leadership as the country can take now, so it will be Kamala in 2024. It's easy to imagine a better candidate, but the imaginary better candidates rarely turn up.
About all the 2020 election stuff: if we didn't have a president or vice president come January 20, who would be in charge? Pelosi? That could explain why so many DC Republicans wanted the whole thing wrapped up before inauguration day.
That’s great I guess. Now do Hunter Biden’s laptop.
As for the “why now” question, it seems the far left is doing a purge of the Clinton faction ... which seems risky in a normal world where elections are valid ... do we live in such a world now?
"Sonny Cuomo has a constant need to go to the mattresses?"
I am surprised, amazed, and gobstopped that the NYT would do that. Regardless, I still despise, detest, and totally distrust everything in the NYT,
I should think the last thing he would ever have wanted was for Biden to be elected. If Trump were still President, the NYTimes would not care tuppence about Cuomo and his harassing ways.
Here's a mashup of the @metoo Cuomo news and excerpts from Shakespeare's The Rape of Lucrece. The parallels are all too clear: https://abardseyeview.com/for-light-and-lust-are-deadly-enemies-governor-cuomo-and-shakespeares-rape-of-lucrece/
The NYT wants to maintain a tiny shred of fake credibility for when they turn the jets on the next Kavanaugh or other conservative who's hit with a fake accusation. And yeah, Cuomo is now expendable. They let Biden off the hook because he was still needed.
She’s a 25 year old “health advisor”. What the hell does she think she was hired for?
Kamala Harris is kneecapping her 2024 competition.
One by one they will fall.
“The last thing I would have wanted was to make her feel any of the things that are being reported.”
That's fine, but I'm curious what's the first thing that you wanted? What motivated you to act that way?
Oh, the story is definitely driven by the politics- someone wants Cuomo's job. The highest profile Democrat who opens a primary run is the person the NYTimes intended to help with this reporting. My guess right now is that that person is either Senator Jellybrand or Representative Occasional Cortex.
Can number 3, 4 , 5 and more on the way? Bet on it.
Harris eliminating her competition.
Sounds like it’s actually worse with Cuomo...
Sounds like he cheated on his last girl friend, Sandra Lee.
And perhaps his ex wife also, a Kennedy?
“Good work by the NYT.”
Well, Cruz is back from Mexico, Trump has been silent and Biden is squatting in the WH. NYT is taking a break from Republican/Trump bashing to cover the lesser of Granny Killer’s sins.
Higher profile D governors:
1) Cuomo. Dead.
2) Newsom. Terminal.
3)? Inslee? one note greenhouse gas warrior. will be 74.
4) Polis? incompetent lockdown theater. Denver turning into inland SF.
5) Lamont? tax tax tax?
6) Pritzker? HAHHAHAH. too fat. IL almost as poorly run as CA/NJ.
7) Beshear? incompetent
8) Edwards? Crooked
9) Whitmer? Wicked witch. probably less appealing than Harris if possible.
10) Murphy? As bad as cuomo for killing granny.
11) Cooper? can't think of anything. so a possibility.
12) Northam? HAHHAHAHAH. KKK.
13) Grisham? NM?
she's 25 years old, with as thin a resume as you might imagine and no "health experience" so obviously a good choice for a "health policy advisor"
I guess she didn't get the memo she was supposed to fuck Cuomo to keep her job.
He dropped his longtime live-in girlfriend when she got breast cancer. It’s a politician thing.
David UW, hilarious list. If I had a troll farm, I’d be pushing Pritzker.
John Weaver says "No comment".
Has Bro Cuomo had to offer insight? Something like "Since when have sex and power been an issue in the workplace?"
Jeff Brokaw said... That’s great I guess. Now do Hunter Biden’s laptop.
Oh..they are doing it, alright.
David UW,
Our coffee filter bedazzled Gov Evers not even on the list?
Since Team Biden has signalled that it's "okay with the review of Cuomo", I'd say Cuomo is toast. I'm not saying that Joe made the decision. Once he's decided whether he wants oatmeal or eggs over easy for breakfast, he's worn out his decision making power, and put a lid on it for the day. But someone in the Biden cabal has decided it's okay for Cuomo to be savaged. Cuomo is going to suffer the fate of "Client Number 9". There's something about these New York politicians. They tend to think with their membrum virile. It could be that Billy Jeff moved to New York and infected them.
Good work by the NYT.
This is probably the primary reason why the the NYT is running these stories; they hope to prop up their failing reputation with their readers. But don't be fooled*; as someone else said if the Dems needed Cuomo the word would've gone out to ignore these women. What ever happened to the Tara Reid story?
The NYTs and other Dem propaganda machines didn't dare attack Cuomo during 2020, even though, as Temujin and Maybee pointed out earlier, it was clear to many of us that his handling of the nursing homes situation was disastrous. But the focus had to be on destroying Trump, so instead they made Cuomo the hero and Trump the villain in the fight against the Wuhan flu. But with Trump out of the way there is some breathing room so they can now pretend to be real journalists.
It's interesting how these harassment charges are taking all the attention away from the nursing home scandal, huh? Almost like the propagandists are embarrassed to reveal how much they had previously hid, while thousands of people died.
The NYT is still nothing but a propagandist rag. The only difference between the stories about Cuomo and the hit jobs they print about Republicans, is that these are more likely to be based on the truth.
*I'm not suggesting Althouse is fooled, BTW, since I can't read her mind.
"I'm willing to assume that there are those in the Democratic Party who want to cut Cuomo off from running for President."
Her initials are Kamala Harris.
I see now that hombre @10:10 pretty much said what I said in much fewer words! I should read all the way through before posting.
He's such a scumbag, and has been such a prominent scumbag for so long, that there is a whiff of justice about this. However, it's overpowered by the bullshit. None of this is new, like the sudden reporting in mainstream media about a story that's been out there for half a year or longer. The coordination and choreography of the takedown almost make me sympathize with the man, but then I remember it's Cuomo. Fuck him, and his brother. Besides the fact that these institutions deserve NO CREDIT for this, having ignored it as long as their masters told them to, the only other bummer about this is DeBlasio must be enjoying himself immensely.
This story could have been written when he was HUD Secretary, or AG or earlier in his governorship, if you wanted to talk about how he cheated on his wife, or throughout his time in NY state politics when his corruption was legendary. Years ago when some of this stuff bubbled up in local coverage, he short-circuited the negative coverage by taking center stage in the gay marriage political process.
So yes, good work by these reporters in solidly reporting this story. But the NYT could have written this or a similar story or even a more meaningful one about his role in corrupt state politics at at any time in the last 25 years. So screw them.
I agree with Althouse, why the story now?
Daskol pointed out this could have been written any time in the last 25 years.
Maybe the Times just wants to get this stuff out of the way now, in case they need to endorse him for prez in 3 years. They can claim it's old news that's been debunked.
Maybe the Times just wants to get this stuff out of the way now, in case they need to endorse him for prez in 3 years.
Either that or they have deemed to be no longer viable. They are known to exercise these rites when politically congruent.
David UW,
Our coffee filter bedazzled Gov Evers not even on the list?
Nope. His only accomplishment is getting overruled by the R legislature.
Why does Cuomo need a review? Wasn't he there?
"Maybe the Times just wants to get this stuff out of the way now, in case they need to endorse him for prez in 3 years."
Sounds like the Clinton playbook: 'Sure he has orgies with underage farm animals while binging cocaine and killing cute puppies, but that was in the past. Move on.'
Democrat voters: 'OK.'
But in this case, someone is out to kill his political career.
I have to believe it's Harris or her DNC minions because they expect a challenger from within the party based upon her horrific showing in the primaries.
Gillibrand is certainly well connected in Albany, but senator is a much cushier, less demanding job than governor and she's probably rather stay where she is.
The state attorney general may be looking to move up, but I suspect it was just the Times own decision to cut Cuomo loose, maybe to prevent him from running for president, maybe because they were sick of him, or maybe because gutting him was a way of appearing even-handed and a cheap way of staying current now that Trump is gone and they don't have anything else to talk about.
Cuomo's wife cheated on him with a polo player, but yeah, maybe he cheated on her as well -- or at least tried to.
"Cuomo's wife cheated on him with a polo player..."
Who could blame her. Did you see the size of his mallet?
Clarence Oveur : Well, my goodness, Scraps is a boy dog, isn't he?
Clarence Oveur : Well, my goodness, Scraps is a boy dog, isn't he?
Unrelated, but only somewhat.
I had to provide answers to security questions in order to sign up for some webpage a while back.
The security question was "What was the name of your first pet?" My answer "Scrapper" was rejected for being potentially offensive.
Two questions:
1) WTF?
2) Are we now forbidden to use the "S-word"?
Just my opinion but I think this "MeToo" stuff which no one really cares about is being hauled out to defuse the killing people by sending infected people to nursing homes scandal which was starting to build.
I know it was you, Fredo.
defuse the killing people by sending infected people to nursing homes scandal
Planned Parent/hood
I am quite sure that they are only reporting 10% of his actions.
When I said earlier that I thought someone might be kneecap ping all the potential Demmie leaders, I didn't mean other demmies.
I think it might be team GOP-B (for balls) under the guidance of pedjt and others.
We are unlikely to ever see their hands in it though.
They'll put out that it's demmies eating their own.
John Henry
Mr Wibble 9:32am - we are saying the same thing - I used “Clinton faction” to mean any and all “centrist” “moderate” Democrats.
Good work by the NYT? Naaa. Justice delayed is justice denied. Where was the NYT last spring when Governor Emmy Award was sending seniors to die miserabky?
Now Cuomo looks dumber'n his brother Fredo.
Turns out it Moe Greene was wrong: Fredo wasn't the one banging cocktail waitresses two at a time.
He didn't want her to feel grossed out, he wanted her to feel turned on.
Gross out bad, turned on good.
He was trying to make her feel good.
Leslie Graves: "career-minded young woman sitting there with her mind on work-related issues"
A robot dedicated to work-related issues. Where do you get those? They would be in high demand.
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